<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"><html lang=en-GB-hixie> <head>  <title>Web Applications 1.0</title>  <link href="/style/specification" rel=stylesheet type="text/css">  <link href="/images/icon" rel=icon>  <style type="text/css">   h4 + .element { margin-top: -2.5em; padding-top: 2em; }   h4 + p + .element { margin-top: -5em; padding-top: 4em; }   .element { background: #EEFFEE; color: black; margin: 0 0 1em -1em; padding: 0 1em 0.25em 0.75em; border-left: solid #99FF99 0.25em; -padding: 0; /* that last decl is for IE6. Try removing it, it's hilarious! */ }   .proposal { border: blue solid; padding: 1em; }   table.matrix, table.matrix td { border: none; text-align: right; }   table.matrix { margin-left: 2em; }  </style> <body class=draft>  <div class=head>   <p><a class=logo href="http://www.whatwg.org/" rel=home><img alt=WHATWG    src="/images/logo"></a></p>   <h1 id=web-applications>Web Applications 1.0</h1>   <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id=working>Working Draft AMPERSANDmdash; 23 December    2006</h2>   <p>You can take part in this work. <a    href="http://www.whatwg.org/mailing-list">Join the working group's    discussion list.</a></p>   <dl>    <dt>This version:    <dd><a     href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/">http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/</a>    <dt>Latest version:    <dd><a     href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/">http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/</a>    <dt>Previous versions:    <dd><a     href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/2006-01-01/">http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/2006-01-01/</a><!-- (<a href="diff-2006-01-01">diffs</a>)-->    <dd><a     href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/2005-09-01/">http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/2005-09-01/</a><!-- (<a href="diff-2005-09-01">diffs</a>)-->    <dd>Version history from 2006-03-01 available by interactive Web     interface at: <a     href="http://html5.org/tools/specification-diff">http://html5.org/tools/specification-diff</a>    <dd>Version history from 2006-03-01 available by Subversion interface at:     <a href="http://svn.whatwg.org/">http://svn.whatwg.org/</a>    <dt>Editor:    <dd>Ian Hickson, Google, ian@hixie.ch   </dl>   <p class=copyright>AMPERSANDcopy; Copyright 2004-2006 Apple Computer, Inc.,    Mozilla Foundation, and Opera Software ASA.</p>   <p class=copyright>You are granted a license to use, reproduce and create    derivative works of this document.</p>  </div>  <hr>  <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id=abstract>Abstract</h2>  <p>This specification introduces features to HTML and the DOM that ease the   authoring of Web-based applications. Additions include the context menus,   a direct-mode graphics canvas, inline popup windows, and server-sent   events.  <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id=status>Status of this document</h2>  <p><strong>This is a work in progress!</strong> This document is changing   on a daily if not hourly basis in response to comments and as a general   part of its development process. Comments are very welcome, please send   them to <a href="mailto:whatwg@whatwg.org">whatwg@whatwg.org</a>. Thank   you.  <p>Implementors should be aware that this specification is not stable.   <strong>Implementors who are not taking part in the discussions are likely   to find the specification changing out from under them in incompatible   ways.</strong> Vendors interested in implementing this specification   before it eventually reaches the call for implementations should join the   <a href="/mailing-list">WHATWG mailing list</a> and take part in the   discussions.  <p>This draft may contain namespaces that use the <code>uuid:</code> URI   scheme. These are temporary and will be changed before those parts of the   specification are ready to be implemented in shipping products.  <p>To find the latest version of this working draft, please follow the   "Latest version" link above.  <p>This specification is intended to replace (be the new version of) what   was previously the HTML4, XHTML 1.x, and DOM2 HTML specifications.  <h3 class="no-num no-toc" id=stability0>Stability</h3>  <p>Different parts of this specification are at different levels of   maturity.  <div id=stability></div>  <p class=big-issue>Known issues are usually marked like this. There are   some spec-wide issues that have not yet been addressed: first,   case-sensitivity is a very poorly handled topic right now; and second,   there's a ghost of a <dfn id=documentui>DocumentUI</dfn> interface going   around.  <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id=contents>Table of contents</h2>  <!--begin-toc-->  <ul class=toc>   <li><a href="#introduction"><span class=secno>1. </span>Introduction</a>    <ul class=toc>     <li><a href="#scope"><span class=secno>1.1. </span>Scope</a>     <li><a href="#structure"><span class=secno>1.2. </span>Structure of this      specification</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#how-to"><span class=secno>1.2.1. </span>How to read this        specification</a>      </ul>     <li><a href="#conformance"><span class=secno>1.3. </span>Conformance      requirements</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#dependencies"><span class=secno>1.3.1.        </span>Dependencies</a>       <li><a href="#features"><span class=secno>1.3.2. </span>Features        defined in other specifications</a>       <li><a href="#relationship"><span class=secno>1.3.3.        </span>Relationship to HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.1, DOM2 HTML</a>       <li><a href="#relationship0"><span class=secno>1.3.4.        </span>Relationship to XHTML2</a>       <li><a href="#relationship1"><span class=secno>1.3.5.        </span>Relationship to XUL, WPF/XAML, and other proprietary UI        languages</a>      </ul>     <li><a href="#terminology"><span class=secno>1.4. </span>Terminology</a>            <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#html-vs"><span class=secno>1.4.1. </span>HTML vs        XHTML</a>      </ul>    </ul>   <li><a href="#dom"><span class=secno>2. </span>The Document Object    Model</a>    <ul class=toc>     <li><a href="#documents"><span class=secno>2.1. </span>Documents</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#resource"><span class=secno>2.1.1. </span><dfn        id=resource0>Resource metadata management</dfn></a>      </ul>     <li><a href="#elements"><span class=secno>2.2. </span>Elements</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#reflecting"><span class=secno>2.2.1. </span>Reflecting        content attributes in DOM attributes</a>      </ul>     <li><a href="#common"><span class=secno>2.3. </span>Common DOM      interfaces</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#collections"><span class=secno>2.3.1.        </span>Collections</a>        <ul class=toc>         <li><a href="#htmlcollection"><span class=secno>          </span>HTMLCollection</a>         <li><a href="#htmlformcontrolscollection"><span class=secno>          </span>HTMLFormControlsCollection</a>         <li><a href="#htmloptionscollection"><span class=secno>          </span>HTMLOptionsCollection</a>        </ul>       <li><a href="#domtokenstring"><span class=secno>2.3.2.        </span>DOMTokenString</a>       <li><a href="#dom-feature"><span class=secno>2.3.3. </span>DOM feature        strings</a>      </ul>     <li><a href="#dom-tree"><span class=secno>2.4. </span><dfn      id=dom-tree0>DOM tree accessors</dfn></a>     <li><a href="#dynamic"><span class=secno>2.5. </span><dfn      id=dynamic2>Dynamic markup insertion</dfn></a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#controlling"><span class=secno>2.5.1. </span>Controlling        the input stream</a>       <li><a href="#dynamic0"><span class=secno>2.5.2. </span>Dynamic markup        insertion in HTML</a>       <li><a href="#dynamic1"><span class=secno>2.5.3. </span>Dynamic markup        insertion in XML</a>      </ul>     <li><a href="#apis-in"><span class=secno>2.6. </span>APIs in HTML      documents</a>    </ul>   <li><a href="#semantics"><span class=secno>3. </span>Semantics and    structure of HTML elements</a>    <ul class=toc>     <li><a href="#semantics-intro"><span class=secno>3.1.      </span>Introduction</a>     <li><a href="#common0"><span class=secno>3.2. </span>Common      microsyntaxes</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#common1"><span class=secno>3.2.1. </span>Common parser        idioms</a>       <li><a href="#numbers"><span class=secno>3.2.2. </span>Numbers</a>        <ul class=toc>         <li><a href="#unsigned"><span class=secno> </span>Unsigned          integers</a>         <li><a href="#signed"><span class=secno> </span>Signed          integers</a>         <li><a href="#real-numbers"><span class=secno> </span>Real          numbers</a>         <li><a href="#ratios"><span class=secno> </span>Ratios</a>         <li><a href="#percentages-and-dimensions"><span class=secno>          </span>Percentages and dimensions</a>        </ul>       <li><a href="#dates"><span class=secno>3.2.3. </span>Dates and        times</a>        <ul class=toc>         <li><a href="#specific"><span class=secno> </span>Specific          moments in time</a>         <li><a href="#vaguer"><span class=secno> </span>Vaguer          moments in time</a>        </ul>       <li><a href="#tokens"><span class=secno>3.2.4. </span>Tokens</a>      </ul>     <li><a href="#documents0"><span class=secno>3.3. </span>Documents and      document fragments</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#semantics0"><span class=secno>3.3.1.        </span>Semantics</a>       <li><a href="#structure0"><span class=secno>3.3.2.        </span>Structure</a>       <li><a href="#kinds"><span class=secno>3.3.3. </span>Kinds of        elements</a>        <ul class=toc>         <li><a href="#block-level"><span class=secno> </span><dfn          id=block-level0>Block-level elements</dfn></a>         <li><a href="#inline-level"><span class=secno> </span><dfn          id=inline-level0>Inline-level content</dfn></a>         <li><a href="#determining"><span class=secno> </span><dfn          id=determining1>Determining if a particular element contains          block-level elements or inline-level content</dfn></a>         <li><a href="#interactive0"><span class=secno> </span><dfn          id=interactive2>Interactive elements</dfn></a>         <li><a href="#paragraphs"><span class=secno>          </span>Paragraphs</a>        </ul>      </ul>     <li><a href="#global"><span class=secno>3.4. </span>Global      attributes</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#the-id"><span class=secno>3.4.1. </span>The <dfn id=id        title=attr-id><code>id</code></dfn> attribute</a>       <li><a href="#the-title"><span class=secno>3.4.2. </span>The <dfn        id=title title=attr-title><code>title</code></dfn> attribute</a>       <li><a href="#the-lang"><span class=secno>3.4.3. </span>The <dfn        id=lang title=attr-lang><code>lang</code></dfn> (HTML only) and <dfn        id=xmllang title=attr-xml-lang><code>xml:lang</code></dfn> (XML only)        attributes</a>       <li><a href="#the-dir"><span class=secno>3.4.4. </span>The <dfn id=dir        title=attr-dir><code>dir</code></dfn> attribute</a>       <li><a href="#classes"><span class=secno>3.4.5. </span>Classes</a>        <ul class=toc>         <li><a href="#predefined"><span class=secno>          </span>Predefined class names</a>          <ul class=toc>           <li><a href="#class"><span class=secno> </span>Class            name "<dfn id=copyright            title=class-copyright><code>copyright</code></dfn>"</a>           <li><a href="#class0"><span class=secno> </span>Class            name "<dfn id=error            title=class-error><code>error</code></dfn>"</a>           <li><a href="#class1"><span class=secno> </span>Class            name "<dfn id=example0            title=class-example><code>example</code></dfn>"</a>           <li><a href="#class2"><span class=secno> </span>Class            name "<dfn id=issue            title=class-issue><code>issue</code></dfn>"</a>           <li><a href="#class3"><span class=secno> </span>Class            name "<dfn id=note title=class-note><code>note</code></dfn>"</a>           <li><a href="#class4"><span class=secno> </span>Class            name "<dfn id=search            title=class-search><code>search</code></dfn>"</a>           <li><a href="#class5"><span class=secno> </span>Class            name "<dfn id=warning            title=class-warning><code>warning</code></dfn>"</a>          </ul>         <li><a href="#other"><span class=secno> </span>Other          classes</a>        </ul>      </ul>     <li><a href="#interaction"><span class=secno>3.5. </span><dfn      id=interaction1>Interaction</dfn></a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#activation"><span class=secno>3.5.1.        </span>Activation</a>       <li><a href="#focus"><span class=secno>3.5.2. </span>Focus</a>        <ul class=toc>         <li><a href="#focus-management"><span class=secno>          </span>Focus management</a>         <li><a href="#sequential"><span class=secno>          </span>Sequential focus navigation</a>        </ul>      </ul>     <li><a href="#the-root"><span class=secno>3.6. </span>The root      element</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#the-html"><span class=secno>3.6.1. </span>The <dfn        id=html><code>html</code></dfn> element</a>      </ul>     <li><a href="#document"><span class=secno>3.7. </span>Document      metadata</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#the-head"><span class=secno>3.7.1. </span>The <dfn        id=head><code>head</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-title0"><span class=secno>3.7.2. </span>The <dfn        id=title0><code>title</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-base"><span class=secno>3.7.3. </span>The <dfn        id=base><code>base</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-link"><span class=secno>3.7.4. </span>The <dfn        id=link><code>link</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#meta"><span class=secno>3.7.5. </span>The <dfn        id=meta0><code>meta</code></dfn> element</a>        <ul class=toc>         <li><a href="#standard"><span class=secno> </span>Standard          metadata names</a>         <li><a href="#other0"><span class=secno> </span>Other          metadata names</a>         <li><a href="#charset"><span class=secno> </span>Specifying          and establishing the document's character encoding</a>        </ul>       <li><a href="#the-style"><span class=secno>3.7.6. </span>The <dfn        id=style><code>style</code></dfn> element</a>      </ul>     <li><a href="#sections"><span class=secno>3.8. </span>Sections</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#the-body"><span class=secno>3.8.1. </span>The <dfn        id=body><code>body</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-section"><span class=secno>3.8.2. </span>The <dfn        id=section><code>section</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-nav"><span class=secno>3.8.3. </span>The <dfn        id=nav><code>nav</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-article"><span class=secno>3.8.4. </span>The <dfn        id=article><code>article</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-blockquote"><span class=secno>3.8.5. </span>The <dfn        id=blockquote><code>blockquote</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-aside"><span class=secno>3.8.6. </span>The <dfn        id=aside><code>aside</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-h1"><span class=secno>3.8.7. </span>The <dfn        id=h1><code>h1</code></dfn>, <dfn id=h2><code>h2</code></dfn>, <dfn        id=h3><code>h3</code></dfn>, <dfn id=h4><code>h4</code></dfn>, <dfn        id=h5><code>h5</code></dfn>, and <dfn id=h6><code>h6</code></dfn>        elements</a>       <li><a href="#the-header"><span class=secno>3.8.8. </span>The <dfn        id=header><code>header</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-footer"><span class=secno>3.8.9. </span>The <dfn        id=footer><code>footer</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-address"><span class=secno>3.8.10. </span>The <dfn        id=address><code>address</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#headings"><span class=secno>3.8.11. </span><dfn        id=headings0>Headings and sections</dfn></a>        <ul class=toc>         <li><a href="#outlines"><span class=secno> </span>Creating          an outline</a>         <li><a href="#associatedSection"><span class=secno>          </span>Determining which heading and section applies to a          particular node</a>        </ul>      </ul>     <li><a href="#prose"><span class=secno>3.9. </span>Prose</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#the-p"><span class=secno>3.9.1. </span>The <dfn        id=p><code>p</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-hr"><span class=secno>3.9.2. </span>The <dfn        id=hr><code>hr</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-br"><span class=secno>3.9.3. </span>The <dfn        id=br><code>br</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-dialog"><span class=secno>3.9.4. </span>The <dfn        id=dialog><code>dialog</code></dfn> element</a>      </ul>     <li><a href="#preformatted"><span class=secno>3.10. </span>Preformatted      text</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#the-pre"><span class=secno>3.10.1. </span>The <dfn        id=pre><code>pre</code></dfn> element</a>      </ul>     <li><a href="#lists"><span class=secno>3.11. </span>Lists</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#the-ol"><span class=secno>3.11.1. </span>The <dfn        id=ol><code>ol</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-ul"><span class=secno>3.11.2. </span>The <dfn        id=ul><code>ul</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-li"><span class=secno>3.11.3. </span>The <dfn        id=li><code>li</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-dl"><span class=secno>3.11.4. </span>The <dfn        id=dl><code>dl</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-dt"><span class=secno>3.11.5. </span>The <dfn        id=dt><code>dt</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-dd"><span class=secno>3.11.6. </span>The <dfn        id=dd><code>dd</code></dfn> element</a>      </ul>     <li><a href="#phrase"><span class=secno>3.12. </span>Phrase elements</a>            <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#the-a"><span class=secno>3.12.1. </span>The <dfn        id=a><code>a</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-q"><span class=secno>3.12.2. </span>The <dfn        id=q><code>q</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-cite"><span class=secno>3.12.3. </span>The <dfn        id=cite><code>cite</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-em"><span class=secno>3.12.4. </span>The <dfn        id=em><code>em</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-strong"><span class=secno>3.12.5. </span>The <dfn        id=strong><code>strong</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-small"><span class=secno>3.12.6. </span>The <dfn        id=small><code>small</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-m"><span class=secno>3.12.7. </span>The <dfn        id=m><code>m</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-dfn"><span class=secno>3.12.8. </span>The <dfn        id=dfn><code>dfn</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-abbr"><span class=secno>3.12.9. </span>The <dfn        id=abbr><code>abbr</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-time"><span class=secno>3.12.10. </span>The <dfn        id=time><code>time</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-meter"><span class=secno>3.12.11. </span>The <dfn        id=meter><code>meter</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-progress"><span class=secno>3.12.12. </span>The <dfn        id=progress><code>progress</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-code"><span class=secno>3.12.13. </span>The <dfn        id=code><code>code</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-var"><span class=secno>3.12.14. </span>The <dfn        id=var><code>var</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-samp"><span class=secno>3.12.15. </span>The <dfn        id=samp><code>samp</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-kbd"><span class=secno>3.12.16. </span>The <dfn        id=kbd><code>kbd</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-sup"><span class=secno>3.12.17. </span>The <dfn        id=sup><code>sup</code></dfn> and <dfn id=sub><code>sub</code></dfn>        elements</a>       <li><a href="#the-span"><span class=secno>3.12.18. </span>The <dfn        id=span><code>span</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-i"><span class=secno>3.12.19. </span>The <dfn        id=i><code>i</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-b"><span class=secno>3.12.20. </span>The <dfn        id=b><code>b</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-bdo"><span class=secno>3.12.21. </span>The <dfn        id=bdo><code>bdo</code></dfn> element</a>      </ul>     <li><a href="#edits"><span class=secno>3.13. </span>Edits</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#the-ins"><span class=secno>3.13.1. </span>The <dfn        id=ins><code>ins</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-del"><span class=secno>3.13.2. </span>The <dfn        id=del><code>del</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#attributes"><span class=secno>3.13.3. </span>Attributes        common to <code>ins</code> and <code>del</code> elements</a>      </ul>     <li><a href="#embedded"><span class=secno>3.14. </span>Embedded      content</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#the-img"><span class=secno>3.14.1. </span>The <dfn        id=img><code>img</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-iframe"><span class=secno>3.14.2. </span>The <dfn        id=iframe><code>iframe</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-embed"><span class=secno>3.14.3. </span>The <dfn        id=embed><code>embed</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-object"><span class=secno>3.14.4. </span>The <dfn        id=object><code>object</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-param"><span class=secno>3.14.5. </span>The <dfn        id=param><code>param</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-canvas"><span class=secno>3.14.6. </span>The <dfn        id=canvas0><code>canvas</code></dfn> element</a>        <ul class=toc>         <li><a href="#the-2d"><span class=secno> </span>The 2D          context</a>          <ul class=toc>           <li><a href="#the-canvas0"><span class=secno>            </span>The canvas state</a>           <li><a href="#transformations"><span class=secno>            </span><dfn id=transformations0>Transformations</dfn></a>           <li><a href="#compositing"><span class=secno>            </span>Compositing</a>           <li><a href="#colors"><span class=secno> </span>Colors            and styles</a>           <li><a href="#line-styles"><span class=secno>            </span>Line styles</a>           <li><a href="#shadows"><span class=secno> </span><dfn            id=shadows0>Shadows</dfn></a>           <li><a href="#simple"><span class=secno> </span>Simple            shapes (rectangles)</a>           <li><a href="#complex"><span class=secno>            </span>Complex shapes (paths)</a>           <li><a href="#images"><span class=secno>            </span>Images</a>           <li><a href="#pixel"><span class=secno> </span><dfn            id=pixel0>Pixel manipulation</dfn></a>           <li><a href="#drawing"><span class=secno>            </span>Drawing model</a>          </ul>        </ul>       <li><a href="#the-map"><span class=secno>3.14.7. </span>The <dfn        id=map><code>map</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-area"><span class=secno>3.14.8. </span>The <dfn        id=area><code>area</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-figure"><span class=secno>3.14.9. </span>The <dfn        id=figure><code>figure</code></dfn> element</a>      </ul>     <li><a href="#tabular"><span class=secno>3.15. </span>Tabular data</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#the-table"><span class=secno>3.15.1. </span>The <dfn        id=table><code>table</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-caption"><span class=secno>3.15.2. </span>The <dfn        id=caption><code>caption</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-colgroup"><span class=secno>3.15.3. </span>The <dfn        id=colgroup><code>colgroup</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-col"><span class=secno>3.15.4. </span>The <dfn        id=col><code>col</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-tbody"><span class=secno>3.15.5. </span>The <dfn        id=tbody><code>tbody</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-thead"><span class=secno>3.15.6. </span>The <dfn        id=thead><code>thead</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-tfoot"><span class=secno>3.15.7. </span>The <dfn        id=tfoot><code>tfoot</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-tr"><span class=secno>3.15.8. </span>The <dfn        id=tr><code>tr</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-td"><span class=secno>3.15.9. </span>The <dfn        id=td><code>td</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-th"><span class=secno>3.15.10. </span>The <dfn        id=th><code>th</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#processing"><span class=secno>3.15.11. </span>Processing        model</a>        <ul class=toc>         <li><a href="#forming"><span class=secno> </span>Forming a          table</a>         <li><a href="#header-and-data-cell-semantics"><span          class=secno> </span>Forming relationships between data          cells and header cells</a>        </ul>      </ul>     <li><a href="#forms"><span class=secno>3.16. </span>Forms</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#the-form"><span class=secno>3.16.1. </span>The        <code>form</code> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-fieldset"><span class=secno>3.16.2. </span>The        <code>fieldset</code> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-input"><span class=secno>3.16.3. </span>The        <code>input</code> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-button"><span class=secno>3.16.4. </span>The        <code>button</code> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-label"><span class=secno>3.16.5. </span>The        <code>label</code> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-select"><span class=secno>3.16.6. </span>The        <code>select</code> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-datalist"><span class=secno>3.16.7. </span>The        <code>datalist</code> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-optgroup"><span class=secno>3.16.8. </span>The        <code>optgroup</code> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-option"><span class=secno>3.16.9. </span>The        <code>option</code> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-textarea"><span class=secno>3.16.10. </span>The        <code>textarea</code> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-output"><span class=secno>3.16.11. </span>The        <code>output</code> element</a>       <li><a href="#processing0"><span class=secno>3.16.12.        </span>Processing model</a>        <ul class=toc>         <li><a href="#form-submission"><span class=secno>          </span>Form submission</a>        </ul>      </ul>     <li><a href="#scripting"><span class=secno>3.17. </span>Scripting</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#script"><span class=secno>3.17.1. </span>The <dfn        id=script1><code>script</code></dfn> element</a>        <ul class=toc>         <li><a href="#script0"><span class=secno> </span>Script          languages</a>        </ul>       <li><a href="#the-noscript"><span class=secno>3.17.2. </span>The <dfn        id=noscript><code>noscript</code></dfn> element</a>      </ul>     <li><a href="#interactive1"><span class=secno>3.18. </span>Interactive      elements</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#the-details"><span class=secno>3.18.1. </span>The <dfn        id=details><code>details</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#datagrid"><span class=secno>3.18.2. </span>The <dfn        id=datagrid0><code>datagrid</code></dfn> element</a>        <ul class=toc>         <li><a href="#the-datagrid"><span class=secno> </span>The          <code>datagrid</code> data model</a>         <li><a href="#how-rows"><span class=secno> </span>How rows          are identified</a>         <li><a href="#the-data"><span class=secno> </span>The data          provider interface</a>         <li><a href="#the-default"><span class=secno> </span>The          default data provider</a>          <ul class=toc>           <li><a href="#commonDefaultDataGridMethodDefinitions"><span            class=secno> </span>Common default data provider            method definitions for cells</a>          </ul>         <li><a href="#populating"><span class=secno>          </span>Populating the <code>datagrid</code> element</a>         <li><a href="#updating"><span class=secno> </span>Updating          the <code>datagrid</code></a>         <li><a href="#requirements"><span class=secno>          </span>Requirements for interactive user agents</a>         <li><a href="#the-selection"><span class=secno> </span>The          selection</a>         <li><a href="#columns"><span class=secno> </span>Columns          and captions</a>        </ul>       <li><a href="#the-command"><span class=secno>3.18.3. </span>The <dfn        id=command><code>command</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-menu"><span class=secno>3.18.4. </span>The <dfn        id=menu><code>menu</code></dfn> element</a>      </ul>     <li><a href="#miscellaneous"><span class=secno>3.19.      </span>Miscellaneous elements</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#the-legend"><span class=secno>3.19.1. </span>The <dfn        id=legend><code>legend</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-div"><span class=secno>3.19.2. </span>The <dfn        id=div><code>div</code></dfn> element</a>      </ul>    </ul>   <li><a href="#processing-models"><span class=secno>4. </span>Processing    models</a>    <ul class=toc>     <li><a href="#navigating"><span class=secno>4.1. </span>Navigating      across documents</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#determining0"><span class=secno>4.1.1.        </span>Determining the type of a new resource in a browsing        context</a>       <li><a href="#read-html"><span class=secno>4.1.2. </span>Page load        processing model for HTML files</a>       <li><a href="#read-xml"><span class=secno>4.1.3. </span>Page load        processing model for XML files</a>       <li><a href="#read-text"><span class=secno>4.1.4. </span>Page load        processing model for text files</a>       <li><a href="#read-feed"><span class=secno>4.1.5. </span>Page load        processing model for syndication feeds</a>       <li><a href="#content-type"><span class=secno>4.1.6. </span><dfn        id=content-type0>Content-Type</dfn></a>      </ul>     <li><a href="#scripting"><span class=secno>4.2. </span>Scripting</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#running"><span class=secno>4.2.1. </span>Running        executable code</a>       <li><a href="#scripting0"><span class=secno>4.2.2. </span>Scripting        contexts</a>       <li><a href="#threads"><span class=secno>4.2.3. </span>Threads</a>       <li><a href="#scripting-security"><span class=secno>4.2.4. </span>The        security model</a>       <li><a href="#javascript"><span class=secno>4.2.5.        </span><code>javascript:</code> URIs</a>       <li><a href="#runtime-script-errors"><span class=secno>4.2.6.        </span>Runtime script errors</a>       <li><a href="#events"><span class=secno>4.2.7. </span>Events</a>        <ul class=toc>         <li><a href="#event-handler-attributes"><span class=secno>          </span>Event handler attributes</a>         <li><a href="#event"><span class=secno> </span>Event          firing</a>         <li><a href="#event-handling"><span class=secno>          </span>Event handling</a>        </ul>      </ul>     <li><a href="#links"><span class=secno>4.3. </span>Links</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#hyperlink"><span class=secno>4.3.1. </span>Hyperlink        elements</a>       <li><a href="#following"><span class=secno>4.3.2. </span><dfn        id=following0>Following hyperlinks</dfn></a>       <li><a href="#linkTypes"><span class=secno>4.3.3. </span>Link        types</a>        <ul class=toc>         <li><a href="#link-type"><span class=secno> </span>Link type          "<dfn id=alternate          title=rel-alternate><code>alternate</code></dfn>"</a>         <li><a href="#link-type0"><span class=secno> </span>Link          type "<dfn id=archives          title=rel-archives><code>archives</code></dfn>"</a>         <li><a href="#link-type1"><span class=secno> </span>Link          type "<dfn id=author          title=rel-author><code>author</code></dfn>"</a>         <li><a href="#link-type2"><span class=secno> </span>Link          type "<dfn id=bookmark          title=rel-bookmark><code>bookmark</code></dfn>"</a>         <li><a href="#link-type3"><span class=secno> </span>Link          type "<dfn id=contact          title=rel-contact><code>contact</code></dfn>"</a>         <li><a href="#link-type4"><span class=secno> </span>Link          type "<dfn id=external          title=rel-external><code>external</code></dfn>"</a>         <li><a href="#link-type5"><span class=secno> </span>Link          type "<dfn id=feed title=rel-feed><code>feed</code></dfn>"</a>         <li><a href="#link-type6"><span class=secno> </span>Link          type "<dfn id=help title=rel-help><code>help</code></dfn>"</a>         <li><a href="#link-type7"><span class=secno> </span>Link          type "<dfn id=icon title=rel-icon><code>icon</code></dfn>"</a>         <li><a href="#link-type8"><span class=secno> </span>Link          type "<dfn id=license          title=rel-license><code>license</code></dfn>"</a>         <li><a href="#link-type9"><span class=secno> </span>Link          type "<dfn id=nofollow          title=rel-nofollow><code>nofollow</code></dfn>"</a>         <li><a href="#link-type10"><span class=secno> </span>Link          type "<dfn id=pingback          title=rel-pingback><code>pingback</code></dfn>"</a>         <li><a href="#link-type11"><span class=secno> </span>Link          type "<dfn id=prefetch          title=rel-prefetch><code>prefetch</code></dfn>"</a>         <li><a href="#link-type12"><span class=secno> </span>Link          type "<dfn id=search0          title=rel-search><code>search</code></dfn>"</a>         <li><a href="#link-type13"><span class=secno> </span>Link          type "<dfn id=stylesheet          title=rel-stylesheet><code>stylesheet</code></dfn>"</a>         <li><a href="#link-type14"><span class=secno> </span>Link          type "<dfn id=sidebar          title=rel-sidebar><code>sidebar</code></dfn>"</a>         <li><a href="#link-type15"><span class=secno> </span>Link          type "<dfn id=tag title=rel-tag><code>tag</code></dfn>"</a>         <li><a href="#hierarchical"><span class=secno>          </span>Hierarchical link types</a>          <ul class=toc>           <li><a href="#link-type16"><span class=secno>            </span>Link type "<dfn id=first            title=rel-first><code>first</code></dfn>"</a>           <li><a href="#link-type17"><span class=secno>            </span>Link type "<dfn id=index            title=rel-index><code>index</code></dfn>"</a>           <li><a href="#link-type18"><span class=secno>            </span>Link type "<dfn id=last            title=rel-last><code>last</code></dfn>"</a>           <li><a href="#link-type19"><span class=secno>            </span>Link type "<dfn id=next            title=rel-next><code>next</code></dfn>"</a>           <li><a href="#link-type20"><span class=secno>            </span>Link type "<dfn id=prev            title=rel-prev><code>prev</code></dfn>"</a>           <li><a href="#link-type21"><span class=secno>            </span>Link type "<dfn id=up            title=rel-up><code>up</code></dfn>"</a>          </ul>         <li><a href="#other1"><span class=secno> </span>Other link          types</a>        </ul>       <li><a href="#image-maps"><span class=secno>4.3.4. </span>Image        maps</a>      </ul>     <li><a href="#commands"><span class=secno>4.4. </span>Commands</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#using"><span class=secno>4.4.1. </span><dfn id=using4        title=a-command>Using the <code>a</code> element to define a        command</dfn></a>       <li><a href="#using0"><span class=secno>4.4.2. </span><dfn id=using5        title=button-command>Using the <code>button</code> element to define        a command</dfn></a>       <li><a href="#using1"><span class=secno>4.4.3. </span><dfn id=using6        title=input-command>Using the <code>input</code> element to define a        command</dfn></a>       <li><a href="#using2"><span class=secno>4.4.4. </span><dfn id=using7        title=option-command>Using the <code>option</code> element to define        a command</dfn></a>       <li><a href="#using3"><span class=secno>4.4.5. </span>Using the <dfn        id=command0 title=command-element><code>command</code></dfn> element        to define a command</a>      </ul>     <li><a href="#menus"><span class=secno>4.5. </span>Menus</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#menus-intro"><span class=secno>4.5.1.        </span>Introduction</a>       <li><a href="#building"><span class=secno>4.5.2. </span><dfn        id=building0>Building menus</dfn></a>       <li><a href="#context"><span class=secno>4.5.3. </span><dfn        id=context0>Context menus</dfn></a>       <li><a href="#toolbars"><span class=secno>4.5.4. </span><dfn        id=toolbars0>Toolbars</dfn></a>      </ul>     <li><a href="#repetition-templates"><span class=secno>4.6.      </span>Repetition templates</a>    </ul>   <li><a href="#apis"><span class=secno>5. </span>The browser    environment</a>    <ul class=toc>     <li><a href="#the-global"><span class=secno>5.1. </span>The global      scope</a>     <li><a href="#history"><span class=secno>5.2. </span>Session history and      navigation</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#the-session"><span class=secno>5.2.1. </span>The <dfn        id=session>session history</dfn> of browsing contexts</a>       <li><a href="#the-history"><span class=secno>5.2.2. </span>The        <code>History</code> interface</a>       <li><a href="#activating"><span class=secno>5.2.3. </span><dfn        id=activating0 title="activate the state object">Activating state        objects</dfn></a>       <li><a href="#the-location"><span class=secno>5.2.4. </span>The        <code>Location</code> interface</a>       <li><a href="#history-notes"><span class=secno>5.2.5.        </span>Implementation notes for session history</a>      </ul>     <li><a href="#browser"><span class=secno>5.3. </span>Browser state</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#offline"><span class=secno>5.3.1. </span>Offline Web        applications</a>       <li><a href="#custom-handlers"><span class=secno>5.3.2. </span>Custom        protocol and content handlers</a>        <ul class=toc>         <li><a href="#security"><span class=secno> </span>Security          and privacy</a>         <li><a href="#sample-handler-impl"><span class=secno>          </span>Sample user interface</a>        </ul>      </ul>     <li><a href="#storage"><span class=secno>5.4. </span>Client-side session      and persistent storage</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#introduction0"><span class=secno>5.4.1.        </span>Introduction</a>       <li><a href="#the-storage"><span class=secno>5.4.2. </span>The        <code>Storage</code> interface</a>       <li><a href="#the-storageitem"><span class=secno>5.4.3. </span>The        <code>StorageItem</code> interface</a>       <li><a href="#the-sessionstorage"><span class=secno>5.4.4. </span>The        <code title=dom-sessionStorage>sessionStorage</code> attribute</a>       <li><a href="#the-globalstorage"><span class=secno>5.4.5. </span>The        <code title=dom-globalStorage>globalStorage</code> attribute</a>       <li><a href="#the-storage0"><span class=secno>5.4.6. </span>The <code        title=event-storage>storage</code> event</a>       <li><a href="#miscellaneous0"><span class=secno>5.4.7.        </span>Miscellaneous implementation requirements for storage        areas</a>        <ul class=toc>         <li><a href="#disk-space"><span class=secno> </span>Disk          space</a>         <li><a href="#threads0"><span class=secno>          </span>Threads</a>        </ul>       <li><a href="#security0"><span class=secno>5.4.8. </span>Security and        privacy</a>        <ul class=toc>         <li><a href="#user-tracking"><span class=secno> </span>User          tracking</a>         <li><a href="#cookie"><span class=secno> </span>Cookie          resurrection</a>         <li><a href="#integrity"><span class=secno> </span>Integrity          of "public" storage areas</a>         <li><a href="#cross-protocol"><span class=secno>          </span>Cross-protocol and cross-port attacks</a>         <li><a href="#dns-spoofing"><span class=secno> </span>DNS          spoofing attacks</a>         <li><a href="#cross-directory"><span class=secno>          </span>Cross-directory attacks</a>         <li><a href="#public"><span class=secno> </span>Public          storage areas corresponding to hosts</a>         <li><a href="#storage0"><span class=secno> </span>Storage          areas in the face of untrusted higher-level domains that do not          correspond to public storage areas</a>         <li><a href="#storage1"><span class=secno> </span>Storage          areas in the face of untrusted subdomains</a>         <li><a href="#implementation"><span class=secno>          </span>Implementation risks</a>        </ul>      </ul>     <li><a href="#sound"><span class=secno>5.5. </span>Sound</a>    </ul>   <li><a href="#editing"><span class=secno>6. </span><dfn    id=editing0>Editing</dfn></a>    <ul class=toc>     <li><a href="#editing-intro"><span class=secno>6.1.      </span>Introduction</a>     <li><a href="#contenteditable"><span class=secno>6.2. </span>The <code      title=attr-contenteditable>contenteditable</code> attribute</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#user-editing"><span class=secno>6.2.1. </span>User        editing actions</a>       <li><a href="#designMode"><span class=secno>6.2.2. </span>Making        entire documents editable</a>      </ul>     <li><a href="#dnd"><span class=secno>6.3. </span><dfn id=drag-and>Drag      and drop</dfn></a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#the-dragevent"><span class=secno>6.3.1. </span>The        <code>DragEvent</code> and <code>DataTransfer</code> interfaces</a>       <li><a href="#events0"><span class=secno>6.3.2. </span>Events fired        during a drag-and-drop action</a>       <li><a href="#drag-and-drop"><span class=secno>6.3.3.        </span>Drag-and-drop processing model</a>        <ul class=toc>         <li><a href="#when-the"><span class=secno> </span>When the          drag-and-drop operation starts or ends in another document</a>         <li><a href="#when-the0"><span class=secno> </span>When the          drag-and-drop operation starts or ends in another application</a>        </ul>       <li><a href="#the-draggable"><span class=secno>6.3.4. </span>The <dfn        id=draggable title=attr-draggable><code>draggable</code></dfn>        attribute</a>       <li><a href="#security1"><span class=secno>6.3.5. </span>Security        risks in the drag-and-drop model</a>      </ul>     <li><a href="#undo"><span class=secno>6.4. </span><dfn      id=undo-history>Undo history</dfn></a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#the-undomanager"><span class=secno>6.4.1. </span>The        <code>UndoManager</code> interface</a>       <li><a href="#undo-moving"><span class=secno>6.4.2. </span><dfn        id=undo-moving0 title=do-undo>Undo: moving back in the undo        transaction history</dfn></a>       <li><a href="#redo-moving"><span class=secno>6.4.3. </span><dfn        id=redo-moving0 title=do-redo>Redo: moving forward in the undo        transaction history</dfn></a>       <li><a href="#the-undomanagerevent"><span class=secno>6.4.4.        </span>The <code>UndoManagerEvent</code> interface and the <code        title=event-undo>undo</code> and <code title=event-redo>redo</code>        events</a>       <li><a href="#implementation0"><span class=secno>6.4.5.        </span>Implementation notes</a>      </ul>     <li><a href="#execCommand"><span class=secno>6.5. </span>Command      APIs</a>     <li><a href="#selection"><span class=secno>6.6. </span>The text      selection APIs</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#documentSelection"><span class=secno>6.6.1. </span>APIs        for the browsing context selection</a>       <li><a href="#textFieldSelection"><span class=secno>6.6.2. </span>APIs        for the text field selections</a>      </ul>    </ul>   <li><a href="#comms"><span class=secno>7. </span>Communication</a>    <ul class=toc>     <li><a href="#server-sent-events"><span class=secno>7.1.      </span>Server-sent DOM events</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#the-event-source"><span class=secno>7.1.1. </span>The        <dfn id=event-source><code>event-source</code></dfn> element</a>       <li><a href="#the-remoteeventtarget"><span class=secno>7.1.2.        </span>The <dfn        id=remoteeventtarget><code>RemoteEventTarget</code></dfn>        interface</a>       <li><a href="#processing1"><span class=secno>7.1.3. </span>Processing        model</a>       <li><a href="#the-event"><span class=secno>7.1.4. </span>The event        stream format</a>       <li><a href="#event-stream-interpretation"><span class=secno>7.1.5.        </span>Event stream interpretation</a>       <li><a href="#the-remoteevent"><span class=secno>7.1.6. </span>The        <code>RemoteEvent</code> interface</a>       <li><a href="#example"><span class=secno>7.1.7. </span>Example</a>      </ul>     <li><a href="#network"><span class=secno>7.2. </span>Network      connections</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#network-intro"><span class=secno>7.2.1.        </span>Introduction</a>       <li><a href="#the-connection"><span class=secno>7.2.2. </span>The        <code>Connection</code> interface</a>       <li><a href="#connection"><span class=secno>7.2.3. </span>Connection        Events</a>       <li><a href="#tcp-connections"><span class=secno>7.2.4. </span>TCP        connections</a>       <li><a href="#broadcast"><span class=secno>7.2.5. </span>Broadcast        connections</a>        <ul class=toc>         <li><a href="#broadcasting"><span class=secno>          </span>Broadcasting over TCP/IP</a>         <li><a href="#bluetooth-broadcast"><span class=secno>          </span>Broadcasting over Bluetooth</a>         <li><a href="#irda-broadcast"><span class=secno>          </span>Broadcasting over IrDA</a>        </ul>       <li><a href="#peer-to-peer"><span class=secno>7.2.6.        </span>Peer-to-peer connections</a>        <ul class=toc>         <li><a href="#peer-to-peer0"><span class=secno>          </span>Peer-to-peer connections over TCP/IP</a>         <li><a href="#bluetooth-peer"><span class=secno>          </span>Peer-to-peer connections over Bluetooth</a>         <li><a href="#irda-peer"><span class=secno>          </span>Peer-to-peer connections over IrDA</a>        </ul>       <li><a href="#the-common"><span class=secno>7.2.7. </span>The common        protocol for TCP-based connections</a>        <ul class=toc>         <li><a href="#clients"><span class=secno> </span><dfn          id=clients0>Clients connecting over TCP</dfn></a>         <li><a href="#servers"><span class=secno> </span><dfn          id=servers0>Servers accepting connections over TCP</dfn></a>         <li><a href="#sending"><span class=secno> </span><dfn          id=sending0>Sending and receiving data over TCP</dfn></a>        </ul>       <li><a href="#network-security"><span class=secno>7.2.8.        </span>Security</a>       <li><a href="#network-other-specs"><span class=secno>7.2.9.        </span>Relationship to other standards</a>      </ul>     <li><a href="#crossDocumentMessages"><span class=secno>7.3. </span><dfn      id=cross-document>Cross-document messaging</dfn></a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#processing2"><span class=secno>7.3.1. </span>Processing        model</a>       <li><a href="#event0"><span class=secno>7.3.2. </span>Event        definitions</a>      </ul>    </ul>   <li><a href="#syntax"><span class=secno>8. </span>The HTML syntax</a>    <ul class=toc>     <li><a href="#writing"><span class=secno>8.1. </span>Writing HTML      documents</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#the-doctype"><span class=secno>8.1.1. </span>The        DOCTYPE</a>       <li><a href="#elements0"><span class=secno>8.1.2. </span>Elements</a>        <ul class=toc>         <li><a href="#start"><span class=secno> </span>Start          tags</a>         <li><a href="#end-tags"><span class=secno> </span>End          tags</a>         <li><a href="#attributes0"><span class=secno>          </span>Attributes</a>         <li><a href="#optional"><span class=secno> </span>Optional          tags</a>         <li><a href="#restrictions"><span class=secno>          </span>Restrictions on content models</a>        </ul>       <li><a href="#text"><span class=secno>8.1.3. </span>Text</a>        <ul class=toc>         <li><a href="#newlines"><span class=secno>          </span>Newlines</a>        </ul>       <li><a href="#character"><span class=secno>8.1.4. </span>Character        entity references</a>       <li><a href="#comments"><span class=secno>8.1.5. </span>Comments</a>      </ul>     <li><a href="#parsing"><span class=secno>8.2. </span>Parsing HTML      documents</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#overview"><span class=secno>8.2.1. </span>Overview of        the parsing model</a>       <li><a href="#the-input0"><span class=secno>8.2.2. </span>The <dfn        id=input>input stream</dfn></a>       <li><a href="#tokenisation"><span class=secno>8.2.3. </span><dfn        id=tokenisation0>Tokenisation</dfn></a>        <ul class=toc>         <li><a href="#tokenising"><span class=secno>          </span>Tokenising entities</a>        </ul>       <li><a href="#tree-construction"><span class=secno>8.2.4. </span><dfn        id=tree-construction0>Tree construction</dfn></a>        <ul class=toc>         <li><a href="#the-initial"><span class=secno> </span><dfn          id=the-initial0>The initial phase</dfn></a>         <li><a href="#the-root0"><span class=secno> </span><dfn          id=the-root1>The root element phase</dfn></a>         <li><a href="#the-main"><span class=secno> </span><dfn          id=the-main0>The main phase</dfn></a>          <ul class=toc>           <li><a href="#the-stack"><span class=secno> </span>The            stack of open elements</a>           <li><a href="#the-list"><span class=secno> </span>The            list of active formatting elements</a>           <li><a href="#creating"><span class=secno>            </span>Creating and inserting HTML elements</a>           <li><a href="#closing"><span class=secno> </span>Closing            elements that have implied end tags</a>           <li><a href="#the-element"><span class=secno> </span>The            element pointers</a>           <li><a href="#the-insertion"><span class=secno>            </span>The insertion mode</a>           <li><a href="#how-to0"><span class=secno> </span>How to            handle tokens in the main phase</a>          </ul>         <li><a href="#the-trailing"><span class=secno> </span><dfn          id=the-trailing0>The trailing end phase</dfn></a>        </ul>      </ul>     <li><a href="#namespaces"><span class=secno>8.3. </span>Namespaces</a>     <li><a href="#entities"><span class=secno>8.4. </span><dfn      id=entities0>Entities</dfn></a>    </ul>   <li><a href="#rendering"><span class=secno>9. </span>Rendering</a>    <ul class=toc>     <li><a href="#rendering0"><span class=secno>9.1. </span>Rendering and      the DOM</a>    </ul>   <li><a href="#no"><span class=secno>10. </span>Things that you can't do    with this specification because they are better handled using other    technologies that are further described herein</a>    <ul class=toc>     <li><a href="#localisation"><span class=secno>10.1.      </span>Localisation</a>     <li><a href="#declarative"><span class=secno>10.2. </span>Declarative 2D      vector graphics and animation</a>     <li><a href="#declarative0"><span class=secno>10.3. </span>Declarative      3D scenes</a>     <li><a href="#alternate-style-sheets"><span class=secno>10.4.      </span>Alternate style sheets: the <code>DocumentStyle</code>      interface</a>      <ul class=toc>       <li><a href="#dynamically"><span class=secno>10.4.1.        </span>Dynamically adding new style sheets</a>        <ul class=toc>         <li><a href="#adding"><span class=secno> </span>Adding          style sheets</a>         <li><a href="#changing"><span class=secno> </span>Changing          the preferred style sheet set</a>         <li><a href="#examples"><span class=secno> </span>          Examples</a>        </ul>       <li><a href="#interaction0"><span class=secno>10.4.2.        </span>Interaction with the User Interface</a>        <ul class=toc>         <li><a href="#persisting"><span class=secno>          </span>Persisting the selected style sheet set</a>        </ul>       <li><a href="#future"><span class=secno>10.4.3. </span>Future        compatibility</a>      </ul>     <li><a href="#timers"><span class=secno>10.5. </span>Timers</a>    </ul>   <li class=no-num><a href="#references">References</a>   <li class=no-num><a href="#acknowledgements">Acknowledgements</a>  </ul>  <!--end-toc-->  <hr>  <h2 id=introduction><span class=secno>1. </span>Introduction</h2>  <p><em>This section is non-normative.</em>  <p>The World Wide Web's markup language has always been HTML. HTML was   primarily designed as a language for semantically describing scientific   documents, although its general design and adaptations over the years has   enabled it to be used to describe a number of other types of documents.  <p>The main area that has not been adequately addressed by HTML is a vague   subject referred to as Web Applications. This specification attempts to   rectify this, while at the same time updating the HTML specifications to   address issues raised in the past few years.  <h3 id=scope><span class=secno>1.1. </span>Scope</h3>  <p><em>This section is non-normative.</em>  <p>This specification is limited to providing a semantic-level markup   language and associated semantic-level scripting APIs for authoring   accessible pages on the Web ranging from static documents to dynamic   applications.  <p>The scope of this specification does not include addressing presentation   concerns (although default rendering rules for Web browsers are included   at the end of this specification).  <p>The scope of this specification does not include documenting every HTML   or DOM feature supported by Web browsers. Browsers support many features   that are considered to be very bad for accessibility or that are otherwise   inappropriate. For example, the <code>blink</code> element is clearly   presentational and authors wishing to cause text to blink should instead   use CSS.  <p>The scope of this specification is not to describe an entire operating   system. In particular, hardware configuration software, image manipulation   tools, and applications that users would be expected to use with high-end   workstations on a daily basis are out of scope. In terms of applications,   this specification is targetted specifically at applications that would be   expected to be used by users on an occasional basis, or regularly but from   disparate locations, with low CPU requirements. For instance online   purchasing systems, searching systems, games (especially multiplayer   online games), public telephone books or address books, communications   software (e-mail clients, instant messaging clients, discussion software),   document editing software, etc.  <p>For sophisticated cross-platform applications, there already exist   several proprietary solutions (such as Mozilla's XUL and Macromedia's   Flash). These solutions are evolving faster than any standards process   could follow, and the requirements are evolving even faster. These systems   are also significantly more complicated to specify, and are orders of   magnitude more difficult to achieve interoperability with, than the   solutions described in this document. Platform-specific solutions for such   sophisticated applications (for example the MacOS X Core APIs) are even   further ahead.  <h3 id=structure><span class=secno>1.2. </span>Structure of this   specification</h3>  <p><em>This section is non-normative.</em>  <p>This specification is divided into five key parts:  <dl>   <dt><a href="#dom">The DOM</a>   <dd>The DOM, or Document Object Model, provides a base for the rest of the    specification.   <dt><a href="#semantics">The Semantics</a>   <dd>Documents are built from elements. These elements form a tree using    the DOM. Each element also has a predefined meaning, which is explained    in this section. User agent requirements for how to handle each element    are also given, along with rules for authors on how to use the element.   <dt><a href="#processing-models">The Processing Models</a>   <dd>In addition to the rules for each element, there are rules for    handling features that cover multiple elements. These are defined in the    processing models section, so that the whole feature can be defined in    one place instead of being split across the definitions for multiple    elements.   <dt><a href="#apis">The High-Level APIs</a>   <dd>Certain extensions to the DOM provide APIs for interacting with the    user. Three sections, covering <a href="#apis">the browser    enviroment</a>, <a href="#editing">editing</a>, and <a    href="#comms">communication</a>, define these high-level APIs.   <dt><a href="#syntax">The Language Syntax</a>   <dd>All of these features would be for naught if they couldn't be    represented in a serialised form and sent to other people, and so this    section defines the syntax of HTML, along with rules for how to parse    HTML.  </dl>  <p>There are also a couple of appendices, defining <a   href="#rendering">rendering rules</a> for Web browsers, and listing <a   href="#no">areas that are out of scope</a> for this specification.  <h4 id=how-to><span class=secno>1.2.1. </span>How to read this   specification</h4>  <p>This specification should be read like all other specifications. First,   it should be read cover-to-cover, multiple times. Then, it should be read   backwards at least once. Then it should be read by picking random sections   from the contents list and following all the cross-references.  <h3 id=conformance><span class=secno>1.3. </span>Conformance requirements</h3>  <p>All diagrams, examples, and notes in this specification are   non-normative, as are all sections explicitly marked non-normative.   Everything else in this specification is normative.  <p>The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",   "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in the   normative parts of this document are to be interpreted as described in   RFC2119. For readability, these words do not appear in all uppercase   letters in this specification. <a href="#refsRFC2119">[RFC2119]</a></p>  <!-- XXX but they should be marked up -->  <p>This specification describes the conformance criteria for user agents   (relevant to implementors) and documents (relevant to authors and   authoring tool implementors).  <p class=note>There is no implied relationship between document conformance   requirements and implementation conformance requirements. User agents are   not free to handle non-conformant documents as they please; the processing   model described in this specification applies to implementations   regardless of the conformity of the input documents.</p>  <!--XXX quite possible that  this is stated twice. check for whether this is a dupe. -->  <p>User agents fall into several (overlapping) categories with different   conformance requirements.  <dl>   <dt id=interactive>Web browsers and other interactive user agents   <dd>    <p>Web browsers that support <a href="#xhtml5">XHTML</a> must process     elements and attributes from the <a href="#html-namespace0">HTML     namespace</a> found in <a href="#xml-documents">XML documents</a> as     described in this specification, so that users can interact with them,     unless the semantics of those elements have been overridden by other     specifications.</p>    <p class=example>A conforming XHTML processor would, upon finding an     XHTML <code><a href="#script2">script</a></code> element in an XML     document, execute the script contained in that element. However, if the     element is found within an XSLT transformation sheet (assuming the UA     also supports XSLT), then the processor would instead treat the <code><a     href="#script2">script</a></code> element as an opaque element that     forms part of the transform.</p>    <p>Web browsers that support <a href="#html5" title=HTML5>HTML</a> must     process documents labelled as <code>text/html</code> as described in     this specification, so that users can interact with them.</p>   <dt id=non-interactive>Non-interactive presentation user agents   <dd>    <p>User agents that process HTML and XHTML documents purely to render     non-interactive versions of them must comply to the same conformance     criteria as Web browsers, except that they are exempt from requirements     regarding user interaction.</p>    <p class=note>Typical examples of non-interactive presentation user     agents are printers (static UAs) and overhead displays (dynamic UAs). It     is expected that most static non-interactive presentation user agents     will also opt to <a href="#non-scripted">lack scripting support</a>.</p>    <p class=example>A non-interactive but dynamic presentation UA would     still execute scripts, allowing forms to be dynamically submitted, and     so forth. However, since the concept of "focus" is irrelevant when the     user cannot interact with the document, the UA would not need to support     any of the focus-related DOM APIs.</p>   <dt><dfn id=non-scripted>User agents with no scripting support</dfn>   <dd>    <p>Implementations that do not support scripting (or which have their     scripting features <a href="#scripting1" title="scripting is     disabled">disabled</a>) are exempt from supporting the events and DOM     interfaces mentioned in this specification. For the parts of this     specification that are defined in terms of an events model or in terms     of the DOM, such user agents must still act as if events and the DOM     were supported.</p>    <p class=note>Scripting can form an integral part of an application. Web     browsers that do not support scripting, or that have scripting disabled,     might be unable to fully convey the author's intent.</p>   <dt>Conformance checkers   <dd id=conformance-checkers>    <p>Conformance checkers must verify that a document conforms to the     applicable conformance criteria described in this specification.     Conformance checkers are exempt from detecting errors that require     interpretation of the author's intent (for example, while a document is     non-conforming if the content of a <code><a     href="#blockquote0">blockquote</a></code> element is not a quote,     conformance checkers do not have to check that <code><a     href="#blockquote0">blockquote</a></code> elements only contain quoted     material).</p>    <p>Conformance checkers must check that the input document conforms when     <a href="#scripting1">scripting is disabled</a>, and should also check     that the input document conforms when <a href="#scripting2">scripting is     enabled</a>. (This is only a "SHOULD" and not a "MUST" requirement     because it has been proven to be impossible. <a     href="#refsHALTINGPROBLEM">[HALTINGPROBLEM]</a>)</p>    <!-- XXX    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halting_problem but I'd rather    reference Godel's original paper if someone can find the    ref... -->        <div class=note>     <p>The term "validation" specifically refers to a subset of conformance      checking that only verifies that a document complies with the      requirements given by an SGML or XML DTD. Conformance checkers that      only perform validation are non-conforming, as there are many      conformance requirements described in this specification that cannot be      checked by SGML or XML DTDs.</p>     <p>To put it another way, there are three types of conformance criteria:</p>     <ol>      <li>Criteria that can be expressed in a DTD.      <li>Criteria that cannot be expressed by a DTD, but can still be       checked by a machine.      <li>Criteria that can only be checked by a human.     </ol>     <p>A conformance checker must check for the first two. A simple      DTD-based validator only checks for the first class of errors and is      therefore not a conforming conformance checker according to this      specification.</p>    </div>   <dt>Data mining tools   <dd id=data-mining>    <p>Applications and tools that process HTML and XHTML documents for     reasons other than to either render the documents or check them for     conformance should act in accordance to the semantics of the documents     that they process.</p>    <p class=example>A tool that generates <span title="sections and     headings">document outlines</span> but increases the nesting level for     each paragraph and does not increase the nesting level for each section     would not be conforming.</p>   <dt id=editors>Authoring tools and markup generators   <dd>    <p>Authoring tools and markup generators must generate conforming     documents. Conformance criteria that apply to authors also apply to     authoring tools, where appropriate.</p>    <p class=big-issue>This needs expanding (see source).</p>    <!--> The requirement that authoring tools must generate conforming documents> should probably also make the distinction between the three types of> conformance requirements made in the section on conformance tools.  I> would say that authoring tools must generate documents that conform to> the first two requirements and should encourage their users to generate> documents that conform to the third.  I'd also allow an exception for> preservation of nonconformant content across editing operations, since> in editors often should not change content unrelated to what is being> edited.I've noted this in the markup for now. I need to take a much closer lookat the conformance requirements for editors; in particular I've beentalking to a number of people who implement HTML editors and theirunanimous feedback is that it is unrealistic to prevent them fromincluding presentational markup, because the state of the art in UI doesnot yet have a way of conveying "semantics" in a comprehensive way.Thus the conformance criteria for editors will probably be changed toallow them to include <font> markup while still defining such documents tobe non-conformant HTML5 documents.Or something. Like I said, this needs thought (feel free to mail ideasand suggestions on this to the list, btw).-->      </dl>  <p>Some conformance requirements are phrased as requirements on elements,   attributes, methods or objects. Such requirements fall into two   categories; those describing content model restrictions, and those   describing implementation behaviour. The former category of requirements   are requirements on documents and authoring tools. The second category are   requirements on user agents.  <p>Conformance requirements phrased as algorithms or specific steps may be   implemented in any manner, so long as the end result is equivalent. (In   particular, the algorithms defined in this specification are intended to   be easy to follow, and not intended to be performant.)  <p id=hardwareLimitations>User agents may impose implementation-specific   limits on otherwise unconstrained inputs, e.g. to prevent denial of   service attacks, to guard against running out of memory, or to work around   platform-specific limitations.  <p>For compatibility with existing content and prior specifications, this   specification describes two authoring formats: one based on XML (referred   to as <dfn id=xhtml5 title=XHTML>XHTML5</dfn>), and one using a <a   href="#parsing">custom format</a> inspired by SGML (referred to as <dfn   id=html5>HTML5</dfn>). Implementations may support only one of these two   formats, although supporting both is encouraged.  <p id=authors-using-xhtml><a href="#xhtml5">XHTML</a> documents (<a   href="#xml-documents">XML documents</a> using elements from the <a   href="#html-namespace0">HTML namespace</a>) that use the new features   described in this specification and that are served over the wire (e.g. by   HTTP) must be sent using an XML MIME type such as   <code>application/xml</code> or <code>application/xhtml+xml</code> and   must not be served as <code>text/html</code>. <a   href="#refsRFC3023">[RFC3023]</a>  <p>Such XML documents may contain a <code>DOCTYPE</code> if desired, but   this is not required to conform to this specification.  <p id=authors-using-html><a href="#html-">HTML documents</a>, if they are   served over the wire (e.g. by HTTP) must be labelled with the   <code>text/html</code> MIME type.</p>  <!-- XXX update RFC 2854 -->  <p id=entity-references>The language in this specification assumes that the   user agent expands all entity references, and therefore does not include   entity reference nodes in the DOM. If user agents do include entity   reference nodes in the DOM, then user agents must handle them as if they   were fully expanded when implementing this specification. For example, if   a requirement talks about an element's child text nodes, then any text   nodes that are children of an entity reference that is a child of that   element would be used as well.</p>  <!-- XXX unexpandable entities? -->  <p class=big-issue>A lot of arrays/lists/<span>collection</span>s in this   spec assume zero-based indexes but use the term "<var   title="">index</var>th" liberally. We should define those to be zero-based   and be clearer about this.  <h4 id=dependencies><span class=secno>1.3.1. </span>Dependencies</h4>  <p>This specification relies on several other underlying specifications.  <dl>   <dt>XML   <dd>    <p>Implementations that support XHTML5 must support some version of XML,     as well as its corresponding namespaces specification, because XHTML5     uses an XML serialisation with namespaces. <a href="#refsXML">[XML]</a>     <a href="#refsXMLNAMES">[XMLNAMES]</a></p>   <dt>XML Base   <dd>    <p id=xmlBase>User agents must follow the rules given by XML Base to     resolve relative URIs in HTML and XHTML fragments, because that is the     mechanism used in this specification for resolving relative URIs in DOM     trees. <a href="#refsXMLBASE">[XMLBASE]</a></p>    <p class=note>It is possible for <code>xml:base</code> attributes to be     present even in HTML fragments, as such attributes can be added     dynamically using script.</p>   <dt>DOM   <dd>    <p>Implementations must support some version of DOM Core and DOM Events,     because this specification is defined in terms of the DOM, and some of     the features are defined as extensions to the DOM Core interfaces. <a     href="#refsDOM3CORE">[DOM3CORE]</a> <a     href="#refsDOM3CORE">[DOM3EVENTS]</a></p>    <p>Implementations must support some version of the Window Object,     because this specification extends this interface to provide some of its     features. <a href="#refsWINDOW">[WINDOW]</a></p>   <dt>ECMAScript   <dd>    <p>Implementations that use ECMAScript to implement the APIs defined in     this specification must implement them in a manner consistent with the     ECMAScript Bindings for DOM Specifications specification, as this     specification uses that specification's terminology. <a     href="#refsEBFD">[EBFD]</a></p>  </dl>  <p>This specification does not require support of any particular network   transport protocols, image formats, audio formats, video formats, style   sheet language, scripting language, or any of the DOM and WebAPI   specifications beyond those described above. However, the language   described by this specification is biased towards CSS as the styling   language, ECMAScript as the scripting language, and HTTP as the network   protocol, and several features assume that those languages and protocols   are in use.  <h4 id=features><span class=secno>1.3.2. </span>Features defined in other   specifications</h4>  <p>Some elements are defined in terms of their DOM <dfn   id=textcontent><code>textContent</code></dfn> attribute. This is an   attribute defined on the <code>Node</code> interface in DOM3 Core. <a   href="#refsDOM3CORE">[DOM3CORE]</a>  <p class=big-issue>Should textContent be defined differently for dir="" and   AMPERSANDlt;bdo>? Should we come up with an alternative to textContent that   handles those and other things, like alt=""?</p>  <!-- This section is currently here exclusively so that we crossref  to textContent. XXX also add event-click, event-change,  event-DOMActivate, etc, here, and just have the section be a general  "defined in other specifications" section -->  <p>The terms <dfn id=browsing>browsing context</dfn> and <dfn   id=top-level>top-level browsing context</dfn> are used as defined in the   Window Object specification. <a href="#refsWINDOW">[WINDOW]</a>  <h4 id=relationship><span class=secno>1.3.3. </span>Relationship to HTML   4.01, XHTML 1.1, DOM2 HTML</h4>  <p><em>This section is non-normative.</em>  <p>This specification represents a new version of HTML4 and XHTML1, along   with a new version of the associated DOM2 HTML API. Migration from HTML4   or XHTML1 to the format and APIs described in this specification should in   most cases be straightforward, as care has been taken to ensure that   backwards-compatibility is retained.</p>  <!-- XXX refs -->  <p>This specification will eventually supplant Web Forms 2.0 as well. <a   href="#refsWF2">[WF2]</a>  <h4 id=relationship0><span class=secno>1.3.4. </span>Relationship to XHTML2</h4>  <p><em>This section is non-normative.</em>  <p>XHTML2 <a href="#refsXHTML2">[XHTML2]</a> defines a new HTML vocabulary   with better features for hyperlinks, multimedia content, annotating   document edits, rich metadata, declarative interactive forms, and   describing the semantics of human literary works such as poems and   scientific papers.  <p>However, it lacks elements to express the semantics of many of the   non-document types of content often seen on the Web. For instance, forum   sites, auction sites, search engines, online shops, and the like, do not   fit the document metaphor well, and are not covered by XHTML2.  <p><em>This</em> specification aims to extend HTML so that it is also   suitable in these contexts.  <p>XHTML2 and this specification use different namespaces and therefore can   both be implemented in the same XML processor.  <h4 id=relationship1><span class=secno>1.3.5. </span>Relationship to XUL,   WPF/XAML, and other proprietary UI languages</h4>  <p><em>This section is non-normative.</em>  <p>This specification is independent of the various proprietary UI   languages that various vendors provide.</p>  <!-- XXX flesh this out? -->  <h3 id=terminology><span class=secno>1.4. </span>Terminology</h3>  <p>This specification refers to both HTML and XML attributes and DOM   attributes, often in the same context. When it is not clear which is being   referred to, they are referred to as <dfn id=content>content   attributes</dfn> for HTML and XML attributes, and <dfn   id=dom-attributes>DOM attributes</dfn> for those from the DOM. Similarly,   the term "properties" is used for both ECMAScript object properties and   CSS properties. When these are ambiguous they are qualified as object   properties and CSS properties respectively.  <p id=html-namespace>To ease migration from HTML to XHTML, UAs conforming   to this specification will place elements in HTML in the   <code>http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml</code> namespace, at least for the   purposes of the DOM and CSS. The term "<dfn id=elements1>elements in the   HTML namespace</dfn>", or "<dfn id=html-elements>HTML elements</dfn>" for   short, when used in this specification, thus refers to both HTML and XHTML   elements.  <p>Unless otherwise stated, all elements defined or mentioned in this   specification are in the <code>http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml</code>   namespace, and all attributes defined or mentioned in this specification   have no namespace (they are in the per-element partition).  <p>The term <a href="#html-">HTML documents</a> is sometimes used in   contrast with <a href="#xml-documents">XML documents</a> to mean   specifically documents that were parsed using an <a href="#html-0">HTML   parser</a> (as opposed to using an XML parser or created purely through   the DOM).  <p>Generally, when the specification states that a feature applies to HTML   or XHTML, it also includes the other. When a feature specifically only   applies to one of the two languages, it is called out by explicitly   stating that it does not apply to the other format, as in "for HTML, ...   (this does not apply to XHTML)".  <p>This specification uses the term <em>document</em> to refer to any use   of HTML, ranging from short static documents to long essays or reports   with rich multimedia, as well as to fully-fledged interactive   applications.  <p>For readability, the term URI is used to refer to both ASCII URIs and   Unicode IRIs, as those terms are defined by <a   href="#refsRFC3986">[RFC3986]</a> and <a href="#refsRFC3987">[RFC3987]</a>   respectively. On the rare occasions where IRIs are not allowed but ASCII   URIs are, this is called out explicitly.  <p>The term <dfn id=root-element>root element</dfn>, when not qualified to   explicitly refer to the document's root element, means the furthest   ancestor element node of whatever node is being discussed, or the node   itself is there is none. When the node is a part of the document, then   that is indeed the document's root element. However, if the node is not   currently part of the document tree, the root element will be an orphaned   node.  <p>An element is said to have been <dfn id=inserted title="insert an   element into a document">inserted into a document</dfn> when its <a   href="#root-element">root element</a> changes and is now the document's <a   href="#root-element">root element</a>.  <p>The term <dfn id=tree-order>tree order</dfn> means a pre-order,   depth-first traversal of DOM nodes involved (through the <code   title="">parentNode</code>/<code title="">childNodes</code> relationship).  <p>When it is stated that some element or attribute is <dfn id=ignored   title=ignore>ignored</dfn>, or treated as some other value, or handled as   if it was something else, this refers only to the processing of the node   after it is in the DOM. A user agent must not mutate the DOM in such   situations.  <p>When an XML name, such as an attribute or element name, is referred to   in the form <code><var title="">prefix</var>:<var   title="">localName</var></code>, as in <code>xml:id</code> or   <code>svg:rect</code>, it refers to a name with the local name <var   title="">localName</var> and the namespace given by the prefix, as defined   by the following table:  <dl>   <dt><code title="">xml</code>   <dd><code>http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace</code>   <dt><code title="">html</code>   <dd><code>http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml</code>   <dt><code title="">svg</code>   <dd><code>http://www.w3.org/2000/svg</code>  </dl>  <p>For simplicity, terms such as <em>shown</em>, <em>displayed</em>, and   <em>visible</em> might sometimes be used when referring to the way a   document is rendered to the user. These terms are not meant to imply a   visual medium; they must be considered to apply to other media in   equivalent ways.  <p>Various DOM interfaces are defined in this specification using   pseudo-IDL. This looks like OMG IDL but isn't. For instance, method   overloading is used, and types from the W3C DOM specifications are used   without qualification. Language-specific bindings for these abstract   interface definitions must be derived in the way consistent with W3C DOM   specifications. Some interface-specific binding information for ECMAScript   is included in this specification.  <p class=big-issue>The current situation with IDL blocks is pitiful. IDL is   totally inadequate to properly represent what objects have to look like in   JS; IDL can't say if a member is enumerable, what the indexing behaviour   is, what the stringification behaviour is, what behaviour setting a member   whose type is a particular interface should be (e.g. setting of   document.location or element.className), what constructor an object   implementing an interface should claim to have, how overloads work, etc. I   think we should make the IDL blocks non-normative, and/or replace them   with something else that is better for JS while still being clear on how   it applies to other languages. However, we do need to have something that   says what types the methods take as arguments, since we have to raise   exceptions if they are wrong.  <p>The construction "a <code>Foo</code> object", where <code>Foo</code> is   actually an interface, is sometimes used instead of the more accurate "an   object implementing the interface <code>Foo</code>".  <p>A DOM attribute is said to be <em>getting</em> when its value is being   retrieved (e.g. by author script), and is said to be <em>setting</em> when   a new value is assigned to it.  <p>If a DOM object is said to be <dfn id=live>live</dfn>, then that means   that any attributes returning that object must always return the same   object (not a new object each time), and the attributes and methods on   that object must operate on the actual underlying data, not a snapshot of   the data.</p>  <!-- XXX should define "same instance of" to mean JS===. -->  <p>The terms <em>fire</em> and <em>dispatch</em> are used interchangeably   in the context of events, as in the DOM Events specifications. <a   href="#refsDOM3EVENTS">[DOM3EVENTS]</a>  <p>The term <dfn id=text-node>text node</dfn> refers to any   <code>Text</code> node, including <code>CDATASection</code> nodes (any   <code>Node</code> with node type 3 or 4).  <p>Some of the algorithms in this specification, for historical reasons,   require the user agent to <dfn id=pause>pause</dfn> until some condition   has been met. While a user agent is paused, it must ensure that no scripts   execute (e.g. no event handlers, no timers, etc). User agents should   remain responsive to user input while paused, however.  <h4 id=html-vs><span class=secno>1.4.1. </span>HTML vs XHTML</h4>  <p><em>This section is non-normative.</em>  <p>This specification defines an abstract language for describing documents   and applications, and some APIs for interacting with in-memory   representations of resources that use this language.  <p>The in-memory representation is known as "DOM5 HTML", or "the DOM" for   short.  <p>There are various concrete syntaxes that can be used to transmit   resources that use this abstract language, two of which are defined in   this specification.  <p>The first such concrete syntax is "HTML5". This is the format   recommended for most authors. It is compatible with all legacy Web   browsers. If a document is transmitted with the MIME type <code   title="">text/html</code>, then it will be processed as an "HTML5"   document by Web browsers.  <p>The second concrete syntax uses XML, and is known as "XHTML5". When a   document is transmitted with an XML MIME type, such as <code   title="">application/xhtml+xml</code>, then it is processed by an XML   processor by Web browsers, and treated as an "XHTML5" document. Generally   speaking, authors are discouraged from trying to use XML on the Web,   because XML has much stricter syntax rules than the "HTML5" variant   described above, and is relatively newer and therefore less mature.  <p>The "DOM5 HTML", "HTML5", and "XHTML5" representations cannot all   represent the same content. For example, namespaces cannot be represented   using "HTML5", but they are supported in "DOM5 HTML" and "XHTML5".   Similarly, documents that use the <code><a   href="#noscript0">noscript</a></code> feature can be represented using   "HTML5", but cannot be represented with "XHTML5" and "DOM5 HTML". Comments   that contain the string "<code title="">--AMPERSANDgt;</code>" can be represented   in "DOM5 HTML" but not in "HTML5" and "XHTML5". And so forth.  <h2 id=dom><span class=secno>2. </span>The Document Object Model</h2>  <p>The Document Object Model (DOM) is a representation AMPERSANDmdash; a model   AMPERSANDmdash; of a document and its content. <a   href="#refsDOM3CORE">[DOM3CORE]</a> The DOM is not just an API; the   conformance criteria of HTML implementations are defined, in this   specification, in terms of operations on the DOM.  <p>This specification defines the language represented in the DOM by   features together called DOM5 HTML. DOM5 HTML consists of DOM Core   <code>Document</code> nodes and DOM Core <code>Element</code> nodes, along   with text nodes and other content.  <p>Elements in the DOM represent things; that is, they have intrinsic   <em>meaning</em>, also known as semantics.  <p class=example>For example, a <code><a href="#p0">p</a></code> element   represents a paragraph.  <p>In addition, documents and elements in the DOM host APIs that extend the   DOM Core APIs, providing new features to application developers using DOM5   HTML.  <h3 id=documents><span class=secno>2.1. </span>Documents</h3>  <p>Every XML and HTML document in an HTML UA is represented by a   <code>Document</code> object. <a href="#refsDOM3CORE">[DOM3CORE]</a>  <p><code>Document</code> objects are assumed to be <dfn   id=xml-documents>XML documents</dfn> unless they are flagged as being <dfn   id=html->HTML documents</dfn> when they are created. Whether a document is   an <a href="#html-" title="HTML documents">HTML document</a> or an <a   href="#xml-documents" title="XML documents">XML document</a> affects the   behaviour of certain APIs, as well as a few CSS rendering rules. <a   href="#refsCSS21">[CSS21]</a>  <p class=note>A <code>Document</code> object created by the <code   title="">createDocument()</code> API on the <code>DOMImplementation</code>   object is initially an <a href="#xml-documents" title="XML documents">XML   document</a>, but can be made into an <a href="#html-" title="HTML   documents">HTML document</a> by calling <code title=dom-document-open><a   href="#open">document.open()</a></code> on it.  <p>All <code>Document</code> objects (in user agents implementing this   specification) must also implement the <code><a   href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code> interface, available using   binding-specific methods. (This is the case whether or not the document in   question is an <a href="#html-" title="HTML documents">HTML document</a>   or indeed whether it contains any <a href="#html-elements">HTML   elements</a> at all.) <code>Document</code> objects must also implement   the document-level interface of any other namespaces found in the document   that the UA supports. For example, if an HTML implementation also supports   SVG, then the <code>Document</code> object must implement <code><a   href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code> and <code>SVGDocument</code>.  <p class=note>Because the <code><a   href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code> interface is now obtained   using binding-specific casting methods instead of simply being the primary   interface of the document object, it is no longer defined as inheriting   from <code>Document</code>.  <pre class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmldocument>HTMLDocument</dfn> {  // <a href="#resource1">Resource metadata management</a>  readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#url" title=dom-document-URL>URL</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#domain" title=dom-document-domain>domain</a>;  readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#referrer" title=dom-document-referrer>referrer</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#cookie0" title=dom-document-cookie>cookie</a>;  // <a href="#dom-tree1">DOM tree accessors</a>           attribute DOMString <a href="#document.title" title=dom-document-title>title</a>;           attribute <a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a> <a href="#body0" title=dom-document-body>body</a>;  readonly attribute <a href="#htmlcollection0">HTMLCollection</a> <a href="#images0" title=dom-document-images>images</a>;<!--  readonly attribute <span>HTMLCollection</span> <span title="dom-document-applets">applets</span>;-->  readonly attribute <a href="#htmlcollection0">HTMLCollection</a> <a href="#links0" title=dom-document-links>links</a>;  readonly attribute <a href="#htmlcollection0">HTMLCollection</a> <a href="#forms0" title=dom-document-forms>forms</a>;  readonly attribute <a href="#htmlcollection0">HTMLCollection</a> <a href="#anchors" title=dom-document-anchors>anchors</a>;  NodeList <a href="#getelementsbyname" title=dom-document-getElementsByName>getElementsByName</a>(in DOMString elementName);  NodeList <a href="#getelementsbyclassname" title=dom-document-getElementsByClassName>getElementsByClassName</a>(in DOMString[] classNames);  // <a href="#dynamic3">Dynamic markup insertion</a>           attribute DOMString <a href="#innerhtml" title=dom-innerHTML>innerHTML</a>;  void <a href="#open" title=dom-document-open>open</a>();  void <a href="#open" title=dom-document-open>open</a>(in DOMString type);  void <a href="#open" title=dom-document-open>open</a>(in DOMString type, in DOMString replace);  void <a href="#open" title=dom-document-open>open</a>(in DOMString url, in DOMString name, in DOMString features);  void <a href="#open" title=dom-document-open>open</a>(in DOMString url, in DOMString name, in DOMString features, in bool replace);  void <a href="#close" title=dom-document-close>close</a>();  void <a href="#document.write" title=dom-document-write>write</a>(in DOMString text);  void <a href="#document.writeln" title=dom-document-writeln>writeln</a>(in DOMString text);  // <a href="#interaction2">Interaction</a>  readonly attribute <span>Element</span> <a href="#activeelement" title=dom-document-activeElement>activeElement</a>;  readonly attribute boolean <a href="#hasfocus" title=dom-document-hasFocus>hasFocus</a>;  // <a href="#command2" title=concept-command>Commands</a>  readonly attribute <a href="#htmlcollection0">HTMLCollection</a> <a href="#commands0" title=dom-document-commands>commands</a>;  // <a href="#editing1">Editing</a>           attribute boolean <a href="#designmode" title=dom-document-designMode>designMode</a>;  boolean <a href="#execcommand" title=dom-document-execCommand>execCommand</a>(in DOMString commandID);  boolean <a href="#execcommand" title=dom-document-execCommand>execCommand</a>(in DOMString commandID, in boolean doShowUI);  boolean <a href="#execcommand" title=dom-document-execCommand>execCommand</a>(in DOMString commandID, in boolean doShowUI, in DOMString value);  <a href="#selection1">Selection</a> <a href="#getselection0" title=dom-document-getSelection>getSelection</a>();  // <a href="#cross-document0">Cross-document messaging</a>  void <a href="#postmessage" title=dom-document-postMessage>postMessage</a>(in DOMString message);  <span title=big-issue>// lots of other stuff to come</span><!-- --><!-- XXX see e.g. http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/dom/public/idl/html/nsIDOMNSHTMLDocument.idl --><!-- XXX see e.g. http://trac.webkit.org/projects/webkit/browser/trunk/WebCore/dom/Document.cpp --><!-- XXX see e.g. http://trac.webkit.org/projects/webkit/browser/trunk/WebCore/html/HTMLDocument.cpp -->};</pre>  <p class=note>This specification requires that implementations also   implement some version of the Window object specification, so all <code><a   href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code> objects also implement the   <code>DocumentWindow</code> object and thus the <code>DocumentView</code>   object.  <p>Since the <code><a href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code>   interface holds methods and attributes related to a number of disparate   features, the members of this interface are described in various different   sections.  <h4 id=resource><span class=secno>2.1.1. </span><dfn id=resource1>Resource   metadata management</dfn></h4>  <p>The <dfn id=url title=dom-document-URL><code>URL</code></dfn> attribute   must return the <span>the document's address</span><!--  XXX xref -->.  <p>The <dfn id=domain title=dom-document-domain><code>domain</code></dfn>   attribute must be initialised to <span>the document's   domain</span><!-- XXX xref --> upon the creation of the   <code>Document</code> object. On getting, the attribute must return its   current value. On setting, if the new value is an allowed value (as   defined below), the attribute's value must be changed to the new value. If   the new value is not an allowed value, then a <a   href="#security2">security exception</a> must be raised instead.  <p>A new value is an allowed value for the <code   title=dom-document-domain><a href="#domain">document.domain</a></code>   attribute if it is equal to the attribute's current value, or if the new   value, prefixed by a U+002E FULL STOP ("."), exactly matches the end of   the current value.  <p class=note>The <code title=dom-document-domain><a   href="#domain">domain</a></code> attribute is used to enable pages on   different hosts of a domain to access each others' DOMs.</p>  <!-- XXX xref -->  <!--XXX    http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/content/html/document/src/nsHTMLDocument.cpp    search for ::GetDomain ::SetDomain    http://trac.webkit.org/projects/webkit/browser/trunk/WebCore/dom/Document.cpp    search for ::domain ::setDomain  -->  <p>The <dfn id=referrer   title=dom-document-referrer><code>referrer</code></dfn> attribute must   return either the URI of the page which navigated<!-- xref XXX  --> the   <a href="#browsing">browsing context</a> to the current document (if any),   or the empty string (if there is no such originating page, or if the UA   has been configured not to report referrers).  <p class=note>In the case of HTTP, the <code title=dom-document-referrer><a   href="#referrer">referrer</a></code> DOM attribute will match the   <code>Referer</code> (sic) header that was sent when fetching the current   page.  <p>The <dfn id=cookie0 title=dom-document-cookie><code>cookie</code></dfn>   attribute must, on getting, return the same string as the value of the   <code title="">Cookie</code> HTTP header it would include if fetching the   resource indicated by the <span>document's address</span> over HTTP, as   per RFC 2109 section 4.3.4. <a href="#refsRFC2109">[RFC2109]</a>  <p>On setting, the <code title=dom-document-cookie><a   href="#cookie0">cookie</a></code> attribute must cause the user agent to   act as it would when processing cookies if it had just attempted to fetch   the <span>document's address</span> over HTTP, and had received a response   with a <code>Set-Cookie</code> header whose value was the specified value,   as per RFC 2109 sections 4.3.1, 4.3.2, and 4.3.3. <a   href="#refsRFC2109">[RFC2109]</a>  <h3 id=elements><span class=secno>2.2. </span>Elements</h3>  <p>The nodes representing <a href="#html-elements">HTML elements</a> in the   DOM must implement, and expose to scripts, the interfaces listed for them   in the relevant sections of this specification. This includes <a   href="#xhtml5">XHTML</a> elements in <a href="#xml-documents">XML   documents</a>, even when those documents are in another context (e.g.   inside an XSLT transform).  <p>The basic interface, from which all the <a href="#html-elements">HTML   elements</a>' interfaces inherit, and which must be used by elements that   have no additional requirements, is the <code><a   href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code> interface.  <pre   class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmlelement>HTMLElement</dfn> : <span>Element</span> {  // <a href="#dom-tree1">DOM tree accessors</a>  NodeList <a href="#getelementsbyclassname0" title=dom-getElementsByClassName>getElementsByClassName</a>(in DOMString[] classNames);  // <a href="#dynamic3">Dynamic markup insertion</a>           attribute DOMString <a href="#innerhtml" title=dom-innerHTML>innerHTML</a>;  // <span>Metadata attributes</span>           attribute DOMString <a href="#id1" title=dom-id>id</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#title2" title=dom-title>title</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#lang1" title=dom-lang>lang</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#dir1" title=dom-dir>dir</a>;           attribute <a href="#domtokenstring0">DOMTokenString</a> <a href="#classname" title=dom-className>className</a>;  // <a href="#interaction2">Interaction</a>           attribute long <a href="#tabindex0" title=dom-tabindex>tabindex</a>;  void <a href="#click" title=dom-click>click</a>();  void <a href="#focus0" title=dom-focus>focus</a>();  void <a href="#blur" title=dom-blur>blur</a>();  // <a href="#command2" title=concept-command>Commands</a>           attribute <span>HTMLMenuElement</span> <a href="#contextmenu0" title=dom-contextMenu>contextMenu</a>;  // <a href="#editing1">Editing</a>           attribute boolean <a href="#draggable1" title=dom-draggable>draggable</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#contenteditable1" title=dom-contenteditable>contenteditable</a>;  // <a href="#event2">event handler DOM attributes</a>           attribute <span>EventListener</span> <a href="#onclick" title=handler-onclick>onclick</a>;           ...more events...};</pre>  <!-- XXXclick() https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=176950also focus(), blur(), etc.should the click, focus, blur methods be recursible?-->  <p>As with the <code><a href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code>   interface, the <code><a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>   interface holds methods and attributes related to a number of disparate   features, and the members of this interface are therefore described in   various different sections of this specification.  <h4 id=reflecting><span class=secno>2.2.1. </span>Reflecting content   attributes in DOM attributes</h4>  <p>Some <span title="DOM attribute">DOM attributes</span> are defined to   <dfn id=reflect>reflect</dfn> a particular <span>content attribute</span>.   This means that on getting, the DOM attribute returns the current value of   the content attribute, and on setting, the DOM attribute changes the value   of the content attribute to the given value.  <p>If a reflecting DOM attribute is a <code>DOMString</code> attribute   defined to contain a URI, then on getting, the DOM attribute must return   the value of the content attribute, resolved to an absolute URI, and on   setting, must set the content attribute to the specified literal value. If   the content attribute is absent, the DOM attribute must return the default   value, if the content attribute has one, or else the empty string.  <p>If a reflecting DOM attribute is a <code>DOMString</code> attribute that   is not defined to contain a URI, then the getting and setting must be done   in a transparent, case-sensitive manner, except if the content attribute   is defined to only allow a specific set of values. In this latter case,   the attribute's value must first be <span>converted to   lowercase</span><!--XXX xref --> before being returned. If the content   attribute is absent, the DOM attribute must return the default value, if   the content attribute has one, or else the empty string.  <p>If a reflecting DOM attribute is a boolean attribute, then the DOM   attribute must return true if the attribute is set, and false if it is   absent. On setting, the content attribute must be removed if the DOM   attribute is set to false, and must be set to have the same value as its   name if the DOM attribute is set to true.  <p>If a reflecting DOM attribute is a signed integer type   (<code>long</code>) then the content attribute must be parsed according to   <a href="#rules0" title="rules for parsing integers">the rules for parsing   signed integers</a> first. If that fails, or if the attribute is absent,   the default value must be returned instead, or 0 if there is no default   value. On setting, the given value must be converted to a string   representing the number as a <a href="#valid0">valid integer</a> in base   ten and then that string must be used as the new content attribute value.  <p>If a reflecting DOM attribute is an <em>unsigned</em> integer type   (<code>unsigned long</code>) then the content attribute must be parsed   according to <a href="#rules" title="rules for parsing non-negative   integers">the rules for parsing unsigned integers</a> first. If that   fails, or if the attribute is absent, the default value must be returned   instead, or 0 if there is no default value. On setting, the given value   must be converted to a string representing the number as a <a   href="#valid">valid non-negative integer</a> in base ten and then that   string must be used as the new content attribute value.  <p>If a reflecting DOM attribute is of the type <code><a   href="#domtokenstring0">DOMTokenString</a></code>, then on getting it must   return the <code><a href="#domtokenstring0">DOMTokenString</a></code>   object that represents the element's correspending content attribute, and   on setting, the <em>string representation of the new value</em> must   replace the value of the element's <code title=attr-class><a   href="#class6">class</a></code> content attribute, adding such an   attribute if the element doesn't have one. The setter is unusual in that   it expects a string, and does not affect the <code><a   href="#domtokenstring0">DOMTokenString</a></code> object that is returned   on getting. The same <code><a   href="#domtokenstring0">DOMTokenString</a></code> object must be returned   every time. When the attribute is absent, then the string represented by   the <code><a href="#domtokenstring0">DOMTokenString</a></code> object is   the empty string.  <p>If a reflecting DOM attribute has the type <code><a   href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>, or an interface that descends   from <code><a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>, then, on   getting, it must run the following algorithm (stopping at the first point   where a value is returned):  <ol>   <li>If the corresponding content attribute is absent, then the DOM    attribute must return null.   <li>Let <var title="">candidate</var> be the element that the <code    title="">document.getElementById()</code> method would find if it was    passed as its argument the current value of the corresponding content    attribute.   <li>If <var title="">candidate</var> is null, or if it is not    type-compatible with the DOM attribute, then the DOM attribute must    return null.   <li>Otherwise, it must return <var title="">candidate</var>.  </ol>  <p>On setting, if the given element has an <code title=attr-id><a   href="#id0">id</a></code> attribute, then the content attribute must be   set to the value of that <code title=attr-id><a href="#id0">id</a></code>   attribute. Otherwise, the DOM attribute must be set to the empty string.</p>  <!-- XXX or raise an exception? -->  <h3 id=common><span class=secno>2.3. </span>Common DOM interfaces</h3>  <h4 id=collections><span class=secno>2.3.1. </span>Collections</h4>  <p>The <code><a href="#htmlcollection0">HTMLCollection</a></code>, <code><a   href="#htmlformcontrolscollection0">HTMLFormControlsCollection</a></code>,   and <code><a   href="#htmloptionscollection0">HTMLOptionsCollection</a></code> interfaces   represent various lists of DOM nodes. Collectively, objects implementing   these interfaces are called <dfn id=collections0>collections</dfn>.  <p>When a <a href="#collections0" title=collections>collection</a> is   created, a filter and a root are associated with the collection.  <p class=example>For example, when the <code><a   href="#htmlcollection0">HTMLCollection</a></code> object for the <code   title=dom-document-images><a href="#images0">document.images</a></code>   attribute is created, it is associated with a filter that selects only   <code><a href="#img0">img</a></code> elements, and rooted at the root of   the document.  <p>The <span>collection</span> then <dfn id=represents title="representated   by the collection">represents</dfn> a <a href="#live">live</a> view of the   subtree rooted at the collection's root, containing only nodes that match   the given filter. The view is linear. In the absence of specific   requirements to the contrary, the nodes within the collection must be   sorted in <a href="#tree-order">tree order</a>.  <p class=note>The <code title=dom-table-rows><a   href="#rows">rows</a></code> list is not in tree order.  <p>An attribute that returns a collection must return the same object every   time it is retrieved.  <h5 id=htmlcollection><span class=secno> </span>HTMLCollection</h5>  <p>The <code><a href="#htmlcollection0">HTMLCollection</a></code> interface   represents a generic <span>collection</span> of elements.  <pre class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmlcollection0>HTMLCollection</dfn> {  readonly attribute unsigned long <a href="#length" title=dom-HTMLCollection-length>length</a>;  Element <a href="#itemindex" title=dom-HTMLCollection-item>item</a>(in unsigned long index);  Element <a href="#nameditem" title=dom-HTMLCollection-namedItem>namedItem</a>(in DOMString name);};</pre>  <p>The <dfn id=length   title=dom-HTMLCollection-length><code>length</code></dfn> attribute must   return the number of nodes <span>represented by the collection</span>.  <p>The <dfn id=itemindex title=dom-HTMLCollection-item><code>item(<var   title="">index</var>)</code></dfn> method must return the <var   title="">index</var>th node in the collection. If there is no <var   title="">index</var>th node in the collection, then the method must return   null.  <p>The <dfn id=nameditem   title=dom-HTMLCollection-namedItem><code>namedItem(<var   title="">key</var>)</code></dfn> method must return the first node in the   collection that matches the following requirements:  <ul>   <li>It is an <code><a href="#a0">a</a></code>, <code>applet</code>,    <code><a href="#area0">area</a></code>, <code>form</code>, <code><a    href="#img0">img</a></code>, or <code><a    href="#object0">object</a></code> element with a <code    title=attr-name>name</code> attribute equal to <var title="">key</var>,    or,   <li>It is an HTML element of any kind with an <code title=attr-id><a    href="#id0">id</a></code> attribute equal to <var title="">key</var>.    (Non-HTML elements, even if they have IDs, are not searched for the    purposes of <code title=dom-HTMLCollection-namedItem><a    href="#nameditem">namedItem()</a></code>.)  </ul>  <p>If no such elements are found, then the method must return null.  <p>In the ECMAScript DOM binding, objects implementing the <code><a   href="#htmlcollection0">HTMLCollection</a></code> interface must support   being dereferenced using the square bracket notation, such that   dereferencing with an integer index is equivalent to invoking the <code   title=dom-HTMLCollection-item><a href="#itemindex">item()</a></code>   method with that index, and such that dereferencing with a string index is   equivalent to invoking the <code title=dom-HTMLCollection-namedItem><a   href="#nameditem">namedItem()</a></code> method with that index.  <h5 id=htmlformcontrolscollection><span class=secno>   </span>HTMLFormControlsCollection</h5>  <p>The <code><a   href="#htmlformcontrolscollection0">HTMLFormControlsCollection</a></code>   interface represents a <span>collection</span> of form controls.  <pre   class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmlformcontrolscollection0>HTMLFormControlsCollection</dfn> {  readonly attribute unsigned long <a href="#length0" title=dom-HTMLFormControlsCollection-length>length</a>;  <a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a> <a href="#itemindex0" title=dom-HTMLFormControlsCollection-item>item</a>(in unsigned long index);  Object <a href="#nameditem0" title=dom-HTMLFormControlsCollection-namedItem>namedItem</a>(in DOMString name);};</pre>  <p>The <dfn id=length0   title=dom-HTMLFormControlsCollection-length><code>length</code></dfn>   attribute must return the number of nodes <span>represented by the   collection</span>.  <p>The <dfn id=itemindex0   title=dom-HTMLFormControlsCollection-item><code>item(<var   title="">index</var>)</code></dfn> method must return the <var   title="">index</var>th node in the collection. If there is no <var   title="">index</var>th node in the collection, then the method must return   null.  <p>The <dfn id=nameditem0   title=dom-HTMLFormControlsCollection-namedItem><code>namedItem(<var   title="">key</var>)</code></dfn> method must act according to the   following algorithm:  <ol>   <li>If, at the time the method is called, there is exactly one node in the    collection that has either an <code title=attr-id><a    href="#id0">id</a></code> attribute or a <code    title=attr-name>name</code> attribute equal to <var title="">key</var>,    then return that node and stop the algorithm.   <li>Otherwise, if there are no nodes in the collection that have either an    <code title=attr-id><a href="#id0">id</a></code> attribute or a <code    title=attr-name>name</code> attribute equal to <var title="">key</var>,    then return null and stop the algorithm.   <li>Otherwise, create a <code>NodeList</code> object representing a live    view of the <code><a    href="#htmlformcontrolscollection0">HTMLFormControlsCollection</a></code>    object, further filtered so that the only nodes in the    <code>NodeList</code> object are those that have either an <code    title=attr-id><a href="#id0">id</a></code> attribute or a <code    title=attr-name>name</code> attribute equal to <var title="">key</var>.    The nodes in the <code>NodeList</code> object must be sorted in <a    href="#tree-order">tree order</a>.   <li>Return that <code>NodeList</code> object.  </ol>  <p>In the ECMAScript DOM binding, objects implementing the <code><a   href="#htmlformcontrolscollection0">HTMLFormControlsCollection</a></code>   interface must support being dereferenced using the square bracket   notation, such that dereferencing with an integer index is equivalent to   invoking the <code title=dom-HTMLFormControlsCollection-item><a   href="#itemindex0">item()</a></code> method with that index, and such that   dereferencing with a string index is equivalent to invoking the <code   title=dom-HTMLFormControlsCollection-namedItem><a   href="#nameditem0">namedItem()</a></code> method with that index.</p>  <!--http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/?%3C%21DOCTYPE%20html%3E...%0A%3Cform%20name%3D%22a%22%3E%3Cinput%20id%3D%22x%22%20name%3D%22y%22%3E%3Cinput%20name%3D%22x%22%20id%3D%22y%22%3E%3C/form%3E%0A%3Cscript%3E%0A%20%20var%20x%3B%0A%20%20w%28x%20%3D%20document.forms%5B%27a%27%5D%5B%27x%27%5D%29%3B%0A%20%20w%28x.length%29%3B%0A%20%20x%5B0%5D.parentNode.removeChild%28x%5B0%5D%29%3B%0A%20%20w%28x.length%29%3B%0A%20%20w%28x%20%3D%3D%20document.forms%5B%27a%27%5D%5B%27x%27%5D%29%3B%0A%3C/script%3E%0A-->  <h5 id=htmloptionscollection><span class=secno>   </span>HTMLOptionsCollection</h5>  <p>The <code><a   href="#htmloptionscollection0">HTMLOptionsCollection</a></code> interface   represents a list of <code>option</code> elements.  <pre   class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmloptionscollection0>HTMLOptionsCollection</dfn> {           attribute unsigned long <a href="#length1" title=dom-HTMLOptionsCollection-length>length</a>;  HTMLOptionElement <a href="#itemindex1" title=dom-HTMLOptionsCollection-item>item</a>(in unsigned long index);  Object <a href="#nameditem1" title=dom-HTMLOptionsCollection-namedItem>namedItem</a>(in DOMString name);};</pre>  <p>On getting, the <dfn id=length1   title=dom-HTMLOptionsCollection-length><code>length</code></dfn> attribute   must return the number of nodes <span>represented by the   collection</span>.  <p>On setting, the behaviour depends on whether the new value is equal to,   greater than, or less than the number of nodes <span>represented by the   collection</span> at that time. If the number is the same, then setting   the attribute must do nothing. If the new value is greater, then <var   title="">n</var> new <code>option</code> elements with no attributes and   no child nodes must be appended to the <code>select</code> element on   which the <code><a   href="#htmloptionscollection0">HTMLOptionsCollection</a></code> is rooted,   where <var title="">n</var> is the difference between the two numbers (new   value minus old value). If the new value is lower, then the last <var   title="">n</var> nodes in the collection must be removed from their parent   nodes, where <var title="">n</var> is the difference between the two   numbers (old value minus new value).  <p class=note>Setting <code title=dom-HTMLOptionsCollection-length><a   href="#length1">length</a></code> never removes or adds any   <code>optgroup</code> elements, and never adds new children to existing   <code>optgroup</code> elements (though it can remove children from them).  <p>The <dfn id=itemindex1   title=dom-HTMLOptionsCollection-item><code>item(<var   title="">index</var>)</code></dfn> method must return the <var   title="">index</var>th node in the collection. If there is no <var   title="">index</var>th node in the collection, then the method must return   null.  <p>The <dfn id=nameditem1   title=dom-HTMLOptionsCollection-namedItem><code>namedItem(<var   title="">key</var>)</code></dfn> method must act according to the   following algorithm:  <ol>   <li>If, at the time the method is called, there is exactly one node in the    collection that has either an <code title=attr-id><a    href="#id0">id</a></code> attribute or a <code    title=attr-name>name</code> attribute equal to <var title="">key</var>,    then return that node and stop the algorithm.   <li>Otherwise, if there are no nodes in the collection that have either an    <code title=attr-id><a href="#id0">id</a></code> attribute or a <code    title=attr-name>name</code> attribute equal to <var title="">key</var>,    then return null and stop the algorithm.   <li>Otherwise, create a <code>NodeList</code> object representing a live    view of the <code><a    href="#htmloptionscollection0">HTMLOptionsCollection</a></code> object,    further filtered so that the only nodes in the <code>NodeList</code>    object are those that have either an <code title=attr-id><a    href="#id0">id</a></code> attribute or a <code    title=attr-option-name>name</code> attribute equal to <var    title="">key</var>. The nodes in the <code>NodeList</code> object must be    sorted in <a href="#tree-order">tree order</a>.   <li>Return that <code>NodeList</code> object.  </ol>  <p>In the ECMAScript DOM binding, objects implementing the <code><a   href="#htmloptionscollection0">HTMLOptionsCollection</a></code> interface   must support being dereferenced using the square bracket notation, such   that dereferencing with an integer index is equivalent to invoking the   <code title=dom-HTMLOptionsCollection-item><a   href="#itemindex1">item()</a></code> method with that index, and such that   dereferencing with a string index is equivalent to invoking the <code   title=dom-HTMLOptionsCollection-namedItem><a   href="#nameditem1">namedItem()</a></code> method with that index.</p>  <!-- see also http://ln.hixie.ch/?start=1161042744AMPERSANDcount=1 -->  <p class=big-issue>We may want to add <code>add()</code> and   <code>remove()</code> methods here too because IE implements   HTMLSelectElement and HTMLOptionsCollection on the same object, and so   people use them almost interchangeably in the wild.  <h4 id=domtokenstring><span class=secno>2.3.2. </span>DOMTokenString</h4>  <p>The <code><a href="#domtokenstring0">DOMTokenString</a></code> interface   represents a string that consists of an <a href="#unordered">unordered set   of space-separated tokens</a>.  <pre   class=idl>interface <dfn id=domtokenstring0>DOMTokenString</dfn> : DOMString {  boolean <a href="#hastoken" title=dom-tokenstring-has>has</a>(in DOMString token);  void <a href="#remove" title=dom-tokenstring-add>add</a>(in DOMString token);  void <span title=dom-tokenstring-remove>remove</span>(in DOMString token);};</pre>  <p>The <dfn id=hastoken title=dom-tokenstring-has><code>has(<var   title="">token</var>)</code></dfn> method must run the following   algorithm:  <ol>   <li>If the <var title="">token</var> argument contains any    spaces<!-- XXX elaborate -->, then raise an    <code>INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR</code> exception and stop the algorithm.   <li>Otherwise, <a href="#split" title="split a string on spaces">split the    underlying string on spaces</a> to get the list of tokens in the object's    underlying string.   <li>If the token indicated by <var title="">token</var> is one of the    tokens in the object's underlying string then return true and stop this    algorithm.   <li>Otherwise, return false.  </ol>  <p>The <dfn id=addtoken title=dom-tokenstring-add><code>add(<var   title="">token</var>)</code></dfn> method must run the following   algorithm:  <ol>   <li>If the <var title="">token</var> argument contains any    spaces<!-- XXX elaborate -->, then raise an    <code>INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR</code> exception and stop the algorithm.   <li>Otherwise, <a href="#split" title="split a string on spaces">split the    underlying string on spaces</a> to get the list of tokens in the object's    underlying string.   <li>If the given <var title="">token</var> is already one of the tokens in    the <code><a href="#domtokenstring0">DOMTokenString</a></code> object's    underlying string then stop the algorithm.   <li>Otherwise, if the last character of the <code><a    href="#domtokenstring0">DOMTokenString</a></code> object's underlying    string is not a <a href="#space">space character</a>, then append a    U+0020 SPACE character to the end of that string.   <li>Append the value of <var title="">token</var> to the end of the    <code><a href="#domtokenstring0">DOMTokenString</a></code> object's    underlying string.  </ol>  <p>The <dfn id=remove title=dom-tokenstring-add><code>remove(<var   title="">token</var>)</code></dfn> method must run the following   algorithm:  <ol>   <li>If the <var title="">token</var> argument contains any <a    href="#space" title="space character">spaces</a>, then raise an    <code>INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR</code> exception and stop the algorithm.   <li>Otherwise, <a href="#remove0" title="remove a token from a    string">remove the given <var title="">token</var> from the underlying    string</a>.  </ol>  <p>In the ECMAScript DOM binding, objects implementing the <code><a   href="#domtokenstring0">DOMTokenString</a></code> interface must stringify   to the object's underlying string representation.  <p><code><a href="#domtokenstring0">DOMTokenString</a></code> inherits from   <code>DOMString</code>, so in bindings where strings have attributes or   methods, those attributes and methods will also operate on <code><a   href="#domtokenstring0">DOMTokenString</a></code> objects.  <h4 id=dom-feature><span class=secno>2.3.3. </span>DOM feature strings</h4>  <p>DOM3 Core defines mechanisms for checking for interface support, and for   obtaining implementations of interfaces, using <a   href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/core.html#DOMFeatures">feature   strings</a>. <a href="#refsDOM3CORE">[DOM3CORE]</a>  <p>A DOM application can use the <dfn id=hasfeature   title=hasFeature><code>hasFeature(<var title="">feature</var>, <var   title="">version</var>)</code></dfn> method of the   <code>DOMImplementation</code> interface with parameter values "<code   title="">HTML</code>" and "<code>5.0</code>" (respectively) to determine   whether or not this module is supported by the implementation. In addition   to the feature string "<code title="">HTML</code>", the feature string   "<code title="">XHTML</code>" (with version string "<code>5.0</code>") can   be used to check if the implementation supports XHTML. User agents should   respond with a true value when the <code><a   href="#hasfeature">hasFeature</a></code> method is queried with these   values. Authors are cautioned, however, that UAs returning true might not   be perfectly compliant, and that UAs returning false might well have   support for features in this specification; in general, therefore, use of   this method is discouraged.  <p>The values "<code title="">HTML</code>" and "<code   title="">XHTML</code>" (both with version "<code>5.0</code>") should also   be supported in the context of the <code>getFeature()</code> and   <code>isSupported()</code> methods, as defined by DOM3 Core.  <p class=note>The interfaces defined in this specification are not always   supersets of the interfaces defined in DOM2 HTML; some features that were   formerly deprecated, poorly supported, rarely used or considered   unnecessary have been removed. Therefore it is not guarenteed that an   implementation that supports "<code title="">HTML</code>"   "<code>5.0</code>" also supports "<code title="">HTML</code>"   "<code>2.0</code>".  <h3 id=dom-tree><span class=secno>2.4. </span><dfn id=dom-tree1>DOM tree   accessors</dfn></h3>  <p><dfn id=the-html0>The <code>html</code> element</dfn> of a document is   the document's root element, if there is one and it's an <code><a   href="#html0">html</a></code> element, or null otherwise.  <p><dfn id=the-head0>The <code>head</code> element</dfn> of a document is   the first <code><a href="#head0">head</a></code> element that is a child   of <a href="#the-html0">the <code>html</code> element</a>, if there is   one, or null otherwise.  <p><dfn id=the-title1>The <code>title</code> element</dfn> of a document is   the first <code><a href="#title3">title</a></code> element that is a child   of <a href="#the-head0">the <code>head</code> element</a>, if there is   one, or null otherwise.  <p>The <dfn id=document.title   title=dom-document-title><code>title</code></dfn> attribute must, on   getting, return a concatenation of the data of all the child <a   href="#text-node" title="text node">text nodes</a> of <a   href="#the-title1">the <code>title</code> element</a>, in tree order, or   the empty string if <a href="#the-title1">the <code>title</code>   element</a> is null.  <p>On setting, the following algorithm must be run:  <ol>   <li>If <a href="#the-head0">the <code>head</code> element</a> is null,    then the attribute must do nothing. Stop the algorithm here.   <li>If <a href="#the-title1">the <code>title</code> element</a> is null,    then a new <code><a href="#title3">title</a></code> element must be    created and appended to <a href="#the-head0">the <code>head</code>    element</a>.   <li>The children of <a href="#the-title1">the <code>title</code>    element</a> (if any) must all be removed.   <li>A single <code>Text</code> node whose data is the new value being    assigned must be appended to <a href="#the-title1">the <code>title</code>    element</a>.  </ol>  <p><dfn id=the-body0>The body element</dfn> of a document is the first   child of <a href="#the-html0">the <code>html</code> element</a> that is   either a <code><a href="#body1">body</a></code> element or a   <code>frameset</code> element. If there is no such element, it is null. If   the body element is null, then when the specification requires that events   be fired at "the body element", they must instead be fired at the   <code>Document</code> object.  <p>The <dfn id=body0 title=dom-document-body><code>body</code></dfn>   attribute, on getting, must return <a href="#the-body0">the body   element</a> of the document (either a <code><a   href="#body1">body</a></code> element, a <code>frameset</code> element, or   null). On setting, the following algorithm must be followed:  <ol>   <li>If the new value is not a <code><a href="#body1">body</a></code> or    <code>frameset</code> element, then raise a    <code>HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR</code> exception and abort these steps.   <li>Otherwise, if the new value is the same as <a href="#the-body0">the    body element</a>, do nothing. Abort these steps.   <li>Otherwise, if <a href="#the-body0">the body element</a> is not null,    then replace that element with the new value in the DOM, as if the root    element's <code title="">replaceChild()</code> method had been called    with the new value and <a href="#the-body0" title="the body element">the    incumbent body element</a> as its two arguments respectively, then abort    these steps.   <li>Otherwise, the <a href="#the-body0">the body element</a> is null.    Append the new value to the root element.  </ol>  <!--XXX    http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/content/html/document/src/nsHTMLDocument.cpp    search for ::GetBody ::SetBody    http://trac.webkit.org/projects/webkit/browser/trunk/WebCore/html/HTMLDocument.cpp    search for ::setBody    http://trac.webkit.org/projects/webkit/browser/trunk/WebCore/dom/Document.cpp    search for ::body  -->  <p>The <dfn id=images0 title=dom-document-images><code>images</code></dfn>   attribute must return an <code><a   href="#htmlcollection0">HTMLCollection</a></code> rooted at the   <code>Document</code> node, whose filter matches only <code><a   href="#img0">img</a></code> elements.  <p>The <dfn id=links0 title=dom-document-links><code>links</code></dfn>   attribute must return an <code><a   href="#htmlcollection0">HTMLCollection</a></code> rooted at the   <code>Document</code> node, whose filter matches only <code><a   href="#a0">a</a></code> elements with <code title=attr-hyperlink-href><a   href="#href5">href</a></code> attributes and <code><a   href="#area0">area</a></code> elements with <code   title=attr-hyperlink-href><a href="#href5">href</a></code> attributes.  <p>The <dfn id=forms0 title=dom-document-forms><code>forms</code></dfn>   attribute must return an <code><a   href="#htmlcollection0">HTMLCollection</a></code> rooted at the   <code>Document</code> node, whose filter matches only <code>form</code>   elements.  <p>The <dfn id=anchors   title=dom-document-anchors><code>anchors</code></dfn> attribute must   return an <code><a href="#htmlcollection0">HTMLCollection</a></code>   rooted at the <code>Document</code> node, whose filter matches only   <code><a href="#a0">a</a></code> elements with <code   title=attr-a-name>name</code> attributes.</p>  <!-- XXX note that such elements are  non-conforming -->  <p>The <dfn id=getelementsbyname   title=dom-document-getElementsByName><code>getElementsByName(<var   title="">name</var>)</code></dfn> method a string <var   title="">name</var>, and must return a live <code>NodeList</code>   containing all the <code><a href="#a0">a</a></code>, <code>applet</code>,   <code>button</code>, <code>form</code>, <!-- frame? frameset?  XXX--><code><a   href="#iframe0">iframe</a></code>, <code><a href="#img0">img</a></code>,   <code>input</code>, <code><a href="#map0">map</a></code>, <code><a   href="#meta1">meta</a></code>, <code><a   href="#object0">object</a></code>,<!-- param?  XXX-->   <code>select</code>, and <code>textarea</code> elements in that document   that have a <code title="">name</code> attribute whose value is   equal<!-- XXX case sensitivity --> to the <var title="">name</var>   argument.</p>  <!-- XXX what about XHTML? -->  <p>The <dfn id=getelementsbyclassname   title=dom-document-getElementsByClassName><code>getElementsByClassName(<var   title="">classNames</var>)</code></dfn> method takes an array of strings   representing classes. When called, the method must return a live   <code>NodeList</code> object containing all the elements in the document   that have all the classes specified in that array. If the array is empty,   then the method must return an empty <code>NodeList</code>.  <p>HTML, XHTML, SVG and MathML elements define which classes they are in by   having an attribute in the per-element partition with the name <code   title="">class</code> containing a space-separated list of classes to   which the element belongs. Other specifications may also allow elements in   their namespaces to be labelled as being in specific classes. UAs must not   assume that all attributes of the name <code>class</code> for elements in   any namespace work in this way, however, and must not assume that such   attributes, when used as global attributes, label other elements as being   in specific classes.  <div class=example>   <p>Given the following XHTML fragment:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;div id="example"AMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;p id="p1" class="aaa bbb"/AMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;p id="p2" class="aaa ccc"/AMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;p id="p3" class="bbb ccc"/AMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/divAMPERSANDgt;</pre>   <p>A call to    <code>document.getElementById('example').getElementsByClassName('aaa')</code>    would return a <code>NodeList</code> with the two paragraphs    <code>p1</code> and <code>p2</code> in it.</p>   <p>A call to <code>getElementsByClassName(['ccc', 'bbb'])</code> would    only return one node, however, namely <code>p3</code>. A call to    <code>document.getElementById('example').getElementsByClassName('ccc    bbb')</code> would return the same thing.</p>   <p>A call to <code>getElementsByClassName(['aaa bbb'])</code> would return    no nodes; none of the elements above are in the "aaa bbb" class.</p>   <p>A call to <code>getElementsByClassName([''])</code> would also return    no nodes, since none of the nodes are in the "" class (indeed, in HTML,    it is impossible to specify that an element is in the "" class).</p>  </div>  <p>The <dfn id=getelementsbyclassname0   title=dom-getElementsByClassName><code>getElementsByClassName()</code></dfn>   method on the <code><a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>   interface must return the nodes that the <code><a   href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code> <code   title=dom-document-getElementsByClassName><a   href="#getelementsbyclassname">getElementsByClassName()</a></code> method   would return, excluding any elements that are not descendants of the   <code><a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code> object on which the   method was invoked.</p>  <!-- XXX>         * xGetParentElementByClassName(rootElement, className, tagName) -> Navigates upwards until we hit a parent element with the given class name and> optional tag name.-->  <h3 id=dynamic><span class=secno>2.5. </span><dfn id=dynamic3>Dynamic   markup insertion</dfn></h3>  <p>The <code title=dom-document-write><a   href="#document.write">document.write()</a></code> family of methods and   the <code title=dom-innerHTML><a href="#innerhtml">innerHTML</a></code>   family of DOM attributes enable script authors to dynamically insert   markup into the document.  <p class=issue>bz argues that innerHTML should be called something else on   XML documents and XML elements. Is the sanity worth the migration pain?  <p>Because these APIs interact with the parser, their behaviour varies   depending on whether they are used with <a href="#html-">HTML   documents</a> (and the <a href="#html-0">HTML parser</a>) or XHTML in <a   href="#xml-documents">XML documents</a> (and the <span>XML parser</span>).   The following table cross-references the various versions of these APIs.  <table>   <thead>    <tr>     <td>     <th><dfn id=document.write      title=dom-document-write><code>document.write()</code></dfn>     <th><dfn id=innerhtml title=dom-innerHTML><code>innerHTML</code></dfn>   <tbody>    <tr>     <th>For documents that are <a href="#html-">HTML documents</a>     <td><a href="#document.write0"      title=dom-document-write-HTML><code>document.write()</code> in HTML</a>     <td><a href="#innerhtml0"      title=dom-innerHTML-HTML><code>innerHTML</code> in HTML</a>    <tr>     <th>For documents that are <a href="#xml-documents">XML documents</a>     <td><a href="#document.write1"      title=dom-document-write-XML><code>document.write()</code> in XML</a>     <td><a href="#innerhtml2" title=dom-innerHTML-XML><code>innerHTML</code>      in XML</a>  </table>  <p>Regardless of the parsing mode, the <dfn id=document.writeln   title=dom-document-writeln><code>document.writeln(<var   title="">s</var>)</code></dfn> method must call the <code   title=dom-document-write><a   href="#document.write">document.write()</a></code> method with the same   argument <var title="">s</var>, and then call the <code   title=dom-document-write><a   href="#document.write">document.write()</a></code> method with, as its   argument, a string consisting of a single newline character (U+000A).  <h4 id=controlling><span class=secno>2.5.1. </span>Controlling the input   stream</h4>  <p>The <dfn id=open title=dom-document-open><code>open()</code></dfn>   method comes in several variants with different numbers of arguments.  <p>When called with two or fewer arguments, the method must act as follows:  <ol>   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">type</var> be the value of the first argument, if     there is one, or "<code>text/html</code>" otherwise.   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">replace</var> be true if there is a second argument     and it has the value "replace"<!-- case-insensitive. XXX   -->, and     false otherwise.   <li>    <p>If the document has an <span>active parser</span><!-- XXX xref    -->     that isn't a <a href="#script-created">script-created parser</a>, and     the <a href="#insertion">insertion point</a> associated with that     parser's <a href="#input0">input stream</a> is not undefined (that is,     it <em>does</em> point to somewhere in the input stream), then the     method does nothing. Abort these steps.</p>    <p class=note>This basically causes <code title=dom-document-open><a     href="#open">document.open()</a></code> to be ignored when it's called     in an inline script found during the parsing of data sent over the     network, while still letting it have an effect when called     asynchronously or on a document that is itself being spoon-fed using     these APIs.</p>   <li>    <p>Otherwise, if the document has an <span>active     parser</span><!--XXX xref-->, then stop that parser, and throw away any     pending content in the input stream. <span class=big-issue>what about if     it doesn't, because it's either like a text/plain, or Atom, or PDF, or     XHTML, or image document, or something?</span>   </li>   <!-- XXX see also innerHTML in HTML -->   <li>    <p>Remove all child nodes of the document.   <li>    <p>Create a new <a href="#html-0">HTML parser</a> and associate it with     the document. This is a <dfn id=script-created>script-created     parser</dfn> (meaning that it can be closed by the <code     title=dom-document-open><a href="#open">document.open()</a></code> and     <code title=dom-document-close><a     href="#close">document.close()</a></code> methods, and that the     tokeniser will wait for an explicit call to <code     title=dom-document-close><a href="#close">document.close()</a></code>     before emitting an end-of-file token).   <li>Mark the document as being an <a href="#html-" title="HTML    documents">HTML document</a> (it might already be so-marked).</li>   <!-- text/plain handling -->   <li>    <p>If <var title="">type</var> does not have the value     "<code>text/html</code>"<!-- XXX matched how?   -->, then act as if the     tokeniser had emitted a <code><a href="#pre0">pre</a></code> element     start tag, then set the <a href="#html-0">HTML parser</a>'s <a     href="#tokenisation1">tokenisation</a> stage's <a     href="#content2">content model flag</a> to <em>PLAINTEXT</em>.   <li>    <p>If <var title="">replace</var> is false, then: remove all the entries     in the <a href="#browsing">browsing context</a>'s <a     href="#session0">session history</a> after the <a     href="#current">current entry</a> in its <code><a     href="#documentui">DocumentUI</a></code>'s <code><a     href="#history1">History</a></code> object, add a new entry whose     address is the same as the <a href="#current">current entry</a>'s at the     end of the list, and then advance to that page as if the <code     title=dom-history-forward><a     href="#forward">history.forward()</a></code> method had been invoked.   <li>    <p>Finally, set the <a href="#insertion">insertion point</a> to point at     just before the end of the <a href="#input0">input stream</a> (which at     this point will be empty).  </ol>  <p class=big-issue>We shouldn't hard-code <code>text/plain</code> there. We   should do it some other way, e.g. hand off to the section on   content-sniffing and handling of incoming data streams, the part that   defines how this all works when stuff comes over the network.</p>  <!-- XXX Should we support XML/XHTML as a type to that method? -->  <p>When called with three or more arguments, the <code   title=dom-document-open><a href="#open">open()</a></code> method on the   <code><a href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code> object must call the   <code title=dom-open>open()</code> method on the <code><a   href="#windowhtml">WindowHTML</a></code> interface of the object returned   by the <code title=dom-document-defaultView>defaultView</code> attribute   of the <code>DocumentView</code> interface of the <code><a   href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code> object, with the same   arguments as the original call to the <code title=dom-document-open><a   href="#open">open()</a></code> method. If the <code   title=dom-document-defaultView>defaultView</code> attribute of the   <code>DocumentView</code> interface of the <code><a   href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code> object is null, then the   method must raise an <code>INVALID_ACCESS_ERR</code> exception.  <p>The <dfn id=close title=dom-document-close><code>close()</code></dfn>   method must do nothing if there is no <a   href="#script-created">script-created parser</a> associated with the   document. If there is such a parser, then, when the method is called, the   user agent must insert an <a href="#explicit">explicit "EOF" character</a>   at the <a href="#insertion">insertion point</a> of the parser's <a   href="#input0">input stream</a>.  <h4 id=dynamic0><span class=secno>2.5.2. </span>Dynamic markup insertion in   HTML</h4>  <p>In HTML, the <dfn id=document.write0   title=dom-document-write-HTML><code>document.write(<var   title="">s</var>)</code></dfn> method must act as follows:  <ol>   <li>    <p>If the <a href="#insertion">insertion point</a> is undefined, the     <code title=dom-document-open><a href="#open">open()</a></code> method     must be called (with no arguments) on the <code     title=Document>document</code> object. The <a     href="#insertion">insertion point</a> will point at just before the end     of the (empty) <a href="#input0">input stream</a>.</p>   <li>    <p>The string <var title="">s</var> must be inserted into the <a     href="#input0">input stream</a><!-- XXX xref --> just before the <a     href="#insertion">insertion point</a>.</p>   <li>    <p>If there is <a href="#the-script" title="the script that will execute     as soon as the parser resumes">a script that will execute as soon as the     parser resumes</a>, then the method must now return without further     processing of the <a href="#input0">input stream</a>.</p>   <li>    <p>Otherwise, the tokeniser must process the characters that were     inserted, one at a time, processing resulting tokens as they are     emitted, and stopping when the tokeniser reaches the insertion point or     when the processing of the tokeniser is aborted by the tree construction     stage (this can happen if a <code><a href="#script2">script</a></code>     start tag token is emitted by the tokeniser).    <p class=note>If the <code title=dom-document-write-HTML><a     href="#document.write0">document.write()</a></code> method was called     from script executing inline (i.e. executing because the parser parsed a     set of <code><a href="#script2">script</a></code> tags), then this is a     <a href="#nestedParsing">reentrant invocation of the parser</a>.</p>   <li>    <p>Finally, the method must return.</p>  </ol>  <p>In HTML, the <dfn id=innerhtml0   title=dom-innerHTML-HTML><code>innerHTML</code></dfn> DOM attribute of all   <code><a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code> and <code><a   href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code> nodes returns a serialisation   of the node's children using the <span>HTML syntax</span><!-- XXX xref  -->.   On setting, it replaces the node's children with new nodes that result   from parsing the given value. The formal definitions follow.  <p>On getting, the <code title=dom-innerHTML-HTML><a   href="#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code> DOM attribute must return the   result of running the following algorithm:  <ol>   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">s</var> be a string, and initialise it to the empty     string.   <li>    <p>For each child node <var title="">child</var>, in <a     href="#tree-order">tree order</a>, append the appropriate string from     the following list to <var title="">s</var>:</p>    <dl class=switch>     <dt>If the child node is an <code title="">Element</code>     <dd>      <p>Append a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN (<code title="">AMPERSANDlt;</code>)       character, followed by the element's tag name (which is all       lowercase).</p>      <p>For each attribute that the element has, append a U+0020 SPACE       character, the attribute's name (which again will be all lowercase), a       U+003D EQUALS SIGN (<code title="">=</code>) character, a U+0022       QUOTATION MARK (<code title="">AMPERSANDquot;</code>) character, the       attribute's value, <a href="#escapingString" title="escaping a       string">escaped as described below</a>, and a second U+0022 QUOTATION       MARK (<code title="">AMPERSANDquot;</code>) character.</p>      <p>While the exact order of attributes is UA-defined, and may depend on       factors such as the order that the attributes were given in the       original markup, the sort order must be stable, such that consecutive       calls to <code title=dom-innerHTML-HTML><a       href="#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code> serialise an element's       attributes in the same order.</p>      <p>Append a U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN (<code title="">AMPERSANDgt;</code>)       character.</p>      <p>If the child node is an <code title="">Element</code> with a tag       name that is one of <code><a href="#area0">area</a></code>, <code><a       href="#base0">base</a></code>, <code>basefont</code>,       <code>bgsound</code>, <code><a href="#br0">br</a></code>, <code><a       href="#col0">col</a></code>, <code><a href="#embed0">embed</a></code>,       <code>frame</code>, <code><a href="#hr0">hr</a></code>, <code><a       href="#img0">img</a></code>, <code>input</code>, <code><a       href="#link0">link</a></code>, <code><a href="#meta1">meta</a></code>,       <code><a href="#param0">param</a></code>, <code>spacer</code>, or       <code>wbr</code>, then continue on to the next child node at this       point.</p>      <!-- also, i guess:      image, isindex, and keygen, but we don't list those because we      don't consider those "elements", more "macros", and thus we      should never serialise them -->      <!-- XXX when we get around to      it, add event-source -->      <p>Otherwise, append the value of the <var title="">child</var>       element's <code title=dom-innerHTML-HTML><a       href="#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code> DOM attribute (thus recursing       into this algorithm for that element), followed by a U+003C LESS-THAN       SIGN (<code title="">AMPERSANDlt;</code>) character, a U+002F SOLIDUS (<code       title="">/</code>) character, the element's tag name again (which is       again all lowercase), and finally a U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN (<code       title="">AMPERSANDgt;</code>) character.</p>     <dt>If the child node is a <code title="">Text</code> or <code      title="">CDATASection</code> node     <dd>      <p>If one of the ancestors of the child node is a <code><a       href="#style0">style</a></code>, <code><a       href="#script2">script</a></code>, <code>xmp</code>, <code><a       href="#iframe0">iframe</a></code>, <code>noembed</code>,       <code>noframes</code>, or <code><a       href="#noscript0">noscript</a></code> element, then append the value       of the <var title="">child</var> node's <code title="">data</code> DOM       attribute literally.</p>      <!-- note about noscript: because this is defining an API, it      can assume that scripting is enabled, and that thus the      <noscript> element in the DOM will have been parsed in the      scripting-enabled mode, and that thus the text node is raw      markup -->            <p>Otherwise, append the value of the <var title="">child</var> node's       <code title="">data</code> DOM attribute, <a href="#escapingString"       title="escaping a string">escaped as described below</a>.</p>     <dt>If the child node is a <code title="">Comment</code>     <dd>      <p>Append the literal string <code>AMPERSANDlt;!--</code> (U+003C LESS-THAN       SIGN, U+0021 EXCLAMATION MARK, U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS, U+002D       HYPHEN-MINUS), followed by the value of the <var title="">child</var>       node's <code title="">data</code> DOM attribute, followed by the       literal string <code>--AMPERSANDgt;</code> (U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS, U+002D       HYPHEN-MINUS, U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN).</p>     <dt>If the child node is a <code title="">DocumentType</code>     <dd>      <p>Append the literal string <code>AMPERSANDlt;!DOCTYPE</code> (U+003C       LESS-THAN SIGN, U+0021 EXCLAMATION MARK, U+0044 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER       D, U+004F LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O, U+0043 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C,       U+0054 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T, U+0059 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y, U+0050       LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P, U+0045 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E), followed by a       space (U+0020 SPACE), followed by the value of the <var       title="">child</var> node's <code title="">name</code> DOM attribute,       followed by the literal string <code>AMPERSANDgt;</code> (U+003E GREATER-THAN       SIGN).</p>    </dl>    <p>Other nodes types (e.g. <code title="">Attr</code>) cannot occur as     children of elements. If they do, the <code title=dom-innerHTML-HTML><a     href="#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code> attribute must raise an     <code>INVALID_STATE_ERR</code> exception.</p>   <li>    <p>The result of the algorithm is the string <var title="">s</var>.  </ol>  <p><dfn id=escapingString>Escaping a string</dfn> (for the purposes of the   algorithm above) consists of replacing any occurances of the "<code   title="">AMPERSANDamp;</code>" character by the string "<code   title="">AMPERSANDamp;amp;</code>", any occurances of the "<code   title="">AMPERSANDlt;</code>" character by the string "<code   title="">AMPERSANDamp;lt;</code>", any occurances of the "<code   title="">AMPERSANDgt;</code>" character by the string "<code   title="">AMPERSANDamp;gt;</code>", and any occurances of the "<code   title="">AMPERSANDquot;</code>" character by the string "<code   title="">AMPERSANDamp;quot;</code>".  <p class=note>Entity reference nodes are <a   href="#entity-references">assumed to be expanded</a> by the user agent,   and are therefore not covered in the algorithm above.  <p class=note>If the element's contents are not conformant, it is possible   that the roundtripping through <code title=dom-innerHTML-HTML><a   href="#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code> will not work. For instance, if   the element is a <code>textarea</code> element to which a <code   title="">Comment</code> node has been appended, then assigning <code   title=dom-innerHTML-HTML><a href="#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code> to   itself will result in the comment being displayed in the text field.   Similarly, if, as a result of DOM manipulation, the element contains a   comment that contains the literal string "<code title="">--AMPERSANDgt;</code>",   then when the result of serialising the element is parsed, the comment   will be truncated at that point and the rest of the comment will be   interpreted as markup. Another example would be making a <code><a   href="#script2">script</a></code> element contain a text node with the   text string "<code>AMPERSANDlt;/script></code>".  <p>On setting, if the node is a document, the <code   title=dom-innerHTML-HTML><a href="#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code> DOM   attribute must run the following algorithm:  <ol>   <li>    <p>Otherwise, if the document has an <span>active     parser</span><!--XXX xref-->, then stop that parser, and throw away any     pending content in the input stream. <span class=big-issue>what about if     it doesn't, because it's either like a text/plain, or Atom, or PDF, or     XHTML, or image document, or something?</span></p>    <!-- XXX see also document.open() -->   <li>    <p>The user agent must remove the children nodes of the     <code>Document</code> whose <code title=dom-innerHTML-HTML><a     href="#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code> attribute is being set.</p>   <li>    <p>The user agent must create a new <a href="#html-0">HTML parser</a>, in     its initial state, and associate it with the <code>Document</code> node.</p>   </li>   <!-- redundant, the document is forcably already so labelled if we get here   <li>    <p>The user agent must mark the <code>Document</code> object as    being an <span title="HTML documents">HTML document</span>.</p>   </li>-->   <li>    <p>The user agent must place into the <a href="#input0">input stream</a>     for the <a href="#html-0">HTML parser</a> just created the string being     assigned into the <code title=dom-innerHTML-HTML><a     href="#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code> attribute.</p>   <li>    <p>The user agent must start the parser and let it run until it has     consumed all the characters just inserted into the input stream. (The     <code>Document</code> node will have been populated with elements and a     <code title=event-load>load</code> event will have fired on <a     href="#the-body0" title="the body element">its body element</a>.)</p>  </ol>  <p>Otherwise, if the node is an element, then setting the <code   title=dom-innerHTML-HTML><a href="#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code> DOM   attribute must cause the following algorithm to run instead:  <ol>   <li>    <p>The user agent must create a new <code>Document</code> node, and mark     it as being an <a href="#html-" title="HTML documents">HTML     document</a>.</p>    <p>The user agent must create a new <a href="#html-0">HTML parser</a>,     and associate it with the just created <code>Document</code> node.</p>    <p class=note>Parts marked <dfn id=innerhtml1 title="innerHTML     case"><code>innerHTML</code> case</dfn> in algorithms in the parser     section are parts that only occur if the parser was created for the     purposes of handling the setting of an element's <code     title=dom-innerHTML-HTML><a href="#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code>     attribute. The algorithms have been annotated with such markings for     informational purposes only; such markings have no normative weight. If     it is possible for a condition described as an <a     href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a> to occur even when     the parser wasn't created for the purposes of handling an element's     <code title=dom-innerHTML-HTML><a     href="#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code> attribute, then that is an error     in the specification.</p>   <li>    <p>The user agent must set the <a href="#html-0">HTML parser</a>'s <a     href="#tokenisation1">tokenisation</a> stage's <a     href="#content2">content model flag</a> according to the name of the     element whose <code title=dom-innerHTML-HTML><a     href="#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code> attribute is being set, as     follows:</p>    <dl class=switch>     <dt>If it is a <code><a href="#title3">title</a></code> or      <code>textarea</code> element     <dd>Set the <a href="#content2">content model flag</a> to      <em>RCDATA</em>.     <dt>If it is a <code><a href="#style0">style</a></code>, <code><a      href="#script2">script</a></code>, <code>xmp</code>, <code><a      href="#iframe0">iframe</a></code>, <code>noembed</code>,      <code>noframes</code>, or <code><a      href="#noscript0">noscript</a></code> element     <dd>Set the <a href="#content2">content model flag</a> to      <em>CDATA</em>.</dd>     <!-- note about noscript: we set it to CDATA here because if     someone is setting innerHTML, then we know scripting is enabled,     so the noscript element will be in CDATA mode -->     <dt>If it is a <code>plaintext</code> element     <dd>Set the <a href="#content2">content model flag</a> to      <em>PLAINTEXT</em>.     <dt>Otherwise     <dd>Set the <a href="#content2">content model flag</a> to      <em>PCDATA</em>.    </dl>   <li>    <p>The user agent must switch the <a href="#html-0">HTML parser</a>'s <a     href="#tree-construction1">tree construction</a> stage to <a     href="#the-main1">the main phase</a>.   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">root</var> be a new <code><a     href="#html0">html</a></code> element with no attributes.</p>   <li>    <p>The user agent must append the element <var title="">root</var> to the     <code>Document</code> node created above.</p>   <li>    <p>The user agent must set up the parser's <a href="#stack">stack of open     elements</a> so that it contains just the single element <var     title="">root</var>.</p>   <li>    <p>The user agent must <a href="#reset" title="reset the insertion mode     appropriately">reset the parser's insertion mode appropriately</a>.</p>   <li>    <p>The user agent must set the parser's <a     href="#form-element"><code>form</code> element pointer</a> to the     nearest node to the element whose <code title=dom-innerHTML-HTML><a     href="#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code> attribute is being set that is a     <code>form</code> element (going straight up the ancestor chain, and     including the element itself, if it is a <code>form</code> element), or,     if there is no such <code>form</code> element, to null.</p>   <li>    <p>The user agent must place into the <a href="#input0">input stream</a>     for the <a href="#html-0">HTML parser</a> just created the string being     assigned into the <code title=dom-innerHTML-HTML><a     href="#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code> attribute.</p>   <li>    <p>The user agent must start the parser and let it run until it has     consumed all the characters just inserted into the input stream.</p>   <li>    <p>The user agent must remove the children of the element whose <code     title=dom-innerHTML-HTML><a href="#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code>     attribute is being set.</p>   <li>    <p>The user agent must move all the child nodes of the <var     title="">root</var> element to the element whose <code     title=dom-innerHTML-HTML><a href="#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code>     attribute is being set, preserving their order.</p>  </ol>  <!-- XXX must make sure we spec that innerHTML causes mutation  events to fire, but document.write() doesn't. (the latter is already  req-stated in the parser section, btw) -->  <!-- http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/dhtml/reference/properties/innerhtml.asp -->  <!-- http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/content/html/content/src/nsGenericHTMLElement.cpp#879       note script execution disabled       http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/content/base/src/nsContentUtils.cpp#3308       http://trac.webkit.org/projects/webkit/browser/trunk/WebCore/html/HTMLElement.cpp#L295       http://trac.webkit.org/projects/webkit/browser/trunk/WebCore/html/HTMLElement.cpp#L242       http://trac.webkit.org/projects/webkit/browser/trunk/WebCore/html/HTMLTokenizer.cpp#L1742   -->  <h4 id=dynamic1><span class=secno>2.5.3. </span>Dynamic markup insertion in   XML</h4>  <p>In an XML context, the <dfn id=document.write1   title=dom-document-write-XML><code>document.write(<var   title="">s</var>)</code></dfn> method must raise an   <code>INVALID_ACCESS_ERR</code> exception.</p>  <!--  For XHTML: content must be well-formed. Where does  it insert? Immediately after the script that called document.write()?</p>  how do we handle async scripts vs sync scripts?Consider:data:text/xml,<script xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><![CDATA[ document.write('<foo>Test</foo>'); ]]></script>data:text/xml,<script xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><![CDATA[ alert('test'); alert(document.write); try { document.write('<foo>Test</foo>'); alert(document.childNodes.length); } catch (e) { alert(e); } ]]></script>-->  <p>The <dfn id=innerhtml2   title=dom-innerHTML-XML><code>innerHTML</code></dfn> attributes, on the   other hand, in an XML context, are usable.  <p>On getting, the <code title=dom-innerHTML-XML><a   href="#innerhtml2">innerHTML</a></code> DOM attribute on <code><a   href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>s and <code><a   href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code>s, in an XML context, must   return a namespace-well-formed XML representation of the element or   document. User agents may adjust prefixes and namespace declarations in   the serialisation (and indeed might be forced to do so in some cases to   obtain namespace-well-formed XML). <a href="#refsXML">[XML]</a> <a   href="#refsXMLNS">[XMLNS]</a>  <p>On setting, if the node is a document, the <code   title=dom-innerHTML-HTML><a href="#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code> DOM   attribute on must run the following algorithm:  <ol>   <li>    <p>The user agent must remove the children nodes of the     <code>Document</code> whose <code title=dom-innerHTML-XML><a     href="#innerhtml2">innerHTML</a></code> attribute is being set.</p>   <li>    <p>The user agent must create a new <span>XML parser</span>.</p>   <li>    <p>If the <code title=dom-innerHTML-XML><a     href="#innerhtml2">innerHTML</a></code> attribute is being set on an     element, the user agent must <span>feed the parser</span> just created     the string corresponding to the start tag of that element, declaring all     the namespace prefixes that are in scope on that element in the DOM, as     well as declaring the default namespace (if any) that is in scope on     that element in the DOM.</p>   <li>    <p>The user agent must <span>feed the parser</span> just created the     string being assigned into the <code title=dom-innerHTML-HTML><a     href="#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code> attribute.</p>   <li>    <p>If the <code title=dom-innerHTML-XML><a     href="#innerhtml2">innerHTML</a></code> attribute is being set on an     element, the user agent must <span>feed the parser</span> the string     corresponding to the end tag of that element.</p>   <li>    <p>If the parser found a well-formedness error, the attribute's setter     must raise a <code>SYNTAX_ERR</code> exception and abort these steps.</p>   <li>    <p>Otherwise, the user agent must take the children of the document, if     the attribute is being set on a <code>Document</code> node, or of the     document's root element, if the attribute is being set on an     <code>Element</code> node, and append them to the node whose <code     title=dom-innerHTML-HTML><a href="#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code>     attribute is being set, preserving their order.