// # $Id: Kinetic.pm 1493 2005-04-07 19:20:18Z theory $ // Create a namespace for ourselves. // Set up package. if (typeof JSAN != 'undefined') new JSAN().use('Test.Builder'); else { if (typeof Test == 'undefined' || typeof Test.Builder == 'undefined') throw new Error( "You must load either JSAN or Test.Builder " + "before loading Test.More" ); } Test.More = {}; Test.More.EXPORT = [ 'plan', 'ok', 'is', 'isnt', 'like', 'unlike', 'cmpOK', 'canOK', 'isaOK', 'pass', 'fail', 'diag', 'loadOK', 'skip', 'todo', 'todoSkip', 'skipRest', 'isDeeply', 'isSet', 'isa' ]; Test.More.EXPORT_TAGS = { ':all': Test.More.EXPORT }; Test.More.VERSION = '0.11'; Test.More.ShowDiag = true; Test.Builder.DNE = { dne: 'Does not exist' }; Test.More.Test = new Test.Builder(); Test.More.builder = function () { return Test.More.Test; }; Test.More.plan = function (cmds) { if (cmds.noDiag) { Test.More.ShowDiag = false; delete cmds.noDiag; } return Test.More.Test.plan.apply(Test.More.Test, [cmds]); }; Test.More.ok = function (test, desc) { return Test.More.Test.ok(test, desc); }; Test.More.is = function (got, expect, desc) { return Test.More.Test.isEq(got, expect, desc); }; Test.More.isnt = function (got, expect, desc) { return Test.More.Test.isntEq(got, expect, desc); }; Test.More.like = function (val, regex, desc) { return Test.More.Test.like(val, regex, desc); }; Test.More.unlike = function (val, regex, desc) { return Test.More.Test.unlike(val, regex, desc); }; Test.More.cmpOK = function (got, op, expect, desc) { return Test.More.Test.cmpOK(got, op, expect, desc); }; Test.More.canOK = function (proto) { var ok; // Make sure they passed some method names for us to check. if (!arguments.length > 1) { ok = Test.More.Test.ok(false, clas + '.can(...)'); Test.More.Test.diag(' canOK() called with no methods'); return ok; } // Get the class name and the prototype. var clas; if (typeof proto == 'string') { // We just have a class name. clas = proto; proto = eval(clas + '.prototype'); } else { // We have an object or something that can be converted to an object. clas = Test.Builder.typeOf(proto); proto = proto.constructor.prototype; } var nok = []; for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var method = arguments[i]; if (typeof proto[method] != 'function') nok.push(method); } // There'es no can() method in JavaScript, but what the hell! var desc = clas + ".can('" + (arguments.length == 2 ? arguments[1] : '...') + "')"; ok = Test.More.Test.ok(!nok.length, desc); for (var i = 0; i < nok.length; i++) { Test.More.Test.diag(' ' + clas + ".can('" + nok[i] + "') failed"); } return ok; }; Test.More.isaOK = function (object, clas, objName) { var mesg; if (objName == null) objName = 'The object'; var name = objName + ' isa ' + clas; if (object == null) { mesg = objName + " isn't defined"; } else if (!Test.More._isRef(object)) { mesg = objName + " isn't a reference"; } else { var ctor = eval(clas); if (Object.isPrototypeOf) { // With JavaScript 1.5, we can determine inheritance. if (!ctor.prototype.isPrototypeOf(object)) { mesg = objName + " isn't a '" + clas + "' it's a '" + Test.Builder.typeOf(object) + "'"; } } else { // We can just determine what constructor was used. This will // not work for inherited constructors. if (object.constructor != ctor) mesg = objName + " isn't a '" + clas + "' it's a '" + Test.Builder.typeOf(object) + '"'; } } var ok; if (mesg) { ok = Test.More.Test.ok(false, name); Test.More.Test.diag(' ' + mesg); } else { ok = Test.More.Test.ok(true, name); } return ok; }; Test.More.pass = function (name) { return Test.More.Test.ok(true, name); }; Test.More.fail = function (name) { return Test.More.Test.ok(false, name); }; Test.More.diag = function () { if (!Test.More.ShowDiag) return; return Test.More.Test.diag.apply(Test.More.Test, arguments); }; // Use this instead of use_ok and require_ok. Test.More.loadOK = function () { // XXX What do I do here? Eval? // XXX Just always fail for now, to keep people from using it just yet. return false; }; Test.More.skip = function (why, howMany) { if (howMany == null) { if (!Test.Builder.NoPlan) Test.More.Test.warn("skip() needs to know howMany tests are in the block"); howMany = 1; } for (i = 0; i < howMany; i++) { Test.More.Test.skip(why); } }; Test.More.todo = function (why, howMany) { if (howMany == null) { if (!Test.Builder.NoPlan) Test.More.Test.warn("todo() needs to know howMany tests are in the block"); howMany = 1; } return Test.More.Test.todo(why, howMany); }; Test.More.todoSkip = function (why, howMany) { if (howMany == null) { if (!Test.Builder.NoPlan) Test.More.Test.warn("todoSkip() needs to know howMany tests are in the block"); howMany = 1; } for (i = 0; i < howMany; i++) { Test.More.Test.todoSkip(why); } }; Test.More.skipRest = function (why) { Test.More.Test.skipRest(why); }; Test.More.isDeeply = function (it, as, name) { if (arguments.length != 2 && arguments.length != 3) { Test.More.Test.warn( 'isDeeply() takes two or three args, you gave ' + arguments.length + "." ); } var ok; // ^ is the XOR operator. if (Test.More._isRef(it) ^ Test.More._isRef(as)) { // One's a reference, one isn't. ok = false; } else if (!Test.More._isRef(it) && !Test.More._isRef(as)) { // Neither is an object. ok = Test.More.Test.isEq(it, as, name); } else { // We have two objects. Do a deep comparison. var stack = [], seen = []; if ( Test.More._deepCheck(it, as, stack, seen)) { ok = Test.More.Test.ok(true, name); } else { ok = Test.More.Test.ok(false, name); Test.More.Test.diag(Test.More._formatStack(stack)); } } return ok; }; Test.More._deepCheck = function (e1, e2, stack, seen) { var ok = false; // Either they're both references or both not. var sameRef = !(!Test.More._isRef(e1) ^ !Test.More._isRef(e2)); if (e1 == null && e2 == null) { ok = true; } else if (e1 != null ^ e2 != null) { ok = false; } else if (e1 == Test.More.DNE ^ e2 == Test.More.DNE) { ok = false; } else if (sameRef && e1 == e2) { // Handles primitives and any variables that reference the same // object, including functions. ok = true; } else if (isa(e1, 'Array') && isa(e2, 'Array')) { ok = Test.More._eqArray(e1, e2, stack, seen); } else if (typeof e1 == "object" && typeof e2 == "object") { ok = Test.More._eqAssoc(e1, e2, stack, seen); } else { // If we get here, they're not the same (function references must // always simply rererence the same function). stack.push({ vals: [e1, e2] }); ok = false; } return ok; }; Test.More._isRef = function (object) { var type = typeof object; return type == 'object' || type == 'function'; }; Test.More._formatStack = function (stack) { var variable = '$Foo'; for (var i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) { var entry = stack[i]; var type = entry['type']; var idx = entry['idx']; if (idx != null) { if (/^\d+$/.test(idx)) { // Numeric array index. variable += '[' + idx + ']'; } else { // Associative array index. idx = idx.replace("'", "\\'"); variable += "['" + idx + "']"; } } } var vals = stack[stack.length-1]['vals'].slice(0, 2); var vars = [ variable.replace('$Foo', 'got'), variable.replace('$Foo', 'expected') ]; var out = "Structures begin differing at:" + Test.Builder.LF; for (var i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) { var val = vals[i]; if (val == null) { val = 'undefined'; } else { val == Test.More.DNE ? "Does not exist" : "'" + val + "'"; } } out += vars[0] + ' = ' + vals[0] + Test.Builder.LF; out += vars[1] + ' = ' + vals[1] + Test.Builder.LF; return ' ' + out; }; /* Commented out per suggestion from Michael Schwern. It turned out to be confusing to Test::More users because it isn't atually a test. Use isDeeply() instead and don't worry about it. Test.More.eqArray = function (a1, a2) { if (!isa(a1, 'Array') || !isa(a2, 