Fixed documentation for bind(String, Function)

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Jörn Zaefferer 2006-09-09 08:31:07 +00:00
parent 698eafb58a
commit 998d1d8839

src/jquery/jquery.js vendored
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@ -3158,24 +3158,31 @@ jQuery.macros = {
* Binds a particular event (like click) to a each of a set of match elements.
* Binds a handler to a particular event (like click) for each matched element.
* The event handler is passed an event object that you can use to prevent
* default behaviour. To stop both default action and event bubbling, your handler
* has to return false.
* @example $("p").bind( "click", function() { alert("Hello"); } )
* @example $("p").bind( "click", function() {
* alert( $(this).text() );
* } )
* @before <p>Hello</p>
* @result [ <p>Hello</p> ]
* Cancel a default action and prevent it from bubbling by returning false
* from your function.
* @result Hello
* @example $("form").bind( "submit", function() { return false; } )
* @desc Cancel a default action and prevent it from bubbling by returning false
* from your function.
* Cancel a default action by using the preventDefault method.
* @example $("form").bind( "submit", function(event) {
* event.preventDefault();
* } );
* @desc Cancel only the default action by using the preventDefault method.
* @example $("form").bind( "submit", function() { e.preventDefault(); } )
* Stop an event from bubbling by using the stopPropogation method.
* @example $("form").bind( "submit", function() { e.stopPropogation(); } )
* @example $("form").bind( "submit", function(event) {
* event.stopPropagation();
* } )
* @desc Stop only an event from bubbling by using the stopPropagation method.
* @name bind
* @type jQuery