# Controller responsible for serving files and pictures. class FileController < ApplicationController layout 'default' before_filter :check_allow_uploads def file check_path if @params['file'] # form supplied file_yard.upload_file(@file_name, @params['file']) flash[:info] = "File '#{@file_name}' successfully uploaded" return_to_last_remembered elsif file_yard.has_file?(@file_name) send_file(file_yard.file_path(@file_name)) else logger.debug("File not found: #{file_yard.files_path}/#{@file_name}") # go to the template, which is a file upload form end end def cancel_upload return_to_last_remembered end def pic check_path if @params['file'] # form supplied file_yard.upload_file(@file_name, @params['file']) flash[:info] = "Image '#{@file_name}' successfully uploaded" return_to_last_remembered elsif file_yard.has_file?(@file_name) send_file(file_yard.file_path(@file_name)) else logger.debug("Image not found: #{file_yard.files_path}/#{@file_name}") render_action 'file' end end def import check_authorization if @params['file'] @problems = [] import_file_name = "#{@web.address}-import-#{Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')}.zip" file_yard.upload_file(import_file_name, @params['file']) import_from_archive(file_yard.file_path(import_file_name)) if @problems.empty? flash[:info] = 'Import successfully finished' else flash[:error] = "Import finished, but some pages were not imported:
  • " + @problems.join('
  • ') + '
  • ' end return_to_last_remembered else # to template end end protected def check_allow_uploads unless @web.allow_uploads? render :status => 403, :text => 'File uploads are blocked by the webmaster' return false end end private def check_path raise Instiki::ValidationError.new("Invalid path: no file name") unless @file_name raise Instiki::ValidationError.new("Invalid path: no web name") unless @web_name raise Instiki::ValidationError.new("Invalid path: unknown web name") unless @web end def file_yard @wiki.file_yard(@web) end def import_from_archive(archive) logger.info "Importing pages from #{archive}" zip = Zip::ZipInputStream.open(archive) while (entry = zip.get_next_entry) do ext_length = File.extname(entry.name).length page_name = entry.name[0..-(ext_length + 1)] page_content = entry.get_input_stream.read logger.info "Processing page '#{page_name}'" begin existing_page = @wiki.read_page(@web.address, page_name) if existing_page if existing_page.content == page_content logger.info "Page '#{page_name}' with the same content already exists. Skipping." next else logger.info "Page '#{page_name}' already exists. Adding a new revision to it." wiki.revise_page(@web.address, page_name, page_content, Time.now, @author) end else wiki.write_page(@web.address, page_name, page_content, Time.now, @author) end rescue => e logger.error(e) @problems << "#{page_name} : #{e.message}" end end logger.info "Import from #{archive} finished" end end