2009-04-20 19:05:18 +02:00
module ( "manipulation" ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
var bareObj = function ( value ) { return value ; } ;
var functionReturningObj = function ( value ) { return ( function ( ) { return value ; } ) ; } ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
test ( "text()" , function ( ) {
expect ( 1 ) ;
var expected = "This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog" ;
equals ( jQuery ( '#sap' ) . text ( ) , expected , 'Check for merged text of more then one element.' ) ;
} ) ;
2009-07-12 23:08:54 +02:00
var testWrap = function ( val ) {
2009-07-15 01:43:58 +02:00
expect ( 15 ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
var defaultText = 'Try them out:'
2009-07-12 23:08:54 +02:00
var result = jQuery ( '#first' ) . wrap ( val ( '<div class="red"><span></span></div>' ) ) . text ( ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
equals ( defaultText , result , 'Check for wrapping of on-the-fly html' ) ;
ok ( jQuery ( '#first' ) . parent ( ) . parent ( ) . is ( '.red' ) , 'Check if wrapper has class "red"' ) ;
reset ( ) ;
var defaultText = 'Try them out:'
2009-07-12 23:08:54 +02:00
var result = jQuery ( '#first' ) . wrap ( val ( document . getElementById ( 'empty' ) ) ) . parent ( ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
ok ( result . is ( 'ol' ) , 'Check for element wrapping' ) ;
equals ( result . text ( ) , defaultText , 'Check for element wrapping' ) ;
reset ( ) ;
jQuery ( '#check1' ) . click ( function ( ) {
var checkbox = this ;
ok ( checkbox . checked , "Checkbox's state is erased after wrap() action, see #769" ) ;
2009-07-12 23:08:54 +02:00
jQuery ( checkbox ) . wrap ( val ( '<div id="c1" style="display:none;"></div>' ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
ok ( checkbox . checked , "Checkbox's state is erased after wrap() action, see #769" ) ;
} ) . click ( ) ;
// using contents will get comments regular, text, and comment nodes
var j = jQuery ( "#nonnodes" ) . contents ( ) ;
2009-07-12 23:08:54 +02:00
j . wrap ( val ( "<i></i>" ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
equals ( jQuery ( "#nonnodes > i" ) . length , 3 , "Check node,textnode,comment wraps ok" ) ;
equals ( jQuery ( "#nonnodes > i" ) . text ( ) , j . text ( ) + j [ 1 ] . nodeValue , "Check node,textnode,comment wraps doesn't hurt text" ) ;
// Try wrapping a disconnected node
2009-07-12 23:08:54 +02:00
j = jQuery ( "<label/>" ) . wrap ( val ( "<li/>" ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
equals ( j [ 0 ] . nodeName . toUpperCase ( ) , "LABEL" , "Element is a label" ) ;
equals ( j [ 0 ] . parentNode . nodeName . toUpperCase ( ) , "LI" , "Element has been wrapped" ) ;
2009-07-15 01:28:07 +02:00
// Wrap an element containing a text node
j = jQuery ( "<span/>" ) . wrap ( "<div>test</div>" ) ;
equals ( j [ 0 ] . previousSibling . nodeType , 3 , "Make sure the previous node is a text element" ) ;
equals ( j [ 0 ] . parentNode . nodeName . toUpperCase ( ) , "DIV" , "And that we're in the div element." ) ;
2009-07-15 01:43:58 +02:00
// Try to wrap an element with multiple elements (should fail)
j = jQuery ( "<div><span></span></div>" ) . children ( ) . wrap ( "<p></p><div></div>" ) ;
equals ( j [ 0 ] . parentNode . parentNode . childNodes . length , 1 , "There should only be one element wrapping." ) ;
equals ( j . length , 1 , "There should only be one element (no cloning)." ) ;
equals ( j [ 0 ] . parentNode . nodeName . toUpperCase ( ) , "P" , "The span should be in the paragraph." ) ;
2009-07-12 23:08:54 +02:00
test ( "wrap(String|Element)" , function ( ) {
testWrap ( bareObj ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
} ) ;
2009-07-12 23:08:54 +02:00
test ( "wrap(Function)" , function ( ) {
testWrap ( functionReturningObj ) ;
} )
var testWrapAll = function ( val ) {
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
expect ( 8 ) ;
var prev = jQuery ( "#firstp" ) [ 0 ] . previousSibling ;
var p = jQuery ( "#firstp,#first" ) [ 0 ] . parentNode ;
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
2009-07-12 23:08:54 +02:00
var result = jQuery ( '#firstp,#first' ) . wrapAll ( val ( '<div class="red"><div class="tmp"></div></div>' ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
equals ( result . parent ( ) . length , 1 , 'Check for wrapping of on-the-fly html' ) ;
ok ( jQuery ( '#first' ) . parent ( ) . parent ( ) . is ( '.red' ) , 'Check if wrapper has class "red"' ) ;
ok ( jQuery ( '#firstp' ) . parent ( ) . parent ( ) . is ( '.red' ) , 'Check if wrapper has class "red"' ) ;
equals ( jQuery ( "#first" ) . parent ( ) . parent ( ) [ 0 ] . previousSibling , prev , "Correct Previous Sibling" ) ;
equals ( jQuery ( "#first" ) . parent ( ) . parent ( ) [ 0 ] . parentNode , p , "Correct Parent" ) ;
reset ( ) ;
var prev = jQuery ( "#firstp" ) [ 0 ] . previousSibling ;
var p = jQuery ( "#first" ) [ 0 ] . parentNode ;
2009-07-12 23:08:54 +02:00
var result = jQuery ( '#firstp,#first' ) . wrapAll ( val ( document . getElementById ( 'empty' ) ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
equals ( jQuery ( "#first" ) . parent ( ) [ 0 ] , jQuery ( "#firstp" ) . parent ( ) [ 0 ] , "Same Parent" ) ;
equals ( jQuery ( "#first" ) . parent ( ) [ 0 ] . previousSibling , prev , "Correct Previous Sibling" ) ;
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
equals ( jQuery ( "#first" ) . parent ( ) [ 0 ] . parentNode , p , "Correct Parent" ) ;
2009-07-12 23:08:54 +02:00
test ( "wrapAll(String|Element)" , function ( ) {
