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2006-11-18 13:37:01 +00:00
test("bind(), with data", function() {
var handler = function(event) {
ok( event.data, "bind() with data, check passed data exists" );
equals( event.data.foo, "bar", "bind() with data, Check value of passed data" );
jQuery("#firstp").bind("click", {foo: "bar"}, handler).click().unbind("click", handler);
ok( !jQuery.data(jQuery("#firstp")[0], "events"), "Event handler unbound when using data." );
test("bind(), with data, trigger with data", function() {
var handler = function(event, data) {
ok( event.data, "check passed data exists" );
equals( event.data.foo, "bar", "Check value of passed data" );
ok( data, "Check trigger data" );
equals( data.bar, "foo", "Check value of trigger data" );
jQuery("#firstp").bind("click", {foo: "bar"}, handler).trigger("click", [{bar: "foo"}]).unbind("click", handler);
test("bind(), multiple events at once", function() {
var clickCounter = 0,
mouseoverCounter = 0;
var handler = function(event) {
if (event.type == "click")
clickCounter += 1;
else if (event.type == "mouseover")
mouseoverCounter += 1;
jQuery("#firstp").bind("click mouseover", handler).trigger("click").trigger("mouseover");
equals( clickCounter, 1, "bind() with multiple events at once" );
equals( mouseoverCounter, 1, "bind() with multiple events at once" );
test("bind(), no data", function() {
var handler = function(event) {
ok ( !event.data, "Check that no data is added to the event object" );
jQuery("#firstp").bind("click", handler).trigger("click");
test("bind(), iframes", function() {
2007-07-20 21:53:37 +00:00
// events don't work with iframes, see #939 - this test fails in IE because of contentDocument
// var doc = document.getElementById("iframe").contentDocument;
// doc.body.innerHTML = "<input type='text'/>";
2007-07-20 21:53:37 +00:00
// var input = doc.getElementsByTagName("input")[0];
// jQuery(input).bind("click",function() {
2007-07-20 21:53:37 +00:00
// ok( true, "Binding to element inside iframe" );
// }).click();
test("bind(), trigger change on select", function() {
var counter = 0;
function selectOnChange(event) {
equals( event.data, counter++, "Event.data is not a global event object" );
jQuery("#form select").each(function(i){
jQuery(this).bind('change', i, selectOnChange);
test("bind(), namespaced events, cloned events", function() {
ok(true, "Custom event triggered");
ok(true, "Normal click triggered");
ok(true, "Namespaced click triggered");
// Trigger both bound fn (2)
// Trigger one bound fn (1)
// Remove only the one fn
// Trigger the remaining fn (1)
// Remove the remaining fn
// Trigger the remaining fn (0)
// using contents will get comments regular, text, and comment nodes
jQuery("#nonnodes").contents().bind("tester", function () {
equals(this.nodeType, 1, "Check node,textnode,comment bind just does real nodes" );
// Make sure events stick with appendTo'd elements (which are cloned) #2027
jQuery("<a href='#fail' class='test'>test</a>").click(function(){ return false; }).appendTo("p");
ok( jQuery("a.test:first").triggerHandler("click") === false, "Handler is bound to appendTo'd elements" );
test("bind(), multi-namespaced events", function() {
var order = [
function check(name, msg){
same(name, order.shift(), msg);
check("custom.test", "Custom event triggered");
check("custom.test2", "Custom event triggered");
check("click.test", "Normal click triggered");
check("click.test.abc", "Namespaced click triggered");
// Trigger both bound fn (1)
// Trigger one bound fn (1)
// Trigger two bound fn (2)
// Remove only the one fn
// Trigger the remaining fn (1)
// Remove the remaining fn
// Trigger the remaining fn (1)
2008-05-08 16:25:12 +00:00
test("trigger() shortcuts", function() {
jQuery('<li><a href="#">Change location</a></li>').prependTo('#firstUL').find('a').bind('click', function() {
