#!/bin/env ruby -w require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper' require 'admin_controller' # Raise errors beyond the default web-based presentation class AdminController; def rescue_action(e) logger.error(e); raise e end; end class AdminControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup setup_test_wiki setup_controller_test end def tear_down tear_down_wiki end def test_create_system_form_displayed ApplicationController.wiki = WikiServiceWithNoPersistence.new process('create_system') assert_success end def test_create_system_form_submitted ApplicationController.wiki = WikiServiceWithNoPersistence.new assert !ApplicationController.wiki.setup? process('create_system', 'password' => 'a_password', 'web_name' => 'My Wiki', 'web_address' => 'my_wiki') assert_redirected_to :web => 'my_wiki', :controller => 'wiki', :action => 'new', :id => 'HomePage' assert ApplicationController.wiki.setup? assert_equal 'a_password', ApplicationController.wiki.system[:password] assert_equal 1, ApplicationController.wiki.webs.size new_web = ApplicationController.wiki.webs['my_wiki'] assert_equal 'My Wiki', new_web.name assert_equal 'my_wiki', new_web.address end def test_create_system_form_submitted_and_wiki_already_initialized wiki_before = ApplicationController.wiki assert ApplicationController.wiki.setup? process 'create_system', 'password' => 'a_password', 'web_name' => 'My Wiki', 'web_address' => 'my_wiki' assert_redirected_to :web => 'wiki1', :action => 'show', :id => 'HomePage' assert_equal wiki_before, ApplicationController.wiki # and no new web should be created either assert_equal 1, ApplicationController.wiki.webs.size assert_flash_has :error end def test_create_system_no_form_and_wiki_already_initialized assert @wiki.setup? process('create_system') assert_redirected_to :web => 'wiki1', :action => 'show', :id => 'HomePage' assert_flash_has :error end def test_create_web @wiki.system[:password] = 'pswd' process 'create_web', 'system_password' => 'pswd', 'name' => 'Wiki Two', 'address' => 'wiki2' assert_redirected_to :web => 'wiki2', :action => 'new', :id => 'HomePage' wiki2 = @wiki.webs['wiki2'] assert wiki2 assert_equal 'Wiki Two', wiki2.name assert_equal 'wiki2', wiki2.address end def test_create_web_default_password @wiki.system[:password] = nil process 'create_web', 'system_password' => 'instiki', 'name' => 'Wiki Two', 'address' => 'wiki2' assert_redirected_to :web => 'wiki2', :action => 'new', :id => 'HomePage' end def test_create_web_failed_authentication @wiki.system[:password] = 'pswd' process 'create_web', 'system_password' => 'wrong', 'name' => 'Wiki Two', 'address' => 'wiki2' assert_redirected_to :web => nil, :action => 'index' assert_nil @wiki.webs['wiki2'] end def test_create_web_no_form_submitted @wiki.system[:password] = 'pswd' process 'create_web' assert_success end def test_edit_web_no_form process 'edit_web', 'web' => 'wiki1' # this action simply renders a form assert_success end def test_edit_web_form_submitted @wiki.system[:password] = 'pswd' process('edit_web', 'system_password' => 'pswd', 'web' => 'wiki1', 'address' => 'renamed_wiki1', 'name' => 'Renamed Wiki1', 'markup' => 'markdown', 'color' => 'blue', 'additional_style' => 'whatever', 'safe_mode' => 'on', 'password' => 'new_password', 'published' => 'on', 'brackets_only' => 'on', 'count_pages' => 'on', 'allow_uploads' => 'on', 'max_upload_size' => '300') assert_redirected_to :web => 'renamed_wiki1', :action => 'show', :id => 'HomePage' assert_equal 'renamed_wiki1', @web.address assert_equal 'Renamed Wiki1', @web.name assert_equal :markdown, @web.markup assert_equal 