testWrapAll ( bareObj ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
} ) ;
2009-07-12 23:08:54 +02:00
// TODO: Figure out why each(wrapAll) is not equivalent to wrapAll
// test("wrapAll(Function)", function() {
// testWrapAll(functionReturningObj);
// })
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
var testWrapInner = function ( val ) {
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
expect ( 6 ) ;
var num = jQuery ( "#first" ) . children ( ) . length ;
var result = jQuery ( '#first' ) . wrapInner ( '<div class="red"><div id="tmp"></div></div>' ) ;
equals ( jQuery ( "#first" ) . children ( ) . length , 1 , "Only one child" ) ;
ok ( jQuery ( "#first" ) . children ( ) . is ( ".red" ) , "Verify Right Element" ) ;
equals ( jQuery ( "#first" ) . children ( ) . children ( ) . children ( ) . length , num , "Verify Elements Intact" ) ;
reset ( ) ;
var num = jQuery ( "#first" ) . children ( ) . length ;
var result = jQuery ( '#first' ) . wrapInner ( document . getElementById ( 'empty' ) ) ;
equals ( jQuery ( "#first" ) . children ( ) . length , 1 , "Only one child" ) ;
ok ( jQuery ( "#first" ) . children ( ) . is ( "#empty" ) , "Verify Right Element" ) ;
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
equals ( jQuery ( "#first" ) . children ( ) . children ( ) . length , num , "Verify Elements Intact" ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
test ( "wrapInner(String|Element)" , function ( ) {
testWrapInner ( bareObj ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
} ) ;
2009-07-12 23:08:54 +02:00
// TODO: wrapInner uses wrapAll -- get wrapAll working with Function
// test("wrapInner(Function)", function() {
// testWrapInner(functionReturningObj)
// })
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
var testAppend = function ( valueObj ) {
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
expect ( 21 ) ;
var defaultText = 'Try them out:'
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
var result = jQuery ( '#first' ) . append ( valueObj ( '<b>buga</b>' ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
equals ( result . text ( ) , defaultText + 'buga' , 'Check if text appending works' ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
equals ( jQuery ( '#select3' ) . append ( valueObj ( '<option value="appendTest">Append Test</option>' ) ) . find ( 'option:last-child' ) . attr ( 'value' ) , 'appendTest' , 'Appending html options to select element' ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
reset ( ) ;
var expected = "This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's WeblogTry them out:" ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
jQuery ( '#sap' ) . append ( valueObj ( document . getElementById ( 'first' ) ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
equals ( expected , jQuery ( '#sap' ) . text ( ) , "Check for appending of element" ) ;
reset ( ) ;
expected = "This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's WeblogTry them out:Yahoo" ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
jQuery ( '#sap' ) . append ( valueObj ( [ document . getElementById ( 'first' ) , document . getElementById ( 'yahoo' ) ] ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
equals ( expected , jQuery ( '#sap' ) . text ( ) , "Check for appending of array of elements" ) ;
reset ( ) ;
expected = "This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's WeblogYahooTry them out:" ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
jQuery ( '#sap' ) . append ( valueObj ( jQuery ( "#first, #yahoo" ) ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
equals ( expected , jQuery ( '#sap' ) . text ( ) , "Check for appending of jQuery object" ) ;
reset ( ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
jQuery ( "#sap" ) . append ( valueObj ( 5 ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
ok ( jQuery ( "#sap" ) [ 0 ] . innerHTML . match ( /5$/ ) , "Check for appending a number" ) ;
reset ( ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
jQuery ( "#sap" ) . append ( valueObj ( " text with spaces " ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
ok ( jQuery ( "#sap" ) [ 0 ] . innerHTML . match ( / text with spaces $/ ) , "Check for appending text with spaces" ) ;
reset ( ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
ok ( jQuery ( "#sap" ) . append ( valueObj ( [ ] ) ) , "Check for appending an empty array." ) ;
ok ( jQuery ( "#sap" ) . append ( valueObj ( "" ) ) , "Check for appending an empty string." ) ;
ok ( jQuery ( "#sap" ) . append ( valueObj ( document . getElementsByTagName ( "foo" ) ) ) , "Check for appending an empty nodelist." ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
reset ( ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
jQuery ( "#sap" ) . append ( valueObj ( document . getElementById ( 'form' ) ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
equals ( jQuery ( "#sap>form" ) . size ( ) , 1 , "Check for appending a form" ) ; // Bug #910
reset ( ) ;
var pass = true ;
try {
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
jQuery ( jQuery ( "#iframe" ) [ 0 ] . contentWindow . document . body ) . append ( valueObj ( "<div>test</div>" ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
} catch ( e ) {
pass = false ;
ok ( pass , "Test for appending a DOM node to the contents of an IFrame" ) ;
reset ( ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
jQuery ( '<fieldset/>' ) . appendTo ( '#form' ) . append ( valueObj ( '<legend id="legend">test</legend>' ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
