require 'html5/constants' require 'html5/inputstream' module HTML5 # This class takes care of tokenizing HTML. # # * @currentToken # Holds the token that is currently being processed. # # * @state # Holds a reference to the method to be invoked... XXX # # * @states # Holds a mapping between states and methods that implement the state. # # * @stream # Points to HTMLInputStream object. class HTMLTokenizer attr_accessor :contentModelFlag, :currentToken attr_reader :stream # XXX need to fix documentation def initialize(stream, options = {}) @stream =, options) @states = { :data => :dataState, :entityData => :entityDataState, :tagOpen => :tagOpenState, :closeTagOpen => :closeTagOpenState, :tagName => :tagNameState, :beforeAttributeName => :beforeAttributeNameState, :attributeName => :attributeNameState, :afterAttributeName => :afterAttributeNameState, :beforeAttributeValue => :beforeAttributeValueState, :attributeValueDoubleQuoted => :attributeValueDoubleQuotedState, :attributeValueSingleQuoted => :attributeValueSingleQuotedState, :attributeValueUnQuoted => :attributeValueUnQuotedState, :bogusComment => :bogusCommentState, :markupDeclarationOpen => :markupDeclarationOpenState, :commentStart => :commentStartState, :commentStartDash => :commentStartDashState, :comment => :commentState, :commentEndDash => :commentEndDashState, :commentEnd => :commentEndState, :doctype => :doctypeState, :beforeDoctypeName => :beforeDoctypeNameState, :doctypeName => :doctypeNameState, :afterDoctypeName => :afterDoctypeNameState, :beforeDoctypePublicIdentifier => :beforeDoctypePublicIdentifierState, :doctypePublicIdentifierDoubleQuoted => :doctypePublicIdentifierDoubleQuotedState, :doctypePublicIdentifierSingleQuoted => :doctypePublicIdentifierSingleQuotedState, :afterDoctypePublicIdentifier => :afterDoctypePublicIdentifierState, :beforeDoctypeSystemIdentifier => :beforeDoctypeSystemIdentifierState, :doctypeSystemIdentifierDoubleQuoted => :doctypeSystemIdentifierDoubleQuotedState, :doctypeSystemIdentifierSingleQuoted => :doctypeSystemIdentifierSingleQuotedState, :afterDoctypeSystemIdentifier => :afterDoctypeSystemIdentifierState, :bogusDoctype => :bogusDoctypeState } # Setup the initial tokenizer state @contentModelFlag = :PCDATA @state = @states[:data] @escapeFlag = false @lastFourChars = [] # The current token being created @currentToken = nil # Tokens to be processed. @tokenQueue = [] end # This is where the magic happens. # # We do our usually processing through the states and when we have a token # to return we yield the token which pauses processing until the next token # is requested. def each @tokenQueue = [] # Start processing. When EOF is reached @state will return false # instead of true and the loop will terminate. while send @state yield :type => :ParseError, :data => @stream.errors.shift until @stream.errors.empty? yield @tokenQueue.shift until @tokenQueue.empty? end end # Below are various helper functions the tokenizer states use worked out. # If the next character is a '>', convert the currentToken into # an EmptyTag def processSolidusInTag # We need to consume another character to make sure it's a ">" data = @stream.char if @currentToken[:type] == :StartTag and data == ">" @currentToken[:type] = :EmptyTag else @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Solidus (/) incorrectly placed in tag.")}) end # The character we just consumed need to be put back on the stack so it # doesn't get lost... @stream.unget(data) end # This function returns either U+FFFD or the character based on the # decimal or hexadecimal representation. It also discards ";" if present. # If not present @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError}") is invoked. def consumeNumberEntity(isHex) # XXX More need to be done here. For instance, #13 should prolly be # converted to #10 so we don't get \r (#13 is \r right?) in the DOM and # such. Thoughts on this appreciated. allowed = DIGITS radix = 10 if isHex allowed = HEX_DIGITS radix = 16 end charStack = [] # Consume all the characters that are in range while making sure we # don't hit an EOF. c = @stream.char while allowed.include?(c) and c != :EOF charStack.push(c) c = @stream.char end # Convert the set of characters consumed to an int. charAsInt = charStack.join('').to_i(radix) if charAsInt == 13 @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Incorrect CR newline entity. Replaced with LF.")}) charAsInt = 10 elsif (128..159).include? charAsInt # If the integer is between 127 and 160 (so 128 and bigger and 159 # and smaller) we need to do the "windows trick". @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Entity used with illegal number (windows-1252 reference).")