Further whittling away at differences between Instiki's and the main branch of SVG-Edit. Now, the saveHandler is set from within the calling page. If the editor was opened from Instiki, choosing "Save Image" now closes the editor window. To leave it open was kinda confusing. Also sync with latest SVG-Edit changes.
213 lines
7.6 KiB
213 lines
7.6 KiB
* Based on Simon Willison's blockquotes.js
* http://simon.incutio.com/archive/2002/12/20/#blockquoteCitations
function extractBlockquoteCitations() {
var quotes = document.getElementsByTagName('blockquote');
for (i = 0; i < quotes.length; i++) {
var cite = quotes[i].getAttribute('cite');
if (cite && cite != '') {
var newlink = document.createElement('a');
newlink.setAttribute('href', cite);
newlink.setAttribute('title', cite);
var newspan = document.createElement('span');
function fixRunIn() {
// work around lack of gecko support for display:run-in
var re = /^num_|\s+num_|^un_|\s+un_|proof/;
$$('div > h6').each(function(element) {
if(re.test($(element.parentNode).className)) {
var new_span = new Element('span').update(element.textContent);
var next_el = element.next().firstChild;
next_el.parentNode.insertBefore(new_span, next_el);
var period = new Element('span').update('. ');
next_el.parentNode.insertBefore(period, next_el);
// add tombstone to proof, since gecko doesn't support :last-child properly
$$('div.proof').each(function(element) {
var l = element.childElements().length -1;
var span = new Element('span').update('\u00a0\u00a0\u25ae');
function mactionWorkarounds() {
$$('maction[actiontype="tooltip"]').each( function(mtool){
Element.writeAttribute(mtool, 'title',
$$('maction[actiontype="statusline"]').each( function(mstatus){
var v = Element.firstDescendant(mstatus).nextSibling.firstChild.data;
Event.observe(mstatus, 'mouseover', function(){window.status = v;});
Event.observe(mstatus, 'mouseout', function(){window.status = '';});
function addS5button(page_name) {
var f = $('MarkupHelp');
if (f) {
var s5button = new Element('input', {id:'S5button', type:'button', value: 'Make this page an S5 slideshow'});
f.insert({top: s5button});
Event.observe(s5button, 'click', function(){
var preamble = "author: " + document.getElementById('author').value +
"\ncompany: \ntitle: " + page_name +
"\nsubtitle: \nslide_theme: default\nslide_footer: \nslide_subfooter: " +
"\n\n:category: S5-slideshow\n\n" + page_name +
"\n==============\n\nMy First Slide\n-----------------\n\n";
var content = document.getElementById('content');
content.value = preamble + content.value;
function setupSVGedit(path){
var f = $('MarkupHelp');
var selected;
var before;
var after;
// create a control button
if (f) {
var SVGeditButton = new Element('input', {id:'SVGeditButton', type:'button', value: 'Create an SVG graphic'});
f.insert({top: SVGeditButton});
SVGeditButton.disabled = true;
Event.observe(SVGeditButton, 'click', function(){
var editor = window.open(path, 'Edit SVG graphic', 'status=1,resizable=1,scrollbars=1');
if (selected) {
editor.addEventListener("load", function() {
'save': function(window,svg){
window.opener.postMessage(svg, window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host);
}, true);
} else {
editor.addEventListener("load", function() {
'save': function(window,svg){
window.opener.postMessage(svg, window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host);
}, true);
SVGeditButton.disabled = true;
SVGeditButton.value = 'Create SVG graphic';
var t = $('content');
var callback = function(){
// This is triggered by 'onmouseup' events
var sel = window.getSelection();
var a = sel.anchorOffset;
var f = sel.focusOffset;
// A bit of ugliness, because Gecko-based browsers
// don't support getSelection in textareas
if (t.selectionStart ) {
var begin = t.selectionStart;
var end = t.selectionEnd;
} else {
if( a < f) {
begin = a;
end = f;
} else {
begin = f;
end = a;
// finally, slice up the textarea content into before, selected, & after pieces
before = t.value.slice(0, begin);
selected = t.value.slice(begin, end);
after = t.value.slice(end, t.value.length);
if (selected && selected != '') {
if ( selected.match(/^<svg(.|\n)*<\/svg>$/) ) {
SVGeditButton.disabled = false;
SVGeditButton.value = 'Edit existing SVG graphic';
} else {
SVGeditButton.disabled = true;
} else {
SVGeditButton.disabled = false;
SVGeditButton.value = 'Create SVG graphic';
Event.observe(t, 'mouseup', callback );
var my_loc = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host;
Event.observe(window, "message", function(event){
if(event.origin !== my_loc) { return;}
t.value = before + event.data + after;
SVGeditButton.disabled = true;
SVGeditButton.value = 'Create SVG graphic';
function updateSize(elt, w, h) {
// adjust to the size of the user's browser area.
// w and h are the original, unadjusted, width and height per row/column
var parentheight = document.viewport.getHeight() - $('pageName').getHeight()
- $('editFormButtons').getHeight() - $('hidebutton').getHeight();
var parentwidth = $('Content').getWidth();
var f = $('MarkupHelp');
if (f.visible()) { parentwidth = parentwidth - f.getWidth() - 20 }
var changename = $('alter_title');
if (changename) {
parentheight = parentheight - changename.parentNode.getHeight()-2*h;
elt.writeAttribute({'cols': Math.floor(parentwidth/w) - 1,
'rows': Math.floor(parentheight/h) - 4 });
elt.setStyle({Width: parentwidth, Height: parentheight});
function resizeableTextarea() {
//make the textarea resize to fit available space
var f = $('MarkupHelp');
if (f) {
var hidebutton = new Element('input', {id:'hidebutton', type:'button', value: 'Hide markup help'});
f.insert({before: hidebutton});
$$('textarea#content').each( function(textarea) {
var w = textarea.getWidth()/textarea.getAttribute('cols');
var h = textarea.getStyle('lineHeight').replace(/(\d*)px/, "$1");
var changename = $('alter_title');
if (changename) {
Event.observe(changename.parentNode, 'change', function() {
updateSize(textarea, w, h);
Event.observe(hidebutton, 'click', function(){
if (f.visible()) {
hidebutton.writeAttribute({value: 'Show markup help'});
updateSize(textarea, w, h)
} else {
hidebutton.writeAttribute({value: 'Hide markup help'});
updateSize(textarea, w, h)
Event.observe(window, 'resize', function(){ updateSize(textarea, w, h) });
updateSize(textarea, w, h);
window.onload = function (){