t ( 'Append legend' , '#legend' , [ 'legend' ] ) ;
reset ( ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
jQuery ( '#select1' ) . append ( valueObj ( '<OPTION>Test</OPTION>' ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
equals ( jQuery ( '#select1 option:last' ) . text ( ) , "Test" , "Appending <OPTION> (all caps)" ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
jQuery ( '#table' ) . append ( valueObj ( '<colgroup></colgroup>' ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
ok ( jQuery ( '#table colgroup' ) . length , "Append colgroup" ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
jQuery ( '#table colgroup' ) . append ( valueObj ( '<col/>' ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
ok ( jQuery ( '#table colgroup col' ) . length , "Append col" ) ;
reset ( ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
jQuery ( '#table' ) . append ( valueObj ( '<caption></caption>' ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
ok ( jQuery ( '#table caption' ) . length , "Append caption" ) ;
reset ( ) ;
jQuery ( 'form:last' )
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
. append ( valueObj ( '<select id="appendSelect1"></select>' ) )
. append ( valueObj ( '<select id="appendSelect2"><option>Test</option></select>' ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
t ( "Append Select" , "#appendSelect1, #appendSelect2" , [ "appendSelect1" , "appendSelect2" ] ) ;
// using contents will get comments regular, text, and comment nodes
var j = jQuery ( "#nonnodes" ) . contents ( ) ;
var d = jQuery ( "<div/>" ) . appendTo ( "#nonnodes" ) . append ( j ) ;
equals ( jQuery ( "#nonnodes" ) . length , 1 , "Check node,textnode,comment append moved leaving just the div" ) ;
ok ( d . contents ( ) . length >= 2 , "Check node,textnode,comment append works" ) ;
d . contents ( ) . appendTo ( "#nonnodes" ) ;
d . remove ( ) ;
ok ( jQuery ( "#nonnodes" ) . contents ( ) . length >= 2 , "Check node,textnode,comment append cleanup worked" ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
test ( "append(String|Element|Array<Element>|jQuery)" , function ( ) {
testAppend ( bareObj ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
} ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
test ( "append(Function)" , function ( ) {
testAppend ( functionReturningObj ) ;
} )
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
test ( "appendTo(String|Element|Array<Element>|jQuery)" , function ( ) {
expect ( 12 ) ;
var defaultText = 'Try them out:'
jQuery ( '<b>buga</b>' ) . appendTo ( '#first' ) ;
equals ( jQuery ( "#first" ) . text ( ) , defaultText + 'buga' , 'Check if text appending works' ) ;
equals ( jQuery ( '<option value="appendTest">Append Test</option>' ) . appendTo ( '#select3' ) . parent ( ) . find ( 'option:last-child' ) . attr ( 'value' ) , 'appendTest' , 'Appending html options to select element' ) ;
reset ( ) ;
var expected = "This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's WeblogTry them out:" ;
jQuery ( document . getElementById ( 'first' ) ) . appendTo ( '#sap' ) ;
equals ( expected , jQuery ( '#sap' ) . text ( ) , "Check for appending of element" ) ;
reset ( ) ;
expected = "This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's WeblogTry them out:Yahoo" ;
jQuery ( [ document . getElementById ( 'first' ) , document . getElementById ( 'yahoo' ) ] ) . appendTo ( '#sap' ) ;
equals ( expected , jQuery ( '#sap' ) . text ( ) , "Check for appending of array of elements" ) ;
reset ( ) ;
ok ( jQuery ( document . createElement ( "script" ) ) . appendTo ( "body" ) . length , "Make sure a disconnected script can be appended." ) ;
reset ( ) ;
expected = "This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's WeblogYahooTry them out:" ;
jQuery ( "#first, #yahoo" ) . appendTo ( '#sap' ) ;
equals ( expected , jQuery ( '#sap' ) . text ( ) , "Check for appending of jQuery object" ) ;
reset ( ) ;
jQuery ( '#select1' ) . appendTo ( '#foo' ) ;
t ( 'Append select' , '#foo select' , [ 'select1' ] ) ;
reset ( ) ;
var div = jQuery ( "<div/>" ) . click ( function ( ) {
ok ( true , "Running a cloned click." ) ;
} ) ;
div . appendTo ( "#main, #moretests" ) ;
jQuery ( "#main div:last" ) . click ( ) ;
jQuery ( "#moretests div:last" ) . click ( ) ;
reset ( ) ;
var div = jQuery ( "<div/>" ) . appendTo ( "#main, #moretests" ) ;
equals ( div . length , 2 , "appendTo returns the inserted elements" ) ;
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
div . addClass ( "test" ) ;
ok ( jQuery ( "#main div:last" ) . hasClass ( "test" ) , "appendTo element was modified after the insertion" ) ;
ok ( jQuery ( "#moretests div:last" ) . hasClass ( "test" ) , "appendTo element was modified after the insertion" ) ;
reset ( ) ;
} ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
var testPrepend = function ( val ) {
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
expect ( 5 ) ;
var defaultText = 'Try them out:'
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
var result = jQuery ( '#first' ) . prepend ( val ( '<b>buga</b>' ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
equals ( result . text ( ) , 'buga' + defaultText , 'Check if text prepending works' ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
equals ( jQuery ( '#select3' ) . prepend ( val ( '<option value="prependTest">Prepend Test</option>' ) ) . find ( 'option:first-child' ) . attr ( 'value' ) , 'prependTest' , 'Prepending html options to select element' ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
reset ( ) ;
