(function( jQuery ) { var jsc = jQuery.now(), jsre = /(\=)(?:\?|%3F)(&|$)|()(?:\?\?|%3F%3F)()/i, rquery_jsonp = /\?/; // Default jsonp settings jQuery.ajaxSetup({ jsonp: "callback", jsonpCallback: function() { return "jsonp" + jsc++; } // Normalize jsonp queries // 1) put callback parameter in url or data // 2) sneakily ensure transportDataType is always jsonp for jsonp requests }).ajaxPrefilter("json jsonp", function(s, originalSettings) { if ( s.dataTypes[ 0 ] === "jsonp" || originalSettings.jsonp || originalSettings.jsonpCallback || jsre.test(s.url) || typeof(s.data) === "string" && jsre.test(s.data) ) { var jsonpCallback = s.jsonpCallback = jQuery.isFunction( s.jsonpCallback ) ? s.jsonpCallback() : s.jsonpCallback, url = s.url.replace(jsre, "$1" + jsonpCallback + "$2"), data = s.url === url && typeof(s.data) === "string" ? s.data.replace(jsre, "$1" + jsonpCallback + "$2") : s.data; if ( url === s.url && data === s.data ) { url += (rquery_jsonp.test( url ) ? "&" : "?") + s.jsonp + "=" + jsonpCallback; } s.url = url; s.data = data; s.dataTypes[ 0 ] = "jsonp"; } // Bind transport to jsonp dataType }).ajaxTransport("jsonp", function(s) { // Put callback in place var responseContainer, jsonpCallback = s.jsonpCallback, previous = window[ jsonpCallback ]; window [ jsonpCallback ] = function( response ) { responseContainer = [response]; }; s.complete = [function() { // Set callback back to previous value window[ jsonpCallback ] = previous; // Call if it was a function and we have a response if ( previous) { if ( responseContainer && jQuery.isFunction ( previous ) ) { window[ jsonpCallback ] ( responseContainer[0] ); } } else { // else, more memory leak avoidance try{ delete window[ jsonpCallback ]; } catch(e){} } }, s.complete ]; // Sneakily ensure this will be handled as json s.dataTypes[ 0 ] = "json"; // Use data converter to retrieve json after script execution s.converters["script json"] = function() { if ( ! responseContainer ) { jQuery.error( jsonpCallback + " was not called" ); } return responseContainer[ 0 ]; }; // Delegate to script transport return "script"; }); })( jQuery );