Refactored test suite: All tests are now compiled into one file, runs much faster and does not require ugly synchronization; Changed build.xml (tested) and Makefile (not tested!); Replaced calls to cmpOK() with ok(), removed cmpOK(); Tests can now call reset() to be able to always test against the unmodified test setup

This commit is contained in:
Jörn Zaefferer 2006-09-16 12:19:56 +00:00
parent c792f32514
commit f6ecc6a95c
6 changed files with 118 additions and 146 deletions

View file

@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ test: ${JQ}
@@echo " - Copying over script files."
@@cp -fR ${BUILD_DIR}/test/js ${TEST_DIR}/js
@@cp -f ${BUILD_DIR}/test/index.html ${TEST_DIR}
@@echo " - Compiling Test Cases"
@@${JAR} ${BUILD_DIR}/test/test.js ${JQ} ${TEST_DIR}

View file

@ -62,7 +62,8 @@
<echo message="Building Test Suite" />
<delete dir="${TEST_DIR}" />
<mkdir dir="${TEST_DIR}/tests" />
<mkdir dir="${TEST_DIR}/js" />
<mkdir dir="${TEST_DIR}/js" />
<copy todir="${TEST_DIR}" file="${BUILD_DIR}/test/index.html" />
<copy todir="${TEST_DIR}/js">
<fileset dir="${BUILD_DIR}/test/js">
<include name="**/*.js"/>

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/test.js"></script>
<style>.pass { color: green; } .fail { color: red; } #tests ol { display: none; }</style>

View file

@ -1,143 +1,121 @@
var queue = [];
var blocking = false;
function reset(fixture) {
synchronize(function() {
document.getElementById('main').innerHTML = fixture;
function synchronize(callback) {
queue[queue.length] = callback;
if(!blocking) {
function process() {
while(queue.length && !blocking) {
var call = queue[0];
queue = queue.slice(1);
function runTests(files) {
var fixture = document.getElementById('main').innerHTML;
function runTest(file) {
var startTime = new Date();
for( var i=0; i < files.length; i++) {
runTest( files, i );
synchronize(function() {
var runTime = new Date() - startTime;
// lets use jQuery for this, its not important anyway
$('body').append('<br/>Tests completed in ' + runTime + ' milliseconds.');
function runTest( files, num ) {
synchronize(function() {
blocking = true;
$.get(files[num],function(js) {
evaluateTest(files, num, js);
function evaluateTest(files, num, js) {
var Test = [];
js = js.replace(/&lt;/g, "<").replace(/&gt;/g, ">").replace(/&amp;/g, "&");
try {
} catch(e) {
if(typeof console != "undefined") {
Test.push( [ false, "Died on test #" + (Test.length+1) + ": " + e ] );
var good = 0, bad = 0;
var ol = document.createElement("ol");
var li = "", state = "pass";
for ( var i = 0; i < Test.length; i++ ) {
var li = document.createElement("li");
li.className = Test[i][0] ? "pass" : "fail";
li.innerHTML = Test[i][1];
ol.appendChild( li );
if ( !Test[i][0] ) {
state = "fail";
} else good++;
var li = document.createElement("li");
li.className = state;
var b = document.createElement("b");
b.innerHTML = files[num] + " <b style='color:black;'>(<b class='fail'>" + bad + "</b>, <b class='pass'>" + good + "</b>, " + Test.length + ")</b>";
b.onclick = function(){
var n = this.nextSibling;
if ( jQuery.css( n, "display" ) == "none" ) = "block";
else = "none";
var Test;
var stats = {
all: 0,
bad: 0
li.appendChild( b );
li.appendChild( ol );
document.getElementById("tests").appendChild( li );
blocking = false;
var fixture = document.getElementById('main').innerHTML;
$.get(file,function(js) {
js = js.replace(/&lt;/g, "<").replace(/&gt;/g, ">").replace(/&amp;/g, "&");
var runTime = new Date() - startTime;
var result = document.createElement("div");
result.innerHTML = 'Tests completed in ' + runTime + ' milliseconds.<br/>' +
stats.bad + ' tests of ' + stats.all + ' failed.';
function test(name, callback) {
Test = [];
try {
} catch(e) {
if(typeof console != "undefined") {
console.error("Test " + name + " died, exception and test follows");
Test.push( [ false, "Died on test #" + (Test.length+1) + ": " + e ] );
var good = 0, bad = 0;
var ol = document.createElement("ol");
var li = "", state = "pass";
for ( var i = 0; i < Test.length; i++ ) {
var li = document.createElement("li");
li.className = Test[i][0] ? "pass" : "fail";
li.innerHTML = Test[i][1];
ol.appendChild( li );
if ( !Test[i][0] ) {
state = "fail";
} else good++;
var li = document.createElement("li");
li.className = state;
var b = document.createElement("b");
b.innerHTML = name + " <b style='color:black;'>(<b class='fail'>" + bad + "</b>, <b class='pass'>" + good + "</b>, " + Test.length + ")</b>";
b.onclick = function(){
var n = this.nextSibling;
if ( jQuery.css( n, "display" ) == "none" ) = "block";
else = "none";
li.appendChild( b );
li.appendChild( ol );
document.getElementById("tests").appendChild( li );
function reset() {
document.getElementById('main').innerHTML = fixture;
* Asserts true.
* @example ok( $("a").size() > 5, "There must be at least 5 anchors" );
function ok(a, msg) {
Test.push( [ !!a, msg ] );
function cmpOK( a, c, b, msg ) {
var res;
eval( "res = (a " + c + " b)" );
Test.push( [ res, msg ] );
* Asserts that two arrays are the same
function isSet(a, b, msg) {
var ret = true;
if ( a && b && a.length == b.length ) {
for ( var i in a )
if ( a[i] != b[i] )
ret = false;
} else
ret = false;
if ( !ret && console )
console.log( msg, a, b );
Test.push( [ ret, msg ] );
* Returns an array of elements with the given IDs, eg.
* @example q("main", "foo", "bar")
* @result [<div id="main">, <span id="foo">, <input id="bar">]
function q() {
var r = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++ )
r.push( document.getElementById( arguments[i] ) );
return r;
* Asserts that a select matches the given IDs
* @example t("Check for something", "//[a]", ["foo", "baar"]);
* @result returns true if "//[a]" return two elements with the IDs 'foo' and 'baar'
function t(a,b,c) {
var f = jQuery.find(b);
var s = "";
for ( var i = 0; i < f.length; i++ )
s += (s && ",") + '"' + f[i].id + '"';
isSet(f, q.apply(q,c), a + " (" + b + ")");

