jQuery.benchmarker.tests = [ // Selectors from: // http://ejohn.org/blog/selectors-that-people-actually-use/ /* // For Amazon.com "#navAmazonLogo", "#navSwmSkedPop", ".navbar", ".navGreeting", "div", "table", "img.navCrossshopTabCap", "span.navGreeting", "#navbar table", "#navidWelcomeMsg span", "div#navbar", "ul#navAmazonLogo", "#navAmazonLogo .navAmazonLogoGatewayPanel", "#navidWelcomeMsg .navGreeting", ".navbar .navAmazonLogoGatewayPanel", ".navbar .navGreeting", "*", "#navAmazonLogo li.navAmazonLogoGatewayPanel", "#navidWelcomeMsg span.navGreeting", "a[name=top]", "form[name=site-search]", ".navbar li", ".navbar span", "[name=top]", "[name=site-search]", "ul li", "a img", "#navbar #navidWelcomeMsg", "#navbar #navSwmDWPop", "#navbar ul li", "#navbar a img" */ // For Yahoo.com "#page", "#masthead", "#mastheadhd", ".mastheadbd", ".first", ".on", "div", "li", "a", "div.mastheadbd", "li.first", "li.on", "#page div", "#dtba span", "div#page", "div#masthead", "#page .mastheadbd", "#page .first", ".outer_search_container .search_container", ".searchbox_container .inputtext", "*", "#page div.mastheadbd", "#page li.first", "input[name=p]", "a[name=marketplace]", ".outer_search_container div", ".searchbox_container span", "[name=p]", "[name=marketplace]", "ul li", "form input", "#page #e2econtent", "#page #e2e" ]; jQuery.fn.benchmark = function() { this.each(function() { try { jQuery(this).parent().children("*:gt(1)").remove(); } catch(e) { } }) // set # times to run the test in index.html var times = parseInt(jQuery("#times").val()); jQuery.benchmarker.startingList = this.get(); benchmark(this.get(), times, jQuery.benchmarker.libraries); } jQuery(function() { for(i = 0; i < jQuery.benchmarker.tests.length; i++) { jQuery("tbody").append("" + jQuery.benchmarker.tests[i] + ""); } jQuery("tbody tr:first-child").remove(); jQuery("td.test").before(""); jQuery("button.runTests").bind("click", function() { jQuery('td:has(input:checked) + td.test').benchmark(); }); jQuery("button.retryTies").bind("click", function() { jQuery("tr:has(td.tie) td.test").benchmark() }) jQuery("button.selectAll").bind("click", function() { jQuery("input[type=checkbox]").each(function() { this.checked = true }) }) jQuery("button.deselectAll").bind("click", function() { jQuery("input[type=checkbox]").each(function() { this.checked = false }) }) jQuery("#addTest").bind("click", function() { jQuery("table").append(""); jQuery("div#time-test > button").each(function() { this.disabled = true; }) jQuery("tbody tr:last button").bind("click", function() { var td = jQuery(this).parent(); td.html("" + jQuery(this).prev().val()).addClass("test"); jQuery("div#time-test > button").each(function() { this.disabled = false; }) jQuery("button", td).bind("click", function() { jQuery(this).parents("tr").remove(); }) }) }) var headers = jQuery.map(jQuery.benchmarker.libraries, function(i,n) { var extra = n == 0 ? "basis - " : ""; return "" + extra + i + "" }).join(""); jQuery("thead tr").append(headers); var footers = ""; for(i = 0; i < jQuery.benchmarker.libraries.length; i++) footers += "" var wlfooters = ""; for(i = 0; i < jQuery.benchmarker.libraries.length; i++) wlfooters += "W / F" jQuery("tfoot tr:first").append(footers); jQuery("tfoot tr:last").append(wlfooters); }); benchmark = function(list, times, libraries) { if(list[0]) { var times = times || 50; var el = list[0]; var code = jQuery(el).text().replace(/^-/, ""); var timeArr = [] for(i = 0; i < times + 2; i++) { var time = new Date() try { window[libraries[0]](code); } catch(e) { } timeArr.push(new Date() - time); } var diff = Math.sum(timeArr) - Math.max.apply( Math, timeArr ) - Math.min.apply( Math, timeArr ); try { var libRes = window[libraries[0]](code); var jqRes = jQuery(code); if(((jqRes.length == 0) && (libRes.length != 0)) || (libRes.length > 0 && (jqRes.length == libRes.length)) || ((libraries[0] == "cssQuery" || libraries[0] == "jQuery") && code.match(/nth\-child/) && (libRes.length > 0)) || ((libraries[0] == "jQold") && jqRes.length > 0)) { jQuery(el).parent().append("" + Math.round(diff / times * 100) / 100 + "ms"); } else { jQuery(el).parent().append("FAIL"); } } catch(e) { jQuery(el).parent().append("FAIL"); } setTimeout(benchmarkList(list, times, libraries), 100); } else if(libraries[1]) { benchmark(jQuery.benchmarker.startingList, times, libraries.slice(1)); } else { jQuery("tbody tr").each(function() { var winners = jQuery("td:gt(1)", this).min(2); if(winners.length == 1) winners.addClass("winner"); else winners.addClass("tie"); }); setTimeout(count, 100); } } function benchmarkList(list, times, libraries) { return function() { benchmark(list.slice(1), times, libraries); } } function count() { for(i = 3; i <= jQuery.benchmarker.libraries.length + 2 ; i++) { var fails = jQuery("td:nth-child(" + i + ").fail").length; var wins = jQuery("td:nth-child(" + i + ").winner").length; jQuery("tfoot tr:first th:eq(" + (i - 1) + ")") .html("" + wins + " / " + fails + ""); } } jQuery.fn.maxmin = function(tolerance, maxmin, percentage) { tolerance = tolerance || 0; var target = Math[maxmin].apply(Math, jQuery.map(this, function(i) { var parsedNum = parseFloat(i.innerHTML.replace(/[^\.\d]/g, "")); if(parsedNum || (parsedNum == 0)) return parsedNum; })); return this.filter(function() { if( withinTolerance(parseFloat(this.innerHTML.replace(/[^\.\d]/g, "")), target, tolerance, percentage) ) return true; }) } jQuery.fn.max = function(tolerance, percentage) { return this.maxmin(tolerance, "max", percentage) } jQuery.fn.min = function(tolerance, percentage) { return this.maxmin(tolerance, "min", percentage) } function withinTolerance(number, target, tolerance, percentage) { if(percentage) { var high = target + ((tolerance / 100) * target); var low = target - ((tolerance / 100) * target); } else { var high = target + tolerance; var low = target - tolerance; } if(number >= low && number <= high) return true; } Math.sum = function(arr) { var sum = 0; for(i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) sum += arr[i]; return sum; }