Merge branch 'master' of

This commit is contained in:
Dave Methvin 2011-04-07 11:30:26 -04:00
commit c470db6950
8 changed files with 550 additions and 334 deletions

View file

@ -565,24 +565,17 @@ jQuery.extend({
noop: function() {},
// Evalulates a script in a global context
// Evaluates a script in a global context
// Workarounds based on findings by Jim Driscoll
globalEval: function( data ) {
if ( data && rnotwhite.test(data) ) {
// Inspired by code by Andrea Giammarchi
var head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName( "head" )[0] || document.documentElement,
script = document.createElement( "script" );
if ( ) {
script.appendChild( document.createTextNode( data ) );
} else {
script.text = data;
// Use insertBefore instead of appendChild to circumvent an IE6 bug.
// This arises when a base node is used (#2709).
head.insertBefore( script, head.firstChild );
head.removeChild( script );
if ( data && rnotwhite.test( data ) ) {
// We use execScript on Internet Explorer
// We use an anonymous function so that context is window
// rather than jQuery in Firefox
( window.execScript || function( data ) {
window[ "eval" ].call( window, data );
} )( data );

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
(function( jQuery ) {
var // Promise methods
promiseMethods = "then done fail isResolved isRejected promise".split( " " ),
promiseMethods = "done fail isResolved isRejected promise then always chain".split( " " ),
// Static reference to slice
sliceDeferred = [].slice;
@ -100,10 +100,38 @@ jQuery.extend({
deferred.done( doneCallbacks ).fail( failCallbacks );
return this;
always: function() {
return deferred.done.apply( deferred, arguments ).fail.apply( this, arguments );
fail: failDeferred.done,
rejectWith: failDeferred.resolveWith,
reject: failDeferred.resolve,
isRejected: failDeferred.isResolved,
// Chain
chain: function( fnDone, fnFail ) {
return jQuery.Deferred(function( newDefer ) {
jQuery.each( {
done: [ fnDone, "resolve" ],
fail: [ fnFail, "reject" ]
}, function( handler, data ) {
var fn = data[ 0 ],
action = data[ 1 ],
if ( jQuery.isFunction( fn ) ) {
deferred[ handler ](function() {
returned = fn.apply( this, arguments );
if ( jQuery.isFunction( returned.promise ) ) {
returned.promise().then( newDefer.resolve, newDefer.reject );
} else {
newDefer[ action ]( returned );
} else {
deferred[ handler ]( newDefer[ action ] );
} );
// Get a promise for this deferred
// If obj is provided, the promise aspect is added to the object
promise: function( obj ) {

src/effects.js vendored
View file

@ -11,7 +11,17 @@ var elemdisplay = {},
[ "width", "marginLeft", "marginRight", "paddingLeft", "paddingRight" ],
// opacity animations
[ "opacity" ]
function clearFxNow() {
fxNow = undefined;
function createFxNow() {
setTimeout( clearFxNow, 0 );
return ( fxNow = );
show: function( speed, easing, callback ) {
@ -349,7 +359,7 @@ jQuery.fx.prototype = {
var self = this,
fx = jQuery.fx;
this.startTime =;
this.startTime = fxNow || createFxNow();
this.start = from;
this.end = to;
this.unit = unit || this.unit || ( jQuery.cssNumber[ this.prop ] ? "" : "px" );
@ -394,7 +404,8 @@ jQuery.fx.prototype = {
// Each step of an animation
step: function( gotoEnd ) {
var t =, done = true;
var t = fxNow || createFxNow(),
done = true;
if ( gotoEnd || t >= this.options.duration + this.startTime ) { = this.end;

