module ActiveSupport #:nodoc: module CoreExtensions #:nodoc: module Array #:nodoc: module RandomAccess # This method is deprecated because it masks Kernel#rand within the Array class itself, # which may be used by a 3rd party library extending Array in turn. See # # # def rand # :nodoc: ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn 'Array#rand is deprecated and will be removed in Rails 3. Use Array#sample instead', caller sample end # Returns a random element from the array. def random_element # :nodoc: ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn 'Array#random_element is deprecated and will be removed in Rails 3. Use Array#sample instead', caller sample end # Backport of Array#sample based on Marc-Andre Lafortune's def sample(n=nil) return self[Kernel.rand(size)] if n.nil? n = n.to_int rescue Exception => e raise TypeError, "Coercion error: #{n.inspect}.to_int => Integer failed:\n(#{e.message})" else raise TypeError, "Coercion error: #{n}.to_int did NOT return an Integer (was #{n.class})" unless n.kind_of? ::Integer raise ArgumentError, "negative array size" if n < 0 n = size if n > size result = n.times do |i| r = i + Kernel.rand(size - i) result[i], result[r] = result[r], result[i] end result[n..size] = [] result end unless method_defined? :sample end end end end