Further whittling away at differences between Instiki's and the main branch of SVG-Edit. Now, the saveHandler is set from within the calling page. If the editor was opened from Instiki, choosing "Save Image" now closes the editor window. To leave it open was kinda confusing. Also sync with latest SVG-Edit changes.
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="qunit/qunit.css" type="text/css"/>
<script src="../editor/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../editor/svgicons/jquery.svgicons.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../editor/locale/locale.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../editor/svgcanvas.js"></script>
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<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
// log function
QUnit.log = function(result, message) {
if (window.console && window.console.log) {
window.console.log(result +' :: '+ message);
// helper functions
var isIdentity = function(m) {
return (m.a == 1 && m.b == 0 && m.c == 0 && m.d == 1 && m.e == 0 && m.f == 0);
var matrixString = function(m) {
return [m.a,m.b,m.c,m.d,m.e,m.f].join(',');
var svgCanvas = new SvgCanvas(document.getElementById("svgcanvas")),
svgroot = document.getElementById("svgroot"),
svgdoc = svgroot.documentElement,
svgns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
xlinkns = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink";
module("Basic Module");
test("Test existence of SvgCanvas object", function() {
equals(typeof {}, typeof svgCanvas);
module("Path Module");
test("Test path conversion from absolute to relative", function() {
var convert = svgCanvas.pathActions.convertPath;
// TODO: Test these paths:
// "m400.00491,625.01379a1.78688,1.78688 0 1 1-3.57373,0a1.78688,1.78688 0 1 13.57373,0z"
// "m36.812,15.8566c-28.03099,0 -26.28099,12.15601 -26.28099,12.15601l0.03099,12.59399h26.75v3.781h-37.37399c0,0 -17.938,-2.034 -133.00001,26.25c115.06201,28.284 130.71801,27.281 130.71801,27.281h9.34399v-13.125c0,0 -0.504,-15.656 15.40601,-15.656h26.532c0,0 14.90599,0.241 14.90599,-14.406v-24.219c0,0 2.263,-14.65601 -27.032,-14.65601zm-14.75,8.4684c2.662,0 4.813,2.151 4.813,4.813c0,2.661 -2.151,4.812 -4.813,4.812c-2.661,0 -4.812,-2.151 -4.812,-4.812c0,-2.662 2.151,-4.813 4.812,-4.813z"
// "m 0,0 l 200,0 l 0,100 L 0,100"
svgCanvas.setSvgString("<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='400' x='300'>" +
"<path id='p1' d='M100,100 L200,100 Z'/>" +
"<path id='p2' d='m 0,0 l 200,0 l 0,100 L 0,100'/>" +
var p1 = document.getElementById("p1"),
p2 = document.getElementById("p2"),
d_abs = p1.getAttribute("d"),
seglist = p1.pathSegList,
curseg = null;
equals(p1.nodeName, "path", "Expected 'path', got");
equals(seglist.numberOfItems, 3, "Number of segments before conversion");
// verify segments before conversion
curseg = seglist.getItem(0);
equals(curseg.pathSegTypeAsLetter, "M", "Before conversion, segment #1 type");
curseg = seglist.getItem(1);
equals(curseg.pathSegTypeAsLetter, "L", "Before conversion, segment #2 type");
curseg = seglist.getItem(2);
equals(curseg.pathSegType, 1, "Before conversion, segment #3 type");
// convert and verify segments
var d = convert(p1, true);
equals(d, "m100,100l100,0z", "Converted path to relative string");
// TODO: see why this isn't working in SVG-edit
d = convert(p2, true);
d = convert(p2, false);
module("Transform Module");
test("Test matrixMultiply", function() {
// translate there and back
var tr_1 = svgroot.createSVGMatrix().translate(100,50),
tr_2 = svgroot.createSVGMatrix().translate(-90,0),
tr_3 = svgroot.createSVGMatrix().translate(-10,-50),
I = svgCanvas.matrixMultiply(tr_1,tr_2,tr_3);
equals(true, isIdentity(I),
"Expected identity matrix when translating there and back, got " + matrixString(I));
// rotate there and back
// TODO: currently Mozilla fails this when rotating back at -50 and then -40 degrees
// (b and c are *almost* zero, but not zero)
var rot_there = svgroot.createSVGMatrix().rotate(90),
rot_back = svgroot.createSVGMatrix().rotate(-90); // TODO: set this to -50
rot_back_more = svgroot.createSVGMatrix().rotate(0); // TODO: set this to -40
I = svgCanvas.matrixMultiply(rot_there, rot_back, rot_back_more);
equals(true, isIdentity(I),
"Expected identity matrix when rotating there and back, got " + matrixString(I));
// scale up and down
var scale_up = svgroot.createSVGMatrix().scale(4),
scale_down = svgroot.createSVGMatrix().scaleNonUniform(0.25,1);
scale_down_more = svgroot.createSVGMatrix().scaleNonUniform(1,0.25);
I = svgCanvas.matrixMultiply(scale_up, scale_down, scale_down_more);
equals(true, isIdentity(I),