View file

@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ jQuery.extend({
type = type || "fx";
var queue = jQuery.queue( elem, type ),
fn = queue.shift();
fn = queue.shift(),
// If the fx queue is dequeued, always remove the progress sentinel
if ( fn === "inprogress" ) {
@ -49,6 +50,17 @@ jQuery.extend({
if ( !queue.length ) {
jQuery.removeData( elem, type + "queue", true );
// Look if we have observers and resolve if needed
if (( defer = elem, type + "defer", undefined, true ) )) {
// Give room for hard-coded callbacks to fire first
// and eventually add another animation on the element
setTimeout( function() {
if ( ! elem, type + "queue", undefined, true ) ) {
jQuery.removeData( elem, type + "defer", true );
}, 0 );
@ -93,6 +105,37 @@ jQuery.fn.extend({
clearQueue: function( type ) {
return this.queue( type || "fx", [] );
// Get a promise resolved when queues of a certain type
// are emptied (fx is the type by default)
promise: function( type, object ) {
if ( typeof type !== "string" ) {
object = type;
type = undefined;
type = type || "fx";
var defer = jQuery.Deferred(),
elements = this,
i = elements.length,
count = 1,
deferDataKey = type + "defer",
queueDataKey = type + "queue";
function resolve() {
if ( !( --count ) ) {
defer.resolveWith( elements, [ elements ] );
while( i-- ) {
if (( tmp = elements[ i ], deferDataKey, undefined, true ) || elements[ i ], queueDataKey, undefined, true ) && elements[ i ], deferDataKey, jQuery._Deferred(), true ) )) {
tmp.done( resolve );
return defer.promise();

