#-- # ============================================================================= # Copyright (c) 2004, Jamis Buck (jgb3@email.byu.edu) # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # * The names of its contributors may not be used to endorse or promote # products derived from this software without specific prior written # permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR # SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, # OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ============================================================================= #++ require 'sqlite3/driver/dl/api' module Kernel # Allows arbitrary objects to be passed as a pointer to functions. # (Probably not very GC safe, but by encapsulating it like this we # can change the implementation later.) def to_ptr ptr = DL.malloc(DL.sizeof("L")) ptr.set_object self ptr end end class DL::PtrData # The inverse of the Kernel#to_ptr operation. def to_object n = to_s(4).unpack("L").first return nil if n < 1 ObjectSpace._id2ref(n) rescue self.to_s end def set_object(obj) self[0] = [obj.object_id].pack("L") end end module SQLite3 ; module Driver ; module DL class Driver STATIC = ::DL::PtrData.new(0) TRANSIENT = ::DL::PtrData.new(-1) def open( filename, utf16=false ) handle = ::DL::PtrData.new(0) result = API.send( ( utf16 ? :sqlite3_open16 : :sqlite3_open ), filename+"\0", handle.ref ) [ result, handle ] end def errmsg( db, utf16=false ) if utf16 msg = API.sqlite3_errmsg16( db ) msg.free = nil msg.to_s(utf16_length(msg)) else API.sqlite3_errmsg( db ) end end def prepare( db, sql, utf16=false ) handle = ::DL::PtrData.new(0) remainder = ::DL::PtrData.new(0) result = API.send( ( utf16 ? :sqlite3_prepare16 : :sqlite3_prepare ), db, sql+"\0", sql.length, handle.ref, remainder.ref ) args = utf16 ? [ utf16_length(remainder) ] : [] remainder = remainder.to_s( *args ) [ result, handle, remainder ] end def complete?( sql, utf16=false ) API.send( utf16 ? :sqlite3_complete16 : :sqlite3_complete, sql+"\0" ) end def value_blob( value ) blob = API.sqlite3_value_blob( value ) blob.free = nil blob.to_s( API.sqlite3_value_bytes( value ) ) end def value_text( value, utf16=false ) method = case utf16 when nil, false then :sqlite3_value_text when :le then :sqlite3_value_text16le when :be then :sqlite3_value_text16be else :sqlite3_value_text16 end result = API.send( method, value ) if utf16 result.free = nil size = API.sqlite3_value_bytes( value ) result = result.to_s( size ) end result end def column_blob( stmt, column ) blob = API.sqlite3_column_blob( stmt, column ) blob.free = nil blob.to_s( API.sqlite3_column_bytes( stmt, column ) ) end def result_text( func, text, utf16=false ) method = case utf16 when false, nil then :sqlite3_result_text when :le then :sqlite3_result_text16le when :be then :sqlite3_result_text16be else :sqlite3_result_text16 end s = text.to_s API.send( method, func, s, s.length, TRANSIENT ) end def busy_handler( db, data=nil, &block ) @busy_handler = block unless @busy_handler_callback @busy_handler_callback = ::DL.callback( "IPI" ) do |cookie, timeout| @busy_handler.call( cookie, timeout ) || 0 end end API.sqlite3_busy_handler( db, block&&@busy_handler_callback, data ) end def set_authorizer( db, data=nil, &block ) @authorizer_handler = block unless @authorizer_handler_callback @authorizer_handler_callback = ::DL.callback( "IPIPPPP" ) do |cookie,mode,a,b,c,d| @authorizer_handler.call( cookie, mode, a&&a.to_s, b&&b.to_s, c&&c.to_s, d&&d.to_s ) || 0 end end API.sqlite3_set_authorizer( db, block&&@authorizer_handler_callback, data ) end def trace( db, data=nil, &block ) @trace_handler = block unless @trace_handler_callback @trace_handler_callback = ::DL.callback( "IPS" ) do |cookie,sql| @trace_handler.call( cookie ? cookie.to_object : nil, sql ) || 0 end end API.sqlite3_trace( db, block&&@trace_handler_callback, data ) end def create_function( db, name, args, text, cookie, func, step, final ) # begin if @func_handler_callback.nil? && func @func_handler_callback = ::DL.callback( "0PIP" ) do |context,nargs,args| args = args.to_s(nargs*4).unpack("L*").map {|i| ::DL::PtrData.new(i)} data = API.sqlite3_user_data( context ).to_object data[:func].call( context, *args ) end end if @step_handler_callback.nil? && step @step_handler_callback = ::DL.callback( "0PIP" ) do |context,nargs,args| args = args.to_s(nargs*4).unpack("L*").map {|i| ::DL::PtrData.new(i)} data = API.sqlite3_user_data( context ).to_object data[:step].call( context, *args ) end end if @final_handler_callback.nil? && final @final_handler_callback = ::DL.callback( "0P" ) do |context| data = API.sqlite3_user_data( context ).to_object data[:final].call( context ) end end data = { :cookie => cookie, :name => name, :func => func, :step => step, :final => final } API.sqlite3_create_function( db, name, args, text, data, ( func ? @func_handler_callback : nil ), ( step ? @step_handler_callback : nil ), ( final ? @final_handler_callback : nil ) ) end def aggregate_context( context ) ptr = API.sqlite3_aggregate_context( context, 4 ) ptr.free = nil obj = ( ptr ? ptr.to_object : nil ) if obj.nil? obj = Hash.new ptr.set_object obj end obj end def bind_blob( stmt, index, value ) s = value.to_s API.sqlite3_bind_blob( stmt, index, s, s.length, TRANSIENT ) end def bind_text( stmt, index, value, utf16=false ) s = value.to_s method = ( utf16 ? :sqlite3_bind_text16 : :sqlite3_bind_text ) API.send( method, stmt, index, s, s.length, TRANSIENT ) end def column_text( stmt, column ) result = API.sqlite3_column_text( stmt, column ) result ? result.to_s : nil end def column_name( stmt, column ) result = API.sqlite3_column_name( stmt, column ) result ? result.to_s : nil end def column_decltype( stmt, column ) result = API.sqlite3_column_decltype( stmt, column ) result ? result.to_s : nil end def self.api_delegate( name ) define_method( name ) { |*args| API.send( "sqlite3_#{name}", *args ) } end api_delegate :aggregate_count api_delegate :bind_double api_delegate :bind_int api_delegate :bind_null api_delegate :bind_parameter_index api_delegate :bind_parameter_name api_delegate :busy_timeout api_delegate :changes api_delegate :close api_delegate :column_bytes api_delegate :column_bytes16 api_delegate :column_count api_delegate :column_double api_delegate :column_int api_delegate :column_int64 api_delegate :column_type api_delegate :data_count api_delegate :errcode api_delegate :finalize api_delegate :interrupt api_delegate :last_insert_rowid api_delegate :libversion api_delegate :reset api_delegate :result_error api_delegate :step api_delegate :total_changes api_delegate :value_bytes api_delegate :value_bytes16 api_delegate :value_double api_delegate :value_int api_delegate :value_int64 api_delegate :value_type # ==== EXPERIMENTAL ==== if defined?( EXPERIMENTAL_API ) && EXPERIMENTAL_API def progress_handler( db, n, data=nil, &block ) @progress_handler = block unless @progress_handler_callback @progress_handler_callback = ::DL.callback( "IP" ) do |cookie| @progress_handler.call( cookie ) end end API.sqlite3_progress_handler( db, n, block&&@progress_handler_callback, data ) end def commit_hook( db, data=nil, &block ) @commit_hook_handler = block unless @commit_hook_handler_callback @commit_hook_handler_callback = ::DL.callback( "IP" ) do |cookie| @commit_hook_handler.call( cookie ) end end API.sqlite3_commit_hook( db, block&&@commit_hook_handler_callback, data ) end end private def utf16_length(ptr) len = 0 loop do break if ptr[len,1] == "\0" len += 2 end len end end end ; end ; end