}) charAsInt = ENTITIES_WINDOWS1252[charAsInt - 128] end if 0 < charAsInt and charAsInt <= 1114111 and not (55296 <= charAsInt and charAsInt <= 57343) char = [charAsInt].pack('U') else char = [0xFFFD].pack('U') @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Numeric entity represents an illegal codepoint.")}) end # Discard the ; if present. Otherwise, put it back on the queue and # invoke parseError on parser. if c != ";" @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Numeric entity didn't end with ';'.")}) @stream.unget(c) end return char end def consumeEntity(from_attribute=false) char = nil charStack = [@stream.char] if SPACE_CHARACTERS.include?(charStack[0]) or [:EOF, '<', '&'].include?(charStack[0]) @stream.unget(charStack) elsif charStack[0] == "#" # We might have a number entity here. charStack += [@stream.char, @stream.char] if charStack.include? :EOF # If we reach the end of the file put everything up to :EOF # back in the queue charStack = charStack[0...charStack.index(:EOF)] @stream.unget(charStack) @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Numeric entity expected. Got end of file instead.")}) else if charStack[1].downcase == "x" \ and HEX_DIGITS.include? charStack[2] # Hexadecimal entity detected. @stream.unget(charStack[2]) char = consumeNumberEntity(true) elsif DIGITS.include? charStack[1] # Decimal entity detected. @stream.unget(charStack[1..-1]) char = consumeNumberEntity(false) else # No number entity detected. @stream.unget(charStack) @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Numeric entity expected but none found.")}) end end else # At this point in the process might have named entity. Entities # are stored in the global variable "entities". # # Consume characters and compare to these to a substring of the # entity names in the list until the substring no longer matches. filteredEntityList = ENTITIES.keys filteredEntityList.reject! {|e| e[0].chr != charStack[0]} entityName = nil # Try to find the longest entity the string will match to take care # of ¬i for instance. while charStack[-1] != :EOF name = charStack.join('') if filteredEntityList.any? {|e| e[] == name} filteredEntityList.reject! {|e| e[] != name} charStack.push(@stream.char) else break end if ENTITIES.include? name entityName = name break if entityName[-1] == ';' end end if entityName != nil char = ENTITIES[entityName] # Check whether or not the last character returned can be # discarded or needs to be put back. if entityName[-1] != ?; @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Named entity didn't end with ';'.")}) end if charStack[-1] != ";" and from_attribute and (ASCII_LETTERS.include?(charStack[entityName.length]) or DIGITS.include?(charStack[entityName.length])) @stream.unget(charStack) char = '&' else @stream.unget(charStack[entityName.length..-1]) end else @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Named entity expected. Got none.")}) @stream.unget(charStack) end end return char end # This method replaces the need for "entityInAttributeValueState". def processEntityInAttribute entity = consumeEntity(true) if entity @currentToken[:data][-1][1] += entity else @currentToken[:data][-1][1] += "&" end end # This method is a generic handler for emitting the tags. It also sets # the state to "data" because that's what's needed after a token has been # emitted. def emitCurrentToken # Add token to the queue to be yielded @tokenQueue.push(@currentToken) @state = @states[:data] end # Below are the various tokenizer states worked out. # XXX AT Perhaps we should have Hixie run some evaluation on billions of # documents to figure out what the order of the various if and elsif # statements should be. def dataState data = @stream.char if @contentModelFlag == :CDATA or @contentModelFlag == :RCDATA @lastFourChars << data @lastFourChars.shift if @lastFourChars.length > 4 end if data == "&" and !@escapeFlag and [:PCDATA,:RCDATA].include?(@contentModelFlag) @state = @states[:entityData] elsif data == "-" and !@escapeFlag and [:CDATA,:RCDATA].include?