View file

@ -1,44 +1,58 @@
(function( jQuery ) {
(function() { = (function() { = {};
var div = document.createElement( "div" ),
var div = document.createElement("div"); = "none";
// Preliminary tests
div.innerHTML = " <link/><table></table><a href='/a' style='color:red;float:left;opacity:.55;'>a</a><input type='checkbox'/>";
var all = div.getElementsByTagName("*"),
a = div.getElementsByTagName("a")[0],
select = document.createElement("select"),
opt = select.appendChild( document.createElement("option") ),
input = div.getElementsByTagName("input")[0];
all = div.getElementsByTagName( "*" );
a = div.getElementsByTagName( "a" )[ 0 ];
// Can't get basic test support
if ( !all || !all.length || !a ) {
return {};
} = {
// First batch of supports tests
select = document.createElement( "select" );
opt = select.appendChild( document.createElement("option") );
input = div.getElementsByTagName( "input" )[ 0 ];
support = {
// IE strips leading whitespace when .innerHTML is used
leadingWhitespace: div.firstChild.nodeType === 3,
leadingWhitespace: ( div.firstChild.nodeType === 3 ),
// Make sure that tbody elements aren't automatically inserted
// IE will insert them into empty tables
tbody: !div.getElementsByTagName("tbody").length,
tbody: !div.getElementsByTagName( "tbody" ).length,
// Make sure that link elements get serialized correctly by innerHTML
// This requires a wrapper element in IE
htmlSerialize: !!div.getElementsByTagName("link").length,
htmlSerialize: !!div.getElementsByTagName( "link" ).length,
// Get the style information from getAttribute
// (IE uses .cssText insted)
// (IE uses .cssText instead)
style: /red/.test( a.getAttribute("style") ),
// Make sure that URLs aren't manipulated
// (IE normalizes it by default)
hrefNormalized: a.getAttribute("href") === "/a",
hrefNormalized: ( a.getAttribute( "href" ) === "/a" ),
// Make sure that element opacity exists
// (IE uses filter instead)
@ -59,176 +73,152 @@
optSelected: opt.selected,
// Will be defined later
submitBubbles: true,
changeBubbles: true,
deleteExpando: true,
optDisabled: false,
checkClone: false,
noCloneEvent: true,
noCloneChecked: true,
boxModel: null,
inlineBlockNeedsLayout: false,
shrinkWrapBlocks: false,
reliableHiddenOffsets: true,
reliableMarginRight: true
// Make sure checked status is properly cloned
input.checked = true; = input.cloneNode( true ).checked;
support.noCloneChecked = input.cloneNode( true ).checked;
// Make sure that the options inside disabled selects aren't marked as disabled
// (WebKit marks them as diabled)
// (WebKit marks them as disabled)
select.disabled = true; = !opt.disabled;
var _scriptEval = null; = function() {
if ( _scriptEval === null ) {
var root = document.documentElement,
script = document.createElement("script"),
id = "script" +;
// Make sure that the execution of code works by injecting a script
// tag with appendChild/createTextNode
// (IE doesn't support this, fails, and uses .text instead)
try {
script.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "window." + id + "=1;" ) );
} catch(e) {}
root.insertBefore( script, root.firstChild );
if ( window[ id ] ) {
_scriptEval = true;
delete window[ id ];
} else {
_scriptEval = false;
root.removeChild( script );
return _scriptEval;
support.optDisabled = !opt.disabled;
// Test to see if it's possible to delete an expando from an element
// Fails in Internet Explorer
try {
delete div.test;
} catch(e) { = false;
} catch( e ) {
support.deleteExpando = false;
if ( !div.addEventListener && div.attachEvent && div.fireEvent ) {
div.attachEvent("onclick", function click() {
div.attachEvent( "onclick", function click() {
// Cloning a node shouldn't copy over any
// bound event handlers (IE does this) = false;
div.detachEvent("onclick", click);
support.noCloneEvent = false;
div.detachEvent( "onclick", click );
} );
div.cloneNode( true ).fireEvent( "onclick" );
div = document.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML = "<input type='radio' name='radiotest' checked='checked'/>";
var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
fragment.appendChild( div.firstChild );
// WebKit doesn't clone checked state correctly in fragments = fragment.cloneNode(true).cloneNode(true).lastChild.checked;
support.checkClone = fragment.cloneNode( true ).cloneNode( true ).lastChild.checked;
div.innerHTML = "";
// Figure out if the W3C box model works as expected
// document.body must exist before we can do this
jQuery(function() {
var div = document.createElement("div"),
body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; = = "1px";
// Frameset documents with no body should not run this code
if ( !body ) {
// We use our own, invisible, body
body = document.createElement( "body" );
bodyStyle = {
visibility: "hidden",
width: 0,
height: 0,
border: 0,
margin: 0
for ( i in bodyStyle ) {[ i ] = bodyStyle[ i ];
body.appendChild( div );
document.documentElement.appendChild( body ); = = "1px";
body.appendChild( div );
jQuery.boxModel = = div.offsetWidth === 2;
support.boxModel = div.offsetWidth === 2;
