require 'optparse' puts 'Instiki import' puts ARGV << '-t' << 'tmp-instiki' << '/' IMPORT_OPTIONS = { } argv_before_parsing_by_import = ARGV.dup ARGV.options do |opts| script_name = File.basename($0) opts.banner = "Usage: ruby #{script_name} [options] [import file]" opts.separator '' opts.on('-w', '--web-address', 'Web address to import ' ) { IMPORT_OPTIONS[:web] } opts.on('-t', '--storage=storage', String, 'Makes Instiki use the specified directory for storage.', 'Default: ./storage/[port]') { |IMPORT_OPTIONS[:storage]| } opts.separator '' opts.on('-h', '--help', 'Show this help message.') { puts opts; exit } opts.parse! end raise 'Please specify the import file' if ARGV.empty? import_file = ARGV.last raise "Import file not found: #{import_file}" unless File.file?(import_file) raise "Can not read import file: #{import_file}" unless File.readable?(import_file) raise 'Please specify the storage path' unless IMPORT_OPTIONS[:storage] INSTIKI_BATCH_JOB = true ARGV.clear argv_before_parsing_by_import.each { |arg| ARGV << arg } load "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/server" wiki = WikiService.instance web_address = IMPORT_OPTIONS[:web] if web_address.nil? if wiki.webs.empty? puts "Instiki storage at #{IMPORT_OPTIONS[:storage]} is new (no webs)." puts "Creating a new web named 'wiki', without a password" web = wiki.create_web('Wiki', 'wiki') elsif wiki.webs.values.size == 1 web = wiki.webs.values.first puts "Instiki storage at #{IMPORT_OPTIONS[:storage]} contains one web, '#{web.address}'." puts "Pages are imported into this web" end else web = wiki.webs[web_address] if web.nil? raise "Instiki storage at #{IMPORT_OPTIONS[:storage]} has no web named '#{web_address}'" end end zip = while (entry = zip.get_next_entry) do ext_length = File.extname( page_name =[0..-(ext_length + 1)] page_content = puts "Processing page '#{page_name}'" if wiki.read_page(web_address, page_name) wiki.revise_page(web.address, page_name, page_content,, 'Importer') else wiki.write_page(web.address, page_name, page_content,, 'Importer') end end puts "Import finished"