module ActionController #:nodoc: module Dependencies #:nodoc: def self.append_features(base) super base.extend(ClassMethods) end # Dependencies control what classes are needed for the controller to run its course. This is an alternative to doing explicit # +require+ statements that bring a number of benefits. It's more succinct, communicates what type of dependency we're talking about, # can trigger special behavior (as in the case of +observer+), and enables Rails to be clever about reloading in cached environments # like FCGI. Example: # # class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base # model :account, :company, :person, :project, :category # helper :access_control # service :notifications, :billings # observer :project_change_observer # end # # Please note that a controller like ApplicationController will automatically attempt to require_dependency on a model of its # singuralized name and a helper of its name. If nothing is found, no error is raised. This is especially useful for concrete # controllers like PostController: # # class PostController < ApplicationController # # model :post (already required) # # helper :post (already required) # end # # Also note, that if the models follow the pattern of just 1 class per file in the form of MyClass => my_class.rb, then these # classes don't have to be required as Active Support will auto-require them. module ClassMethods #:nodoc: # Specifies a variable number of models that this controller depends on. Models are normally Active Record classes or a similar # backend for modelling entity classes. def model(*models) require_dependencies(:model, models) depend_on(:model, models) end # Specifies a variable number of services that this controller depends on. Services are normally singletons or factories, like # Action Mailer service or a Payment Gateway service. def service(*services) require_dependencies(:service, services) depend_on(:service, services) end # Specifies a variable number of observers that are to govern when this controller is handling actions. The observers will # automatically have .instance called on them to make them active on assignment. def observer(*observers) require_dependencies(:observer, observers) depend_on(:observer, observers) instantiate_observers(observers) end # Returns an array of symbols that specify the dependencies on a given layer. For the example at the top, calling # <tt>ApplicationController.dependencies_on(:model)</tt> would return <tt>[:account, :company, :person, :project, :category]</tt> def dependencies_on(layer) read_inheritable_attribute("#{layer}_dependencies") end def depend_on(layer, dependencies) #:nodoc: write_inheritable_array("#{layer}_dependencies", dependencies) end private def instantiate_observers(observers) observers.flatten.each { |observer| Object.const_get(Inflector.classify(observer.to_s)).instance } end def require_dependencies(layer, dependencies) dependencies.flatten.each do |dependency| begin require_dependency(dependency.to_s) rescue LoadError => e raise"Missing #{layer} #{dependency}.rb").copy_blame!(e) rescue Object => exception exception.blame_file! "=> #{layer} #{dependency}.rb" raise end end end end end end