var expected = "Try them out:This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog" ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
jQuery ( '#sap' ) . prepend ( val ( document . getElementById ( 'first' ) ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
equals ( expected , jQuery ( '#sap' ) . text ( ) , "Check for prepending of element" ) ;
reset ( ) ;
expected = "Try them out:YahooThis link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog" ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
jQuery ( '#sap' ) . prepend ( val ( [ document . getElementById ( 'first' ) , document . getElementById ( 'yahoo' ) ] ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
equals ( expected , jQuery ( '#sap' ) . text ( ) , "Check for prepending of array of elements" ) ;
reset ( ) ;
expected = "YahooTry them out:This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog" ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
jQuery ( '#sap' ) . prepend ( val ( jQuery ( "#first, #yahoo" ) ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
equals ( expected , jQuery ( '#sap' ) . text ( ) , "Check for prepending of jQuery object" ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
test ( "prepend(String|Element|Array<Element>|jQuery)" , function ( ) {
testPrepend ( bareObj ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
} ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
test ( "prepend(Function)" , function ( ) {
testPrepend ( functionReturningObj ) ;
} )
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
test ( "prependTo(String|Element|Array<Element>|jQuery)" , function ( ) {
expect ( 6 ) ;
var defaultText = 'Try them out:'
jQuery ( '<b>buga</b>' ) . prependTo ( '#first' ) ;
equals ( jQuery ( '#first' ) . text ( ) , 'buga' + defaultText , 'Check if text prepending works' ) ;
equals ( jQuery ( '<option value="prependTest">Prepend Test</option>' ) . prependTo ( '#select3' ) . parent ( ) . find ( 'option:first-child' ) . attr ( 'value' ) , 'prependTest' , 'Prepending html options to select element' ) ;
reset ( ) ;
var expected = "Try them out:This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog" ;
jQuery ( document . getElementById ( 'first' ) ) . prependTo ( '#sap' ) ;
equals ( expected , jQuery ( '#sap' ) . text ( ) , "Check for prepending of element" ) ;
reset ( ) ;
expected = "Try them out:YahooThis link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog" ;
jQuery ( [ document . getElementById ( 'first' ) , document . getElementById ( 'yahoo' ) ] ) . prependTo ( '#sap' ) ;
equals ( expected , jQuery ( '#sap' ) . text ( ) , "Check for prepending of array of elements" ) ;
reset ( ) ;
expected = "YahooTry them out:This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog" ;
jQuery ( "#first, #yahoo" ) . prependTo ( '#sap' ) ;
equals ( expected , jQuery ( '#sap' ) . text ( ) , "Check for prepending of jQuery object" ) ;
reset ( ) ;
jQuery ( '<select id="prependSelect1"></select>' ) . prependTo ( 'form:last' ) ;
jQuery ( '<select id="prependSelect2"><option>Test</option></select>' ) . prependTo ( 'form:last' ) ;
t ( "Prepend Select" , "#prependSelect2, #prependSelect1" , [ "prependSelect2" , "prependSelect1" ] ) ;
} ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
var testBefore = function ( val ) {
2009-09-15 00:09:42 +02:00
expect ( 6 ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
var expected = 'This is a normal link: bugaYahoo' ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
jQuery ( '#yahoo' ) . before ( val ( '<b>buga</b>' ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
equals ( expected , jQuery ( '#en' ) . text ( ) , 'Insert String before' ) ;
reset ( ) ;
expected = "This is a normal link: Try them out:Yahoo" ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
jQuery ( '#yahoo' ) . before ( val ( document . getElementById ( 'first' ) ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
equals ( expected , jQuery ( '#en' ) . text ( ) , "Insert element before" ) ;
reset ( ) ;
expected = "This is a normal link: Try them out:diveintomarkYahoo" ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
jQuery ( '#yahoo' ) . before ( val ( [ document . getElementById ( 'first' ) , document . getElementById ( 'mark' ) ] ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
equals ( expected , jQuery ( '#en' ) . text ( ) , "Insert array of elements before" ) ;
reset ( ) ;
expected = "This is a normal link: diveintomarkTry them out:Yahoo" ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
jQuery ( '#yahoo' ) . before ( val ( jQuery ( "#first, #mark" ) ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
equals ( expected , jQuery ( '#en' ) . text ( ) , "Insert jQuery before" ) ;
2009-09-15 00:09:42 +02:00
var set = jQuery ( "<div/>" ) . before ( val ( "<span>test</span>" ) ) ;
equals ( set [ 0 ] . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) , "span" , "Insert the element before the disconnected node." ) ;
equals ( set . length , 2 , "Insert the element before the disconnected node." ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
test ( "before(String|Element|Array<Element>|jQuery)" , function ( ) {
testBefore ( bareObj ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
} ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
test ( "before(Function)" , function ( ) {
testBefore ( functionReturningObj ) ;
} )
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
test ( "insertBefore(String|Element|Array<Element>|jQuery)" , function ( ) {
expect ( 4 ) ;
var expected = 'This is a normal link: bugaYahoo' ;