if ( "zoom" in ) {
// Check if natively block-level elements act like inline-block
// elements when setting their display to 'inline' and giving
// them layout
// (IE < 8 does this) = "inline"; = 1; = div.offsetWidth === 2;
if ( "zoom" in ) {
// Check if natively block-level elements act like inline-block
// elements when setting their display to 'inline' and giving
// them layout
// (IE < 8 does this) = "inline"; = 1;
support.inlineBlockNeedsLayout = ( div.offsetWidth === 2 );
// Check if elements with layout shrink-wrap their children
// (IE 6 does this) = "";
div.innerHTML = "<div style='width:4px;'></div>"; = div.offsetWidth !== 2;
// Check if elements with layout shrink-wrap their children
// (IE 6 does this) = "";
div.innerHTML = "<div style='width:4px;'></div>";
support.shrinkWrapBlocks = ( div.offsetWidth !== 2 );
div.innerHTML = "<table><tr><td style='padding:0;border:0;display:none'></td><td>t</td></tr></table>";
var tds = div.getElementsByTagName("td");
div.innerHTML = "<table><tr><td style='padding:0;border:0;display:none'></td><td>t</td></tr></table>";
tds = div.getElementsByTagName( "td" );
// Check if table cells still have offsetWidth/Height when they are set
// to display:none and there are still other visible table cells in a
// table row; if so, offsetWidth/Height are not reliable for use when
// determining if an element has been hidden directly using
// display:none (it is still safe to use offsets if a parent element is
// hidden; don safety goggles and see bug #4512 for more information).
// (only IE 8 fails this test) = tds[0].offsetHeight === 0;
// Check if table cells still have offsetWidth/Height when they are set
// to display:none and there are still other visible table cells in a
// table row; if so, offsetWidth/Height are not reliable for use when
// determining if an element has been hidden directly using
// display:none (it is still safe to use offsets if a parent element is
// hidden; don safety goggles and see bug #4512 for more information).
// (only IE 8 fails this test)
isSupported = ( tds[ 0 ].offsetHeight === 0 );
tds[0].style.display = "";
tds[1].style.display = "none";
tds[ 0 ].style.display = "";
tds[ 1 ].style.display = "none";
// Check if empty table cells still have offsetWidth/Height
// (IE < 8 fail this test) = && tds[0].offsetHeight === 0;
div.innerHTML = "";
// Check if empty table cells still have offsetWidth/Height
// (IE < 8 fail this test)
support.reliableHiddenOffsets = isSupported && ( tds[ 0 ].offsetHeight === 0 );
div.innerHTML = "";
// Check if div with explicit width and no margin-right incorrectly
// gets computed margin-right based on width of container. For more
// info see bug #3333
// Fails in WebKit before Feb 2011 nightlies
// WebKit Bug 13343 - getComputedStyle returns wrong value for margin-right
if ( document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle ) { = "1px"; = "0"; = ( parseInt(document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(div, null).marginRight, 10) || 0 ) === 0;
// Check if div with explicit width and no margin-right incorrectly
// gets computed margin-right based on width of container. For more
// info see bug #3333
// Fails in WebKit before Feb 2011 nightlies
// WebKit Bug 13343 - getComputedStyle returns wrong value for margin-right
if ( document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle ) { = "1px"; = "0";
support.reliableMarginRight =
( parseInt( document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(div).marginRight, 10 ) || 0 ) === 0;
body.removeChild( div ).style.display = "none";
div = tds = null;
// Remove the body element we added
document.documentElement.removeChild( body );
// Technique from Juriy Zaytsev
var eventSupported = function( eventName ) {
var el = document.createElement("div");
eventName = "on" + eventName;
// We only care about the case where non-standard event systems
// are used, namely in IE. Short-circuiting here helps us to
// avoid an eval call (in setAttribute) which can cause CSP
// to go haywire. See:
if ( !el.attachEvent ) {
return true;
// We only care about the case where non-standard event systems
// are used, namely in IE. Short-circuiting here helps us to
// avoid an eval call (in setAttribute) which can cause CSP
// to go haywire. See:
if ( div.attachEvent ) {
for( i in {
submit: 1,
change: 1,
focusin: 1
} ) {
eventName = "on" + i;
isSupported = ( eventName in div );
if ( !isSupported ) {
div.setAttribute( eventName, "return;" );
isSupported = ( typeof div[ eventName ] === "function" );
support[ i + "Bubbles" ] = isSupported;
var isSupported = (eventName in el);
if ( !isSupported ) {
el.setAttribute(eventName, "return;");
isSupported = typeof el[eventName] === "function";
return isSupported;
}; = eventSupported("submit"); = eventSupported("change"); = document.attachEvent && eventSupported("focusin");
// release memory in IE
div = all = a = null;
body = div = all = a = tds = undefined;
return support;
// Keep track of boxModel
jQuery.boxModel =;
})( jQuery );

