I take that back! It was a bug, but the cache had to be triggered and a collection of cached nodes had to be passed in (an odd case to be sure). Fixes #6227.

This commit is contained in:
jeresig 2010-03-05 00:14:47 -05:00
parent 2c08004f6d
commit 145f2f0459

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@ -384,12 +384,13 @@ test("appendTo(String|Element|Array<Element>|jQuery)", function() {
equals( jQuery('<option value="appendTest">Append Test</option>').appendTo('#select3').parent().find('option:last-child').attr('value'), 'appendTest', 'Appending html options to select element');
var l = jQuery("#first").children().length + 3;
return jQuery("<strong></strong><b></b><b></b>").get();
var l = jQuery("#first").children().length + 2;
jQuery([ jQuery("<strong>test</strong>")[0], jQuery("<strong>test</strong>")[0] ])
equals( jQuery("#first").children().length, l, "Make sure the elements were inserted." );
equals( jQuery("#first").children().last()[0].nodeName.toLowerCase(), "b", "Verify the last element." );
equals( jQuery("#first").children().last()[0].nodeName.toLowerCase(), "strong", "Verify the last element." );
var expected = "This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's WeblogTry them out:";