jQuery ( '<b>buga</b>' ) . insertBefore ( '#yahoo' ) ;
equals ( expected , jQuery ( '#en' ) . text ( ) , 'Insert String before' ) ;
reset ( ) ;
expected = "This is a normal link: Try them out:Yahoo" ;
jQuery ( document . getElementById ( 'first' ) ) . insertBefore ( '#yahoo' ) ;
equals ( expected , jQuery ( '#en' ) . text ( ) , "Insert element before" ) ;
reset ( ) ;
expected = "This is a normal link: Try them out:diveintomarkYahoo" ;
jQuery ( [ document . getElementById ( 'first' ) , document . getElementById ( 'mark' ) ] ) . insertBefore ( '#yahoo' ) ;
equals ( expected , jQuery ( '#en' ) . text ( ) , "Insert array of elements before" ) ;
reset ( ) ;
expected = "This is a normal link: diveintomarkTry them out:Yahoo" ;
jQuery ( "#first, #mark" ) . insertBefore ( '#yahoo' ) ;
equals ( expected , jQuery ( '#en' ) . text ( ) , "Insert jQuery before" ) ;
} ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
var testAfter = function ( val ) {
2009-09-15 00:09:42 +02:00
expect ( 6 ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
var expected = 'This is a normal link: Yahoobuga' ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
jQuery ( '#yahoo' ) . after ( val ( '<b>buga</b>' ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
equals ( expected , jQuery ( '#en' ) . text ( ) , 'Insert String after' ) ;
reset ( ) ;
expected = "This is a normal link: YahooTry them out:" ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
jQuery ( '#yahoo' ) . after ( val ( document . getElementById ( 'first' ) ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
equals ( expected , jQuery ( '#en' ) . text ( ) , "Insert element after" ) ;
reset ( ) ;
expected = "This is a normal link: YahooTry them out:diveintomark" ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
jQuery ( '#yahoo' ) . after ( val ( [ document . getElementById ( 'first' ) , document . getElementById ( 'mark' ) ] ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
equals ( expected , jQuery ( '#en' ) . text ( ) , "Insert array of elements after" ) ;
reset ( ) ;
expected = "This is a normal link: YahoodiveintomarkTry them out:" ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
jQuery ( '#yahoo' ) . after ( val ( jQuery ( "#first, #mark" ) ) ) ;
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
equals ( expected , jQuery ( '#en' ) . text ( ) , "Insert jQuery after" ) ;
2009-09-15 00:09:42 +02:00
var set = jQuery ( "<div/>" ) . after ( val ( "<span>test</span>" ) ) ;
equals ( set [ 1 ] . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) , "span" , "Insert the element after the disconnected node." ) ;
equals ( set . length , 2 , "Insert the element after the disconnected node." ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
} ;
test ( "after(String|Element|Array<Element>|jQuery)" , function ( ) {
testAfter ( bareObj ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
} ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
test ( "after(Function)" , function ( ) {
testAfter ( functionReturningObj ) ;
} )
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
test ( "insertAfter(String|Element|Array<Element>|jQuery)" , function ( ) {
expect ( 4 ) ;
var expected = 'This is a normal link: Yahoobuga' ;
jQuery ( '<b>buga</b>' ) . insertAfter ( '#yahoo' ) ;
equals ( expected , jQuery ( '#en' ) . text ( ) , 'Insert String after' ) ;
reset ( ) ;
expected = "This is a normal link: YahooTry them out:" ;
jQuery ( document . getElementById ( 'first' ) ) . insertAfter ( '#yahoo' ) ;
equals ( expected , jQuery ( '#en' ) . text ( ) , "Insert element after" ) ;
reset ( ) ;
expected = "This is a normal link: YahooTry them out:diveintomark" ;
jQuery ( [ document . getElementById ( 'first' ) , document . getElementById ( 'mark' ) ] ) . insertAfter ( '#yahoo' ) ;
equals ( expected , jQuery ( '#en' ) . text ( ) , "Insert array of elements after" ) ;
reset ( ) ;
expected = "This is a normal link: YahoodiveintomarkTry them out:" ;
jQuery ( "#first, #mark" ) . insertAfter ( '#yahoo' ) ;
equals ( expected , jQuery ( '#en' ) . text ( ) , "Insert jQuery after" ) ;
} ) ;
2009-07-12 23:08:54 +02:00
var testReplaceWith = function ( val ) {
2009-09-15 00:09:42 +02:00
expect ( 12 ) ;
2009-07-12 23:08:54 +02:00
jQuery ( '#yahoo' ) . replaceWith ( val ( '<b id="replace">buga</b>' ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
ok ( jQuery ( "#replace" ) [ 0 ] , 'Replace element with string' ) ;
ok ( ! jQuery ( "#yahoo" ) [ 0 ] , 'Verify that original element is gone, after string' ) ;
reset ( ) ;
2009-07-12 23:08:54 +02:00
jQuery ( '#yahoo' ) . replaceWith ( val ( document . getElementById ( 'first' ) ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
ok ( jQuery ( "#first" ) [ 0 ] , 'Replace element with element' ) ;
ok ( ! jQuery ( "#yahoo" ) [ 0 ] , 'Verify that original element is gone, after element' ) ;
reset ( ) ;
2009-07-12 23:08:54 +02:00
jQuery ( '#yahoo' ) . replaceWith ( val ( [ document . getElementById ( 'first' ) , document . getElementById ( 'mark' ) ] ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
ok ( jQuery ( "#first" ) [ 0 ] , 'Replace element with array of elements' ) ;
ok ( jQuery ( "#mark" ) [ 0 ] , 'Replace element with array of elements' ) ;
ok ( ! jQuery ( "#yahoo" ) [ 0 ] , 'Verify that original element is gone, after array of elements' ) ;
reset ( ) ;
2009-07-12 23:08:54 +02:00
jQuery ( '#yahoo' ) . replaceWith ( val ( jQuery ( "#first, #mark" ) ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
ok ( jQuery ( "#first" ) [ 0 ] , 'Replace element with set of elements' ) ;
