Jacques Distler 5d47fdff8b Make Interweb Links Work Right
Links to a published web should be to the 'publish' action, not to the
'show' action. Previously, the published status of the source, not the target
was used.

Also, correct display of the Navigation Links for the 'published' action.
2008-12-01 22:58:09 -06:00

29 lines
1.5 KiB

def list_item(text, link_options, description, accesskey = nil)
link_options[:controller] = 'wiki'
link_options[:web] = @web.address
link_to_unless_current(text, link_options, :title => description, :accesskey => accesskey) {
content_tag('b', text, 'title' => description, 'class' => 'navOn')
<div class="navigation">
<% if params['action'] != 'published' then %>
<%= list_item 'Home Page', {:action => 'show', :id => 'HomePage'}, 'Home, Sweet Home', 'H' %> |
<%= list_item 'All Pages', {:action => 'list'}, 'Alphabetically sorted list of pages', 'A' %> |
<%= list_item 'Recently Revised', {:action =>'recently_revised'}, 'Pages sorted by when they were last changed', 'U' %> |
<%= list_item 'Authors', {:action => 'authors'}, 'Who wrote what' %> |
<%= list_item 'Feeds', {:action => 'feeds'}, 'Subscribe to changes by RSS' %> |
<%= list_item 'Export', {:action => 'export'}, 'Download a zip with all the pages in this wiki', 'X' %> |
<% form_tag({ :controller => 'wiki', :action => 'search', :web => @web.address},
{'id' => 'navigationSearchForm', 'method' => 'get', 'accept-charset' => 'utf-8' }) do %>
<fieldset class="search"><input type="text" id="searchField" name="query" value="Search"
onfocus="this.value == 'Search' ? this.value = '' : true"
onblur="this.value == '' ? this.value = 'Search' : true" /></fieldset>
<% end %>
<% else %>
<%= list_item 'Home Page', {:action => 'published', :id => 'HomePage'}, 'Home, Sweet Home', 'H' %>
<% end%>