new offset method, faster and no more browser detection

This commit is contained in:
Brandon Aaron 2008-11-10 02:39:03 +00:00
parent b64d60940d
commit 5c21e44fce
3 changed files with 112 additions and 94 deletions

View file

@ -1,101 +1,86 @@
// The Offset Method if ( document.documentElement["getBoundingClientRect"] )
// Originally By Brandon Aaron, part of the Dimension Plugin jQuery.fn.offset = function() {
// if ( !this[0] ) return { top: 0, left: 0 };
jQuery.fn.offset = function() { if ( this[0] === this[0].ownerDocument.body ) return jQuery.offset.bodyOffset( this[0] );
var left = 0, top = 0, elem = this[0], results; var box = this[0].getBoundingClientRect(), doc = this[0].ownerDocument, docElem = doc.documentElement,
top = + (self.pageYOffset || jQuery.boxModel && docElem.scrollTop || doc.body.scrollTop ) - docElem.clientTop,
left = box.left + (self.pageXOffset || jQuery.boxModel && docElem.scrollLeft || doc.body.scrollLeft) - docElem.clientLeft;
return { top: top, left: left };
jQuery.fn.offset = function() {
if ( !this[0] ) return { top: 0, left: 0 };
if ( this[0] === this[0].ownerDocument.body ) return jQuery.offset.bodyOffset( this[0] );
jQuery.offset.initialized || jQuery.offset.initialize();
if ( elem ) with ( jQuery.browser ) { var elem = this[0], offsetParent = elem.offsetParent, prevOffsetParent = elem,
var parent = elem.parentNode, doc = elem.ownerDocument, computedStyle, docElem = doc.documentElement,
offsetChild = elem, body = doc.body, defaultView = doc.defaultView,
offsetParent = elem.offsetParent, prevComputedStyle = defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null),
doc = elem.ownerDocument, top = elem.offsetTop, left = elem.offsetLeft;
safari2 = safari && parseInt(version) < 522 && !/adobeair/i.test(userAgent),
css = jQuery.curCSS,
fixed = css(elem, "position") == "fixed";
// Use getBoundingClientRect if available while ( (elem = elem.parentNode) && elem !== body && elem !== docElem ) {
if ( !(mozilla && elem == document.body) && elem.getBoundingClientRect ) { computedStyle = defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null);
var box = elem.getBoundingClientRect(); top -= elem.scrollTop, left -= elem.scrollLeft;
if ( elem === offsetParent ) {
// Add the document scroll offsets top += elem.offsetTop, left += elem.offsetLeft;
add(box.left + Math.max(doc.documentElement.scrollLeft, doc.body.scrollLeft), if ( jQuery.offset.doesNotAddBorder && !(jQuery.offset.doesAddBorderForTableAndCells && /^t(able|d|h)$/i.test(elem.tagName)) ) + Math.max(doc.documentElement.scrollTop, doc.body.scrollTop)); top += parseInt( computedStyle.borderTopWidth, 10) || 0,
left += parseInt( computedStyle.borderLeftWidth, 10) || 0;
// IE adds the HTML element's border, by default it is medium which is 2px prevOffsetParent = offsetParent, offsetParent = elem.offsetParent;
// IE 6 and 7 quirks mode the border width is overwritable by the following css html { border: 0; } }
// IE 7 standards mode, the border is always 2px if ( jQuery.offset.subtractsBorderForOverflowNotVisible && computedStyle.overflow !== "visible" )
// This border/offset is typically represented by the clientLeft and clientTop properties top += parseInt( computedStyle.borderTopWidth, 10) || 0,
// However, in IE6 and 7 quirks mode the clientLeft and clientTop properties are not updated when overwriting it via CSS left += parseInt( computedStyle.borderLeftWidth, 10) || 0;
// Therefore this method will be off by 2px in IE while in quirksmode prevComputedStyle = computedStyle;
add( -doc.documentElement.clientLeft, -doc.documentElement.clientTop );
// Otherwise loop through the offsetParents and parentNodes
} else {
// Initial element offsets
add( elem.offsetLeft, elem.offsetTop );
// Get parent offsets
while ( offsetParent ) {
// Add offsetParent offsets
add( offsetParent.offsetLeft, offsetParent.offsetTop );
// Mozilla and Safari > 2 does not include the border on offset parents
// However Mozilla adds the border for table or table cells
if ( mozilla && !/^t(able|d|h)$/i.test(offsetParent.tagName) || safari && !safari2 )
border( offsetParent );
// Add the document scroll offsets if position is fixed on any offsetParent
if ( !fixed && css(offsetParent, "position") == "fixed" )
fixed = true;
// Set offsetChild to previous offsetParent unless it is the body element
offsetChild = /^body$/i.test(offsetParent.tagName) ? offsetChild : offsetParent;
// Get next offsetParent
offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent;
} }
// Get parent scroll offsets if ( prevComputedStyle.position === "relative" || prevComputedStyle.position === "static" )
while ( parent && parent.tagName && !/^body|html$/i.test(parent.tagName) ) { top += body.offsetTop,
// Remove parent scroll UNLESS that parent is inline or a table to work around Opera inline/table scrollLeft/Top bug left += body.offsetLeft;
if ( !/^inline|table.*$/i.test(css(parent, "display")) )
// Subtract parent scroll offsets
add( -parent.scrollLeft, -parent.scrollTop );
// Mozilla does not add the border for a parent that has overflow != visible if ( prevComputedStyle.position === "fixed" )
if ( mozilla && css(parent, "overflow") != "visible" ) top += Math.max(docElem.scrollTop, body.scrollTop),
border( parent ); left += Math.max(docElem.scrollLeft, body.scrollLeft);
// Get next parent return { top: top, left: left };
parent = parent.parentNode; };
jQuery.offset = {
initialize: function() {
if ( this.initialized ) return;
var body = document.body, container = document.createElement('div'), innerDiv, checkDiv, table, rules, prop, bodyMarginTop =,
html = '<div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;margin:0;border:5px solid #000;padding:0;width:1px;height:1px;"><div></div></div><table style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;margin:0;border:5px solid #000;padding:0;width:1px;height:1px;"cellpadding="0"cellspacing="0"><tr><td></td></tr></table>';
rules = { position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, margin: 0, border: 0, width: '1px', height: '1px', visibility: 'hidden' }
for ( prop in rules )[prop] = rules[prop];
container.innerHTML = html;
body.insertBefore(container, body.firstChild);
innerDiv = container.firstChild, checkDiv = innerDiv.firstChild, td = innerDiv.nextSibling.firstChild.firstChild;
this.doesNotAddBorder = (checkDiv.offsetTop !== 5);
this.doesAddBorderForTableAndCells = (td.offsetTop === 5); = 'hidden', = 'relative';
this.subtractsBorderForOverflowNotVisible = (checkDiv.offsetTop === -5); = '1px';
this.doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset = (body.offsetTop === 0); = bodyMarginTop;
this.initialized = true;
bodyOffset: function(body) {
jQuery.offset.initialized || jQuery.offset.initialize();
var top = body.offsetTop, left = body.offsetLeft;
if ( jQuery.offset.doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset )
top += parseInt( jQuery.curCSS(body, 'marginTop', true), 10 ) || 0,
left += parseInt( jQuery.curCSS(body, 'marginLeft', true), 10 ) || 0;
return { top: top, left: left };
} }
// Safari <= 2 doubles body offsets with a fixed position element/offsetParent or absolutely positioned offsetChild
// Mozilla doubles body offsets with a non-absolutely positioned offsetChild
if ( (safari2 && (fixed || css(offsetChild, "position") == "absolute")) ||
(mozilla && css(offsetChild, "position") != "absolute") )
add( -doc.body.offsetLeft, -doc.body.offsetTop );
// Add the document scroll offsets if position is fixed
if ( fixed )
add(Math.max(doc.documentElement.scrollLeft, doc.body.scrollLeft),
Math.max(doc.documentElement.scrollTop, doc.body.scrollTop));
// Return an object with top and left properties
results = { top: top, left: left };
function border(elem) {
add( jQuery.curCSS(elem, "borderLeftWidth", true), jQuery.curCSS(elem, "borderTopWidth", true) );
function add(l, t) {
left += parseInt(l, 10) || 0;
top += parseInt(t, 10) || 0;
return results;
}; };

