require 'html5/treebuilders/base' require 'rexml/document' require 'forwardable' module HTML5 module TreeBuilders module REXML class Node < Base::Node extend Forwardable def_delegators :@rxobj, :name, :attributes attr_accessor :rxobj def initialize name super name @rxobj = name end def appendChild node if node.kind_of? TextNode and childNodes.length>0 and childNodes[-1].kind_of? TextNode childNodes[-1].rxobj.value = childNodes[-1].rxobj.to_s + node.rxobj.to_s childNodes[-1].rxobj.raw = true else childNodes.push node rxobj.add node.rxobj end node.parent = self end def removeChild node childNodes.delete node rxobj.delete node.rxobj node.parent = nil end def insertText data, before=nil if before insertBefore, before else appendChild end end def insertBefore node, refNode index = childNodes.index(refNode) if node.kind_of? TextNode and index>0 and childNodes[index-1].kind_of? TextNode childNodes[index-1].rxobj.value = childNodes[index-1].rxobj.to_s + node.rxobj.to_s childNodes[index-1].rxobj.raw = true else childNodes.insert index, node refNode.rxobj.parent.insert_before(refNode.rxobj,node.rxobj) end end def hasContent return (childNodes.length > 0) end end class Element < Node def self.rxclass ::REXML::Element end def initialize name super name end def cloneNode newNode = name attributes.each {|name,value| newNode.attributes[name] = value} newNode end def attributes= value value.each {|name, value| rxobj.attributes[name]=value} end def printTree indent=0 tree = "\n|#{' ' * indent}<#{name}>" indent += 2 for name, value in attributes next if name == 'xmlns' tree += "\n|#{' ' * indent}#{name}=\"#{value}\"" end for child in childNodes tree += child.printTree(indent) end return tree end end class Document < Node def self.rxclass ::REXML::Document end def initialize super nil end def appendChild node if node.kind_of? Element and == 'html' node.rxobj.add_namespace('') end super node end def printTree indent=0 tree = "#document" for child in childNodes tree += child.printTree(indent + 2) end return tree end end class DocumentType < Node def self.rxclass ::REXML::DocType end def printTree indent=0 "\n|#{' ' * indent}" end end class DocumentFragment < Element def initialize super nil end def printTree indent=0 tree = "" for child in childNodes tree += child.printTree(indent+2) end return tree end end class TextNode < Node def initialize data raw=data.gsub('&','&').gsub('<','<').gsub('>','>') @rxobj =, true, nil, true) end def printTree indent=0 "\n|#{' ' * indent}\"#{rxobj.value}\"" end end class CommentNode < Node def self.rxclass ::REXML::Comment end def printTree indent=0 "\n|#{' ' * indent}" end end class TreeBuilder < Base::TreeBuilder def initialize @documentClass = Document @doctypeClass = DocumentType @elementClass = Element @commentClass = CommentNode @fragmentClass = DocumentFragment end def testSerializer node node.printTree() end def getDocument @document.rxobj end def getFragment @document = super return @document.rxobj.children end end end end end