"Expected identity matrix when scaling up and down, got " + matrixString(I));
// test multiplication with its inverse
I = svgCanvas.matrixMultiply(rot_there, rot_there.inverse());
equals(true, isIdentity(I),
"Expected identity matrix when multiplying a matrix by its inverse, got " + matrixString(I));
I = svgCanvas.matrixMultiply(rot_there.inverse(), rot_there);
equals(true, isIdentity(I),
"Expected identity matrix when multiplying a matrix by its inverse, got " + matrixString(I));
module("Import Module");
test("Test import use", function() {
svgCanvas.setSvgString("<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' xmlns:xlink='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink' width='400' x='300'>" +
"<rect id='the-rect' width='200' height='200'/>" +
"<use id='the-use' xlink:href='#the-rect'/>" +
"<use id='foreign-use' xlink:href='somefile.svg#the-rect'/>" +
var u = document.getElementById("the-use"),
fu = document.getElementById("foreign-use");
equals((u && u.nodeName == "use"), true, "Did not import <use> element");
equals((fu && !fu.getAttributeNS(xlinkns,"href")), true, "Did not remove reference to foreign element in <use>");
test("Test getUrlFromAttr", function() {
equals(svgCanvas.getUrlFromAttr("url(#foo)"), "#foo");
equals(svgCanvas.getUrlFromAttr("url(somefile.svg#foo)"), "somefile.svg#foo");
equals(svgCanvas.getUrlFromAttr("url('#foo')"), "#foo");
equals(svgCanvas.getUrlFromAttr('url("#foo")'), "#foo");
// This test shows that an element with an invalid attribute is still parsed in properly
// and only the attribute is not imported
test("Test invalid attribute", function() {
svgCanvas.setSvgString('<svg width="640" height="480" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">'+
'<text x="182.75" y="173.5" id="the-text" fill="#008000" font-size="150" font-family="serif" text-anchor="middle" d="M116,222 L110,108">words</text>' +
var t = document.getElementById("the-text");
equals(true, (t && t.nodeName == "text"), "Did not import <text> element");
equals(null, t.getAttribute("d"), "Imported a <text> with a d attribute");
// This test makes sure import/export properly handles namespaced attributes
test("Test importing/exporting namespaced attributes", function() {
var set = svgCanvas.setSvgString('<svg width="640" height="480" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:se="http://svg-edit.googlecode.com" xmlns:foo="http://example.com">'+
'<image xlink:href="../editor/images/logo.png"/>' +
'<polyline id="se_test_elem" se:foo="bar"/>' +
var attrVal = document.getElementById('se_test_elem').getAttributeNS("http://svg-edit.googlecode.com", "foo");
equals(attrVal === "bar", true, "Preserved namespaced attribute on import");
var output = svgCanvas.getSvgString();
var has_xlink = output.indexOf('xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"') !== -1;
var has_se = output.indexOf('xmlns:se=') !== -1;
var has_foo = output.indexOf('xmlns:foo=') !== -1;
var has_attr = output.indexOf('se:foo="bar"') !== -1;
equals(has_attr, true, "Preserved namespaced attribute on export");
equals(has_xlink, true, "Included xlink: xmlns");
equals(has_se, true, "Included se: xmlns");
equals(has_foo, false, "Did not include foo: xmlns");
test("Test import math elements inside a foreignObject", function() {
var set = svgCanvas.setSvgString('<svg width="640" height="480" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:se="http://svg-edit.googlecode.com" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">'+
'<foreignObject id="fo" width="24" height="26" font-size="24"><math id="m" display="inline" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">'+
var fo = document.getElementById('fo');
// we cannot use getElementById('math') because not all browsers understand MathML and do not know to use the @id attribute
// see Bug https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=35042
var math = fo.firstChild;
equals(!!math, true, "Math element exists");
equals(math.nodeName, 'math', "Math element has the proper nodeName");
equals(math.getAttribute('id'), 'm', "Math element has an id");
equals(math.namespaceURI, "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML", "Preserved MathML namespace");
test("Test XML entities in attribute", function() {
equals(svgCanvas.getPrivateMethods().toXml("<"), "<", "Escaped < properly");
equals(svgCanvas.getPrivateMethods().toXml(">"), ">", "Escaped > properly");
equals(svgCanvas.getPrivateMethods().toXml("&"), "&", "Escaped & properly");
// TODO: what about " and ' ?
<h1 id="qunit-header">Unit Tests for SvgCanvas</h1>
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