ok ( jQuery ( "#mark" ) [ 0 ] , 'Replace element with set of elements' ) ;
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
ok ( ! jQuery ( "#yahoo" ) [ 0 ] , 'Verify that original element is gone, after set of elements' ) ;
2009-09-15 00:09:42 +02:00
var set = jQuery ( "<div/>" ) . replaceWith ( val ( "<span>test</span>" ) ) ;
equals ( set [ 0 ] . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) , "span" , "Replace the disconnected node." ) ;
equals ( set . length , 1 , "Replace the disconnected node." ) ;
2009-07-12 23:08:54 +02:00
test ( "replaceWith(String|Element|Array<Element>|jQuery)" , function ( ) {
testReplaceWith ( bareObj ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
} ) ;
2009-07-12 23:08:54 +02:00
test ( "replaceWith(Function)" , function ( ) {
testReplaceWith ( functionReturningObj ) ;
} )
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
test ( "replaceAll(String|Element|Array<Element>|jQuery)" , function ( ) {
expect ( 10 ) ;
jQuery ( '<b id="replace">buga</b>' ) . replaceAll ( "#yahoo" ) ;
ok ( jQuery ( "#replace" ) [ 0 ] , 'Replace element with string' ) ;
ok ( ! jQuery ( "#yahoo" ) [ 0 ] , 'Verify that original element is gone, after string' ) ;
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
reset ( ) ;
jQuery ( document . getElementById ( 'first' ) ) . replaceAll ( "#yahoo" ) ;
ok ( jQuery ( "#first" ) [ 0 ] , 'Replace element with element' ) ;
ok ( ! jQuery ( "#yahoo" ) [ 0 ] , 'Verify that original element is gone, after element' ) ;
reset ( ) ;
jQuery ( [ document . getElementById ( 'first' ) , document . getElementById ( 'mark' ) ] ) . replaceAll ( "#yahoo" ) ;
ok ( jQuery ( "#first" ) [ 0 ] , 'Replace element with array of elements' ) ;
ok ( jQuery ( "#mark" ) [ 0 ] , 'Replace element with array of elements' ) ;
ok ( ! jQuery ( "#yahoo" ) [ 0 ] , 'Verify that original element is gone, after array of elements' ) ;
reset ( ) ;
jQuery ( "#first, #mark" ) . replaceAll ( "#yahoo" ) ;
ok ( jQuery ( "#first" ) [ 0 ] , 'Replace element with set of elements' ) ;
ok ( jQuery ( "#mark" ) [ 0 ] , 'Replace element with set of elements' ) ;
ok ( ! jQuery ( "#yahoo" ) [ 0 ] , 'Verify that original element is gone, after set of elements' ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "clone()" , function ( ) {
expect ( 28 ) ;
equals ( 'This is a normal link: Yahoo' , jQuery ( '#en' ) . text ( ) , 'Assert text for #en' ) ;
var clone = jQuery ( '#yahoo' ) . clone ( ) ;
equals ( 'Try them out:Yahoo' , jQuery ( '#first' ) . append ( clone ) . text ( ) , 'Check for clone' ) ;
equals ( 'This is a normal link: Yahoo' , jQuery ( '#en' ) . text ( ) , 'Reassert text for #en' ) ;
var cloneTags = [
"<table/>" , "<tr/>" , "<td/>" , "<div/>" ,
"<button/>" , "<ul/>" , "<ol/>" , "<li/>" ,
"<input type='checkbox' />" , "<select/>" , "<option/>" , "<textarea/>" ,
"<tbody/>" , "<thead/>" , "<tfoot/>" , "<iframe/>"
] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < cloneTags . length ; i ++ ) {
var j = jQuery ( cloneTags [ i ] ) ;
equals ( j [ 0 ] . tagName , j . clone ( ) [ 0 ] . tagName , 'Clone a <' + cloneTags [ i ] . substring ( 1 ) ) ;
// using contents will get comments regular, text, and comment nodes
var cl = jQuery ( "#nonnodes" ) . contents ( ) . clone ( ) ;
ok ( cl . length >= 2 , "Check node,textnode,comment clone works (some browsers delete comments on clone)" ) ;
var div = jQuery ( "<div><ul><li>test</li></ul></div>" ) . click ( function ( ) {
ok ( true , "Bound event still exists." ) ;
} ) ;
div = div . clone ( true ) . clone ( true ) ;
equals ( div . length , 1 , "One element cloned" ) ;
equals ( div [ 0 ] . nodeName . toUpperCase ( ) , "DIV" , "DIV element cloned" ) ;
div . trigger ( "click" ) ;
div = jQuery ( "<div/>" ) . append ( [ document . createElement ( "table" ) , document . createElement ( "table" ) ] ) ;
div . find ( "table" ) . click ( function ( ) {
ok ( true , "Bound event still exists." ) ;
} ) ;
div = div . clone ( true ) ;
equals ( div . length , 1 , "One element cloned" ) ;
equals ( div [ 0 ] . nodeName . toUpperCase ( ) , "DIV" , "DIV element cloned" ) ;
div . find ( "table:last" ) . trigger ( "click" ) ;
div = jQuery ( "<div/>" ) . html ( '<object height="355" width="425"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/JikaHBDoV3k&hl=en"> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"> </object>' ) ;
div = div . clone ( true ) ;
equals ( div . length , 1 , "One element cloned" ) ;
equals ( div [ 0 ] . nodeName . toUpperCase ( ) , "DIV" , "DIV element cloned" ) ;
} ) ;
if ( ! isLocal ) {
test ( "clone() on XML nodes" , function ( ) {
expect ( 2 ) ;
stop ( ) ;
jQuery . get ( "data/dashboard.xml" , function ( xml ) {
var root = jQuery ( xml . documentElement ) . clone ( ) ;
var origTab = jQuery ( "tab" , xml ) . eq ( 0 ) ;
var cloneTab = jQuery ( "tab" , root ) . eq ( 0 ) ;
origTab . text ( "origval" ) ;
cloneTab . text ( "cloneval" ) ;
equals ( origTab . text ( ) , "origval" , "Check original XML node was correctly set" ) ;
equals ( cloneTab . text ( ) , "cloneval" , "Check cloned XML node was correctly set" ) ;
start ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "val()" , function ( ) {
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
expect ( 9 ) ;
document . getElementById ( 'text1' ) . value = "bla" ;
equals ( jQuery ( "#text1" ) . val ( ) , "bla" , "Check for modified value of input element" ) ;
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
reset ( ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
equals ( jQuery ( "#text1" ) . val ( ) , "Test" , "Check for value of input element" ) ;
