var types = { jQuery: "A jQuery object.", Object: "A simple Javascript object. For example, it could be a String or a Number.", String: "A string of characters.", Number: "A numeric valid.", Element: "The Javascript object representation of a DOM Element.", Map: "A Javascript object that contains key/value pairs in the form of properties and values.", "Array<Element>": "An Array of DOM Elements.", "Array<String>": "An Array of strings.", Function: "A reference to a Javascript function.", XMLHttpRequest: "An XMLHttpRequest object (referencing a HTTP request).", "<Content>": "A String (to generate HTML on-the-fly), a DOM Element, an Array of DOM Elements or a jQuery object" }; $(document).ready(function(){ var tooltips = $("span.tooltip").each(function() { var type = this.innerHTML; if( type.indexOf("|") != -1 ) { var $this = $(this).empty(); $.each(type.split("\|"), function(i, n) { var title = types[n] && " title=\"" + types[n] + "\"" || ""; var pipe = i != 0 ? "|" : ""; $this.append( pipe + "<span class=\"tooltip\" " + title + ">" + n + "</span>" ); }); } else if ( types[ this.innerHTML ] ) this.title = types[ this.innerHTML ]; }) tooltips.add($("span.tooltip", tooltips)).ToolTipDemo('#fff'); $("").click(function(){ $("div.more,div.short",this.parentNode.parentNode).toggle(); return false; }); $("#docs").alphaPager(function(a){ return $.fn.text.apply( [a.getElementsByTagName("span")[2]] ).replace(/^\$\./,"").substr(0,1).toUpperCase(); }); });