Jacques Distler 6873fc8026 Upgrade to Rails 2.0.2
Upgraded to Rails 2.0.2, except that we maintain


from Rail 1.2.6 (at least for now), so that Routes don't change. We still
get to enjoy Rails's many new features.

Also fixed a bug in Chunk-handling: disable WikiWord processing in tags (for real this time).
2007-12-21 01:48:59 -06:00

193 lines
7.6 KiB

require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../abstract_unit"
require 'action_view/helpers/date_helper'
require 'action_view/compiled_templates'
class CompiledTemplateTests < Test::Unit::TestCase
def setup
@ct =
@v =
@v.send :include, @ct
@a = './test_compile_template_a.rhtml'
@b = './test_compile_template_b.rhtml'
@s = './test_compile_template_link.rhtml'
def teardown
[@a, @b, @s].each do |f|
FileUtils.rm(f) if File.exist?(f) || File.symlink?(f)
attr_reader :ct, :v
def test_name_allocation
hi_world = ct.method_names['hi world']
hi_sexy = ct.method_names['hi sexy']
wish_upon_a_star = ct.method_names['I love seeing decent error messages']
assert_equal hi_world, ct.method_names['hi world']
assert_equal hi_sexy, ct.method_names['hi sexy']
assert_equal wish_upon_a_star, ct.method_names['I love seeing decent error messages']
assert_equal 3, [hi_world, hi_sexy, wish_upon_a_star].uniq.length
def test_wrap_source
"def aliased_assignment(value)\nself.value = value\nend",
@ct.wrap_source(:aliased_assignment, [:value], 'self.value = value')
"def simple()\nnil\nend",
@ct.wrap_source(:simple, [], 'nil')
def test_compile_source_single_method
selector = ct.compile_source('doubling method', [:a], 'a + a')
assert_equal 2,, 1)
assert_equal 4,, 2)
assert_equal -4,, -2)
assert_equal 0,, 0)
def test_compile_source_two_method
sel1 = test_compile_source_single_method # compile the method in the other test
sel2 = ct.compile_source('doubling method', [:a, :b], 'a + b + a + b')
assert_not_equal sel1, sel2
assert_equal 2,, 1)
assert_equal 4,, 2)
assert_equal 6,, 1, 2)
assert_equal 32,, 15, 1)
def test_mtime
t1 =
assert ('doubling method', [:a]))
uses_mocha 'test_compile_time' do
def test_compile_time
t =, "w"){|f| f.puts @a}, "w"){|f| f.puts @b}
# windows doesn't support symlinks (even under cygwin)
windows = (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /win32/)
`ln -s #{@a} #{@s}` unless windows
v =
v.base_path = '.'
v.cache_template_loading = false
# All templates were created at t+1
File::Stat.any_instance.expects(:mtime).times(windows ? 2 : 3).returns(t + 1.second)
# private methods template_changed_since? and compile_template?
# should report true for all since they have not been compiled
assert v.send(:template_changed_since?, @a, t)
assert v.send(:template_changed_since?, @b, t)
assert v.send(:template_changed_since?, @s, t) unless windows
assert v.send(:compile_template?, nil, @a, {})
assert v.send(:compile_template?, nil, @b, {})
assert v.send(:compile_template?, nil, @s, {}) unless windows
@handler = ActionView::Base.handler_for_extension(:rhtml)
# All templates are rendered at t+2
Time.expects(:now).times(windows ? 2 : 3).returns(t + 2.seconds)
v.send(:compile_and_render_template, @handler, '', @a)
v.send(:compile_and_render_template, @handler, '', @b)
v.send(:compile_and_render_template, @handler, '', @s) unless windows
a_n = v.method_names[@a]
b_n = v.method_names[@b]
s_n = v.method_names[@s] unless windows
# all of the files have changed since last compile
assert v.compile_time[a_n] > t
assert v.compile_time[b_n] > t
assert v.compile_time[s_n] > t unless windows