(@contentModelFlag) and @lastFourChars.join('') == "" @escapeFlag = false @tokenQueue.push({:type => :Characters, :data => data}) elsif data == :EOF # Tokenization ends. return false elsif SPACE_CHARACTERS.include? data # Directly after emitting a token you switch back to the "data # state". At that point SPACE_CHARACTERS are important so they are # emitted separately. # XXX need to check if we don't need a special "spaces" flag on # characters. @tokenQueue.push({:type => :SpaceCharacters, :data => data + @stream.chars_until(SPACE_CHARACTERS, true)}) else @tokenQueue.push({:type => :Characters, :data => data + @stream.chars_until(%w[& < > -])}) end return true end def entityDataState entity = consumeEntity if entity @tokenQueue.push({:type => :Characters, :data => entity}) else @tokenQueue.push({:type => :Characters, :data => "&"}) end @state = @states[:data] return true end def tagOpenState data = @stream.char if @contentModelFlag == :PCDATA if data == "!" @state = @states[:markupDeclarationOpen] elsif data == "/" @state = @states[:closeTagOpen] elsif data != :EOF and ASCII_LETTERS.include? data @currentToken =\ {:type => :StartTag, :name => data, :data => []} @state = @states[:tagName] elsif data == ">" # XXX In theory it could be something besides a tag name. But # do we really care? @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Expected tag name. Got '>' instead.")}) @tokenQueue.push({:type => :Characters, :data => "<>"}) @state = @states[:data] elsif data == "?" # XXX In theory it could be something besides a tag name. But # do we really care? @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Expected tag name. Got '?' instead (HTML doesn't " + "support processing instructions).")}) @stream.unget(data) @state = @states[:bogusComment] else # XXX @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Expected tag name. Got something else instead")}) @tokenQueue.push({:type => :Characters, :data => "<"}) @stream.unget(data) @state = @states[:data] end else # We know the content model flag is set to either RCDATA or CDATA # now because this state can never be entered with the PLAINTEXT # flag. if data == "/" @state = @states[:closeTagOpen] else @tokenQueue.push({:type => :Characters, :data => "<"}) @stream.unget(data) @state = @states[:data] end end return true end def closeTagOpenState if (@contentModelFlag == :RCDATA or @contentModelFlag == :CDATA) if @currentToken charStack = [] # So far we know that "", "/", "<", :EOF]).include? charStack[-1] # Because the characters are correct we can safely switch to # PCDATA mode now. This also means we don't have to do it when # emitting the end tag token. @contentModelFlag = :PCDATA else @tokenQueue.push({:type => :Characters, :data => " :ParseError, :data => _("Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.")}) @tokenQueue.push({:type => :Characters, :data => " :EndTag, :name => data, :data => []} @state = @states[:tagName] elsif data == ">" @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Expected closing tag. Got '>' instead. Ignoring ''.")}) @state = @states[:data] else # XXX data can be _'_... @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Expected closing tag. Unexpected character '#{data}' found.")}) @stream.unget(data) @state = @states[:bogusComment] end return true end def tagNameState data = @stream.char if SPACE_CHARACTERS.include? data @state = @states[:beforeAttributeName] elsif data == :EOF @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Unexpected end of file in the tag name.")}) emitCurrentToken elsif ASCII_LETTERS.include? data @currentToken[:name] += data +\ @stream.chars_until(ASCII_LETTERS, true) elsif data == ">" emitCurrentToken elsif data == "/" processSolidusInTag @state = @states[:beforeAttributeName] else @currentToken[:name] += data end return true end def beforeAttributeNameState data = @stream.char if SPACE_CHARACTERS.include? data @stream.chars_until(SPACE_CHARACTERS, true) elsif data == :EOF @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Unexpected end of file. Expected attribute name instead.")}) emitCurrentToken elsif ASCII_LETTERS.include? data @currentToken[:data].push([data, ""]) @state = @states[:attributeName] elsif data == ">" emitCurrentToken elsif data == "/" processSolidusInTag else @currentToken[:data].push([data, ""]) @state = @states[:attributeName] end return true end def attributeNameState data = @stream.char leavingThisState = true if data == "=" @state = @states[:beforeAttributeValue] elsif data == :EOF @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Unexpected end of file in attribute name.")}) emitCurrentToken leavingThisState = false elsif ASCII_LETTERS.include? data @currentToken[:data][-1][0] += data +\ @stream.chars_until(ASCII_LETTERS, true) leavingThisState = false elsif data == ">" # XXX If we emit here the attributes are converted to a dict # without being checked and when the code below runs we error # because data is a dict not a list elsif SPACE_CHARACTERS.include? data @state = @states[:afterAttributeName] elsif data == "/" processSolidusInTag @state = @states[:beforeAttributeName] else @currentToken[:data][-1][0] += data leavingThisState = false end if leavingThisState # Attributes are not dropped at this stage. That happens when the # start tag token is emitted so values can still be safely appended # to attributes, but we do want to report the parse error in time. @currentToken[:data][0...