Jacques Distler 6873fc8026 Upgrade to Rails 2.0.2
Upgraded to Rails 2.0.2, except that we maintain


from Rail 1.2.6 (at least for now), so that Routes don't change. We still
get to enjoy Rails's many new features.

Also fixed a bug in Chunk-handling: disable WikiWord processing in tags (for real this time).
2007-12-21 01:48:59 -06:00

59 lines
2.1 KiB

module ActionView
module Helpers
module RecordTagHelper
# Produces a wrapper DIV element with id and class parameters that
# relate to the specified ActiveRecord object. Usage example:
# <% div_for(@person, :class => "foo") do %>
# <%=h %>
# <% end %>
# produces:
# <div id="person_123" class="person foo"> Joe Bloggs </div>
def div_for(record, *args, &block)
content_tag_for(:div, record, *args, &block)
# content_tag_for creates an HTML element with id and class parameters
# that relate to the specified ActiveRecord object. For example:
# <% content_tag_for(:tr, @person) do %>
# <td><%=h @person.first_name %></td>
# <td><%=h @person.last_name %></td>
# <% end %>
# would produce hthe following HTML (assuming @person is an instance of
# a Person object, with an id value of 123):
# <tr id="person_123" class="person">....</tr>
# If you require the HTML id attribute to have a prefix, you can specify it:
# <% content_tag_for(:tr, @person, :foo) do %> ...
# produces:
# <tr id="foo_person_123" class="person">...
# content_tag_for also accepts a hash of options, which will be converted to
# additional HTML attributes. If you specify a <tt>:class</tt> value, it will be combined
# with the default class name for your object. For example:
# <% content_tag_for(:li, @person, :class => "bar") %>...
# produces:
# <li id="person_123" class="person bar">...
def content_tag_for(tag_name, record, *args, &block)
prefix = args.first.is_a?(Hash) ? nil : args.shift
options = args.first.is_a?(Hash) ? args.shift : {}
concat content_tag(tag_name, capture(&block),
options.merge({ :class => "#{dom_class(record)} #{options[:class]}".strip, :id => dom_id(record, prefix) })),