var close = jQuery('spanx', this); // same with jQuery(this).find('span');
equals( close.length, 0, "Context element does not exist, length must be zero" );
ok( !close[0], "Context element does not exist, direct access to element must return undefined" );
return false;
jQuery("#check1").click(function() {
ok( true, "click event handler for checkbox gets fired twice, see #815" );
var counter = 0;
jQuery('#firstp')[0].onclick = function(event) {
equals( counter, 1, "Check that click, triggers onclick event handler also" );
2008-04-21 20:39:17 +00:00
var clickCounter = 0;
jQuery('#simon1')[0].onclick = function(event) {
2008-04-21 20:39:17 +00:00
equals( clickCounter, 1, "Check that click, triggers onclick event handler on an a tag also" );
2008-05-08 16:25:12 +00:00
jQuery('<img />').load(function(){
2008-05-08 16:25:12 +00:00
ok( true, "Trigger the load event, using the shortcut .load() (#2819)");
test("trigger() bubbling", function() {
var doc = 0, html = 0, body = 0, main = 0, ap = 0;
jQuery(document).bind("click", function(e){ if ( e.target !== document) { doc++; } });
jQuery("html").bind("click", function(e){ html++; });
jQuery("body").bind("click", function(e){ body++; });
jQuery("#main").bind("click", function(e){ main++; });
jQuery("#ap").bind("click", function(){ ap++; return false; });
equals( doc, 1, "HTML bubble" );
equals( html, 1, "HTML bubble" );
equals( doc, 2, "Body bubble" );
equals( html, 2, "Body bubble" );
equals( body, 1, "Body bubble" );
equals( doc, 3, "Main bubble" );
equals( html, 3, "Main bubble" );
equals( body, 2, "Main bubble" );
equals( main, 1, "Main bubble" );
equals( doc, 3, "ap bubble" );
equals( html, 3, "ap bubble" );
equals( body, 2, "ap bubble" );
equals( main, 1, "ap bubble" );
equals( ap, 1, "ap bubble" );
test("unbind(event)", function() {
var el = jQuery("#firstp");
el.click(function() {
ok( true, "Fake normal bind" );
el.click(function(event) {
ok( true, "Fake onebind" );
2007-02-25 19:36:29 +00:00
el.click(function() { return; });
ok( !el[0].onclick, "Handler is removed" ); // Bug #964
el.click(function() { return; });
el.unbind('change',function(){ return; });
for (var ret in jQuery.data(el[0], "events")['click']) break;
ok( ret, "Extra handlers weren't accidentally removed." );
ok( !jQuery.data(el[0], "events"), "Removed the events expando after all handlers are unbound." );
2008-04-22 21:59:40 +00:00
var clickCounter = (mouseoverCounter = 0);
var handler = function(event) {
if (event.type == "click")
clickCounter += 1;
else if (event.type == "mouseover")
mouseoverCounter += 1;
jQuery("#firstp").bind("click mouseover", handler).unbind("click mouseover", handler).trigger("click").trigger("mouseover");
equals( clickCounter, 0, "unbind() with multiple events at once" );
equals( mouseoverCounter, 0, "unbind() with multiple events at once" );
test("trigger(type, [data], [fn])", function() {
var handler = function(event, a, b, c) {
equals( event.type, "click", "check passed data" );
equals( a, 1, "check passed data" );
equals( b, "2", "check passed data" );
equals( c, "abc", "check passed data" );
return "test";
var handler2 = function(a, b, c) {
equals( a, 1, "check passed data" );
equals( b, "2", "check passed data" );
equals( c, "abc", "check passed data" );
return false;
var handler3 = function(a, b, c, v) {
equals( a, 1, "check passed data" );
equals( b, "2", "check passed data" );
equals( c, "abc", "check passed data" );
equals( v, "test", "check current value" );
return "newVal";
var handler4 = function(a, b, c, v) {
equals( a, 1, "check passed data" );
equals( b, "2", "check passed data" );
equals( c, "abc", "check passed data" );
equals( v, "test", "check current value" );
var $elem = jQuery("#firstp");
// Simulate a "native" click
$elem[0].click = function(){
ok( true, "Native call was triggered" );
// Triggers handlrs and native