View file

@ -172,6 +172,26 @@ test("selector state", function() {
test( "globalEval", function() {
expect( 3 );
jQuery.globalEval( "var globalEvalTest = true;" );
ok( window.globalEvalTest, "Test variable declarations are global" );
window.globalEvalTest = false;
jQuery.globalEval( "globalEvalTest = true;" );
ok( window.globalEvalTest, "Test variable assignments are global" );
window.globalEvalTest = false;
jQuery.globalEval( "this.globalEvalTest = true;" );
ok( window.globalEvalTest, "Test context (this) is the window object" );
window.globalEvalTest = undefined;
if ( !isLocal ) {
test("browser", function() {

View file

@ -1,153 +1,273 @@
module("deferred", { teardown: moduleTeardown });
test("jQuery._Deferred()", function() {
jQuery.each( [ "", " - new operator" ], function( _, withNew ) {
expect( 11 );
var deferred,
deferred = jQuery._Deferred();
test = false;
deferred.done( function( value ) {
equals( value , "value" , "Test pre-resolve callback" );
test = true;
} );
deferred.resolve( "value" );
ok( test , "Test pre-resolve callbacks called right away" );
test = false;
deferred.done( function( value ) {
equals( value , "value" , "Test post-resolve callback" );
test = true;
} );
ok( test , "Test post-resolve callbacks called right away" );
test = true;
deferred.done( function() {
ok( false , "Cancel was ignored" );
test = false;
} );
ok( test , "Test cancel" );
deferred = jQuery._Deferred().resolve();
try {
deferred.done( function() {
throw "Error";
} , function() {
ok( true , "Test deferred do not cancel on exception" );
} );
} catch( e ) {
strictEqual( e , "Error" , "Test deferred propagates exceptions");
function createDeferred() {
return withNew ? new jQuery._Deferred() : jQuery._Deferred();
test = "";
deferred = jQuery._Deferred().done( function() {
test("jQuery._Deferred" + withNew, function() {
test += "A";
expect( 11 );
}, function() {
var deferred,
test += "B";
deferred = createDeferred();
} ).resolve();
test = false;
strictEqual( test , "AB" , "Test multiple done parameters" );
deferred.done( function( value ) {
equals( value , "value" , "Test pre-resolve callback" );
test = true;
} );
test = "";
deferred.resolve( "value" );
deferred.done( function() {
ok( test , "Test pre-resolve callbacks called right away" );
test = false;
deferred.done( function( value ) {
equals( value , "value" , "Test post-resolve callback" );
test = true;
} );
ok( test , "Test post-resolve callbacks called right away" );
test = true;
deferred.done( function() {
ok( false , "Cancel was ignored" );
test = false;
} );
ok( test , "Test cancel" );
deferred = createDeferred().resolve();
try {
deferred.done( function() {
throw "Error";
} , function() {
ok( true , "Test deferred do not cancel on exception" );
} );
} catch( e ) {
strictEqual( e , "Error" , "Test deferred propagates exceptions");
test = "";
deferred = createDeferred().done( function() {
test += "A";
}, function() {
test += "B";
} ).resolve();
strictEqual( test , "AB" , "Test multiple done parameters" );
test = "";
deferred.done( function() {
test += "C";
deferred.done( function() {
test += "C";
} );
test += "A";
}, function() {
test += "B";
} );
test += "A";
strictEqual( test , "ABC" , "Test done callbacks order" );
}, function() {
deferred = createDeferred();
test += "B";
deferred.resolveWith( jQuery , [ document ] ).done( function( doc ) {
ok( this === jQuery && arguments.length === 1 && doc === document , "Test fire context & args" );
// #8421
deferred = createDeferred();
deferred.resolveWith().done(function() {
ok( true, "Test resolveWith can be called with no argument" );
} );
jQuery.each( [ "", " - new operator" ], function( _, withNew ) {
function createDeferred( fn ) {
return withNew ? new jQuery.Deferred( fn ) : jQuery.Deferred( fn );
test("jQuery.Deferred" + withNew, function() {
expect( 8 );
createDeferred().resolve().then( function() {
ok( true , "Success on resolve" );
ok( this.isResolved(), "Deferred is resolved" );
