Jacques Distler 5292899c9a Rails 2.1 RC1
Updated Instiki to Rails 2.1 RC1 (aka 2.0.991).
2008-05-17 23:22:34 -05:00

51 lines
1.8 KiB

class Class #:nodoc:
# Unassociates the class with its subclasses and removes the subclasses
# themselves.
# Integer.remove_subclasses # => [Bignum, Fixnum]
# Fixnum # => NameError: uninitialized constant Fixnum
def remove_subclasses
# Returns an array with the names of the subclasses of +self+ as strings.
# Integer.subclasses # => ["Bignum", "Fixnum"]
def subclasses
Object.subclasses_of(self).map { |o| o.to_s }
# Removes the classes in +klasses+ from their parent module.
# Ordinary classes belong to some module via a constant. This method computes
# that constant name from the class name and removes it from the module it
# belongs to.
# Object.remove_class(Integer) # => [Integer]
# Integer # => NameError: uninitialized constant Integer
# Take into account that in general the class object could be still stored
# somewhere else.
# i = Integer # => Integer
# Object.remove_class(Integer) # => [Integer]
# Integer # => NameError: uninitialized constant Integer
# i.subclasses # => ["Bignum", "Fixnum"]
# Fixnum.superclass # => Integer
def remove_class(*klasses)
klasses.flatten.each do |klass|
# Skip this class if there is nothing bound to this name
next unless defined?(
basename = klass.to_s.split("::").last
parent = klass.parent
# Skip this class if it does not match the current one bound to this name
next unless parent.const_defined?(basename) && klass = parent.const_get(basename)
parent.instance_eval { remove_const basename } unless parent == klass