# private methods template_changed_since? and compile_template?
# should report false for all since none have changed since compile
File::Stat.any_instance.expects(:mtime).times(windows ? 6 : 12).returns(t + 1.second)
assert !v.send(:template_changed_since?, @a, v.compile_time[a_n])
assert !v.send(:template_changed_since?, @b, v.compile_time[b_n])
assert !v.send(:template_changed_since?, @s, v.compile_time[s_n]) unless windows
assert !v.send(:compile_template?, nil, @a, {})
assert !v.send(:compile_template?, nil, @b, {})
assert !v.send(:compile_template?, nil, @s, {}) unless windows
v.send(:compile_and_render_template, @handler, '', @a)
v.send(:compile_and_render_template, @handler, '', @b)
v.send(:compile_and_render_template, @handler, '', @s) unless windows
# none of the files have changed since last compile
assert v.compile_time[a_n] < t + 3.seconds
assert v.compile_time[b_n] < t + 3.seconds
assert v.compile_time[s_n] < t + 3.seconds unless windows
`rm #{@s}; ln -s #{@b} #{@s}` unless windows
# private methods template_changed_since? and compile_template?
# should report true for symlink since it has changed since compile
# t + 3.seconds is for the symlink
File::Stat.any_instance.expects(:mtime).times(windows ? 6 : 9).returns(
*(windows ? [ t + 1.second, t + 1.second ] :
[ t + 1.second, t + 1.second, t + 3.second ]) * 3)
assert !v.send(:template_changed_since?, @a, v.compile_time[a_n])
assert !v.send(:template_changed_since?, @b, v.compile_time[b_n])
assert v.send(:template_changed_since?, @s, v.compile_time[s_n]) unless windows
assert !v.send(:compile_template?, nil, @a, {})
assert !v.send(:compile_template?, nil, @b, {})
assert v.send(:compile_template?, nil, @s, {}) unless windows
# Only the symlink template gets rendered at t+3
Time.stubs(:now).returns(t + 3.seconds) unless windows
v.send(:compile_and_render_template, @handler, '', @a)
v.send(:compile_and_render_template, @handler, '', @b)
v.send(:compile_and_render_template, @handler, '', @s) unless windows
# the symlink has changed since last compile
assert v.compile_time[a_n] < t + 3.seconds
assert v.compile_time[b_n] < t + 3.seconds
assert_equal v.compile_time[s_n], t + 3.seconds unless windows
FileUtils.touch @b
# private methods template_changed_since? and compile_template?
# should report true for symlink and file at end of symlink
# since it has changed since last compile
# t+4 is for @b and also for the file that @s points to, which is @b
File::Stat.any_instance.expects(:mtime).times(windows ? 6 : 12).returns(
*(windows ? [ t + 1.second, t + 4.seconds ] :
[ t + 1.second, t + 4.seconds, t + 3.second, t + 4.seconds ]) * 3)
assert !v.send(:template_changed_since?, @a, v.compile_time[a_n])
assert v.send(:template_changed_since?, @b, v.compile_time[b_n])
assert v.send(:template_changed_since?, @s, v.compile_time[s_n]) unless windows
assert !v.send(:compile_template?, nil, @a, {})
assert v.send(:compile_template?, nil, @b, {})
assert v.send(:compile_template?, nil, @s, {}) unless windows
Time.expects(:now).times(windows ? 1 : 2).returns(t + 5.seconds)
v.send(:compile_and_render_template, @handler, '', @a)
v.send(:compile_and_render_template, @handler, '', @b)
v.send(:compile_and_render_template, @handler, '', @s) unless windows
# the file at the end of the symlink has changed since last compile
# both the symlink and the file at the end of it should be recompiled
assert v.compile_time[a_n] < t + 5.seconds
assert_equal v.compile_time[b_n], t + 5.seconds
assert_equal v.compile_time[s_n], t + 5.seconds unless windows
module ActionView
class Base
def compile_time
def method_names