-1].each {|name,value| if @currentToken[:data][-1][0] == name @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Dropped duplicate attribute on tag.")}) end } # XXX Fix for above XXX if data == ">" emitCurrentToken end end return true end def afterAttributeNameState data = @stream.char if SPACE_CHARACTERS.include? data @stream.chars_until(SPACE_CHARACTERS, true) elsif data == "=" @state = @states[:beforeAttributeValue] elsif data == ">" emitCurrentToken elsif ASCII_LETTERS.include? data @currentToken[:data].push([data, ""]) @state = @states[:attributeName] elsif data == "/" processSolidusInTag @state = @states[:beforeAttributeName] elsif data == :EOF @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Unexpected end of file. Expected = or end of tag.")}) emitCurrentToken else @currentToken[:data].push([data, ""]) @state = @states[:attributeName] end return true end def beforeAttributeValueState data = @stream.char if SPACE_CHARACTERS.include? data @stream.chars_until(SPACE_CHARACTERS, true) elsif data == "\"" @state = @states[:attributeValueDoubleQuoted] elsif data == "&" @state = @states[:attributeValueUnQuoted] @stream.unget(data); elsif data == "'" @state = @states[:attributeValueSingleQuoted] elsif data == ">" emitCurrentToken elsif data == :EOF @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Unexpected end of file. Expected attribute value.")}) emitCurrentToken else @currentToken[:data][-1][1] += data @state = @states[:attributeValueUnQuoted] end return true end def attributeValueDoubleQuotedState data = @stream.char if data == "\"" @state = @states[:beforeAttributeName] elsif data == "&" processEntityInAttribute elsif data == :EOF @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Unexpected end of file in attribute value (\").")}) emitCurrentToken else @currentToken[:data][-1][1] += data +\ @stream.chars_until(["\"", "&"]) end return true end def attributeValueSingleQuotedState data = @stream.char if data == "'" @state = @states[:beforeAttributeName] elsif data == "&" processEntityInAttribute elsif data == :EOF @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Unexpected end of file in attribute value (').")}) emitCurrentToken else @currentToken[:data][-1][1] += data +\ @stream.chars_until(["'", "&"]) end return true end def attributeValueUnQuotedState data = @stream.char if SPACE_CHARACTERS.include? data @state = @states[:beforeAttributeName] elsif data == "&" processEntityInAttribute elsif data == ">" emitCurrentToken elsif data == :EOF @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Unexpected end of file in attribute value.")}) emitCurrentToken else @currentToken[:data][-1][1] += data + @stream.chars_until(["&", ">","<"] + SPACE_CHARACTERS) end return true end def bogusCommentState # Make a new comment token and give it as value all the characters # until the first > or :EOF (chars_until checks for :EOF automatically) # and emit it. @tokenQueue.push( {:type => :Comment, :data => @stream.chars_until((">"))}) # Eat the character directly after the bogus comment which is either a # ">" or an :EOF. @stream.char @state = @states[:data] return true end def markupDeclarationOpenState charStack = [@stream.char, @stream.char] if charStack == ["-", "-"] @currentToken = {:type => :Comment, :data => ""} @state = @states[:commentStart] else 5.times { charStack.push(@stream.char) } # Put in explicit :EOF check if ((not charStack.include? :EOF) and charStack.join("").upcase == "DOCTYPE") @currentToken =\ {:type => :Doctype, :name => "", :publicId => nil, :systemId => nil, :correct => true} @state = @states[:doctype] else @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Expected '--' or 'DOCTYPE'. Not found.")}) @stream.unget(charStack) @state = @states[:bogusComment] end end return true end def commentStartState data = @stream.char if data == "-" @state = @states[:commentStartDash] elsif data == ">" @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Incorrect comment.")}) @tokenQueue.push(@currentToken) @state = @states[:data] elsif data == EOF @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Unexpected end of file in comment.")