require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'preamble') require 'html5lib/treebuilders' require 'html5lib/html5parser' $tree_types_to_test = ['simpletree', 'rexml'] begin require 'hpricot' $tree_types_to_test.push('hpricot') rescue LoadError end $CHECK_PARSER_ERRORS = false puts 'Testing: ' + $tree_types_to_test * ', ' class Html5ParserTestCase < Test::Unit::TestCase def self.startswith?(a, b) b[0... a.length] == a end def self.parseTestcase(data) innerHTML = nil input = [] output = [] errors = [] currentList = input data.split(/\n/).each do |line| if !line.empty? and !startswith?("#errors", line) and !startswith?("#document", line) and !startswith?("#data", line) and !startswith?("#document-fragment", line) if currentList == output and startswith?("|", line) currentList.push(line[2..-1]) else currentList.push(line) end elsif line == "#errors" currentList = errors elsif line == "#document" or startswith?("#document-fragment", line) if startswith?("#document-fragment", line) innerHTML = line[19..-1] raise AssertionError unless innerHTML end currentList = output end end return innerHTML, input.join("\n"), output.join("\n"), errors end # convert the output of str(document) to the format used in the testcases def convertTreeDump(treedump) treedump.split(/\n/)[1..-1].map { |line| (line.length > 2 and line[0] == ?|) ? line[3..-1] : line }.join("\n") end def sortattrs(output) output.gsub(/^(\s+)\w+=.*(\n\1\w+=.*)+/) { |match| match.split("\n").sort.join("\n") } end html5lib_test_files('tree-construction').each do |test_file| test_name = File.basename(test_file).sub('.dat', '')"#data\n").each_with_index do |data, index| next if data.empty? innerHTML, input, expected_output, expected_errors = parseTestcase(data) $tree_types_to_test.each do |tree_name| define_method 'test_%s_%d_%s' % [ test_name, index + 1, tree_name ] do parser = => HTML5lib::TreeBuilders.getTreeBuilder(tree_name)) if innerHTML parser.parseFragment(input, innerHTML) else parser.parse(input) end actual_output = convertTreeDump(parser.tree.testSerializer(parser.tree.document)) assert_equal sortattrs(expected_output), sortattrs(actual_output), [ 'Input:', input, 'Expected:', expected_output, 'Recieved:', actual_output ].join("\n") if $CHECK_PARSER_ERRORS actual_errors = do |(line, col), message| 'Line: %i Col: %i %s' % [line, col, message] end assert_equal parser.errors.length, expected_errors.length, [ 'Expected errors:', expected_errors.join("\n"), 'Actual errors:', actual_errors.join("\n") ].join("\n") end end end end end end