I installed the rails_xss plugin, for the main purpose of seeing what will break with Rails 3.0 (where the behaviour of the plugin is the default). I think I've fixed everything, but let me know if you see stuff that is HTML-escaped, which shouldn't be. As a side benefit, we now use Erubis, rather than ERB, to render templates. They tell me it's faster ...
54 lines
1.4 KiB
54 lines
1.4 KiB
all = example.rb example.php example.c example.java example.scm example.pl example.js
all: $(all)
example.rb: example.eruby
erubis --pi -l ruby example.eruby > example.rb
example.php: example.ephp
erubis --pi -l php example.ephp > example.php
example.c: example.ec
erubis --pi -bl c example.ec > example.c
example.java: example.ejava
erubis --pi -bl java example.ejava > example.java
example.scm: example.escheme
erubis --pi -l scheme --func=display example.escheme > example.scm
# erubis --pi -l scheme example.escheme > example.scm
example.pl: example.eperl
erubis --pi -l perl example.eperl > example.pl
example.js: example.ejs
erubis --pi -l javascript example.ejs > example.js
src = example.eruby example.ephp example.ec example.ejava example.escheme example.eperl example.ejs Makefile
rm -f `ruby -e 'puts(Dir.glob("*.*") - %w[$(src)])'`
# rm -f $(all)
compile: example.bin example.class
example.bin: example.c
cc -o example.bin example.c
example.class: example.java
jikes example.java
output: $(all) example.bin example.class
erubis --pi example.eruby > example.ruby.result
#ruby example.rb > example.ruby.result
php example.php > example.php.result
./example.bin '<aaa>' 'b&b' '"ccc"' > example.c.result
java example > example.java.result
gosh example.scm > example.scm.result
#guile example.scm > example.scm.result
perl example.pl > example.pl.result