}) @tokenQueue.push(@currentToken) @state = @states[:data] else @currentToken[:data] += data + @stream.chars_until("-") @state = @states[:comment] end return true end def commentStartDashState data = @stream.char if data == "-" @state = @states[:commentEnd] elsif data == ">" @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Incorrect comment.")}) @tokenQueue.push(@currentToken) @state = @states[:data] elsif data == EOF @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Unexpected end of file in comment.")}) @tokenQueue.push(@currentToken) @state = @states[:data] else @currentToken[:data] += data + @stream.chars_until("-") @state = @states[:comment] end return true end def commentState data = @stream.char if data == "-" @state = @states[:commentEndDash] elsif data == :EOF @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Unexpected end of file in comment.")}) @tokenQueue.push(@currentToken) @state = @states[:data] else @currentToken[:data] += data + @stream.chars_until("-") end return true end def commentEndDashState data = @stream.char if data == "-" @state = @states[:commentEnd] elsif data == :EOF @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Unexpected end of file in comment (-)")}) @tokenQueue.push(@currentToken) @state = @states[:data] else @currentToken[:data] += "-" + data +\ @stream.chars_until("-") # Consume the next character which is either a "-" or an :EOF as # well so if there's a "-" directly after the "-" we go nicely to # the "comment end state" without emitting a ParseError there. @stream.char end return true end def commentEndState data = @stream.char if data == ">" @tokenQueue.push(@currentToken) @state = @states[:data] elsif data == "-" @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Unexpected '-' after '--' found in comment.")}) @currentToken[:data] += data elsif data == :EOF @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Unexpected end of file in comment (--).")}) @tokenQueue.push(@currentToken) @state = @states[:data] else # XXX @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Unexpected character in comment found.")}) @currentToken[:data] += "--" + data @state = @states[:comment] end return true end def doctypeState data = @stream.char if SPACE_CHARACTERS.include? data @state = @states[:beforeDoctypeName] else @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("No space after literal string 'DOCTYPE'.")}) @stream.unget(data) @state = @states[:beforeDoctypeName] end return true end def beforeDoctypeNameState data = @stream.char if SPACE_CHARACTERS.include? data elsif data == ">" @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Unexpected > character. Expected DOCTYPE name.")}) @currentToken[:correct] = false @tokenQueue.push(@currentToken) @state = @states[:data] elsif data == :EOF @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Unexpected end of file. Expected DOCTYPE name.")}) @currentToken[:correct] = false @tokenQueue.push(@currentToken) @state = @states[:data] else @currentToken[:name] = data @state = @states[:doctypeName] end return true end def doctypeNameState data = @stream.char if SPACE_CHARACTERS.include? data @state = @states[:afterDoctypeName] elsif data == ">" @tokenQueue.push(@currentToken) @state = @states[:data] elsif data == :EOF @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Unexpected end of file in DOCTYPE name.")}) @currentToken[:correct] = false @tokenQueue.push(@currentToken) @state = @states[:data] else @currentToken[:name] += data end return true end def afterDoctypeNameState data = @stream.char if SPACE_CHARACTERS.include? data elsif data == ">" @tokenQueue.push(@currentToken) @state = @states[:data] elsif data == :EOF @currentToken[:data] = true @stream.unget(data) @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Unexpected end of file in DOCTYPE.")}) @currentToken[:correct] = false @tokenQueue.push(@currentToken) @state = @states[:data] else charStack = [data] 5.times { charStack << stream.char } token = charStack.join('').tr(ASCII_UPPERCASE,ASCII_LOWERCASE) if token == "public" @state = @states[:beforeDoctypePublicIdentifier] elsif token == "system" @state = @states[:beforeDoctypeSystemIdentifier] else @stream.unget(charStack) @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Expected 'public' or 'system'. Got '#{charStack.join('')}'")}) @state = @states[:bogusDoctype] end end return true end def beforeDoctypePublicIdentifierState data = @stream.char if SPACE_CHARACTERS.include?(data) elsif data == "\"" @currentToken[:publicId] = "" @state = @states[:doctypePublicIdentifierDoubleQuoted] elsif data == "'" @currentToken[:publicId] = "" @state = @states[:doctypePublicIdentifierSingleQuoted] elsif data == ">" @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Unexpected end of DOCTYPE.")