// The Offset Method // Originally By Brandon Aaron, part of the Dimension Plugin // http://jquery.com/plugins/project/dimensions jQuery.fn.offset = function() { var left = 0, top = 0, elem = this[0], results; if ( elem ) with ( jQuery.browser ) { var parent = elem.parentNode, offsetChild = elem, offsetParent = elem.offsetParent, doc = elem.ownerDocument, safari2 = safari && parseInt(version) < 522 && !/adobeair/i.test(userAgent), fixed = jQuery.css(elem, "position") == "fixed"; // Use getBoundingClientRect if available if ( elem.getBoundingClientRect ) { var box = elem.getBoundingClientRect(); // Add the document scroll offsets add(box.left + Math.max(doc.documentElement.scrollLeft, doc.body.scrollLeft), box.top + Math.max(doc.documentElement.scrollTop, doc.body.scrollTop)); // IE adds the HTML element's border, by default it is medium which is 2px // IE 6 and 7 quirks mode the border width is overwritable by the following css html { border: 0; } // IE 7 standards mode, the border is always 2px // This border/offset is typically represented by the clientLeft and clientTop properties // However, in IE6 and 7 quirks mode the clientLeft and clientTop properties are not updated when overwriting it via CSS // Therefore this method will be off by 2px in IE while in quirksmode add( -doc.documentElement.clientLeft, -doc.documentElement.clientTop ); // Otherwise loop through the offsetParents and parentNodes } else { // Initial element offsets add( elem.offsetLeft, elem.offsetTop ); // Get parent offsets while ( offsetParent ) { // Add offsetParent offsets add( offsetParent.offsetLeft, offsetParent.offsetTop ); // Mozilla and Safari > 2 does not include the border on offset parents // However Mozilla adds the border for table or table cells if ( mozilla && !/^t(able|d|h)$/i.test(offsetParent.tagName) || safari && !safari2 ) border( offsetParent ); // Add the document scroll offsets if position is fixed on any offsetParent if ( !fixed && jQuery.css(offsetParent, "position") == "fixed" ) fixed = true; // Set offsetChild to previous offsetParent unless it is the body element offsetChild = /^body$/i.test(offsetParent.tagName) ? offsetChild : offsetParent; // Get next offsetParent offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent; } // Get parent scroll offsets while ( parent && parent.tagName && !/^body|html$/i.test(parent.tagName) ) { // Remove parent scroll UNLESS that parent is inline or a table to work around Opera inline/table scrollLeft/Top bug if ( !/^inline|table.*$/i.test(jQuery.css(parent, "display")) ) // Subtract parent scroll offsets add( -parent.scrollLeft, -parent.scrollTop ); // Mozilla does not add the border for a parent that has overflow != visible if ( mozilla && jQuery.css(parent, "overflow") != "visible" ) border( parent ); // Get next parent parent = parent.parentNode; } // Safari <= 2 doubles body offsets with a fixed position element/offsetParent or absolutely positioned offsetChild // Mozilla doubles body offsets with a non-absolutely positioned offsetChild if ( (safari2 && (fixed || jQuery.css(offsetChild, "position") == "absolute")) || (mozilla && jQuery.css(offsetChild, "position") != "absolute") ) add( -doc.body.offsetLeft, -doc.body.offsetTop ); // Add the document scroll offsets if position is fixed if ( fixed ) add(Math.max(doc.documentElement.scrollLeft, doc.body.scrollLeft), Math.max(doc.documentElement.scrollTop, doc.body.scrollTop)); } // Return an object with top and left properties results = { top: top, left: left }; } function border(elem) { add( jQuery.curCSS(elem, "borderLeftWidth", true), jQuery.curCSS(elem, "borderTopWidth", true) ); } function add(l, t) { left += parseInt(l) || 0; top += parseInt(t) || 0; } return results; }; // Create innerHeight, innerWidth, outerHeight and outerWidth methods jQuery.each(["Height", "Width"], function(i, name){ var tl = name == "Height" ? "Top" : "Left", // top or left br = name == "Height" ? "Bottom" : "Right"; // bottom or right // innerHeight and innerWidth jQuery.fn["inner" + name] = function(){ return this[ name.toLowerCase() ]() + num(this, "padding" + tl) + num(this, "padding" + br); }; // outerHeight and outerWidth jQuery.fn["outer" + name] = function(margin) { return this["inner" + name]() + num(this, "border" + tl + "Width") + num(this, "border" + br + "Width") + (!!margin ? num(this, "margin" + tl) + num(this, "margin" + br) : 0); }; }); function num(elem, prop) { elem = elem.jquery ? elem[0] : elem; return elem && parseInt( jQuery.curCSS(elem, prop, true) ) || 0; }