2006-03-23 21:13:20 +00:00
$.speed = function(s,o) {
if ( o && o.constructor == Function ) o = { onComplete: o };
o = o || {};
var ss = {"crawl":1200,"xslow":850,"slow":600,"medium":400,"fast":200,"xfast":75,"normal":400};
o.duration = typeof s == "number" ? s : ss[s] || 400;
return o;
$.fn.hide = function(a,o) {
o = $.speed(a,o);
return a ? this.each(function(){
new fx.FadeSize(this,o).hide();
}) : this._hide();
$.fn.show = function(a,o) {
o = $.speed(a,o);
return a ? this.each(function(){
new fx.FadeSize(this,o).show();
}) : this._show();
$.fn.slideDown = function(a,o) {
o = $.speed(a,o);
return this.each(function(){
new fx.Resize(this,o).show("height");
$.fn.slideUp = function(a,o) {
o = $.speed(a,o);
return this.each(function(){
new fx.Resize(this,o).hide("height");
$.fn.fadeOut = function(a,o) {
o = $.speed(a,o);
return a ? this.each(function(){
new fx.Opacity(this,o).hide();
}) : this._hide();
$.fn.fadeIn = function(a,o) {
o = $.speed(a,o);
return a ? this.each(function(){
new fx.Opacity(this,o).show();
}) : this._show();
$.fn.center = function(f) {
return this.each(function(){
if ( !f && this.nodeName == 'IMG' &&
!this.offsetWidth && !this.offsetHeight ) {
var self = this;
}, 13);
} else {
var s = this.style;
var p = this.parentNode;
if ( $.css(p,"position") == 'static' )
p.style.position = 'relative';
s.position = 'absolute';
s.left = parseInt(($.css(p,"width") - $.css(this,"width"))/2) + "px";
s.top = parseInt(($.css(p,"height") - $.css(this,"height"))/2) + "px";
$.setAuto = function(e,p) {
var a = e.style[p];
var o = $.css(e,p);
e.style[p] = 'auto';
var n = $.css(e,p);
if ( o != n )
e.style[p] = a;
* I originally wrote fx() as a clone of moo.fx and in the process
* of making it small in size the code became illegible to sane
* people. You've been warned.
2006-03-22 03:33:07 +00:00
function fx(el,op,ty,tz){
var z = this;
z.a = function(){z.el.style[ty]=z.now+z.o.unit};
z.max = function(){return z.el["io"+ty]||z.el["natural"+tz]||z.el["scroll"+tz]||z.cur()};
z.cur = function(){return parseInt($.getCSS(z.el,ty))};
2006-04-10 06:03:28 +00:00
z.show = function(){z.ss("block");z.o.auto=true;z.custom(0,z.max())};
2006-03-22 03:33:07 +00:00
z.hide = function(){z.el.$o=$.getCSS(z.el,"overflow");z.el["io"+ty]=this.cur();z.custom(z.cur(),0)};
z.ss = function(a){if(y.display!=a)y.display=a};
z.toggle = function(){if(z.cur()>0)z.hide();else z.show()};
z.modify = function(a){z.custom(z.cur(),z.cur()+a)};
z.clear = function(){clearInterval(z.timer);z.timer=null};
z.el = el.constructor==String?document.getElementById(el):el;
var y = z.el.style;
2006-03-23 21:13:20 +00:00
z.oo = y.overflow;
2006-03-22 03:33:07 +00:00
y.overflow = "hidden";
z.o = {
2006-03-23 21:13:20 +00:00
unit: "px",
duration: (op && op.duration) || 400,
onComplete: (op && op.onComplete) || op
2006-03-22 03:33:07 +00:00
z.step = function(f,tt){
var t = (new Date).getTime();
var p = (t - z.s) / z.o.duration;
if (t >= z.o.duration+z.s) {
z.now = tt;
y.overflow = z.oo;
2006-04-10 06:03:28 +00:00
if ( ty != "opacity" && z.o.auto ) {
2006-04-08 06:34:04 +00:00
$.setAuto( z.el, "height" );
$.setAuto( z.el, "width" );
2006-03-22 03:33:07 +00:00
if(z.o.onComplete.constructor == Function){z.el.$_ = z.o.onComplete;z.el.$_();}
} else
z.now = ((-Math.cos(p*Math.PI)/2) + 0.5) * (tt-f) + f;
z.custom = function(f,t){
if(z.timer)return;this.now=f;z.a();z.io=z.cur();z.s=(new Date).getTime();
z.timer=setInterval(function(){z.step(f,t);}, 13);
fx.fn = ["show","hide","toggle"];
fx.ty = ["Height","Width","Left","Top"];
for(var i in fx.ty){(function(){
var c = fx.ty[i];
fx[c] = function(a,b){
return new fx(a,b,c.toLowerCase(),c);};
fx.Opacity = function(a,b){
var o = new fx(a,b,"opacity");
o.cur = function(){return parseFloat(o.el.style.opacity);};
o.a = function() {
var e = o.el.style;
if (o.now == 1) o.now = 0.9999;
if (window.ActiveXObject)
e.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + o.now*100 + ")";
e.opacity = o.now;
o.io = o.now = 1;
return o;
fx.Resize = function(e,o){
var z = this;
var h = new fx.Height(e,o);
if(o) o.onComplete = null;
var w = new fx.Width(e,o);
function c(a,b,c){return (!a||a==c||b==c);}
for(var i in fx.fn){(function(){
var j = fx.fn[i];
z[j] = function(a,b){
if(c(a,b,"height")) h[j]();
if(c(a,b,"width")) w[j]();
z.modify = function(c,d){
fx.FadeSize = function(e,o){
var z = this;
var r = new fx.Resize(e,o);
2006-04-08 06:34:04 +00:00
if(o) o.onComplete = null;
var p = new fx.Opacity(e,o);
2006-03-22 03:33:07 +00:00
for(var i in fx.fn){(function(){
var j = fx.fn[i];
z[j] = function(a,b){p[j]();r[j](a,b);};
2006-03-23 21:13:20 +00:00