Update Bundler to 1.0.15. Update Rails to 2.3.12. Update rails_xss plugin. The latter two were the source of a considerable amount of grief, as rails_xss is now MUCH stricter about what string methods can be used. Also made it possible to use rake 0.9.x with Instiki. But you probably REALLY want to use ruby bundle exec rake ... instead of just saying rake ....
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require 'chunks/chunk'
# These are basic chunks that have a pattern and can be protected.
# They are used by rendering process to prevent wiki rendering
# occuring within literal areas such as <code> and <pre> blocks
# and within HTML tags.
module Literal
class AbstractLiteral < Chunk::Abstract
def initialize(match_data, content)
@unmask_text = @text
# A literal chunk that protects 'code' and 'pre' tags from wiki rendering.
class Pre < AbstractLiteral
PRE_BLOCKS = "a|pre|code|math"
PRE_PATTERN = Regexp.new('<('+PRE_BLOCKS+')\b[^>]*?>.*?</\1>', Regexp::MULTILINE)
def self.pattern() PRE_PATTERN end
# A literal chunk that protects HTML tags from wiki rendering.
class Tags < AbstractLiteral
TAGS_PATTERN = Regexp.new('</?[-a-zA-Z:]+\b[^>]*?>', Regexp::MULTILINE)
def self.pattern() TAGS_PATTERN end
# A literal chunk that protects equations from wiki rendering.
class Math < AbstractLiteral
MATH_START = "(?:\\\\\\[|\\${1,2}|\\\\begin\\{equation\\})"
MATH_END = "(?:\\\\\\]|\\${1,2}|\\\\end\\{equation\\})"
MATH_PATTERN = Regexp.new( '(' + MATH_START + "(?:\\\\\\$|(?!\\$|\\\\\\]|\\\\end\\{equation\\}).)+?" + MATH_END + ')', Regexp::MULTILINE)
def self.pattern() MATH_PATTERN end