}, function() {
ok( false , "Error on resolve" );
}).always( function() {
ok( true , "Always callback on resolve" );
createDeferred().reject().then( function() {
ok( false , "Success on reject" );
}, function() {
ok( true , "Error on reject" );
ok( this.isRejected(), "Deferred is rejected" );
}).always( function() {
ok( true , "Always callback on reject" );
createDeferred( function( defer ) {
ok( this === defer , "Defer passed as this & first argument" );
this.resolve( "done" );
}).then( function( value ) {
strictEqual( value , "done" , "Passed function executed" );
} );
test( "jQuery.Deferred.chain - filtering (done)", function() {
var defer = jQuery.Deferred(),
chained = defer.chain(function( a, b ) {
return a * b;
chained.done(function( result ) {
value3 = result;
defer.done(function( a, b ) {
value1 = a;
value2 = b;
defer.resolve( 2, 3 );
strictEqual( value1, 2, "first resolve value ok" );
strictEqual( value2, 3, "second resolve value ok" );
strictEqual( value3, 6, "result of filter ok" );
jQuery.Deferred().reject().chain(function() {
ok( false, "chain should not be called on reject" );
test( "jQuery.Deferred.chain - filtering (fail)", function() {
var defer = jQuery.Deferred(),
chained = defer.chain( null, function( a, b ) {
return a * b;
} ),
value3; result ) {
value3 = result;
}); a, b ) {
value1 = a;
value2 = b;
defer.reject( 2, 3 );
strictEqual( value1, 2, "first reject value ok" );
strictEqual( value2, 3, "second reject value ok" );
strictEqual( value3, 6, "result of filter ok" );
jQuery.Deferred().resolve().chain( null, function() {
ok( false, "chain should not be called on resolve" );
} );
strictEqual( test , "ABC" , "Test done callbacks order" );
deferred = jQuery._Deferred();
deferred.resolveWith( jQuery , [ document ] ).done( function( doc ) {
ok( this === jQuery && arguments.length === 1 && doc === document , "Test fire context & args" );
// #8421
deferred = jQuery._Deferred();
deferred.resolveWith().done(function() {
ok( true, "Test resolveWith can be called with no argument" );
test("jQuery.Deferred()", function() {
test( "jQuery.Deferred.chain - deferred (done)", function() {
expect( 10 );
jQuery.Deferred( function( defer ) {
strictEqual( this , defer , "Defer passed as this & first argument" );
this.resolve( "done" );
}).then( function( value ) {
strictEqual( value , "done" , "Passed function executed" );
var defer = jQuery.Deferred(),
chained = defer.chain(function( a, b ) {
return jQuery.Deferred(function( defer ) {
defer.reject( a * b );
value3; result ) {
value3 = result;
jQuery.Deferred().resolve().then( function() {
ok( true , "Success on resolve" );
}, function() {
ok( false , "Error on resolve" );
defer.done(function( a, b ) {
value1 = a;
value2 = b;
jQuery.Deferred().reject().then( function() {
ok( false , "Success on reject" );
}, function() {
ok( true , "Error on reject" );
defer.resolve( 2, 3 );
( new jQuery.Deferred( function( defer ) {
strictEqual( this , defer , "Defer passed as this & first argument (new)" );
this.resolve( "done" );
}) ).then( function( value ) {
strictEqual( value , "done" , "Passed function executed (new)" );
( new jQuery.Deferred() ).resolve().then( function() {
ok( true , "Success on resolve (new)" );
}, function() {
ok( false , "Error on resolve (new)" );
( new jQuery.Deferred() ).reject().then( function() {
ok( false , "Success on reject (new)" );
}, function() {
ok( true , "Error on reject (new)" );
var tmp = jQuery.Deferred();
strictEqual( tmp.promise() , tmp.promise() , "Test deferred always return same promise" );
strictEqual( tmp.promise() , tmp.promise().promise() , "Test deferred's promise always return same promise as deferred" );
strictEqual( value1, 2, "first resolve value ok" );
strictEqual( value2, 3, "second resolve value ok" );
strictEqual( value3, 6, "result of filter ok" );
test("jQuery.when()", function() {
test( "jQuery.Deferred.chain - deferred (fail)", function() {
var defer = jQuery.Deferred(),
