Jacques Distler a6429f8c22 Ruby 1.9 Compatibility
Completely removed the html5lib sanitizer.
Fixed the string-handling to work in both
Ruby 1.8.x and 1.9.2. There are still,
inexplicably, two functional tests that
fail. But the rest seems to work quite well.
2009-11-30 16:28:18 -06:00

130 lines
4.3 KiB

{"tests": [
{"description":"DOCTYPE without name",
"output":["ParseError", "ParseError", ["DOCTYPE", "", null, null, false]]},
{"description":"DOCTYPE without space before name",
"output":["ParseError", ["DOCTYPE", "html", null, null, true]]},
{"description":"Incorrect DOCTYPE without a space before name",
"output":["ParseError", ["DOCTYPE", "foo", null, null, true]]},
{"description":"DOCTYPE with publicId",
"input":"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML Transitional 4.01//EN\">",
"output":[["DOCTYPE", "html", "-//W3C//DTD HTML Transitional 4.01//EN", null, true]]},
{"description":"DOCTYPE with EOF after PUBLIC",
"input":"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC",
"output":["ParseError", ["DOCTYPE", "html", null, null, false]]},
{"description":"DOCTYPE with EOF after PUBLIC '",
"input":"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '",
"output":["ParseError", ["DOCTYPE", "html", "", null, false]]},
{"description":"DOCTYPE with EOF after PUBLIC 'x",
"input":"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC 'x",
"output":["ParseError", ["DOCTYPE", "html", "x", null, false]]},
{"description":"DOCTYPE with systemId",
"input":"<!DOCTYPE html SYSTEM \"-//W3C//DTD HTML Transitional 4.01//EN\">",
"output":[["DOCTYPE", "html", null, "-//W3C//DTD HTML Transitional 4.01//EN", true]]},
{"description":"DOCTYPE with publicId and systemId",
"input":"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML Transitional 4.01//EN\" \"-//W3C//DTD HTML Transitional 4.01//EN\">",
"output":[["DOCTYPE", "html", "-//W3C//DTD HTML Transitional 4.01//EN", "-//W3C//DTD HTML Transitional 4.01//EN", true]]},
{"description":"Incomplete doctype",
"input":"<!DOCTYPE html ",
"output":["ParseError", ["DOCTYPE", "html", null, null, false]]},
{"description":"Numeric entity representing the NUL character",
"output":["ParseError", ["Character", "\uFFFD"]]},
{"description":"Hexadecimal entity representing the NUL character",
"output":["ParseError", ["Character", "\uFFFD"]]},
{"description":"Numeric entity representing a codepoint after 1114111 (U+10FFFF)",
"output":["ParseError", ["Character", "\uFFFD"]]},
{"description":"Hexadecimal entity representing a codepoint after 1114111 (U+10FFFF)",
"output":["ParseError", ["Character", "\uFFFD"]]},
{"description":"Hexadecimal entity pair representing a surrogate pair",
"output":["ParseError", ["Character", "\uFFFD"], "ParseError", ["Character", "\uFFFD"]]},
{"description":"Hexadecimal entity with mixed uppercase and lowercase",
"output":[["Character", "\uABCD"]]},
{"description":"Entity without a name",
"output":["ParseError", ["Character", "&;"]]},
{"description":"Unescaped ampersand in attribute value",
"input":"<h a='&'>",
"output":["ParseError", ["StartTag", "h", { "a":"&" }]]},
{"description":"StartTag containing <",
"output":[["StartTag", "a<b", { }]]},
{"description":"Non-void element containing trailing /",
"output":["ParseError", ["StartTag", "h", { }]]},
{"description":"Void element with permitted slash",
"output":[["StartTag", "br", { }]]},
{"description":"StartTag containing /",
"output":["ParseError", ["StartTag", "h", { "a":"b" }]]},
{"description":"Double-quoted attribute value",
"input":"<h a=\"b\">",
"output":[["StartTag", "h", { "a":"b" }]]},
{"description":"Unescaped </",
"output":["ParseError", ["Character", "</"]]},
{"description":"Illegal end tag name",
"output":["ParseError", ["Comment", "1"]]},
{"description":"Simili processing instruction",
"output":["ParseError", ["Comment", "?namespace"]]},
{"description":"A bogus comment stops at >, even if preceeded by two dashes",
"output":["ParseError", ["Comment", "?foo--"]]},
{"description":"Unescaped <",
"input":"foo < bar",
"output":[["Character", "foo "], "ParseError", ["Character", "< bar"]]},
{"description":"Null Byte Replacement",
"output":["ParseError", ["Character", "\ufffd"]]},
{"description":"Comment with dash",
"output":["ParseError", ["Comment", "-x"]]},
{"description":"Entity + newline",