</p>  </ol>  <h3 id=apis-in><span class=secno>2.6. </span>APIs in HTML documents</h3>  <!-- XXX case-sensitivity training required here. -->  <p>For <a href="#html-">HTML documents</a>, and for <a   href="#html-elements">HTML elements</a> in <a href="#html-">HTML   documents</a>, certain APIs defined in DOM3 Core become case-insensitive   or case-changing, as sometimes defined in DOM3 Core, and as summarised or   required below. <a href="#refsDOM3CORE">[DOM3CORE]</a>.  <p>This does not apply to <a href="#xml-documents">XML documents</a> or to   elements that are not in the <a href="#html-namespace0">HTML namespace</a>   despite being in <a href="#html-">HTML documents</a>.  <dl>   <dt><code title="">Element.tagName</code>, <code    title="">Node.nodeName</code>, and <code title="">Node.localName</code>   <dd>    <p>These attributes return tag names in all uppercase<!-- XXX    xref-->,     regardless of the case with which they were created.</p>   <dt><code title="">Document.createElement()</code>   <dd>    <p>The canonical form of HTML markup is all-lowercase; thus, this method     will lowercase<!-- XXX xref --> the argument before creating the     requisite element. Also, the element created must be in the <a     href="#html-namespace0">HTML namespace</a>.</p>    <p class=note>This doesn't apply to <code     title="">Document.createElementNS()</code>. Thus, it is possible, by     passing this last method a tag name in the wrong case, to create an     element that claims to have the tag name of an HTML element, but doesn't     support its interfaces, because it really has another tag name not     accessible from the DOM APIs.</p>   <dt><code title="">Element.setAttributeNode()</code>   <dd>    <p>When an <code>Attr</code> node is set on an <a href="#html-elements"     title="HTML elements">HTML element</a>, it must have its name     lowercased<!-- XXX xref --> before the element is affected.</p>    <p class=note>This doesn't apply to <code     title="">Document.setAttributeNodeNS()</code>.</p>   <dt><code title="">Element.setAttribute()</code>   <dd>    <p>When an attribute is set on an <a href="#html-elements" title="HTML     elements">HTML element</a>, the name argument must be     lowercased<!-- XXX xref    --> before the element is affected.</p>    <p class=note>This doesn't apply to <code     title="">Document.setAttributeNS()</code>.</p>   <dt><code title="">Document.getElementsByTagName()</code> and <code    title="">Element.getElementsByTagName()</code>   <dd>    <p>These methods (but not their namespaced counterparts) must compare the     given argument case-insensitively<!-- XXX xref --> when looking at <a     href="#html-elements" title="HTML elements">HTML elements</a>, and     case-sensitively otherwise.</p>    <p class=note>Thus, in an <span>HTML document</span> with nodes in     multiple namespaces, these methods will be both case-sensitive and     case-insensitive at the same time.</p>   <dt><code title="">Document.renameNode()</code>   <dd>    <p>If the new namespace is the <a href="#html-namespace0">HTML     namespace</a>, then the new qualified name must be lowercased before the     rename takes place.<!-- XXX xref --></p>  </dl>  <h2 id=semantics><span class=secno>3. </span>Semantics and structure of   HTML elements</h2>  <h3 id=semantics-intro><span class=secno>3.1. </span>Introduction</h3>  <p><em>This section is non-normative.</em>  <p class=big-issue>An introduction to marking up a document.  <h3 id=common0><span class=secno>3.2. </span>Common microsyntaxes</h3>  <p>There are various places in HTML that accept particular data types, such   as dates or numbers. This section describes what the conformance criteria   for content in those formats is, and how to parse them.  <p class=big-issue>Somewhere we need to define case-sensitivity of   attribute values. e.g. contenteditable="TrUe" in HTML vs XHTML. Same with   leading/trailing whitespace.</p>  <!-- XXX need to define how to handle U+000A LINE FEED and U+000D  CARRIAGE RETURN in attributes (for HTML) -->  <p class=big-issue>Need to go through the whole spec and make sure all the   attribute values are clearly defined either in terms of microsyntaxes or   in terms of other specs, or as "Text" or some such.  <h4 id=common1><span class=secno>3.2.1. </span>Common parser idioms</h4>  <p>The <dfn id=space title="space character">space characters</dfn>, for   the purposes of this specification, are U+0020 SPACE, U+0009 CHARACTER   TABULATION (tab), U+000A LINE FEED (LF), U+000B LINE TABULATION, U+000C   FORM FEED (FF), and U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR).  <p>Some of the micro-parsers described below follow the pattern of having   an <var title="">input</var> variable that holds the string being parsed,   and having a <var title="">position</var> variable pointing at the next   character to parse in <var title="">input</var>.  <p>For parsers based on this pattern, a step that requires the user agent   to <dfn id=collect>collect a sequence of characters</dfn> means that the   following algorithm must be run, with <var title="">characters</var> being   the set of characters that can be collected:  <ol>   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">input</var> and <var title="">position</var> be the     same variables as those of the same name in the algorithm that invoked     these steps.   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">result</var> be the empty string.   <li>    <p>While <var title="">position</var> doesn't point past the end of <var     title="">input</var> and the character at <var title="">position</var>     is one of the <var title="">characters</var>, append that character to     the end of <var title="">result</var> and advance <var     title="">position</var> to the next character in <var     title="">input</var>.   <li>    <p>Return <var title="">result</var>.  </ol>  <p>The step <dfn id=skip-whitespace>skip whitespace</dfn> means that the   user agent must <a href="#collect">collect a sequence of characters</a>   that are <a href="#space" title="space character">space characters</a>.   The step <dfn id=skip->skip Zs characters</dfn> means that the user agent   must <a href="#collect">collect a sequence of characters</a> that are in   the Unicode character class Zs. In both cases, the collected characters   are not used. <a href="#refsUNICODE">[UNICODE]</a>  <p>Similarly, when the algorithms below say to  <h4 id=numbers><span class=secno>3.2.2. </span>Numbers</h4>  <h5 id=unsigned><span class=secno> </span>Unsigned integers</h5>  <p>A string is a <dfn id=valid>valid non-negative integer</dfn> if it   consists of one of more characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to   U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9).  <p>The <dfn id=rules>rules for parsing non-negative integers</dfn> are as   given in the following algorithm. When invoked, the steps must be followed   in the order given, aborting at the first step that returns a value. This   algorithm will either return zero, a positive integer, or an error.   Leading spaces are ignored. Trailing spaces and indeed any trailing   garbage characters are ignored.  <ol>   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">input</var> be the string being parsed.   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">position</var> be a pointer into <var     title="">input</var>, initially pointing at the start of the string.   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">value</var> have the value 0.   <li>    <p><a href="#skip-whitespace">Skip whitespace.</a>   <li>    <p>If <var title="">position</var> is past the end of <var     title="">input</var>, return an error.   <li>    <p>If the next character is not one of U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) .. U+0039     DIGIT NINE (9), then return an error.   </li>   <!-- Ok. At this point we know we have a number. It might have   trailing garbage which we'll ignore, but it's a number, and we   won't return an error. -->   <li>    <p>If the next character is one of U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) .. U+0039 DIGIT     NINE (9):</p>    <ol>     <li>Multiply <var title="">value</var> by ten.     <li>Add the value of the current character (0..9) to <var      title="">value</var>.     <li>Advance <var title="">position</var> to the next character.     <li>If <var title="">position</var> is not past the end of <var      title="">input</var>, return to the top of step 7 in the overall      algorithm (that's the step within which these substeps find      themselves).    </ol>   <li>    <p>Return <var title="">value</var>.  </ol>  <h5 id=signed><span class=secno> </span>Signed integers</h5>  <p>A string is a <dfn id=valid0>valid integer</dfn> if it consists of one   of more characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE   (9), optionally prefixed with a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS ("-") character.  <p>The <dfn id=rules0>rules for parsing integers</dfn> are similar to the   rules for non-negative integers, and are as given in the following   algorithm. When invoked, the steps must be followed in the order given,   aborting at the first step that returns a value. This algorithm will   either return an integer or an error. Leading spaces are ignored. Trailing   spaces and trailing garbage characters are ignored.  <ol>   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">input</var> be the string being parsed.   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">position</var> be a pointer into <var     title="">input</var>, initially pointing at the start of the string.   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">value</var> have the value 0.   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">sign</var> have the value "positive".   <li>    <p><a href="#skip-whitespace">Skip whitespace.</a>   <li>    <p>If <var title="">position</var> is past the end of <var     title="">input</var>, return an error.   <li>    <p>If the character indicated by <var title="">position</var> (the first     character) is a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS ("-") character:</p>    <ol>     <li>Let <var title="">sign</var> be "negative".     <li>Advance <var title="">position</var> to the next character.     <li>If <var title="">position</var> is past the end of <var      title="">input</var>, return an error.    </ol>   <li>    <p>If the next character is not one of U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) .. U+0039     DIGIT NINE (9), then return an error.   </li>   <!-- Ok. At this point we know we have a number. It might have   trailing garbage which we'll ignore, but it's a number, and we   won't return an error. -->   <li>    <p>If the next character is one of U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) .. U+0039 DIGIT     NINE (9):</p>    <ol>     <li>Multiply <var title="">value</var> by ten.     <li>Add the value of the current character (0..9) to <var      title="">value</var>.     <li>Advance <var title="">position</var> to the next character.     <li>If <var title="">position</var> is not past the end of <var      title="">input</var>, return to the top of step 9 in the overall      algorithm (that's the step within which these substeps find      themselves).    </ol>   <li>    <p>If <var title="">sign</var> is "positive", return <var     title="">value</var>, otherwise return 0-<var title="">value</var>.  </ol>  <h5 id=real-numbers><span class=secno> </span>Real numbers</h5>  <p>A string is a <dfn id=valid1>valid floating point number</dfn> if it   consists of one of more characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to   U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9), optionally with a single U+002E FULL STOP (".")   character somewhere (either before these numbers, in between two numbers,   or after the numbers), all optionally prefixed with a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS   ("-") character.  <p>The <dfn id=rules1>rules for parsing floating point number values</dfn>   are as given in the following algorithm. As with the previous algorithms,   when this one is invoked, the steps must be followed in the order given,   aborting at the first step that returns a value. This algorithm will   either return a number or an error. Leading spaces are ignored. Trailing   spaces and garbage characters are ignored.  <ol>   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">input</var> be the string being parsed.   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">position</var> be a pointer into <var     title="">input</var>, initially pointing at the start of the string.   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">value</var> have the value 0.   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">sign</var> have the value "positive".   <li>    <p><a href="#skip-whitespace">Skip whitespace.</a>   <li>    <p>If <var title="">position</var> is past the end of <var     title="">input</var>, return an error.   <li>    <p>If the character indicated by <var title="">position</var> (the first     character) is a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS ("-") character:</p>    <ol>     <li>Let <var title="">sign</var> be "negative".     <li>Advance <var title="">position</var> to the next character.     <li>If <var title="">position</var> is past the end of <var      title="">input</var>, return an error.    </ol>   <li>    <p>If the next character is not one of U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) .. U+0039     DIGIT NINE (9) or U+002E FULL STOP ("."), then return an error.   <li>    <p>If the next character is U+002E FULL STOP ("."), but either that is     the last character or the character after that one is not one of U+0030     DIGIT ZERO (0) .. U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9), then return an error.   </li>   <!-- Ok. At this point we know we have a number. It might have   trailing garbage which we'll ignore, but it's a number, and we   won't return an error. -->   <li>    <p>If the next character is one of U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) .. U+0039 DIGIT     NINE (9):</p>    <ol>     <li>Multiply <var title="">value</var> by ten.     <li>Add the value of the current character (0..9) to <var      title="">value</var>.     <li>Advance <var title="">position</var> to the next character.     <li>If <var title="">position</var> is past the end of <var      title="">input</var>, then if <var title="">sign</var> is "positive",      return <var title="">value</var>, otherwise return 0-<var      title="">value</var>.     <li>Otherwise return to the top of step 10 in the overall algorithm      (that's the step within which these substeps find themselves).    </ol>   <li>    <p>Otherwise, if the next character is not a U+002E FULL STOP ("."), then     if <var title="">sign</var> is "positive", return <var     title="">value</var>, otherwise return 0-<var title="">value</var>.   <li>    <p>The next character is a U+002E FULL STOP ("."). Advance <var     title="">position</var> to the character after that.   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">divisor</var> be 1.   <li>    <p>If the next character is one of U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) .. U+0039 DIGIT     NINE (9):</p>    <ol>     <li>Multiply <var title="">divisor</var> by ten.     <li>Add the value of the current character (0..9) divided by <var      title="">divisor</var>, to <var title="">value</var>.     <li>Advance <var title="">position</var> to the next character.     <li>If <var title="">position</var> is past the end of <var      title="">input</var>, then if <var title="">sign</var> is "positive",      return <var title="">value</var>, otherwise return 0-<var      title="">value</var>.     <li>Otherwise return to the top of step 14 in the overall algorithm      (that's the step within which these substeps find themselves).    </ol>   <li>    <p>Otherwise, if <var title="">sign</var> is "positive", return <var     title="">value</var>, otherwise return 0-<var title="">value</var>.  </ol>  <h5 id=ratios><span class=secno> </span>Ratios</h5>  <p class=note>The algorithms described in this section are used by the   <code><a href="#progress0">progress</a></code> and <code><a   href="#meter0">meter</a></code> elements.  <p>A <dfn id=valid2>valid denominator punctuation character</dfn> is one of   the characters from the table below. There is <dfn id=a-value   title="values associated with denominator punctuation characters">a value   associated with each denominator punctuation character</dfn>, as shown in   the table below.  <table>   <thead>    <tr>     <th colspan=2>Denominator Punctuation Character     <th>Value   <tbody>    <tr>     <td>U+0025 PERCENT SIGN     <td>AMPERSAND#x0025;     <td>100    <tr>     <td>U+066A ARABIC PERCENT SIGN     <td>AMPERSAND#x066A;     <td>100    <tr>     <td>U+FE6A SMALL PERCENT SIGN     <td>AMPERSAND#xFE6A;     <td>100    <tr>     <td>U+FF05 FULLWIDTH PERCENT SIGN     <td>AMPERSAND#xFF05;     <td>100    <tr>     <td>U+2030 PER MILLE SIGN     <td>AMPERSAND#x2030;     <td>1000    <tr>     <td>U+2031 PER TEN THOUSAND SIGN     <td>AMPERSAND#x2031;     <td>10000  </table>  <p>The <dfn id=steps>steps for finding one or two numbers of a ratio in a   string</dfn> are as follows:  <ol>   <li>If the string is empty, then return nothing and abort these steps.   <li><a href="#find-a">Find a number</a> in the string according to the    algorithm below, starting at the start of the string.   <li>If the sub-algorithm in step 2 returned nothing or returned an error    condition, return nothing and abort these steps.   <li>Set <var title="">number1</var> to the number returned by the    sub-algorithm in step 2.   <li>Starting with the character immediately after the last one examined by    the sub-algorithm in step 2, skip any characters in the string that are    in the Unicode character class Zs (this might match zero characters). <a    href="#refsUNICODE">[UNICODE]</a>   <li>If there are still further characters in the string, and the next    character in the string is a <a href="#valid2">valid denominator    punctuation character</a>, set <var title="">denominator</var> to that    character.   <li>If the string contains any other characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT    ZERO to U+0039 DIGIT NINE, but <var title="">denominator</var> was given    a value in the step 6, return nothing and abort these steps.   <li>Otherwise, if <var title="">denominator</var> was given a value in    step 6, return <var title="">number1</var> and <var    title="">denominator</var> and abort these steps.   <li><a href="#find-a">Find a number</a> in the string again, starting    immediately after the last character that was examined by the    sub-algorithm in step 2.   <li>If the sub-algorithm in step 9 returned nothing or an error condition,    return nothing and abort these steps.   <li>Set <var title="">number2</var> to the number returned by the    sub-algorithm in step 9.   <li>If there are still further characters in the string, and the next    character in the string is a <a href="#valid2">valid denominator    punctuation character</a>, return nothing and abort these steps.   <li>If the string contains any other characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT    ZERO to U+0039 DIGIT NINE, return nothing and abort these steps.   <li>Otherwise, return <var title="">number1</var> and <var    title="">number2</var>.  </ol>  <!-- XXX again, this should say "positive number" -->  <p>The algorithm to <dfn id=find-a>find a number</dfn> is as follows. It is   given a string and a starting position, and returns either nothing, a   number, or an error condition.  <ol>   <li>Starting at the given starting position, ignore all characters in the    given string until the first character that is either a U+002E FULL STOP    or one of the ten characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO to U+0039    DIGIT NINE.   <li>If there are no such characters, return nothing and abort these steps.   <li>Starting with the character matched in step 1, collect all the    consecutive characters that are either a U+002E FULL STOP or one of the    ten characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO to U+0039 DIGIT NINE, and    assign this string of one or more characters to <var    title="">string</var>.   <li>If <var title="">string</var> contains more than one U+002E FULL STOP    character then return an error condition and abort these steps.   <li>Parse <var title="">string</var> according to the <a    href="#rules1">rules for parsing floating point number values</a>, to    obtain <var title="">number</var>. This step cannot fail (<var    title="">string</var> is guarenteed to be a <a href="#valid1">valid    floating point number</a>).   <li>Return <var title="">number</var>.  </ol>  <h5 id=percentages-and-dimensions><span class=secno>   </span>Percentages and dimensions</h5>  <p class=big-issue><dfn id=valid3 title="valid non-negative   percentage">valid non-negative percentages</dfn>, <dfn id=rules2>rules for   parsing dimension values</dfn>  <h4 id=dates><span class=secno>3.2.3. </span>Dates and times</h4>  <p>In the algorithms below, the <dfn id=number>number of days in month <var   title="">month</var> of year <var title="">year</var></dfn> is:   <em>31</em> if <var title="">month</var> is 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, or 12;   <em>30</em> if <var title="">month</var> is 4, 6, 9, or 11; <em>29</em> if   <var title="">month</var> is 2 and <var title="">year</var> is a number   divisible by 400, or if <var title="">year</var> is a number divisible by   4 but not by 100; and <em>28</em> otherwise. This takes into account leap   years in the Gregorian calendar. <a href="#refsGREGORIAN">[GREGORIAN]</a>  <h5 id=specific><span class=secno> </span>Specific moments in time</h5>  <p>A string is a <dfn id=valid4>valid datetime</dfn> if it has four digits   (representing the year), a literal hyphen, two digits (representing the   month), a literal hyphen, two digits (representing the day), optionally   some spaces, either a literal T or a space, optionally some more spaces,   two digits (for the hour), a colon, two digits (the minutes), another   colon, two digits (the integer part of the seconds), optionally a decimal   point followed by one or more digits (for the fractional part of the   seconds), optionally some spaces, and finally either a literal Z   (indicating the time zone is UTC), or, a plus sign or a minus sign   followed by two digits, a colon, and two digits (for the sign, the hours   and minutes of the timezone offset respectively); with the month-day   combination being a valid date in the given year according to the   Gregorian calendar, the hour values (<var title="">h</var>) being in the   range 0AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var title="">h</var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;23, the minute   values (<var title="">m</var>) in the range 0AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var   title="">m</var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;59, and the second value (<var   title="">s</var>) being in the range 0AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var   title="">h</var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDlt;AMPERSANDnbsp;60. <a   href="#refsGREGORIAN">[GREGORIAN]</a></p>  <!--XXX [GREGORIAN] should point to  <dd id="refsGREGORIAN">[GREGORIAN]</dd>  <dd>(Non-normative) <cite>Inter Gravissimas</cite>, A. Lilius, C. Clavius. Gregory XIII Papal Bulls, February 1582.</dd>  -->  <p>The digits must be characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to   U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9), the hyphens must be a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS   characters, the T must be a U+0054 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T, the colons must   be U+003A COLON characters, the decimal point must be a U+002E FULL STOP,   the Z must be a U+005A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z, the plus sign must be a   U+002B PLUS SIGN, and the minus U+002D (same as the hyphen).  <div class=example>   <p>The following are some examples of dates written as <a href="#valid4"    title="valid datetime">valid datetimes</a>.</p>   <dl>    <dt>"<code>0037-12-13 00:00 Z</code>"    <dd>Midnight UTC on the birthday of Nero (the Roman Emperor).    <dt>"<code>1979-10-14T12:00:00.001-04:00</code>"    <dd>One millisecond after noon on October 14th 1979, in the time zone in     use on the east coast of North America during daylight saving time.    <dt>"<code>8592-01-01 T 02:09 +02:09</code>"    <dd>Midnight UTC on the 1st of January, 8592. The time zone associated     with that time is two hours and nine minutes ahead of UTC.   </dl>   <p>Several things are notable about these dates:</p>   <ul>    <li>Years with fewer than four digits have to be zero-padded. The date     "37-12-13" would not be a valid date.    <li>To unambiguously identify a moment in time prior to the introduction     of the Gregorian calendar, the date has to be first converted to the     Gregorian calendar from the calendar in use at the time (e.g. from the     Julian calendar). The date of Nero's birth is the 15th of December 37,     in the Julian Calendar, which is the 13th of December 37 in the     Gregorian Calendar.</li>    <!--    XXX this might not be true. I can't find a reference that gives    his birthday with an explicit statement about the calendar being    used. However, it seems unlikely that it would be given in the    Gregorian calendar, so I assume sites use the Julian one. -->    <li>The time and timezone components are not optional.    <li>Dates before the year 0 or after the year 9999 can't be represented     as a datetime in this version of HTML.    <li>Time zones differ based on daylight savings time.   </ul>  </div>  <p class=note>Conformance checkers can use the algorithm below to determine   if a datetime is a valid datetime or not.  <p>To <dfn id=datetime-parser>parse a string as a datetime value</dfn>, a   user agent must apply the following algorithm to the string. This will   either return a time in UTC, with associated timezone information for   round tripping or display purposes, or nothing, indicating the value is   not a <a href="#valid4">valid datetime</a>. If at any point the algorithm   says that it "fails", this means that it returns nothing.  <ol>   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">input</var> be the string being parsed.   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">position</var> be a pointer into <var     title="">input</var>, initially pointing at the start of the string.   <li>    <p><a href="#collect">Collect a sequence of characters</a> in the range     U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9). If the collected     sequence is not exactly four characters long, then fail. Otherwise,     interpret the resulting sequence as a base ten integer. Let that number     be the <var title="">year</var>.   <li>    <p>If <var title="">position</var> is beyond the end of <var     title="">input</var> or if the character at <var title="">position</var>     is not a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS character, then fail. Otherwise, move <var     title="">position</var> forwards one character.   <li>    <p><a href="#collect">Collect a sequence of characters</a> in the range     U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9). If the collected     sequence is not exactly two characters long, then fail. Otherwise,     interpret the resulting sequence as a base ten integer. Let that number     be the <var title="">month</var>.   <li>If <var title="">month</var> is not a number in the range    1AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var title="">month</var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;12, then fail.   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">maxday</var> be the <a href="#number">number of days     in month <var title="">month</var> of year <var title="">year</var></a>.   <li>    <p>If <var title="">position</var> is beyond the end of <var     title="">input</var> or if the character at <var title="">position</var>     is not a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS character, then fail. Otherwise, move <var     title="">position</var> forwards one character.   <li>    <p><a href="#collect">Collect a sequence of characters</a> in the range     U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9). If the collected     sequence is not exactly two characters long, then fail. Otherwise,     interpret the resulting sequence as a base ten integer. Let that number     be the <var title="">day</var>.   <li>    <p>If <var title="">day</var> is not a number in the range     1AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var title="">month</var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var     title="">maxday</var>, then fail.   <li>    <p><a href="#collect">Collect a sequence of characters</a> that are     either U+0054 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T characters or <a href="#space"     title="space character">space characters</a>. If the collected sequence     is zero characters long, or if it contains more than one U+0054 LATIN     CAPITAL LETTER T character, then fail.   <li>    <p><a href="#collect">Collect a sequence of characters</a> in the range     U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9). If the collected     sequence is not exactly two characters long, then fail. Otherwise,     interpret the resulting sequence as a base ten integer. Let that number     be the <var title="">hour</var>.   <li>If <var title="">hour</var> is not a number in the range    0AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var title="">hour</var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;23, then fail.   <li>    <p>If <var title="">position</var> is beyond the end of <var     title="">input</var> or if the character at <var title="">position</var>     is not a U+003A COLON character, then fail. Otherwise, move <var     title="">position</var> forwards one character.   <li>    <p><a href="#collect">Collect a sequence of characters</a> in the range     U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9). If the collected     sequence is not exactly two characters long, then fail. Otherwise,     interpret the resulting sequence as a base ten integer. Let that number     be the <var title="">minute</var>.   <li>If <var title="">minute</var> is not a number in the range    0AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var title="">minute</var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;59, then fail.   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">second</var> be a string with the value "0".   <li>    <p>If <var title="">position</var> is beyond the end of <var     title="">input</var>, then fail.   <li>    <p>If the character at <var title="">position</var> is a U+003A COLON,     then:</p>    <ol>     <li>      <p>Advance <var title="">position</var> to the next character in <var       title="">input</var>.     <li>      <p>If <var title="">position</var> is beyond the end of <var       title="">input</var>, or at the last character in <var       title="">input</var>, or if the next <em>two</em> characters in <var       title="">input</var> starting at <var title="">position</var> are not       two characters both in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT       NINE (9), then fail.     <li>      <p><a href="#collect">Collect a sequence of characters</a> that are       either characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT       NINE (9) or U+002E FULL STOP characters. If the collected sequence has       more than one U+002E FULL STOP characters, or if the last character in       the sequence is a U+002E FULL STOP character, then fail. Otherwise,       let the collected string be <var title="">second</var> instead of its       previous value.    </ol>   <li>    <p>Interpret <var title="">second</var> as a base ten number (possibly     with a fractional part). Let that number be <var title="">second</var>     instead of the string version.   <li>If <var title="">second</var> is not a number in the range    0AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var title="">hour</var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDlt;AMPERSANDnbsp;60, then fail.    (The values 60 and 61 are not allowed: leap seconds cannot be represented    by datetime values.)   <li>    <p>If <var title="">position</var> is beyond the end of <var     title="">input</var>, then fail.   <li>    <p><a href="#skip-whitespace">Skip whitespace.</a>   <li>    <p>If the character at <var title="">position</var> is a U+005A LATIN     CAPITAL LETTER Z, then:</p>    <ol>     <li>      <p>Let <var title="">timezone<sub>hours</sub></var> be 0.     <li>      <p>Let <var title="">timezone<sub>minutes</sub></var> be 0.     <li>      <p>Advance <var title="">position</var> to the next character in <var       title="">input</var>.    </ol>   <li>    <p>Otherwise, if the character at <var title="">position</var> is either     a U+002B PLUS SIGN ("+") or a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS ("-"), then:</p>    <ol>     <li>      <p>If the character at <var title="">position</var> is a U+002B PLUS       SIGN ("+"), let <var title="">sign</var> be "positive". Otherwise,       it's a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS ("-"); let <var title="">sign</var> be       "negative".     <li>      <p>Advance <var title="">position</var> to the next character in <var       title="">input</var>.     <li>      <p><a href="#collect">Collect a sequence of characters</a> in the range       U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9). If the collected       sequence is not exactly two characters long, then fail. Otherwise,       interpret the resulting sequence as a base ten integer. Let that       number be the <var title="">timezone<sub>hours</sub></var>.     <li>If <var title="">timezone<sub>hours</sub></var> is not a number in      the range 0AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var      title="">timezone<sub>hours</sub></var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;23, then fail.     <li>If <var title="">sign</var> is "negative", then negate <var      title="">timezone<sub>hours</sub></var>.     <li>      <p>If <var title="">position</var> is beyond the end of <var       title="">input</var> or if the character at <var       title="">position</var> is not a U+003A COLON character, then fail.       Otherwise, move <var title="">position</var> forwards one character.     <li>      <p><a href="#collect">Collect a sequence of characters</a> in the range       U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9). If the collected       sequence is not exactly two characters long, then fail. Otherwise,       interpret the resulting sequence as a base ten integer. Let that       number be the <var title="">timezone<sub>minutes</sub></var>.     <li>If <var title="">timezone<sub>minutes</sub></var> is not a number in      the range 0AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var      title="">timezone<sub>minutes</sub></var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;59, then fail.    </ol>   <li>    <p>If <var title="">position</var> is <em>not</em> beyond the end of <var     title="">input</var>, then fail.   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">time</var> be the moment in time at year <var     title="">year</var>, month <var title="">month</var>, day <var     title="">day</var>, hours <var title="">hour</var>, minute <var     title="">minute</var>, second <var title="">second</var>, adding <var     title="">timezone<sub>hours</sub></var> hours and <var     title="">timezone<sub>minutes</sub></var> minutes. That moment in time     is a moment in the UTC timezone.   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">timezone</var> be <var     title="">timezone<sub>hours</sub></var> hours and <var     title="">timezone<sub>minutes</sub></var> minutes from UTC.   <li>    <p>Return <var title="">time</var> and <var title="">timezone</var>.  </ol>  <h5 id=vaguer><span class=secno> </span>Vaguer moments in time</h5>  <p>This section defines <dfn id=date-or title="date or time string">date or   time strings</dfn>. There are two kinds, <dfn id=date-or0 title="date or   time string in content">date or time strings in content</dfn>, and <dfn   id=date-or1 title="date or time string in attributes">date or time strings   in attributes</dfn>. The only difference is in the handling of whitespace   characters.  <p>To parse a <a href="#date-or">date or time string</a>, user agents must   use the following algorithm. A <a href="#date-or">date or time string</a>   is a <em>valid</em> date or time string if the following algorithm, when   run on the string, doesn't say the string is invalid.  <p>The algorithm may return nothing (in which case the string will be   invalid), or it may return a date, a time, a date and a time, or a date   and a time and and a timezone. Even if the algorithm returns one or more   values, the string can still be invalid.  <ol><!-- INIT -->   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">input</var> be the string being parsed.   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">position</var> be a pointer into <var     title="">input</var>, initially pointing at the start of the string.   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">results</var> be the collection of results that are     to be returned (one or more of a date, a time, and a timezone),     initially empty. If the algorithm aborts at any point, then whatever is     currently in <var title="">results</var> must be returned as the result     of the algorithm.   </li>   <!-- LEADING WHITESPACE -->   <li>    <p>For the "in content" variant: <a href="#skip-">skip Zs characters</a>;     for the "in attributes" variant: <a href="#skip-whitespace">skip     whitespace</a>.   </li>   <!-- XXX skip whitespace in attribute?   really? -->   <!-- YEAR or HOUR -->   <li>    <p><a href="#collect">Collect a sequence of characters</a> in the range     U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9). If the collected     sequence is empty, then the string is invalid; abort these steps.   <li>    <p>Let the sequence of characters collected in the last step be <var     title="">s</var>.   <li>    <p>If <var title="">position</var> is past the end of <var     title="">input</var>, the string is invalid; abort these steps.   <li>    <p>If the character at <var title="">position</var> is <em>not</em> a     U+003A COLON character, then:</p>    <!-- DATE -->    <ol>     <li>      <p>If the character at <var title="">position</var> is not a U+002D       HYPHEN-MINUS ("-") character either, then the string is invalid, abort       these steps.     </li>     <!-- YEAR -->     <li>      <p>If the sequence <var title="">s</var> is not exactly four digits       long, then the string is invalid. (This does not stop the algorithm,       however.)     <li>      <p>Interpret the sequence of characters collected in step 5 as a base       ten integer, and let that number be <var title="">year</var>.     <li>      <p>Advance <var title="">position</var> past the U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS       ("-") character.     </li>     <!-- MONTH -->     <li>      <p><a href="#collect">Collect a sequence of characters</a> in the range       U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9). If the collected       sequence is empty, then the string is invalid; abort these steps.     <li>      <p>If the sequence collected in the last step is not exactly two digits       long, then the string is invalid.     <li>      <p>Interpret the sequence of characters collected two steps ago as a       base ten integer, and let that number be <var title="">month</var>.     <li>If <var title="">month</var> is not a number in the range      1AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var title="">month</var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;12, then the      string is invalid, abort these steps.     <li>      <p>Let <var title="">maxday</var> be the <a href="#number">number of       days in month <var title="">month</var> of year <var       title="">year</var></a>.     <li>      <p>If <var title="">position</var> is past the end of <var       title="">input</var>, or if the character at <var       title="">position</var> is <em>not</em> a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS ("-")       character, then the string is invalid, abort these steps. Otherwise,       advance <var title="">position</var> to the next character.     </li>     <!-- DAY -->     <li>      <p><a href="#collect">Collect a sequence of characters</a> in the range       U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9). If the collected       sequence is empty, then the string is invalid; abort these steps.     <li>      <p>If the sequence collected in the last step is not exactly two digits       long, then the string is invalid.     <li>      <p>Interpret the sequence of characters collected two steps ago as a       base ten integer, and let that number be <var title="">day</var>.     <li>      <p>If <var title="">day</var> is not a number in the range       1AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var title="">day</var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var       title="">maxday</var>, then the string is invalid, abort these steps.     <li>      <p>Add the date represented by <var title="">year</var>, <var       title="">month</var>, and <var title="">day</var> to the <var       title="">results</var>.     </li>     <!-- WHITESPACE -->     <li>      <p>For the "in content" variant: <a href="#skip-">skip Zs       characters</a>; for the "in attributes" variant: <a       href="#skip-whitespace">skip whitespace</a>.     <li>      <p>If the character at <var title="">position</var> is a U+0054 LATIN       CAPITAL LETTER T, then move <var title="">position</var> forwards one       character.     <li>      <p>For the "in content" variant: <a href="#skip-">skip Zs       characters</a>; for the "in attributes" variant: <a       href="#skip-whitespace">skip whitespace</a>.     </li>     <!-- at this point, if <var title="">position</var> points to a     number, we know that we passed at least one space or a T, because     otherwise the number would have been slurped up in the last     "collect" step. -->     <!-- HOUR -->     <li>      <p><a href="#collect">Collect a sequence of characters</a> in the range       U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9). If the collected       sequence is empty, then the string is invalid; abort these steps.     <li>      <p>Let <var title="">s</var> be the sequence of characters collected in       the last step.    </ol>   </li>   <!-- TIME -->   <li>    <p>If <var title="">s</var> is not exactly two digits long, then the     string is invalid.   <li>    <p>Interpret the sequence of characters collected two steps ago as a base     ten integer, and let that number be <var title="">hour</var>.   <li>    <p>If <var title="">hour</var> is not a number in the range     0AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var title="">hour</var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;23, then the     string is invalid, abort these steps.   <li>    <p>If <var title="">position</var> is past the end of <var     title="">input</var>, or if the character at <var     title="">position</var> is <em>not</em> a U+003A COLON character, then     the string is invalid, abort these steps. Otherwise, advance <var     title="">position</var> to the next character.   </li>   <!-- MINUTE -->   <li>    <p><a href="#collect">Collect a sequence of characters</a> in the range     U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9). If the collected     sequence is empty, then the string is invalid; abort these steps.   <li>    <p>If the sequence collected in the last step is not exactly two digits     long, then the string is invalid.   <li>    <p>Interpret the sequence of characters collected two steps ago as a base     ten integer, and let that number be <var title="">minute</var>.   <li>    <p>If <var title="">minute</var> is not a number in the range     0AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var title="">minute</var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;59, then the     string is invalid, abort these steps.   </li>   <!-- SECOND -->   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">second</var> be 0. It may be changed to another     value in the next step.   <li>    <p>If <var title="">position</var> is not past the end of <var     title="">input</var> and the character at <var title="">position</var>     is a U+003A COLON character, then:</p>    <ol>     <li>      <p><a href="#collect">Collect a sequence of characters</a> that are       either characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT       NINE (9) or are U+002E FULL STOP. If the collected sequence is empty,       or contains more than one U+002E FULL STOP character, then the string       is invalid; abort these steps.     <li>      <p>If the first character in the sequence collected in the last step is       not in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9), then       the string is invalid.     <li>      <p>Interpret the sequence of characters collected two steps ago as a       base ten number (possibly with a fractional part), and let that number       be <var title="">second</var>.     <li>      <p>If <var title="">second</var> is not a number in the range       0AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var title="">minute</var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDlt;AMPERSANDnbsp;60, then       the string is invalid, abort these steps.    </ol>   <li>    <p>Add the time represented by <var title="">hour</var>, <var     title="">minute</var>, and <var title="">second</var> to the <var     title="">results</var>.   </li>   <!-- TIME ZONE -->   <li>    <p>If <var title="">results</var> has both a date and a time, then:</p>    <ol>     <li>      <p>For the "in content" variant: <a href="#skip-">skip Zs       characters</a>; for the "in attributes" variant: <a       href="#skip-whitespace">skip whitespace</a>.     <li>      <p>If <var title="">position</var> is past the end of <var       title="">input</var>, then skip to the next step in the overall set of       steps.</p>      <!-- UTC -->     <li>      <p>Otherwise, if the character at <var title="">position</var> is a       U+005A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z, then:</p>      <ol>       <li>        <p>Add the timezone corresponding to UTC (zero offset) to the <var         title="">results</var>.       <li>        <p>Advance <var title="">position</var> to the next character in <var         title="">input</var>.       <li>        <p>Skip to the next step in the overall set of steps.      </ol>     </li>     <!-- EXPLICIT TIMEZONE OFFSET -->     <li>      <p>Otherwise, if the character at <var title="">position</var> is       either a U+002B PLUS SIGN ("+") or a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS ("-"), then:</p>      <ol><!-- SIGN -->       <li>        <p>If the character at <var title="">position</var> is a U+002B PLUS         SIGN ("+"), let <var title="">sign</var> be "positive". Otherwise,         it's a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS ("-"); let <var title="">sign</var> be         "negative".       </li>       <!-- HOURS -->       <li>        <p>Advance <var title="">position</var> to the next character in <var         title="">input</var>.       <li>        <p><a href="#collect">Collect a sequence of characters</a> in the         range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9). If the         collected sequence is not exactly two characters long, then the         string is invalid.       <li>        <p>Interpret the sequence collected in the last step as a base ten         number, and let that number be <var         title="">timezone<sub>hours</sub></var>.       <li>If <var title="">timezone<sub>hours</sub></var> is not a number in        the range 0AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var        title="">timezone<sub>hours</sub></var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;23, then the        string is invalid; abort these steps.       <li>If <var title="">sign</var> is "negative", then negate <var        title="">timezone<sub>hours</sub></var>.       <li>        <p>If <var title="">position</var> is beyond the end of <var         title="">input</var> or if the character at <var         title="">position</var> is not a U+003A COLON character, then the         string is invalid; abort these steps. Otherwise, move <var         title="">position</var> forwards one character.       </li>       <!-- MINUTES -->       <li>        <p><a href="#collect">Collect a sequence of characters</a> in the         range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9). If the         collected sequence is not exactly two characters long, then the         string is invalid.       <li>        <p>Interpret the sequence collected in the last step as a base ten         number, and let that number be <var         title="">timezone<sub>minutes</sub></var>.       <li>If <var title="">timezone<sub>minutes</sub></var> is not a number        in the range 0AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var        title="">timezone<sub>minutes</sub></var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;59, then the        string is invalid; abort these steps.       <li>        <p>Add the timezone corresponding to an offset of <var         title="">timezone<sub>hours</sub></var> hours and <var         title="">timezone<sub>minutes</sub></var> minutes to the <var         title="">results</var>.       <li>        <p>Skip to the next step in the overall set of steps.      </ol>     <li>      <p>Otherwise, the string is invalid; abort these steps.    </ol>   <li>    <p>For the "in content" variant: <a href="#skip-">skip Zs characters</a>;     for the "in attributes" variant: <a href="#skip-whitespace">skip     whitespace</a>.   <li>    <p>If <var title="">position</var> is <em>not</em> past the end of <var     title="">input</var>, then the string is invalid.</p>   <li>    <p>Abort these steps (the string is parsed).  </ol>  <h4 id=tokens><span class=secno>3.2.4. </span>Tokens</h4>  <p>An <dfn id=unordered>unordered set of space-separated tokens</dfn> is a   set of zero or more words separated by one or more <a href="#space"   title="space character">space characters</a>, where words consist of any   string of one or more characters, none of which are <a href="#space"   title="space character">space characters</a>.  <p>A string containing an <a href="#unordered">unordered set of   space-separated tokens</a> may have leading or trailing <a href="#space"   title="space character">space characters</a>.  <p class=note>Thus, any string is a valid representation of an <a   href="#unordered">unordered set of space-separated tokens</a>.  <p>When a user agent has to <dfn id=split>split a string on spaces</dfn>,   it must use the following algorithm:  <ol>   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">input</var> be the string being parsed.   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">position</var> be a pointer into <var     title="">input</var>, initially pointing at the start of the string.   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">tokens</var> be a list of tokens, initially empty.   <li>    <p><a href="#skip-whitespace">Skip whitespace</a>   <li>    <p>While <var title="">position</var> is not past the end of <var     title="">input</var>:</p>    <ol>     <li>      <p><a href="#collect">Collect a sequence of characters</a> that are not       <a href="#space" title="space character">space characters</a>.     <li>      <p>Add the string collected in the previous step to <var       title="">tokens</var>.     <li>      <p><a href="#skip-whitespace">Skip whitespace</a>    </ol>   <li>    <p>Return <var title="">tokens</var>.  </ol>  <p>When a user agent has to <dfn id=remove0>remove a token from a   string</dfn>, it must use the following algorithm:  <ol>   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">input</var> be the string being modified.   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">token</var> be the token being removed. It will not     contain any <a href="#space" title="space character">space     characters</a>.   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">output</var> be the output string, initially empty.   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">position</var> be a pointer into <var     title="">input</var>, initially pointing at the start of the string.   <li>    <p>If <var title="">position</var> is beyond the end of <var     title="">input</var>, set the string being modified to <var     title="">output</var>, and abort these steps.   <li>    <p>If the character at <var title="">position</var> is a <a     href="#space">space character</a>:    <ol>     <li>      <p>Append the character at <var title="">position</var> to the end of       <var title="">output</var>.     <li>      <p>Increment <var title="">position</var> so it points at the next       character in <var title="">input</var>.     <li>      <p>Return to step 5 in the overall set of steps.    </ol>   <li>    <p>Otherwise, the character at <var title="">position</var> is the first     character of a token. <a href="#collect">Collect a sequence of     characters</a> that are not <a href="#space" title="space     character">space characters</a>, and let that be <var title="">s</var>.   <li>    <p>If <var title="">s</var> is exactly equal to <var     title="">token</var>, then:</p>    <ol>     <li>      <p><a href="#skip-whitespace">Skip whitespace</a> (in <var       title="">input</var>).     <li>      <p>Remove any <a href="#space" title="space character">space       characters</a> currently at the end of <var title="">output</var>.     <li>      <p>If <var title="">position</var> is not past the end of <var       title="">input</var>, and <var title="">output</var> is not the empty       string, append a single U+0020 SPACE character at the end of <var       title="">output</var>.    </ol>   <li>    <p>Otherwise, append <var title="">s</var> to the end of <var     title="">output</var>.   <li>    <p>Return to step 6 in the overall set of steps.  </ol>  <p class=note>This causes any occurrences of the token to be removed from   the string, and any spaces that were surrounding the token to be collapsed   to a single space, except at the start and end of the string, where such   spaces are removed.  <h3 id=documents0><span class=secno>3.3. </span>Documents and document   fragments</h3>  <h4 id=semantics0><span class=secno>3.3.1. </span>Semantics</h4>  <p>Elements, attributes, and attribute values in HTML are defined (by this   specification) to have certain meanings (semantics). For example, the   <code><a href="#ol0">ol</a></code> element represents an ordered list, and   the <code title=lang>lang</code> attribute represents the language of the   content.  <p>Authors must only use elements, attributes, and attribute values for   their appropriate semantic purposes.  <div class=example>   <p>For example, the following document is non-conforming, despite being    syntactically correct:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;!DOCTYPE htmlAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;html lang="en-GB"AMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;headAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;titleAMPERSANDgt; Demonstration AMPERSANDlt;/titleAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;/headAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;bodyAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;tableAMPERSANDgt;   AMPERSANDlt;trAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;tdAMPERSANDgt; My favourite animal is the cat. AMPERSANDlt;/tdAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;/trAMPERSANDgt;   AMPERSANDlt;trAMPERSANDgt;    AMPERSANDlt;tdAMPERSANDgt;     AMPERSANDmdash;AMPERSANDlt;a href="http://example.org/~ernest/"AMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;citeAMPERSANDgt;ErnestAMPERSANDlt;/citeAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/aAMPERSANDgt;,     in an essay from 1992    AMPERSANDlt;/tdAMPERSANDgt;   AMPERSANDlt;/trAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;/tableAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;/bodyAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/htmlAMPERSANDgt;</pre>   <p>...because the data placed in the cells is clearly not tabular data. A    corrected version of this document might be:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;!DOCTYPE htmlAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;html lang="en-GB"AMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;headAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;titleAMPERSANDgt; Demonstration AMPERSANDlt;/titleAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;/headAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;bodyAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;blockquoteAMPERSANDgt;   AMPERSANDlt;pAMPERSANDgt; My favourite animal is the cat. AMPERSANDlt;/pAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;/blockquoteAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;pAMPERSANDgt;   AMPERSANDmdash;AMPERSANDlt;a href="http://example.org/~ernest/"AMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;citeAMPERSANDgt;ErnestAMPERSANDlt;/citeAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/aAMPERSANDgt;,   in an essay from 1992  AMPERSANDlt;/pAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;/bodyAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/htmlAMPERSANDgt;</pre>   <p>This next document fragment, intended to represent the heading of a    corporate site, is similarly non-conforming because the second line is    not intended to be a heading of a subsection, but merely a subheading or    subtitle (a subordinate heading for the same section).</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;bodyAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;h1AMPERSANDgt;ABC CompanyAMPERSANDlt;/h1AMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;h2AMPERSANDgt;Leading the way in widget design since 1432AMPERSANDlt;/h2AMPERSANDgt; ...</pre>   <p>The <code><a href="#header0">header</a></code> element should be used    in these kinds of situations:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;bodyAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;headerAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;h1AMPERSANDgt;ABC CompanyAMPERSANDlt;/h1AMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;h2AMPERSANDgt;Leading the way in widget design since 1432AMPERSANDlt;/h2AMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;/headerAMPERSANDgt; ...</pre>  </div>  <p>Through scripting and using other mechanisms, the values of attributes,   text, and indeed the entire structure of the document may change   dynamically while a user agent is processing it. The semantics of a   document at an instant in time are those represented by the state of the   document at that instant in time, and the semantics of a document can   therefore change over time. User agents must update their presentation of   the document as this occurs.  <p class=example>HTML has a <code><a href="#progress0">progress</a></code>   element that describes a progress bar. If its "value" attribute is   dynamically updated by a script, the UA would update the rendering to show   the progress changing.  <h4 id=structure0><span class=secno>3.3.2. </span>Structure</h4>  <p>All the elements in this specification have a defined content model,   which describes what nodes are allowed inside the elements, and thus what   the structure of an HTML document or fragment must look like. Authors must   only put elements inside an element if that element allows them to be   there according to its content model.  <p class=note>As noted in the conformance and terminology sections, for the   purposes of determining if an element matches its content model or not, <a   href="#text-node" title="text node"><code>CDATASection</code> nodes in the   DOM are treated as equivalent to <code>Text</code> nodes</a>, and <a   href=entity-references>entity reference nodes are treated as if they were   expanded in place</a>.  <p>The <a href="#space" title="space character">space characters</a> are   always allowed between elements. User agents represent these characters   between elements in the source markup as text nodes in the   DOM.<!-- not a conf criteria since the parser now requires this  -->   Empty <a href="#text-node" title="text node">text nodes</a> and <a   href="#text-node" title="text node">text nodes</a> consisting of just   sequences of those characters are considered <dfn   id=inter-element>inter-element whitespace</dfn>.  <p><a href="#inter-element">Inter-element whitespace</a>, comment nodes,   and processing instruction nodes must be ignored when establishing whether   an element matches its content model or not, and must be ignored when   following algorithms that define document and element semantics.  <p>An element <var title="">A</var> is said to be <dfn   id=preceeded>preceeded or followed</dfn> by a second element <var   title="">B</var> if <var title="">A</var> and <var title="">B</var> have   the same parent node and there are no other element nodes or text nodes   (other than <a href="#inter-element">inter-element whitespace</a>) between   them.  <p>Authors must only use <a href="#elements1">elements in the HTML   namespace</a> in the contexts where they are allowed, as defined for each   element. For XML compound documents, these contexts could be inside   elements from other namespaces, if those elements are defined as providing   the relevant contexts.  <div class=example>   <p>The SVG specification defines the SVG <code>foreignObject</code>    element as allowing foreign namespaces to be included, thus allowing    compound documents to be created by inserting subdocument content under    that element. <em>This</em> specification defines the XHTML <code><a    href="#html0">html</a></code> element as being allowed where subdocument    fragments are allowed in a compound document. Together, these two    definitions mean that placing an XHTML <code><a    href="#html0">html</a></code> element as a child of an SVG    <code>foreignObject</code> element is conforming.</p>  </div>  <h4 id=kinds><span class=secno>3.3.3. </span>Kinds of elements</h4>  <p>Each element in HTML falls into zero or more categories that group   elements with similar characteristics together. This specification uses   the following categories:  <ul class=brief>   <li><a href="#metadata">Metadata elements</a>   <li><a href="#sectioning">Sectioning elements</a>   <li><a href="#block-level1">Block-level elements</a>   <li><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>   <li><a href="#structured">Structured inline-level elements</a>   <li><a href="#interactive3">Interactive elements</a>   <li><span>Form control elements</span>  </ul>  <!-- XXX check that all the above got a section defining them,  however briefly -->  <!-- XXX check that the element definitions also link to those  sections -->  <p>Some elements have unique requirements and do not fit into any   particular category.  <p>In addition, some elements represent various common concepts; for   example, some elements represent <span>paragraphs</span>.  <h5 id=block-level><span class=secno> </span><dfn   id=block-level1>Block-level elements</dfn></h5>  <p>Block-level elements are used for structural grouping of page content.  <p>There are several kinds of block-level elements:  <ul>   <li>Some can only contain other block-level elements: <code><a    href="#blockquote0">blockquote</a></code>, <code><a    href="#section0">section</a></code>, <code><a    href="#article0">article</a></code>, <code><a    href="#header0">header</a></code>.   <li>Some can only contain <a href="#inline-level1">inline-level    content</a>: <code><a href="#p0">p</a></code>, <code><a    href="#h10">h1</a></code>-<code><a href="#h60">h6</a></code>, <code><a    href="#address0">address</a></code>.   <li>Some can contain either block-level elements or <a    href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a> (but not both): <code><a    href="#nav0">nav</a></code>, <code><a href="#aside0">aside</a></code>,    <code><a href="#footer0">footer</a></code>, <code><a    href="#div0">div</a></code>.   <li>Finally, some have very specific content models: <code><a    href="#ul0">ul</a></code>, <code><a href="#ol0">ol</a></code>, <code><a    href="#dl0">dl</a></code>, <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code>,    <code><a href="#script2">script</a></code>.  </ul>  <p>There are also elements that seem to be block-level but aren't, such as   <code><a href="#body1">body</a></code>, <code><a   href="#li0">li</a></code>, <code><a href="#dt0">dt</a></code>, <code><a   href="#dd0">dd</a></code>, and <code><a href="#td0">td</a></code>. These   elements are allowed only in specific places, not simply anywhere that   block-level elements are allowed.  <p>Some block-level elements play multiple roles. For instance, the   <code><a href="#script2">script</a></code> elements is allowed inside   <code><a href="#head0">head</a></code> elements and can also be used as <a   href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a>. Similarly, the <code><a   href="#ul0">ul</a></code>, <code><a href="#ol0">ol</a></code>, <code><a   href="#dl0">dl</a></code>, <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code>, and   <code><a href="#blockquote0">blockquote</a></code> elements play dual   roles as both block-level and inline-level elements.  <h5 id=inline-level><span class=secno> </span><dfn   id=inline-level1>Inline-level content</dfn></h5>  <p>Inline-level content consists of text and various elements to annotate   the text, as well as some <a href="#embedded0">embedded content</a> (such   as images or sound clips).  <p>Inline-level content comes in various types:  <dl>   <dt><dfn id=strictly>Strictly inline-level content</dfn>   <dd>Text, <a href="#embedded0">embedded content</a>, and elements that    annotate the text without introducing structural grouping. For example:    <code><a href="#a0">a</a></code>, <code><a    href="#meter0">meter</a></code>, <code><a href="#img0">img</a></code>.    Elements used in contexts allowing only strictly inline-level content    must not contain anything other than strictly inline-level content.   <dt><dfn id=structured>Structured inline-level elements</dfn>   <dd>Block-level elements that can also be used as inline-level content.    For example: <code><a href="#ol0">ol</a></code>, <code><a    href="#blockquote0">blockquote</a></code>, <code><a    href="#table0">table</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>Some elements are defined to have as a content model <dfn   id=significant>significant inline content</dfn>. This means that at least   one descendant of the element must be <a href="#significant0">significant   text</a> or <a href="#embedded0">embedded content</a>.  <p>Unless an element's content model explicitly states that it must contain   <a href="#significant">significant inline content</a>, simply having no <a   href="#text-node" title="text node">text nodes</a> and no elements   satisfies an element whose content model is some kind of inline content.  <p><dfn id=significant0>Significant text</dfn>, for the purposes of   determining the presence of <a href="#significant">significant inline   content</a>, consists of any character other than those falling in the <a   href="http://unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/UCD.html#General_Category_Values">Unicode   categories</a> Zs, Zl, Zp, Cc, and Cf. <a   href="#refsUNICODE">[UNICODE]</a>  <div class=example>   <p>The following three paragraphs are non-conforming because their content    model is not satisfied (they all count as empty).</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;pAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/pAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;pAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;emAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDamp;#x00A0;AMPERSANDlt;/emAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/pAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;pAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;olAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;liAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/liAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;/olAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/pAMPERSANDgt;</pre>  </div>  <p><dfn id=embedded0>Embedded content</dfn> consists of elements that   introduce content from other resources into the document, for example   <code><a href="#img0">img</a></code>. Embedded content elements can have   <dfn id=fallback>fallback content</dfn>: content that is to be used when   the external resource cannot be used (e.g. because it is of an unsupported   format). The element definitions state what the fallback is, if any.  <h5 id=determining><span class=secno> </span><dfn   id=determining2>Determining if a particular element contains block-level   elements or inline-level content</dfn></h5>  <p>Some elements are defined to have content models that allow either <a   href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a> or <a   href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a>, but not both. For example,   the <code><a href="#aside0">aside</a></code> and <code><a   href="#li0">li</a></code> elements.  <p>To establish whether such an element is being used as a block-level   container or as an inline-level container, for example in order to   determine if a document conforms to these requirements, user agents must   look at the element's child nodes. If any of the child nodes are not   allowed in block-level contexts, then the element is being used for <a   href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a>. If all the child nodes are   allowed in a block-level context, then the element is being used for <a   href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a>.  <div class=example>   <p>For instance, in the following (non-conforming) fragment, the <code><a    href="#li0">li</a></code> element is being used as an inline-level    element container, because the <code><a href="#style0">style</a></code>    element is not allowed in a block-level context. (It doesn't matter, for    the purposes of determining whether it is an inline-level or block-level    context, that the <code><a href="#style0">style</a></code> element is not    allowed in inline-level contexts either.)</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;olAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;liAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;pAMPERSANDgt; Hello World AMPERSANDlt;/pAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;styleAMPERSANDgt;   /* This example is illegal. */  AMPERSANDlt;/styleAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;/liAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/olAMPERSANDgt;</pre>   <p>In the following fragment, the <code><a href="#aside0">aside</a></code>    element is being used as a block-level container, because even though all    the elements it contains could be considered inline-level elements, there    are no nodes that can only be considered inline-level.</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;asideAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;olAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;liAMPERSANDgt; ... AMPERSANDlt;/liAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;/olAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;ulAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;liAMPERSANDgt; ... AMPERSANDlt;/liAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;/ulAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/asideAMPERSANDgt;</pre>   <p>On the other hand, in the following similar fragment, the <code><a    href="#aside0">aside</a></code> element is an inline-level container,    because the text ("Foo") can only be considered inline-level.</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;asideAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;olAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;liAMPERSANDgt; ... AMPERSANDlt;/liAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;/olAMPERSANDgt; FooAMPERSANDlt;/asideAMPERSANDgt;</pre>  </div>  <h5 id=interactive0><span class=secno> </span><dfn   id=interactive3>Interactive elements</dfn></h5>  <p>Certain elements in HTML can be activated, for instance <code><a   href="#a0">a</a></code> elements, <code>button</code> elements, or   <code>input</code> elements when their <code>type</code> attribute is set   to <code>radio</code>. Activation of those elements can happen in various   (UA-defined) ways, for instance via the mouse or keyboard.  <p>When activation is performed via some method other than clicking the   pointing device, the default action of the event that triggers the   activation must, instead of being activating the element directly, be to   <a href="#firing">fire a <code title="">click</code> event</a> on the same   element.</p>  <!-- XXX this part is wrong; we should define it in terms of ANY  click event, possibly requiring trusted clicks: -->  <p>The default action of this <code title=event-click>click</code> event,   or of the real <code title=event-click>click</code> event if the element   was activated by clicking a pointing device, must be to dispatch yet   another event, namely <a   href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events/events.html#event-DOMActivate"><code>DOMActivate</code></a>.   It is the default action of <em>that</em> event that then performs the   actual action.</p>  <!-- XXX need to define the dispatching of  DOMActivate in the same way we define the dispatching of click -->  <p>For certain form controls, this process is complicated further by <a   href="http://whatwg.org/specs/web-forms/current-work/#the-click">changes   that must happen around the click event</a>. <a href="#refsWF2">[WF2]</a></p>  <!-- XXX WF2: when this is merged into  this spec, update xrefs -->  <p class=note>Most interactive elements have content models that disallowed   nesting interactive elements.  <p class=big-issue> Need to define how default actions actually work. For   instance, if you click an event inside a link, the event is triggered on   that element, but then we'd like a click is sent on the link itself. So   how does that happen? Does the link have a bubbling listener that triggers   that second click event? what if there are multiple nested links, which   one should we send that event to?</p>  <!--   <li><span>Form control elements</span></li> XXX-->  <h5 id=paragraphs><span class=secno> </span>Paragraphs</h5>  <p>A <dfn id=paragraph>paragraph</dfn> is typically a block of text with   one or more sentences that discuss a particular topic, as in typography,   but can also be used for more general thematic grouping. For instance, an   address is also a paragraph, as is a part of a form, a byline, or a stanza   in a poem.  <p>Paragraphs can be represented by several elements. The <code><a   href="#address0">address</a></code> element always represents a paragraph   of contact information for its section, the <code><a   href="#aside0">aside</a></code>, <code><a href="#nav0">nav</a></code>,   <code><a href="#footer0">footer</a></code>, <code><a   href="#li0">li</a></code>, and <code><a href="#dd0">dd</a></code> elements   represent paragraphs with various specific semantics when they are <a   href="#determining2" title="Determining if a particular element contains   block-level elements or inline-level content">used as inline-level content   containers</a>, the <code><a href="#figure0">figure</a></code> element   represents a paragraph in the form of <a href="#embedded0">embedded   content</a>, and the <code><a href="#p0">p</a></code> element represents   all the other kinds of paragraphs, for which there are no dedicated   elements.  <h3 id=global><span class=secno>3.4. </span>Global attributes</h3>  <p>The following attributes are common to and may be specified on all <a   href="#html-elements">HTML elements</a> (even those not defined in this   specification):  <dl class=element>   <dt>Global attributes:   <dd><code title=attr-class><a href="#class6">class</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-contenteditable><a    href="#contenteditable0">contenteditable</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-contextmenu><a    href="#contextmenu">contextmenu</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-dir><a href="#dir0">dir</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-draggable><a href="#draggable0">draggable</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-id><a href="#id0">id</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-lang><a href="#lang0">lang</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-tabindex><a href="#tabindex">tabindex</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-title><a href="#title1">title</a></code>  </dl>  <p>In addition, the following <a href="#event1">event handler content   attributes</a> may be specified on any <span>HTML element</span>:  <ul class=brief>   <li><code title=handler-onclick><a href="#onclick">onclick</a></code>   <li>...more events...  </ul>  <h4 id=the-id><span class=secno>3.4.1. </span>The <dfn id=id0   title=attr-id><code>id</code></dfn> attribute</h4>  <p>The <code title=attr-id><a href="#id0">id</a></code> attribute   represents its element's unique identifier. The value must be unique in   the subtree within which the element finds itself and must contain at   least one character.  <p>If the value is not the empty string, user agents must associate the   element with the given value (exactly) for the purposes of ID matching   within the subtree the element finds itself (e.g. for selectors in CSS or   for the <code>getElementById()</code> method in the DOM).  <p>Identifiers are opaque strings. Particular meanings should not be   derived from the value of the <code title=attr-id><a   href="#id0">id</a></code> attribute.  <p>This specification doesn't preclude an element having multiple IDs, if   other mechanisms (e.g. DOM Core methods) can set an element's ID in a way   that doesn't conflict with the <code title=attr-id><a   href="#id0">id</a></code> attribute.  <p>The <dfn id=id1 title=dom-id><code>id</code></dfn> DOM attribute must <a   href="#reflect">reflect</a> the <code title=attr-id><a   href="#id0">id</a></code> content attribute.  <h4 id=the-title><span class=secno>3.4.2. </span>The <dfn id=title1   title=attr-title><code>title</code></dfn> attribute</h4>  <p>The <code title=attr-title><a href="#title1">title</a></code> attribute   represents advisory information for the element, such as would be   appropriate for a tooltip. On a link, this could be the title or a   description of the target resource; on an image, it could be the image   credit or a description of the image; on a paragraph, it could be a   footnote or commentary on the text; on a citation, it could be further   information about the source; and so forth. The value is text.  <p>If this attribute is omitted from an element, then it implies that the   <code title=attr-title><a href="#title1">title</a></code> attribute of the   nearest ancestor with a <code title=attr-title><a   href="#title1">title</a></code> attribute set is also relevant to this   element. Setting the attribute overrides this, explicitly stating that the   advisory information of any ancestors is not relevant to this element.   Setting the attribute to the empty string indicates that the element has   no advisory information.  <p>Some elements, such as <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code> and   <code><a href="#dfn0">dfn</a></code>, define additional semantics for the   <code title=attr-title><a href="#title1">title</a></code> attribute beyond   the semantics described above.  <p>The <dfn id=title2 title=dom-title><code>title</code></dfn> DOM   attribute must <a href="#reflect">reflect</a> the <code   title=attr-title><a href="#title1">title</a></code> content attribute.  <h4 id=the-lang><span class=secno>3.4.3. </span>The <dfn id=lang0   title=attr-lang><code>lang</code></dfn> (HTML only) and <dfn id=xmllang0   title=attr-xml-lang><code>xml:lang</code></dfn> (XML only) attributes</h4>  <p>The <code title=attr-lang><a href="#lang0">lang</a></code> attribute   specifies the primary language for the element's contents and for any of   the element's attributes that contain text. Its value must be a valid RFC   3066 language code, or the empty string. <a   href="#refsRFC3066">[RFC3066]</a>  <p>The <code title=attr-xml-lang><a href="#xmllang0">xml:lang</a></code>   attribute is defined in XML. <a href="#refsXML">[XML]</a>  <p>If these attributes are omitted from an element, then it implies that   the language of this element is the same as the language of the parent   element. Setting the attribute to the empty string indicates that the   primary language is unknown.  <p>The <code title=attr-lang><a href="#lang0">lang</a></code> attribute may   only be used on elements of <a href="#html-">HTML documents</a>. Authors   must not use the <code title=attr-lang><a href="#lang0">lang</a></code>   attribute in <a href="#xml-documents">XML documents</a>.  <p>The <code title=attr-xml-lang><a href="#xmllang0">xml:lang</a></code>   attribute may only be used on elements of <a href="#xml-documents">XML   documents</a>. Authors must not use the <code title=attr-xml-lang><a   href="#xmllang0">xml:lang</a></code> attribute in <a href="#html-">HTML   documents</a>.</p>  <!-- technically this  is redundant with the XML spec -->  <p>To determine the language of a node, user agents must look at the   nearest ancestor element (including the element itself if the node is an   element) that has a <code title=attr-lang><a href="#lang0">lang</a></code>   or <code title=attr-xml-lang><a href="#xmllang0">xml:lang</a></code>   attribute set. That specifies the language of the node.  <p>If both the <code title=attr-xml-lang><a   href="#xmllang0">xml:lang</a></code> attribute and the <code   title=attr-lang><a href="#lang0">lang</a></code> attribute are set on an   element, user agents must use the <code title=attr-xml-lang><a   href="#xmllang0">xml:lang</a></code> attribute, and the <code   title=attr-lang><a href="#lang0">lang</a></code> attribute must be <a   href="#ignored" title=ignore>ignored</a> for the purposes of determining   the element's language.  <p>If no explicit language is given for the <a href="#root-element">root   element</a>, then language information from a higher-level protocol (such   as HTTP), if any, must be used as the final fallback language. In the   absence of any language information, the default value is unknown (the   empty string).  <p>User agents may use the element's language to determine proper   processing or rendering (e.g. in the selection of appropriate fonts or   pronounciations, or for dictionary selection). <!--User  agents must not use the element's language to determine text  directionality. (commented out because text directionality is a  rendering-level concern.)-->  <p>The <dfn id=lang1 title=dom-lang><code>lang</code></dfn> DOM attribute   must <a href="#reflect">reflect</a> the <code title=attr-lang><a   href="#lang0">lang</a></code> content attribute.  <h4 id=the-dir><span class=secno>3.4.4. </span>The <dfn id=dir0   title=attr-dir><code>dir</code></dfn> attribute</h4>  <p class=big-issue>redefine this in terms of a microsyntax  <p>The <code title=attr-dir><a href="#dir0">dir</a></code> attribute   specifies the element's text directionality. The attribute, if specified,   must have either the literal value <code>ltr</code> or the literal value   <code>rtl</code>.  <p>If the attribute has the literal value <code>ltr</code>, the element's   directionality is left-to-right. If the attribute has the literal value   <code>rtl</code>, the element's directionality is right-to-left. If the   attribute is omitted or has another value, then the directionality is   unchanged.  <p>The processing of this attribute depends on the presentation layer. For   example, CSS 2.1 defines a mapping from this attribute to the CSS   'direction' and 'unicode-bidi' properties, and defines rendering in terms   of those property.  <p>The <dfn id=dir1 title=dom-dir><code>dir</code></dfn> DOM attribute must   <a href="#reflect">reflect</a> the <code title=attr-dir><a   href="#dir0">dir</a></code> content attribute.  <h4 id=classes><span class=secno>3.4.5. </span>Classes</h4>  <p>Every <span>HTML element</span> may have a <dfn id=class6   title=attr-class><code>class</code></dfn> attribute specified.  <p>The attribute, if specified, must have a value that is an <a   href="#unordered">unordered set of space-separated tokens</a> representing   the various classes that the element belongs to.  <p>The classes that an HTML element has assigned to it consists of all the   classes returned when the value of the <code title=attr-class><a   href="#class6">class</a></code> attribute is <a href="#split" title="split   a string on spaces">split on spaces</a>.  <p class=note>Assinging classes to an element affects class matching in   selectors in CSS, the <code title=dom-document-getElementsByClassName><a   href="#getelementsbyclassname">getElementsByClassName()</a></code> method   in the DOM, and other such features.  <p>Authors may use any value in the <code title=attr-class><a   href="#class6">class</a></code> attribute, but are encouraged to use the   predefined values defined in this specification where appropriate.  <p>Classes that are not defined in this specification can be defined as <a   href="#extensions0" title=concept-class-extensions>extensions</a>, as   described below.  <p>Authors should bear in mind that using the <code title=attr-class><a   href="#class6">class</a></code> attribute does not convey any additional   meaning to the element unless the classes used have been defined by this   specification or registered in the Wiki. There is no semantic difference   between an element <em>with</em> a class attribute and one   <em>without</em>. Authors that use classes that are not so defined should   make sure, therefore, that their documents make as much sense once all   <code title=attr-class><a href="#class6">class</a></code> attributes have   been removed as they do with the attributes present. User agents should   not derive particular meanings from <code title=attr-class><a   href="#class6">class</a></code> attribute values that are neither defined   by this specification nor registered in the Wiki.  <p>The <dfn id=classname title=dom-className><code>className</code></dfn>   DOM attribute must <a href="#reflect">reflect</a> the <code   title=attr-class><a href="#class6">class</a></code> content attribute.  <h5 id=predefined><span class=secno> </span>Predefined class names</h5>  <p>The following table summarises the class names that are defined by this   specification. This table is non-normative; the actual definitions for the   class names are given in the next few sections.  <table>   <thead>    <tr>     <th>Class name     <th>Applicable elements     <th>Brief description   <tbody>    <tr>     <td><code title=class-copyright><a      href="#copyright0">copyright</a></code>     <td><code><a href="#p0">p</a></code>, <code><a      href="#span0">span</a></code>     <td>Indicates that the element contains the copyright for the document.    <tr>     <td><code title=class-error><a href="#error0">error</a></code>     <td><code><a href="#p0">p</a></code>, <code><a      href="#section0">section</a></code>, <code><a      href="#span0">span</a></code>, <code><a      href="#strong0">strong</a></code>     <td>Indicates that the element contains an error message, e.g. in an      error message to the user in an interactive application, or an error      notification in the report of a conformance checker.    <tr>     <td><code title=class-example><a href="#example1">example</a></code>     <td><code><a href="#aside0">aside</a></code>, <code><a      href="#figure0">figure</a></code>, <code><a href="#p0">p</a></code>,      <code><a href="#section0">section</a></code>, <code><a      href="#span0">span</a></code>     <td>Indicates that the element contains some sample material or a worked      example illustrating the neighboring content.    <tr>     <td><code title=class-issue><a href="#issue0">issue</a></code>     <td><code><a href="#aside0">aside</a></code>, <code><a      href="#p0">p</a></code>, <code><a href="#span0">span</a></code>     <td>Indicates that the element contains a point in dispute or a problem      with the neighboring content that needs resolving. (Thus, this is      typically only found in works-in-progress or drafts, not in completed      documents.)    <tr>     <td><code title=class-note><a href="#note0">note</a></code>     <td><code><a href="#aside0">aside</a></code>, <code><a      href="#p0">p</a></code>, <code><a href="#span0">span</a></code>     <td>Indicates that the element contains an explanatory note or      clarification.    <tr>     <td><code title=class-search><a href="#search1">search</a></code>     <td><code><a href="#aside0">aside</a></code>, <code><a      href="#body1">body</a></code>, <code>form</code>, <code><a      href="#p0">p</a></code>, <code><a href="#section0">section</a></code>,      <code><a href="#span0">span</a></code>     <td>Indicates that the element's primary purpose is to provide the user      with an interface to perform a search (e.g. of the site's pages or of a      database).    <tr>     <td><code title=class-warning><a href="#warning0">warning</a></code>     <td><code><a href="#article0">article</a></code>, <code><a      href="#aside0">aside</a></code>, <code><a      href="#body1">body</a></code>, <code><a      href="#figure0">figure</a></code>, <code><a href="#p0">p</a></code>,      <code><a href="#section0">section</a></code>, <code><a      href="#span0">span</a></code>, <code><a      href="#strong0">strong</a></code>     <td>Indicates that the element contains a warning or admonition.  </table>  <h6 id=class><span class=secno> </span>Class name "<dfn   id=copyright0 title=class-copyright><code>copyright</code></dfn>"</h6>  <p>The <code title=class-copyright><a   href="#copyright0">copyright</a></code> class name indicates that the   element contains the copyright for the document.  <p>It must only be used on the following elements: <code><a   href="#p0">p</a></code>, <code><a href="#span0">span</a></code>  <h6 id=class0><span class=secno> </span>Class name "<dfn   id=error0 title=class-error><code>error</code></dfn>"</h6>  <p>The <code title=class-error><a href="#error0">error</a></code> class   name indicates that the element contains an error message, e.g. in an   error message to the user in an interactive application, or an error   notification in the report of a conformance checker.  <p>It must only be used on the following elements: <code><a   href="#p0">p</a></code>, <code><a href="#section0">section</a></code>,   <code><a href="#span0">span</a></code>, <code><a   href="#strong0">strong</a></code>  <p>It cannot be used on the <code><a href="#body1">body</a></code> element;   if the whole document is an error message then the appropriate metadata   should be included at the network layer (e.g. with HTTP using the 4xx and   5xx status codes).  <h6 id=class1><span class=secno> </span>Class name "<dfn   id=example1 title=class-example><code>example</code></dfn>"</h6>  <p>The <code title=class-example><a href="#example1">example</a></code>   class name indicates that the element contains some sample material or a   worked example illustrating the neighboring content.  <p>It must only be used on the following elements: <code><a   href="#aside0">aside</a></code>, <code><a   href="#figure0">figure</a></code>, <code><a href="#p0">p</a></code>,   <code><a href="#span0">span</a></code>  <h6 id=class2><span class=secno> </span>Class name "<dfn   id=issue0 title=class-issue><code>issue</code></dfn>"</h6>  <p>The <code title=class-issue><a href="#issue0">issue</a></code> class   name indicates that the element contains a point in dispute or a problem   with the neighboring content that needs resolving. (Thus, this is   typically only found in works-in-progress or drafts, not in completed   documents.)  <p>It must only be used on the following elements: <code><a   href="#aside0">aside</a></code>, <code><a href="#p0">p</a></code>,   <code><a href="#span0">span</a></code>  <h6 id=class3><span class=secno> </span>Class name "<dfn id=note0   title=class-note><code>note</code></dfn>"</h6>  <p>The <code title=class-note><a href="#note0">note</a></code> class name   indicates that the element contains an explanatory note or clarification.  <p>It must only be used on the following elements: <code><a   href="#aside0">aside</a></code>, <code><a href="#p0">p</a></code>,   <code><a href="#span0">span</a></code>  <h6 id=class4><span class=secno> </span>Class name "<dfn   id=search1 title=class-search><code>search</code></dfn>"</h6>  <p>The <code title=class-search><a href="#search1">search</a></code> class   name indicates that the element's primary purpose is to provide the user   with an interface to perform a search (e.g. of the site's pages or of a   database).  <p>It must only be used on the following elements: <code><a   href="#aside0">aside</a></code>, <code><a href="#body1">body</a></code>,   <code>form</code>, <code><a href="#p0">p</a></code>, <code><a   href="#section0">section</a></code>, <code><a   href="#span0">span</a></code></p>  <!--  <p>A <code>form</code> element inside a <code>nav</code> element  must be treated by user agents as if it had a <code>search</code> class.</p>(but this musn't affect the DOM, or CSS, etc)-->  <h6 id=class5><span class=secno> </span>Class name "<dfn   id=warning0 title=class-warning><code>warning</code></dfn>"</h6>  <p>The <code title=class-warning><a href="#warning0">warning</a></code>   class name indicates that the element contains a warning or admonition.  <p>It must only be used on the following elements: <code><a   href="#article0">article</a></code>, <code><a   href="#aside0">aside</a></code>, <code><a href="#body1">body</a></code>,   <code><a href="#figure0">figure</a></code>, <code><a   href="#p0">p</a></code>, <code><a href="#section0">section</a></code>,   <code><a href="#span0">span</a></code>, <code><a   href="#strong0">strong</a></code>  <h5 id=other><span class=secno> </span>Other classes</h5>  <p><dfn id=extensions title=concept-class-extensions>Extensions to the   predefined set of class keywords</dfn> may be registered in the <a   href="http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/ClassExtensions">WHATWG Wiki   ClassExtensions page</a>.  <p>Anyone is free to edit the WHATWG Wiki ClassExtensions page at any time   to add a type. New classes must be specified with the following   information:  <dl>   <dt>Keyword   <dd>    <p>The actual class name being defined. The class name should not be     confusingly similar to any other defined class name (e.g. differing only     in case).   <dt>Applicable elements   <dd>    <p>A list of HTML elements to which the class applies, or one of the     following values:</p>    <dl>     <dt>Metadata elements     <dd>Meaning any element described as being a <a href="#metadata"      title="metadata elements">metadata element</a>.     <dt>Sectioning elements     <dd>Meaning any element described as being a <a href="#sectioning"      title="sectioning elements">sectioning element</a>.     <dt>Block-level elements     <dd>Meaning any element described as being a <a href="#block-level1"      title="block-level elements">block-level element</a>, but only when      that element is actually <a href="#determining2" title="Determining if      a particular element contains block-level elements or inline-level      content">being used</a> as a block-level element, and not, say, as a      structured inline-level element.     <dt>Strictly inline-level elements     <dd>Meaning any element described as being <a href="#strictly">strictly      inline-level content</a>.     <dt>Structured inline-level elements     <dd>Meaning any element described as being a <a href="#structured"      title="structured inline-level elements">structured inline-level      element</a>.     <dt>Interactive     <dd>Meaning any element described as being an <a href="#interactive3"      title="interactive elements">interactive element</a>.     <dt>Embedded content elements     <dd>Meaning any element described as being <a href="#embedded0">embedded      content</a>.     <dt>All elements     <dd>Meaning any element.    </dl>    <p>A document must not use a class defined in the Wiki on an element     other than the elements that the Wiki says that class name is allowed     on.</p>   <dt>Brief description   <dd>    <p>A short description of what the keyword's meaning is.   <dt>Link to more details   <dd>    <p>A link to a more detailed description of the keyword's semantics and     requirements. It could be another page on the Wiki, or a link to an     external page.   <dt>Synonyms   <dd>    <p>A list of other keyword values that have exactly the same processing     requirements. Authors should not use the values defined to be synonyms,     they are only intended to allow user agents to support legacy content.   <dt>Status   <dd>    <p>One of the following:</p>    <dl>     <dt>Proposal     <dd>The keyword has not received wide peer review and approval. Someone      has proposed it and is using it.     <dt>Accepted     <dd>The keyword has received wide peer review and approval. It has a      specification that unambiguously defines how to handle pages that use      the keyword, including when they use them in incorrect ways. Pages      should use the keyword to mark up the semantic that it describes.     <dt>Unendorsed     <dd>The keyword has received wide peer review and it has been found      wanting. Existing pages are using this keyword, but new pages should      avoid it. The "brief description" and "link to more details" entries      will give details of what authors should use instead.    </dl>    <p>If a keyword is added with the "proposal" status and found to be     redundant with existing values, it should be removed and listed as a     synonym for the existing value.</p>  </dl>  <p>Conformance checkers must use the information given on the WHATWG Wiki   ClassExtensions page to establish if a value not explicitly defined in   this specification is defined, and if so, whether it is being used on the   right elements. When an author uses a new class name not defined by either   this specification or the Wiki page, conformance checkers may offer to add   the value to the Wiki, with the details described above, with the   "proposal" status.  <p>This specification does not define how new values will get approved. It   is expected that the Wiki will have a community that addresses this.  <h3 id=interaction><span class=secno>3.5. </span><dfn   id=interaction2>Interaction</dfn></h3>  <!--ELEMENT           attribute long <span title="dom-tabindex">tabindex</span>;  void <span title="dom-click">click</span>();  void <span title="dom-focus">focus</span>();  void <span title="dom-blur">blur</span>();DOCUMENT  readonly attribute <span>Element</span> <span title="dom-document-activeElement">activeElement</span>;  readonly attribute boolean <span title="dom-document-hasFocus">hasFocus</span>;-->  <h4 id=activation><span class=secno>3.5.1. </span>Activation</h4>  <p>The <dfn id=click title=dom-click>click()</dfn> method must <a   href="#firing">fire a <code>click</code> event</a> at the element.  <h4 id=focus><span class=secno>3.5.2. </span>Focus</h4>  <p>When an element is <em>focused</em>, key events received by the document   must be targetted at that element. There is always an element focused; in   the absence of other elements being focused, the document's root element   is it.  <p>Which element within a document currently has focus is independent of   whether or not the document itself has the <em>system focus</em>.  <p>Some focusable elements might take part in <em>sequential focus   navigation</em>.  <h5 id=focus-management><span class=secno> </span>Focus management</h5>  <p>The <dfn id=focus0 title=dom-focus><code>focus()</code></dfn> and <dfn   id=blur title=dom-blur><code>blur()</code></dfn> methods must focus and   unfocus the element respectively, if the element is focusable.  <p class=big-issue>Well that clearly needs more.  <p>The <dfn id=activeelement   title=dom-document-activeElement><code>activeElement</code></dfn>   attribute must return the element in the document that has focus. If no   element specifically has focus, this must return the root element.  <p>The <dfn id=hasfocus   title=dom-document-hasFocus><code>hasFocus</code></dfn> attribute must   return true if the document, one of its nested <a href="#browsing"   title="browsing context">browsing contexts</a>, or any element in the   document or its browsing contexts currently has the system focus.  <h5 id=sequential><span class=secno> </span>Sequential focus   navigation</h5>  <p class=issue>This section on the <code>tabindex</code> attribute needs to   be checked for backwards-compatibility.  <p>The <dfn id=tabindex title=attr-tabindex><code>tabindex</code></dfn>   attribute specifies the relative order of elements for the purposes of   sequential focus navigation. The name "tab index" comes from the common   use of the "tab" key to navigate through the focusable elements. The term   "tabbing" refers to moving forward through the focusable elements.  <p>The <code title=attr-tabindex><a href="#tabindex">tabindex</a></code>   attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a <a   href="#valid0">valid integer</a>.  <p>If the attribute is specified, it must be parsed using the <a   href="#rules0">rules for parsing integers</a>. If parsing the value   returns an error, the attribute is ignored for the purposes of focus   management (as if it wasn't specified).  <p>A positive integer or zero specifies the index of the element in the   current scope's tab order. Elements with the same index are sorted in <a   href="#tree-order">tree order</a> for the purposes of tabbing.  <p id=negative-tabindex>A negative integer specifies that the element   should be removed from the tab order. If the element does normally take   focus, it may still be focused using other means (e.g. it could be focused   by a click).  <p>If the attribute is absent (or invalid), then the user agent must treat   the element as if it had the value 0 or the value -1, based on platform   conventions.  <p class=example>For example, a user agent might default   <code>textarea</code> elements to 0, and <code>button</code> elements to   -1, making text fields part of the tabbing cycle but buttons not.  <p>When an element that does not normally take focus (i.e. whose default   value would be -1) has the <code title=attr-tabindex><a   href="#tabindex">tabindex</a></code> attribute specified with a positive   value, then it should be added to the tab order and should be made   focusable. When focused, the element matches the CSS <code>:focus</code>   pseudo-class and key events are dispatched on that element in response to   keyboard input.  <p>The <dfn id=tabindex0 title=dom-tabIndex><code>tabIndex</code></dfn> DOM   attribute reflects the value of the <code title=attr-tabIndex><a   href="#tabindex">tabIndex</a></code> content attribute. If the attribute   is not present (or has an invalid value) then the DOM attribute must   return the UA's default value for that element, which will be either 0   (for elements in the tab order) or -1 (for elements not in the tab order).</p>  <!--XXX  <h5>The <dfn><code>DocumentFocus</code></dfn> interface</h5>  <p>The <code>DocumentFocus</code> interface contains methods for  moving focus around the document. It can be obtained from objects  that implement the <code>Document</code> interface using  binding-specific casting methods.</p>  <pre class="idl">interface <dfn>DocumentFocus</dfn> {  void moveFocusForward();  void moveFocusBackward();  void moveFocusUp();  void moveFocusRight();  void moveFocusDown();  void moveFocusLeft();};</pre>  <p>The <dfn><code>currentFocus</code></dfn> attribute returns the  element to which key events will be sent when the document receives  key events.</p>  <p>The <dfn><code>moveFocusForward</code></dfn> method uses the  <code>'nav-index'</code> property and the <code>tabindex</code>  attribute to find the next focusable element and focuses it.</p>  <p>The <dfn><code>moveFocusBackward</code></dfn> method uses the  <code>'nav-index'</code> property and the <code>tabindex</code>  attribute to find the previous focusable element and focuses  it.</p>  <p>The <dfn><code>moveFocusUp</code></dfn> method uses the  <code>'nav-up'</code> property and the <code>tabindex</code>  attribute to find an appropriate focusable element and focuses  it.</p>  <p>In a similar manner, the <dfn><code>moveFocusRight</code></dfn>,  <dfn><code>moveFocusDown</code></dfn>, and  <dfn><code>moveFocusLeft</code></dfn> methods use the  <code>'nav-right'</code>, <code>'nav-down'</code>, and  <code>'nav-left'</code> properties (respectively), and the  <code>tabindex</code> attribute, to find an appropriate focusable  element and focus it.</p>  <p>The <code>'nav-index'</code>, <code>'nav-up'</code>,  <code>'nav-right'</code>, <code>'nav-down'</code>, and  <code>'nav-left'</code> properties are defined in <a  href="#refsCSS3UI">[CSS3UI]</a>.</p>Other things to look at are IE's focus APIs (document.activeElement,document.hasFocus, HTMLElement.setActive(), onBeforeActivate,onActivate, onBeforeDeactivate, onDeactivate, document.hasFocus):   https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=296471   https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=296469   http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/dhtml/reference/properties/activeelement.asp   http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/dhtml/reference/methods/setactive.asp   http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/dhtml/reference/events/onbeforeactivate.asp   http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/dhtml/reference/methods/focus.asp-->  <h3 id=the-root><span class=secno>3.6. </span>The root element</h3>  <h4 id=the-html><span class=secno>3.6.1. </span>The <dfn   id=html0><code>html</code></dfn> element</h4>  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>As the root element of a document.   <dd>Wherever a subdocument fragment is allowed in a compound document.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>A <code><a href="#head0">head</a></code> element followed by a    <code><a href="#body1">body</a></code> element.</dd>   <!--XXXSteven Pemberton was as always, a remarkable speaker, but his answerto my question leaves me a very bad taste. Basically, I asked him whyXHTML2 preserves the useless head and body element. The answer was insubstance "because this is a compromise". Ah. So XHTML2 preserves twouseless elements that add potential dangers to the interpretation andstyling of documents because it's a compromise. Getting rid of headwould allow to attach directly the document's metadata to the rootelement of the document, making much more sense than a head element.Having a head element also preserves the ridiculousengraved-in-the-marble "head contents are not rendered". Body isdangerous because it's another box between the document and thecontents; you all have written a blog template with a <divclass="main"> or <div class="content">. Why do we also need a body? - http://www.glazman.org/weblog/dotclear/index.php?2005/05/27/1055-adam-2-->   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None (but see prose).   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#html0">html</a></code> element represents the root   of an HTML document.  <p>Though it has absolutely no effect and no meaning, the <code><a   href="#html0">html</a></code> element, in <a href="#html-">HTML   documents</a>, may have an <code title="">xmlns</code> attribute   specified, if, and only if, it has the exact value   "<code>http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml</code>". This does not apply to <a   href="#xml-documents">XML documents</a>.  <p class=note>In HTML, the <code title="">xmlns</code> attribute has   absolutely no effect. It is basically a talisman. It is allowed merely to   make migration to and from XHTML mildly easier. When parsed by an <a   href="#html-0">HTML parser</a>, the attribute ends up in the null   namespace, not the "<code>http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/</code>" namespace   like namespace declaration attributes in XML do.  <p class=note>In XML, an <code title="">xmlns</code> attribute is part of   the namespace declaration mechanism, and an element cannot actually have   an <code title="">xmlns</code> attribute in the null namespace specified.  <h3 id=document><span class=secno>3.7. </span>Document metadata</h3>  <p>Document metadata is represented by <dfn id=metadata>metadata   elements</dfn> in the document's <code><a href="#head0">head</a></code>   element.  <h4 id=the-head><span class=secno>3.7.1. </span>The <dfn   id=head0><code>head</code></dfn> element</h4>  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>As the first element in an <code><a href="#html0">html</a></code>    element.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>In any order, exactly one <code><a href="#title3">title</a></code>    element, optionally one <code><a href="#base0">base</a></code> element    (HTML only), and zero or more other <a href="#metadata">metadata    elements</a> (in particular, <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code>,    <code><a href="#meta1">meta</a></code>, <code><a    href="#style0">style</a></code>, and <code><a    href="#script2">script</a></code>).   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#head0">head</a></code> element collects the   document's metadata.  <h4 id=the-title0><span class=secno>3.7.2. </span>The <dfn   id=title3><code>title</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#metadata" title="metadata elements">Metadata element</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>In a <code><a href="#head0">head</a></code> element containing no    other <code><a href="#title3">title</a></code> elements.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>Text (for details, see prose).   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#title3">title</a></code> element represents the   document's title or name. Authors should use titles that identify their   documents even when they are used out of context, for example in a user's   history or bookmarks, or in search results. The document's title is often   different from its first header, since the first header does not have to   stand alone when taken out of context.  <div class=example>   <p>Here are some examples of appropriate titles, contrasted with the    top-level headers that might be used on those same pages.</p>   <pre>  AMPERSANDlt;title>Introduction to The Mating Rituals of BeesAMPERSANDlt;/title>    ...  AMPERSANDlt;h1>IntroductionAMPERSANDlt;/h1>  AMPERSANDlt;p>This companion guide to the highly successful  AMPERSANDlt;cite>Introduction to Medieval Bee-KeepingAMPERSANDlt;/cite> book is...</pre>   <p>The next page might be a part of the same site. Note how the title    describes the subject matter unambiguously, while the first header    assumes the reader knowns what the context is and therefore won't wonder    if the dances are Salsa or Waltz:</p>   <pre>  AMPERSANDlt;title>Dances used during bee mating ritualsAMPERSANDlt;/title>    ...  AMPERSANDlt;h1>The DancesAMPERSANDlt;/h1></pre>  </div>  <p>The <code><a href="#title3">title</a></code> element must not contain   any elements.  <p>The string to use as the document's title is given by the <code   title=dom-document-title><a   href="#document.title">document.title</a></code> DOM attribute. User   agents should use the document's title when referring to the document in   their user interface.  <h4 id=the-base><span class=secno>3.7.3. </span>The <dfn   id=base0><code>base</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#metadata" title="metadata elements">Metadata element</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>In a <code><a href="#head0">head</a></code> element, before any    elements that use relative URIs, and only if there are no other <code><a    href="#base0">base</a></code> elements anywhere in the document. Only in    <a href="#html-">HTML documents</a> (never in <a    href="#xml-documents">XML documents</a>).   <dt>Content model:   <dd>Empty.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd><code title=attr-base-href><a href="#href">href</a></code>   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>    <pre     class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmlbaseelement>HTMLBaseElement</dfn> : <a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a> {           attribute DOMString <a href="#href0" title=dom-base-href>href</a>;};</pre>  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#base0">base</a></code> element allows authors to   specify the document's base URI for the purposes of resolving relative   URIs.  <p>The <dfn id=href title=attr-base-href><code>href</code></dfn> content   attribute, if specified, must contain a URI (or IRI).  <p>User agents must use the value of the <code   title=att-base-href>href</code> attribute on the first <code><a   href="#base0">base</a></code> element in the document as the document   entity's base URI for the purposes of section 5.1.1 of RFC 2396   ("Establishing a Base URI": "Base URI within Document Content"). <a   href="#refsRFC2396">[RFC2396]</a> Note that this base URI from RFC 2396 is   referred to by the algorithm given in XML Base, which <a   href="#xmlBase">is a normative part of this specification</a>.  <p>If the base URI given by this attribute is a relative URI, it must be   resolved relative to the higher-level base URIs (i.e. the base URI from   the encapsulating entity or the URI used to retrieve the entity) to obtain   an absolute base URI.  <p>The <code title=attr-base-href><a href="#href">href</a></code> content   attribute must be reflected by the DOM <dfn id=href0   title=dom-base-href><code>href</code></dfn> attribute.  <p>Authors must not use the <code><a href="#base0">base</a></code> element   in <a href="#xml-documents">XML documents</a>. Authors should instead use   the <code>xml:base</code> attribute. <a href="#refsXMLBASE">[XMLBASE]</a>  <h4 id=the-link><span class=secno>3.7.4. </span>The <dfn   id=link0><code>link</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#metadata" title="metadata elements">Metadata element</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>In a <code><a href="#head0">head</a></code> element.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>Empty.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd><code title=attr-link-href><a href="#href1">href</a></code> (required)   <dd><code title=attr-link-rel><a href="#rel">rel</a></code> (required)   <dd><code title=attr-link-media><a href="#media">media</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-link-hreflang><a href="#hreflang">hreflang</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-link-type><a href="#type">type</a></code>   <dd>Also, the <code title=attr-link-title><a    href="#title4">title</a></code> attribute has special semantics on this    element.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>    <pre     class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmllinkelement>HTMLLinkElement</dfn> : <a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a> {           attribute boolean <a href="#disabled" title=dom-link-disabled>disabled</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#href2" title=dom-link-href>href</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#rel0" title=dom-link-rel>rel</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#media0" title=dom-link-media>media</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#hreflang0" title=dom-link-hreflang>hreflang</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#type0" title=dom-link-type>type</a>;};</pre>    <p>The <a     href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Style/stylesheets.html#StyleSheets-LinkStyle"><code>LinkStyle</code></a>     interface defined in DOM2 Style must also be implemented by this     element. <a href="#refsDOM2STYLE">[DOM2STYLE]</a></p>  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code> element allows authors to   indicate explicit relationships between their document and other   resources.  <p>The destination of the link is given by the <dfn id=href1   title=attr-link-href><code>href</code></dfn> attribute, which must be   present and must contain a URI (or IRI). If the <code   title=attr-link-href><a href="#href1">href</a></code> attribute is absent,   then the element does not define a link.  <p>The type of link indicated (the relationship) is given by the value of   the <dfn id=rel title=attr-link-rel><code>rel</code></dfn> attribute,   which must be present. The <a href="#linkTypes">allowed values and their   meanings</a> are defined in a later section. If the <code   title=attr-link-rel><a href="#rel">rel</a></code> attribute is absent, or   if the value used is not allowed according to the definitions in this   specification, then the element does not define a link.  <p>Two categories of links can be created using the <code><a   href="#link0">link</a></code> element. <dfn id=links1 title="external   resource link">Links to external resources</dfn> are links to resources   that are to be used to augment the current document, and <dfn   id=hyperlink0 title="hyperlink link">hyperlink links</dfn> are <a   href="#hyperlinks" title=hyperlink>links to other documents</a>. The <a   href="#linkTypes">link types section</a> defines whether a particular link   type is an external resource or a hyperlink. One element can create   multiple links (of which some might be external resource links and some   might be hyperlinks). User agents should process the links on a per-link   basis, not a per-element basis.  <p>The exact behaviour for links to external resources depends on the exact   relationship, as defined for the relevant link type. Some of the   attributes control whether or not the external resource is to be applied   (as defined below). For external resources that are represented in the DOM   (for example, style sheets), the DOM representation must be made available   even if the resource is not applied. (However, user agents may opt to only   fetch such resources when they are needed, instead of pro-actively   downloading all the external resources that are not applied.)  <p>Interactive user agents should provide users with a means to <a   href="#following1" title="following hyperlinks">follow the hyperlinks</a>   created using the <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code> element,   somewhere within their user interface. The exact interface is not defined   by this specification, but it should include the following information   (obtained from the element's attributes, again as defined below), in some   form or another (possibly simplified), for each hyperlink created with   each <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code> element in the document:  <ul><!-- the order here is the order that makes most sense for a UI -->   <li>The relationship between this document and the resource (given by the    <code title=attr-link-rel><a href="#rel">rel</a></code> attribute)   <li>The title of the resource (given by the <code title=attr-link-title><a    href="#title4">title</a></code> attribute).   <li>The URI of the resource (given by the <code title=attr-link-href><a    href="#href1">href</a></code> attribute).   <li>The language of the resource (given by the <code    title=attr-link-hreflang><a href="#hreflang">hreflang</a></code>    attribute).   <li>The optimum media for the resource (given by the <code    title=attr-link-media><a href="#media">media</a></code> attribute).  </ul>  <p>User agents may also include other information, such as the type of the   resource (as given by the <code title=attr-link-type><a   href="#type">type</a></code> attribute).  <p>The <dfn id=media title=attr-link-media><code>media</code></dfn>   attribute says which media the resource applies to. The value must be a   valid media query. <a href="#refsMQ">[MQ]</a>  <p>If the link is a <a href="#hyperlink0" title="hyperlink   link">hyperlink</a> then the <code title=attr-link-media><a   href="#media">media</a></code> attribute is purely advisory, and describes   for which media the document in question was designed.  <p>However, if the link is an <a href="#links1">external resource link</a>,   then the <code title=attr-link-media><a href="#media">media</a></code>   attribute is prescriptive. The user agent must only apply the external   resource to <span>views</span><!-- XXX xref --> while their state match   the listed media.  <p id=default-media>The default, if the <code title=attr-link-media><a   href="#media">media</a></code> attribute is omitted, is <code>all</code>,   meaning that by default links apply to all media.  <p>The <dfn id=hreflang   title=attr-link-hreflang><code>hreflang</code></dfn> attribute on the   <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code> element has the same semantics as   the <a href="#hreflang3"   title=attr-hyperlink-hreflang><code>hreflang</code> attribute on hyperlink   elements</a>.</p>  <!-- XXX type attribute parsing and semantics should be factored out  as much as possible into a microsyntax -->  <p>The <dfn id=type title=attr-link-type><code>type</code></dfn> attribute   gives the MIME type of the linked resource. It is purely advisory. The   value must be a valid MIME type, optionally with parameters. <a   href="#refsRFC2046">[RFC2046]</a>  <p>For <a href="#links1" title="external resource link">external resource   links</a>, user agents may use the type given in this attribute to decide   whether or not to consider using the resource at all. If the UA does not   support the given MIME type for the given link relationship, then the UA   may opt not to download and apply the resource.  <p>User agents must not consider the <code title=attr-link-type><a   href="#type">type</a></code> attribute authoritative AMPERSANDmdash; upon fetching   the resource, user agents must only use the <a href="#content-type1"   title=Content-Type>Content-Type information associated with the   resource</a> to determine its type, not metadata included in the link to   the resource.  <p>If the attribute is omitted, then the UA must fetch the resource to   determine its type and thus determine if it supports (and can apply) that   external resource.  <div class=example>   <p>If a document contains three style sheet links labelled as follows:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;link rel="stylesheet" href="A" type="text/css"AMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;link rel="stylesheet" href="B" type="text/plain"AMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;link rel="stylesheet" href="C"AMPERSANDgt;</pre>   <p>...then a compliant UA that supported only CSS style sheets would fetch    the A and C files, and skip the B file (since <code>text/plain</code> is    not the MIME type for CSS style sheets). For these two files, it would    then check the actual types returned by the UA. For those that are sent    as <code>text/css</code>, it would apply the styles, but for those    labelled as <code>text/plain</code>, or any other type, it would not.</p>  </div>  <!--(to be deleted) (charset dropped)  <p>The <dfn title="attr-link-charset"><code>charset</code></dfn>  attribute gives the character encoding of the linked resource. It is  purely advisory. The value must be a valid character encoding name.  <a href="#refsIANACHARSET">[IANACHARSET]</a></p>  <p>For <span title="external resource link">external resource  links</span>, user agents may use the character encoding given in  this attribute to decide whether or not to consider using the  resource at all. If the UA does not support the given encoding for  the given link relationship, then the UA may opt not to download and  apply the resource.</p>  <p>However, once the resource has been fetched, user agents must  follow the rules for that resource type when determining the actual  character encoding.</p>-->  <p>The <dfn id=title4 title=attr-link-title><code>title</code></dfn>   attribute gives the title of the link. With one exception, it is purely   advisory. The value is text. The exception is for style sheet links, where   the <code title=attr-link-title><a href="#title4">title</a></code>   attribute defines <a href="#stylesheetTitle">alternate style sheet   sets</a>.</p>  <!-- XXX xref -->  <p class=note>The <code title=attr-link-title><a   href="#title4">title</a></code> attribute on <code><a   href="#link0">link</a></code> elements differs from the global <code   title=attr-title><a href="#title1">title</a></code> attribute of most   other elements in that a link without a title does not inherit the title   of the parent element: it merely has no title.  <p>Some versions of HTTP defined a <code title="">Link:</code> header, to   be processed like a series of <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code>   elements. When processing links, those must be taken into consideration as   well. For the purposes of ordering, links defined by HTTP headers must be   assumed to come before any links in the document, in the order that they   were given in the HTTP entity header. Relative URIs in these headers must   be resolved according to the rules given in HTTP, not relative to base   URIs set by the document (e.g. using a <code><a   href="#base0">base</a></code> element or <code>xml:base</code>   attributes). <a href="#refsRFC2616">[RFC2616]</a> <a   href="#refsRFC2068">[RFC2068]</a>  <p>The DOM attributes <dfn id=href2   title=dom-link-href><code>href</code></dfn>, <dfn id=rel0   title=dom-link-rel><code>rel</code></dfn>, <dfn id=media0   title=dom-link-media><code>media</code></dfn>, <dfn id=hreflang0   title=dom-link-hreflang><code>hreflang</code></dfn>, and <dfn id=type0   title=dom-link-type><code>type</code></dfn> each must <a   href="#reflect">reflect</a> the respective content attributes of the same   name.  <p>The DOM attribute <dfn id=disabled   title=dom-link-disabled><code>disabled</code></dfn> only applies to style   sheet links. When the <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code> element   defines a style sheet link, then the <code title=dom-link-disabled><a   href="#disabled">disabled</a></code> attribute behaves as defined <a   href="#stylesheetDisabled">for the alternate style sheets DOM</a>. For all   other <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code> elements it must always   return false and must do nothing on setting.</p>  <!-- XXX xref -->  <h4 id=meta><span class=secno>3.7.5. </span>The <dfn   id=meta1><code>meta</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#metadata" title="metadata elements">Metadata element</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>In a <code><a href="#head0">head</a></code> element.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>Empty.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd><code title=attr-meta-name><a href="#name">name</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-meta-http-equiv><a    href="#http-equiv">http-equiv</a></code> (HTML only, optional)   <dd><code title=attr-meta-content><a href="#content0">content</a></code>   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>    <pre     class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmlmetaelement>HTMLMetaElement</dfn> : <a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a> {           attribute DOMString <a href="#content1" title=dom-meta-content>content</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#name0" title=dom-meta-name>name</a>;};</pre>  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#meta1">meta</a></code> element allows authors to   specify document metadata that cannot be expressed using the <code><a   href="#title3">title</a></code>, <code><a href="#base0">base</a></code>,   <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code>, <code><a   href="#style0">style</a></code>, and <code><a   href="#script2">script</a></code> elements. The metadata is expressed in   terms of name/value pairs: the <dfn id=name   title=attr-meta-name><code>name</code></dfn> attribute on the <code><a   href="#meta1">meta</a></code> element gives the name, and the <dfn   id=content0 title=attr-meta-content><code>content</code></dfn> attribute   on the same element gives the value.  <p>If a <code><a href="#meta1">meta</a></code> element has no <code   title=attr-meta-name><a href="#name">name</a></code> attribute, it does   not set document metadata. If a <code><a href="#meta1">meta</a></code>   element has no <code title=attr-meta-content><a   href="#content0">content</a></code> attribute, then the value part of the   metadata name/value pair is the empty string.  <p>The value must not be a URI. Links must be represented using the   <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code> element, not the <code><a   href="#meta1">meta</a></code> element.  <p>The DOM attributes <dfn id=name0   title=dom-meta-name><code>name</code></dfn> and <dfn id=content1   title=dom-meta-content><code>content</code></dfn> must <a   href="#reflect">reflect</a> the respective content attributes of the same   name.  <h5 id=standard><span class=secno> </span>Standard metadata names</h5>  <p>This specification defines a few names for the <code   title=attr-meta-name><a href="#name">name</a></code> attribute of the   <code><a href="#meta1">meta</a></code> element.  <dl>   <dt><dfn id=generator title=meta-generator>generator</dfn>   <dd>The value must be a free-form string that identifies the software used    to generate the document. This value must not be used on hand-authored    pages.  </dl>  <h5 id=other0><span class=secno> </span>Other metadata names</h5>  <p><dfn id=extensions0 title=concept-class-extensions>Extensions to the   predefined set of metadata names</dfn> may be registered in the <a   href="http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/MetaExtensions">WHATWG Wiki   MetaExtensions page</a>.  <p>Anyone is free to edit the WHATWG Wiki MetaExtensions page at any time   to add a type. These new names must be specified with the following   information:  <dl>   <dt>Keyword   <dd>    <p>The actual name being defined. The name should not be confusingly     similar to any other defined name (e.g. differing only in case).   <dt>Brief description   <dd>    <p>A short description of what the metadata name's meaning is, including     the format the value is required to be in.   <dt>Link to more details   <dd>A link to a more detailed description of the metadata name's semantics    and requirements. It could be another page on the Wiki, or a link to an    external page.   <dt>Synonyms   <dd>    <p>A list of other names that have exactly the same processing     requirements. Authors should not use the names defined to be synonyms,     they are only intended to allow user agents to support legacy content.   <dt>Status   <dd>    <p>One of the following:</p>    <dl>     <dt>Proposal     <dd>The name has not received wide peer review and approval. Someone has      proposed it and is using it.     <dt>Accepted     <dd>The name has received wide peer review and approval. It has a      specification that unambiguously defines how to handle pages that use      the name, including when they use it in incorrect ways.     <dt>Unendorsed     <dd>The metadata name has received wide peer review and it has been      found wanting. Existing pages are using this keyword, but new pages      should avoid it. The "brief description" and "link to more details"      entries will give details of what authors should use instead, if      anything.    </dl>    <p>If a metadata name is added with the "proposal" status and found to be     redundant with existing values, it should be removed and listed as a     synonym for the existing value.</p>  </dl>  <p>Conformance checkers must use the information given on the WHATWG Wiki   MetaExtensions page to establish if a value not explicitly defined in this   specification is allowed or not. When an author uses a new type not   defined by either this specification or the Wiki page, conformance   checkers should offer to add the value to the Wiki, with the details   described above, with the "proposal" status.  <p>This specification does not define how new values will get approved. It   is expected that the Wiki will have a community that addresses this.  <h5 id=charset><span class=secno> </span>Specifying and   establishing the document's character encoding</h5>  <p>The <code><a href="#meta1">meta</a></code> element may also be used, in   HTML only (not in XHTML) to provide UAs with character encoding   information for the file. To do this, the <code><a   href="#meta1">meta</a></code> element must be the first element in the   <code><a href="#head0">head</a></code> element, it must have the <dfn   id=http-equiv title=attr-meta-http-equiv><code>http-equiv</code></dfn>   attribute set to the literal value <code title="">Content-Type</code>, and   must have the <code title=attr-meta-content><a   href="#content0">content</a></code> attribute set to the literal value   <code>text/html; charset=</code> immediately followed by the character   encoding, which must be a valid character encoding name. <a   href="#refsIANACHARSET">[IANACHARSET]</a> <!-- XXX  http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets -->   When the <code><a href="#meta1">meta</a></code> element is used in this   way, there must be no other attributes set on the element, and the   <code>http-equiv</code> attribute must be listed first in the source.   Other than for giving the document's character encoding in this way, the   <code title=attr-meta-http-equiv><a   href="#http-equiv">http-equiv</a></code> attribute must not be used.  <p class=big-issue>We should allow those strings to be case-insensitive,   and for zero-or-more spaces where we currently require just one.  <p>In XHTML, the XML declaration should be used for inline character   encoding information, if necessary.  <p>Authors should avoid including inline character encoding information.   Character encoding information should instead be included at the transport   level (e.g. using the HTTP <code title="">Content-Type</code> header).</p>  <!-- XXX should we remove  this paragraph? Experts disagree on this. -->  <h4 id=the-style><span class=secno>3.7.6. </span>The <dfn   id=style0><code>style</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#metadata" title="metadata elements">Metadata element</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>In a <code><a href="#head0">head</a></code> element.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>Depends on the value of the <code title=attr-style-type><a    href="#type1">type</a></code> attribute.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd><code title=attr-style-media><a href="#media1">media</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-style-type><a href="#type1">type</a></code>   <dd>Also, the <code title=attr-style-title><a    href="#title5">title</a></code> attribute has special semantics on this    element.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>    <pre     class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmlstyleelement>HTMLStyleElement</dfn> : <a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a> {           attribute boolean <code title=dom-style-disabled><a href="#disabled0">disabled</a></code>;           attribute DOMString <code title=dom-style-media><a href="#media2">media</a></code>;           attribute DOMString <code title=dom-style-type><a href="#type2">type</a></code>;};</pre>    <p>The <a     href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Style/stylesheets.html#StyleSheets-LinkStyle"><code>LinkStyle</code></a>     interface defined in DOM2 Style must also be implemented by this     element. <a href="#refsDOM2STYLE">[DOM2STYLE]</a></p>  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#style0">style</a></code> element allows authors to   embed style information in their documents.</p>  <!-- XXX again, extract type out as a microsyntax -->  <p>If the <dfn id=type1 title=attr-style-type><code>type</code></dfn>   attribute is given, it must contain a MIME type, optionally with   parameters, that designates a styling language. <a   href="#refsRFC2046">[RFC2046]</a> If the attribute is absent, the type   defaults to <code>text/css</code>. <a href="#refsRFC2318">[RFC2138]</a>  <p>If the UA supports the given styling language, then the UA must use the   given styles as appropriate for that language.</p>  <!-- XXX this is the second time we have this paragraph here... -->  <p>When examining types to determine if they support the language, user   agents must not ignore unknown MIME parameters AMPERSANDmdash; types with unknown   parameters must be assumed to be unsupported.  <p>The <dfn id=media1 title=attr-style-media><code>media</code></dfn>   attribute says which media the styles apply to. The value must be a valid   media query. <a href="#refsMQ">[MQ]</a> User agents must only apply the   styles to <a href="#views">views</a> while their state match the listed   media.  <p id=style-default-media>The default, if the <code   title=attr-style-media><a href="#media1">media</a></code> attribute is   omitted, is <code>all</code>, meaning that by default styles apply to all   media.  <p id=title-on-style>The <dfn id=title5   title=attr-style-title><code>title</code></dfn> attribute on <code><a   href="#style0">style</a></code> elements <a   href="#stylesheetTitle">defines alternate style sheet sets</a>. If the   <code><a href="#style0">style</a></code> element has no <code   title=attr-style-title><a href="#title5">title</a></code> attribute, then   it has no title; the <code title=attr-title><a   href="#title1">title</a></code> attribute of ancestors does not apply to   the <code><a href="#style0">style</a></code> element.</p>  <!-- XXX xref -->  <p class=note>The <code title=attr-style-title><a   href="#title5">title</a></code> attribute on <code><a   href="#style0">style</a></code> elements, like the <code   title=attr-link-title><a href="#title4">title</a></code> attribute on   <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code> elements, differs from the global   <code title=attr-title><a href="#title1">title</a></code> attribute in   that a <code><a href="#style0">style</a></code> block without a title does   not inherit the title of the parent element: it merely has no title.  <p>All descendant elements must be processed, according to their semantics,   before the <code><a href="#style0">style</a></code> element itself is   evaluated. For styling languages that consist of pure text, user agents   must evaluate <code><a href="#style0">style</a></code> elements by passing   the concatenation of the contents of all the <a href="#text-node"   title="text node">text nodes</a> that are direct children of the <code><a   href="#style0">style</a></code> element (not any other nodes such as   comments or elements), in <a href="#tree-order">tree order</a>, to the   style system. For XML-based styling languages, user agents must pass all   the children nodes of the <code><a href="#style0">style</a></code> element   to the style system.  <p class=note>This specification does not specify a style system, but CSS   is expected to be supported by most Web browsers. <a   href="#refsCSS21">[CSS21]</a>  <p>The DOM attributes <dfn id=media2   title=dom-style-media><code>media</code></dfn> and <dfn id=type2   title=dom-style-type><code>type</code></dfn> each must <a   href="#reflect">reflect</a> the respective content attributes of the same   name.  <p>The DOM <dfn id=disabled0   title=dom-style-disabled><code>disabled</code></dfn> attribute behaves as   defined <a href="#stylesheetDisabled">for the alternate style sheets   DOM</a>. <!-- XXX xref -->  <h3 id=sections><span class=secno>3.8. </span>Sections</h3>  <p><dfn id=sectioning>Sectioning elements</dfn> are elements that divide   the page into, for lack of a better word, sections. This section describes   HTML's sectioning elements and elements that support them.  <p id=applyToSection>Some elements are scoped to their nearest ancestor   sectioning element. For example, <code><a   href="#address0">address</a></code> elements apply just to their section.   For such elements <var title="">x</var>, the elements that apply to a   sectioning element <var title="">e</var> are all the <var title="">x</var>   elements whose nearest sectioning element is <var title="">e</var>.  <h4 id=the-body><span class=secno>3.8.1. </span>The <dfn   id=body1><code>body</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#sectioning" title="sectioning elements">Sectioning   element</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>As the second element in an <code><a href="#html0">html</a></code>    element.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>Zero or more <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a>.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd><code title=class-search><a href="#search1">search</a></code>, <code    title=class-warning><a href="#warning0">warning</a></code>   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#body1">body</a></code> element represents the main   content of the document.  <p>The <code><a href="#body1">body</a></code> element potentially has a   heading. See the section on <a href="#headings1">headings and sections</a>   for further details.  <p>In conforming documents, there is only one <code><a   href="#body1">body</a></code> element. The <code   title=dom-document-body><a href="#body0">document.body</a></code> DOM   attribute provides scripts with easy access to a document's <code><a   href="#body1">body</a></code> element.  <p class=note>Some DOM operations (for example, parts of the <a   href="#drag-and0">drag and drop</a> model) are defined in terms of "<a   href="#the-body0">the body element</a>". This refers to a particular   element in the DOM, as per the definition of the term, and not any   arbitrary <code><a href="#body1">body</a></code> element.  <h4 id=the-section><span class=secno>3.8.2. </span>The <dfn   id=section0><code>section</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#sectioning" title="sectioning elements">Sectioning</a> <a   href="#block-level1" title="block-level elements">block-level element</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a> are expected.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>Zero or more <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a>.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd><code title=class-error><a href="#error0">error</a></code>, <code    title=class-example><a href="#example1">example</a></code>, <code    title=class-search><a href="#search1">search</a></code>, <code    title=class-warning><a href="#warning0">warning</a></code>   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#section0">section</a></code> element represents a   generic document or application section. A section, in this context, is a   thematic grouping of content, typically with a header, possibly with a   footer.  <p class=example>Examples of sections would be chapters, the various tabbed   pages in a tabbed dialog box, or the numbered sections of a thesis. A Web   site's home page could be split into sections for an introduction, news   items, contact information.  <p>Each <code><a href="#section0">section</a></code> element potentially   has a heading. See the section on <a href="#headings1">headings and   sections</a> for further details.  <h4 id=the-nav><span class=secno>3.8.3. </span>The <dfn   id=nav0><code>nav</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#sectioning" title="sectioning elements">Sectioning</a> <a   href="#block-level1" title="block-level elements">block-level element</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a> are expected.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>Zero or more <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a>, or <a    href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a> (but not both).   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#nav0">nav</a></code> element represents a section of   a page that links to other pages or to parts within the page: a section   with navigation links.  <p>When <a href="#determining2" title="Determining if a particular element   contains block-level elements or inline-level content">used as an   inline-level content</a> container, the element represents a <a   href="#paragraph">paragraph</a>.  <p>Each <code><a href="#nav0">nav</a></code> element potentially has a   heading. See the section on <a href="#headings1">headings and sections</a>   for further details.  <h4 id=the-article><span class=secno>3.8.4. </span>The <dfn   id=article0><code>article</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#sectioning" title="sectioning elements">Sectioning</a> <a   href="#block-level1" title="block-level elements">block-level element</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a> are expected.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>Zero or more <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a>.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.</dd>   <!--XXX attributes to give the date authored, date published-->   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd><code title=class-warning><a href="#warning0">warning</a></code>   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#article0">article</a></code> element represents a   section of a page that consists of a composition that forms an independent   part of a document, page, or site. This could be a forum post, a magazine   or newspaper article, a Web log entry, a user-submitted comment, or any   other independent item of content.  <p class=note>An <code><a href="#article0">article</a></code> element is   "independent" in that its contents could stand alone, for example in   syndication. However, the element is still associated with its ancestors;   for instance, contact information that <a   href="#applyToSection">applies</a> to a parent <code><a   href="#body1">body</a></code> element still covers the <code><a   href="#article0">article</a></code> as well.  <p>When <code><a href="#article0">article</a></code> elements are nested,   the inner <code><a href="#article0">article</a></code> elements represent   articles that are in principle related to the contents of the outer   article. For instance, a Web log entry on a site that accepts   user-submitted comments could represent the comments as <code><a   href="#article0">article</a></code> elements nested within the <code><a   href="#article0">article</a></code> element for the Web log entry.  <p>Author information associated with an <code><a   href="#article0">article</a></code> element (q.v. the <code><a   href="#address0">address</a></code> element) does not apply to nested   <code><a href="#article0">article</a></code> elements.  <p>Each <code><a href="#article0">article</a></code> element potentially   has a heading. See the section on <a href="#headings1">headings and   sections</a> for further details.  <h4 id=the-blockquote><span class=secno>3.8.5. </span>The <dfn   id=blockquote0><code>blockquote</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#sectioning" title="sectioning elements">Sectioning</a> <a   href="#block-level1" title="block-level elements">block-level element</a>,   and <a href="#structured" title="structured inline-level   elements">structured inline-level element</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a> are expected.   <dd>Where <a href="#structured">structured inline-level elements</a> are    allowed.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>Zero or more <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a>.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd><code title=attr-blockquote-cite><a href="#cite0">cite</a></code>   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>    <pre     class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmlquoteelement>HTMLQuoteElement</dfn> : <a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a> {           attribute DOMString <a href="#cite1" title=dom-quote-cite>cite</a>;};</pre>    <p class=note>The <code><a     href="#htmlquoteelement">HTMLQuoteElement</a></code> interface is also     used by the <code><a href="#q0">q</a></code> element.</p>  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#blockquote0">blockquote</a></code> element   represents a section that is quoted from another source.  <p>Content inside a <code><a href="#blockquote0">blockquote</a></code> must   be quoted from another source, whose URI, if it has one, should be cited   in the <dfn id=cite0 title=attr-blockquote-cite><code>cite</code></dfn>   attribute.  <p>If the <code title=attr-blockquote-cite><a href="#cite0">cite</a></code>   attribute is present, it must be a URI (or IRI). User agents should allow   users to follow such citation links.  <p>If a <code><a href="#blockquote0">blockquote</a></code> element is <a   href="#preceeded">preceeded or followed</a> by a <code><a   href="#p0">p</a></code> element that contains a single <code><a   href="#cite3">cite</a></code> element and is itself not <a   href="#preceeded">preceeded or followed</a> by another <code><a   href="#blockquote0">blockquote</a></code> element and does not itself have   a <code><a href="#q0">q</a></code> element descendant, then, the citation   given by that <code><a href="#cite3">cite</a></code> element gives the   source of the quotation contained in the <code><a   href="#blockquote0">blockquote</a></code> element.  <p>Each <code><a href="#blockquote0">blockquote</a></code> element   potentially has a heading. See the section on <a   href="#headings1">headings and sections</a> for further details.  <p>The <dfn id=cite1 title=dom-quote-cite><code>cite</code></dfn> DOM   attribute <code>reflects</code> the element's <code title="">cite</code>   content attribte.  <p class=note>The best way to represent a conversation is not with the   <code><a href="#cite3">cite</a></code> and <code><a   href="#blockquote0">blockquote</a></code> elements, but with the <code><a   href="#dialog0">dialog</a></code> element.  <h4 id=the-aside><span class=secno>3.8.6. </span>The <dfn   id=aside0><code>aside</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#sectioning" title="sectioning elements">Sectioning</a> <a   href="#block-level1" title="block-level elements">block-level element</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a> are expected.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>Zero or more <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a>, or <a    href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a> (but not both).   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd><code title=class-example><a href="#example1">example</a></code>,    <code title=class-issue><a href="#issue0">issue</a></code>, <code    title=class-note><a href="#note0">note</a></code>, <code    title=class-search><a href="#search1">search</a></code>, <code    title=class-warning><a href="#warning0">warning</a></code>   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#aside0">aside</a></code> element represents a   section of a page that consists of content that is tangentially related to   the content around the <code><a href="#aside0">aside</a></code> element,   and which could be considered separate from that content. Such sections   are often represented as sidebars in printed typography.  <p>When <a href="#determining2" title="Determining if a particular element   contains block-level elements or inline-level content">used as an   inline-level content</a> container, the element represents a <a   href="#paragraph">paragraph</a>.  <p>Each <code><a href="#aside0">aside</a></code> element potentially has a   heading. See the section on <a href="#headings1">headings and sections</a>   for further details.  <h4 id=the-h1><span class=secno>3.8.7. </span>The <dfn   id=h10><code>h1</code></dfn>, <dfn id=h20><code>h2</code></dfn>, <dfn   id=h30><code>h3</code></dfn>, <dfn id=h40><code>h4</code></dfn>, <dfn   id=h50><code>h5</code></dfn>, and <dfn id=h60><code>h6</code></dfn>   elements</h4>  <p><a href="#block-level1">Block-level elements</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which these elements may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a> are expected.   <dt>Content model:   <dd><a href="#significant" title="significant inline    content">Significant</a> <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level    content</a>.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>These elements define headers for their sections.  <p>The semantics and meaning of these elements are defined in the section   on <a href="#headings1">headings and sections</a>.  <p>These elements have a <dfn id=rank>rank</dfn> given by the number in   their name. The <code><a href="#h10">h1</a></code> element is said to have   the highest rank, the <code><a href="#h60">h6</a></code> element has the   lowest rank, and two elements with the same name have equal rank.  <p>These elements must not be <a href="#significant" title="significant   inline content">empty</a>.  <h4 id=the-header><span class=secno>3.8.8. </span>The <dfn   id=header0><code>header</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#block-level1" title="block-level elements">Block-level   element</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a> are expected    and there are no <code><a href="#header0">header</a></code> ancestors.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>Zero or more <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a>,    including at least one descendant <code><a href="#h10">h1</a></code>,    <code><a href="#h20">h2</a></code>, <code><a href="#h30">h3</a></code>,    <code><a href="#h40">h4</a></code>, <code><a href="#h50">h5</a></code>,    or <code><a href="#h60">h6</a></code> element, but no <span>sectioning    element</span> descendants, no <code><a href="#header0">header</a></code>    element descendants, and no <code><a href="#footer0">footer</a></code>    element descendants.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#header0">header</a></code> element represents the   header of a section. Headers may contain more than just the section's   heading AMPERSANDmdash; for example it would be reasonable for the header to   include version history information.  <p><code><a href="#header0">header</a></code> elements must not contain any   <code><a href="#header0">header</a></code> elements, <code><a   href="#footer0">footer</a></code> elements, or any sectioning elements   (such as <code><a href="#section0">section</a></code>) as descendants.  <p><code><a href="#header0">header</a></code> elements must have at least   one <code><a href="#h10">h1</a></code>, <code><a   href="#h20">h2</a></code>, <code><a href="#h30">h3</a></code>, <code><a   href="#h40">h4</a></code>, <code><a href="#h50">h5</a></code>, or <code><a   href="#h60">h6</a></code> element as a descendant.  <p>For the purposes of document summaries, outlines, and the like, <code><a   href="#header0">header</a></code> elements are equivalent to the highest   <a href="#rank" title=rank>ranked</a> <code><a   href="#h10">h1</a></code>-<code><a href="#h60">h6</a></code> element   descendant (the first such element if there are multiple elements with   that <a href="#rank">rank</a>).  <p>Other heading elements indicate subheadings or subtitles.  <div class=example>   <p>Here are some examples of valid headers. In each case, the emphasised    text represents the text that would be used as the header in an    application extracting header data and ignoring subheadings.</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;headerAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;h1AMPERSANDgt;<strong>The reality dysfunction</strong>AMPERSANDlt;/h1AMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;h2AMPERSANDgt;Space is not the only voidAMPERSANDlt;/h2AMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/headerAMPERSANDgt;</pre>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;headerAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;pAMPERSANDgt;Welcome to...AMPERSANDlt;/pAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;h1AMPERSANDgt;<strong>Voidwars!</strong>AMPERSANDlt;/h1AMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/headerAMPERSANDgt;</pre>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;headerAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;h1AMPERSANDgt;<strong>Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.2</strong>AMPERSANDlt;/h1AMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;h2AMPERSANDgt;W3C Working Draft 27 October 2004AMPERSANDlt;/h2AMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;dlAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;dtAMPERSANDgt;This version:AMPERSANDlt;/dtAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;ddAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/WD-SVG12-20041027/"AMPERSANDgt;http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/WD-SVG12-20041027/AMPERSANDlt;/aAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/ddAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;dtAMPERSANDgt;Previous version:AMPERSANDlt;/dtAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;ddAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/WD-SVG12-20040510/"AMPERSANDgt;http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/WD-SVG12-20040510/AMPERSANDlt;/aAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/ddAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;dtAMPERSANDgt;Latest version of SVG 1.2:AMPERSANDlt;/dtAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;ddAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG12/"AMPERSANDgt;http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG12/AMPERSANDlt;/aAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/ddAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;dtAMPERSANDgt;Latest SVG Recommendation:AMPERSANDlt;/dtAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;ddAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/"AMPERSANDgt;http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/AMPERSANDlt;/aAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/ddAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;dtAMPERSANDgt;Editor:AMPERSANDlt;/dtAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;ddAMPERSANDgt;Dean Jackson, W3C, AMPERSANDlt;a href="mailto:dean@w3.org"AMPERSANDgt;dean@w3.orgAMPERSANDlt;/aAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/ddAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;dtAMPERSANDgt;Authors:AMPERSANDlt;/dtAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;ddAMPERSANDgt;See AMPERSANDlt;a href="#authors"AMPERSANDgt;Author ListAMPERSANDlt;/aAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/ddAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;/dlAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;p class="copyright"AMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;a href="http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/ipr-notic <em>...</em>AMPERSANDlt;/headerAMPERSANDgt;</pre>  </div>  <p>The section on <a href="#headings1">headings and sections</a> defines   how <code><a href="#header0">header</a></code> elements are assigned to   individual sections.  <p>The <a href="#rank">rank</a> of a <code><a   href="#header0">header</a></code> element is the same as for an <code><a   href="#h10">h1</a></code> element (the highest rank).  <h4 id=the-footer><span class=secno>3.8.9. </span>The <dfn   id=footer0><code>footer</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#block-level1" title="block-level elements">Block-level   element</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a> are expected.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>Either zero or more <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a>,    but with no <code><a href="#h10">h1</a></code>, <code><a    href="#h20">h2</a></code>, <code><a href="#h30">h3</a></code>, <code><a    href="#h40">h4</a></code>, <code><a href="#h50">h5</a></code>, <code><a    href="#h60">h6</a></code>, <code><a href="#header0">header</a></code>, or    <code><a href="#footer0">footer</a></code> elements as descendants, and    with no <a href="#sectioning" title="sectioning elements">sectioning    elements</a> as descendants; or, <a href="#inline-level1">inline-level    content</a> (but not both).   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#footer0">footer</a></code> element represents the   footer for the section it <a href="#applyToSection">applies</a> to. A   footer typically contains information about its section such as who wrote   it, links to related documents, copyright data, and the like.  <p><code><a href="#footer0">footer</a></code> elements must not contain any   <code><a href="#footer0">footer</a></code>, <code><a   href="#header0">header</a></code>, <code><a href="#h10">h1</a></code>,   <code><a href="#h20">h2</a></code>, <code><a href="#h30">h3</a></code>,   <code><a href="#h40">h4</a></code>, <code><a href="#h50">h5</a></code>, or   <code><a href="#h60">h6</a></code> elements, or any of the sectioning   elements (such as <code><a href="#section0">section</a></code>), as   descendants.  <p>When <a href="#determining2" title="Determining if a particular element   contains block-level elements or inline-level content">used as an   inline-level content</a> container, the element represents a <a   href="#paragraph">paragraph</a>.  <p>Contact information for the section given in a <code><a   href="#footer0">footer</a></code> should be marked up using the <code><a   href="#address0">address</a></code> element.</p>  <!-- XXX examples needed -->  <h4 id=the-address><span class=secno>3.8.10. </span>The <dfn   id=address0><code>address</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#block-level1" title="block-level elements">Block-level   element</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a> are expected.   <dt>Content model:   <dd><a href="#inline-level1">Inline-level content</a>.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#address0">address</a></code> element represents a <a   href="#paragraph">paragraph</a> of contact information for the section it   <a href="#applyToSection">applies</a> to.  <div class=example>   <p>For example, a page at the W3C Web site related to HTML might include    the following contact information:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;ADDRESS> AMPERSANDlt;A href="../People/Raggett/">Dave RaggettAMPERSANDlt;/A>,  AMPERSANDlt;A href="../People/Arnaud/">Arnaud Le HorsAMPERSANDlt;/A>,  contact persons for the AMPERSANDlt;A href="Activity">W3C HTML ActivityAMPERSANDlt;/A>AMPERSANDlt;/ADDRESS></pre>  </div>  <p>The <code><a href="#address0">address</a></code> element must not be   used to represent arbitrary addresses (e.g. postal addresses), unless   those addresses are contact information for the section. (The <code><a   href="#p0">p</a></code> element is the appropriate element for marking up   such addresses.)  <p>The <code><a href="#address0">address</a></code> element must not   contain information other than contact information.  <div class=example>   <p>For example, the following is non-conforming use of the <code><a    href="#address0">address</a></code> element:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;ADDRESS>Last Modified: 1999/12/24 23:37:50AMPERSANDlt;/ADDRESS></pre>  </div>  <p>Typically, the <code><a href="#address0">address</a></code> element   would be included with other information in a <code><a   href="#footer0">footer</a></code> element.  <p>To determine the contact information for a sectioning element (such as a   document's <code><a href="#body1">body</a></code> element, which would   give the contact information for the page), UAs must collect all the   <code><a href="#address0">address</a></code> elements that <a   href="#applyToSection">apply</a> to that sectioning element and its   ancestor sectioning elements. The contact information is the collection of   all the information given by those elements.  <p class=note>Contact information for one sectioning element, e.g. a   <code><a href="#aside0">aside</a></code> element, does not apply to its   ancestor elements, e.g. the page's <code><a href="#body1">body</a></code>.  <h4 id=headings><span class=secno>3.8.11. </span><dfn id=headings1>Headings   and sections</dfn></h4>  <p>The <code><a href="#h10">h1</a></code>-<code><a   href="#h60">h6</a></code> elements and the <code><a   href="#header0">header</a></code> element are headings.  <p>The first heading in a sectioning element gives the header for that   section. Subsequent headers of equal or higher <a href="#rank">rank</a>   start new (implied) sections, headers of lower <a href="#rank">rank</a>   start subsections that are part of the previous one.  <p>Sectioning elements other than <code><a   href="#blockquote0">blockquote</a></code> are always considered   subsections of their nearest ancestor sectioning element, regardless of   what implied sections other headings may have created. However, <code><a   href="#blockquote0">blockquote</a></code> elements <em>are</em> associated   with implied sections. Effectively, <code><a   href="#blockquote0">blockquote</a></code> elements act like sections on   the inside, and act opaquely on the outside.  <div class=example>   <p>For the following fragment:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;bodyAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;h1AMPERSANDgt;FooAMPERSANDlt;/h1AMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;h2AMPERSANDgt;BarAMPERSANDlt;/h2AMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;blockquoteAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;h3AMPERSANDgt;BlaAMPERSANDlt;/h3AMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;/blockquoteAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;pAMPERSANDgt;BazAMPERSANDlt;/pAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;h2AMPERSANDgt;QuuxAMPERSANDlt;/h2AMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;sectionAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;h3AMPERSANDgt;ThudAMPERSANDlt;/h3AMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;/sectionAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;pAMPERSANDgt;GruntAMPERSANDlt;/pAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/bodyAMPERSANDgt;</pre>   <p>...the structure would be:</p>   <ol>    <li> Foo (heading of explicit <code><a href="#body1">body</a></code>     section)     <ol>      <li> Bar (heading starting implied section)       <ol>        <li> Bla (heading of explicit <code><a         href="#blockquote0">blockquote</a></code> section)       </ol>       Baz (paragraph)      <li> Quux (heading starting implied section)      <li> Thud (heading of explicit <code><a       href="#section0">section</a></code> section)     </ol>     Grunt (paragraph)   </ol>   <p>Notice how the <code><a href="#blockquote0">blockquote</a></code> nests    inside an implicit section while the <code><a    href="#section0">section</a></code> does not (and in fact, ends the    earlier implicit section so that a later paragraph is back at the top    level).</p>  </div>  <p>Sections may contain headers of any <a href="#rank">rank</a>, but   authors are strongly encouraged to either use only <code><a   href="#h10">h1</a></code> elements, or to use elements of the appropriate   <a href="#rank">rank</a> for the section's nesting level.  <p>Authors are also encouraged to explictly wrap sections in sectioning   elements, instead of relying on the implicit sections generated by having   multiple heading in one sectioning element.  <div class=example>   <p>For example, the following is correct:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;bodyAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;h4AMPERSANDgt;ApplesAMPERSANDlt;/h4AMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;pAMPERSANDgt;Apples are fruit.AMPERSANDlt;/pAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;sectionAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;h2AMPERSANDgt;TasteAMPERSANDlt;/h2AMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;pAMPERSANDgt;They taste lovely.AMPERSANDlt;/pAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;h6AMPERSANDgt;SweetAMPERSANDlt;/h6AMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;pAMPERSANDgt;Red apples are sweeter than green ones.AMPERSANDlt;/pAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;h1AMPERSANDgt;ColorAMPERSANDlt;/h1AMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;pAMPERSANDgt;Apples come in various colors.AMPERSANDlt;/pAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;/sectionAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/bodyAMPERSANDgt;</pre>   <p>However, the same document would be more clearly expressed as:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;bodyAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;h1AMPERSANDgt;ApplesAMPERSANDlt;/h1AMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;pAMPERSANDgt;Apples are fruit.AMPERSANDlt;/pAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;sectionAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;h2AMPERSANDgt;TasteAMPERSANDlt;/h2AMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;pAMPERSANDgt;They taste lovely.AMPERSANDlt;/pAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;sectionAMPERSANDgt;   AMPERSANDlt;h3AMPERSANDgt;SweetAMPERSANDlt;/h3AMPERSANDgt;   AMPERSANDlt;pAMPERSANDgt;Red apples are sweeter than green ones.AMPERSANDlt;/pAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;/sectionAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;/sectionAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;sectionAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;h2AMPERSANDgt;ColorAMPERSANDlt;/h2AMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;pAMPERSANDgt;Apples come in various colors.AMPERSANDlt;/pAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;/sectionAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/bodyAMPERSANDgt;</pre>   <p>Both of the documents above are semantically identical and would    produce the same outline in compliant user agents.</p>  </div>  <h5 id=outlines><span class=secno> </span>Creating an outline</h5>  <p>Documents can be viewed as a tree of sections, which defines how each   element in the tree is semantically related to the others, in terms of the   overall section structure. This tree is related to the document tree, but   there is not a one-to-one relationship between elements in the DOM and the   document's sections.  <p>The tree of sections should be used when generating document outlines,   for example when generating tables of contents.  <p>To derive the tree of sections from the document tree, a hypothetical   tree is used, consisting of a view of the document tree containing only   the <code><a href="#h10">h1</a></code>-<code><a href="#h60">h6</a></code>   and <code><a href="#header0">header</a></code> elements, and the   sectioning elements other than <code><a   href="#blockquote0">blockquote</a></code>. Descendants of <code><a   href="#h10">h1</a></code>-<code><a href="#h60">h6</a></code>, <code><a   href="#header0">header</a></code>, and <code><a   href="#blockquote0">blockquote</a></code> elements must be removed from   this view.  <p>The hypothetical tree must be rooted at the <a href="#root-element">root   element</a> or at a sectioning element. In particular, while the sections   inside <code><a href="#blockquote0">blockquote</a></code>s do not   contribute to the document's tree of sections, <code><a   href="#blockquote0">blockquote</a></code>s can have outlines of their own.  <p>UAs must take this hypothetical tree (which will become the outline) and   mutate it by walking it depth first in <a href="#tree-order">tree   order</a> and, for each <code><a href="#h10">h1</a></code>-<code><a   href="#h60">h6</a></code> or <code><a href="#header0">header</a></code>   element that is not the first element of its parent sectioning element,   inserting a new sectioning element, as follows:  <dl class=switch>   <dt>If the element is a <code><a href="#header0">header</a></code>    element, or if it is an <code><a href="#h10">h1</a></code>-<code><a    href="#h60">h6</a></code> node of <a href="#rank">rank</a> equal to or    higher than the first element in the parent sectioning element (assuming    that is also an <code><a href="#h10">h1</a></code>-<code><a    href="#h60">h6</a></code> node), or if the first element of the parent    sectioning element is a sectioning element:   <dd>Insert the new sectioning element as the immediately following sibling    of the parent sectioning element, and move all the elements from the    current heading element up to the end of the parent sectioning element    into the new sectioning element.   <dt>Otherwise:   <dd>Move the current heading element, and all subsequent siblings up to    but excluding the next sectioning element, <code><a    href="#header0">header</a></code> element, or <code><a    href="#h10">h1</a></code>-<code><a href="#h60">h6</a></code> of equal or    higher <a href="#rank">rank</a>, whichever comes first, into the new    sectioning element, then insert the new sectioning element where the    current header was.  </dl>  <p>The outline is then the resulting hypothetical tree. The <a   href="#rank">rank</a>s of the headers become irrelevant at this point:   each sectioning element in the hypothetical tree contains either no or one   heading element child. If there is one, then it gives the section's   heading, of there isn't, the section has no heading.  <p>Sections are nested as in the hypothetical tree. If a sectioning element   is a child of another, that means it is a subsection of that other   section.  <p>When creating an interactive table of contents, entries should jump the   user to the relevant section element, if it was a real element in the   original document, or to the heading, if the section element was one of   those created during the above process.  <p class=example>Selecting the first section of the document therefore   always takes the user to the top of the document, regardless of where the   first header in the <code><a href="#body1">body</a></code> is to be found.</p>  <!-- XXX assuming there is a body, anyway -->  <div class=note>   <p>The hypothetical tree (before mutations) could be generated by creating    a <code>TreeWalker</code> with the following <a    href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/traversal.html#Traversal-NodeFilter"><code>NodeFilter</code></a>    (described here as an anonymous ECMAScript function). <a    href="#refsDOMTR">[DOMTR]</a> <a href="#refsECMA262">[ECMA262]</a></p>   <pre>function (n) {  // This implementation only knows about HTML elements.  // An implementation that supports other languages might be  // different.  // Reject anything that isn't an element.  if (n.nodeType != Node.ELEMENT_NODE)    return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;  // Skip any descendants of headings.  if (n.parentNode AMPERSANDAMPERSAND n.parentNode.namespaceURI == 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml') AMPERSANDAMPERSAND      (n.parentNode.localName == 'h1' || n.parentNode.localName == 'h2' ||       n.parentNode.localName == 'h3' || n.parentNode.localName == 'h4' ||       n.parentNode.localName == 'h5' || n.parentNode.localName == 'h6' ||       n.parentNode.localName == 'header')    return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;  // Skip any blockquotes.  if (n.namespaceURI == 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml') AMPERSANDAMPERSAND      (n.localName == 'blockquote'))    return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;  // Accept HTML elements in the list given in the prose above.  if ((n.namespaceURI == 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml') AMPERSANDAMPERSAND      (n.localName == 'body' || /*n.localName == 'blockquote' ||*/       n.localName == 'section' || n.localName == 'nav' ||       n.localName == 'article' || n.localName == 'aside' ||       n.localName == 'h1' || n.localName == 'h2' ||       n.localName == 'h3' || n.localName == 'h4' ||       n.localName == 'h5' || n.localName == 'h6' ||       n.localName == 'header'))    return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;  // Skip the rest.  return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;}</pre>  </div>  <h5 id=associatedSection><span class=secno> </span>Determining   which heading and section applies to a particular node</h5>  <p>Given a particular node, user agents must use the following algorithm,   <em>in the given order</em>, to determine which heading and section the   node is most closely associated with. The processing of this algorithm   must stop as soon as the associated section and heading are established   (even if they are established to be nothing).  <ol>   <li>If the node has an ancestor that is a <code><a    href="#header0">header</a></code> element, then the associated heading is    the most distant such ancestor. The associated section is that <code><a    href="#header0">header</a></code>'s associated section (i.e. repeat this    algorithm for that <code><a href="#header0">header</a></code>).   <li>If the node has an ancestor that is an <code><a    href="#h10">h1</a></code>-<code><a href="#h60">h6</a></code> element,    then the associated heading is the most distant such ancestor. The    associated section is that heading's section (i.e. repeat this algorithm    for that heading element).   <li>If the node is an <code><a href="#h10">h1</a></code>-<code><a    href="#h60">h6</a></code> element or a <code><a    href="#header0">header</a></code> element, then the associated heading is    the element itself. The UA must then generate the <a    href="#outlines">hypothetical section tree</a> described in the previous    section, rooted at the nearest section ancestor (or the <a    href="#root-element">root element</a> if there is no such ancestor). If    the parent of the heading in that hypothetical tree is an element in the    real document tree, then that element is the associated section.    Otherwise, there is no associated section element.   <li>If the node is a sectioning element, then the associated section is    itself. The UA must then generate the <a href="#outlines">hypothetical    section tree</a> described in the previous section, rooted at the section    itself. If the section element, in that hypothetical tree, has a child    element that is an <code><a href="#h10">h1</a></code>-<code><a    href="#h60">h6</a></code> element or a <code><a    href="#header0">header</a></code> element, then that element is the    associated heading. Otherwise, there is no associated heading element.   <li>If the node is a <code><a href="#footer0">footer</a></code> or    <code><a href="#address0">address</a></code> element, then the associated    section is the nearest ancestor sectioning element, if there is one. The    node's associated heading is the same as that sectioning element's    associated heading (i.e. repeat this algorithm for that sectioning    element). If there is no ancestor sectioning element, the element has no    associated section nor an associated heading.   <li>Otherwise, the node is just a normal node, and the document has to be    examined more closely to determine its section and heading. Create a view    rooted at the nearest ancestor sectioning element (or the <a    href="#root-element">root element</a> if there is none) that has just    <code><a href="#h10">h1</a></code>-<code><a href="#h60">h6</a></code>    elements, <code><a href="#header0">header</a></code> elements, the node    itself, and sectioning elements other than <code><a    href="#blockquote0">blockquote</a></code> elements. (Descendants of any    of the nodes in this view can be ignored, as can any node later in the    tree than the node in question, as the algorithm below merely walks    backwards up this view.)   <li>Let <var title="">n</var> be an iterator for this view, initialised at    the node in question.   <li>Let <var title="">c</var> be the current best candidate heading,    initially null, and initially not used. It is used when top-level heading    candidates are to be searched for (see below).   <li>Repeat these steps (which effectively goes backwards through the    node's previous siblings) until an answer is found:    <ol>     <li>If <var title="">n</var> points to a node with no previous sibling,      and <var title="">c</var> is null, then return the node's parent node      as the answer. If the node has no parent node, return null as the      answer.     <li>Otherwise, if <var title="">n</var> points to a node with no      previous sibling, return <var title="">c</var> as the answer.     <li>Adjust <var title="">n</var> so that it points to the previous      sibling of the current position.     <li>If <var title="">n</var> is pointing at an <code><a      href="#h10">h1</a></code> or <code><a href="#header0">header</a></code>      element, then return that element as the answer.     <li>If <var title="">n</var> is pointing at an <code><a      href="#h20">h2</a></code>-<code><a href="#h60">h6</a></code> element,      and heading candidates are not being searched for, then return that      element as the answer.     <li>Otherwise, if <var title="">n</var> is pointing at an <code><a      href="#h20">h2</a></code>-<code><a href="#h60">h6</a></code> element,      and either <var title="">c</var> is still null, or <var      title="">c</var> is a heading of lower <a href="#rank">rank</a> than      this one, then set <var title="">c</var> to be this element, and      continue going backwards through the previous siblings.     <li>If <var title="">n</var> is pointing at a sectioning element, then      from this point on top-level heading candidates are being searched for.      (Specifically, we are looking for the nearest top-level header for the      current section.) Continue going backwards through the previous      siblings.    </ol>   <li>If the answer from the previous step (the loop) is null, which can    only happen if the node has no preceeding headings and is not contained    in a sectioning element, then there is no associated heading and no    associated section.   <li>Otherwise, if the answer from the earlier loop step is a sectioning    element, then the associated section is that element and the associated    heading is that sectioning element's associated heading (i.e. repeat this    algorithm for that section).   <li>Otherwise, if the answer from that same earlier step is an <code><a    href="#h10">h1</a></code>-<code><a href="#h60">h6</a></code> element or a    <code><a href="#header0">header</a></code> element, then the associated    heading is that element and the associated section is that heading    element's associated section (i.e. repeat this algorithm for that    heading).  </ol>  <p class=note>Not all nodes have an associated header or section. For   example, if a section is implied, as when multiple headers are found in   one sectioning element, then a node in that section has an anonymous   associated section (its section is not represented by a real element), and   the algorithm above does not associate that node with any particular   sectioning element.  <div class=example>   <p>For the following fragment:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;bodyAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;h1AMPERSANDgt;XAMPERSANDlt;/h1AMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;h2AMPERSANDgt;XAMPERSANDlt;/h2AMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;blockquoteAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;h3AMPERSANDgt;XAMPERSANDlt;/h3AMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;/blockquoteAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;p id="a"AMPERSANDgt;XAMPERSANDlt;/pAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;h4AMPERSANDgt;Text Node AAMPERSANDlt;/h4AMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;sectionAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;h5AMPERSANDgt;XAMPERSANDlt;/h5AMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;/sectionAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;pAMPERSANDgt;Text Node BAMPERSANDlt;/pAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/bodyAMPERSANDgt;</pre>   <p>The associations are as follows (not all associations are shown):</p>   <table>    <thead>     <tr>      <th>Node      <th>Associated heading      <th>Associated section    <tbody>     <tr>      <td><code>AMPERSANDlt;bodyAMPERSANDgt;</code>      <td><code>AMPERSANDlt;h1AMPERSANDgt;</code>      <td><code>AMPERSANDlt;bodyAMPERSANDgt;</code>     <tr>      <td><code>AMPERSANDlt;h1AMPERSANDgt;</code>      <td><code>AMPERSANDlt;h1AMPERSANDgt;</code>      <td><code>AMPERSANDlt;bodyAMPERSANDgt;</code>     <tr>      <td><code>AMPERSANDlt;h2AMPERSANDgt;</code>      <td><code>AMPERSANDlt;h2AMPERSANDgt;</code>      <td>None.     <tr>      <td><code>AMPERSANDlt;blockquoteAMPERSANDgt;</code>      <td><code>AMPERSANDlt;h2AMPERSANDgt;</code>      <td>None.     <tr>      <td><code>AMPERSANDlt;h3AMPERSANDgt;</code>      <td><code>AMPERSANDlt;h3AMPERSANDgt;</code>      <td><code>AMPERSANDlt;blockquoteAMPERSANDgt;</code>     <tr>      <td><code>AMPERSANDlt;p id="a"AMPERSANDgt;</code>      <td><code>AMPERSANDlt;h2AMPERSANDgt;</code>      <td>None.     <tr>      <td><code>Text Node A</code>      <td><code>AMPERSANDlt;h4AMPERSANDgt;</code>      <td>None.     <tr>      <td><code>Text Node B</code>      <td><code>AMPERSANDlt;h1AMPERSANDgt;</code>      <td><code>AMPERSANDlt;bodyAMPERSANDgt;</code>   </table>  </div>  <h3 id=prose><span class=secno>3.9. </span>Prose</h3>  <h4 id=the-p><span class=secno>3.9.1. </span>The <dfn   id=p0><code>p</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#block-level1" title="block-level elements">Block-level   element</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a> are expected.   <dt>Content model:   <dd><a href="#significant" title="significant inline    content">Significant</a> <a href="#inline-level1">inline-level    content</a>.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd><code title=class-copyright><a    href="#copyright0">copyright</a></code>, <code title=class-error><a    href="#error0">error</a></code>, <code title=class-example><a    href="#example1">example</a></code>, <code title=class-issue><a    href="#issue0">issue</a></code>, <code title=class-note><a    href="#note0">note</a></code>, <code title=class-search><a    href="#search1">search</a></code>, <code title=class-warning><a    href="#warning0">warning</a></code>   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#p0">p</a></code> element represents a <a   href="#paragraph">paragraph</a>.  <p><code><a href="#p0">p</a></code> elements can contain a mixture of <a   href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a>, such as text, images,   hyperlinks, etc, and <a href="#structured">structured inline-level   elements</a>, such as lists, tables, and block quotes. <code><a   href="#p0">p</a></code> elements must not be <a href="#significant"   title="significant inline content">empty</a>.  <div class=example>   <p>The following examples are conforming HTML fragments:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;pAMPERSANDgt;The little kitten gently seated himself on a piece ofcarpet. Later in his life, this would be referred to as the time thecat sat on the mat.AMPERSANDlt;/pAMPERSANDgt;</pre>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;fieldsetAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;legendAMPERSANDgt;Personal informationAMPERSANDlt;/legendAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;pAMPERSANDgt;   AMPERSANDlt;labelAMPERSANDgt;Name: AMPERSANDlt;input name="n"AMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/labelAMPERSANDgt;   AMPERSANDlt;labelAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;input name="anon" type="checkbox"AMPERSANDgt; Hide from other usersAMPERSANDlt;/labelAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;/pAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;pAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;labelAMPERSANDgt;Address: AMPERSANDlt;textarea name="a"AMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/textareaAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/labelAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/pAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/fieldsetAMPERSANDgt;</pre>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;pAMPERSANDgt;There was once an example from Femley,AMPERSANDlt;brAMPERSANDgt;Whose markup was of dubious quality.AMPERSANDlt;brAMPERSANDgt;The validator complained,AMPERSANDlt;brAMPERSANDgt;So the author was pained,AMPERSANDlt;brAMPERSANDgt;To move the error from the markup to the rhyming.AMPERSANDlt;/pAMPERSANDgt;</pre>  </div>  <p>The <code><a href="#p0">p</a></code> element should not be used when a   more specific element is more appropriate.  <div class=example>   <p>The following example is technically correct:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;sectionAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;!-- ... --AMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;pAMPERSANDgt;Last modified: 2001-04-23AMPERSANDlt;/pAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;pAMPERSANDgt;Author: fred@example.comAMPERSANDlt;/pAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/sectionAMPERSANDgt;</pre>   <p>However, it would be better marked-up as:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;sectionAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;!-- ... --AMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;footerAMPERSANDgt;Last modified: 2001-04-23AMPERSANDlt;/footerAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;addressAMPERSANDgt;Author: fred@example.comAMPERSANDlt;/addressAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/sectionAMPERSANDgt;</pre>   <p>Or:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;sectionAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;!-- ... --AMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;footerAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;pAMPERSANDgt;Last modified: 2001-04-23AMPERSANDlt;/pAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;addressAMPERSANDgt;Author: fred@example.comAMPERSANDlt;/addressAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;/footerAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/sectionAMPERSANDgt;</pre>  </div>  <h4 id=the-hr><span class=secno>3.9.2. </span>The <dfn   id=hr0><code>hr</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#block-level1" title="block-level elements">Block-level   element</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a> are expected.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>Empty.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#hr0">hr</a></code> element represents a <a   href="#paragraph">paragraph</a>-level thematic break, e.g. a scene change   in a story, or a transition to another topic within a section of a   reference book.  <h4 id=the-br><span class=secno>3.9.3. </span>The <dfn   id=br0><code>br</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a> is    allowed.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>Empty.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#br0">br</a></code> element represents a line break.  <p><code><a href="#br0">br</a></code> elements must be empty. Any content   inside <code><a href="#br0">br</a></code> elements must not be considered   part of the surrounding text.  <p><code><a href="#br0">br</a></code> elements must only be used for line   breaks that are actually part of the content, as in poems or addresses.  <div class=example>   <p>The following example is correct usage of the <code><a    href="#br0">br</a></code> element:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;pAMPERSANDgt;P. ShermanAMPERSANDlt;brAMPERSANDgt;42 Wallaby WayAMPERSANDlt;brAMPERSANDgt;SydneyAMPERSANDlt;/pAMPERSANDgt;</pre>  </div>  <p><code><a href="#br0">br</a></code> elements must not be used for   separating thematic groups in a paragraph.  <div class=example>   <p>The following examples are non-conforming, as they abuse the <code><a    href="#br0">br</a></code> element:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;pAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;a ...AMPERSANDgt;34 comments.AMPERSANDlt;/aAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;brAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;a ...AMPERSANDgt;Add a comment.AMPERSANDlt;aAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/pAMPERSANDgt;</pre>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;pAMPERSANDgt;Name: AMPERSANDlt;input name="name"AMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;brAMPERSANDgt;Address: AMPERSANDlt;input name="address"AMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/pAMPERSANDgt;</pre>   <p>Here are alternatives to the above, which are correct:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;pAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;a ...AMPERSANDgt;34 comments.AMPERSANDlt;/aAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/pAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;pAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;a ...AMPERSANDgt;Add a comment.AMPERSANDlt;aAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/pAMPERSANDgt;</pre>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;pAMPERSANDgt;Name: AMPERSANDlt;input name="name"AMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/pAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;pAMPERSANDgt;Address: AMPERSANDlt;input name="address"AMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/pAMPERSANDgt;</pre>   <!-- XXX should have labels in the examples above --></div>  <h4 id=the-dialog><span class=secno>3.9.4. </span>The <dfn   id=dialog0><code>dialog</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#block-level1" title="block-level elements">Block-level   element</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a> are expected.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>Zero or more pairs of <code><a href="#dt0">dt</a></code> and <code><a    href="#dd0">dd</a></code> elements.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#dialog0">dialog</a></code> element represents a   conversation.  <p>Each part of the conversation must have an explicit talker (or speaker)   given by a <code><a href="#dt0">dt</a></code> element, and a discourse (or   quote) given by a <code><a href="#dd0">dd</a></code> element.  <div class=example>   <p>This example demonstrates this using an extract from Abbot and    Costello's famous sketch, <cite>Who's on first</cite>:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;dialog> AMPERSANDlt;dt>Costello AMPERSANDlt;dd> Look, you gotta first baseman? AMPERSANDlt;dt> Abbott AMPERSANDlt;dd> Certainly. AMPERSANDlt;dt> Costello AMPERSANDlt;dd> Who's playing first? AMPERSANDlt;dt> Abbott AMPERSANDlt;dd> That's right. AMPERSANDlt;dt> Costello AMPERSANDlt;dd> When you pay off the first baseman every month, who gets the money? AMPERSANDlt;dt> Abbott AMPERSANDlt;dd> Every dollar of it. AMPERSANDlt;/dialog></pre>  </div>  <p class=note>Text in a <code><a href="#dt0">dt</a></code> element in a   <code><a href="#dialog0">dialog</a></code> element is implicitly the   source of the text given in the following <code><a   href="#dd0">dd</a></code> element, and the contents of the <code><a   href="#dd0">dd</a></code> element are implicitly a quote from that   speaker. There is thus no need to include <code><a   href="#cite3">cite</a></code>, <code><a href="#q0">q</a></code>, or   <code><a href="#blockquote0">blockquote</a></code> elements in this   markup. Indeed, a <code><a href="#q0">q</a></code> element inside a   <code><a href="#dd0">dd</a></code> element in a conversation would   actually imply the person talking were themselves quoting someone else.   See the <code><a href="#cite3">cite</a></code>, <code><a   href="#q0">q</a></code>, and <code><a   href="#blockquote0">blockquote</a></code> elements for other ways to cite   or quote.  <h3 id=preformatted><span class=secno>3.10. </span>Preformatted text</h3>  <h4 id=the-pre><span class=secno>3.10.1. </span>The <dfn   id=pre0><code>pre</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#block-level1" title="block-level elements">Block-level   element</a>, and <a href="#structured" title="structured inline-level   elements">structured inline-level element</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a> are expected.   <dd>Where <a href="#structured">structured inline-level elements</a> are    allowed.   <dt>Content model:   <dd><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#pre0">pre</a></code> element represents a block of   preformatted text, in which structure is represented by typographic   conventions rather than by elements.  <p>Some examples of cases where the <code><a href="#pre0">pre</a></code>   element could be used:  <ul>   <li>Including an e-mail, with paragraphs indicated by blank lines, lists    indicated by lines prefixed with a bullet, and so on.   <li>Including fragments of computer code, with structure indicated    according to the conventions of that language.   <li>Displaying ASCII art.</li>   <!-- XXX need a note about non-visual UAs -->  </ul>  <p>If, ignoring <a href="#text-node" title="text node">text nodes</a>   consisting only of <a href="#inter-element" title="inter-element   whitespace">whitespace</a>, the only child of a <code><a   href="#pre0">pre</a></code> is a <code><a href="#code0">code</a></code>   element, then the <code><a href="#pre0">pre</a></code> element represents   a block of computer code.  <p>If, ignoring <a href="#text-node" title="text node">text nodes</a>   consisting only of <a href="#inter-element" title="inter-element   whitespace">whitespace</a>, the only child of a <code><a   href="#pre0">pre</a></code> is a <code><a href="#samp0">samp</a></code>   element, then the <code><a href="#pre0">pre</a></code> element represents   a block of computer output.</p>  <!-- XXX examples -->  <h3 id=lists><span class=secno>3.11. </span>Lists</h3>  <h4 id=the-ol><span class=secno>3.11.1. </span>The <dfn   id=ol0><code>ol</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#block-level1" title="block-level elements">Block-level   element</a>, and <a href="#structured" title="structured inline-level   elements">structured inline-level element</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a> are expected.   <dd>Where <a href="#structured">structured inline-level elements</a> are    allowed.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>Zero or more <code><a href="#li0">li</a></code> elements.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd><code><a href="#start0">start</a></code>   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>    <pre     class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmlolistelement>HTMLOListElement</dfn> : <a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a> {           attribute long <a href="#start1" title=dom-start>start</a>;};</pre>  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#ol0">ol</a></code> element represents an ordered   list of items (which are represented by <code><a href="#li0">li</a></code>   elements).  <p>The <dfn id=start0><code>start</code></dfn> attribute, if present, must   have a value that consists of an optional U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS followed by   one or more digits (U+0030 to U+0039) expressing a base ten integer giving   the ordinal value of the first list item.  <p>If the <code><a href="#start0">start</a></code> attribute is present,   user agents must <a href="#rules0" title="rules for parsing   integers">parse it as an integer</a>, in order to determine the   attribute's value. The default value, used if the attribute is missing or   if the value cannot be converted to a number according to the referenced   algorithm, is 1.  <p>The items of the list are the <code><a href="#li0">li</a></code> element   child nodes of the <code><a href="#ol0">ol</a></code> element, in <a   href="#tree-order">tree order</a>.  <p>The first item in the list has the ordinal value given by the <code><a   href="#ol0">ol</a></code> element's <code><a   href="#start0">start</a></code> attribute (unless it is further overridden   by that <code><a href="#li0">li</a></code> element's <code><a   href="#value">value</a></code> attribute).  <p>Each subsequent item in the list has the ordinal value given by its   <code><a href="#value">value</a></code> attribute, if it has one, or, if   it doesn't, the ordinal value of the previous item, plus one.  <p>The <dfn id=start1 title=dom-start><code>start</code></dfn> DOM   attribute must <a href="#reflect">reflect</a> the value of the <code><a   href="#start0">start</a></code> content attribute.</p>  <!-- XXX resuming numbering of lists from previous lists? -->  <!-- XXX counting up and down? -->  <!-- XXX reverse-counted lists? -->  <h4 id=the-ul><span class=secno>3.11.2. </span>The <dfn   id=ul0><code>ul</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#block-level1" title="block-level elements">Block-level   element</a>, and <a href="#structured" title="structured inline-level   elements">structured inline-level element</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a> are expected.   <dd>Where <a href="#structured">structured inline-level elements</a> are    allowed.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>Zero or more <code><a href="#li0">li</a></code> elements.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#ul0">ul</a></code> element represents an unordered   list of items (which are represented by <code><a href="#li0">li</a></code>   elements).  <p>The items of the list are the <code><a href="#li0">li</a></code> element   child nodes of the <code><a href="#ul0">ul</a></code> element.  <h4 id=the-li><span class=secno>3.11.3. </span>The <dfn   id=li0><code>li</code></dfn> element</h4>  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Inside <code><a href="#ol0">ol</a></code> elements.   <dd>Inside <code><a href="#ul0">ul</a></code> elements.   <dd>Inside <code><a href="#menu0">menu</a></code> elements.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>When the element is a child of an <code><a href="#ol0">ol</a></code>    or <code><a href="#ul0">ul</a></code> element and the grandchild of an    element that is <a href="#determining2" title="Determining if a    particular element contains block-level elements or inline-level    content">being used as an inline-level content container</a>, or, when    the element is a child of a <code><a href="#menu0">menu</a></code>    element: <a href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a>.   <dd>Otherwise: zero or more <a href="#block-level1">block-level    elements</a>, or <a href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a> (but    not both).   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>If the element is a child of an <code><a href="#ol0">ol</a></code>    element: <code><a href="#value">value</a></code>   <dd>If the element is not the child of an <code><a    href="#ol0">ol</a></code> element: None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>    <pre     class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmllielement>HTMLLIElement</dfn> : <a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a> {           attribute long <a href="#value0" title=dom-li-value>value</a>;};</pre>  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#li0">li</a></code> element represents a list item.   If its parent element is an <code><a href="#ol0">ol</a></code>, <code><a   href="#ul0">ul</a></code>, or <code><a href="#menu0">menu</a></code>   element, then the element is an item of the parent element's list, as   defined for those elements. Otherwise, the list item has no defined   list-related relationship to any other <code><a href="#li0">li</a></code>   element.  <p>When the list item is the child of an <code><a href="#ol0">ol</a></code>   or <code><a href="#ul0">ul</a></code> element, the content model of the   item depends on the way that parent element was used. If it was used as   structured inline content (i.e. if <em>that</em> element's parent was <a   href="#determining2" title="Determining if a particular element contains   block-level elements or inline-level content">used as an inline-level   content</a> container), then the <code><a href="#li0">li</a></code>   element must only contain <a href="#inline-level1">inline-level   content</a>. Otherwise, the element may be used either for <a   href="#inline-level1" title="inline-level content">inline content</a> or   <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a>.  <p>When the list item is the child of a <code><a   href="#menu0">menu</a></code> element, the <code><a   href="#li0">li</a></code> element must contain only <a   href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a>.  <p>When the list item is not the child of an <code><a   href="#ol0">ol</a></code>, <code><a href="#ul0">ul</a></code>, or <code><a   href="#menu0">menu</a></code> element, e.g. because it is an orphaned node   not in the document, it may contain either for <a href="#inline-level1"   title="inline-level content">inline content</a> or <a   href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a>.  <p>When <a href="#determining2" title="Determining if a particular element   contains block-level elements or inline-level content">used as an   inline-level content</a> container, the list item represents a single <a   href="#paragraph">paragraph</a>.</p>  <!-- XXX instead refer to microsyntaxes -->  <p>The <dfn id=value><code>value</code></dfn> attribute, if present, must   have a value that consists of an optional U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS followed by   one or more digits (U+0030 to U+0039) expressing a base ten integer giving   the ordinal value of the first list item.  <p>If the <code><a href="#value">value</a></code> attribute is present,   user agents must <a href="#rules0" title="rules for parsing   integers">parse it as an integer</a>, in order to determine the   attribute's value. If the attribute's value cannot be converted to a   number, it is treated as if the attribute was absent. The attribute has no   default value.  <p>The <code><a href="#value">value</a></code> attribute is processed   relative to the element's parent <code><a href="#ol0">ol</a></code>   element, if there is one. If there is not, the attribute has no effect.  <p>The <dfn id=value0 title=dom-li-value><code>value</code></dfn> DOM   attribute must <a href="#reflect">reflect</a> the value of the <code><a   href="#value">value</a></code> content attribute.  <h4 id=the-dl><span class=secno>3.11.4. </span>The <dfn   id=dl0><code>dl</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#block-level1" title="block-level elements">Block-level   element</a>, and <a href="#structured" title="structured inline-level   elements">structured inline-level element</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a> are expected.   <dd>Where <a href="#structured">structured inline-level elements</a> are    allowed.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>Zero or more groups each consisting of one or more <code><a    href="#dt0">dt</a></code> elements followed by one or mode <code><a    href="#dd0">dd</a></code> elements.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#dl0">dl</a></code> element introduces an unordered   association list consisting of zero or more name-value groups (a   description list). Each group must consist of one or more names (<code><a   href="#dt0">dt</a></code> elements) followed by one or more values   (<code><a href="#dd0">dd</a></code> elements).  <p>Name-value groups may be terms and definitions, metadata topics and   values, or any other groups of name-value data.  <div class=example>   <p>The following are all conforming HTML fragments.</p>   <p>In the following example, one entry ("Authors") is linked to two values    ("John" and "Luke").</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;dlAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;dtAMPERSANDgt; Authors AMPERSANDlt;ddAMPERSANDgt; John AMPERSANDlt;ddAMPERSANDgt; Luke AMPERSANDlt;dtAMPERSANDgt; Editor AMPERSANDlt;ddAMPERSANDgt; FrankAMPERSANDlt;/dlAMPERSANDgt;</pre>   <p>In the following example, one definition is linked to two terms.</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;dlAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;dt lang="en-US"AMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;dfn>colorAMPERSANDlt;/dfn> AMPERSANDlt;/dtAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;dt lang="en-GB"AMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;dfn>colourAMPERSANDlt;/dfn> AMPERSANDlt;/dtAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;ddAMPERSANDgt; A sensation which (in humans) derives from the ability of the fine structure of the eye to distinguish three differently filtered analyses of a view. AMPERSANDlt;/ddAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/dlAMPERSANDgt;</pre>   <p>The following example illustrates the use of the <code><a    href="#dl0">dl</a></code> element to mark up metadata of sorts. At the    end of the example, one group has two metadata labels ("Authors" and    "Editors") and two values ("Robert Rothman" and "Daniel Jackson").</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;dlAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;dtAMPERSANDgt; Last modified time AMPERSANDlt;/dtAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;ddAMPERSANDgt; 2004-12-23T23:33Z AMPERSANDlt;/ddAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;dtAMPERSANDgt; Recommended update interval AMPERSANDlt;/dtAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;ddAMPERSANDgt; 60s AMPERSANDlt;/ddAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;dtAMPERSANDgt; Authors AMPERSANDlt;/dtAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;dtAMPERSANDgt; Editors AMPERSANDlt;/dtAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;ddAMPERSANDgt; Robert Rothman AMPERSANDlt;/ddAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;ddAMPERSANDgt; Daniel Jackson AMPERSANDlt;/ddAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/dlAMPERSANDgt;</pre>  </div>  <p>If a <code><a href="#dl0">dl</a></code> element is empty, it contains no   groups.  <p>If a <code><a href="#dl0">dl</a></code> element contains non-<a   href="#inter-element" title="inter-element whitespace">whitespace</a> <a   href="#text-node" title="text node">text nodes</a>, or elements other than   <code><a href="#dt0">dt</a></code> and <code><a href="#dd0">dd</a></code>,   then those elements or <a href="#text-node" title="text node">text   nodes</a> do not form part of any groups in that <code><a   href="#dl0">dl</a></code>, and the document is non-conforming.  <p>If a <code><a href="#dl0">dl</a></code> element contains only <code><a   href="#dt0">dt</a></code> elements, then it consists of one group with   names but no values, and the document is non-conforming.  <p>If a <code><a href="#dl0">dl</a></code> element contains only <code><a   href="#dd0">dd</a></code> elements, then it consists of one group with   values but no names, and the document is non-conforming.  <p class=note>The <code><a href="#dl0">dl</a></code> element is   inappropriate for marking up dialogue, since dialogue is ordered (each   speaker/line pair comes after the next). For an example of how to mark up   dialogue, see the <code><a href="#dialog0">dialog</a></code> element.  <h4 id=the-dt><span class=secno>3.11.5. </span>The <dfn   id=dt0><code>dt</code></dfn> element</h4>  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Before <code><a href="#dd0">dd</a></code> or <code><a    href="#dt0">dt</a></code> elements inside <code><a    href="#dl0">dl</a></code> elements.   <dd>Before a <code><a href="#dd0">dd</a></code> element inside a <code><a    href="#dialog0">dialog</a></code> element.   <dt>Content model:   <dd><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#dt0">dt</a></code> element represents the term, or   name, part of a term-description group in a description list (<code><a   href="#dl0">dl</a></code> element), and the talker, or speaker, part of a   talker-discourse pair in a conversation (<code><a   href="#dialog0">dialog</a></code> element).  <p class=note>The <code><a href="#dt0">dt</a></code> element itself, when   used in a <code><a href="#dl0">dl</a></code> element, does not indicate   that its contents are a term being defined, but this can be indicated   using the <code><a href="#dfn0">dfn</a></code> element.  <h4 id=the-dd><span class=secno>3.11.6. </span>The <dfn   id=dd0><code>dd</code></dfn> element</h4>  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>After <code><a href="#dt0">dt</a></code> or <code><a    href="#dd0">dd</a></code> elements inside <code><a    href="#dl0">dl</a></code> elements.   <dd>After a <code><a href="#dt0">dt</a></code> element inside a <code><a    href="#dialog0">dialog</a></code> element.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>When the element is a child of a <code><a href="#dl0">dl</a></code>    element and the grandchild of an element that is <a href="#determining2"    title="Determining if a particular element contains block-level elements    or inline-level content">being used as an inline-level content    container</a>: <a href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a>.   <dd>Otherwise: zero or more <a href="#block-level1">block-level    elements</a>, or <a href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a> (but    not both).   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#dd0">dd</a></code> element represents the   description, definition, or value, part of a term-description group in a   description list (<code><a href="#dl0">dl</a></code> element), and the   discourse, or quote, part in a conversation (<code><a   href="#dialog0">dialog</a></code> element).  <p>The content model of a <code><a href="#dd0">dd</a></code> element   depends on the way its parent element is being used. If the parent element   is a <code><a href="#dl0">dl</a></code> element that is being used as   structured inline content (i.e. if the <code><a href="#dl0">dl</a></code>   element's parent element is being <a href="#determining2"   title="Determining if a particular element contains block-level elements   or inline-level content">used as an inline-level content</a> container),   then the <code><a href="#dd0">dd</a></code> element must only contain <a   href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a>.  <p>Otherwise, the element may be used either for <a href="#inline-level1"   title="inline-level content">inline content</a> or <a   href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a>.  <h3 id=phrase><span class=secno>3.12. </span>Phrase elements</h3>  <!-- XXXX ruby (delayed until someone can define it with error handling rules) -->  <h4 id=the-a><span class=secno>3.12.1. </span>The <dfn   id=a0><code>a</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#interactive3" title="interactive elements">Interactive</a>, <a   href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a> is    allowed, if there are no ancestor <a href="#interactive3">interactive    elements</a>.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>When used in an element whose content model is only <a    href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a>: only <a    href="#significant" title="significant inline content">significant</a> <a    href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a>, but there must be no    <a href="#interactive3" title="interactive elements">interactive</a>    descendants.   <dd>Otherwise: any <a href="#significant" title="significant inline    content">significant</a> <a href="#inline-level1">inline-level    content</a>, but there must be no <a href="#interactive3"    title="interactive elements">interactive</a> descendants.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd><code title=attr-hyperlink-href><a href="#href5">href</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-hyperlink-rel><a href="#rel3">rel</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-hyperlink-media><a href="#media5">media</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-hyperlink-hreflang><a    href="#hreflang3">hreflang</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-hyperlink-type><a href="#type14">type</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-hyperlink-ping><a href="#ping">ping</a></code>   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>    <pre     class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmlanchorelement>HTMLAnchorElement</dfn> : <a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a> {           attribute DOMString <a href="#href3" title=dom-a-href>href</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#rel1" title=dom-a-rel>rel</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#media3" title=dom-a-media>media</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#hreflang1" title=dom-a-hreflang>hreflang</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#type3" title=dom-a-type>type</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#ping0" title=dom-a-ping>ping</a>;};</pre>    <p>The <code title=command-ro><a href="#command3">Command</a></code>     interface must also be implemented by this element.</p>  </dl>  <p>If the <code><a href="#a0">a</a></code> element has an <code   title=attr-hyperlink-href><a href="#href5">href</a></code> attribute, then   it represents a <a href="#hyperlinks">hyperlink</a>.  <p>If the <code><a href="#a0">a</a></code> element has no <code   title=attr-hyperlink-href><a href="#href5">href</a></code> attribute, then   the element is a placeholder for where a link might otherwise have been   placed, if it had been relevant.  <div class=example>   <p>If a site uses a consistent navigation toolbar on every page, then the    link that would normally link to the page itself could be marked up using    an <code><a href="#a0">a</a></code> element:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;nav> AMPERSANDlt;ul>  AMPERSANDlt;li> AMPERSANDlt;a href="/">HomeAMPERSANDlt;/a> AMPERSANDlt;/li>  AMPERSANDlt;li> AMPERSANDlt;a href="/news">NewsAMPERSANDlt;/a> AMPERSANDlt;/li>  AMPERSANDlt;li> AMPERSANDlt;a>ExamplesAMPERSANDlt;/a> AMPERSANDlt;/li>  AMPERSANDlt;li> AMPERSANDlt;a href="/legal">LegalAMPERSANDlt;/a> AMPERSANDlt;/li> AMPERSANDlt;/ul>AMPERSANDlt;/nav></pre>  </div>  <p>Interactive user agents should allow users to <a href="#following1"   title="following hyperlinks">follow hyperlinks</a> created using the   <code><a href="#a0">a</a></code> element. The <code   title=attr-hyperlink-href><a href="#href5">href</a></code> and <code   title=attr-hyperlink-ping><a href="#ping">ping</a></code> attributes   decide how the link is followed. The <code title=attr-hyperlink-rel><a   href="#rel3">rel</a></code>, <code title=attr-hyperlink-media><a   href="#media5">media</a></code>, <code title=attr-hyperlink-hreflang><a   href="#hreflang3">hreflang</a></code>, and <code   title=attr-hyperlink-type><a href="#type14">type</a></code> attributes may   be used to indicate to the user the likely nature of the target resource   before the user follows the link.  <p class=big-issue>default action of clicking a link is to check if target   was an image with ismap; if so, do <span>server-side image map</span>   processing, otherwise, fire DOMActivate on the link.  <p>The <code><a href="#a0">a</a></code> element must not be <a   href="#significant" title="significant inline content">empty</a>.  <p>The DOM attributes <dfn id=href3   title=dom-a-href><code>href</code></dfn>, <dfn id=rel1   title=dom-a-rel><code>rel</code></dfn>, <dfn id=media3   title=dom-a-media><code>media</code></dfn>, <dfn id=hreflang1   title=dom-a-hreflang><code>hreflang</code></dfn>, <dfn id=type3   title=dom-a-type><code>type</code></dfn>, and <dfn id=ping0   title=dom-a-ping><code>ping</code></dfn> each must <a   href="#reflect">reflect</a> the respective content attributes of the same   name.  <h4 id=the-q><span class=secno>3.12.2. </span>The <dfn   id=q0><code>q</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a> is    allowed.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>When used in an element whose content model is only <a    href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a>: only <a    href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a>.   <dd>Otherwise: any <a href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a>.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd><code title=attr-q-cite><a href="#cite2">cite</a></code>   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd> The <code><a href="#q0">q</a></code> element uses the <code><a    href="#htmlquoteelement">HTMLQuoteElement</a></code> interface.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#q0">q</a></code> element represents a part of a   paragraph quoted from another source.  <p>Content inside a <code><a href="#q0">q</a></code> element must be quoted   from another source, whose URI, if it has one, should be cited in the <dfn   id=cite2 title=attr-q-cite><code>cite</code></dfn> attribute.  <p>If the <code title=attr-q-cite><a href="#cite2">cite</a></code>   attribute is present, it must be a URI (or IRI). User agents should allow   users to follow such citation links.  <p>If a <code><a href="#q0">q</a></code> element is contained (directly or   indirectly) in a <a href="#paragraph">paragraph</a> that contains a single   <code><a href="#cite3">cite</a></code> element and has no other <code><a   href="#q0">q</a></code> element descendants, then, the citation given by   that <code><a href="#cite3">cite</a></code> element gives the source of   the quotation contained in the <code><a href="#q0">q</a></code> element.</p>  <!-- XXX need examples -->  <h4 id=the-cite><span class=secno>3.12.3. </span>The <dfn   id=cite3><code>cite</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a> is    allowed.   <dt>Content model:   <dd><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.</dd>   <!-- XXX should the cite element have a cite attribute? -->  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#cite3">cite</a></code> element represents a   citation: the source, or reference, for a quote or statement made in the   document.  <p class=note>A <em>citation</em> is not a <em>quote</em> (for which the   <code><a href="#q0">q</a></code> element is appropriate).  <div class=example>   <p>This is incorrect usage:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;p>AMPERSANDlt;cite>This is wrong!AMPERSANDlt;/cite>, said Ian.AMPERSANDlt;/p></pre>   <p>This is the correct way to do it:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;p>AMPERSANDlt;q>This is correct!AMPERSANDlt;/q>, said AMPERSANDlt;cite>IanAMPERSANDlt;/cite>.AMPERSANDlt;/p></pre>   <p>This is also wrong, because the title and the name are not references    or citations:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;p>My favourite book is AMPERSANDlt;cite>The Reality DysfunctionAMPERSANDlt;/cite>by AMPERSANDlt;cite>Peter F. HamiltonAMPERSANDlt;/cite>.AMPERSANDlt;/p></pre>   <p>This is correct, because even though the source is not quoted, it is    cited:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;p>According to AMPERSANDlt;cite>the Wikipedia article onHTMLAMPERSANDlt;/cite>, HTML is defined in formal specifications that weredeveloped and published throughout the 1990s.AMPERSANDlt;/p></pre>  </div>  <p class=note>The <code><a href="#cite3">cite</a></code> element can apply   to <code><a href="#blockquote0">blockquote</a></code> and <code><a   href="#q0">q</a></code> elements in certain cases described in the   definitions of those elements.  <h4 id=the-em><span class=secno>3.12.4. </span>The <dfn   id=em0><code>em</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a> is    allowed.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>When used in an element whose content model is only <a    href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a>: only <a    href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a>.   <dd>Otherwise: any <a href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a>.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#em0">em</a></code> element represents stress   emphasis of its contents.  <p>The level of emphasis that a particlar piece of content has is given by   its number of ancestor <code><a href="#em0">em</a></code> elements.  <p>The placement of emphasis changes the meaning of the sentence. The   element thus forms an integral part of the content. The precise way in   which emphasis is used in this way depends on the language.  <div class=example>   <p>These examples show how changing the emphasis changes the meaning.    First, a general statement of fact, with no emphasis:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;p>Cats are cute animals.AMPERSANDlt;/p></pre>   <p>By emphasising the first word, the statement implies that the kind of    animal under discussion is in question (maybe someone is asserting that    dogs are cute):</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;p>AMPERSANDlt;em>CatsAMPERSANDlt;/em> are cute animals.AMPERSANDlt;/p></pre>   <p>Moving the emphasis to the verb, one highlights that the truth of the    entire sentence is in question (maybe someone is saying cats are not    cute):</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;p>Cats AMPERSANDlt;em>areAMPERSANDlt;/em> cute animals.AMPERSANDlt;/p></pre>   <p>By moving it to the adjective, the exact nature of the cats is    reasserted (maybe someone suggested cats were <em>mean</em> animals):</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;p>Cats are AMPERSANDlt;em>cuteAMPERSANDlt;/em> animals.AMPERSANDlt;/p></pre>   <p>Similarly, if someone asserted that cats were vegetables, someone    correcting this might emphasise the last word:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;p>Cats are cute AMPERSANDlt;em>animalsAMPERSANDlt;/em>.AMPERSANDlt;/p></pre>   <p>By emphasising the entire sentence, it becomes clear that the speaker    is fighting hard to get the point across. This kind of emphasis also    typically affects the punctuation, hence the exclamation mark here.</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;p>AMPERSANDlt;em>Cats are cute animals!AMPERSANDlt;/em>AMPERSANDlt;/p></pre>   <p>Anger mixed with emphasising the cuteness could lead to markup such as:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;p>AMPERSANDlt;em>Cats are AMPERSANDlt;em>cuteAMPERSANDlt;/em> animals!AMPERSANDlt;/em>AMPERSANDlt;/p></pre>  </div>  <!-- XXX should say it is wrong to use as in:   <p><em>Note</em>: ...</p>  -->  <h4 id=the-strong><span class=secno>3.12.5. </span>The <dfn   id=strong0><code>strong</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a> is    allowed.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>When used in an element whose content model is only <a    href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a>: only <a    href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a>.   <dd>Otherwise: any <a href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a>.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd><code title=class-error><a href="#error0">error</a></code>, <code    title=class-warning><a href="#warning0">warning</a></code>   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#strong0">strong</a></code> element represents strong   importance for its contents.  <p>The relative level of importance of a piece of content is given by its   number of ancestor <code><a href="#strong0">strong</a></code> elements;   each <code><a href="#strong0">strong</a></code> element increases the   importance of its contents.  <p>Changing the importance of a piece of text with the <code><a   href="#strong0">strong</a></code> element does not change the meaning of   the sentence.  <div class=example>   <p>Here is an example of a warning notice in a game, with the various    parts marked up according to how important they are:</p>   <!-- DO NOT REFLOW THIS EXAMPLE it has been carefully balanced -->   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;p>AMPERSANDlt;strong>Warning.AMPERSANDlt;/strong> This dungeon is dangerous.AMPERSANDlt;strong>Avoid the ducks.AMPERSANDlt;/strong> Take any gold you find.AMPERSANDlt;strong>AMPERSANDlt;strong>Do not take any of the diamondsAMPERSANDlt;/strong>,they are explosive and AMPERSANDlt;strong>will destroy anything withinten meters.AMPERSANDlt;/strong>AMPERSANDlt;/strong> You have been warned.AMPERSANDlt;/p></pre>  </div>  <h4 id=the-small><span class=secno>3.12.6. </span>The <dfn   id=small0><code>small</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a> is    allowed.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>When used in an element whose content model is only <a    href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a>: only <a    href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a>.   <dd>Otherwise: any <a href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a>.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#small0">small</a></code> element represents small   print (part of a document often describing legal restrictions, such as   copyrights or other disadvantages), or other side comments.  <p class=note>The <code><a href="#small0">small</a></code> element does not   "de-emphasise" or lower the importance of text emphasised by the <code><a   href="#em0">em</a></code> element or marked as important with the <code><a   href="#strong0">strong</a></code> element.  <div class=example>   <p>In this example the footer contains contact information and a    copyright.</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;footer> AMPERSANDlt;address>  For more details, contact  AMPERSANDlt;a href="mailto:js@example.com">John SmithAMPERSANDlt;/a>. AMPERSANDlt;/address> AMPERSANDlt;p>AMPERSANDlt;small>AMPERSANDcopy; copyright 2038 Example Corp.AMPERSANDlt;/small>AMPERSANDlt;/p>AMPERSANDlt;/footer></pre>   <p>In this second example, the <code><a href="#small0">small</a></code>    element is used for a side comment.</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;p>Example Corp today announced record profits for thesecond quarter AMPERSANDlt;small>(Full Disclosure: Foo News is a subsidiary ofExample Corp)AMPERSANDlt;/small>, leading to speculation about a third quartermerger with Demo Group.AMPERSANDlt;/p></pre>   <p>In this last example, the <code><a href="#small0">small</a></code>    element is marked as being <em>important</em> small print.</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;p>AMPERSANDlt;strong>AMPERSANDlt;small>Continued use of this service will result in a kiss.AMPERSANDlt;/small>AMPERSANDlt;/strong>AMPERSANDlt;/p></pre>  </div>  <h4 id=the-m><span class=secno>3.12.7. </span>The <dfn   id=m0><code>m</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a> is    allowed.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>When used in an element whose content model is only <a    href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a>: only <a    href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a>.   <dd>Otherwise: any <a href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a>.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#m0">m</a></code> element represents a run of text   marked or highlighted.  <div class=example>   <p>In the following snippet, a paragraph of text refers to a specific part    of a code fragment.</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;p>The highlighted part below is where the error lies:AMPERSANDlt;/p>AMPERSANDlt;pre>AMPERSANDlt;code>var i: Integer;begin   i := AMPERSANDlt;m>1.1AMPERSANDlt;/m>;end.AMPERSANDlt;/code>AMPERSANDlt;/pre></pre>   <p>Another example of the <code><a href="#m0">m</a></code> element is    highlighting parts of a document that are matching some search string. If    someone looked at a document, and the server knew that the user was    searching for the word "kitten", then the server might return the    document with one paragraph modified as follows:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;p>I also have some AMPERSANDlt;m>kittenAMPERSANDlt;/m>s who are visiting methese days. They're really cute. I think they like my garden!AMPERSANDlt;/p></pre>  </div>  <h4 id=the-dfn><span class=secno>3.12.8. </span>The <dfn   id=dfn0><code>dfn</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a> is    allowed, if there are no ancestor <code><a href="#dfn0">dfn</a></code>    elements.   <dt>Content model:   <dd><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>, but there must    be no descendant <code><a href="#dfn0">dfn</a></code> elements.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None, but the <code title=attr-dfn-title><a    href="#title6">title</a></code> attribute has special semantics on this    element.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#dfn0">dfn</a></code> element represents the defining   instance of a term. The <a href="#paragraph">paragraph</a>, <a href="#dl0"   title=dl>description list group</a>, or <a href="#sectioning"   title="sectioning elements">section</a> that contains the <code><a   href="#dfn0">dfn</a></code> element contains the definition for the term   given by the contents of the <code><a href="#dfn0">dfn</a></code> element.  <p><code><a href="#dfn0">dfn</a></code> elements must not be nested.  <p><dfn id=defining>Defining term</dfn>: If the <code><a   href="#dfn0">dfn</a></code> element has a <dfn id=title6   title=attr-dfn-title><code>title</code></dfn> attribute, then the exact   value of that attribute is the term being defined. Otherwise, if it   contains exactly one element child node and no child <a href="#text-node"   title="text node">text nodes</a>, and that child element is an <code><a   href="#abbr0">abbr</a></code> element with a <code   title=attr-abbr-title><a href="#title7">title</a></code> attribute, then   the exact value of <em>that</em> attribute is the term being defined.   Otherwise, it is the exact <code><a   href="#textcontent">textContent</a></code> of the <code><a   href="#dfn0">dfn</a></code> element that gives the term being defined.</p>  <!-- XXX that means <dfn>x \n x</dfn> won't match <span>x x</span> -->  <p>If the <code title=attr-dfn-title><a href="#title6">title</a></code>   attribute of the <code><a href="#dfn0">dfn</a></code> element is present,   then it must only contain the term being defined.  <p>There must only be one <code><a href="#dfn0">dfn</a></code> element per   document for each term defined (i.e. there must not be any duplicate <a   href="#defining" title="defining term">terms</a>).  <p class=note>The <code title=attr-title><a href="#title1">title</a></code>   attribute of ancestor elements does not affect <code><a   href="#dfn0">dfn</a></code> elements.  <p>The <code><a href="#dfn0">dfn</a></code> element enables automatic   cross-references. Specifically, any <code><a   href="#span0">span</a></code>, <code><a href="#abbr0">abbr</a></code>,   <code><a href="#code0">code</a></code>, <code><a   href="#var0">var</a></code>, <code><a href="#samp0">samp</a></code>, or   <code><a href="#i0">i</a></code> element that has a non-empty <code   title=attr-title><a href="#title1">title</a></code> attribute whose value   exactly equals the <a href="#defining" title="defining term">term</a> of a   <code><a href="#dfn0">dfn</a></code> element in the same document, or   which has no <code title=attr-title><a href="#title1">title</a></code>   attribute but whose <code><a href="#textcontent">textContent</a></code>   exactly equals the <a href="#defining" title="defining term">term</a> of a   <code><a href="#dfn0">dfn</a></code> element in the document, and that has   no <a href="#interactive3">interactive elements</a> or <code><a   href="#dfn0">dfn</a></code> elements either as ancestors or descendants,   and has no other elements as ancestors that are themselves matching these   conditions, should be presented in such a way that the user can jump from   the element to the first <code><a href="#dfn0">dfn</a></code> element   giving the defining instance of that term.</p>  <!-- XXX that means <dfn>x x</dfn> won't match <span>x \n x</span> -->  <!-- need to mention that <span> is useful for cross-refs that don't  actually use the term itself -->  <div class=example>   <p>In the following fragment, the term "GDO" is first defined in the first    paragraph, then used in the second. A compliant UA could provide a link    from the <code><a href="#abbr0">abbr</a></code> element in the second    paragraph to the <code><a href="#dfn0">dfn</a></code> element in the    first.</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;p>The AMPERSANDlt;dfn>AMPERSANDlt;abbr title="Garage Door Opener">GDOAMPERSANDlt;/abbr>AMPERSANDlt;/dfn>is a device that allows off-world teams to open the iris.AMPERSANDlt;/p>AMPERSANDlt;!-- ... later in the document: -->AMPERSANDlt;p>Teal'c activated his AMPERSANDlt;abbr title="Garage Door Opener">GDOAMPERSANDlt;/abbr>and so Hammond ordered the iris to be opened.AMPERSANDlt;/p></pre>   <!-- XXX need some examples of nesting where the top element makes   a crossref but the inner ones don't despite also matching the   algorithm above -->   <!-- XXX need some examples of duplicates being bad, of title   attributes being bad, etc -->   </div>  <h4 id=the-abbr><span class=secno>3.12.9. </span>The <dfn   id=abbr0><code>abbr</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a> is    allowed.   <dt>Content model:   <dd><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None, but the <code title=attr-abbr-title><a    href="#title7">title</a></code> attribute has special semantics on this    element.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#abbr0">abbr</a></code> element represents an   abbreviation or acronym. The <dfn id=title7   title=attr-abbr-title><code>title</code></dfn> attribute should be used to   provide an expansion of the abbreviation. If present, the attribute must   only contain an expansion of the abbreviation.  <div class=example>   <p>The paragraph below contains an abbreviation marked up with the    <code><a href="#abbr0">abbr</a></code> element.</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;p>The AMPERSANDlt;abbr title="Web Hypertext Application TechnologyWorking Group">WHATWGAMPERSANDlt;/abbr> is a loose unofficial collaboration ofWeb browser manufacturers and interested parties who wish to developnew technologies designed to allow authors to write and deployApplications over the World Wide Web.AMPERSANDlt;/p></pre>  </div>  <p>The <code title=attr-abbr-title><a href="#title7">title</a></code>   attribute may be omitted if there is a <code><a   href="#dfn0">dfn</a></code> element in the document whose <a   href="#defining">defining term</a> is the abbreviation (the <code><a   href="#textcontent">textContent</a></code> of the <code><a   href="#abbr0">abbr</a></code> element).  <div class=example>   <p>In the example below, the word "Zat" is used as an abbreviation in the    second paragraph. The abbreviation is defined in the first, so the    explanatory <code title=attr-abbr-title><a    href="#title7">title</a></code> attribute has been omitted. Because of    the way <code><a href="#dfn0">dfn</a></code> elements are defined, the    second <code><a href="#abbr0">abbr</a></code> element in this example    would be connected (in some UA-specific way) to the first.</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;p>The AMPERSANDlt;dfn>AMPERSANDlt;abbr>ZatAMPERSANDlt;/abbr>AMPERSANDlt;/dfn>, short for Zat'ni'catel, is a weapon.AMPERSANDlt;/p>AMPERSANDlt;p>Jack used a AMPERSANDlt;abbr>ZatAMPERSANDlt;/abbr> to make the boxes of evidence disappear.AMPERSANDlt;/p></pre>  </div>  <h4 id=the-time><span class=secno>3.12.10. </span>The <dfn   id=time0><code>time</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a> is    allowed.   <dt>Content model:   <dd><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd><code title=attr-time-datetime><a href="#datetime">datetime</a></code>   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>    <pre     class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmltimeelement>HTMLTimeElement</dfn> : <a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a> {           attribute DOMString <a href="#datetime0" title=dom-time-datetime>datetime</a>;  readonly attribute DOMTimeStamp <a href="#date0" title=dom-time-date>date</a>;  readonly attribute DOMTimeStamp <a href="#time2" title=dom-time-time>time</a>;  readonly attribute DOMTimeStamp <a href="#timezone0" title=dom-time-timezone>timezone</a>;};</pre>  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#time0">time</a></code> element represents a date   and/or a time.  <p>The <dfn id=datetime   title=attr-time-datetime><code>datetime</code></dfn> attribute, if   present, must contain a <a href="#date-or">date or time string</a> that   identifies the date or time being specified.  <p>If the <code title=attr-time-datetime><a   href="#datetime">datetime</a></code> attribute is not present, then the   date or time must be specified in the content of the element, such that   parsing the element's <code><a href="#textcontent">textContent</a></code>   according to the rules for parsing <a href="#date-or0" title="date or time   string in content">date or time strings in content</a> successfully   extracts a date or time.  <p>The <dfn id=datetime0   title=dom-time-datetime><code>datetime</code></dfn> DOM attribute must <a   href="#reflect">reflect</a> the <code title=attr-time-datetime><a   href="#datetime">datetime</a></code> content attribute.  <p>User agents, to obtain the <dfn id=date   title=concept-time-date>date</dfn>, <dfn id=time1   title=concept-time-time>time</dfn>, and <dfn id=timezone   title=concept-time-timezone>timezone</dfn> represented by a <code><a   href="#time0">time</a></code> element, must follow the following steps:  <ol>   <li>If the <code title=attr-time-datetime><a    href="#datetime">datetime</a></code> attribute is present, then parse it    according to the rules for parsing <a href="#date-or1" title="date or    time string in attributes">date or time strings in content</a>, and let    the result be <var title="">result</var>.   <li>Otherwise, parse the element's <code><a    href="#textcontent">textContent</a></code> according to the rules for    parsing <a href="#date-or1" title="date or time string in    attributes">date or time strings in content</a>, and let the result be    <var title="">result</var>.   <li>If <var title="">result</var> is empty (because the parsing failed),    then the <a href="#date" title=concept-time-date>date</a> is unknown, the    <a href="#time1" title=concept-time-time>time</a> is unknown, and the <a    href="#timezone" title=concept-time-timezone>timezone</a> is unknown.   <li>Otherwise: if <var title="">result</var> contains a date, then that is    the <a href="#date" title=concept-time-date>date</a>; if <var    title="">result</var> contains a time, then that is the <a href="#time1"    title=concept-time-time>time</a>; and if <var title="">result</var>    contains a timezone, then the timezone is the element's <a    href="#timezone" title=concept-time-timezone>timezone</a>. (A timezone    can only be present if both a date and a time are also present.)  </ol>  <p>The <dfn id=date0 title=dom-time-date><code>date</code></dfn> DOM   attribute must return null if the <a href="#date"   title=concept-time-date>date</a> is unknown, and otherwise must return the   time corresponding to midnight UTC (i.e. the first second) of the given <a   href="#date" title=concept-time-date>date</a>.  <p>The <dfn id=time2 title=dom-time-time><code>time</code></dfn> DOM   attribute must return null if the <a href="#time1"   title=concept-time-time>time</a> is unknown, and otherwise must return the   time corresponding to the given <a href="#time1"   title=concept-time-time>time</a> of 1970-01-01, with the timezone UTC.  <p>The <dfn id=timezone0   title=dom-time-timezone><code>timezone</code></dfn> DOM attribute must   return null if the <a href="#timezone"   title=concept-time-timezone>timezone</a> is unknown, and otherwise must   return the time corresponding to 1970-01-01 00:00 UTC in the given <a   href="#timezone" title=concept-time-timezone>timezone</a>, with the   timezone set to UTC (i.e. the time corresponding to 1970-01-01 at 00:00   UTC plus the offset corresponding to the timezone).  <div class=example>   <p>In the following snippet:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;p>Our first date was AMPERSANDlt;time datetime="2006-09-23">a saturdayAMPERSANDlt;/time>.AMPERSANDlt;/p></pre>   <p>...the <code><a href="#time0">time</a></code> element's <code    title=dom-time-date><a href="#date0">date</a></code> attribute would have    the value 1,158,969,600,000ms, and the <code title=dom-time-time><a    href="#time2">time</a></code> and <code title=dom-time-timezone><a    href="#timezone0">timezone</a></code> attributes would return null.</p>   <p>In the following snippet:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;p>We stopped talking at AMPERSANDlt;time datetime="2006-09-24 05:00 -7">5am the next morningAMPERSANDlt;/time>.AMPERSANDlt;/p></pre>   <p>...the <code><a href="#time0">time</a></code> element's <code    title=dom-time-date><a href="#date0">date</a></code> attribute would have    the value 1,159,056,000,000ms, the <code title=dom-time-time><a    href="#time2">time</a></code> attribute would have the value    18,000,000ms, and the <code title=dom-time-timezone><a    href="#timezone0">timezone</a></code> attribute would return    -25,200,000ms. To obtain the actual time, the three attributes can be    added together, obtaining 1,159,048,800,000, which is the specified date    and time in UTC.</p>   <p>Finally, in the following snippet:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;p>Many people get up at AMPERSANDlt;time>08:00AMPERSANDlt;/time>.AMPERSANDlt;/p></pre>   <p>...the <code><a href="#time0">time</a></code> element's <code    title=dom-time-date><a href="#date0">date</a></code> attribute would have    the value null, the <code title=dom-time-time><a    href="#time2">time</a></code> attribute would have the value    28,800,000ms, and the <code title=dom-time-timezone><a    href="#timezone0">timezone</a></code> attribute would return null.</p>  </div>  <p class=big-issue>These APIs may be suboptimal. Comments on making them   more useful to JS authors are welcome. The primary use cases for these   elements are for marking up publication dates e.g. in blog entries, and   for marking event dates in hCalendar markup. Thus the DOM APIs are likely   to be used as ways to generate interactive calendar widgets or some such.  <h4 id=the-meter><span class=secno>3.12.11. </span>The <dfn   id=meter0><code>meter</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a> is    allowed.   <dt>Content model:   <dd><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd><code title=attr-meter-value><a href="#value1">value</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-meter-min><a href="#min">min</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-meter-low><a href="#low">low</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-meter-high><a href="#high">high</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-meter-max><a href="#max">max</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-meter-optimum><a href="#optimum">optimum</a></code>   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>    <pre     class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmlmeterelement>HTMLMeterElement</dfn> : <a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a> {           attribute long <a href="#value2" title=dom-meter-value>value</a>;           attribute long <a href="#min0" title=dom-meter-min>min</a>;           attribute long <a href="#max0" title=dom-meter-max>max</a>;           attribute long <a href="#low0" title=dom-meter-low>low</a>;           attribute long <a href="#high0" title=dom-meter-high>high</a>;           attribute long <a href="#optimum0" title=dom-meter-optimum>optimum</a>;};</pre>  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#meter0">meter</a></code> element represents a scalar   measurement within a known range, or a fractional value; for example disk   usage, the relevance of a query result, or the fraction of a voting   population to have selected a particular candidate.  <p>This is also known as a gauge.  <p class=note>The <code><a href="#meter0">meter</a></code> element should   not be used to indicate progress (as in a progress bar). For that role,   HTML provides a separate <code><a href="#progress0">progress</a></code>   element.  <p>There are six attributes that determine the semantics of the gauge   represented by the element.  <p>The <dfn id=min title=attr-meter-min><code>min</code></dfn> attribute   specifies the lower bound of the range, and the <dfn id=max   title=attr-meter-max><code>max</code></dfn> attribute specifies the upper   bound. The <dfn id=value1 title=attr-meter-value><code>value</code></dfn>   attribute specifies the value to have the gauge indicate as the "measured"   value.  <p>The other three attributes can be used to segment the gauge's range into   "low", "medium", and "high" parts, and to indicate which part of the gauge   is the "optimum" part. The <dfn id=low   title=attr-meter-low><code>low</code></dfn> attribute specifies the range   that is considered to be the "low" part, and the <dfn id=high   title=attr-meter-high><code>high</code></dfn> attribute specifies the   range that is considered to be the "high" part. The <dfn id=optimum   title=attr-meter-optimum><code>optimum</code></dfn> attribute gives the   position that is "optimum"; if that is higher than the "high" value then   this indicates that the higher the value, the better; if it's lower than   the "low" mark then it indicates that lower values are better, and   naturally if it is in between then it indicates that neither high nor low   values are good.  <p><strong>Authoring requirements</strong>: The recommended way of giving   the value is to include it as contents of the element, either as two   numbers (the higher number represents the maximum, the other number the   current value), or as a percentage or similar (using one of the characters   such as "%"), or as a fraction.  <p>The <code title=attr-meter-value><a href="#value1">value</a></code>,   <code title=attr-meter-min><a href="#min">min</a></code>, <code   title=attr-meter-low><a href="#low">low</a></code>, <code   title=attr-meter-high><a href="#high">high</a></code>, <code   title=attr-meter-max><a href="#max">max</a></code>, and <code   title=attr-meter-optimum><a href="#optimum">optimum</a></code> attributes   are all optional. When present, they must have values that are <a   href="#valid1" title="valid floating point number">valid floating point   numbers</a>.  <div class=example>   <p>The following examples all represent a measurement of three quarters    (of the maximum of whatever is being measured):</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;meter>75%AMPERSANDlt;/meter>AMPERSANDlt;meter>750AMPERSAND#x2030;AMPERSANDlt;/meter>AMPERSANDlt;meter>3/4AMPERSANDlt;/meter>AMPERSANDlt;meter>6 blocks used (out of 8 total)AMPERSANDlt;/meter>AMPERSANDlt;meter>max: 100; current: 75AMPERSANDlt;/meter>AMPERSANDlt;meter>AMPERSANDlt;object data="graph75.png">0.75AMPERSANDlt;/object>AMPERSANDlt;/meter>AMPERSANDlt;meter min="0" max="100" value="75">AMPERSANDlt;/meter></pre>  </div>  <p><strong>User agent requirements</strong>: User agents must parse the   <code title=attr-meter-min><a href="#min">min</a></code>, <code   title=attr-meter-max><a href="#max">max</a></code>, <code   title=attr-meter-value><a href="#value1">value</a></code>, <code   title=attr-meter-low><a href="#low">low</a></code>, <code   title=attr-meter-high><a href="#high">high</a></code>, and <code   title=attr-meter-optimum><a href="#optimum">optimum</a></code> attributes   using the <a href="#rules1">rules for parsing floating point number   values</a>.  <p>If the <code title=attr-meter-value><a href="#value1">value</a></code>   attribute has been omitted, the user agent must also process the <code><a   href="#textcontent">textContent</a></code> of the element according to the   <a href="#steps">steps for finding one or two numbers of a ratio in a   string</a>. These steps will return nothing, one number, one number with a   denominator punctuation character, or two numbers.  <p>User agents must then use all these numbers to obtain values for six   points on the gauge, as follows. (The order in which these are evaluated   is important, as some of the values refer to earlier ones.)  <dl>   <dt>The minimum value   <dd>    <p>If the <code title=attr-meter-min><a href="#min">min</a></code>     attribute is specified and a value could be parsed out of it, then the     minimum value is that value. Otherwise, the minimum value is zero.</p>   <dt>The maximum value   <dd>    <p>If the <code title=attr-meter-max><a href="#max">max</a></code>     attribute is specified and a value could be parsed out of it, the     maximum value is that value.</p>    <p>Otherwise, if the <code title=attr-meter-max><a     href="#max">max</a></code> attribute is specified but no value could be     parsed out of it, or if it was not specified, but either or both of the     <code title=attr-meter-min><a href="#min">min</a></code> or <code     title=attr-meter-value><a href="#value1">value</a></code> attributes     <em>were</em> specified, then the maximum value is 1.</p>    <p>Otherwise, none of the <code title=attr-meter-max><a     href="#max">max</a></code>, <code title=attr-meter-min><a     href="#min">min</a></code>, and <code title=attr-meter-value><a     href="#value1">value</a></code> attributes were specified. If the result     of processing the <code><a href="#textcontent">textContent</a></code> of     the element was either nothing or just one number with no denominator     punctuation character, then the maximum value is 1; if the result was     one number but it had an associated denominator punctuation character,     then the maximum value is the <a href="#a-value" title="values     associated with denominator punctuation characters">value associated     with that denominator punctuation character</a>; and finally, if there     were two numbers parsed out of the <code><a     href="#textcontent">textContent</a></code>, then the maximum is the     higher of those two numbers.</p>    <p>If the above machinations result in a maximum value less than the     minimum value, then the maximum value is actually the same as the     minimum value.</p>   <dt>The actual value   <dd>    <p>If the <code title=attr-meter-value><a href="#value1">value</a></code>     attribute is specified and a value could be parsed out of it, then that     value is the actual value.</p>    <p>If the <code title=attr-meter-value><a href="#value1">value</a></code>     attribute is not specified but the <code title=attr-meter-max><a     href="#max">max</a></code> attribute <em>is</em> specified and the     result of processing the <code><a     href="#textcontent">textContent</a></code> of the element was one number     with no associated denominator punctuation character, then that number     is the actual value.</p>    <p>If neither of the <code title=attr-meter-value><a     href="#value1">value</a></code> and <code title=attr-meter-max><a     href="#max">max</a></code> attributes are specified, then, if the result     of processing the <code><a href="#textcontent">textContent</a></code> of     the element was one number (with or without an associated denominator     punctuation character), then that is the actual value, and if the result     of processing the <code><a href="#textcontent">textContent</a></code> of     the element was two numbers, then the actual value is the lower of the     two numbers found.</p>    <p>Otherwise, if none of the above apply, the actual value is zero.</p>    <p>If the above procedure results in an actual value less than the     minimum value, then the actual value is actually the same as the minimum     value.</p>    <p>If, on the other hand, the result is an actual value greater than the     maximum value, then the actual value is the maximum value.</p>   <dt>The low boundary   <dd>    <p>If the <code title=attr-meter-low><a href="#low">low</a></code>     attribute is specified and a value could be parsed out of it, then the     low boundary is that value. Otherwise, the low boundary is the same as     the minimum value.</p>    <p>If the above results in a low boundary that is less than the minimum     value, the low boundary is the minimum value.</p>   <dt>The high boundary   <dd>    <p>If the <code title=attr-meter-high><a href="#high">high</a></code>     attribute is specified and a value could be parsed out of it, then the     high boundary is that value. Otherwise, the high boundary is the same as     the maximum value.</p>    <p>If the above results in a high boundary that is higher than the     maximum value, the high boundary is the maximum value.</p>   <dt>The optimum point   <dd>    <p>If the <code title=attr-meter-optimum><a     href="#optimum">optimum</a></code> attribute is specified and a value     could be parsed out of it, then the optimum point is that value.     Otherwise, the optimum point is the midpoint between the minimum value     and the maximum value.</p>    <p>If the optimum point is then less than the minimum value, then the     optimum point is actually the same as the minimum value. Similarly, if     the optimum point is greater than the maximum value, then it is actually     the maximum value instead.</p>  </dl>  <p>All of which should result in the following inequalities all being true:  <ul class=brief>   <li>minimum value AMPERSANDle; actual value AMPERSANDle; maximum value   <li>minimum value AMPERSANDle; low boundary AMPERSANDle; high boundary AMPERSANDle; maximum value   <li>minimum value AMPERSANDle; optimum point AMPERSANDle; maximum value  </ul>  <p><strong>UA requirements for regions of the gauge</strong>: If the   optimum point is equal to the low boundary or the high boundary, or   anywhere in between them, then the region between the low and high   boundaries of the gauge must be treated as the optimum region, and the low   and high parts, if any, must be treated as suboptimal. Otherwise, if the   optimum point is less than the low boundary, then the region between the   minimum value and the low boundary must be treated as the optimum region,   the region between the low boundary and the high boundary must be treated   as a suboptimal region, and the region between the high boundary and the   maximum value must be treated as an even less good region. Finally, if the   optimum point is higher than the high boundary, then the situation is   reversed; the region between the high boundary and the maximum value must   be treated as the optimum region, the region between the high boundary and   the low boundary must be treated as a suboptimal region, and the remaining   region between the low boundary and the minimum value must be treated as   an even less good region.  <p><strong>UA requirements for showing the gauge</strong>: When   representing a <code><a href="#meter0">meter</a></code> element to the   user, the UA should indicate the relative position of the actual value to   the minimum and maximum values, and the relationship between the actual   value and the three regions of the gauge.  <div class=example>   <p>The following markup:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;h3>Suggested groupsAMPERSANDlt;/h3>AMPERSANDlt;menu type="toolbar"> AMPERSANDlt;a href="?cmd=hsg" onclick="hideSuggestedGroups()">Hide suggested groupsAMPERSANDlt;/a>AMPERSANDlt;/menu>AMPERSANDlt;ul> AMPERSANDlt;li>  AMPERSANDlt;p>AMPERSANDlt;a href="/group/comp.infosystems.www.authoring.stylesheets/view">comp.infosystems.www.authoring.stylesheetsAMPERSANDlt;/a> -     AMPERSANDlt;a href="/group/comp.infosystems.www.authoring.stylesheets/subscribe">joinAMPERSANDlt;/a>AMPERSANDlt;/p>  AMPERSANDlt;p>Group description: AMPERSANDlt;strong>Layout/presentation on the WWW.AMPERSANDlt;/strong>AMPERSANDlt;/p>  AMPERSANDlt;p><strong>AMPERSANDlt;meter value="0.5">Moderate activity,AMPERSANDlt;/meter></strong> Usenet, 618 subscribersAMPERSANDlt;/p> AMPERSANDlt;/li> AMPERSANDlt;li>  AMPERSANDlt;p>AMPERSANDlt;a href="/group/netscape.public.mozilla.xpinstall/view">netscape.public.mozilla.xpinstallAMPERSANDlt;/a> -     AMPERSANDlt;a href="/group/netscape.public.mozilla.xpinstall/subscribe">joinAMPERSANDlt;/a>AMPERSANDlt;/p>  AMPERSANDlt;p>Group description: AMPERSANDlt;strong>Mozilla XPInstall discussion.AMPERSANDlt;/strong>AMPERSANDlt;/p>  AMPERSANDlt;p><strong>AMPERSANDlt;meter value="0.25">Low activity,AMPERSANDlt;/meter></strong> Usenet, 22 subscribersAMPERSANDlt;/p> AMPERSANDlt;/li> AMPERSANDlt;li>  AMPERSANDlt;p>AMPERSANDlt;a href="/group/mozilla.dev.general/view">mozilla.dev.generalAMPERSANDlt;/a> -     AMPERSANDlt;a href="/group/mozilla.dev.general/subscribe">joinAMPERSANDlt;/a>AMPERSANDlt;/p>  AMPERSANDlt;p><strong>AMPERSANDlt;meter value="0.25">Low activity,AMPERSANDlt;/meter></strong> Usenet, 66 subscribersAMPERSANDlt;/p> AMPERSANDlt;/li>AMPERSANDlt;/ul></pre>   <p>Might be rendered as follows:</p>   <p><img alt="With the AMPERSANDlt;meter> elements rendered as inline green bars of    varying lengths." src=sample-meter.png></p>  </div>  <p>The <dfn id=min0 title=dom-meter-min><code>min</code></dfn>, <dfn   id=max0 title=dom-meter-max><code>max</code></dfn>, <dfn id=value2   title=dom-meter-value><code>value</code></dfn>, <dfn id=low0   title=dom-meter-low><code>low</code></dfn>, <dfn id=high0   title=dom-meter-high><code>high</code></dfn>, and <dfn id=optimum0   title=dom-meter-optimum><code>optimum</code></dfn> DOM attributes must   reflect the elements' content attributes of the same name. When the   relevant content attributes are absent, the DOM attributes must return   zero. The value parsed from the <code><a   href="#textcontent">textContent</a></code> never affects the DOM values.  <p class=big-issue>Would be cool to have the <code title=dom-meter-value><a   href="#value2">value</a></code> DOM attribute update the <code><a   href="#textcontent">textContent</a></code> in-line...</p>  <!-- XXXshould we also look inside the title="" attribute?   Disk usage: <meter title="985MB of 986MB total" high="980">Full!</meter>should we make the contents accessible in some way, e.g. as a tooltip?-->  <h4 id=the-progress><span class=secno>3.12.12. </span>The <dfn   id=progress0><code>progress</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a> is    allowed.   <dt>Content model:   <dd><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd><code title=attr-progress-value><a href="#value3">value</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-progress-max><a href="#max1">max</a></code>   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>    <pre     class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmlprogresselement>HTMLProgressElement</dfn> : <a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a> {           attribute float <a href="#value4" title=dom-progress-value>value</a>;           attribute float <a href="#max2" title=dom-progress-max>max</a>;  readonly attribute float <a href="#position" title=dom-progress-position>position</a>;};</pre>  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#progress0">progress</a></code> element represents   the completion progress of a task. The progress is either indeterminate,   indicating that progress is being made but that it is not clear how much   more work remains to be done before the task is complete (e.g. because the   task is waiting for a remote host to respond), or the progress is a number   in the range zero to a maximum, giving the fraction of work that has so   far been completed.  <p>There are two attributes that determine the current task completion   represented by the element.  <p>The <dfn id=value3 title=attr-progress-value><code>value</code></dfn>   attribute specifies how much of the task has been completed, and the <dfn   id=max1 title=attr-progress-max><code>max</code></dfn> attribute specifies   how much work the task requires in total. The units are arbitrary and not   specified.  <p>Instead of using the attributes, authors are recommended to simply   include the current value and the maximum value inline as text inside the   element.  <div class=example>   <p>Here is a snippet of a Web application that shows the progress of some    automated task:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;section> AMPERSANDlt;h2>Task ProgressAMPERSANDlt;/h2> AMPERSANDlt;p>AMPERSANDlt;label>Progress: AMPERSANDlt;progress>AMPERSANDlt;span id="p">0AMPERSANDlt;/span>%AMPERSANDlt;/progress>AMPERSANDlt;/p> AMPERSANDlt;script>  var progressBar = document.getElementById('p');  function updateProgress(newValue) {    progressBar.textContent = newValue;  } AMPERSANDlt;/script>AMPERSANDlt;/section></pre>   <p>(The <code>updateProgress()</code> method in this example would be    called by some other code on the page to update the actual progress bar    as the task progressed.)</p>  </div>  <p><strong>Author requirements</strong>: The <code   title=attr-progress-max><a href="#max1">max</a></code> and <code   title=attr-progress-value><a href="#value3">value</a></code> attributes,   when present, must have values that are <a href="#valid1" title="valid   floating point number">valid floating point numbers</a>. The <code   title=attr-progress-max><a href="#max1">max</a></code> attribute, if   present, must have a value greater than zero. The <code   title=attr-progress-value><a href="#value3">value</a></code> attribute, if   present, must have a value equal to or greater than zero, and less than or   equal to the value of the <code title=attr-progress-max><a   href="#max1">max</a></code> attribute, if present.  <p><strong>User agent requirements</strong>: User agents must parse the   <code title=attr-progress-max><a href="#max1">max</a></code> and <code   title=attr-progress-value><a href="#value3">value</a></code> attributes'   values according to the <a href="#rules1">rules for parsing floating point   number values</a>.  <p>If the <code title=attr-progress-value><a   href="#value3">value</a></code> attribute is omitted, then user agents   must also parse the <code><a href="#textcontent">textContent</a></code> of   the <code><a href="#progress0">progress</a></code> element in question   using the <a href="#steps">steps for finding one or two numbers of a ratio   in a string</a>. These steps will return nothing, one number, one number   with a denominator punctuation character, or two numbers.  <p>Using the results of this processing, user agents must determine whether   the progress bar is an indeterminate progress bar, or whether it is a   determinate progress bar, and in the latter case, what its current and   maximum values are, all as follows:  <ol>   <li>If the <code title=attr-progress-max><a href="#max1">max</a></code>    attribute is omitted, and the <code title=attr-progress-value><a    href="#value3">value</a></code> is omitted, and the results of parsing    the <code><a href="#textcontent">textContent</a></code> was nothing, then    the progress bar is an indeterminate progress bar. Abort these steps.   <li>Otherwise, it is a determinate progress bar.   <li>If the <code title=attr-progress-max><a href="#max1">max</a></code>    attribute is included, then, if a value could be parsed out of it, then    the maximum value is that value.   <li>Otherwise, if the <code title=attr-progress-max><a    href="#max1">max</a></code> attribute is absent but the <code    title=attr-progress-value><a href="#value3">value</a></code> attribute is    present, or, if the <code title=attr-progress-max><a    href="#max1">max</a></code> attribute is present but no value could be    parsed from it, then the maximum is 1.   <li>Otherwise, if neither attribute is included, then, if the <code><a    href="#textcontent">textContent</a></code> contained one number with an    associated denominator punctuation character, then the maximum value is    the <span>value associated with that denominator punctuation    character</span>; otherwise, if the <code><a    href="#textcontent">textContent</a></code> contained two numbers, the    maximum value is the higher of the two values; otherwise, the maximum    value is 1.   <li>If the <code title=attr-progress-value><a    href="#value3">value</a></code> attribute is present on the element and a    value could be parsed out of it, that value is the current value of the    progress bar. Otherwise, if the attribute is present but no value could    be parsed from it, the current value is zero.   <li>Otherwise if the <code title=attr-progress-value><a    href="#value3">value</a></code> attribute is absent and the <code    title=attr-progress-max><a href="#max1">max</a></code> attribute is    present, then, if the <code><a href="#textcontent">textContent</a></code>    was parsed and found to contain just one number, with no associated    denominator punctuation character, then the current value is that number.    Otherwise, if the <code title=attr-progress-value><a    href="#value3">value</a></code> attribute is absent and the <code    title=attr-progress-max><a href="#max1">max</a></code> attribute is    present then the current value is zero.   <li>Otherwise, if neither attribute is present, then the current value is    the lower of the one or two numbers that were found in the <code><a    href="#textcontent">textContent</a></code> of the element.   <li>If the maximum value is less than or equal to zero, then it is reset    to 1.   <li>If the current value is less than zero, then it is reset to zero.   <li>Finally, if the current value is greater than the maximum value, then    the current value is reset to the maximum value.  </ol>  <p><strong>UA requirements for showing the progress bar</strong>: When   representing a <code><a href="#progress0">progress</a></code> element to   the user, the UA should indicate whether it is a determinate or   indeterminate progress bar, and in the former case, should indicate the   relative position of the current value relative to the maximum value.  <p>The <dfn id=max2 title=dom-progress-max><code>max</code></dfn> and <dfn   id=value4 title=dom-progress-value><code>value</code></dfn> DOM attributes   must reflect the elements' content attributes of the same name. When the   relevant content attributes are absent, the DOM attributes must return   zero. The value parsed from the <code><a   href="#textcontent">textContent</a></code> never affects the DOM values.  <p class=big-issue>Would be cool to have the <code   title=dom-progress-value><a href="#value4">value</a></code> DOM attribute   update the <code><a href="#textcontent">textContent</a></code> in-line...  <p>If the progress bar is an indeterminate progress bar, then the <dfn   id=position title=dom-progress-position><code>position</code></dfn> DOM   attribute must return -1. Otherwise, it must return the result of dividing   the current value by the maximum value.  <h4 id=the-code><span class=secno>3.12.13. </span>The <dfn   id=code0><code>code</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a> is    allowed.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>When used in an element whose content model is only <a    href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a>: only <a    href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a>.   <dd>Otherwise: any <a href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a>.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None, but the <code title=attr-title><a    href="#title1">title</a></code> attribute has special semantics on this    element when used with the <code><a href="#dfn0">dfn</a></code> element.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#code0">code</a></code> element represents a fragment   of computer code. This could be an XML element name, a filename, a   computer program, or any other string that a computer would recognise.  <p class=note>See the <code><a href="#pre0">pre</a></code> element for more   detais.  <div class=example>   <p>The following example shows how a block of code could be marked up    using the <code><a href="#pre0">pre</a></code> and <code><a    href="#code0">code</a></code> elements.</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;pre>AMPERSANDlt;code>var i: Integer;begin   i := 1;end.AMPERSANDlt;/code>AMPERSANDlt;/pre></pre>  </div>  <h4 id=the-var><span class=secno>3.12.14. </span>The <dfn   id=var0><code>var</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a> is    allowed.   <dt>Content model:   <dd><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None, but the <code title=attr-title><a    href="#title1">title</a></code> attribute has special semantics on this    element when used with the <code><a href="#dfn0">dfn</a></code> element.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#var0">var</a></code> element represents a variable.   This could be an actual variable in a mathematical expression or   programming context, or it could just be a term used as a placeholder in   prose.  <div class=example>   <p>In the paragraph below, the letter "n" is being used as a variable in    prose:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;p>If there are AMPERSANDlt;var>nAMPERSANDlt;/var> pipes leading to the icecream factory then I expect at AMPERSANDlt;em>leastAMPERSANDlt;/em> AMPERSANDlt;var>nAMPERSANDlt;/var>flavours of ice cream to be available for purchase!AMPERSANDlt;/p></pre>  </div>  <h4 id=the-samp><span class=secno>3.12.15. </span>The <dfn   id=samp0><code>samp</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a> is    allowed.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>When used in an element whose content model is only <a    href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a>: only <a    href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a>.   <dd>Otherwise: any <a href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a>.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None, but the <code title=attr-title><a    href="#title1">title</a></code> attribute has special semantics on this    element when used with the <code><a href="#dfn0">dfn</a></code> element.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#samp0">samp</a></code> element represents (sample)   output from a program or computing system.  <p class=note>See the <code><a href="#pre0">pre</a></code> and <code><a   href="#kbd0">kbd</a></code> elements for more detais.  <div class=example>   <p>This example shows the <code><a href="#samp0">samp</a></code> element    being used inline:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;p>The computer said AMPERSANDlt;samp>Too much cheese in traytwoAMPERSANDlt;/samp> but I didn't know what that meant.AMPERSANDlt;/p></pre>   <p>This second example shows a block of sample output. Nested <code><a    href="#samp0">samp</a></code> and <code><a href="#kbd0">kbd</a></code>    elements allow for the styling of specific elements of the sample output    using a style sheet.</p>   <!-- XXX should those nested SAMPs be SPANs? -->   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;pre>AMPERSANDlt;samp>AMPERSANDlt;samp class="prompt">jdoe@mowmow:~$AMPERSANDlt;/samp> AMPERSANDlt;kbd>ssh demo.example.comAMPERSANDlt;/kbd>Last login: Tue Apr 12 09:10:17 2005 from mowmow.example.com on pts/1Linux demo 2.6.10-grsec+gg3+e+fhs6b+nfs+gr0501+++p3+c4a+gr2b-reslog-v6.189 #1 SMP Tue Feb 1 11:22:36 PST 2005 i686 unknownAMPERSANDlt;samp class="prompt">jdoe@demo:~$AMPERSANDlt;/samp> AMPERSANDlt;samp class="cursor">_AMPERSANDlt;/samp>AMPERSANDlt;/samp>AMPERSANDlt;/pre></pre>  </div>  <h4 id=the-kbd><span class=secno>3.12.16. </span>The <dfn   id=kbd0><code>kbd</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a> is    allowed.   <dt>Content model:   <dd><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#kbd0">kbd</a></code> element represents user input   (typically keyboard input, although it may also be used to represent other   input, such as voice commands).  <p>When the <code><a href="#kbd0">kbd</a></code> element is nested inside a   <code><a href="#samp0">samp</a></code> element, it represents the input as   it was echoed by the system.  <p>When the <code><a href="#kbd0">kbd</a></code> element <em>contains</em>   a <code><a href="#samp0">samp</a></code> element, it represents input   based on system output, for example invoking a menu item.  <p>When the <code><a href="#kbd0">kbd</a></code> element is nested inside   another <code><a href="#kbd0">kbd</a></code> element, it represents an   actual key or other single unit of input as appropriate for the input   mechanism.  <div class=example>   <p>Here the <code><a href="#kbd0">kbd</a></code> element is used to    indicate keys to press:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;p>To make George eat an apple, press AMPERSANDlt;kbd>AMPERSANDlt;kbd>ShiftAMPERSANDlt;/kbd>+AMPERSANDlt;kbd>F3AMPERSANDlt;/kbd>AMPERSANDlt;/kbd>AMPERSANDlt;/p></pre>   <p>In this second example, the user is told to pick a particular menu    item. The outer <code><a href="#kbd0">kbd</a></code> element marks up a    block of input, with the inner <code><a href="#kbd0">kbd</a></code>    elements representing each individual step of the input, and the <code><a    href="#samp0">samp</a></code> elements inside them indicating that the    steps are input based on something being displayed by the system, in this    case menu labels:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;p>To make George eat an apple, select    AMPERSANDlt;kbd>AMPERSANDlt;kbd>AMPERSANDlt;samp>FileAMPERSANDlt;/samp>AMPERSANDlt;/kbd>|AMPERSANDlt;kbd>AMPERSANDlt;samp>Eat Apple...AMPERSANDlt;/samp>AMPERSANDlt;/kbd>AMPERSANDlt;/kbd>AMPERSANDlt;/p></pre>  </div>  <h4 id=the-sup><span class=secno>3.12.17. </span>The <dfn   id=sup0><code>sup</code></dfn> and <dfn id=sub0><code>sub</code></dfn>   elements</h4>  <p><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which these elements may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a> is    allowed.   <dt>Content model:   <dd><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#sup0">sup</a></code> element represents a   superscript and the <code><a href="#sub0">sub</a></code> element   represents a subscript.  <p>These elements must only be used to mark up typographical conventions   with specific meanings, not for typographical presentation for   presentation's sake. For example, it would be inappropriate for the   <code><a href="#sup0">sup</a></code> and <code><a   href="#sub0">sub</a></code> elements to be used in the name of the LaTeX   document preparation system. In general, authors should not use these   elements if the <em>absence</em> of those elements would not change the   meaning of the content.  <p>When the <code><a href="#sub0">sub</a></code> element is used inside a   <code><a href="#var0">var</a></code> element, it represents the subscript   that identifies the variable in a family of variables.  <div class=example>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;p>The coordinate of the AMPERSANDlt;var>iAMPERSANDlt;/var>th point is(AMPERSANDlt;var>xAMPERSANDlt;sub>AMPERSANDlt;var>iAMPERSANDlt;/var>AMPERSANDlt;/sub>AMPERSANDlt;/var>, AMPERSANDlt;var>yAMPERSANDlt;sub>AMPERSANDlt;var>iAMPERSANDlt;/var>AMPERSANDlt;/sub>AMPERSANDlt;/var>).For example, the 10th point has coordinate(AMPERSANDlt;var>xAMPERSANDlt;sub>10AMPERSANDlt;/sub>AMPERSANDlt;/var>, AMPERSANDlt;var>yAMPERSANDlt;sub>10AMPERSANDlt;/sub>AMPERSANDlt;/var>).AMPERSANDlt;/p></pre>  </div>  <p>In certain languages, superscripts are part of the typographical   conventions for some abbreviations.  <div class=example>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;p>The most beautiful women areAMPERSANDlt;span lang="fr">AMPERSANDlt;abbr>MAMPERSANDlt;sup>lleAMPERSANDlt;/sup>AMPERSANDlt;/abbr> GwendolineAMPERSANDlt;/span> and AMPERSANDlt;span lang="fr">AMPERSANDlt;abbr>MAMPERSANDlt;sup>meAMPERSANDlt;/sup>AMPERSANDlt;/abbr> DeniseAMPERSANDlt;/span>.AMPERSANDlt;/p></pre>  </div>  <p>Mathematical expressions often use subscripts and superscripts.   <!--Authors are encouraged to use MathML for marking up mathematics, but  authors may opt to use <code>sub</code> and <code>sup</code> if  detailed mathematical markup is not desired. <a  href="#refsMathML">[MathML]</a>--></p>  <!-- XXXX -->  <div class=example>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;var>EAMPERSANDlt;/var>=AMPERSANDlt;var>mAMPERSANDlt;/var>AMPERSANDlt;var>cAMPERSANDlt;/var>AMPERSANDlt;sup>2AMPERSANDlt;/sup></pre>   <pre>f(AMPERSANDlt;var>xAMPERSANDlt;/var>, AMPERSANDlt;var>nAMPERSANDlt;/var>) = logAMPERSANDlt;sub>4AMPERSANDlt;/sub>AMPERSANDlt;var>xAMPERSANDlt;/var>AMPERSANDlt;sup>AMPERSANDlt;var>nAMPERSANDlt;/var>AMPERSANDlt;/sup></pre>  </div>  <h4 id=the-span><span class=secno>3.12.18. </span>The <dfn   id=span0><code>span</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a> is    allowed.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>When used in an element whose content model is only <a    href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a>: only <a    href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a>.   <dd>Otherwise: any <a href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a>.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None, but the <code title=attr-title><a    href="#title1">title</a></code> attribute has special semantics on this    element when used with the <code><a href="#dfn0">dfn</a></code> element.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd><code title=class-copyright><a    href="#copyright0">copyright</a></code>, <code title=class-error><a    href="#error0">error</a></code>, <code title=class-example><a    href="#example1">example</a></code>, <code title=class-issue><a    href="#issue0">issue</a></code>, <code title=class-note><a    href="#note0">note</a></code>, <code title=class-search><a    href="#search1">search</a></code>, <code title=class-warning><a    href="#warning0">warning</a></code>   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#span0">span</a></code> element doesn't mean anything   on its own, but can be useful when used together with other attributes,   e.g. <code title=attr-class><a href="#class6">class</a></code>, <code   title=attr-lang><a href="#lang0">lang</a></code>, or <code   title=attr-dir><a href="#dir0">dir</a></code>, or when used in conjunction   with the <code><a href="#dfn0">dfn</a></code> element.</p>  <!-- XXX need examples -->  <h4 id=the-i><span class=secno>3.12.19. </span>The <dfn   id=i0><code>i</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a> is    allowed.   <dt>Content model:   <dd><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None, but the <code title=attr-title><a    href="#title1">title</a></code> attribute has special semantics on this    element when used with the <code><a href="#dfn0">dfn</a></code> element.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.</dd>   <!-- XXX ship? name? dream? -->   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#i0">i</a></code> element represents a span of text   in an alternate voice or mood, or otherwise offset from the normal prose,   such as a taxonomic designation, a technical term, an idiomatic phrase   from another language, a thought, a ship name, or some other prose whose   typical typographic presentation is italicized.  <p>Terms in languages different from the main text should be annotated with   <code title=attr-lang><a href="#lang0">lang</a></code> attributes (<code   title=attr-xml-lang><a href="#xmllang0">xml:lang</a></code> in XML).  <div class=example>   <p>The examples below show uses of the <code><a href="#i0">i</a></code>    element:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;p>The AMPERSANDlt;i>felis silvestris catusAMPERSANDlt;/i> is cute.AMPERSANDlt;/p>AMPERSANDlt;p>The AMPERSANDlt;i>block-level elementsAMPERSANDlt;/i> are defined above.AMPERSANDlt;/p>AMPERSANDlt;p>There is a certain AMPERSANDlt;i lang="fr">je ne sais quoiAMPERSANDlt;/i> in the air.AMPERSANDlt;/p></pre>   <p>In the following example, a dream sequence is marked up using <code><a    href="#i0">i</a></code> elements.</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;p>Raymond tried to sleep.AMPERSANDlt;/p>AMPERSANDlt;p>AMPERSANDlt;i>The ship sailed away on ThursdayAMPERSANDlt;/i>, hedreamt. AMPERSANDlt;i>The ship had many people aboard, including a beautifulprincess called Carey. He watched her, day-in, day-out, hoping shewould notice him, but she never did.AMPERSANDlt;/i>AMPERSANDlt;/p>AMPERSANDlt;p>AMPERSANDlt;i>Finally one night he picked up the courage to speak withherAMPERSANDmdash;AMPERSANDlt;/i>AMPERSANDlt;/p>AMPERSANDlt;p>Raymond woke with a start as the fire alarm rang out.AMPERSANDlt;/p></pre>  </div>  <p>The <code><a href="#i0">i</a></code> element should be used as a last   resort when no other element is more appropriate. In particular, citations   should use the <code><a href="#cite3">cite</a></code> element, defining   instances of terms should use the <code><a href="#dfn0">dfn</a></code>   element, stress emphasis should use the <code><a href="#em0">em</a></code>   element, importance should be denoted with the <code><a   href="#strong0">strong</a></code> element, quotes should be marked up with   the <code><a href="#q0">q</a></code> element, and small print should use   the <code><a href="#small0">small</a></code> element.  <p class=note>Style sheets can be used to format <code><a   href="#i0">i</a></code> elements, just like any other element can be   restyled. Thus, it is not the case that content in <code><a   href="#i0">i</a></code> elements will necessarily be italicised.  <h4 id=the-b><span class=secno>3.12.20. </span>The <dfn   id=b0><code>b</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a> is    allowed.   <dt>Content model:   <dd><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#b0">b</a></code> element represents a span of text   to be stylistically offset from the normal prose without conveying any   extra importance, such as key words in a document abstract, product names   in a review, or other spans of text whose typical typographic presentation   is boldened.  <div class=example>   <p>The following example shows a use of the <code><a    href="#b0">b</a></code> element to highlight key words without marking    them up as important:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;p>The AMPERSANDlt;b>frobonitorAMPERSANDlt;/b> and AMPERSANDlt;b>barbinatorAMPERSANDlt;/b> components are fried.AMPERSANDlt;/p>   </pre>   <p>The following would be <em>incorrect</em> usage:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;p>AMPERSANDlt;b>WARNING!AMPERSANDlt;/b> Do not frob the barbinator!AMPERSANDlt;/p>   </pre>   <p>In the previous example, the correct element to use would have been    <code><a href="#strong0">strong</a></code>, not <code><a    href="#b0">b</a></code>.</p>   <p>In the following example, objects in a text adventure are highlighted    as being special by use of the <code><a href="#b0">b</a></code> element.</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;p>You enter a small room. Your AMPERSANDlt;b>swordAMPERSANDlt;/b> glowsbrighter. A AMPERSANDlt;b>ratAMPERSANDlt;/b> scurries past the corner wall.AMPERSANDlt;/p></pre>  </div>  <p>The <code><a href="#b0">b</a></code> element should be used as a last   resort when no other element is more appropriate. In particular, headers   should use the <code><a href="#h10">h1</a></code> to <code><a   href="#h60">h6</a></code> elements, stress emphasis should use the   <code><a href="#em0">em</a></code> element, importance should be denoted   with the <code><a href="#strong0">strong</a></code> element, and text   marked or highlighted should use the <code><a href="#m0">m</a></code>   element.  <p class=note>Style sheets can be used to format <code><a   href="#b0">b</a></code> elements, just like any other element can be   restyled. Thus, it is not the case that content in <code><a   href="#b0">b</a></code> elements will necessarily be boldened.  <h4 id=the-bdo><span class=secno>3.12.21. </span>The <dfn   id=bdo0><code>bdo</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a> is    allowed.   <dt>Content model:   <dd><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None, but the <code title=attr-dir><a href="#dir0">dir</a></code>    global attribute is required on this element.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#bdo0">bdo</a></code> element allows authors to   override the Unicode bidi algorithm by explicitly specifying a direction   override. <a href="#refsBIDI">[BIDI]</a>  <p>Authors must specify the <code title=attr-dir><a   href="#dir0">dir</a></code> attribute on this element, with the value   <code>ltr</code> to specify a left-to-right override and with the value   <code>rtl</code> to specify a right-to-left override.  <p>If the element has the <code title=attr-dir><a   href="#dir0">dir</a></code> attribute set to the exact value   <code>ltr</code>, then for the purposes of the bidi algorithm, the user   agent must act as if there was a U+202D LEFT-TO-RIGHT OVERRIDE character   at the start of the element, and a U+202C POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING at   the end of the element.  <p>If the element has the <code title=attr-dir><a   href="#dir0">dir</a></code> attribute set to the exact value   <code>rtl</code>, then for the purposes of the bidi algorithm, the user   agent must act as if there was a U+202E RIGHT-TO-LEFT OVERRIDE character   at the start of the element, and a U+202C POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING at   the end of the element.  <p>The requirements on handling the <code><a href="#bdo0">bdo</a></code>   element for the bidi algorithm may be implemented indirectly through the   style layer. For example, an HTML+CSS user agent should implement these   requirements by implementing the CSS <code>unicode-bidi</code> property.   <a href="#refsCSS21">[CSS21]</a></p>  <!-- XXX need examples -->  <h3 id=edits><span class=secno>3.13. </span>Edits</h3>  <p>The <code><a href="#ins0">ins</a></code> and <code><a   href="#del0">del</a></code> elements represent edits to the document.  <h4 id=the-ins><span class=secno>3.13.1. </span>The <dfn   id=ins0><code>ins</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#block-level1" title="block-level elements">Block-level   element</a>, and <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a> is expected.   <dd>Where <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a> is    allowed.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>When the element is a child of an element with only one content model    (i.e. an element that only allows <a href="#strictly">strictly    inline-level content</a>, or only allows <a    href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a>, or only allows <a    href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a>): same content model as the    parent element.   <dd>Otherwise, when the element is a child of an element that only    contains <a href="#inter-element">inter-element whitespace</a>, <code><a    href="#ins0">ins</a></code> elements, and <code><a    href="#del0">del</a></code> elements: same content model as the parent    element, with the additional restriction that if the parent element    allows a choice in content models (e.g. block or inline) then if all the    children of all the sibling <code><a href="#ins0">ins</a></code> elements    were placed directly in the parent element, the document would still be    conforming.   <dd>Otherwise, when the element is a child of an element that is <a    href="#determining2" title="Determining if a particular element contains    block-level elements or inline-level content">being used as an    inline-level content container</a>: <a href="#inline-level1">inline-level    content</a>.   <dd>Otherwise, when the element is a child of an element that is <a    href="#determining2" title="Determining if a particular element contains    block-level elements or inline-level content">being used as a block-level    element container</a>: <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a>.   <dd>Otherwise: zero or more <a href="#block-level1">block-level    elements</a>, or <a href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a> (but    not both).   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd><code title=attr-mod-cite><a href="#cite4">cite</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-mod-datetime><a href="#datetime1">datetime</a></code>   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>Uses the <code><a href="#htmlmodelement">HTMLModElement</a></code>    interface.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#ins0">ins</a></code> element represents an addition   to the document.  <p>The <code><a href="#ins0">ins</a></code> element must be used only where   <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a> or <a   href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a> can be used.  <p>An <code><a href="#ins0">ins</a></code> element must only contain   content that would still be conformant if all <code><a   href="#ins0">ins</a></code> elements were replaced by their contents.  <div class=example>   <p>The following would be syntactically legal:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;aside> AMPERSANDlt;ins>  AMPERSANDlt;p>...AMPERSANDlt;/p> AMPERSANDlt;/ins>AMPERSANDlt;/aside></pre>   <p>As would this:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;aside> AMPERSANDlt;ins>  AMPERSANDlt;em>...AMPERSANDlt;/em> AMPERSANDlt;/ins>AMPERSANDlt;/aside></pre>   <p>However, this last example would be illegal, as <code><a    href="#em0">em</a></code> and <code><a href="#p0">p</a></code> cannot    both be used inside an <code><a href="#aside0">aside</a></code> element    at the same time:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;aside> AMPERSANDlt;ins>  AMPERSANDlt;p>...AMPERSANDlt;/p> AMPERSANDlt;/ins> AMPERSANDlt;ins>  AMPERSANDlt;em>...AMPERSANDlt;/em> AMPERSANDlt;/ins>AMPERSANDlt;/aside></pre>  </div>  <h4 id=the-del><span class=secno>3.13.2. </span>The <dfn   id=del0><code>del</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#block-level1" title="block-level elements">Block-level   element</a>, and <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a> is expected.   <dd>Where <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a> is    allowed.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>When the element has a parent: same content model as the parent    element.   <dd>Otherwise: zero or more <a href="#block-level1">block-level    elements</a>, or <a href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a> (but    not both).   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd><code title=attr-mod-cite><a href="#cite4">cite</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-mod-datetime><a href="#datetime1">datetime</a></code>   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>Uses the <code><a href="#htmlmodelement">HTMLModElement</a></code>    interface.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#del0">del</a></code> element represents a removal   from the document.  <p>The <code><a href="#del0">del</a></code> element must only contain   content that would be allowed inside the parent element (regardless of   what the parent element actually contains).  <div class=example>   <p>The following would be syntactically legal:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;aside> AMPERSANDlt;del>  AMPERSANDlt;p>...AMPERSANDlt;/p> AMPERSANDlt;/del> AMPERSANDlt;ins>  AMPERSANDlt;em>...AMPERSANDlt;/em> AMPERSANDlt;/ins>AMPERSANDlt;/aside></pre>   <p>...even though the <code><a href="#p0">p</a></code> and <code><a    href="#em0">em</a></code> elements would never be allowed side by side in    the <code><a href="#aside0">aside</a></code> element. This is allowed    because the <code><a href="#del0">del</a></code> element represents    content that was removed, and it is quite possible that an edit could    cause an element to go from being an inline-level container to a    block-level container, or vice-versa.</p>  </div>  <h4 id=attributes><span class=secno>3.13.3. </span>Attributes common to   <code><a href="#ins0">ins</a></code> and <code><a   href="#del0">del</a></code> elements</h4>  <p>The <dfn id=cite4 title=attr-mod-cite><code>cite</code></dfn> attribute   may be used to specify a URI that explains the change. When that document   is long, for instance the minutes of a meeting, authors are encouraged to   include a fragment identifier pointing to the specific part of that   document that discusses the change.  <p>If the <code title=attr-mod-cite><a href="#cite4">cite</a></code>   attribute is present, it must be a URI (or IRI) that explains the change.   User agents should allow users to follow such citation links.  <p>The <dfn id=datetime1   title=attr-mod-datetime><code>datetime</code></dfn> attribute may be used   to specify the time and date of the change.  <p>If present, the <code title=attr-mod-datetime><a   href="#datetime1">datetime</a></code> attribute must be a <a   href="#valid4">valid datetime</a> value.  <p>User agents must parse the <code title=attr-mod-datetime><a   href="#datetime1">datetime</a></code> attribute according to the <a   href="#datetime-parser">parse a string as a datetime value</a> algorithm.   If that doesn't return a time, then the modification has no associated   timestamp (the value is non-conforming; it is not a <a   href="#valid4">valid datetime</a>). Otherwise, the modification is marked   as having been made at the given datetime. User agents should use the   associated timezone information to determine which timezone to present the   given datetime in.  <p>The <code><a href="#ins0">ins</a></code> and <code><a   href="#del0">del</a></code> elements must implement the <code><a   href="#htmlmodelement">HTMLModElement</a></code> interface:  <pre   class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmlmodelement>HTMLModElement</dfn> : <a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a> {           attribute DOMString <a href="#cite5" title=dom-mod-cite>cite</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#datetime2" title=dom-mod-datetime>datetime</a>;};</pre>  <p>The <dfn id=cite5 title=dom-mod-cite><code>cite</code></dfn> and <dfn   id=datetime2 title=dom-mod-datetime><code>datetime</code></dfn> DOM   attributes must reflect the elements' content attributes of the same name.  <h3 id=embedded><span class=secno>3.14. </span>Embedded content</h3>  <h4 id=the-img><span class=secno>3.14.1. </span>The <dfn   id=img0><code>img</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><span title="Strictly inline-level elements">Strictly   inline-level</span> <a href="#embedded0">embedded content</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>As the only <a href="#embedded0">embedded content</a> child of a    <code><a href="#figure0">figure</a></code> element.   <dd>Where <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a> is    allowed.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>Empty.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd><code title=attr-img-alt><a href="#alt">alt</a></code> (required)   <dd><code title=attr-img-src><a href="#src">src</a></code> (required)   <dd><code title=attr-hyperlink-usemap><a href="#usemap1">usemap</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-img-ismap><a href="#ismap">ismap</a></code> (but only    if one of the ancestor elements is an <code><a href="#a0">a</a></code>    element)   <dd><code title=attr-img-height><a href="#height">height</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-img-width><a href="#width">width</a></code>   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>    <pre     class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmlimageelement>HTMLImageElement</dfn> : <a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a> {           attribute DOMString <a href="#alt0" title=dom-img-alt>alt</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#src0" title=dom-img-src>src</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#usemap" title=dom-img-useMap>useMap</a>;           attribute boolean <a href="#ismap0" title=dom-img-isMap>isMap</a>;           attribute long <a href="#height0" title=dom-img-height>height</a>;           attribute long <a href="#width0" title=dom-img-width>width</a>;  readonly attribute boolnean <a href="#complete" title=dom-img-complete>complete</a>;};</pre>    <p class=note>An instance of <code><a     href="#htmlimageelement">HTMLImageElement</a></code> can be obtained     using the <code title=dom-image><a href="#image0">Image</a></code>     constructor.</p>  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#img0">img</a></code> element represents a piece of   text with an alternate graphical representation. The text is given by the   <dfn id=alt title=attr-img-alt><code>alt</code></dfn> attribute, which   must be present, and the URI to the graphical representation of that text   is given in the <dfn id=src title=attr-img-src><code>src</code></dfn>   attribute, which must also be present.  <p>The image given by the <code title=attr-img-src><a   href="#src">src</a></code> attribute is the embedded content, and the   value of the <code title=attr-img-alt><a href="#alt">alt</a></code>   attribute is the <code><a href="#img0">img</a></code> element's <a   href="#fallback">fallback content</a>.  <p>When the <code title=attr-img-alt><a href="#alt">alt</a></code>   attribute's value is the empty string, the image supplements the   surrounding content. In such cases, the image could be omitted without   affecting the meaning of the document.  <p>If the <code title=attr-img-alt><a href="#alt">alt</a></code> attribute   is omitted, user agents must treat the element as if it had an <code   title=attr-img-alt><a href="#alt">alt</a></code> attribute set to the   empty string.  <p>The <code title=attr-img-alt><a href="#alt">alt</a></code> attribute   does not represent advisory information. User agents must not present the   contents of the <code title=attr-img-alt><a href="#alt">alt</a></code>   attribute in the same way as content of the <code title=attr-title><a   href="#title1">title</a></code> attribute.  <p class=big-issue>Guidelines on writing "alt" text here.</p>  <!-- http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/html/alt.html -->  <p>The <code title=attr-img-src><a href="#src">src</a></code> attribute   must contain a valid URI (or IRI). If the <code title=attr-img-src><a   href="#src">src</a></code> attribute is omitted, there is no alternative   image representation.  <p>When the <code title=attr-img-src><a href="#src">src</a></code>   attribute is set, the user agent must immediately begin to download the   specified   resource<!-- XXX xref what fetching means, how to resolve URIs in  attributes (including those not in the DOM) -->,   unless the user agent cannot support images, or its support for images has   been disabled.  <p>Once the download has completed, if the image is a valid image, the user   agent must <a href="#firing4">fire a <code title=event-load>load</code>   event</a> on the <code><a href="#img0">img</a></code> element. If the   download fails or it completes but the image is not a valid or supported   image, the user agent must <a href="#firing5">fire an <code   title=event-load>error</code> event</a> on the <code><a   href="#img0">img</a></code> element.  <p>The remote server's response metadata (e.g. an HTTP 404 status code, or   <a href="#content-type1" title=Content-Type>associated Content-Type   headers</a>) must be ignored when determining whether the resource   obtained is a valid image or not.  <p class=note>This allows servers to return images with error responses.  <p>User agents must not support non-image resources with the <code><a   href="#img0">img</a></code> element.  <p>The <code title=attr-hyperlink-usemap><a   href="#usemap1">usemap</a></code> attribute, if present, can indicate that   the image has an associated <a href="#image">image map</a>.  <p>The <dfn id=ismap title=attr-img-ismap><code>ismap</code></dfn>   attribute, when used on an element that is a descendant of an <code><a   href="#a0">a</a></code> element with an <code title=attr-hyperlink-href><a   href="#href5">href</a></code> attribute, indicates by its presence that   the element is a <span>server-side image map</span>. This affects how   events are handled on the corresponding <code><a href="#a0">a</a></code>   element.  <p>The <code title=attr-img-ismap><a href="#ismap">ismap</a></code>   attribute, when present, must have the value <code title="">ismap</code>.   The attribute must not be specified on an element that does not have an   ancestor <code><a href="#a0">a</a></code> element.  <p>The <dfn id=height title=attr-img-height><code>height</code></dfn> and   <dfn id=width title=attr-img-width><code>width</code></dfn> attributes   give the preferred rendered dimensions of the image if the image is to be   shown in a visual medium.  <p class=big-issue>Should we require the dimensions to be correct? Should   we disallow percentages?  <p>The values of the <code title=attr-img-height><a   href="#height">height</a></code> and <code title=attr-img-width><a   href="#width">width</a></code> attributes must be either <a href="#valid"   title="valid non-negative integer">valid non-negative integers</a> or <a   href="#valid3" title="valid non-negative percentage">valid non-negative   percentages</a>.  <p>To parse the attributes, user agents must use the <a   href="#rules2">rules for parsing dimension values</a>. This will return   either an integer length, a percentage value, or nothing. When one of   these attributes has no value, it must be   <span>ignored</span><!-- XXX xref -->.  <p>The user agent requirements for processing the values obtained from   parsing these attributes are described <a href="#sizing" title="sizing of   embedded content">in the rendering section</a><!-- XXX xref  -->.  <p>The <code><a href="#img0">img</a></code> element must be empty.</p>  <!-- contents  should be ignored for rendering but not for semantics,  e.g. <script>, <input>, etc. -->  <p>The DOM attributes <dfn id=alt0   title=dom-img-alt><code>alt</code></dfn>, <dfn id=src0   title=dom-img-src><code>src</code></dfn>, <dfn id=usemap   title=dom-img-useMap><code>useMap</code></dfn>, and <dfn id=ismap0   title=dom-img-isMap><code>isMap</code></dfn> each must <a   href="#reflect">reflect</a> the respective content attributes of the same   name.  <p>The DOM attributes <dfn id=height0   title=dom-img-height><code>height</code></dfn> and <dfn id=width0   title=dom-img-width><code>width</code></dfn> must return the rendered   height and width of the image, in CSS pixels, if the image is being   rendered, and is being rendered to a visual medium, or 0 otherwise. <a   href="#refsCSS21">[CSS21]</a>  <p>The DOM attribute <dfn id=complete   title=dom-img-complete><code>complete</code></dfn> must return true if the   user agent has downloaded the image specified in the <code   title=attr-img-src><a href="#src">src</a></code> attribute, and it is a   valid image.  <h4 id=the-iframe><span class=secno>3.14.2. </span>The <dfn   id=iframe0><code>iframe</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><span title="Strictly inline-level elements">Strictly   inline-level</span> <a href="#embedded0">embedded content</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>As the only <a href="#embedded0">embedded content</a> child of a    <code><a href="#figure0">figure</a></code> element.   <dd>Where <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a> is    allowed.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>Text (for details, see prose).   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd><code title=attr-iframe-src><a href="#src1">src</a></code>   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>    <pre     class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmliframeelement>HTMLIFrameElement</dfn> : <a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a> {           attribute DOMString <a href="#src2" title=dom-iframe-src>src</a>;<!--  readonly attribute Document <span title="dom-iframe-contentDocument">contentDocument</span>;  readonly attribute Window <span title="dom-iframe-contentWindow">contentWindow</span>;-->};</pre>    <p>Objects implementing the <code><a     href="#htmliframeelement">HTMLIFrameElement</a></code> interface must     also implement the <code>EmbeddingElement</code> interface defined in     the Window Object specification. <a href="#refsWINDOW">[WINDOW]</a></p>  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#iframe0">iframe</a></code> element introduces a new   nested <a href="#browsing">browsing context</a>.  <p>The <dfn id=src1 title=attr-iframe-src><code>src</code></dfn> attribute,   if present, must be a valid URI (or IRI) to a page that the nested <a   href="#browsing">browsing context</a> is to contain. If the user navigates   away from this page, the <code><a href="#iframe0">iframe</a></code>'s   corresponding <code>Window</code> object will reference new   <code>Document</code> objects, but the <code title=attr-iframe-src><a   href="#src1">src</a></code> attribute will not change.  <p>Whenever the <code title=attr-iframe-src><a href="#src1">src</a></code>   attribute is set, the nested <a href="#browsing">browsing context</a> must   be <span>navigated</span><!-- XXX xref --> to the given URI.  <p>The default value, which must be used if the <code   title=attr-iframe-src><a href="#src1">src</a></code> attribute is not set   when the element is created, or if the attribute is ever removed, is   <code>about:blank</code><!-- XXX xref -->.  <p>When content loads in an <code><a href="#iframe0">iframe</a></code>, the   user agent must <a href="#firing4">fire a <code   title=event-load>load</code> event</a> at the <code><a   href="#iframe0">iframe</a></code> element. When content fails to load   (e.g. due to a network error), then the user agent must <a   href="#firing5">fire an <code title=event-error>error</code> event</a>   instead.  <p class=big-issue>order of events when content is also firing its own   load/error?  <p>An <code><a href="#iframe0">iframe</a></code> element never has <a   href="#fallback">fallback content</a>, as it will always create a nested   <a href="#browsing">browsing context</a>, regardless of whether the   specified initial contents are successfully used.  <p><code><a href="#iframe0">iframe</a></code> elements may contain any   text. <code><a href="#iframe0">iframe</a></code> elements must not contain   element nodes. Descendants of <code><a href="#iframe0">iframe</a></code>   elements represent nothing. (In legacy user agents that do not support   <code><a href="#iframe0">iframe</a></code> elements, the contents would be   parsed as markup that could act as fallback content.)  <p class=big-issue>restrictions for what that text must be?  <p class=note>The <a href="#html-0">HTML parser</a> treats markup inside   <code><a href="#iframe0">iframe</a></code> elements as text.  <p>The DOM attribute <dfn id=src2   title=dom-iframe-src><code>src</code></dfn> must <a   href="#reflect">reflect</a> the content attribute of the same name.  <h4 id=the-embed><span class=secno>3.14.3. </span>The <dfn   id=embed0><code>embed</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><span title="Strictly inline-level elements">Strictly   inline-level</span> <a href="#embedded0">embedded content</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>As the only <a href="#embedded0">embedded content</a> child of a    <code><a href="#figure0">figure</a></code> element.   <dd>Where <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a> is    allowed.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>Empty.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd><code title=attr-embed-src><a href="#src3">src</a></code> (required)   <dd><code title=attr-embed-type><a href="#type4">type</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-embed-height>height</code>   <dd><code title=attr-embed-width>width</code>   <dd>Any other attribute that has no namespace (see prose).   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>    <pre     class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmlembedelement>HTMLEmbedElement</dfn> : <a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a> {           attribute DOMString <a href="#src4" title=dom-embed-src>src</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#type5" title=dom-embed-type>type</a>;           attribute long <a href="#height1" title=dom-embed-height>height</a>;           attribute long <a href="#width1" title=dom-embed-width>width</a>;};</pre>    <p>Depending on the type of content instantiated by the <code><a     href="#embed0">embed</a></code> element, the node may also support other     interfaces.</p>  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#embed0">embed</a></code> element represents an   integration point for an external (typically non-HTML) application or   interactive content.  <p>The <dfn id=src3 title=attr-embed-src><code>src</code></dfn> attribute   gives the address of the resource being embedded. The attribute must be   present and contain a URI (or IRI).  <p>If the <code title=attr-embed-src><a href="#src3">src</a></code>   attribute is missing, then the <code><a href="#embed0">embed</a></code>   element must be ignored.  <p>When the <code title=attr-embed-src><a href="#src3">src</a></code>   attribute is set, user agents are expected to find an appropriate handler   for the specified resource, based on the <a href="#type-of"   title=concept-embed-type>content's type</a>, and hand that handler the   content of the resource. If the handler supports a scriptable interface,   the <code><a href="#htmlembedelement">HTMLEmbedElement</a></code> object   representing the element should expose that interfaces.  <p>The user agent should pass the names and values of all the attributes of   the <code><a href="#embed0">embed</a></code> element that have no   namespace to the handler used. Any (namespace-less) attribute may be   specified on the <code><a href="#embed0">embed</a></code> element.</p>  <!-- duplicates what's in <object> section below -->  <p class=note>This specification does not define a mechanism for   interacting with third-party handlers, as it is expected to be   user-agent-specific. Some UAs might opt to support a plugin mechanism such   as the Netscape Plugin API; others may use remote content convertors or   have built-in support for certain types. <a href="#refsNPAPI">[NPAPI]</a>  <p>The <code><a href="#embed0">embed</a></code> element has no <a   href="#fallback">fallback content</a>. If the user agent can't display the   specified resource, e.g. because the given type is not supported, then the   user agent must use a default handler for the content. (This default could   be as simple as saying "Unsupported Format", of course.)</p>  <!-- XXX we really should factor out the common parts of type  handling; at least the parsing and handling of parameters -->  <p>The <dfn id=type4 title=attr-embed-type><code>type</code></dfn>   attribute, if present, gives the MIME type of the linked resource. The   value must be a valid MIME type, optionally with parameters. <a   href="#refsRFC2046">[RFC2046]</a>  <p>The <dfn id=type-of title=concept-embed-type>type of the content</dfn>   being embedded is defined as follows:  <ol>   <li>If the element has a <code title=attr-link-type><a    href="#type">type</a></code> attribute, then the value of the <code    title=attr-link-type><a href="#type">type</a></code> attribute is the    <span>content's type</span>.   <li>Otherwise, if the specified resource has <a href="#content-type1"    title=Content-Type>explicit type metadata</a>, then that is the    <span>content's type</span>.   <li>Otherwise, the content has no type and there can be no appropriate    handler for it.  </ol>  <p class=big-issue>Should we instead say that the content-sniffing that   we're going to define for top-level browsing contexts should apply here?  <p class=big-issue>Should we require the type attribute to match the server   information?  <p class=big-issue>We should say that 404s, etc, don't affect whether the   resource is used or not. Not sure how to say it here though.  <p>Browsers should take extreme care when interacting with external content   intended for third-party renderers. When third-party software is run with   the same privileges as the user agent itself, vulnerabilities in the   third-party software become as dangerous as those in the user agent.  <p class=big-issue>height/width  <p>The DOM attributes <dfn id=src4   title=dom-embed-src><code>src</code></dfn> and <dfn id=type5   title=dom-embed-type><code>type</code></dfn> each must <a   href="#reflect">reflect</a> the respective content attributes of the same   name.  <p>The DOM attributes <dfn id=height1   title=dom-embed-height><code>height</code></dfn> and <dfn id=width1   title=dom-embed-width><code>width</code></dfn> must return the rendered   height and width of the image, in CSS pixels, if the image is being   rendered, and is being rendered to a visual medium, or 0 otherwise. <a   href="#refsCSS21">[CSS21]</a>  <h4 id=the-object><span class=secno>3.14.4. </span>The <dfn   id=object0><code>object</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><span title="Strictly inline-level elements">Strictly   inline-level</span> <a href="#embedded0">embedded content</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>As the only <a href="#embedded0">embedded content</a> child of a    <code><a href="#figure0">figure</a></code> element.   <dd>Where <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a> is    allowed.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>When used as the child of a <code><a href="#figure0">figure</a></code>    element, or, when used as a <em><code><a    href="#figure0">figure</a></code> fallback <code><a    href="#object0">object</a></code></em>: Zero or more <code><a    href="#param0">param</a></code> elements, followed by either zero or more    <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a> or a single <code><a    href="#object0">object</a></code> element, which is then considered to be    a <em><code><a href="#figure0">figure</a></code> fallback <code><a    href="#object0">object</a></code></em>.   <dd>Otherwise: Zero or more <code><a href="#param0">param</a></code>    elements, followed by <a href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a>.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd><code title=attr-object-data><a href="#data">data</a></code> (required    if <code title=attr-object-type><a href="#type6">type</a></code> is not    given)   <dd><code title=attr-object-type><a href="#type6">type</a></code>    (required if <code title=attr-object-data><a href="#data">data</a></code>    is not given)   <dd><code title=attr-hyperlink-usemap><a href="#usemap1">usemap</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-object-height>height</code>   <dd><code title=attr-object-width>width</code>   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>    <pre     class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmlobjectelement>HTMLObjectElement</dfn> : <a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a> {           attribute DOMString <a href="#data0" title=dom-object-data>data</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#type7" title=dom-object-type>type</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#usemap0" title=dom-object-useMap>useMap</a>;           attribute long <a href="#height2" title=dom-object-height>height</a>;           attribute long <a href="#width2" title=dom-object-width>width</a>;<!--  readonly attribute Document <span title="dom-object-contentDocument">contentDocument</span>;  readonly attribute Window <span title="dom-object-contentWindow">contentWindow</span>;-->};</pre>    <p>Objects implementing the <code><a     href="#htmlobjectelement">HTMLObjectElement</a></code> interface must     also implement the <code>EmbeddingElement</code> interface defined in     the Window Object specification. <a href="#refsWINDOW">[WINDOW]</a></p>    <p>Depending on the type of content instantiated by the <code><a     href="#object0">object</a></code> element, the node may also support     other interfaces.</p>  </dl>  <p class=big-issue>Shouldn't allow inline-level content to be the content   model when the parent's content model is strictly inline only.  <p>The <code><a href="#object0">object</a></code> element can represent an   external resource, which, depending on the type of the resource, will   either be treated as an image, as a nested <a href="#browsing">browsing   context</a>, or as an external resource to be processed by a third-party   software package.  <p>The <dfn id=data title=attr-object-data><code>data</code></dfn>   attribute, if present, specifies the URI of the resource. If present, the   attribute must be a valid URI.  <p>The <dfn id=type6 title=attr-object-type><code>type</code></dfn>   attribute, if present, specifies the type of the resource. If present, the   attribute must be a valid MIME type, optionally with parameters. <a   href="#refsRFC2046">[RFC2046]</a>  <p>One or both of the <code title=attr-object-data><a   href="#data">data</a></code> and <code title=attr-object-type><a   href="#type6">type</a></code> attributes must be present.  <p>Whenever the <code title=attr-object-data><a   href="#data">data</a></code> attribute changes, or, if the <code   title=attr-object-data><a href="#data">data</a></code> attribute is not   present, whenever the <code title=attr-object-type><a   href="#type6">type</a></code> attribute changes, the user agent must   follow the following steps to determine what the <code><a   href="#object0">object</a></code> element represents:  <ol>   <li>    <p>If the <code title=attr-object-data><a href="#data">data</a></code>     attribute is present, then:</p>    <ol>     <li>      <p>Begin a load for the resource.     </li>     <!