View file

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<style type="text/css" media="screen">
body { margin: 1px; padding: 5px; }
#marker { position: absolute; border: 2px solid #000; width: 50px; height: 50px; background: #ccc; }
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../../dist/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
$(function() {
$('body').click(function() {
$('#marker').css( $(this).offset() );
return false;
<div id="marker"></div>

View file

@ -126,10 +126,10 @@ if ( !jQuery.browser.msie || (jQuery.browser.msie && parseInt(jQuery.browser.ver
var $w = testwin["fixed"].$; var $w = testwin["fixed"].$;
equals( $w('#fixed-1').offset().top, 1001, "jQuery('#fixed-1').offset().top" ); equals( $w('#fixed-1').offset().top, 1001, "jQuery('#fixed-1').offset().top" );
equals( $w('#fixed-1').offset().left, jQuery.browser.msie ? 994 : 1001, "jQuery('#fixed-1').offset().left" ); equals( $w('#fixed-1').offset().left, 1001, "jQuery('#fixed-1').offset().left" );
equals( $w('#fixed-2').offset().top, 1021, "jQuery('#fixed-2').offset().top" ); equals( $w('#fixed-2').offset().top, 1021, "jQuery('#fixed-2').offset().top" );
equals( $w('#fixed-2').offset().left, jQuery.browser.msie ? 1014 : 1021, "jQuery('#fixed-2').offset().left" ); equals( $w('#fixed-2').offset().left, 1021, "jQuery('#fixed-2').offset().left" );
testwin["fixed"].close(); testwin["fixed"].close();
}); });
@ -162,3 +162,12 @@ testwin("scroll", function() {
testwin["scroll"].close(); testwin["scroll"].close();
}); });
testwin("body", function() {
var $w = testwin["body"].$;
equals( $w('body').offset().top, 1, "jQuery('#body').offset().top" );
equals( $w('body').offset().left, 1, "jQuery('#body').offset().left" );