require 'abstract_unit' # You need to start a memcached server inorder to run these tests class AbstractStoreTest < ActionController::IntegrationTest SessionKey = '_myapp_session' DispatcherApp = class TestController < ActionController::Base def get_session session[:test] = 'test' head :ok end end def test_expiry_after with_test_route_set(:expire_after => 5 * 60) do get 'get_session' assert_response :success assert_match /expires=\S+/, headers['Set-Cookie'] end end protected def with_test_route_set(options = {}) with_routing do |set| set.draw do |map| map.with_options :controller => "abstract_store_test/test" do |c| c.connect "/:action" end end options = { :key => SessionKey, :secret => 'SessionSecret' }.merge!(options) @integration_session = open_session(, options)) yield end end class TestStore < ActionController::Session::AbstractStore def initialize(app, options = {}) super @_store ={}) end private def get_session(env, sid) sid ||= generate_sid session = @_store[sid] [sid, session] end def set_session(env, sid, session_data) @_store[sid] = session_data end def destroy(env) @_store.delete(sid) end end end