chained = defer.chain( null, function( a, b ) {
return jQuery.Deferred(function( defer ) {
defer.resolve( a * b );
} ),
chained.done(function( result ) {
value3 = result;
}); a, b ) {
value1 = a;
value2 = b;
defer.reject( 2, 3 );
strictEqual( value1, 2, "first reject value ok" );
strictEqual( value2, 3, "second reject value ok" );
strictEqual( value3, 6, "result of filter ok" );
test( "jQuery.when" , function() {
expect( 23 );
@ -166,57 +286,63 @@ test("jQuery.when()", function() {
} , function( message , value ) {
ok( jQuery.isFunction( jQuery.when( value ).then( function( resolveValue ) {
ok( jQuery.isFunction( jQuery.when( value ).done(function( resolveValue ) {
strictEqual( resolveValue , value , "Test the promise was resolved with " + message );
} ).promise ) , "Test " + message + " triggers the creation of a new Promise" );
}).promise ) , "Test " + message + " triggers the creation of a new Promise" );
} );
ok( jQuery.isFunction( jQuery.when().then( function( resolveValue ) {
ok( jQuery.isFunction( jQuery.when().done(function( resolveValue ) {
strictEqual( resolveValue , undefined , "Test the promise was resolved with no parameter" );
} ).promise ) , "Test calling when with no parameter triggers the creation of a new Promise" );
}).promise ) , "Test calling when with no parameter triggers the creation of a new Promise" );
var cache, i;
for( i = 1 ; i < 4 ; i++ ) {
jQuery.when( cache || jQuery.Deferred( function() {
this.resolve( i );
}) ).then( function( value ) {
}) ).done(function( value ) {
strictEqual( value , 1 , "Function executed" + ( i > 1 ? " only once" : "" ) );
cache = value;
}, function() {
ok( false , "Fail called" );
test("jQuery.when() - joined", function() {
test("jQuery.when - joined", function() {
jQuery.when( 1, 2, 3 ).done( function( a, b, c ) {
strictEqual( a , 1 , "Test first param is first resolved value - non-observables" );
strictEqual( b , 2 , "Test second param is second resolved value - non-observables" );
strictEqual( c , 3 , "Test third param is third resolved value - non-observables" );
}).fail( function() {
ok( false , "Test the created deferred was resolved - non-observables");
var deferreds = {
value: 1,
success: jQuery.Deferred().resolve( 1 ),
error: jQuery.Deferred().reject( 0 ),
futureSuccess: jQuery.Deferred(),
futureError: jQuery.Deferred()
willSucceed = {
value: true,
success: true,
error: false,
futureSuccess: true,
futureError: false
var successDeferred = jQuery.Deferred().resolve( 1 , 2 , 3 ),
errorDeferred = jQuery.Deferred().reject( "error" , "errorParam" );
jQuery.when( 1 , successDeferred , 3 ).done( function( a, b, c ) {
strictEqual( a , 1 , "Test first param is first resolved value - resolved observable" );
same( b , [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] , "Test second param is second resolved value - resolved observable" );
strictEqual( c , 3 , "Test third param is third resolved value - resolved observable" );
}).fail( function() {
ok( false , "Test the created deferred was resolved - resolved observable");
jQuery.when( 1 , errorDeferred , 3 ).done( function() {
ok( false , "Test the created deferred was rejected - rejected observable");
}).fail( function( error , errorParam ) {
strictEqual( error , "error" , "Test first param is first rejected value - rejected observable" );
strictEqual( errorParam , "errorParam" , "Test second param is second rejected value - rejected observable" );
jQuery.each( deferreds, function( id1, defer1 ) {
jQuery.each( deferreds, function( id2, defer2 ) {
var shouldResolve = willSucceed[ id1 ] && willSucceed[ id2 ],
expected = shouldResolve ? [ 1, 1 ] : [ 0, undefined ],
code = id1 + "/" + id2;
jQuery.when( defer1, defer2 ).done(function( a, b ) {
if ( shouldResolve ) {
same( [ a, b ], expected, code + " => resolve" );
}).fail(function( a, b ) {
if ( !shouldResolve ) {
same( [ a, b ], expected, code + " => resolve" );
} );
} );
deferreds.futureSuccess.resolve( 1 );
deferreds.futureError.reject( 0 );