'Array')) { Test.More.Test.warn("Non-array passed to eqArray()"); return false; } return Test.More._eqArray(a1, a2, [], []); }; */ Test.More._eqArray = function (a1, a2, stack, seen) { // Return if they're the same object. if (a1 == a2) return true; // JavaScript objects have no unique identifiers, so we have to store // references to them all in an array, and then compare the references // directly. It's slow, but probably won't be much of an issue in // practice. Start by making a local copy of the array to as to avoid // confusing a reference seen more than once (such as [a, a]) for a // circular reference. for (var j = 0; j < seen.length; j++) { if (seen[j][0] == a1) { return seen[j][1] == a2; } } // If we get here, we haven't seen a1 before, so store it with reference // to a2. seen.push([ a1, a2 ]); var ok = true; // Only examines enumerable attributes. Only works for numeric arrays! // Associative arrays return 0. So call _eqAssoc() for them, instead. var max = a1.length > a2.length ? a1.length : a2.length; if (max == 0) return Test.More._eqAssoc(a1, a2, stack, seen); for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) { var e1 = i > a1.length - 1 ? Test.More.DNE : a1[i]; var e2 = i > a2.length - 1 ? Test.More.DNE : a2[i]; stack.push({ type: 'Array', idx: i, vals: [e1, e2] }); if (ok = Test.More._deepCheck(e1, e2, stack, seen)) { stack.pop(); } else { break; } } return ok; }; /* Commented out per suggestion from Michael Schwern. It turned out to be confusing to Test::More users because it isn't atually a test. Use isDeeply() instead and don't worry about it. Test.More.eqHash = function () { return eqAssoc.apply(this, arguments); }; Test.More.eqAssoc = function (o1, o2) { if (typeof o1 != "object" || typeof o2 != "object") { Test.More.Test.warn("Non-object passed to eqAssoc()"); return false; } else if ( (isa(o1, 'Array') && o1.length > 0) || (isa(o2, 'Array') && o2.length > 0)) { Test.More.Test.warn("Ordered array passed to eqAssoc()"); return false; } return Test.More._eqAssoc(o1, o2, [], []); }; */ Test.More._eqAssoc = function (o1, o2, stack, seen) { // Return if they're the same object. if (o1 == o2) return true; // JavaScript objects have no unique identifiers, so we have to store // references to them all in an array, and then compare the references // directly. It's slow, but probably won't be much of an issue in // practice. Start by making a local copy of the array to as to avoid // confusing a reference seen more than once (such as [a, a]) for a // circular reference. seen = seen.slice(0); for (var j = 0; j < seen.length; j++) { if (seen[j][0] == o1) { return seen[j][1] == o2; } } // If we get here, we haven't seen o1 before, so store it with reference // to o2. seen.push([ o1, o2 ]); // They should be of the same class. var ok = true; // Only examines enumerable attributes. var o1Size = 0; for (var i in o1) o1Size++; var o2Size = 0; for (var i in o2) o2Size++; var bigger = o1Size > o2Size ? o1 : o2; for (var i in bigger) { var e1 = o1[i] == undefined ? Test.More.DNE : o1[i]; var e2 = o2[i] == undefined ? Test.More.DNE : o2[i]; stack.push({ type: 'Object', idx: i, vals: [e1, e2] }); if (ok = Test.More._deepCheck(e1, e2, stack, seen)) { stack.pop(); } else { break; } } return ok; }; Test.More._eqSet = function (a1, a2, stack, seen) { return Test.More._eqArray(a1.slice(0).sort(), a2.slice(0).sort(), stack, seen); }; Test.More.isSet = function (a1, a2, desc) { var stack = [], seen = [], ok = true; if (Test.More._eqSet(a1, a2, stack, seen)) { ok = Test.More.Test.ok(true, desc); } else { ok = Test.More.Test.ok(false, desc); Test.More.Test.diag(Test.More._formatStack(stack)); } return ok; }; Test.More.isa = function (object, clas) { return Test.Builder.typeOf(object) == clas; }; // Handle exporting. if (typeof JSAN == 'undefined') Test.Builder.exporter(Test.More);