// Trigger 5
$elem.bind("click", handler).trigger("click", [1, "2", "abc"]);
// Triggers handlers, native, and extra fn
// Triggers 9
$elem.trigger("click", [1, "2", "abc"], handler4);
// Simulate a "native" click
$elem[0].click = function(){
ok( false, "Native call was triggered" );
// Trigger only the handlers (no native)
// Triggers 5
equals( $elem.triggerHandler("click", [1, "2", "abc"]), "test", "Verify handler response" );
// Trigger only the handlers (no native) and extra fn
// Triggers 8
equals( $elem.triggerHandler("click", [1, "2", "abc"], handler2), false, "Verify handler response" );
var pass = true;
try {
jQuery('#form input:first').hide().trigger('focus');
} catch(e) {
pass = false;
ok( pass, "Trigger focus on hidden element" );
// have the extra handler override the return
// Triggers 9
equals( $elem.triggerHandler("click", [1, "2", "abc"], handler3), "newVal", "Verify triggerHandler return is overwritten by extra function" );
// have the extra handler leave the return value alone
// Triggers 9
equals( $elem.triggerHandler("click", [1, "2", "abc"], handler4), "test", "Verify triggerHandler return is not overwritten by extra function" );
test("trigger(eventObject, [data], [fn])", function() {
var $parent = jQuery('<div id="par" />').hide().appendTo('body'),
$child = jQuery('<p id="child">foo</p>').appendTo( $parent );
var event = jQuery.Event("noNew");
ok( event != window, "Instantiate jQuery.Event without the 'new' keyword" );
equals( event.type, "noNew", "Verify its type" );
equals( event.isDefaultPrevented(), false, "Verify isDefaultPrevented" );
equals( event.isPropagationStopped(), false, "Verify isPropagationStopped" );
equals( event.isImmediatePropagationStopped(), false, "Verify isImmediatePropagationStopped" );
equals( event.isDefaultPrevented(), true, "Verify isDefaultPrevented" );
equals( event.isPropagationStopped(), true, "Verify isPropagationStopped" );
event.isPropagationStopped = function(){ return false };
equals( event.isPropagationStopped(), true, "Verify isPropagationStopped" );
equals( event.isImmediatePropagationStopped(), true, "Verify isPropagationStopped" );
// Tries bubbling
equals( e.type, 'foo', 'Verify event type when passed passing an event object' );
equals( e.target.id, 'child', 'Verify event.target when passed passing an event object' );
equals( e.currentTarget.id, 'par', 'Verify event.target when passed passing an event object' );
equals( e.secret, 'boo!', 'Verify event object\'s custom attribute when passed passing an event object' );
// test with an event object
event = new jQuery.Event("foo");
event.secret = 'boo!';
// test with a literal object
$child.trigger({type:'foo', secret:'boo!'});
function error(){
ok( false, "This assertion shouldn't be reached");
$parent.bind('foo', error );
$child.bind('foo',function(e, a, b, c ){
equals( arguments.length, 4, "Check arguments length");
equals( a, 1, "Check first custom argument");
equals( b, 2, "Check second custom argument");
equals( c, 3, "Check third custom argument");
equals( e.isDefaultPrevented(), false, "Verify isDefaultPrevented" );
equals( e.isPropagationStopped(), false, "Verify isPropagationStopped" );
equals( e.isImmediatePropagationStopped(), false, "Verify isImmediatePropagationStopped" );
// Skips both errors
return "result";
$child.bind('foo', error );
event = new jQuery.Event("foo");
$child.trigger( event, [1,2,3] ).unbind();
equals( event.result, "result", "Check event.result attribute");
// Will error if it bubbles
test("toggle(Function, Function, ...)", function() {
var count = 0,
fn1 = function(e) { count++; },
fn2 = function(e) { count--; },
preventDefault = function(e) { e.preventDefault() },
link = jQuery('#mark');
link.click(preventDefault).click().toggle(fn1, fn2).click().click().click().click().click();
equals( count, 1, "Check for toggle(fn, fn)" );