test/unit/effects.js vendored
View file

@ -717,59 +717,64 @@ jQuery.each( {
var anim = { width: t_w, height: t_h, opacity: t_o };
elem.animate(anim, 50, function(){
elem.animate(anim, 50);
jQuery.when( elem ).done(function( elem ){
elem = elem[ 0 ];
if ( t_w == "show" )
equals(, "block", "Showing, display should block: " +;
equals(, "block", "Showing, display should block: " +;
if ( t_w == "hide"||t_w == "show" )
ok(f_w === "" ? === f_w : === 0, "Width must be reset to " + f_w + ": " +;
ok(f_w === "" ? === f_w : === 0, "Width must be reset to " + f_w + ": " +;
if ( t_h == "hide"||t_h == "show" )
ok(f_h === "" ? === f_h : === 0, "Height must be reset to " + f_h + ": " +;
ok(f_h === "" ? === f_h : === 0, "Height must be reset to " + f_h + ": " +;
var cur_o =, "opacity");
var cur_o =, "opacity");
if ( t_o == "hide" || t_o == "show" )
equals(cur_o, f_o, "Opacity must be reset to " + f_o + ": " + cur_o);
if ( t_w == "hide" )
equals(, "none", "Hiding, display should be none: " +;
equals(, "none", "Hiding, display should be none: " +;
if ( t_o.constructor == Number ) {
equals(cur_o, t_o, "Final opacity should be " + t_o + ": " + cur_o);
ok(jQuery.css(this, "opacity") != "" || cur_o == t_o, "Opacity should be explicitly set to " + t_o + ", is instead: " + cur_o);
ok(jQuery.css(elem, "opacity") != "" || cur_o == t_o, "Opacity should be explicitly set to " + t_o + ", is instead: " + cur_o);
if ( t_w.constructor == Number ) {
equals(, t_w + "px", "Final width should be " + t_w + ": " +;
equals(, t_w + "px", "Final width should be " + t_w + ": " +;
var cur_w = jQuery.css(this,"width");
var cur_w = jQuery.css(elem,"width");
ok( != "" || cur_w == t_w, "Width should be explicitly set to " + t_w + ", is instead: " + cur_w);
ok( != "" || cur_w == t_w, "Width should be explicitly set to " + t_w + ", is instead: " + cur_w);
if ( t_h.constructor == Number ) {
equals(, t_h + "px", "Final height should be " + t_h + ": " +;
equals(, t_h + "px", "Final height should be " + t_h + ": " +;
var cur_h = jQuery.css(this,"height");
var cur_h = jQuery.css(elem,"height");
ok( != "" || cur_h == t_h, "Height should be explicitly set to " + t_h + ", is instead: " + cur_w);
ok( != "" || cur_h == t_h, "Height should be explicitly set to " + t_h + ", is instead: " + cur_w);
if ( t_h == "show" ) {
var old_h = jQuery.css(this, "height");
jQuery(this).append("<br/>Some more text<br/>and some more...");
var old_h = jQuery.css(elem, "height");
jQuery(elem).append("<br/>Some more text<br/>and some more...");
if ( /Auto/.test( fn ) ) {
notEqual(jQuery.css(this, "height"), old_h, "Make sure height is auto.");
notEqual(jQuery.css(elem, "height"), old_h, "Make sure height is auto.");
} else {
equals(jQuery.css(this, "height"), old_h, "Make sure height is not auto.");
equals(jQuery.css(elem, "height"), old_h, "Make sure height is not auto.");
// manually remove generated element