}) @currentToken[:correct] = false @tokenQueue.push(@currentToken) @state = @states[:data] elsif data == :EOF @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Unexpected end of file in DOCTYPE.")}) @currentToken[:correct] = false @tokenQueue.push(@currentToken) @state = @states[:data] else @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Unexpected character in DOCTYPE.")}) @state = @states[:bogusDoctype] end return true end def doctypePublicIdentifierDoubleQuotedState data = @stream.char if data == "\"" @state = @states[:afterDoctypePublicIdentifier] elsif data == :EOF @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Unexpected end of file in DOCTYPE.")}) @currentToken[:correct] = false @tokenQueue.push(@currentToken) @state = @states[:data] else @currentToken[:publicId] += data end return true end def doctypePublicIdentifierSingleQuotedState data = @stream.char if data == "'" @state = @states[:afterDoctypePublicIdentifier] elsif data == :EOF @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Unexpected end of file in DOCTYPE.")}) @currentToken[:correct] = false @tokenQueue.push(@currentToken) @state = @states[:data] else @currentToken[:publicId] += data end return true end def afterDoctypePublicIdentifierState data = @stream.char if SPACE_CHARACTERS.include?(data) elsif data == "\"" @currentToken[:systemId] = "" @state = @states[:doctypeSystemIdentifierDoubleQuoted] elsif data == "'" @currentToken[:systemId] = "" @state = @states[:doctypeSystemIdentifierSingleQuoted] elsif data == ">" @tokenQueue.push(@currentToken) @state = @states[:data] elsif data == :EOF @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Unexpected end of file in DOCTYPE.")}) @currentToken[:correct] = false @tokenQueue.push(@currentToken) @state = @states[:data] else @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Unexpected character in DOCTYPE.")}) @state = @states[:bogusDoctype] end return true end def beforeDoctypeSystemIdentifierState data = @stream.char if SPACE_CHARACTERS.include?(data) elsif data == "\"" @currentToken[:systemId] = "" @state = @states[:doctypeSystemIdentifierDoubleQuoted] elsif data == "'" @currentToken[:systemId] = "" @state = @states[:doctypeSystemIdentifierSingleQuoted] elsif data == ">" @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Unexpected character in DOCTYPE.")}) @currentToken[:correct] = false @tokenQueue.push(@currentToken) @state = @states[:data] elsif data == :EOF @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Unexpected end of file in DOCTYPE.")}) @currentToken[:correct] = false @tokenQueue.push(@currentToken) @state = @states[:data] else @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Unexpected character in DOCTYPE.")}) @state = @states[:bogusDoctype] end return true end def doctypeSystemIdentifierDoubleQuotedState data = @stream.char if data == "\"" @state = @states[:afterDoctypeSystemIdentifier] elsif data == :EOF @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Unexpected end of file in DOCTYPE.")}) @currentToken[:correct] = false @tokenQueue.push(@currentToken) @state = @states[:data] else @currentToken[:systemId] += data end return true end def doctypeSystemIdentifierSingleQuotedState data = @stream.char if data == "'" @state = @states[:afterDoctypeSystemIdentifier] elsif data == :EOF @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Unexpected end of file in DOCTYPE.")}) @currentToken[:correct] = false @tokenQueue.push(@currentToken) @state = @states[:data] else @currentToken[:systemId] += data end return true end def afterDoctypeSystemIdentifierState data = @stream.char if SPACE_CHARACTERS.include?(data) elsif data == ">" @tokenQueue.push(@currentToken) @state = @states[:data] elsif data == :EOF @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Unexpected end of file in DOCTYPE.")}) @currentToken[:correct] = false @tokenQueue.push(@currentToken) @state = @states[:data] else @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Unexpected character in DOCTYPE.")}) @state = @states[:bogusDoctype] end return true end def bogusDoctypeState data = @stream.char if data == ">" @tokenQueue.push(@currentToken) @state = @states[:data] elsif data == :EOF # XXX EMIT @stream.unget(data) @tokenQueue.push({:type => :ParseError, :data => _("Unexpected end of file in bogus doctype.")}) @currentToken[:correct] = false @tokenQueue.push(@currentToken) @state = @states[:data] end return true end def _(string); string; end end end