Update Bundler to 1.0.15. Update Rails to 2.3.12. Update rails_xss plugin. The latter two were the source of a considerable amount of grief, as rails_xss is now MUCH stricter about what string methods can be used. Also made it possible to use rake 0.9.x with Instiki. But you probably REALLY want to use ruby bundle exec rake ... instead of just saying rake ....
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* Darkfish Page Functions
* $Id: darkfish.js 53 2009-01-07 02:52:03Z deveiant $
* Author: Michael Granger <mgranger@laika.com>
/* Provide console simulation for firebug-less environments */
if (!("console" in window) || !("firebug" in console)) {
var names = ["log", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "assert", "dir", "dirxml",
"group", "groupEnd", "time", "timeEnd", "count", "trace", "profile", "profileEnd"];
window.console = {};
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; ++i)
window.console[names[i]] = function() {};
* Unwrap the first element that matches the given @expr@ from the targets and return them.
$.fn.unwrap = function( expr ) {
return this.each( function() {
$(this).parents( expr ).eq( 0 ).after( this ).remove();
function showSource( e ) {
var target = e.target;
var codeSections = $(target).
function hookSourceViews() {
$('.method-description,.method-heading').click( showSource );
function toggleDebuggingSection() {
function hookDebuggingToggle() {
$('#debugging-toggle img').click( toggleDebuggingSection );
function hookQuickSearch() {
$('.quicksearch-field').each( function() {
var searchElems = $(this).parents('.section').find( 'li' );
var toggle = $(this).parents('.section').find('h3 .search-toggle');
// console.debug( "Toggle is: %o", toggle );
var qsbox = $(this).parents('form').get( 0 );
$(this).quicksearch( this, searchElems, {
noSearchResultsIndicator: 'no-class-search-results',
focusOnLoad: false
$(toggle).click( function() {
// console.debug( "Toggling qsbox: %o", qsbox );
function highlightTarget( anchor ) {
console.debug( "Highlighting target '%s'.", anchor );
$("a[name=" + anchor + "]").each( function() {
if ( !$(this).parent().parent().hasClass('target-section') ) {
console.debug( "Wrapping the target-section" );
$('div.method-detail').unwrap( 'div.target-section' );
$(this).parent().wrap( '<div class="target-section"></div>' );
} else {
console.debug( "Already wrapped." );
function highlightLocationTarget() {
console.debug( "Location hash: %s", window.location.hash );
if ( ! window.location.hash || window.location.hash.length == 0 ) return;
var anchor = window.location.hash.substring(1);
console.debug( "Found anchor: %s; matching %s", anchor, "a[name=" + anchor + "]" );
highlightTarget( anchor );
function highlightClickTarget( event ) {
console.debug( "Highlighting click target for event %o", event.target );
try {
var anchor = $(event.target).attr( 'href' ).substring(1);
console.debug( "Found target anchor: %s", anchor );
highlightTarget( anchor );
} catch ( err ) {
console.error( "Exception while highlighting: %o", err );
$(document).ready( function() {
$('ul.link-list a').bind( "click", highlightClickTarget );