Jacques Distler a6429f8c22 Ruby 1.9 Compatibility
Completely removed the html5lib sanitizer.
Fixed the string-handling to work in both
Ruby 1.8.x and 1.9.2. There are still,
inexplicably, two functional tests that
fail. But the rest seems to work quite well.
2009-11-30 16:28:18 -06:00

105 lines
3.1 KiB

{"tests": [
{"description": "proper attribute value escaping",
"input": [["StartTag", "span", {"title": "test \"with\" ""}]],
"expected": ["<span title='test \"with\" &amp;quot;'>"]
{"description": "proper attribute value non-quoting",
"input": [["StartTag", "span", {"title": "foo"}]],
"expected": ["<span title=foo>"],
"xhtml": ["<span title=\"foo\">"]
{"description": "proper attribute value quoting (with >)",
"input": [["StartTag", "span", {"title": "foo>bar"}]],
"expected": ["<span title=\"foo>bar\">"]
{"description": "proper attribute value quoting (with <)",
"input": [["StartTag", "span", {"title": "foo<bar"}]],
"expected": ["<span title=\"foo<bar\">"],
"xhtml": ["<span title=\"foo&lt;bar\">"]
{"description": "proper attribute value quoting (with \")",
"input": [["StartTag", "span", {"title": "foo\"bar"}]],
"expected": ["<span title='foo\"bar'>"]
{"description": "proper attribute value quoting (with ')",
"input": [["StartTag", "span", {"title": "foo'bar"}]],
"expected": ["<span title=\"foo'bar\">"]
{"description": "proper attribute value quoting (with both \" and ')",
"input": [["StartTag", "span", {"title": "foo'bar\"baz"}]],
"expected": ["<span title=\"foo'bar&quot;baz\">"]
{"description": "proper attribute value quoting (with space)",
"input": [["StartTag", "span", {"title": "foo bar"}]],
"expected": ["<span title=\"foo bar\">"]
{"description": "proper attribute value quoting (with tab)",
"input": [["StartTag", "span", {"title": "foo\tbar"}]],
"expected": ["<span title=\"foo\tbar\">"]
{"description": "proper attribute value quoting (with LF)",
"input": [["StartTag", "span", {"title": "foo\nbar"}]],
"expected": ["<span title=\"foo\nbar\">"]
{"description": "proper attribute value quoting (with CR)",
"input": [["StartTag", "span", {"title": "foo\rbar"}]],
"expected": ["<span title=\"foo\rbar\">"]
{"description": "proper attribute value quoting (with linetab)",
"input": [["StartTag", "span", {"title": "foo\u000Bbar"}]],
"expected": ["<span title=\"foo\u000Bbar\">"]
{"description": "proper attribute value quoting (with form feed)",
"input": [["StartTag", "span", {"title": "foo\u000Cbar"}]],
"expected": ["<span title=\"foo\u000Cbar\">"]
{"description": "void element (as EmptyTag token)",
"input": [["EmptyTag", "img", {}]],
"expected": ["<img>"],
"xhtml": ["<img />"]
{"description": "void element (as StartTag token)",
"input": [["StartTag", "img", {}]],
"expected": ["<img>"],
"xhtml": ["<img />"]
{"description": "doctype in error",
"input": [["Doctype", "foo"]],
"expected": ["<!DOCTYPE foo>"]
{"description": "character data",
"options": {"encoding":"utf-8"},
"input": [["Characters", "a<b>c&d"]],
"expected": ["a&lt;b&gt;c&amp;d"]
{"description": "rcdata",
"input": [["StartTag", "script", {}], ["Characters", "a<b>c&d"]],
"expected": ["<script>a<b>c&d"],
"xhtml": ["<script>a&lt;b&gt;c&amp;d"]
{"description": "doctype",
"input": [["Doctype", "HTML"]],
"expected": ["<!DOCTYPE HTML>"]