Jacques Distler 844ce0ed40 Rails 2.3.11, S5 Editing bug.
Upgrade to Rails 2.3.11.
Fix a bug where the SVG-Edit button would not appear
when editing S5 slideshows.
2011-02-18 23:36:23 -06:00

79 lines
3.1 KiB

@title = "Editing #{}".html_safe
@content_width = 720
@hide_navigation = true
<div id="MarkupHelp">
<%= render(:file => "#{@web.markup}_help") -%>
<%= render(:file => 'wiki_words_help') unless @web.brackets_only? -%>
<% form_tag({ :action => 'save', :web => @web.address, :id => },
{ 'id' => 'editForm', 'method' => 'post', 'onsubmit' => 'cleanAuthorName()',
'accept-charset' => 'utf-8' }) do %>
<textarea name="content" id="content" rows="24" cols="60"><%= h(flash[:content] ||
(params['content'] ? params['content'] : @page.content).purify) %></textarea>
<% if @page_name != 'HomePage' -%>
<%= check_box_tag :alter_title, value = "1", checked=false,
'onchange' => "toggleVisibility();" %> <label for="alter_title">Change page name.</label><br/>
<span id="title_change" style="display:none"><label for="new_name">New name:</label> <%= text_field_tag :new_name, h(,
:onblur => "addRedirect();" %></span>
<% else -%>
<%= hidden_field_tag 'new_name', @page_name %>
<% end%>
<div id="editFormButtons">
<input type="submit" value="Submit" accesskey="s"/> as
<%= text_field_tag :author, h(@author.purify),
:onfocus => "this.value == 'AnonymousCoward' ? this.value = '' : true;",
:onblur => "this.value == '' ? this.value = 'AnonymousCoward' : true" %>
<%= link_to('Cancel', {:web => @web.address, :action => 'cancel_edit', :id =>},
{:accesskey => 'c'}) %>
<span class="unlock">(unlocks page)</span>
<%- end -%>
<script type="text/javascript">
function toggleVisibility() {
var span = document.getElementById('title_change');
if ( =='inline') { ='none';
document.getElementById('new_name').value = "<%= escape_javascript( %>";
var content = document.getElementById('content').value
document.getElementById('content').value = content.replace(/\[\[!redirects <%= Regexp.escape('/', '\\/') %>\]\]\n/, '')
else ='inline'
function addRedirect(){
var e = document.getElementById('new_name').value;
if ( e != "<%= escape_javascript( %>" && e != '') {
var content = document.getElementById('content');
content.value = '[[!redirects <%= escape_javascript( %>]]\n' + content.value
function cleanAuthorName() {
if (document.getElementById('authorName').value == "") {
document.getElementById('authorName').value = 'AnonymousCoward';
<%- if [:markdownMML, :markdownPNG, :markdown].include?(@web.markup) -%>
setupSVGedit('<%= compute_public_path("editor/svg-editor.html", "svg-edit").split(/\?/)[0] %>');
<%- unless @page.categories.include?('S5-slideshow') -%>
addS5button('<%= %>');
<%- end -%>
<%- end -%>