'blue', @web.color assert @web.safe_mode assert_equal 'new_password', @web.password assert @web.published assert @web.brackets_only assert @web.count_pages assert @web.allow_uploads assert_equal 300, @web.max_upload_size end def test_edit_web_opposite_values @wiki.system[:password] = 'pswd' process('edit_web', 'system_password' => 'pswd', 'web' => 'wiki1', 'address' => 'renamed_wiki1', 'name' => 'Renamed Wiki1', 'markup' => 'markdown', 'color' => 'blue', 'additional_style' => 'whatever', 'password' => 'new_password') # safe_mode, published, brackets_only, count_pages, allow_uploads not set # and should become false assert_redirected_to :web => 'renamed_wiki1', :action => 'show', :id => 'HomePage' assert !@web.safe_mode assert !@web.published assert !@web.brackets_only assert !@web.count_pages assert !@web.allow_uploads end def test_edit_web_wrong_password process('edit_web', 'system_password' => 'wrong', 'web' => 'wiki1', 'address' => 'renamed_wiki1', 'name' => 'Renamed Wiki1', 'markup' => 'markdown', 'color' => 'blue', 'additional_style' => 'whatever', 'password' => 'new_password') #returns to the same form assert_success assert @response.has_template_object?(:error) end def test_edit_web_rename_to_already_existing_web_name @wiki.system[:password] = 'pswd' @wiki.create_web('Another', 'another') process('edit_web', 'system_password' => 'pswd', 'web' => 'wiki1', 'address' => 'another', 'name' => 'Renamed Wiki1', 'markup' => 'markdown', 'color' => 'blue', 'additional_style' => 'whatever', 'password' => 'new_password') #returns to the same form assert_success assert @response.has_template_object?(:error) end def test_edit_web_empty_password process('edit_web', 'system_password' => '', 'web' => 'wiki1', 'address' => 'renamed_wiki1', 'name' => 'Renamed Wiki1', 'markup' => 'markdown', 'color' => 'blue', 'additional_style' => 'whatever', 'password' => 'new_password') #returns to the same form assert_success assert @response.has_template_object?(:error) end def test_remove_orphaned_pages setup_wiki_with_three_pages @wiki.system[:password] = 'pswd' orhan_page_linking_to_oak = @wiki.write_page('wiki1', 'Pine', "Refers to [[Oak]].\n" + "category: trees", Time.now, Author.new('TreeHugger', '')) r = process('remove_orphaned_pages', 'web' => 'wiki1', 'system_password_orphaned' => 'pswd') assert_redirected_to :controller => 'wiki', :web => 'wiki1', :action => 'list' assert_equal [@home, @oak], @web.select.sort, "Pages are not as expected: #{@web.select.sort.map {|p| p.name}.inspect}" # Oak is now orphan, second pass should remove it r = process('remove_orphaned_pages', 'web' => 'wiki1', 'system_password_orphaned' => 'pswd') assert_redirected_to :controller => 'wiki', :web => 'wiki1', :action => 'list' assert_equal [@home], @web.select.sort, "Pages are not as expected: #{@web.select.sort.map {|p| p.name}.inspect}" # third pass does not destroy HomePage r = process('remove_orphaned_pages', 'web' => 'wiki1', 'system_password_orphaned' => 'pswd') assert_redirected_to :action => 'list' assert_equal [@home], @web.select.sort, "Pages are not as expected: #{@web.select.sort.map {|p| p.name}.inspect}" end def test_remove_orphaned_pages_empty_or_wrong_password setup_wiki_with_three_pages @wiki.system[:password] = 'pswd' process('remove_orphaned_pages', 'web' => 'wiki1') assert_redirected_to(:controller => 'admin', :action => 'edit_web', :web => 'wiki1') assert @response.flash[:error] process('remove_orphaned_pages', 'web' => 'wiki1', 'system_password_orphaned' => 'wrong') assert_redirected_to(:controller => 'admin', :action => 'edit_web', :web => 'wiki1') assert @response.flash[:error] end end