// ticket #1714 this caused a JS error in IE
equals ( jQuery ( "#first" ) . val ( ) , "" , "Check a paragraph element to see if it has a value" ) ;
ok ( jQuery ( [ ] ) . val ( ) === undefined , "Check an empty jQuery object will return undefined from val" ) ;
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
equals ( jQuery ( '#select2' ) . val ( ) , '3' , 'Call val() on a single="single" select' ) ;
isSet ( jQuery ( '#select3' ) . val ( ) , [ '1' , '2' ] , 'Call val() on a multiple="multiple" select' ) ;
equals ( jQuery ( '#option3c' ) . val ( ) , '2' , 'Call val() on a option element with value' ) ;
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
equals ( jQuery ( '#option3a' ) . val ( ) , '' , 'Call val() on a option element with empty value' ) ;
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
equals ( jQuery ( '#option3e' ) . val ( ) , 'no value' , 'Call val() on a option element with no value attribute' ) ;
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
} ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
var testVal = function ( valueObj ) {
expect ( 5 ) ;
jQuery ( "#text1" ) . val ( valueObj ( 'test' ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
equals ( document . getElementById ( 'text1' ) . value , "test" , "Check for modified (via val(String)) value of input element" ) ;
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
jQuery ( "#text1" ) . val ( valueObj ( 67 ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
equals ( document . getElementById ( 'text1' ) . value , "67" , "Check for modified (via val(Number)) value of input element" ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
jQuery ( "#select1" ) . val ( valueObj ( "3" ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
equals ( jQuery ( "#select1" ) . val ( ) , "3" , "Check for modified (via val(String)) value of select element" ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
jQuery ( "#select1" ) . val ( valueObj ( 2 ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
equals ( jQuery ( "#select1" ) . val ( ) , "2" , "Check for modified (via val(Number)) value of select element" ) ;
// using contents will get comments regular, text, and comment nodes
var j = jQuery ( "#nonnodes" ) . contents ( ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
j . val ( valueObj ( "asdf" ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
equals ( j . val ( ) , "asdf" , "Check node,textnode,comment with val()" ) ;
j . removeAttr ( "value" ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
test ( "val(String/Number)" , function ( ) {
testVal ( bareObj ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
} ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
test ( "val(Function)" , function ( ) {
testVal ( functionReturningObj ) ;
} )
var testHtml = function ( valueObj ) {
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
expect ( 17 ) ;
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
window . debug = true ;
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
jQuery . scriptorder = 0 ;
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
var div = jQuery ( "#main > div" ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
div . html ( valueObj ( "<b>test</b>" ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
var pass = true ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < div . size ( ) ; i ++ ) {
if ( div . get ( i ) . childNodes . length != 1 ) pass = false ;
ok ( pass , "Set HTML" ) ;
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
2009-09-15 19:51:38 +02:00
delete window . debug ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
reset ( ) ;
// using contents will get comments regular, text, and comment nodes
var j = jQuery ( "#nonnodes" ) . contents ( ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
j . html ( valueObj ( "<b>bold</b>" ) ) ;
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
// this is needed, or the expando added by jQuery unique will yield a different html
j . find ( 'b' ) . removeData ( ) ;
equals ( j . html ( ) . replace ( / xmlns="[^"]+"/g , "" ) . toLowerCase ( ) , "<b>bold</b>" , "Check node,textnode,comment with html()" ) ;
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
jQuery ( "#main" ) . html ( valueObj ( "<select/>" ) ) ;
jQuery ( "#main select" ) . html ( valueObj ( "<option>O1</option><option selected='selected'>O2</option><option>O3</option>" ) ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
equals ( jQuery ( "#main select" ) . val ( ) , "O2" , "Selected option correct" ) ;
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
var $div = jQuery ( '<div />' ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
equals ( $div . html ( valueObj ( 5 ) ) . html ( ) , '5' , 'Setting a number as html' ) ;
equals ( $div . html ( valueObj ( 0 ) ) . html ( ) , '0' , 'Setting a zero as html' ) ;
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
reset ( ) ;
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
jQuery ( "#main" ) . html ( valueObj ( '<script type="something/else">ok( false, "Non-script evaluated." );</script><script type="text/javascript">ok( true, "text/javascript is evaluated." );</script><script>ok( true, "No type is evaluated." );</script><div><script type="text/javascript">ok( true, "Inner text/javascript is evaluated." );</script><script>ok( true, "Inner No type is evaluated." );</script><script type="something/else">ok( false, "Non-script evaluated." );</script></div>' ) ) ;
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