jQuery("#firstp").toggle(function () {
equals(arguments.length, 4, "toggle correctly passes through additional triggered arguments, see #1701" )
}, function() {}).trigger("click", [ 1, 2, 3 ]);
var first = 0;
jQuery("#simon1").one("click", function() {
ok( true, "Execute event only once" );
jQuery(this).toggle(function() {
equals( first++, 0, "toggle(Function,Function) assigned from within one('xxx'), see #1054" );
}, function() {
equals( first, 1, "toggle(Function,Function) assigned from within one('xxx'), see #1054" );
return false;
var turn = 0;
var fns = [
turn = 1;
turn = 2;
turn = 3;
var $div = jQuery("<div>&nbsp;</div>").toggle( fns[0], fns[1], fns[2] );
equals( turn, 1, "Trying toggle with 3 functions, attempt 1 yields 1");
equals( turn, 2, "Trying toggle with 3 functions, attempt 2 yields 2");
equals( turn, 3, "Trying toggle with 3 functions, attempt 3 yields 3");
equals( turn, 1, "Trying toggle with 3 functions, attempt 4 yields 1");
equals( turn, 2, "Trying toggle with 3 functions, attempt 5 yields 2");
var data = jQuery.data( $div[0], 'events' );
ok( !data, "Unbinding one function from toggle unbinds them all");
test(".live()/.die()", function() {
var submit = 0, div = 0, livea = 0, liveb = 0;
jQuery("div").live("submit", function(){ submit++; return false; });
jQuery("div").live("click", function(){ div++; });
jQuery("div#nothiddendiv").live("click", function(){ livea++; });
jQuery("div#nothiddendivchild").live("click", function(){ liveb++; });
// Nothing should trigger on the body
equals( submit, 0, "Click on body" );
equals( div, 0, "Click on body" );
equals( livea, 0, "Click on body" );
equals( liveb, 0, "Click on body" );
// This should trigger two events
equals( submit, 0, "Click on div" );
equals( div, 1, "Click on div" );
equals( livea, 1, "Click on div" );
equals( liveb, 0, "Click on div" );
// This should trigger three events (w/ bubbling)
equals( submit, 0, "Click on inner div" );
equals( div, 2, "Click on inner div" );
equals( livea, 2, "Click on inner div" );
equals( liveb, 1, "Click on inner div" );
// This should trigger one submit
equals( submit, 1, "Submit on div" );
equals( div, 2, "Submit on div" );
equals( livea, 2, "Submit on div" );
equals( liveb, 1, "Submit on div" );
// Make sure no other events were removed in the process
equals( submit, 1, "die Click on inner div" );
equals( div, 3, "die Click on inner div" );
equals( livea, 3, "die Click on inner div" );
equals( liveb, 2, "die Click on inner div" );
// Now make sure that the removal works
equals( submit, 1, "die Click on inner div" );
equals( div, 4, "die Click on inner div" );
equals( livea, 4, "die Click on inner div" );
equals( liveb, 2, "die Click on inner div" );
// Make sure that the click wasn't removed too early
equals( submit, 1, "die Click on inner div" );
equals( div, 5, "die Click on inner div" );
equals( livea, 5, "die Click on inner div" );
equals( liveb, 2, "die Click on inner div" );
// Verify that return false prevents default action
jQuery("#anchor2").live("click", function(){ return false; });
var hash = window.location.hash;
equals( window.location.hash, hash, "return false worked" );
// Verify that .preventDefault() prevents default action
jQuery("#anchor2").live("click", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); });
var hash = window.location.hash;
equals( window.location.hash, hash, "e.preventDefault() worked" );
2007-12-17 17:39:50 +00:00
test("jQuery(function($) {})", function() {
jQuery(function($) {
equals(jQuery, $, "ready doesn't provide an event object, instead it provides a reference to the jQuery function, see http://docs.jquery.com/Events/ready#fn");
2008-04-22 21:59:40 +00:00
test("event properties", function() {
jQuery("#simon1").click(function(event) {
2008-04-22 21:59:40 +00:00
ok( event.timeStamp, "assert event.timeStamp is present" );
2008-05-08 16:25:12 +00:00