module JavascriptRoutes JS = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'javascripts', 'routes.js') JS_PACKED = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'javascripts', 'routes-min.js') JS_AJAX = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'javascripts', 'routes-ajax.js') FILENAME = File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'public', 'javascripts', 'routes.js') FILENAME_AJAX = File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'public', 'javascripts', 'routes-ajax.js') def self.generate(options = {}) options.symbolize_keys!.reverse_merge!(:pack => true) routes = options[:routes] ||{|r| r.conditions[:method].nil? || r.conditions[:method] == :get } named_routes = options[:named_routes] ||{|n,r| r.conditions[:method].nil? || r.conditions[:method] == :get } filename = options[:filename] || FILENAME filename_ajax = options[:filename_ajax] || FILENAME_AJAX #Will only create simple functions for named routes if options[:lite], 'w') do |file| routes_object = ' var r = "{' named_routes.each_with_index do |a,i| n,r = *a routes_object << "#{n}: function(#{{|s| s.respond_to?(:key) }.map(&:key).join(', ')}){ " routes_object << 'return ' r.segments.each_with_index do |s,j| if s.respond_to?(:key) routes_object << "'" unless i==0 || r.segments[j-1].respond_to?(:key) routes_object << "+#{s.key}" else routes_object << '+' if j > 0 && r.segments[j-1].respond_to?(:key) routes_object << "'" if j == 0 || r.segments[j-1].respond_to?(:key) routes_object << s.to_s unless j != 0 && j == r.segments.size-1 && s.to_s == '/' routes_object << "'" if j == r.segments.size-1 end end routes_object << ';' routes_object << " }" routes_object << ',' if i < named_routes.size-1 end routes_object << "}\";\n" #Find words with 5 or more characters that appear more than once words = routes_object.scan(/[a-z_]{5,}/).group_by{|s| s }.inject([]){|r,a| r << a.first if a.last.size > 1; r } #Replace words with placeholders words.each_with_index{|w,i| routes_object.gsub!(w, "$#{i}") } file << "var Routes = (function(){\n" #Export words to JS file << " var s = [" +{|w| "'#{w}'" }.join(',') + "];\n" file << routes_object #Put the words back in (using JS) and eval the result file << " return eval('('+r.replace(/\\$(\\d+)/g, function(m,i){ return s[i]; })+')');\n" file << "})();" end #Will create all routes with generation logic (from lib/routes.js) else, 'w') do |file| file <<[:pack] ? JS_PACKED : JS) file << "\n\n(function(){\n\n"#Don't pollute the global namespace #This is ugly, but it works. It builds a JS array #with an object for each route. Most of the ugliness #is to reduce the amount of space it takes up. routes_array = '' routes_array << 'var r = "[' routes.each_with_index do |r,i| routes_array << '{' #Append a name if this is a named route named_route = named_routes.find{|name,route| route.equal?(r) } routes_array << "n:'#{named_route.first}'," if named_route #Append segments as a string with @ between. This will #be split() using JS. routes_array << "s:'" routes_array << do |s| if s.is_a?(ActionController::Routing::PathSegment) '*' + s.to_s[1..-1] + (s.is_optional ? 't' : 'f') else s.to_s + (s.is_optional ? 't' : 'f') end end.join('@') routes_array << "'" #Append params object routes_array << ',r:{' routes_array << do |k,v| "#{k}:'#{v}'" end.join(',') routes_array << '}' routes_array << '}' routes_array << ',' unless i == routes.size-1 end routes_array << "]\";\n" #Find words that occur more than once and are more than 5 characters in length words = routes_array.scan(/[a-z_]{5,}/).group_by{|s| s }.inject([]){|r,a| r << a.first if a.last.size > 1; r } #Replace words with placeholders words.each_with_index{|w,i| routes_array.gsub!(w, "$#{i}") } #Export words to JS file << " var s = [" +{|w| "'#{w}'" }.join(',') + "];\n" file << ' '+routes_array #Put the words back in (using JS) and eval the result file << " r = eval('('+r.replace(/\\$(\\d+)/g, function(m,i){ return s[i]; })+')');\n\n" #Add routes file << " for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {\n" file << " var s=[];\n" file << " var segs=r[i].s.split('@');\n" file << " for (var j = 0; j < segs.length; j++) {\n" file << " s.push(Route.S(segs[j].slice(0, -1), segs[j].slice(-1) == 't'));\n" file << " }\n" file << " Routes.push(new Route(s, r[i].r, r[i].n));\n" file << " }\n\n" file << " Routes.extractNamed();\n\n" file << "})();" end #Add ajax extras filename_ajax, 'w' do |f| f.write( end end rescue => e warn("\n\nCould not write routes.js: \"#{e.class}:#{e.message}\"\n\n") File.truncate(filename, 0) rescue nil end end