View file

@ -1,39 +1,31 @@
load( "build/js/writeFile.js", "build/js/parse.js" );
function addParams(name, params) {
if(params.length > 0) {
name += "(";
for ( var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
name += params[i].type + ", ";
return name.substring(0, name.length - 2) + ")";
} else {
return name + "()";
function addTestWrapper(name, test) {
return 'test("' + name + '", function() {\n' + test + '\n});';
var dir = arguments[1];
var indexFile = readFile( "build/test/index.html" );
var testFile = readFile( "build/test/test.html" );
var jq = parse( readFile( arguments[0] ) );
var fileList = [];
var count = 1;
var testFile = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < jq.length; i++ ) {
if ( jq[i].tests.length > 0 ) {
var name = count + "-" + jq[i].name;
if(count < 100) {
name = "0" + name;
if(count < 10) {
name = "0" + name;
var fileName = "tests/" + name + ".js";
writeFile( dir + "/" + fileName, jq[i].tests.join("\n") );
fileList.push( fileName );
var method = jq[i];
var name = addParams(, method.params);
testFile[testFile.length] = addTestWrapper(name, method.tests.join("\n"));
var fileString = "";
for ( var i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++ ) {
if ( fileString ) fileString += ", ";
fileString += "'" + fileList[i] + "'";
writeFile( dir + "/index.html", indexFile.replace( /{FILES}/g, fileString ) );
writeFile( dir + "/tests.js", testFile.join("\n") );

src/jquery/jquery.js vendored
View file

@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {
* @before <img src="test1.jpg"/> <img src="test2.jpg"/>
* @result 2
* @test cmpOK( $("div").length, "==", 2, "Get Number of Elements Found" );
* @test ok( $("div").length == 2, "Get Number of Elements Found" );
* @property
* @name length
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {
* @before <img src="test1.jpg"/> <img src="test2.jpg"/>
* @result 2
* @test cmpOK( $("div").size(), "==", 2, "Get Number of Elements Found" );
* @test ok( $("div").size() == 2, "Get Number of Elements Found" );
* @name size
* @type Number
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {
* @before <img src="test1.jpg"/> <img src="test2.jpg"/>
* @result [ <img src="test1.jpg"/> ]
* @test cmpOK( $("div").get(0), "==", document.getElementById("main"), "Get A Single Element" );
* @test ok( $("div").get(0) == document.getElementById("main"), "Get A Single Element" );
* @name get
* @type Element
@ -1035,7 +1035,7 @@ jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {
* @example $("p").not("#selected")
* @before <p>Hello</p><p id="selected">Hello Again</p>
* @result [ <p>Hello</p> ]
* @test cmpOK($("#main > p#ap > a").not("#google").length, "==", 2, ".not")
* @test ok($("#main > p#ap > a").not("#google").length == 2, ".not")
* @name not
* @type jQuery
@ -1549,7 +1549,7 @@ jQuery.extend({
* @test t( "Element Selector", "div", ["main","foo"] );
* @test t( "Element Selector", "body", ["body"] );
* @test t( "Element Selector", "html", ["html"] );
* @test cmpOK( $("*").size(), ">=", 30, "Element Selector" );
* @test ok( $("*").size() >= 30, "Element Selector" );
* @test t( "Parent Element", "div div", ["foo"] );
* @test t( "ID Selector", "#body", ["body"] );
@ -1606,7 +1606,7 @@ jQuery.extend({
* @test t( "Element Preceded By", "p ~ div", ["foo"] );
* @test t( "Not", "", ["mark"] );
* @test cmpOK( jQuery.find("//*").length, ">=", 30, "All Elements (//*)" );
* @test ok( jQuery.find("//*").length >= 30, "All Elements (//*)" );
* @test t( "All Div Elements", "//div", ["main","foo"] );
* @test t( "Absolute Path", "/html/body", ["body"] );
* @test t( "Absolute Path w/ *", "/* /body", ["body"] );