stop ( ) ;
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
2009-09-07 22:55:36 +02:00
jQuery ( "#main" ) . html ( valueObj ( '<script type="text/javascript">ok( true, "jQuery().html().evalScripts() Evals Scripts Twice in Firefox, see #975 (1)" );</script>' ) ) ;
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
2009-09-07 22:55:36 +02:00
jQuery ( "#main" ) . html ( valueObj ( 'foo <form><script type="text/javascript">ok( true, "jQuery().html().evalScripts() Evals Scripts Twice in Firefox, see #975 (2)" );</script></form>' ) ) ;
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
// it was decided that waiting to execute ALL scripts makes sense since nested ones have to wait anyway so this test case is changed, see #1959
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
jQuery ( "#main" ) . html ( valueObj ( "<script>equals(jQuery.scriptorder++, 0, 'Script is executed in order');equals(jQuery('#scriptorder').length, 1,'Execute after html (even though appears before)')<\/script><span id='scriptorder'><script>equals(jQuery.scriptorder++, 1, 'Script (nested) is executed in order');equals(jQuery('#scriptorder').length, 1,'Execute after html')<\/script></span><script>equals(jQuery.scriptorder++, 2, 'Script (unnested) is executed in order');equals(jQuery('#scriptorder').length, 1,'Execute after html')<\/script>" ) ) ;
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
setTimeout ( start , 100 ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
test ( "html(String)" , function ( ) {
testHtml ( bareObj ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
} ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
test ( "html(Function)" , function ( ) {
testHtml ( functionReturningObj ) ;
} )
var testText = function ( valueObj ) {
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
expect ( 4 ) ;
equals ( jQuery ( "#foo" ) . text ( "<div><b>Hello</b> cruel world!</div>" ) [ 0 ] . innerHTML . replace ( />/g , ">" ) , "<div><b>Hello</b> cruel world!</div>" , "Check escaped text" ) ;
// using contents will get comments regular, text, and comment nodes
var j = jQuery ( "#nonnodes" ) . contents ( ) ;
j . text ( "hi!" ) ;
equals ( jQuery ( j [ 0 ] ) . text ( ) , "hi!" , "Check node,textnode,comment with text()" ) ;
equals ( j [ 1 ] . nodeValue , " there " , "Check node,textnode,comment with text()" ) ;
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
equals ( j [ 2 ] . nodeType , 8 , "Check node,textnode,comment with text()" ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
test ( "text(String)" , function ( ) {
testText ( bareObj )
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
} ) ;
2009-07-12 22:19:43 +02:00
test ( "text(Function)" , function ( ) {
testText ( functionReturningObj ) ;
} )
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
var testRemove = function ( method ) {
expect ( 9 ) ;
var first = jQuery ( "#ap" ) . children ( ":first" ) ;
first . data ( "foo" , "bar" ) ;
jQuery ( "#ap" ) . children ( ) [ method ] ( ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
ok ( jQuery ( "#ap" ) . text ( ) . length > 10 , "Check text is not removed" ) ;
equals ( jQuery ( "#ap" ) . children ( ) . length , 0 , "Check remove" ) ;
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
equals ( first . data ( "foo" ) , method == "remove" ? null : "bar" ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
reset ( ) ;
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
jQuery ( "#ap" ) . children ( ) [ method ] ( "a" ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
ok ( jQuery ( "#ap" ) . text ( ) . length > 10 , "Check text is not removed" ) ;
equals ( jQuery ( "#ap" ) . children ( ) . length , 1 , "Check filtered remove" ) ;
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
jQuery ( "#ap" ) . children ( ) [ method ] ( "a, code" ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
equals ( jQuery ( "#ap" ) . children ( ) . length , 0 , "Check multi-filtered remove" ) ;
// using contents will get comments regular, text, and comment nodes
equals ( jQuery ( "#nonnodes" ) . contents ( ) . length , 3 , "Check node,textnode,comment remove works" ) ;
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
jQuery ( "#nonnodes" ) . contents ( ) [ method ] ( ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
equals ( jQuery ( "#nonnodes" ) . contents ( ) . length , 0 , "Check node,textnode,comment remove works" ) ;
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
reset ( ) ;
var count = 0 ;
var first = jQuery ( "#ap" ) . children ( ":first" ) ;
2009-09-14 22:45:58 +02:00
var cleanUp = first . click ( function ( ) { count ++ } ) [ method ] ( ) . appendTo ( "body" ) . click ( ) ;
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
equals ( method == "remove" ? 0 : 1 , count ) ;
2009-09-14 22:45:58 +02:00
cleanUp . detach ( ) ;
2009-07-21 11:17:33 +02:00
} ;
test ( "remove()" , function ( ) {
testRemove ( "remove" ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "detach()" , function ( ) {
testRemove ( "detach" ) ;
2009-03-18 22:15:38 +01:00
} ) ;
test ( "empty()" , function ( ) {
expect ( 3 ) ;
equals ( jQuery ( "#ap" ) . children ( ) . empty ( ) . text ( ) . length , 0 , "Check text is removed" ) ;
equals ( jQuery ( "#ap" ) . children ( ) . length , 4 , "Check elements are not removed" ) ;
// using contents will get comments regular, text, and comment nodes
var j = jQuery ( "#nonnodes" ) . contents ( ) ;
j . empty ( ) ;
equals ( j . html ( ) , "" , "Check node,textnode,comment empty works" ) ;
} ) ;