-- XXX define     that -->     <!-- XXX xref -->     <li>      <p>If the resource is not yet available (e.g. because the resource was       not available in the cache, so that loading the resource required       making a request over the network), then jump to step 3 in the overall       set of steps (fallback). When the resource becomes available, or if       the load fails, restart this algorithm from this step. Resources can       load incrementally; user agents may opt to consider a resource       "available" whenever enough data has been obtained to begin processing       the resource.     <li>      <p>If the load failed (e.g. DNS error), <a href="#firing5">fire an       <code title=event-error>error</code> event</a>, then jump to step 3 in       the overall set of steps (fallback).     <li>      <p>Determine the <em>resource type</em>, as follows:</p>      <dl class=switch>       <dt>If the resource has <a href="#content-type1"        title=Content-Type>associated Content-Type metadata</a>       <dd>The type is the type specified in <a href="#content-type1"        title=Content-Type>the resource's Content-Type metadata</a>.       <dt>Otherwise, if the <code title=attr-object-type><a        href="#type6">type</a></code> attribute is present       <dd>The type is the type specified in the <code        title=attr-object-type><a href="#type6">type</a></code> attribute.       <dt>Otherwise, there is no explicit type information       <dd class=big-issue>Sniffing. Default.      </dl>     <li>      <p>Handle the content as given by the first of the following cases that       matches:</p>      <dl class=switch>       <dt>If the resource requires a special handler (e.g. a plugin)       <dd>        <p>The user agent should find an appropriate handler for the         specified resource, based on the <em>resource type</em> found in the         previous step, and pass the content of the resource to that handler.         If the handler supports a scriptable interface, the <code><a         href="#htmlobjectelement">HTMLObjectElement</a></code> object         representing the element should expose that interface. The handler         is not a nested <a href="#browsing">browsing context</a>. If no         appropriate handler can be found, then jump to step 3 in the overall         set of steps (fallback).</p>        <p>The user agent should pass the names and values of all the <span         title=concept-param-parameter>parameters</span> given by <code><a         href="#param0">param</a></code> elements that are children of the         <code><a href="#object0">object</a></code> element to the handler         used.</p>        <!-- duplicates what's in <embed> section above -->        <p class=note>This specification does not define a mechanism for         interacting with third-party handlers, as it is expected to be         user-agent-specific. Some UAs might opt to support a plugin         mechanism such as the Netscape Plugin API; others may use remote         content convertors or have built-in support for certain types. <a         href="#refsNPAPI">[NPAPI]</a></p>       <dt>If the type of the resource is an <span>XML MIME        type</span><!-- XXX xref -->       <dt>If the type of the resource is HTML       <dt>If the type of the resource does not start with        "<code>image/</code>"       <dd>        <p>The <code><a href="#object0">object</a></code> element must be         associated with a nested <a href="#browsing">browsing context</a>,         if it does not already have one. The element's nested <a         href="#browsing">browsing context</a> must then be         <span>navigated</span> to the given resource. (The <code         title=attr-object-data><a href="#data">data</a></code> attribute of         the <code><a href="#object0">object</a></code> element doesn't get         updated if the browsing context gets further navigated to other         locations.)</p>       <dt>If the resource is a supported image format, and support for        images has not been disabled       <dd>        <p>The <code><a href="#object0">object</a></code> element represents         the specified image. The image is not a nested <a         href="#browsing">browsing context</a>.</p>       <dt>Otherwise       <dd>        <p>The <code><a href="#object0">object</a></code> element represents         the specified image, but the image cannot be shown. Jump to step 3         below in the overall set of steps (fallback).</p>      </dl>     <li>      <p>The element's contents are not part of what the <code><a       href="#object0">object</a></code> element represents.</p>     <li>      <p>Once the resource is completely loaded, <a href="#firing4">fire a       <code title=event-load>load</code> event</a>.     </li>     <!-- XXX     ordering of events (like with iframe) -->    </ol>   <li>    <p>If the <code title=attr-object-data><a href="#data">data</a></code>     attribute is absent but the <code title=attr-object-type><a     href="#type6">type</a></code> attribute is present, and if the user     agent can find a handler suitable according to the value of the <code     title=attr-object-type><a href="#type6">type</a></code> attribute, then     that handler should be used. If the handler supports a scriptable     interface, the <code><a     href="#htmlobjectelement">HTMLObjectElement</a></code> object     representing the element should expose that interface. The handler is     not a nested <a href="#browsing">browsing context</a>. If no suitable     handler can be found, jump to the next step (fallback).   <li>    <p>(Fallback.) The <code><a href="#object0">object</a></code> element     doesn't represent anything except what the element's contents represent,     ignoring any leading <code><a href="#param0">param</a></code> element     children. This is the element's <a href="#fallback">fallback     content</a>.  </ol>  <p>In the absence of other factors (such as style sheets), user agents must   show the user what the <code><a href="#object0">object</a></code> element   represents. Thus, the contents of <code><a   href="#object0">object</a></code> elements act as <a   href="#fallback">fallback content</a>, to be used only when referenced   resources can't be shown (e.g. because it returned a 404 error). This   allows multiple <code><a href="#object0">object</a></code> elements to be   nested inside each other, targetting multiple user agents with different   capabilities, with the user agent picking the best one it supports.  <p>The <code title=attr-hyperlink-usemap><a   href="#usemap1">usemap</a></code> attribute, if present while the <code><a   href="#object0">object</a></code> element represents an image, can   indicate that the object has an associated <a href="#image">image map</a>.   The attribute must be ignored if the <code><a   href="#object0">object</a></code> element doesn't represent an image.  <p class=big-issue>height/width  <p>The DOM attributes <dfn id=data0   title=dom-object-data><code>data</code></dfn>, <dfn id=type7   title=dom-object-type><code>type</code></dfn>, <dfn id=usemap0   title=dom-object-useMap><code>useMap</code></dfn>, <dfn id=height2   title=dom-object-height><code>height</code></dfn>, and <dfn id=width2   title=dom-object-width><code>width</code></dfn> each must <a   href="#reflect">reflect</a> the respective content attributes of the same   name.  <h4 id=the-param><span class=secno>3.14.5. </span>The <dfn   id=param0><code>param</code></dfn> element</h4>  <!-- no type -->  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>As a child of an <code><a href="#object0">object</a></code> element,    before any content other than <code><a href="#param0">param</a></code>    elements.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>Empty.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd><code title=attr-param-name><a href="#name1">name</a></code>    (required)   <dd><code title=attr-param-value><a href="#value5">value</a></code>    (required)   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>    <pre     class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmlparamelement>HTMLParamElement</dfn> : <a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a> {           attribute DOMString <a href="#name2" title=dom-param-name>name</a>;           attribute DOMString <span title=dom-param-value>value</span>;};</pre>  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#param0">param</a></code> element defines parameters   for handlers invoked by <code><a href="#object0">object</a></code>   elements.  <p>The <dfn id=name1 title=attr-param-name><code>name</code></dfn>   attribute gives the name of the parameter.  <p>The <dfn id=value5 title=attr-param-value><code>value</code></dfn>   attribute gives the value of the parameter.  <p>Both attributes must be present. They may have any value.  <p>If both attributes are present, and if the parent element of the   <code><a href="#param0">param</a></code> is an <code><a   href="#object0">object</a></code> element, then the element defines a <dfn   id=parameter title=concept-param-parameters>parameter</dfn> with the given   name/value pair.  <p>The DOM attributes <dfn id=name2   title=dom-param-name><code>name</code></dfn> and <dfn id=value6   title=dom-name-value><code>value</code></dfn> must both <a   href="#reflect">reflect</a> the respective content attributes of the same   name.  <h4 id=the-canvas><span class=secno>3.14.6. </span>The <dfn   id=canvas><code>canvas</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><span title="Strictly inline-level elements">Strictly   inline-level</span> <a href="#embedded0">embedded content</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>As the only <a href="#embedded0">embedded content</a> child of a    <code><a href="#figure0">figure</a></code> element.   <dd>Where <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a> is    allowed.   <dt>Content model:   <dd><a href="#inline-level1">Inline-level content</a>.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd><code title=attr-canvas-height><a href="#height3">height</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-canvas-width><a href="#width3">width</a></code>   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>    <pre     class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmlcanvaselement>HTMLCanvasElement</dfn> : <a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a> {         attribute long <a href="#width4" title=dom-canvas-width>width</a>;         attribute long <a href="#height4" title=dom-canvas-height>height</a>;  DOMString <a href="#todataurl" title=dom-canvas-toDataURL>toDataURL()</a>;  DOMString <a href="#todataurl0" title=dom-canvas-toDataURL-type>toDataURL</a>(in DOMString type);  DOMObject <a href="#getcontext" title=dom-canvas-getContext>getContext</a>(in DOMString contextID);};</pre>  </dl>  <p class=big-issue>Shouldn't allow inline-level content to be the content   model when the parent's content model is strictly inline only.  <p>The <code><a href="#canvas">canvas</a></code> element represents a   resolution-dependent bitmap canvas, which can be used for rendering   graphs, game graphics, or other visual images on the fly.  <p>Authors should not use the <code><a href="#canvas">canvas</a></code>   element in a document when a more suitable element is available. For   example, it is inappropriate to use a <code><a   href="#canvas">canvas</a></code> element to render a page heading: if the   desired presentation of the heading is graphically intense, it should be   marked up using appropriate elements (typically <code><a   href="#h10">h1</a></code>) and then styled using CSS and supporting   technologies such as XBL.  <p>When authors use the <code><a href="#canvas">canvas</a></code> element,   they should also provide content that, when presented to the user, conveys   essentially the same function or purpose as the bitmap canvas. This   content may be placed as content of the <code><a   href="#canvas">canvas</a></code> element. The contents of the <code><a   href="#canvas">canvas</a></code> element, if any, are the element's <a   href="#fallback">fallback content</a>.  <p>In interactive visual media with <span>scripting enabled</span>, the   canvas element is an embedded element with a dynamically created image.  <p>In non-interactive, static, visual media, if the <code><a   href="#canvas">canvas</a></code> element has been previously painted on   (e.g. if the page was viewed in an interactive visual medium and is now   being printed, or if some script that ran during the page layout process   painted on the element), then the <code><a   href="#canvas">canvas</a></code> element must be treated as embedded   content with the current image and size. Otherwise, the element's fallback   content must be used instead.  <p>In non-visual media, and in visual media with <span>scripting   disabled</span>, the <code><a href="#canvas">canvas</a></code> element's   fallback content must be used instead.  <p>The <code><a href="#canvas">canvas</a></code> element has two attributes   to control the size of the coordinate space: <dfn id=height3   title=attr-canvas-height><code>height</code></dfn> and <dfn id=width3   title=attr-canvas-width><code>width</code></dfn>. These attributes, when   specified, must have values that are <a href="#valid" title="valid   non-negative integer">valid non-negative integers</a>. The <a   href="#rules">rules for parsing non-negative integers</a> must be used to   obtain their numeric values. If an attribute is missing, or if parsing its   value returns an error, then the default value must be used instead. The   <code>width</code> attribute defaults to 300, and the <code>height</code>   attribute defaults to 150.  <p>The intrinsic dimensions of the <code><a   href="#canvas">canvas</a></code> element equal the size of the coordinate   space, with the numbers interpreted in CSS pixels. However, the element   can be sized arbitrarily by a style sheet. During rendering, the image is   scaled to fit this layout size.  <p>The size of the coordinate space does not necessarily represent the size   of the actual bitmap that the user agent will use internally or during   rendering. On high-definition displays, for instance, the user agent may   internally use a bitmap with two device pixels per unit in the coordinate   space, so that the rendering remains at high quality throughout.  <p>The canvas must initially be fully transparent black.  <p>If the <code title=attr-canvas-width><a href="#width3">width</a></code>   and <code title=attr-canvas-height><a href="#height3">height</a></code>   attributes are dynamically modified, the bitmap and any associated   contexts must be cleared back to their initial state and reinitialised   with the newly specified coordinate space dimensions.  <p>The <dfn id=width4 title=dom-canvas-width><code>width</code></dfn> and   <dfn id=height4 title=dom-canvas-height><code>height</code></dfn> DOM   attributes must <a href="#reflect">reflect</a> the content attributes of   the same name.  <p>To draw on the canvas, authors must first obtain a reference to a <dfn   id=context1>context</dfn> using the <dfn id=getcontext   title=dom-canvas-getContext><code>getContext</code></dfn> method of the   <code><a href="#canvas">canvas</a></code> element.  <p>This specification only defines one context, with the name "<code   title=canvas-context-2d><a href="#d">2d</a></code>". If <code   title=dom-canvas-getContext><a href="#getcontext">getContext()</a></code>   is called with that exact string, then the UA must return a reference to   an object implementing <code><a   href="#canvasrenderingcontext2d">CanvasRenderingContext2D</a></code>.   Other specifications may define their own contexts, which would return   different objects.  <p>Vendors may also define experimental contexts using the syntax   <code><var title="">vendorname</var>-<var title="">context</var></code>,   for example, <code>moz-3d</code>.  <p>When the UA is passed an empty string or a string specifying a context   that it does not support, then it must return null. String comparisons   should be literal and case-sensitive.  <p class=note>A future version of this specification will probably define a   <code>3d</code> context (probably based on the OpenGL ES API).  <p>The <dfn id=todataurl   title=dom-canvas-toDataURL><code>toDataURL()</code></dfn> method must,   when called with no arguments, return a <code title="">data:</code> URI   containing a representation of the image as a PNG file. <a   href="#refsPNG">[PNG]</a>.  <p>The <dfn id=todataurl0   title=dom-canvas-toDataURL-type><code>toDataURL(<var   title="">type</var>)</code></dfn> method (when called with one <em>or   more</em> arguments) must return a <code>data:</code> URI containing a   representation of the image in the format given by <var   title="">type</var>. The possible values are MIME types with no   parameters, for example <code>image/png</code>, <code>image/jpeg</code>,   or even maybe <code>image/svg+xml</code> if the implementation actually   keeps enough information to reliably render an SVG image from the canvas.  <p>Only support for <code>image/png</code> is required. User agents may   support other types. If the user agent does not support the requested   type, it must return the image using the PNG format.  <p>User agents must convert the provided type to lower case before   establishing if they support that type and before creating the   <code>data:</code> URL.</p>  <!-- XXX define "convert to lower case"  -->  <p class=note>When trying to use types other than <code>image/png</code>,   authors can check if the image was really returned in the requested format   by checking to see if the returned string starts with one the exact   strings "<code title="">data:image/png,</code>" or "<code   title="">data:image/png;</code>". If it does, the image is PNG, and thus   the requested type was not supported.  <p>Arguments other than the <var title="">type</var> must be ignored, and   must not cause the user agent to raise an exception (as would normally   occur if a method was called with the wrong number of arguments). A future   version of this specification will probably allow extra parameters to be   passed to <code title=dom-canvas-toDataURL><a   href="#todataurl">toDataURL()</a></code> to allow authors to more   carefully control compression settings, image metadata, etc.  <p><strong>Security:</strong> To prevent <em>information leakage</em>, the   <code title=dom-canvas-toDataURL><a   href="#todataurl">toDataURL()</a></code> and <code   title=dom-context-2d-getImageData><a   href="#getimagedata">getImageData()</a></code> methods should raise a <a   href="#security2">security exception</a> if the canvas ever had images   painted on it that originate from a domain other than the <a   href="#domain1" title="script's domain">domain of the script</a> that   painted the images onto the canvas.  <h5 id=the-2d><span class=secno> </span>The 2D context</h5>  <p>When the <code title=dom-canvas-getContext><a   href="#getcontext">getContext()</a></code> method of a <code><a   href="#canvas">canvas</a></code> element is invoked with <dfn id=d   title=canvas-context-2d><code>2d</code></dfn> as the argument, a <code><a   href="#canvasrenderingcontext2d">CanvasRenderingContext2D</a></code>   object is returned.  <p>There is only one <code><a   href="#canvasrenderingcontext2d">CanvasRenderingContext2D</a></code>   object per canvas, so calling the <code title=dom-canvas-getContext><a   href="#getcontext">getContext()</a></code> method with the <code   title=canvas-context-2d><a href="#d">2d</a></code> argument a second time   must return the same object.  <p>The 2D context represents a flat cartesian surface whose origin (0,0) is   at the top left corner, with the coordinate space having <var   title="">x</var> values increasing when going right, and <var   title="">y</var> values increasing when going down.  <pre   class=idl>interface <dfn id=canvasrenderingcontext2d>CanvasRenderingContext2D</dfn> {  // back-reference to the canvas readonly attribute  <a href="#htmlcanvaselement">HTMLCanvasElement</a> <a href="#canvas1" title=dom-context-2d-canvas>canvas</a>;  // state  void <a href="#save" title=dom-context-2d-save>save</a>(); // push state on state stack  void <a href="#restore" title=dom-context-2d-restore>restore</a>(); // pop state stack and restore state  // transformations (default transform is the identity matrix)  void <a href="#scale" title=dom-context-2d-scale>scale</a>(in float x, in float y);  void <a href="#rotate" title=dom-context-2d-rotate>rotate</a>(in float angle);  void <a href="#translate" title=dom-context-2d-translate>translate</a>(in float x, in float y);  void <a href="#transform" title=dom-context-2d-transform>transform</a>(in float m11, in float m12, in float m21, in float m22, in float dx, in float dy);  void <a href="#settransform" title=dom-context-2d-setTransform>setTransform</a>(in float m11, in float m12, in float m21, in float m22, in float dx, in float dy);<!--  // XXX we've also received requests for:  void skew(...);  void reflect(...); // or mirror(...)-->  // compositing           attribute float <a href="#globalalpha" title=dom-context-2d-globalAlpha>globalAlpha</a>; // (default 1.0)           attribute DOMString <a href="#globalcompositeoperation" title=dom-context-2d-globalCompositeOperation>globalCompositeOperation</a>; // (default over)  // colors and styles           attribute DOMObject <a href="#strokestyle" title=dom-context-2d-strokeStyle>strokeStyle</a>; // (default black)           attribute DOMObject <a href="#fillstyle" title=dom-context-2d-fillStyle>fillStyle</a>; // (default black)  <a href="#canvasgradient0">CanvasGradient</a> <span title=dom-context-2d-createLinearGradient>createLinearGradient</span>(in float x0, in float y0, in float x1, in float y1);  <a href="#canvasgradient0">CanvasGradient</a> <span title=dom-context-2d-createRadialGradient>createRadialGradient</span>(in float x0, in float y0, in float r0, in float x1, in float y1, in float r1);  <a href="#canvaspattern0">CanvasPattern</a> <span title=dom-context-2d-createPattern>createPattern</span>(in <a href="#htmlimageelement">HTMLImageElement</a> image, DOMString repetition);  <a href="#canvaspattern0">CanvasPattern</a> <span title=dom-context-2d-createPattern>createPattern</span>(in <a href="#htmlcanvaselement">HTMLCanvasElement</a> image, DOMString repetition);  // line caps/joins           attribute float <a href="#linewidth" title=dom-context-2d-lineWidth>lineWidth</a>; // (default 1)           attribute DOMString <a href="#linecap" title=dom-context-2d-lineCap>lineCap</a>; // "butt", "round", "square" (default "butt")           attribute DOMString <a href="#linejoin" title=dom-context-2d-lineJoin>lineJoin</a>; // "round", "bevel", "miter" (default "miter")           attribute float <a href="#miterlimit" title=dom-context-2d-miterLimit>miterLimit</a>; // (default 10)  // shadows           attribute float <a href="#shadowoffsetx" title=dom-context-2d-shadowOffsetX>shadowOffsetX</a>; // (default 0)           attribute float <a href="#shadowoffsety" title=dom-context-2d-shadowOffsetY>shadowOffsetY</a>; // (default 0)           attribute float <a href="#shadowblur" title=dom-context-2d-shadowBlur>shadowBlur</a>; // (default 0)           attribute DOMString <a href="#shadowcolor" title=dom-context-2d-shadowColor>shadowColor</a>; // (default black)  // rects  void <a href="#clearrect" title=dom-context-2d-clearRect>clearRect</a>(in float x, in float y, in float w, in float h);  void <a href="#fillrect" title=dom-context-2d-fillRect>fillRect</a>(in float x, in float y, in float w, in float h);  void <a href="#strokerect" title=dom-context-2d-strokeRect>strokeRect</a>(in float x, in float y, in float w, in float h);  // path API  void <a href="#beginpath" title=dom-context-2d-beginPath>beginPath</a>();  void <a href="#closepath" title=dom-context-2d-closePath>closePath</a>();  void <a href="#moveto" title=dom-context-2d-moveTo>moveTo</a>(in float x, in float y);  void <a href="#lineto" title=dom-context-2d-lineTo>lineTo</a>(in float x, in float y);  void <a href="#quadraticcurveto" title=dom-context-2d-quadraticCurveTo>quadraticCurveTo</a>(in float cpx, in float cpy, in float x, in float y);  void <a href="#beziercurveto" title=dom-context-2d-bezierCurveTo>bezierCurveTo</a>(in float cp1x, in float cp1y, in float cp2x, in float cp2y, in float x, in float y);  void <a href="#arcto" title=dom-context-2d-arcTo>arcTo</a>(in float x1, in float y1, in float x2, in float y2, in float radius);  void <a href="#rectx" title=dom-context-2d-rect>rect</a>(in float x, in float y, in float w, in float h);  void <a href="#arcx-" title=dom-context-2d-arc>arc</a>(in float x, in float y, in float radius, in float startAngle, in float endAngle, in boolean anticlockwise);  void <a href="#fill" title=dom-context-2d-fill>fill</a>();  void <a href="#stroke" title=dom-context-2d-stroke>stroke</a>();  void <a href="#clip" title=dom-context-2d-clip>clip</a>();  boolean <a href="#ispointinpath" title=dom-context-2d-isPointInPath>isPointInPath</a>(in float x, in float y);  // drawing images  void <a href="#drawimage" title=dom-context-2d-drawImage>drawImage</a>(in <a href="#htmlimageelement">HTMLImageElement</a> image, in float dx, in float dy);  void <a href="#drawimage" title=dom-context-2d-drawImage>drawImage</a>(in <a href="#htmlimageelement">HTMLImageElement</a> image, in float dx, in float dy, in float dw, in float dh);  void <a href="#drawimage" title=dom-context-2d-drawImage>drawImage</a>(in <a href="#htmlimageelement">HTMLImageElement</a> image, in float sx, in float sy, in float sw, in float sh, in float dx, in float dy, in float dw, in float dh);  void <a href="#drawimage" title=dom-context-2d-drawImage>drawImage</a>(in <a href="#htmlcanvaselement">HTMLCanvasElement</a> image, in float dx, in float dy);  void <a href="#drawimage" title=dom-context-2d-drawImage>drawImage</a>(in <a href="#htmlcanvaselement">HTMLCanvasElement</a> image, in float dx, in float dy, in float dw, in float dh);  void <a href="#drawimage" title=dom-context-2d-drawImage>drawImage</a>(in <a href="#htmlcanvaselement">HTMLCanvasElement</a> image, in float sx, in float sy, in float sw, in float sh, in float dx, in float dy, in float dw, in float dh);  // pixel manipulation  <a href="#imagedata">ImageData</a> <a href="#getimagedata" title=dom-context-2d-getImageData>getImageData</a>(in float sx, in float sy, in float sw, in float sh);  void <a href="#putimagedata" title=dom-context-2d-putImageData>putImageData</a>(in <a href="#imagedata">ImageData</a> image, in float dx, in float dy);  // drawing text is not supported in this version of the API  // (there is no way to predict what metrics the fonts will have,  // which makes fonts very hard to use for painting)};interface <dfn id=canvasgradient>CanvasGradient</dfn> {  // opaque object  void <a href="#addcolorstop" title=dom-canvasgradient-addColorStop>addColorStop</a>(in float offset, in DOMString color);};interface <dfn id=canvaspattern>CanvasPattern</dfn> {  // opaque object};interface <dfn id=imagedata>ImageData</dfn> {  readonly attribute long int <a href="#width5" title=dom-imagedata-width>width</a>;  readonly attribute long int <a href="#height5" title=dom-imagedata-height>height</a>;  readonly attribute int[] <a href="#data1" title=dom-imagedata-data>data</a>;};</pre>  <p>The <dfn id=canvas1   title=dom-context-2d-canvas><code>canvas</code></dfn> attribute must   return the <code><a href="#canvas">canvas</a></code> element that the   context paints on.  <h6 id=the-canvas0><span class=secno> </span>The canvas state</h6>  <p>Each context maintains a stack of drawing states. <dfn id=drawing0   title="drawing state">Drawing states</dfn> consist of:  <ul class=brief>   <li>The current transformation matrix.   <li>The current clip region.   <li>The current values of the following attributes: <code    title=dom-context-2d-strokeStyle><a    href="#strokestyle">strokeStyle</a></code>, <code    title=dom-context-2d-fillStyle><a href="#fillstyle">fillStyle</a></code>,    <code title=dom-context-2d-globalAlpha><a    href="#globalalpha">globalAlpha</a></code>, <code    title=dom-context-2d-lineWidth><a href="#linewidth">lineWidth</a></code>,    <code title=dom-context-2d-lineCap><a href="#linecap">lineCap</a></code>,    <code title=dom-context-2d-lineJoin><a    href="#linejoin">lineJoin</a></code>, <code    title=dom-context-2d-miterLimit><a    href="#miterlimit">miterLimit</a></code>, <code    title=dom-context-2d-shadowOffsetX><a    href="#shadowoffsetx">shadowOffsetX</a></code>, <code    title=dom-context-2d-shadowOffsetY><a    href="#shadowoffsety">shadowOffsetY</a></code>, <code    title=dom-context-2d-shadowBlur><a    href="#shadowblur">shadowBlur</a></code>, <code    title=dom-context-2d-shadowColor><a    href="#shadowcolor">shadowColor</a></code>, <code    title=dom-context-2d-globalCompositeOperation><a    href="#globalcompositeoperation">globalCompositeOperation</a></code>.  </ul>  <p class=note>The current path and the current bitmap are not part of the   drawing state. The current path is persistent, and can only be reset using   the <code title=dom-context-2d-beginPath><a   href="#beginpath">beginPath()</a></code> method. The current bitmap is   <span title=concept-canvas-image>a property of the   canvas</span><!-- XXX xref -->, not the context.  <p>The <dfn id=save title=dom-context-2d-save><code>save()</code></dfn>   method pushes a copy of the current drawing state onto the drawing state   stack.  <p>The <dfn id=restore   title=dom-context-2d-restore><code>restore()</code></dfn> method pops the   top entry in the drawing state stack, and resets the drawing state it   describes. If there is no saved state, the method does nothing.  <h6 id=transformations><span class=secno> </span><dfn   id=transformations1>Transformations</dfn></h6>  <p>The transformation matrix is applied to all drawing operations prior to   their being rendered. It is also applied when creating the clip region.</p>  <!-- conformance criteria for actual drawing are  described in "drawing model" below -->  <p>When the context is created, the transformation matrix must initially be   the identity transform. It may then be adjusted using the three   transformation methods.  <p>The transformations must be performed in reverse order. For instance, if   a scale transformation that doubles the width is applied, followed by a   rotation transformation that rotates drawing operations by a quarter turn,   and a rectangle twice as wide as it is tall is then drawn on the canvas,   the actual result will be a square.  <p>The <dfn id=scale title=dom-context-2d-scale><code>scale(<var   title="">x</var>, <var title="">y</var>)</code></dfn> method must add the   scaling transformation described by the arguments to the transformation   matrix. The <var title="">x</var> argument represents the scale factor in   the horizontal direction and the <var title="">y</var> argument represents   the scale factor in the vertical direction. The factors are multiples.  <p>The <dfn id=rotate title=dom-context-2d-rotate><code>rotate(<var   title="">angle</var>)</code></dfn> method must add the rotation   transformation described by the argument to the transformation matrix. The   <var title="">angle</var> argument represents a clockwise rotation angle   expressed in radians.  <p>The <dfn id=translate   title=dom-context-2d-translate><code>translate(<var title="">x</var>, <var   title="">y</var>)</code></dfn> method must add the translation   transformation described by the arguments to the transformation matrix.   The <var title="">x</var> argument represents the translation distance in   the horizontal direction and the <var title="">y</var> argument represents   the translation distance in the vertical direction. The arguments are in   coordinate space units.  <p>The <dfn id=transform   title=dom-context-2d-transform><code>transform(<var title="">m11</var>,   <var title="">m12</var>, <var title="">m21</var>, <var title="">m22</var>,   <var title="">dx</var>, <var title="">dy</var>)</code></dfn> method must   multiply the current transformation matrix with the matrix described by:  <table class=matrix>   <tbody>    <tr>     <td><var title="">m11</var>     <td><var title="">m12</var>     <td><var title="">dx</var>    <tr>     <td><var title="">m21</var>     <td><var title="">m22</var>     <td><var title="">dy</var>    <tr>     <td>0     <td>0     <td>1  </table>  <p>The <dfn id=settransform   title=dom-context-2d-setTransform><code>setTransform(<var   title="">m11</var>, <var title="">m12</var>, <var title="">m21</var>, <var   title="">m22</var>, <var title="">dx</var>, <var   title="">dy</var>)</code></dfn> method must reset the current transform to   the identity matrix, and then invoke the <code><a href="#transform"   title=dom-context-2d-transform>transform</a>(<var title="">m11</var>, <var   title="">m12</var>, <var title="">m21</var>, <var title="">m22</var>, <var   title="">dx</var>, <var title="">dy</var>)</code> method with the same   arguments.  <h6 id=compositing><span class=secno> </span>Compositing</h6>  <p>All drawing operations are affected by the global compositing   attributes, <code title=dom-context-2d-globalAlpha><a   href="#globalalpha">globalAlpha</a></code> and <code   title=dom-context-2d-globalCompositeOperation><a   href="#globalcompositeoperation">globalCompositeOperation</a></code>.</p>  <!-- conformance criteria for painting are described in the "drawing  model" section below -->  <p>The <dfn id=globalalpha   title=dom-context-2d-globalAlpha><code>globalAlpha</code></dfn> attribute   gives an alpha value that is applied to shapes and images before they are   composited onto the canvas. The value must be in the range from 0.0 (fully   transparent) to 1.0 (no additional transparency). If an attempt is made to   set the attribute to a value outside this range, the attribute must retain   its previous value. When the context is created, the <code   title=dom-context-2d-globalAlpha><a   href="#globalalpha">globalAlpha</a></code> attribute must initially have   the value 1.0.  <p>The <dfn id=globalcompositeoperation   title=dom-context-2d-globalCompositeOperation><code>globalCompositeOperation</code></dfn>   attribute sets how shapes and images are drawn onto the existing bitmap,   once they have had <code title=dom-context-2d-globalAlpha><a   href="#globalalpha">globalAlpha</a></code> and the current transformation   matrix applied. It must be set to a value from the following list. In the   descriptions below, the source image is the shape or image being rendered,   and the destination image is the current state of the bitmap.  <p class=issue>The source-* descriptions below don't define what should   happen with semi-transparent regions.  <dl>   <dt><dfn id=source-atop    title=gcop-source-atop><code>source-atop</code></dfn>   <dd>Display the source image wherever both images are opaque. Display the    destination image wherever the destination image is opaque but the source    image is transparent. Display transparency elsewhere.   <dt><dfn id=source-in title=gcop-source-in><code>source-in</code></dfn>   <dd>Display the source image wherever both the source image and    destination image are opaque. Display transparency elsewhere.   <dt><dfn id=source-out title=gcop-source-out><code>source-out</code></dfn>   <dd>Display the source image wherever the source image is opaque and the    destination image is transparent. Display transparency elsewhere.   <dt><dfn id=source-over    title=gcop-source-over><code>source-over</code></dfn> (default)   <dd>Display the source image wherever the source image is opaque. Display    the destination image elsewhere.   <dt><dfn id=destination-atop    title=gcop-destination-atop><code>destination-atop</code></dfn>   <dd>Same as <code title=gcop-source-atop><a    href="#source-atop">source-atop</a></code> but using the destination    image instead of the source image and vice versa.   <dt><dfn id=destination-in    title=gcop-destination-in><code>destination-in</code></dfn>   <dd>Same as <code title=gcop-source-in><a    href="#source-in">source-in</a></code> but using the destination image    instead of the source image and vice versa.   <dt><dfn id=destination-out    title=gcop-destination-out><code>destination-out</code></dfn>   <dd>Same as <code title=gcop-source-out><a    href="#source-out">source-out</a></code> but using the destination image    instead of the source image and vice versa.   <dt><dfn id=destination-over    title=gcop-destination-over><code>destination-over</code></dfn>   <dd>Same as <code title=gcop-source-over><a    href="#source-over">source-over</a></code> but using the destination    image instead of the source image and vice versa.   <dt><dfn id=darker title=gcop-darker><code>darker</code></dfn>   <dd>Display the sum of the source image and destination images, with color    values approaching 0 as a limit.   <dt><dfn id=lighter title=gcop-lighter><code>lighter</code></dfn>   <dd>Display the sum of the source image and destination image, with color    values approaching 1 as a limit.   <dt><dfn id=copy title=gcop-copy><code>copy</code></dfn>   <dd>Display the source image instead of the destination image.   <dt><dfn id=xor title=gcop-xor><code>xor</code></dfn>   <dd>Exclusive OR of the source and destination images.   <dt><code><var title="">vendorName</var>-<var    title="">operationName</var></code>   <dd>Vendor-specific extensions to the list of composition operators should    use this syntax.  </dl>  <p>These values are all case-sensitive AMPERSANDmdash; they must be used exactly as   shown. User agents must only recognise values that exactly match the   values given above.  <p>On setting, if the user agent does not recognise the specified value, it   must be ignored, leaving the value of <code   title=dom-context-2d-globalCompositeOperation><a   href="#globalcompositeoperation">globalCompositeOperation</a></code>   unaffected.  <p>When the context is created, the <code   title=dom-context-2d-globalCompositeOperation><a   href="#globalcompositeoperation">globalCompositeOperation</a></code>   attribute must initially have the value <code>source-over</code>.  <h6 id=colors><span class=secno> </span>Colors and styles</h6>  <p>The <dfn id=strokestyle   title=dom-context-2d-strokeStyle><code>strokeStyle</code></dfn> attribute   represents the color or style to use for the lines around shapes, and the   <dfn id=fillstyle   title=dom-context-2d-fillStyle><code>fillStyle</code></dfn> attribute   represents the color or style to use inside the shapes.  <p>Both attributes can be either strings, <code><a   href="#canvasgradient0">CanvasGradient</a></code>s, or <code><a   href="#canvaspattern0">CanvasPattern</a></code>s. On setting, strings   should be parsed as CSS AMPERSANDlt;colorAMPERSANDgt; values and the color assigned, and   <code><a href="#canvasgradient0">CanvasGradient</a></code> and <code><a   href="#canvaspattern0">CanvasPattern</a></code> objects must be assigned   themselves. <a href="#refsCSS3COLOR">[CSS3COLOR]</a> If the value is a   string but is not a valid color, or is neither a string, a <code><a   href="#canvasgradient0">CanvasGradient</a></code>, nor a <code><a   href="#canvaspattern0">CanvasPattern</a></code>, then it must be ignored,   and the attribute must retain its previous value.  <p>On getting, if the value is a color, then: if it has alpha equal to 1.0,   then the color must be returned as an uppercase six-digit hex value,   prefixed with a "#" character (U+0023 NUMBER SIGN), with the first two   digits representing the red component, the next two digits representing   the green component, and the last two digits representing the blue   component, the digits being in the range 0-9 A-F (U+0030 to U+0039 and   U+0041 to U+0046). If the value has alpha less than 1.0, then the value   must instead be returned in the CSS <code title="">rgba()</code>   functional-notation format: the literal string <code title="">rgba</code>   (U+0072 U+0067 U+0062 U+0061) followed by a U+0028 LEFT PARENTHESIS, a   base-ten integer in the range 0-255 representing the red component (using   digits 0-9, U+0030 to U+0039, in the shortest form possible), a literal   U+002C COMMA and U+0020 SPACE, an integer for the green component, a comma   and a space, an integer for the blue component, another comma and space, a   U+0030 DIGIT ZERO, a U+002E FULL STOP (representing the decimal point),   one or more digits in the range 0-9 (U+0030 to U+0039) representing the   fractional part of the alpha value, and finally a U+0029 RIGHT   PARENTHESIS.  <p>Otherwise, if it is not a color but a <code><a   href="#canvasgradient0">CanvasGradient</a></code> or <code><a   href="#canvaspattern0">CanvasPattern</a></code>, then an object supporting   those interfaces must be returned. Such objects are opaque and therefore   only useful for assigning to other attributes or for comparison to other   gradients or patterns.  <p>When the context is created, the <code   title=dom-context-2d-strokeStyle><a   href="#strokestyle">strokeStyle</a></code> and <code   title=dom-context-2d-fillStyle><a href="#fillstyle">fillStyle</a></code>   attributes must initially have the string value <code   title="">#000000</code>.  <p>There are two types of gradients, linear gradients and radial gradients,   both represented by objects implementing the opaque <dfn   id=canvasgradient0><code>CanvasGradient</code></dfn> interface.  <p>Once a gradient has been created (see below), stops must be placed along   it to define how the colors are distributed along the gradient. Between   each such stop, the colors and the alpha component must be interpolated   over the RGBA space to find the color to use at that offset. Immediately   before the 0 offset and immediately after the 1 offset, transparent black   stops are be assumed.  <p>The <dfn id=addcolorstop   title=dom-canvasgradient-addColorStop><code>addColorStop(<var   title="">offset</var>, <var title="">color</var>)</code></dfn> method on   the <code><a href="#canvasgradient0">CanvasGradient</a></code> interface   adds a new stop to a gradient. If the <var title="">offset</var> is less   than 0 or greater than 1 then an <code>INDEX_SIZE_ERR</code> exception   must be raised. If the <var title="">color</var> cannot be parsed as a CSS   color, then a <code>SYNTAX_ERR</code> exception must be raised. Otherwise,   the gradient must be updated with the new stop information.  <p>The <dfn id=createlineargradient title=createLinearGradient><code   title=dom-context-2d-createLinearGradient>createLinearGradient(<var   title="">x0</var>, <var title="">y0</var>, <var title="">x1</var>, <var   title="">y1</var>)</code></dfn> method takes four arguments, representing   the start point (<var title="">x0</var>, <var title="">y0</var>) and end   point (<var title="">x1</var>, <var title="">y1</var>) of the gradient, in   coordinate space units, and must return a linear <code><a   href="#canvasgradient0">CanvasGradient</a></code> initialised with that   line.  <p>Linear gradients must be rendered such that at the starting point on the   canvas the color at offset 0 is used, that at the ending point the color   at offset 1 is used, that all points on a line perpendicular to the line   between the start and end points have the color at the point where those   two lines cross (interpolation happening as described above), and that any   points beyond the start or end points are a transparent black.  <p>The <dfn id=createradialgradient title=createRadialGradient><code   title=dom-context-2d-createRadialGradient>createRadialGradient(<var   title="">x0</var>, <var title="">y0</var>, <var title="">r0</var>, <var   title="">x1</var>, <var title="">y1</var>, <var   title="">r1</var>)</code></dfn> method takes six arguments, the first   three representing the start circle with origin (<var title="">x0</var>,   <var title="">y0</var>) and radius <var title="">r0</var>, and the last   three representing the end circle with origin (<var title="">x1</var>,   <var title="">y1</var>) and radius <var title="">r1</var>. The values are   in coordinate space units. The method must return a radial <code><a   href="#canvasgradient0">CanvasGradient</a></code> initialised with those   two circles.  <p>Radial gradients must be rendered such that a cone is created from the   two circles, so that at the circumference of the starting circle the color   at offset 0 is used, that at the circumference around the ending circle   the color at offset 1 is used, that the circumference of a circle drawn a   certain fraction of the way along the line between the two origins with a   radius the same fraction of the way between the two radii has the color at   that offset (interpolation happening as described above), that the end   circle appear to be above the start circle when the end circle is not   completely enclosed by the start circle, and that any points not described   by the gradient are a transparent black.  <p>If a gradient has no stops defined, then the gradient must be treated as   a solid transparent black. Gradients are, naturally, only painted where   the stroking or filling effect requires that they be drawn.  <p>Support for actually painting gradients is optional. Instead of painting   the gradients, user agents may instead just paint the first stop's color.   However, <code   title=dom-context-2d-createLinearGradient>createLinearGradient()</code>   and <code   title=dom-context-2d-createRadialGradient>createRadialGradient()</code>   must always return objects when passed valid arguments.  <p>Patterns are represented by objects implementing the opaque <dfn   id=canvaspattern0><code>CanvasPattern</code></dfn> interface.  <p>To create objects of this type, the <dfn id=createpatternimage   title=createPattern><code   title=dom-context-2d-createPattern>createPattern(image,   repetition)</code></dfn> method is used. The first argument gives the   image to use as the pattern (either an <code><a   href="#htmlimageelement">HTMLImageElement</a></code> or an <code><a   href="#htmlcanvaselement">HTMLCanvasElement</a></code>). Modifying this   image after calling the <code   title=dom-context-2d-createPattern>createPattern()</code> method must not   affect the pattern. The second argument must be a string with one of the   following values: <code title="">repeat</code>, <code   title="">repeat-x</code>, <code title="">repeat-y</code>, <code   title="">no-repeat</code>. If the empty string or null is specified, <code   title="">repeat</code> must be assumed. If an unrecognised value is given,   then the user agent must raise a <code>SYNTAX_ERR</code> exception. User   agents must recognise the four values described above exactly (e.g. they   must not do case folding). The method must return a <code><a   href="#canvaspattern0">CanvasPattern</a></code> object suitably   initialised.  <p>The <var title="">image</var> argument must be an instance of an   <code><a href="#htmlimageelement">HTMLImageElement</a></code> or <code><a   href="#htmlcanvaselement">HTMLCanvasElement</a></code>. If the <var   title="">image</var> is of the wrong type, the implementation must raise a   <code>TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR</code> exception.  <p>Patterns must be painted so that the top left of the first image is   anchored at the origin of the coordinate space, and images are then   repeated horizontally to the left and right (if the <code>repeat-x</code>   string was specified) or vertically up and down (if the   <code>repeat-y</code> string was specified) or in all four directions all   over the canvas (if the <code>repeat</code> string was specified). The   images are not be scaled by this process; one CSS pixel of the image must   be painted on one coordinate space unit. Of course, patterns must only   actually painted where the stroking or filling effect requires that they   be drawn, and are affected by the current transformation matrix.  <p>Support for patterns is optional. If the user agent doesn't support   patterns, then <code   title=dom-context-2d-createPattern>createPattern()</code> must return   null.  <h6 id=line-styles><span class=secno> </span>Line styles</h6>  <p>The <dfn id=linewidth   title=dom-context-2d-lineWidth><code>lineWidth</code></dfn> attribute   gives the default width of lines, in coordinate space units. On setting,   zero and negative values must be ignored, leaving the value unchanged.  <p>When the context is created, the <code title=dom-context-2d-lineWidth><a   href="#linewidth">lineWidth</a></code> attribute must initially have the   value <code>1.0</code>.  <p>The <dfn id=linecap   title=dom-context-2d-lineCap><code>lineCap</code></dfn> attribute defines   the type of endings that UAs shall place on the end of lines. The three   valid values are <code>butt</code>, <code>round</code>, and   <code>square</code>. The <code>butt</code> value means that the end of   each line is a flat edge perpendicular to the direction of the line. The   <code>round</code> value means that a semi-circle with the diameter equal   to the width of the line is then added on to the end of the line. The   <code>square</code> value means that at the end of each line is a   rectangle with the length of the line width and the width of half the line   width, placed flat against the edge perpendicular to the direction of the   line. On setting, any other value than the literal strings   <code>butt</code>, <code>round</code>, and <code>square</code> must be   ignored, leaving the value unchanged.  <p>When the context is created, the <code title=dom-context-2d-lineCap><a   href="#linecap">lineCap</a></code> attribute must initially have the value   <code>butt</code>.  <p>The <dfn id=linejoin   title=dom-context-2d-lineJoin><code>lineJoin</code></dfn> attribute   defines the type of corners that that UAs will place where two lines meet.   The three valid values are <code>round</code>, <code>bevel</code>, and   <code>miter</code>.  <p>On setting, any other value than the literal strings <code>round</code>,   <code>bevel</code> and <code>miter</code> must be ignored, leaving the   value unchanged.  <p>When the context is created, the <code title=dom-context-2d-lineJoin><a   href="#linejoin">lineJoin</a></code> attribute must initially have the   value <code>miter</code>.  <p>The <code>round</code> value means that a filled arc connecting the   corners on the outside of the join, with the diameter equal to the line   width, and the origin at the point where the inside edges of the lines   touch, must be rendered at joins. The <code>bevel</code> value means that   a filled triangle connecting those two corners with a straight line, the   third point of the triangle being the point where the lines touch on the   inside of the join, must be rendered at joins. The <code>miter</code>   value means that a filled four- or five-sided polygon must be placed at   the join, with two of the lines being the perpendicular edges of the   joining lines, and the other two being continuations of the outside edges   of the two joining lines, as long as required to intersect without going   over the miter limit.  <p>The miter length is the distance from the point where the lines touch on   the inside of the join to the intersection of the line edges on the   outside of the join. The miter limit ratio is the maximum allowed ratio of   the miter length to the line width. If the miter limit would be exceeded,   then a fifth line must be added to the polygon, connecting the two outside   lines, such that the distance from the inside point of the join to the   point in the middle of this fifth line is the maximum allowed value for   the miter length.  <p>The miter limit ratio can be explicitly set using the <dfn id=miterlimit   title=dom-context-2d-miterLimit><code>miterLimit</code></dfn> attribute.   On setting, zero and negative values must be ignored, leaving the value   unchanged.  <p>When the context is created, the <code   title=dom-context-2d-miterLimit><a   href="#miterlimit">miterLimit</a></code> attribute must initially have the   value <code>10.0</code>.</p>  <!-- XXX this section doesn't say what these attributes return or  what they do on setting. not a big deal; it's pretty obvious. but if  anyone complains, we'll have to add it -->  <h6 id=shadows><span class=secno> </span><dfn   id=shadows1>Shadows</dfn></h6>  <p>All drawing operations are affected by the four global shadow   attributes. Shadows form part of the source image during composition.  <p>The <dfn id=shadowcolor   title=dom-context-2d-shadowColor><code>shadowColor</code></dfn> attribute   sets the color of the shadow.</p>  <!-- XXX this section doesn't say what this attributes returns or  what they do on setting. if anyone complains, we'll have to add  it. shadowColor is a CSS Color attribute. -->  <p>When the context is created, the <code   title=dom-context-2d-shadowColor><a   href="#shadowcolor">shadowColor</a></code> attribute initially must be   fully-transparent black.  <p>The <dfn id=shadowoffsetx   title=dom-context-2d-shadowOffsetX><code>shadowOffsetX</code></dfn> and   <dfn id=shadowoffsety   title=dom-context-2d-shadowOffsetY><code>shadowOffsetY</code></dfn>   attributes specify the distance that the shadow will be offset in the   positive horizontal and positive vertical distance respectively. Their   values are in coordinate space units.</p>  <!-- XXX we don't define getting/setting -->  <p>When the context is created, the shadow offset attributes initially have   the value <code>0</code>.  <p>The <dfn id=shadowblur   title=dom-context-2d-shadowBlur><code>shadowBlur</code></dfn> attribute   specifies the number of coordinate space units that the blurring is to   cover. On setting, negative numbers must be ignored, leaving the attribute   unmodified.</p>  <!-- XXX we don't define getting/setting -->  <p>When the context is created, the <code   title=dom-context-2d-shadowBlur><a   href="#shadowblur">shadowBlur</a></code> attribute must initially have the   value <code>0</code>.  <p>Support for shadows is optional. When they are supported, then, when   shadows are drawn, they must be rendered using the specified color,   offset, and blur radius.</p>  <!-- XXX we don't really define what that means -->  <h6 id=simple><span class=secno> </span>Simple shapes   (rectangles)</h6>  <p>There are three methods that immediately draw rectangles to the bitmap.   They each take four arguments; the first two give the <var   title="">x</var> and <var title="">y</var> coordinates of the top left of   the rectangle, and the second two give the width and height of the   rectangle, respectively.  <p>Shapes are painted without affecting the current path, and are subject   to <span title=dom-context-2d->transformations</span>, <a href="#shadows1"   title=shadows>shadow effects</a>, <span title=globalAlpha>global   alpha</span>, <a href="#clipping" title="clipping path">clipping   paths</a>, and <span title=globalCompositeOperation>global composition   operators</span>.  <p>Negative values for width and height must cause the implementation to   raise an <code>INDEX_SIZE_ERR</code> exception.  <p>The <dfn id=clearrect   title=dom-context-2d-clearRect><code>clearRect()</code></dfn> method must   clear the pixels in the specified rectangle to a fully transparent black,   erasing any previous image. If either height or width are zero, this   method has no effect.  <p>The <dfn id=fillrect   title=dom-context-2d-fillRect><code>fillRect()</code></dfn> method must   paint the specified rectangular area using the <code   title=dom-context-2d-fillStyle><a href="#fillstyle">fillStyle</a></code>.   If either height or width are zero, this method has no effect.  <p>The <dfn id=strokerect   title=dom-context-2d-strokeRect><code>strokeRect()</code></dfn> method   must draw a rectangular outline of the specified size using the <code   title=dom-context-2d-strokeStyle><a   href="#strokestyle">strokeStyle</a></code>, <code   title=dom-context-2d-lineWidth><a href="#linewidth">lineWidth</a></code>,   <code title=dom-context-2d-lineJoin><a   href="#linejoin">lineJoin</a></code>, and (if appropriate) <code   title=dom-context-2d-miterLimit><a   href="#miterlimit">miterLimit</a></code> attributes. <span   title=issue>What should happen with zero heights or widths?</span>  <h6 id=complex><span class=secno> </span>Complex shapes (paths)</h6>  <p>The context always has a current path. There is only one current path,   it is not part of the <span title=dom-context-2d->drawing state</span>.  <p>A <dfn id=path>path</dfn> has a list of zero or more subpaths. Each   subpath consists of a list of one or more points, connected by straight or   curved lines, and a flag indicating whether the subpath is closed or not.   A closed subpath is one where the last point of the subpath is connected   to the first point of the subpath by a straight line. Subpaths with fewer   than two points are ignored when painting the path.  <p>Initially, the context's path must have zero subpaths.  <p>The <dfn id=beginpath   title=dom-context-2d-beginPath><code>beginPath()</code></dfn> method must   empty the list of subpaths so that the context once again has zero   subpaths.  <p>The <dfn id=moveto title=dom-context-2d-moveTo><code>moveTo(<var   title="">x</var>, <var title="">y</var>)</code></dfn> method must create a   new subpath with the specified point as its first (and only) point.  <p>The <dfn id=closepath   title=dom-context-2d-closePath><code>closePath()</code></dfn> method must   do nothing if the context has no subpaths. Otherwise, it must mark the   last subpath as closed, create a new subpath whose first point is the same   as the previous subpath's first point, and finally add this new subpath to   the path. (If the last subpath had more than one point in its list of   points, then this is equivalent to adding a straight line connecting the   last point back to the first point, thus "closing" the shape, and then   repeating the last <code title=dom-context-2d-moveTo><a   href="#moveto">moveTo()</a></code> call.)  <p>New points and the lines connecting them are added to subpaths using the   methods described below. In all cases, the methods only modify the last   subpath in the context's paths.  <p>The <dfn id=lineto title=dom-context-2d-lineTo><code>lineTo(<var   title="">x</var>, <var title="">y</var>)</code></dfn> method must do   nothing if the context has no subpaths. Otherwise, it must connect the   last point in the subpath to the given point (<var title="">x</var>, <var   title="">y</var>) using a straight line, and must then add the given point   (<var title="">x</var>, <var title="">y</var>) to the subpath.  <p>The <dfn id=quadraticcurveto   title=dom-context-2d-quadraticCurveTo><code>quadraticCurveTo(<var   title="">cpx</var>, <var title="">cpy</var>, <var title="">x</var>, <var   title="">y</var>)</code></dfn> method must do nothing if the context has   no subpaths. Otherwise it must connect the last point in the subpath to   the given point (<var title="">x</var>, <var title="">y</var>) by a   quadratic curve with control point (<var title="">cpx</var>, <var   title="">cpy</var>), and must then add the given point (<var   title="">x</var>, <var title="">y</var>) to the subpath.  <p>The <dfn id=beziercurveto   title=dom-context-2d-bezierCurveTo><code>bezierCurveTo(<var   title="">cp1x</var>, <var title="">cp1y</var>, <var title="">cp2x</var>,   <var title="">cp2y</var>, <var title="">x</var>, <var   title="">y</var>)</code></dfn> method must do nothing if the context has   no subpaths. Otherwise, it must connect the last point in the subpath to   the given point (<var title="">x</var>, <var title="">y</var>) using a   bezier curve with control points (<var title="">cp1x</var>, <var   title="">cp1y</var>) and (<var title="">cp2x</var>, <var   title="">cp2y</var>). Then, it must add the point (<var title="">x</var>,   <var title="">y</var>) to the subpath.  <p>The <dfn id=arcto title=dom-context-2d-arcTo><code>arcTo(<var   title="">x1</var>, <var title="">y1</var>, <var title="">x2</var>, <var   title="">y2</var>, <var title="">radius</var>)</code></dfn> method must do   nothing if the context has no subpaths. If the context <em>does</em> have   a subpath, then the behaviour depends on the arguments and the last point   in the subpath.  <p>Let the point (<var title="">x0</var>, <var title="">y0</var>) be the   last point in the subpath. Let <var title="">The Arc</var> be the shortest   arc given by circumference of the circle that has one point tangent to the   line defined by the points (<var title="">x0</var>, <var   title="">y0</var>) and (<var title="">x1</var>, <var title="">y1</var>),   another point tangent to the line defined by the points (<var   title="">x1</var>, <var title="">y1</var>) and (<var title="">x2</var>,   <var title="">y2</var>), and that has radius <var title="">radius</var>.   The points at which this circle touches these two lines are called the   start and end tangent points respectively.  <p>If the point (<var title="">x2</var>, <var title="">y2</var>) is on the   line defined by the points (<var title="">x0</var>, <var   title="">y0</var>) and (<var title="">x1</var>, <var title="">y1</var>)   then the method must do nothing, as no arc would satisfy the above   constraints.  <p>Otherwise, the method must connect the point (<var title="">x0</var>,   <var title="">y0</var>) to the start tangent point by a straight line,   then connect the start tangent point to the end tangent point by <var   title="">The Arc</var>, and finally add the start and end tangent points   to the subpath.  <p>Negative or zero values for <var title="">radius</var> must cause the   implementation to raise an <code>INDEX_SIZE_ERR</code> exception.  <p>The <dfn id=arcx- title=dom-context-2d-arc><code>arc(<var   title="">x</var>, <var title="">y</var>, <var title="">radius</var>, <var   title="">startAngle</var>, <var title="">endAngle</var>, <var   title="">anticlockwise</var>)</code></dfn> method draws an arc. If the   context has any subpaths, then the method must add a straight line from   the last point in the subpath to the start point of the arc. In any case,   it must draw the arc between the start point of the arc and the end point   of the arc, and add the start and end points of the arc to the subpath.   The arc and its start and end points are defined as follows:  <p>Consider a circle that has its origin at (<var title="">x</var>, <var   title="">y</var>) and that has radius <var title="">radius</var>. The   points at <var title="">startAngle</var> and <var title="">endAngle</var>   along the circle's circumference, measured in radians clockwise from the   positive x-axis, are the start and end points respectively. The arc is the   path along the circumference of this circle from the start point to the   end point, going anti-clockwise if the <var title="">anticlockwise</var>   argument is true, and clockwise otherwise.  <p>Negative or zero values for <var title="">radius</var> must cause the   implementation to raise an <code>INDEX_SIZE_ERR</code> exception.  <p>The <dfn id=rectx title=dom-context-2d-rect><code>rect(<var   title="">x</var>, <var title="">y</var>, <var title="">w</var>, <var   title="">h</var>)</code></dfn> method must create a new subpath containing   just the four points (<var title="">x</var>, <var title="">y</var>), (<var   title="">x</var>+<var title="">w</var>, <var title="">y</var>), (<var   title="">x</var>+<var title="">w</var>, <var title="">y</var>+<var   title="">h</var>), (<var title="">x</var>, <var title="">y</var>+<var   title="">h</var>), with those four points connected by straight lines, and   must then mark the subpath as closed. It must then create a new subpath   with the point (<var title="">x</var>, <var title="">y</var>) as the only   point in the subpath.  <p>Negative values for <var title="">w</var> and <var title="">h</var> must   cause the implementation to raise an <code>INDEX_SIZE_ERR</code>   exception.  <p>The <dfn id=fill title=dom-context-2d-fill><code>fill()</code></dfn>   method must fill each subpath of the current path in turn, using <code   title=dom-context-2d-fillStyle><a href="#fillstyle">fillStyle</a></code>,   and using the non-zero winding number rule. Open subpaths must be   implicitly closed when being filled (without affecting the actual   subpaths).  <p>The <dfn id=stroke   title=dom-context-2d-stroke><code>stroke()</code></dfn> method must stroke   each subpath of the current path in turn, using the <code   title=dom-context-2d-strokeStyle><a   href="#strokestyle">strokeStyle</a></code>, <code   title=dom-context-2d-lineWidth><a href="#linewidth">lineWidth</a></code>,   <code title=dom-context-2d-lineJoin><a   href="#linejoin">lineJoin</a></code>, and (if appropriate) <code   title=dom-context-2d-miterLimit><a   href="#miterlimit">miterLimit</a></code> attributes.  <p>Paths, when filled or stroked, must be painted without affecting the   current path, and must be subject to <a   href="#transformations1">transformations</a>, <a href="#shadows1"   title=shadows>shadow effects</a>, <a href="#globalalpha"   title=dom-context-2d-globalAlpha>global alpha</a>, <a href="#clipping"   title="clipping path">clipping paths</a>, and <a   href="#globalcompositeoperation"   title=dom-context-2d-globalCompositeOperation>global composition   operators</a>.  <p class=note>The transformation is applied to the path when it is drawn,   not when the path is constructed. Thus, a single path can be constructed   and then drawn according to different transformations without recreating   the path.  <p>The <dfn id=clip title=dom-context-2d-clip><code>clip()</code></dfn>   method must create a new <dfn id=clipping>clipping path</dfn> by   calculating the intersection of the current clipping path and the area   described by the current path (after applying the <span>current   transformation</span>), using the non-zero winding number rule. Open   subpaths must be implicitly closed when computing the clipping path,   without affecting the actual subpaths.  <p>When the context is created, the initial clipping path is the rectangle   with the top left corner at (0,0) and the width and height of the   coordinate space.  <p>The <dfn id=ispointinpath   title=dom-context-2d-isPointInPath><code>isPointInPath(<var   title="">x</var>, <var title="">y</var>)</code></dfn> method must return   true if the point given by the <var title="">x</var> and <var   title="">y</var> coordinates passed to the method, when treated as   coordinates in the canvas' coordinate space unaffected by the current   transformation, is within the area of the canvas that is inside the   current path; and must return false otherwise.  <h6 id=images><span class=secno> </span>Images</h6>  <p>To draw images onto the canvas, the <dfn id=drawimage   title=dom-context-2d-drawImage><code>drawImage</code></dfn> method can be   used.  <p>This method is overloaded with three variants: <code   title="">drawImage(<var title="">image</var>, <var title="">dx</var>, <var   title="">dy</var>)</code>, <code title="">drawImage(<var   title="">image</var>, <var title="">dx</var>, <var title="">dy</var>, <var   title="">dw</var>, <var title="">dh</var>)</code>, and <code   title="">drawImage(<var title="">image</var>, <var title="">sx</var>, <var   title="">sy</var>, <var title="">sw</var>, <var title="">sh</var>, <var   title="">dx</var>, <var title="">dy</var>, <var title="">dw</var>, <var   title="">dh</var>)</code>. (Actually it is overloaded with six; each of   those three can take either an <code><a   href="#htmlimageelement">HTMLImageElement</a></code> or an <code><a   href="#htmlcanvaselement">HTMLCanvasElement</a></code> for the <var   title="">image</var> argument.) If not specified, the <var   title="">dw</var> and <var title="">dh</var> arguments default to the   values of <var title="">sw</var> and <var title="">sh</var>, interpreted   such that one CSS pixel in the image is treated as one unit in the canvas   coordinate space. If the <var title="">sx</var>, <var title="">sy</var>,   <var title="">sw</var>, and <var title="">sh</var> arguments are omitted,   they default to 0, 0, the image's intrinsic width in image pixels, and the   image's intrinsic height in image pixels, respectively.  <p>The <var title="">image</var> argument must be an instance of an   <code><a href="#htmlimageelement">HTMLImageElement</a></code> or <code><a   href="#htmlcanvaselement">HTMLCanvasElement</a></code>. If the <var   title="">image</var> is of the wrong type, the implementation must raise a   <code>TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR</code> exception. If one of the <var   title="">sy</var>, <var title="">sw</var>, <var title="">sw</var>, and   <var title="">sh</var> arguments is outside the size of the image, or if   one of the <var title="">dw</var> and <var title="">dh</var> arguments is   negative, the implementation must raise an <code>INDEX_SIZE_ERR</code>   exception.  <p>When <code title=dom-context-2d-drawImage><a   href="#drawimage">drawImage()</a></code> is invoked, the specified region   of the image specified by the source rectangle (<var title="">sx</var>,   <var title="">sy</var>, <var title="">sw</var>, <var title="">sh</var>)   must be painted on the region of the canvas specified by the destination   rectangle (<var title="">dx</var>, <var title="">dy</var>, <var   title="">dw</var>, <var title="">dh</var>).  <p><img alt="" src=drawImage.png></p>  <!-- no alt="" text since  the image is just repeating what was stated in the previous  paragraph. -->  <p>Images are painted without affecting the current path, and are subject   to <a href="#transformations1">transformations</a>, <a href="#shadows1"   title=shadows>shadow effects</a>, <a href="#globalalpha"   title=dom-context-2d-globalAlpha>global alpha</a>, <a href="#clipping"   title="clipping path">clipping paths</a>, and <a   href="#globalcompositeoperation"   title=dom-context-2d-globalCompositeOperation>global composition   operators</a>.</p>  <!-- XXX should somehow say that the image used is the actual image  of the target element, not the rendered image (e.g. height/width  attributes don't affect it -->  <h6 id=pixel><span class=secno> </span><dfn id=pixel1>Pixel   manipulation</dfn></h6>  <p>The <dfn id=getimagedata   title=dom-context-2d-getImageData><code>getImageData(<var   title="">sx</var>, <var title="">sy</var>, <var title="">sw</var>, <var   title="">sh</var>)</code></dfn> method must return an <code><a   href="#imagedata">ImageData</a></code> object representing the underlying   pixel data for the area of the canvas denoted by the rectangle which has   one corner at the (<var title="">sx</var>, <var title="">sy</var>)   coordinate, and that has width <var title="">sw</var> and height <var   title="">sh</var>. Pixels outside the canvas must be returned as   transparent black.  <p><code><a href="#imagedata">ImageData</a></code> objects must be   initialised so that their <dfn id=height5   title=dom-imagedata-height><code>height</code></dfn> attribute is set to   <var title="">h</var>, the number of rows in the image data, their <dfn   id=width5 title=dom-imagedata-width><code>width</code></dfn> attribute is   set to <var title="">w</var>, the number of physical device pixels per row   in the image data, and the <dfn id=data1   title=dom-imagedata-data><code>data</code></dfn> attribute is initialised   to an array of <var title="">h</var>AMPERSANDtimes;<var title="">w</var>AMPERSANDtimes;4   integers. The pixels must be represented in this array in left-to-right   order, row by row, starting at the top left, with each pixel's red, green,   blue, and alpha components being given in that order. Each component of   each device pixel represented in this array must be in the range 0..255,   representing the 8 bit value for that component.  <p>The <dfn id=putimagedata   title=dom-context-2d-putImageData><code>putImageData(<var   title="">image</var>, <var title="">dx</var>, <var   title="">dy</var>)</code></dfn> method must take the given <code><a   href="#imagedata">ImageData</a></code> structure, and draw it at the   specified location <var title="">dx</var>,<var title="">dy</var> in the   canvas coordinate space, mapping each pixel represented by the <code><a   href="#imagedata">ImageData</a></code> structure into one device pixel.  <p>The handling of pixel rounding when the specified coordinates do not   exactly map to the device coordinate space is not defined by this   specification, except that the following must result in no visible changes   to the rendering:  <pre>context.putImageData(context.getImageData(x, y, w, h), x, y);</pre>  <p>...for any value of <var title="">x</var> and <var title="">y</var>. In   other words, while user agents may round the arguments of the two methods   so that they map to device pixel boundaries, any rounding performed must   be performed consistently for both the <code   title=dom-context-2d-getImageData><a   href="#getimagedata">getImageData()</a></code> and <code   title=dom-context-2d-putImageData><a   href="#putimagedata">putImageData()</a></code> operations.  <p>The current transformation matrix must not affect the <code   title=dom-context-2d-getImageData><a   href="#getimagedata">getImageData()</a></code> and <code   title=dom-context-2d-putImageData><a   href="#putimagedata">putImageData()</a></code> methods.  <h6 id=drawing><span class=secno> </span>Drawing model</h6>  <p>When a shape or image is painted, user agents must follow these steps,   in the order given (or act as if they do):  <ol>   <li>The coordinates are transformed by the current transformation matrix.   <li>The shape or image is rendered, creating image <var title="">A</var>,    as described in the previous sections. For shapes, the current fill,    stroke, and line styles must be honoured.   <li>The shadow is rendered from image <var title="">A</var>, using the    current shadow styles, creating image <var title="">B</var>.   <li>Image <var title="">A</var> is composited over image <var    title="">B</var> creating the source image.   <li>The source image has its alpha adjusted by <code    title=dom-context-2d-globalAlpha><a    href="#globalalpha">globalAlpha</a></code>.   <li>Within the clip region (as affected by the current transformation    matrix), the source image is composited over the current canvas bitmap    using the current composition operator.  </ol>  <!--  <h4 id="3d">The 3D context</h4>  <p class="big-issue">Well, one day.</p>-->  <h4 id=the-map><span class=secno>3.14.7. </span>The <dfn   id=map0><code>map</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#block-level1" title="block-level elements">Block-level   element</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a> are expected.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>Zero or more <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a>.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd><code title=attr-map-name><a href="#name3">name</a></code> (required)   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>    <pre     class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmlmapelement>HTMLMapElement</dfn> : <a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a> {           attribute DOMString <a href="#name4" title=dom-map-name>name</a>;  readonly attribute <a href="#htmlcollection0">HTMLCollection</a> <a href="#areas" title=dom-map-areas>areas</a>;};</pre>  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#map0">map</a></code> element, in conjuction with any   <code><a href="#area0">area</a></code> element descendants, defines an <a   href="#image">image map</a>.  <p>The <dfn id=name3 title=attr-map-name><code>name</code></dfn> attribute   gives the name of the image map, so that it can be referenced using the   <code title=attr-hyperlink-usemap><a href="#usemap1">usemap</a></code>   attribute of <code><a href="#img0">img</a></code> and <code><a   href="#object0">object</a></code> elements.  <p>The <code title=attr-map-name><a href="#name3">name</a></code> attribute   must be present. Its value must be a non-empty string. The value of the   <code title=attr-map-name><a href="#name3">name</a></code> attribute must   be unique, such that no two <code><a href="#map0">map</a></code> elements   in a common subtree have the same value.  <p>The <dfn id=name4 title=dom-map-name><code>name</code></dfn> DOM   attribute must <a href="#reflect">reflect</a> the content attribute of the   same name.  <p>The <dfn id=areas title=dom-map-areas><code>areas</code></dfn> attribute   must return an <code><a href="#htmlcollection0">HTMLCollection</a></code>   rooted at the <code><a href="#map0">map</a></code> element, whose filter   matches only <code><a href="#area0">area</a></code> elements.  <h4 id=the-area><span class=secno>3.14.8. </span>The <dfn   id=area0><code>area</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#strictly">Strictly inline-level content</a>.</p>  <!-- XXX as defined, the area element on its own isn't enough to  satisfy "significant inline-level content" model. should it be? -->  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a> is    allowed, but only as a descendant of a <code><a    href="#map0">map</a></code> element.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>Empty.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd><code title=attr-area-alt><a href="#alt1">alt</a></code> (required)   <dd><code title=attr-area-coords><a href="#coords0">coords</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-area-shape><a href="#shape0">shape</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-hyperlink-href><a href="#href5">href</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-hyperlink-rel><a href="#rel3">rel</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-hyperlink-media><a href="#media5">media</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-hyperlink-hreflang><a    href="#hreflang3">hreflang</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-hyperlink-type><a href="#type14">type</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-hyperlink-ping><a href="#ping">ping</a></code>   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>    <pre     class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmlareaelement>HTMLAreaElement</dfn> : <a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a> {           attribute DOMString <a href="#alt2" title=dom-area-alt>alt</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#coords" title=dom-area-coords>coords</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#shape" title=dom-area-shape>shape</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#href4" title=dom-area-href>href</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#rel2" title=dom-area-rel>rel</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#media4" title=dom-area-media>media</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#hreflang2" title=dom-area-hreflang>hreflang</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#type8" title=dom-area-type>type</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#ping1" title=dom-area-ping>ping</a>;};</pre>  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#area0">area</a></code> elements represents some text   with corresponding to an area on an <a href="#image">image map</a>. The   <dfn id=alt1 title=attr-area-alt><code>alt</code></dfn> attribute, which   must be present, specifies the text, and the <code   title=attr-area-coords><a href="#coords0">coords</a></code> and <code   title=attr-area-shape><a href="#shape0">shape</a></code> attributes   specify the area.  <p>If the <code><a href="#area0">area</a></code> element has an <code   title=attr-hyperlink-href><a href="#href5">href</a></code> attribute, then   it represents a <a href="#hyperlinks">hyperlink</a>.  <p>If the <code><a href="#area0">area</a></code> element has no <code   title=attr-hyperlink-href><a href="#href5">href</a></code> attribute, then   the area represented by the element cannot be selected.  <p>Interactive user agents should allow users to <a href="#following1"   title="following hyperlinks">follow hyperlinks</a> created for <a   href="#valid5" title="valid area">valid areas</a> using the <code><a   href="#area0">area</a></code> element. The <code   title=attr-hyperlink-href><a href="#href5">href</a></code> and <code   title=attr-hyperlink-ping><a href="#ping">ping</a></code> attributes   decide how the link is followed. The <code title=attr-hyperlink-rel><a   href="#rel3">rel</a></code>, <code title=attr-hyperlink-media><a   href="#media5">media</a></code>, <code title=attr-hyperlink-hreflang><a   href="#hreflang3">hreflang</a></code>, and <code   title=attr-hyperlink-type><a href="#type14">type</a></code> attributes may   be used to indicate to the user the likely nature of the target resource   before the user follows the link.  <p>The DOM attributes <dfn id=alt2   title=dom-area-alt><code>alt</code></dfn>, <dfn id=coords   title=dom-area-coords><code>coords</code></dfn>, <dfn id=shape   title=dom-area-shape><code>shape</code></dfn>, <dfn id=href4   title=dom-area-href><code>href</code></dfn>, <dfn id=rel2   title=dom-area-rel><code>rel</code></dfn>, <dfn id=media4   title=dom-area-media><code>media</code></dfn>, <dfn id=hreflang2   title=dom-area-hreflang><code>hreflang</code></dfn>, <dfn id=type8   title=dom-area-type><code>type</code></dfn>, and <dfn id=ping1   title=dom-area-ping><code>ping</code></dfn> each must <a   href="#reflect">reflect</a> the respective content attributes of the same   name.  <h4 id=the-figure><span class=secno>3.14.9. </span>The <dfn   id=figure0><code>figure</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#block-level1" title="block-level elements">Block-level   element</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a> are expected.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>In any order, exactly one <code><a href="#legend0">legend</a></code>    element, and exactly one <a href="#embedded0">embedded content</a>    element.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd><code title=class-issue><a href="#issue0">example</a></code>, <code    title=class-warning><a href="#warning0">warning</a></code>   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#figure0">figure</a></code> element represents a <a   href="#paragraph">paragraph</a> consisting of embedded content and a   caption.  <p>The first <a href="#embedded0">embedded content</a> element child of the   <code><a href="#figure0">figure</a></code> element, if any, is the   paragraph's content.  <p>The first <code><a href="#legend0">legend</a></code> element child of   the element, if any, represents the caption of the embedded content. If   there is no child <code><a href="#legend0">legend</a></code> element, then   there is no caption.  <p>If the embedded content cannot be used, then, for the purposes of   establishing what the <code><a href="#figure0">figure</a></code> element   represents:  <dl class=switch>   <dt>If the embedded content's <a href="#fallback">fallback content</a> is    a single <a href="#embedded0">embedded content</a> element   <dd>The <code><a href="#figure0">figure</a></code> element must be treated    as if that <a href="#embedded0">embedded content</a> element was the    <code><a href="#figure0">figure</a></code> element's embedded content.    (If that embedded content can't be used either, then this processing must    be done again, with the new embedded content's <a    href="#fallback">fallback content</a>.)   <dt>If the embedded content's fallback is nothing   <dd>The entire <code><a href="#figure0">figure</a></code> element    (including the caption, if any) must be ignored.   <dt>If the embedded content's fallback is <a    href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a>   <dd>The entire <code><a href="#figure0">figure</a></code> element    (including the caption, if any) must be treated as being a single <a    href="#paragraph">paragraph</a> with that <a    href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a> as its content.   <dt>Otherwise   <dd>The entire <code><a href="#figure0">figure</a></code> element    (including the caption, if any) must be treated as being replaced by that    fallback content.  </dl>  <h3 id=tabular><span class=secno>3.15. </span>Tabular data</h3>  <h4 id=the-table><span class=secno>3.15.1. </span>The <dfn   id=table0><code>table</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#block-level1" title="block-level elements">Block-level   element</a>, and <a href="#structured" title="structured inline-level   elements">structured inline-level element</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a> are expected.   <dd>Where <a href="#structured">structured inline-level elements</a> are    allowed.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>In this order: optionally a <code><a    href="#caption1">caption</a></code> element, followed by either zero or    more <code><a href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code> elements, followed    optionally by a <code><a href="#thead1">thead</a></code> element,    followed optionally by a <code><a href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code>    element, followed by either zero or more <code><a    href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code> elements <em>or</em> one or more <code><a    href="#tr0">tr</a></code> elements, followed optionally by a <code><a    href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code> element (but there can only be one    <code><a href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code> element child in total).   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>    <pre     class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmltableelement>HTMLTableElement</dfn> : <a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a> {           attribute <span>HTMLTableCaptionElement</span> <a href="#caption0" title=dom-table-caption>caption</a>;  HTMLElement <a href="#createcaption" title=dom-table-createCaption>createCaption</a>();  void <a href="#deletecaption" title=dom-table-deleteCaption>deleteCaption</a>();           attribute <a href="#htmltablesectionelement">HTMLTableSectionElement</a> <a href="#thead0" title=dom-table-tHead>tHead</a>;  HTMLElement <a href="#createthead" title=dom-table-createTHead>createTHead</a>();  void <a href="#deletethead" title=dom-table-deleteTHead>deleteTHead</a>();           attribute <a href="#htmltablesectionelement">HTMLTableSectionElement</a> <a href="#tfoot0" title=dom-table-tFoot>tFoot</a>;  HTMLElement <a href="#createtfoot" title=dom-table-createTFoot>createTFoot</a>();  void <a href="#deletetfoot" title=dom-table-deleteTFoot>deleteTFoot</a>();  readonly attribute <a href="#htmlcollection0">HTMLCollection</a> <a href="#tbodies" title=dom-table-tBodies>tBodies</a>;  readonly attribute <a href="#htmlcollection0">HTMLCollection</a> <a href="#rows" title=dom-table-rows>rows</a>;  HTMLElement <a href="#insertrow" title=dom-table-insertRow>insertRow</a>(in long index);  void <a href="#deleterow" title=dom-table-deleteRow>deleteRow</a>(in long index);};</pre>  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element represents data   with more than one dimension (a <a href="#table2"   title=concept-table>table</a>).  <p>The children of a <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element must   be, in order:  <ol>   <li>    <p>Zero or one <code><a href="#caption1">caption</a></code> elements.   <li>    <p>Zero or more <code><a href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code> elements.   <li>    <p>Zero or one <code><a href="#thead1">thead</a></code> elements.   <li>    <p>Zero or one <code><a href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code> elements, if the     last element in the table is not a <code><a     href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code> element.   <li>    <p>Either:</p>    <ul>     <li>Zero or more <code><a href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code> elements, or     <li>One or more <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> elements.    </ul>   <li>    <p>Zero or one <code><a href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code> element, if there     are no other <code><a href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code> elements in the     table.  </ol>  <p>The <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element takes part in the   <a href="#table1">table model</a>.  <p>The <dfn id=caption0 title=dom-table-caption><code>caption</code></dfn>   DOM attribute must return, on getting, the first <code><a   href="#caption1">caption</a></code> element child of the <code><a   href="#table0">table</a></code> element. On setting, the first <code><a   href="#caption1">caption</a></code> element child of the <code><a   href="#table0">table</a></code> element, if any, must be removed, and the   new value must be inserted as the first node of the <code><a   href="#table0">table</a></code> element.  <p>The <dfn id=createcaption   title=dom-table-createCaption><code>createCaption()</code></dfn> method   must return a new <code><a href="#caption1">caption</a></code> element.  <p>The <dfn id=deletecaption   title=dom-table-deleteCaption><code>deleteCaption()</code></dfn> method   must remove the first <code><a href="#caption1">caption</a></code> element   child of the <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element, if any.  <p>The <dfn id=thead0 title=dom-table-tHead><code>tHead</code></dfn> DOM   attribute must return, on getting, the first <code><a   href="#thead1">thead</a></code> element child of the <code><a   href="#table0">table</a></code> element. On setting, the first <code><a   href="#thead1">thead</a></code> element child of the <code><a   href="#table0">table</a></code> element, if any, must be removed, and the   new value must be inserted immediately before the first element in the   <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element that is neither a   <code><a href="#caption1">caption</a></code> element nor a <code><a   href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code> element.  <p>The <dfn id=createthead   title=dom-table-createTHead><code>createTHead()</code></dfn> method must   return a new <code><a href="#thead1">thead</a></code> element.  <p>The <dfn id=deletethead   title=dom-table-deleteTHead><code>deleteTHead()</code></dfn> method must   remove the first <code><a href="#thead1">thead</a></code> element child of   the <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element, if any.  <p>The <dfn id=tfoot0 title=dom-table-tFoot><code>tFoot</code></dfn> DOM   attribute must return, on getting, the first <code><a   href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code> element child of the <code><a   href="#table0">table</a></code> element. On setting, the first <code><a   href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code> element child of the <code><a   href="#table0">table</a></code> element, if any, must be removed, and the   new value must be inserted immediately before the first element in the   <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element that is neither a   <code><a href="#caption1">caption</a></code> element, a <code><a   href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code> element, nor a <code><a   href="#thead1">thead</a></code> element.  <p>The <dfn id=createtfoot   title=dom-table-createTFoot><code>createTFoot()</code></dfn> method must   return a new <code><a href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code> element.  <p>The <dfn id=deletetfoot   title=dom-table-deleteTFoot><code>deleteTFoot()</code></dfn> method must   remove the first <code><a href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code> element child of   the <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element, if any.  <p>The <dfn id=tbodies title=dom-table-tBodies><code>tBodies</code></dfn>   attribute must return an <code><a   href="#htmlcollection0">HTMLCollection</a></code> rooted at the <code><a   href="#table0">table</a></code> node, whose filter matches only <code><a   href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code> elements that are children.  <p>The <dfn id=rows title=dom-table-rows><code>rows</code></dfn> attribute   must return an <code><a href="#htmlcollection0">HTMLCollection</a></code>   rooted at the <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> node, whose filter   matches only <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> elements that are either   children of the <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element, or   children of <code><a href="#thead1">thead</a></code>, <code><a   href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code>, or <code><a   href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code> elements that are themselves children of   the <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element. The elements in the   collection must be ordered such that those elements whose parent is a   <code><a href="#thead1">thead</a></code> are included first, in tree   order, followed by those elements whose parent is either a <code><a   href="#table0">table</a></code> or <code><a   href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code> element, again in tree order, followed   finally by those elements whose parent is a <code><a   href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code> element, still in tree order.  <p>The behaviour of the <dfn id=insertrow   title=dom-table-insertRow><code>insertRow(<var   title="">index</var>)</code></dfn> method depends on the state of the   table. When it is called, the method must act as required by the first   item in the following list of conditions that describes the state of the   table and the <var title="">index</var> argument:  <dl class=switch>   <dt>If <var title="">index</var> is less than -1 or greater than the    number of elements in <code title=dom-table-rows><a    href="#rows">rows</a></code> collection:   <dd>The method must raise an <code>INDEX_SIZE_ERR</code> exception.   <dt>If the <code title=dom-table-rows><a href="#rows">rows</a></code>    collection has zero elements in it, and the <code><a    href="#table0">table</a></code> has no <code><a    href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code> elements in it:   <dd>The method must create a <code><a href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code>    element, then create a <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element, then    append the <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element to the <code><a    href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code> element, then append the <code><a    href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code> element to the <code><a    href="#table0">table</a></code> element, and finally return the <code><a    href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element.   <dt>If the <code title=dom-table-rows><a href="#rows">rows</a></code>    collection has zero elements in it:   <dd>The method must create a <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element,    append it to the last <code><a href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code> element in    the table, and return the <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element.   <dt>If <var title="">index</var> is equal to -1 or equal to the number of    items in <code title=dom-table-rows><a href="#rows">rows</a></code>    collection:   <dd>The method must create a <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element,    and append it to the parent of the last <code><a    href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element in the <code title=dom-table-rows><a    href="#rows">rows</a></code> collection. Then, the newly created <code><a    href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element must be returned.   <dt>Otherwise:   <dd>The method must create a <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element,    insert it immediately before the <var title="">index</var>th <code><a    href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element in the <code title=dom-table-rows><a    href="#rows">rows</a></code> collection, in the same parent, and finally    must return the newly created <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element.  </dl>  <p>The <dfn id=deleterow title=dom-table-deleteRow><code>deleteRow(<var   title="">index</var>)</code></dfn> method must remove the <var   title="">index</var>th element in the <code title=dom-table-rows><a   href="#rows">rows</a></code> collection from its parent. If <var   title="">index</var> is less than zero or greater than or equal to the   number of elements in the <code title=dom-table-rows><a   href="#rows">rows</a></code> collection, the method must instead raise an   <code>INDEX_SIZE_ERR</code> exception.  <h4 id=the-caption><span class=secno>3.15.2. </span>The <dfn   id=caption1><code>caption</code></dfn> element</h4>  <!-- element has no special category -->  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>As the first element child of a <code><a    href="#table0">table</a></code> element.   <dt>Content model:   <dd><a href="#significant" title="significant inline    content">Significant</a> <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level    content</a>.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#caption1">caption</a></code> element represents the   title of the <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> that is its parent,   if it has a parent and that is a <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code>   element.  <p>The <code><a href="#caption1">caption</a></code> element takes part in   the <a href="#table1">table model</a>.  <h4 id=the-colgroup><span class=secno>3.15.3. </span>The <dfn   id=colgroup0><code>colgroup</code></dfn> element</h4>  <!-- element has no special category -->  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>As a child of a <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element,    after any <code><a href="#caption1">caption</a></code> elements and    before any <code><a href="#thead1">thead</a></code>, <code><a    href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code>, <code><a    href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code>, and <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code>    elements.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>Zero or more <code><a href="#col0">col</a></code> elements.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd><code title=attr-colgroup-span><a href="#span1">span</a></code>, but    only if the element contains no <code><a href="#col0">col</a></code>    elements   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>    <pre     class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmltablecolelement>HTMLTableColElement</dfn> : <a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a> {           attribute unsigned long <a href="#span2" title=dom-colgroup-span>span</a>;};</pre>  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code> element represents a   <a href="#column0" title=concept-column-group>group</a> of one or more <a   href="#column" title=concept-column>columns</a> in the <code><a   href="#table0">table</a></code> that is its parent, if it has a parent and   that is a <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element.  <p>If the <code><a href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code> element contains   no <code><a href="#col0">col</a></code> elements, then the element may   have a <dfn id=span1 title=attr-colgroup-span><code>span</code></dfn>   content attribute specified, whose value must be a <a href="#valid">valid   non-negative integer</a> greater than zero. Its default value, which must   be used if <a href="#rules" title="rules for parsing non-negative   integers">parsing the attribute as a non-negative integer</a> returns   either an error or zero, is 1.  <p>The <code><a href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code> element and its <code   title=attr-colgroup-span><a href="#span1">span</a></code> attribute take   part in the <a href="#table1">table model</a>.  <p>The <dfn id=span2 title=dom-colgroup-span><code>span</code></dfn> DOM   attribute must <a href="#reflect">reflect</a> the content attribute of the   same name, with the exception that on setting, if the new value is 0, then   an <code>INDEX_SIZE_ERR</code> exception must be raised.  <h4 id=the-col><span class=secno>3.15.4. </span>The <dfn   id=col0><code>col</code></dfn> element</h4>  <!-- element has no special category -->  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>As a child of a <code><a href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code> element    that doesn't have a <code title=attr-col-span><a    href="#span3">span</a></code> attribute.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>Empty.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd><code title=attr-col-span><a href="#span3">span</a></code>   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>    <p><code><a href="#htmltablecolelement">HTMLTableColElement</a></code>,     same as for <code><a href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code> elements.     This interface defines one member, <code title=dom-col-span><a     href="#span4">span</a></code>.</p>  </dl>  <p>If a <code><a href="#col0">col</a></code> element has a parent and that   is a <code><a href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code> element that itself   has a parent that is a <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element,   then the <code><a href="#col0">col</a></code> element represents one or   more <a href="#column" title=concept-column>columns</a> in the <a   href="#column0" title=concept-column-group>column group</a> represented by   that <code><a href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code>.  <p>The element may have a <dfn id=span3   title=attr-col-span><code>span</code></dfn> content attribute specified,   whose value must be a <a href="#valid">valid non-negative integer</a>   greater than zero. Its default value, which must be used if <a   href="#rules" title="rules for parsing non-negative integers">parsing the   attribute as a non-negative integer</a> returns either an error or zero,   is 1.  <p>The <code><a href="#col0">col</a></code> element and its <code   title=attr-col-span><a href="#span3">span</a></code> attribute take part   in the <a href="#table1">table model</a>.  <p>The <dfn id=span4 title=dom-col-span><code>span</code></dfn> DOM   attribute must <a href="#reflect">reflect</a> the content attribute of the   same name, with the exception that on setting, if the new value is 0, then   an <code>INDEX_SIZE_ERR</code> exception must be raised.  <h4 id=the-tbody><span class=secno>3.15.5. </span>The <dfn   id=tbody0><code>tbody</code></dfn> element</h4>  <!-- element has no special category -->  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>As a child of a <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element,    after any <code><a href="#caption1">caption</a></code>, <code><a    href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code>, and <code><a    href="#thead1">thead</a></code> elements, but only if there are no    <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> elements that are children of the    <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>One or more <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> elements   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>    <pre     class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmltablesectionelement>HTMLTableSectionElement</dfn> : <a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a> {  readonly attribute <a href="#htmlcollection0">HTMLCollection</a> <a href="#rows0" title=dom-tbody-rows>rows</a>;  <a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a> <a href="#insertrow0" title=dom-tbody-insertRow>insertRow</a>(in long index);  void <a href="#deleterow0" title=dom-tbody-deleteRow>deleteRow</a>(in long index);};</pre>    <p>The <code><a     href="#htmltablesectionelement">HTMLTableSectionElement</a></code>     interface is also used for <code><a href="#thead1">thead</a></code> and     <code><a href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code> elements.</p>  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code> element represents a <a   href="#row-group" title=concept-row-group>block</a> of <a href="#row"   title=concept-row>rows</a> that consist of a body of data for the parent   <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element, if the <code><a   href="#thead1">thead</a></code> element has a parent and it is a <code><a   href="#table0">table</a></code>.  <p>The <code><a href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code> element takes part in the   <a href="#table1">table model</a>.  <p>The <dfn id=rows0 title=dom-tbody-rows><code>rows</code></dfn> attribute   must return an <code><a href="#htmlcollection0">HTMLCollection</a></code>   rooted at the element, whose filter matches only <code><a   href="#tr0">tr</a></code> elements that are children of the element.  <p>The <dfn id=insertrow0 title=dom-tbody-insertRow><code>insertRow(<var   title="">index</var>)</code></dfn> method must, when invoked on an element   <var title="">table section</var>, act as follows:  <p>If <var title="">index</var> is less than -1 or greater than the number   of elements in the <code title=dom-tbody-rows><a   href="#rows0">rows</a></code> collection, the method must raise an   <code>INDEX_SIZE_ERR</code> exception.  <p>If <var title="">index</var> is equal to -1 or equal to the number of   items in the <code title=dom-tbody-rows><a href="#rows0">rows</a></code>   collection, the method must create a <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code>   element, append it to the element <var title="">table section</var>, and   return the newly created <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element.  <p>Otherwise, the method must create a <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code>   element, insert it as a child of the <var title="">table section</var>   element, immediately before the <var title="">index</var>th <code><a   href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element in the <code title=dom-tbody-rows><a   href="#rows0">rows</a></code> collection, and finally must return the   newly created <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element.  <p>The <dfn id=deleterow0 title=dom-tbody-deleteRow><code>deleteRow(<var   title="">index</var>)</code></dfn> method must remove the <var   title="">index</var>th element in the <code title=dom-tbody-rows><a   href="#rows0">rows</a></code> collection from its parent. If <var   title="">index</var> is less than zero or greater than or equal to the   number of elements in the <code title=dom-tbody-rows><a   href="#rows0">rows</a></code> collection, the method must instead raise an   <code>INDEX_SIZE_ERR</code> exception.  <h4 id=the-thead><span class=secno>3.15.6. </span>The <dfn   id=thead1><code>thead</code></dfn> element</h4>  <!-- element has no special category -->  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>As a child of a <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element,    after any <code><a href="#caption1">caption</a></code>, and <code><a    href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code> elements and before any <code><a    href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code>, <code><a    href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code>, and <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code>    elements, but only if there are no other <code><a    href="#thead1">thead</a></code> elements that are children of the    <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>One or more <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> elements   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd><code><a    href="#htmltablesectionelement">HTMLTableSectionElement</a></code>, as    defined for <code><a href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code> elements.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#thead1">thead</a></code> element represents the <a   href="#row-group" title=concept-row-group>block</a> of <a href="#row"   title=concept-row>rows</a> that consist of the column labels (headers) for   the parent <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element, if the   <code><a href="#thead1">thead</a></code> element has a parent and it is a   <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code>.  <p>The <code><a href="#thead1">thead</a></code> element takes part in the   <a href="#table1">table model</a>.  <h4 id=the-tfoot><span class=secno>3.15.7. </span>The <dfn   id=tfoot1><code>tfoot</code></dfn> element</h4>  <!-- element has no special category -->  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>As a child of a <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element,    after any <code><a href="#caption1">caption</a></code>, <code><a    href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code>, and <code><a    href="#thead1">thead</a></code> elements and before any <code><a    href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code> and <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code>    elements, but only if there are no other <code><a    href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code> elements that are children of the    <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element.   <dd>As a child of a <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element,    after any <code><a href="#caption1">caption</a></code>, <code><a    href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code>, <code><a    href="#thead1">thead</a></code>, <code><a    href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code>, and <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code>    elements, but only if there are no other <code><a    href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code> elements that are children of the    <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>One or more <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> elements   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd><code><a    href="#htmltablesectionelement">HTMLTableSectionElement</a></code>, as    defined for <code><a href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code> elements.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code> element represents the <a   href="#row-group" title=concept-row-group>block</a> of <a href="#row"   title=concept-row>rows</a> that consist of the column summaries (footers)   for the parent <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element, if the   <code><a href="#thead1">thead</a></code> element has a parent and it is a   <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code>.  <p>The <code><a href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code> element takes part in the   <a href="#table1">table model</a>.  <h4 id=the-tr><span class=secno>3.15.8. </span>The <dfn   id=tr0><code>tr</code></dfn> element</h4>  <!-- element has no special category -->  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>As a child of a <code><a href="#thead1">thead</a></code> element.   <dd>As a child of a <code><a href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code> element.   <dd>As a child of a <code><a href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code> element.   <dd>As a child of a <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element,    after any <code><a href="#caption1">caption</a></code>, <code><a    href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code>, and <code><a    href="#thead1">thead</a></code> elements, but only if there are no    <code><a href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code> elements that are children of    the <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>One or more <code><a href="#td0">td</a></code> or <code><a    href="#th0">th</a></code> elements   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>    <pre     class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmltablerowelement>HTMLTableRowElement</dfn> : <a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a> {  readonly attribute long <a href="#rowindex" title=dom-tr-rowIndex>rowIndex</a>;  readonly attribute long <a href="#rowindex0" title=dom-tr-sectionRowIndex>sectionRowIndex</a>;  readonly attribute <a href="#htmlcollection0">HTMLCollection</a> <a href="#cells" title=dom-tr-cells>cells</a>;  <a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a> <a href="#insertcell" title=dom-tr-insertCell>insertCell</a>(in long index);  void <span>deleteCell</span>(in long index);};</pre>  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element represents a <a   href="#row" title=concept-row>row</a> of <a href="#cell"   title=concept-cell>cells</a> in a <a href="#table2"   title=concept-table>table</a>.  <p>The <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element takes part in the <a   href="#table1">table model</a>.  <p>The <dfn id=rowindex title=dom-tr-rowIndex><code>rowIndex</code></dfn>   element must, if the element has a parent <code><a   href="#table0">table</a></code> element, or a parent <code><a   href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code>, <code><a href="#thead1">thead</a></code>,   or <code><a href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code> element and a   <em>grandparent</em> <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element,   return the index of the <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element in that   <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element's <code   title=dom-table-rows><a href="#rows">rows</a></code> collection. If there   is no such <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element, then the   attribute must return 0.  <p>The <dfn id=rowindex0   title=dom-tr-sectionRowIndex><code>rowIndex</code></dfn> element must, if   the element has a parent <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code>,   <code><a href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code>, <code><a   href="#thead1">thead</a></code>, or <code><a   href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code> element, return the index of the <code><a   href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element in the parent element's <code   title="">rows</code> collection (for tables, that's the <code   title=dom-table-rows><a href="#rows">rows</a></code> collection; for table   sections, that's the <code title=dom-tbody-rows><a   href="#rows0">rows</a></code> collection). If there is no such parent   element, then the attribute must return 0.  <p>The <dfn id=cells title=dom-tr-cells><code>cells</code></dfn> attribute   must return an <code><a href="#htmlcollection0">HTMLCollection</a></code>   rooted at the <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element, whose filter   matches only <code><a href="#td0">td</a></code> and <code><a   href="#th0">th</a></code> elements that are children of the <code><a   href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element.  <p>The <dfn id=insertcell title=dom-tr-insertCell><code>insertCell(<var   title="">index</var>)</code></dfn> method must act as follows:  <p>If <var title="">index</var> is less than -1 or greater than the number   of elements in the <code title=dom-tr-cells><a   href="#cells">cells</a></code> collection, the method must raise an   <code>INDEX_SIZE_ERR</code> exception.  <p>If <var title="">index</var> is equal to -1 or equal to the number of   items in <code title=dom-tr-cells><a href="#cells">cells</a></code>   collection, the method must create a <code><a href="#td0">td</a></code>   element, append it to the <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element, and   return the newly created <code><a href="#td0">td</a></code> element.  <p>Otherwise, the method must create a <code><a href="#td0">td</a></code>   element, insert it as a child of the <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code>   element, immediately before the <var title="">index</var>th <code><a   href="#td0">td</a></code> or <code><a href="#th0">th</a></code> element in   the <code title=dom-tr-cells><a href="#cells">cells</a></code> collection,   and finally must return the newly created <code><a   href="#td0">td</a></code> element.  <p>The <dfn id=deletecell title=dom-tr-deleteCell><code>deleteCell(<var   title="">index</var>)</code></dfn> method must remove the <var   title="">index</var>th element in the <code title=dom-tr-cells><a   href="#cells">cells</a></code> collection from its parent. If <var   title="">index</var> is less than zero or greater than or equal to the   number of elements in the <code title=dom-tr-cells><a   href="#cells">cells</a></code> collection, the method must instead raise   an <code>INDEX_SIZE_ERR</code> exception.  <h4 id=the-td><span class=secno>3.15.9. </span>The <dfn   id=td0><code>td</code></dfn> element</h4>  <!-- element has no special category -->  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>As a child of a <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>Zero or more <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a>, or <a    href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a> (but not both).   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd><code title=attr-td-colspan><a href="#colspan">colspan</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-td-rowspan><a href="#rowspan">rowspan</a></code>   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>    <pre     class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmltablecellelement>HTMLTableCellElement</dfn> : <a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a> {           attribute long <a href="#colspan0" title=dom-td-colSpan>colSpan</a>;           attribute long <a href="#rowspan0" title=dom-td-rowSpan>rowSpan</a>;  readonly attribute long <a href="#cellindex" title=dom-td-cellIndex>cellIndex</a>;};</pre>  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#td0">td</a></code> element represents a data <a   href="#cell" title=concept-cell>cell</a> in a table.  <p>The <code><a href="#td0">td</a></code> element may have a <dfn   id=colspan title=attr-td-colspan><code>colspan</code></dfn> content   attribute specified, whose value must be a <a href="#valid">valid   non-negative integer</a> greater than zero. Its default value, which must   be used if <a href="#rules" title="rules for parsing non-negative   integers">parsing the attribute as a non-negative integer</a> returns   either an error or zero, is 1.  <p>The <code><a href="#td0">td</a></code> element may also have a <dfn   id=rowspan title=attr-td-rowspan><code>rowspan</code></dfn> content   attribute specified, whose value must be a <a href="#valid">valid   non-negative integer</a>. Its default value, which must be used if <a   href="#rules" title="rules for parsing non-negative integers">parsing the   attribute as a non-negative integer</a> returns an error, is also 1.  <p>The <code><a href="#td0">td</a></code> element and its <code   title=attr-td-colspan><a href="#colspan">colspan</a></code> and <code   title=attr-td-rowspan><a href="#rowspan">rowspan</a></code> attributes   take part in the <a href="#table1">table model</a>.  <p>The <dfn id=colspan0 title=dom-td-colspan><code>colspan</code></dfn> DOM   attribute must <a href="#reflect">reflect</a> the content attribute of the   same name, with the exception that on setting, if the new value is 0, then   an <code>INDEX_SIZE_ERR</code> exception must be raised.  <p>The <dfn id=rowspan0 title=dom-td-rowspan><code>rowspan</code></dfn> DOM   attribute must <a href="#reflect">reflect</a> the content attribute of the   same name.  <p>The <dfn id=cellindex   title=dom-td-cellIndex><code>cellIndex</code></dfn> DOM attribute must, if   the element has a parent <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element,   return the index of the cell's element in the parent element's <code   title=dom-tr-cells><a href="#cells">cells</a></code> collection. If there   is no such parent element, then the attribute must return 0.  <h4 id=the-th><span class=secno>3.15.10. </span>The <dfn   id=th0><code>th</code></dfn> element</h4>  <!-- element has no special category -->  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>As a child of a <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>Zero or more <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a>, or <a    href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a> (but not both).   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd><code title=attr-th-colspan><a href="#colspan1">colspan</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-th-rowspan><a href="#rowspan1">rowspan</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-th-scope><a href="#scope0">scope</a></code>   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>    <pre     class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmltableheadercellelement>HTMLTableHeaderCellElement</dfn> : <a href="#htmltablecellelement">HTMLTableCellElement</a> {           attribute DOMString <a href="#scope1" title=dom-th-scope>scope</a>;};</pre>  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#th0">th</a></code> element represents a header <a   href="#cell" title=concept-cell>cell</a> in a table.  <p>The <code><a href="#th0">th</a></code> element may have a <dfn   id=colspan1 title=attr-th-colspan><code>colspan</code></dfn> content   attribute specified, whose value must be a <a href="#valid">valid   non-negative integer</a> greater than zero. Its default value, which must   be used if <a href="#rules" title="rules for parsing non-negative   integers">parsing the attribute as a non-negative integer</a> returns   either an error or zero, is 1.  <p>The <code><a href="#th0">th</a></code> element may also have a <dfn   id=rowspan1 title=attr-th-rowspan><code>rowspan</code></dfn> content   attribute specified, whose value must be a <a href="#valid">valid   non-negative integer</a>. Its default value, which must be used if <a   href="#rules" title="rules for parsing non-negative integers">parsing the   attribute as a non-negative integer</a> returns an error, is also 1.  <p>The <code><a href="#th0">th</a></code> element may have a <dfn id=scope0   title=attr-th-scope><code>scope</code></dfn> content attribute specified,   whose value must be one of the following literal strings: <code   title=attr-th-scope-row>row</code>, <code   title=attr-th-scope-cell>cell</code>, <code   title=attr-th-scope-row>rowgroup</code>, or <code   title=attr-th-scope-cell>cellgroup</code>.  <p>The <code><a href="#th0">th</a></code> element and its <code   title=attr-th-colspan><a href="#colspan1">colspan</a></code>, <code   title=attr-th-rowspan><a href="#rowspan1">rowspan</a></code>, and <code   title=attr-th-scope><a href="#scope0">scope</a></code> attributes take   part in the <a href="#table1">table model</a>.  <p>The <dfn id=scope1 title=dom-th-scope><code>scope</code></dfn> DOM   attribute must <a href="#reflect">reflect</a> the content attribute of the   same name.  <p>The <code><a   href="#htmltableheadercellelement">HTMLTableHeaderCellElement</a></code>   interface inherits from the <code><a   href="#htmltablecellelement">HTMLTableCellElement</a></code> interface and   therefore also has the DOM attributes defined above in the <code><a   href="#td0">td</a></code> section.  <h4 id=processing><span class=secno>3.15.11. </span>Processing model</h4>  <p>The various table elements and their content attributes together define   the <dfn id=table1>table model</dfn>.  <p>A <dfn id=table2 title=concept-table>table</dfn> consists of cells   aligned on a two-dimensional grid of <dfn id=slots   title=concept-slots>slots</dfn> with coordinates (<var title="">x</var>,   <var title="">y</var>). The grid is finite, and is either empty or has one   or more slots. If the grid has one or more slots, then the <var   title="">x</var> coordinates are always in the range   <span>1AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var title="">x</var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var   title="">x<sub title="">max</sub></var></span>, and the <var   title="">y</var> coordinates are always in the range   <span>1AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var title="">y</var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var   title="">y<sub title="">max</sub></var></span>. If one or both of <var   title="">x<sub title="">max</sub></var> and <var title="">y<sub   title="">max</sub></var> are zero, then the table is empty (has no slots).   Tables correspond to <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> elements.  <p>A <dfn id=cell title=concept-cell>cell</dfn> is a set of slots anchored   at a slot (<var title="">cell<sub title="">x</sub></var>, <var   title="">cell<sub title="">y</sub></var>), and with a particular <var   title="">width</var> and <var title="">height</var> such that the cell   covers all the slots with coordinates (<var title="">x</var>, <var   title="">y</var>) where <span><var title="">cell<sub   title="">x</sub></var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var   title="">x</var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDlt;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var title="">cell<sub   title="">x</sub></var>+<var title="">width</var></span> and <span><var   title="">cell<sub title="">y</sub></var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var   title="">y</var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDlt;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var title="">cell<sub   title="">y</sub></var>+<var title="">height</var></span>. Cell can either   be <em>data cells</em> or <em>header cells</em>. Data cells correspond to   <code><a href="#td0">td</a></code> elements, and have zero or more   associated header cells. Header cells correspond to <code><a   href="#th0">th</a></code> elements.  <p>A <dfn id=row title=concept-row>row</dfn> is a complete set of slots   from <span><var title="">x</var>=1</span> to <span><var   title="">x</var>=<var title="">x<sub title="">max</sub></var></span>, for   a particular value of <var title="">y</var>. Rows correspond to <code><a   href="#tr0">tr</a></code> elements.  <p>A <dfn id=column title=concept-column>column</dfn> is a complete set of   slots from <span><var title="">y</var>=1</span> to <span><var   title="">y</var>=<var title="">y<sub title="">max</sub></var></span>, for   a particular value of <var title="">x</var>. Columns can correspond to   <code><a href="#col0">col</a></code> elements, but in the absense of   <code><a href="#col0">col</a></code> elements are implied.  <p>A <dfn id=row-group title=concept-row-group>row group</dfn> is a set of   <a href="#row" title=concept-row>rows</a> anchored at a slot (1, <var   title="">group<sub title="">y</sub></var>) with a particular <var   title="">height</var> such that the row group covers all the slots with   coordinates (<var title="">x</var>, <var title="">y</var>) where   <span>1AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var title="">x</var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDlt;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var   title="">x<sub title="">max</sub></var></span> and <span><var   title="">group<sub title="">y</sub></var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var   title="">y</var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDlt;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var title="">group<sub   title="">y</sub></var>+<var title="">height</var></span>. Row groups   correspond to <code><a href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code>, <code><a   href="#thead1">thead</a></code>, and <code><a   href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code> elements. Not every row is necessarily in   a row group.  <p>A <dfn id=column0 title=concept-column-group>column group</dfn> is a set   of <a href="#column" title=concept-column>columns</a> anchored at a slot   (<var title="">group<sub title="">x</sub></var>, 1) with a particular <var   title="">width</var> such that the column group covers all the slots with   coordinates (<var title="">x</var>, <var title="">y</var>) where   <span><var title="">group<sub title="">x</sub></var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var   title="">x</var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDlt;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var title="">group<sub   title="">x</sub></var>+<var title="">width</var></span> and   <span>1AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var title="">y</var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDlt;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var   title="">y<sub title="">max</sub></var></span>. Column groups correspond   to <code><a href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code> elements. Not every   column is necessarily in a column group.  <p><a href="#row-group" title=concept-row-group>Row groups</a> cannot   overlap each other. Similarly, <a href="#column0"   title=concept-column-group>column groups</a> cannot overlap each other.  <p>A <a href="#cell" title=concept-cell>cell</a> cannot covers slots that   are from two or more <a href="#row-group" title=concept-row-group>row   groups</a> or two or more <a href="#column0"   title=concept-column-group>column groups</a> AMPERSANDmdash; all the slots that   form part of one cell are part of either zero or one <a href="#row-group"   title=concept-row-group>row groups</a> and either zero or one <a   href="#column0" title=concept-column-group>column groups</a>.  <p>In addition to <a href="#cell" title=concept-cell>cells</a>, <a   href="#column" title=concept-column>columns</a>, <a href="#row"   title=concept-row>rows</a>, <a href="#row-group"   title=concept-row-group>row groups</a>, and <a href="#column0"   title=concept-column-group>column groups</a>, <a href="#table2"   title=concept-table>tables</a> can have a <code><a   href="#caption1">caption</a></code> element associated with them. This   gives the table a heading, or legend.  <p>A <dfn id=table3>table model error</dfn> is an error with the data   represented by <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> elements and their   descendants. Documents must not have table model errors.  <h5 id=forming><span class=secno> </span>Forming a table</h5>  <p>To determine which elements correspond to which slots in a <a   href="#table2" title=concept-table>table</a> associated with a <code><a   href="#table0">table</a></code> element, to determine the dimensions of   the table (<var title="">x<sub title="">max</sub></var> and <var   title="">y<sub title="">max</sub></var>), and to determine if there are   any <a href="#table3" title="table model error">table model errors</a>,   user agents must use the following algorithm:  <ol>   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">x<sub title="">max</sub></var> be zero.</p>   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">y<sub title="">max</sub></var> be zero.</p>   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">the table</var> be the <a href="#table2"     title=concept-table>table</a> represented by the <code><a     href="#table0">table</a></code> element. The <var title="">x<sub     title="">max</sub></var> and <var title="">y<sub     title="">max</sub></var> variables give <var title="">the table</var>'s     extent. <var title="">The table</var> is initially empty.</p>   <li>    <p>If the <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element has no table     children, then return <var title="">the table</var> (which will be     empty), and abort these steps.</p>   <li>    <p>Let the <var title="">current element</var> be the first element child     of the <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element.</p>    <p>If a step in this algorithm ever requires the <var title="">current     element</var> to be advanced to the next child of the <code><a     href="#table0">table</a></code> when there is no such next child, then     the algorithm must be aborted at that point and the algorithm must     return <var title="">the table</var>.</p>   <li>    <p>While the <var title="">current element</var> is not one of the     following elements, advance the <var title="">current element</var> to     the next child of the <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code>:</p>    <ul class=brief>     <li><code><a href="#caption1">caption</a></code>     <li><code><a href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code>     <li><code><a href="#thead1">thead</a></code>     <li><code><a href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code>     <li><code><a href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code>     <li><code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code>    </ul>   <li>    <p>If the <var title="">current element</var> is a <code><a     href="#caption1">caption</a></code>, then that is the <code><a     href="#caption1">caption</a></code> element associated with <var     title="">the table</var>. Otherwise, it has no associated <code><a     href="#caption1">caption</a></code> element.</p>   <li>    <p>If the <var title="">current element</var> is a <code><a     href="#caption1">caption</a></code>, then while the <var     title="">current element</var> is not one of the following elements,     advance the <var title="">current element</var> to the next child of the     <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code>:</p>    <ul class=brief>     <li><code><a href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code>     <li><code><a href="#thead1">thead</a></code>     <li><code><a href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code>     <li><code><a href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code>     <li><code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code>    </ul>    <p>(Otherwise, the <var title="">current element</var> will already be     one of those elements.)</p>   <li>    <p>If the <var title="">current element</var> is a <code><a     href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code>, follow these substeps:</p>    <ol>     <li>      <p>Let <var title="">next column</var> be 1.</p>     <li>      <p><em>Column groups.</em> Process the <var title="">current       element</var> according to the appropriate one of the following two       cases:</p>      <dl class=switch>       <dt>If the <var title="">current element</var> has any <code><a        href="#col0">col</a></code> element children       <dd>        <p>Follow these steps:</p>        <ol>         <li>          <p>Let <var title="">x<sub title="">start</sub></var> have the           value <span><var title="">x<sub title="">max</sub></var>+1</span>.</p>         <li>          <p>Let the <var title="">current column</var> be the first <code><a           href="#col0">col</a></code> element child of the <code><a           href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code> element.</p>         <li>          <p><em>Columns.</em> If the <var title="">current column</var>           <code><a href="#col0">col</a></code> element has a <code           title=attr-col-span><a href="#span3">span</a></code> attribute,           then parse its value using the <a href="#rules">rules for parsing           non-negative integers</a>.</p>          <p>If the result of parsing the value is not an error or zero, then           let <var title="">span</var> be that value.</p>          <p>Otherwise, if the <code><a href="#col0">col</a></code> element           has no <code title=attr-col-span><a href="#span3">span</a></code>           attribute, or if trying to parse the attribute's value resulted in           an error, then let <var title="">span</var> be 1.</p>         <li>          <p>Increase <var title="">x<sub title="">max</sub></var> by <var           title="">span</var>.</p>         <li>          <p>Let the last <var title="">span</var> <a href="#column"           title=concept-column>columns</a> in <var title="">the table</var>           correspond to the <var title="">current column</var> <code><a           href="#col0">col</a></code> element.</p>         <li>          <p>If <var title="">current column</var> is not the last <code><a           href="#col0">col</a></code> element child of the <code><a           href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code> element, then let the <var           title="">current column</var> be the next <code><a           href="#col0">col</a></code> element child of the <code><a           href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code> element, and return to the           third step of this innermost group of steps (columns).</p>         <li>          <p>Let all the last <a href="#column"           title=concept-column>columns</a> in <var title="">the table</var>           from <span>x=<var title="">x<sub title="">start</sub></var></span>           to <span>x=<var title="">x<sub title="">max</sub></var></span>           form a new <a href="#column0" title=concept-column-group>column           group</a>, anchored at the slot (<var title="">x<sub           title="">start</sub></var>, 1), with width <var title="">x<sub           title="">max</sub></var>-<var title="">x<sub           title="">start</sub></var>-1, corresponding to the <code><a           href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code> element.</p>        </ol>       <dt>If the <var title="">current element</var> has no <code><a        href="#col0">col</a></code> element children       <dd>        <ol>         <li>          <p>If the <code><a href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code> element           has a <code title=attr-colgroup-span><a           href="#span1">span</a></code> attribute, then parse its value           using the <a href="#rules">rules for parsing non-negative           integers</a>.</p>          <p>If the result of parsing the value is not an error or zero, then           let <var title="">span</var> be that value.</p>          <p>Otherwise, if the <code><a href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code>           element has no <code title=attr-col-span><a           href="#span3">span</a></code> attribute, or if trying to parse the           attribute's value resulted in an error, then let <var           title="">span</var> be 1.</p>         <li>          <p>Increase <var title="">x<sub title="">max</sub></var> by <var           title="">span</var>.</p>         <li>          <p>Let the last <var title="">span</var> <a href="#column"           title=concept-column>columns</a> in <var title="">the table</var>           form a new <a href="#column0" title=concept-column-group>column           group</a>, anchored at the slot (<var title="">x<sub           title="">max</sub></var>-<var title="">span</var>+1, 1), with           width <var title="">span</var>, corresponding to the <code><a           href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code> element.</p>        </ol>      </dl>     <li>      <p>Advance the <var title="">current element</var> to the next child of       the <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code>.</p>     <li>      <p>While the <var title="">current element</var> is not one of the       following elements, advance the <var title="">current element</var> to       the next child of the <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code>:</p>      <ul class=brief>       <li><code><a href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code>       <li><code><a href="#thead1">thead</a></code>       <li><code><a href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code>       <li><code><a href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code>       <li><code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code>      </ul>     <li>      <p>If the <var title="">current element</var> is a <code><a       href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code> element, jump to step 2 in these       substeps (column groups).</p>    </ol>   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">y<sub title="">current</sub></var> be zero. When the     algorithm is aborted, if <var title="">y<sub     title="">current</sub></var> does not equal <var title="">y<sub     title="">max</sub></var>, then that is a <a href="#table3">table model     error</a>.</p>   <li>    <p>Let the <var title="">list of downward-growing cells</var> be an empty     list.</p>   <li>    <p><em>Rows.</em> While the <var title="">current element</var> is not     one of the following elements, advance the <var title="">current     element</var> to the next child of the <code><a     href="#table0">table</a></code>:</p>    <ul class=brief>     <li><code><a href="#thead1">thead</a></code>     <li><code><a href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code>     <li><code><a href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code>     <li><code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code>    </ul>   <li>    <p>If the <var title="">current element</var> is a <code><a     href="#tr0">tr</a></code>, then run the <a href="#algorithm0">algorithm     for processing rows</a> (defined below), then return to the previous     step (rows).</p>   <li>    <p>Otherwise, run the <a href="#algorithm">algorithm for ending a row     group</a>.</p>   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">y<sub title="">start</sub></var> have the value     <span><var title="">y<sub title="">max</sub></var>+1</span>.</p>   <li>    <p>For each <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element that is a child of     the <var title="">current element</var>, in tree order, run the <a     href="#algorithm0">algorithm for processing rows</a> (defined below).</p>   <li> <!-- if we added any rows, make them part of a row group -->    <p>If <span><var title="">y<sub     title="">max</sub></var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDge;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var title="">y<sub     title="">start</sub></var></span>, then let all the last <a href="#row"     title=concept-row>rows</a> in <var title="">the table</var> from     <span>y=<var title="">y<sub title="">start</sub></var></span> to     <span>y=<var title="">y<sub title="">max</sub></var></span> form a new     <a href="#row-group" title=concept-row-group>row group</a>, anchored at     the slot with coordinate (1, <var title="">y<sub     title="">start</sub></var>), with height <var title="">y<sub     title="">max</sub></var>-<var title="">y<sub     title="">start</sub></var>+1, corresponding to the <var title="">current     element</var>.</p>   <li>    <p>Run the <a href="#algorithm">algorithm for ending a row group</a>     again.</p>   <li>    <p>Return to step 12 (rows).</p>  </ol>  <p>The <dfn id=algorithm>algorithm for ending a row group</dfn>, which is   invoked by the set of steps above when starting and eding a block of rows,   is:  <ol>   <li>    <p>If <var title="">y<sub title="">current</sub></var> is less than <var     title="">y<sub title="">max</sub></var>, then this is a <a     href="#table3">table model error</a>.</p>   <li>    <p>While <var title="">y<sub title="">current</sub></var> is less than     <var title="">y<sub title="">max</sub></var>, follow these steps:</p>    <ol>     <li>      <p>Increase <var title="">y<sub title="">current</sub></var> by 1.</p>     <li>      <p>Run the <a href="#algorithm1">algorithm for growing downward-growing       cells</a>.</p>    </ol>   <li>    <p>Empty the <var title="">list of downward-growing cells</var>.</p>  </ol>  <p>The <dfn id=algorithm0>algorithm for processing rows</dfn>, which is   invoked by the set of steps above for processing <code><a   href="#tr0">tr</a></code> elements, is:  <ol>   <li>    <p>Increase <var title="">y<sub title="">current</sub></var> by 1.</p>    <!-- ymax is increased below once we know cell dimensions -->   <li>    <p>Run the <a href="#algorithm1">algorithm for growing downward-growing     cells</a>.</p>   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">x<sub title="">current</sub></var> be 1.</p>    <!-- xmax is increased below once we know cell dimensions -->   <li>    <p>If the <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element being processed     contains no <code><a href="#td0">td</a></code> or <code><a     href="#th0">th</a></code> elements, then abort this set of steps and     return to the algorithm above.</p>   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">current cell</var> be the first <code><a     href="#td0">td</a></code> or <code><a href="#th0">th</a></code> element     in the <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element being processed.</p>   <li>    <p><em>Cells.</em> While <var title="">x<sub title="">current</sub></var>     is less than or equal to <var title="">x<sub title="">max</sub></var>     and the slot with coordinate (<var title="">x<sub     title="">current</sub></var>, <var title="">y<sub     title="">current</sub></var>) already has a cell assigned to it,     increase <var title="">x<sub title="">current</sub></var> by 1.</p>   <li>    <p>If <var title="">x<sub title="">current</sub></var> is greater than     <var title="">x<sub title="">max</sub></var>, increase <var     title="">x<sub title="">max</sub></var> by 1 (which will make them     equal).</p>   <li>    <p>If the <var title="">current cell</var> has a <code     title="">colspan</code> attribute, then <span title="rules for parsing     non-negative integer values">parse that attribute's value</span>, and     let <var title="">colspan</var> be the result.</p>    <p>If parsing that value failed, or returned zero, or if the attribute is     absent, then let <var title="">colspan</var> be 1, instead.</p>   <li>    <p>If the <var title="">current cell</var> has a <code     title="">rowspan</code> attribute, then <span title="rules for parsing     non-negative integer values">parse that attribute's value</span>, and     let <var title="">rowspan</var> be the result.</p>    <p>If parsing that value failed or if the attribute is absent, then let     <var title="">rowspan</var> be 1, instead.</p>   <li>    <p>If <var title="">rowspan</var> is zero, then let <var title="">cell     grows downward</var> be true, and set <var title="">rowspan</var> to 1.     Otherwise, let <var title="">cell grows downward</var> be false.</p>   <li>    <p>If <span><var title="">x<sub     title="">max</sub></var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDlt;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var title="">x<sub     title="">current</sub></var>+<var title="">colspan</var>-1</span>, then     let <var title="">x<sub title="">max</sub></var> be <var title="">x<sub     title="">current</sub></var>+<var title="">colspan</var>-1.</p>   <li>    <p>If <span><var title="">y<sub     title="">max</sub></var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDlt;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var title="">y<sub     title="">current</sub></var>+<var title="">rowspan</var>-1</span>, then     let <var title="">y<sub title="">max</sub></var> be <var title="">y<sub     title="">current</sub></var>+<var title="">rowspan</var>-1.</p>   <li>    <p>Let the slots with coordinates (<var title="">x</var>, <var     title="">y</var>) such that <span><var title="">x<sub     title="">current</sub></var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var     title="">x</var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDlt;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var title="">x<sub     title="">current</sub></var>+<var title="">colspan</var></span> and     <span><var title="">y<sub     title="">current</sub></var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var     title="">y</var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDlt;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var title="">y<sub     title="">current</sub></var>+<var title="">rowspan</var></span> be     covered by a new <a href="#cell" title=concept-cell>cell</a> <var     title="">c</var>, anchored at (<var title="">x<sub     title="">current</sub></var>, <var title="">y<sub     title="">current</sub></var>), which has width <var     title="">colspan</var> and height <var title="">rowspan</var>,     corresponding to the <var title="">current cell</var> element.</p>    <p>If the <var title="">current cell</var> element is a <code><a     href="#th0">th</a></code> element, let this new cell <var     title="">c</var> be a header cell; otherwise, let it be a data cell. To     establish what header cells apply to a data cell, use the <a     href="#algorithm2">algorithm for assigning header cells to data     cells</a> described in the next section.</p>    <p>If any of the slots involved already had a <a href="#cell"     title=concept-cell>cell</a> covering them, then this is a <a     href="#table3">table model error</a>. Those slots now have two cells     overlapping.</p>   <li>    <p>If <var title="">cell grows downward</var> is true, then add the tuple     {<var title="">c</var>, <var title="">x<sub     title="">current</sub></var>, <var title="">colspan</var>} to the <var     title="">list of downward-growing cells</var>.</p>   <li>    <p>Increase <var title="">x<sub title="">current</sub></var> by <var     title="">colspan</var>.</p>   <li>    <p>If <var title="">current cell</var> is the last <code><a     href="#td0">td</a></code> or <code><a href="#th0">th</a></code> element     in the <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element being processed, then     abort this set of steps and return to the algorithm above.</p>   <li>    <p>Let <var title="">current cell</var> be the next <code><a     href="#td0">td</a></code> or <code><a href="#th0">th</a></code> element     in the <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element being processed.</p>   <li>    <p>Return to step 5 (cells).</p>  </ol>  <p>The <dfn id=algorithm1>algorithm for growing downward-growing   cells</dfn>, used when adding a new row, is as follows:  <ol>   <li>    <p>If the <var title="">list of downward-growing cells</var> is empty, do     nothing. Abort these steps; return to the step that invoked this     algorithm.</p>   <li>    <p>Otherwise, if <var title="">y<sub title="">max</sub></var> is less     than <var title="">y<sub title="">current</sub></var>, then increase     <var title="">y<sub title="">max</sub></var> by 1 (this will make it     equal to <var title="">y<sub title="">current</sub></var>).</p>   <li>    <p>For each {<var title="">cell</var>, <var title="">cell<sub     title="">x</sub></var>, <var title="">width</var>} tuple in the <var     title="">list of downward-growing cells</var>, extend the <a     href="#cell" title=concept-cell>cell</a> <var title="">cell</var> so     that it also covers the slots with coordinates (<var title="">x</var>,     <var title="">y<sub title="">current</sub></var>), where <span><var     title="">cell<sub title="">x</sub></var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var     title="">x</var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDlt;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var title="">cell<sub     title="">x</sub></var>+<var title="">width</var>-1</span>.</p>  </ol>  <p>If, after establishing which elements correspond to which slots, there   exists a <a href="#column" title=concept-column>column</a> in the <a   href="#table2" title=concept-table>table</a> containing only <span   title=concept-slot>slots</span> that do not have a <a href="#cell"   title=concept-cell>cell</a> anchored to them, then this is a <a   href="#table3">table model error</a>.  <h5 id=header-and-data-cell-semantics><span class=secno>   </span>Forming relationships between data cells and header cells</h5>  <p>The <dfn id=algorithm2>algorithm for assigning header cells to data   cells</dfn> is as follows:  <ol>   <li>    <p class=big-issue>...</p>  </ol>  <h3 id=forms><span class=secno>3.16. </span>Forms</h3>  <!-- XXXX everything in WF2 -->  <p class=big-issue>This section will contain definitions of the   <code>form</code> element and so forth.  <p class=big-issue>This section will be a rewrite of the HTML4 Forms and   Web Forms 2.0 specifications, with hopefully no normative changes.</p>  <!-- From HTML4: BUTTON FIELDSET FORM INPUT LABEL OPTGROUP OPTION  SELECT TEXTAREA -->  <h4 id=the-form><span class=secno>3.16.1. </span>The <code>form</code>   element</h4>  <h4 id=the-fieldset><span class=secno>3.16.2. </span>The   <code>fieldset</code> element</h4>  <h4 id=the-input><span class=secno>3.16.3. </span>The <code>input</code>   element</h4>  <h4 id=the-button><span class=secno>3.16.4. </span>The <code>button</code>   element</h4>  <h4 id=the-label><span class=secno>3.16.5. </span>The <code>label</code>   element</h4>  <h4 id=the-select><span class=secno>3.16.6. </span>The <code>select</code>   element</h4>  <h4 id=the-datalist><span class=secno>3.16.7. </span>The   <code>datalist</code> element</h4>  <h4 id=the-optgroup><span class=secno>3.16.8. </span>The   <code>optgroup</code> element</h4>  <h4 id=the-option><span class=secno>3.16.9. </span>The <code>option</code>   element</h4>  <h4 id=the-textarea><span class=secno>3.16.10. </span>The   <code>textarea</code> element</h4>  <h4 id=the-output><span class=secno>3.16.11. </span>The <code>output</code>   element</h4>  <h4 id=processing0><span class=secno>3.16.12. </span>Processing model</h4>  <p class=big-issue>See <a   href="http://whatwg.org/specs/web-forms/current-work/#extend-form-controls">WF2</a>   for now  <h5 id=form-submission><span class=secno> </span>Form submission</h5>  <p class=big-issue>See <a   href="http://whatwg.org/specs/web-forms/current-work/#form-submission">WF2</a>   for now  <h3 id=scripting><span class=secno>3.17. </span>Scripting</h3>  <h4 id=script><span class=secno>3.17.1. </span>The <dfn   id=script2><code>script</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#block-level1" title="block-level elements">Block-level   element</a>, <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a>, and <a   href="#metadata" title="metadata elements">metadata element</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>In a <code><a href="#head0">head</a></code> element.   <dd>Where <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a> are expected.   <dd>Where <a href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a> is expected.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>If there is no <code title=attr-script-src><a    href="#src5">src</a></code> attribute, depends on the value of the <code    title=attr-script-type><a href="#type9">type</a></code> attribute.   <dd>If there <em>is</em> a <code title=attr-script-src><a    href="#src5">src</a></code> attribute, the element must be empty.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd><code title=attr-script-src><a href="#src5">src</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-script-defer>defer</code> (if the <code    title=attr-script-src><a href="#src5">src</a></code> attribute is    present)   <dd><code title=attr-script-async>async</code> (if the <code    title=attr-script-src><a href="#src5">src</a></code> attribute is    present)   <dd><code title=attr-script-type><a href="#type9">type</a></code>   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>    <pre     class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmlscriptelement>HTMLScriptElement</dfn> : <a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a> {           attribute DOMString <code title=dom-script-src><a href="#src6">src</a></code>;           attribute boolean <code title=dom-script-defer><a href="#defer">defer</a></code>;           attribute boolean <code title=dom-script-async><a href="#async">async</a></code>;           attribute DOMString <code title=dom-script-type><a href="#type10">type</a></code>;           attribute DOMString <code title=dom-script-text><a href="#text0">text</a></code>;};</pre>  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#script2">script</a></code> element allows authors to   include dynamic script in their documents.  <p>When the <dfn id=src5 title=attr-script-src><code>src</code></dfn>   attribute is set, the <code><a href="#script2">script</a></code> element   refers to an external file. The value of the attribute must be a URI.  <p>If the <code title=attr-script-src><a href="#src5">src</a></code>   attribute is not set, then the script is given by the contents of the   element.  <p>The language of the script is given by the <dfn id=type9   title=attr-script-type><code>type</code></dfn> attribute. The value must   be a valid MIME type, optionally with parameters. <a   href="#refsRFC2046">[RFC2046]</a>  <p class=big-issue>Define defer/async attributes for authors.  <p class=big-issue>Do we really want this attribute to be called async=""?   Anyone have a better name?  <p>Changing the <code title=attr-script-src><a href="#src5">src</a></code>,   <code title=attr-script-type><a href="#type9">type</a></code>, <code   title=attr-script-defer>defer</code> and <code   title=attr-script-async>async</code> attributes dynamically has no direct   effect; these attribute are only used at specific times described below   (namely, when the element is inserted into the document).  <p><code><a href="#script2">script</a></code> elements have two associated   pieces of metadata. The first is a flag indicating whether or not the   script block has been <dfn id=already>"already executed"</dfn>. Initially,   <code><a href="#script2">script</a></code> elements must have this flag   unset (script blocks, when created, are not "already executed"). When a   <code><a href="#script2">script</a></code> element is cloned, the "already   executed" flag, if set, must be propagated to the clone when it is   created. The second is a flag indicating whether the element was <dfn   id=parser-inserted>"parser-inserted"</dfn>. This flag is set by the <a   href="#html-0">HTML parser</a> and is used to handle <code   title=dom-document-write-HTML><a   href="#document.write0">document.write()</a></code> calls.  <p><dfn id=when-a title="running a script">When a script block is inserted   into a document</dfn>: When a <code><a href="#script2">script</a></code>   element whose <a href="#already">"already executed"</a> flag is not set is   <span>inserted into a document</span><!-- XXX xref -->, the user agent   must act as follows:  <ol>   <li>    <p>The user agent must set the element's <a href="#already">"already     executed"</a> flag.</p>   <li>    <p class=big-issue>How to handle the <code title="">type</code> and <code     title="">language</code> attributes should be defined here, probably     with reference to the next section.</p>   <li>    <p>If the element has a <code title=attr-script-src><a     href="#src5">src</a></code> attribute, then a load for the specified     content must be started.</p>    <p class=note>Later, once the load has completed, the user agent will     have to complete <a href="#when-a0" title="when a script completes     loading">the steps described below</a>.</p>    <p>For performance reasons, user agents may start loading the script as     soon as the attribute is set, instead, in the hope that the element will     be inserted into the document. Either way, once the element is inserted     into the document, the load must have started. If the UA performs such     prefetching, but the element is never inserted in the document, or the     <code title=attr-script-src><a href="#src5">src</a></code> attribute is     dynamically changed, then the user agent will not execute the script,     and the load will have been effectively wasted.</p>   <li>    <p>Then, the first of the following options that describes the situation     must be followed:</p>    <dl class=switch>     <dt>If the document is still being parsed, and the element has a <code      title=attr-script-defer>defer</code> attribute     <dd>The element must be added to the end of the <a href="#list-of">list      of scripts that will execute when the document has finished      parsing</a>. The user agent must begin <a href="#when-a0" title="when a      script completes loading">the next set of steps</a> when the script is      ready. <span class=big-issue>This isn't compatible with IE for inline      deferred scripts, but then what IE does is pretty hard to pin down      exactly. Do we want to keep this like it is? Be more compatible?</span>      <!--XXX       http://www.websiteoptimization.com/speed/tweak/defer/test/     internal deferred scripts execute before any external scripts execute, or before the LOAD if there are none     external deferred scripts execute before the LOAD     -->           <dt>If the element has an <code title=attr-script-async>async</code>      attribute and a <code title=attr-script-src><a      href="#src5">src</a></code> attribute     <dd>The element must be added to the end of the <a href="#list-of0">list      of scripts that will execute asynchronously</a>. The user agent must      jump to <a href="#when-a0" title="when a script completes loading">the      next set of steps</a> once the script is ready.     <dt>If the element has an <code title=attr-script-async>async</code>      attribute but no <code title=attr-script-src><a      href="#src5">src</a></code> attribute, and the <a href="#list-of0">list      of scripts that will execute asynchronously</a> is not empty     <dd>The element must be added to the end of the <a href="#list-of0">list      of scripts that will execute asynchronously</a>.     <dt>If the element has a <code title=attr-script-src><a      href="#src5">src</a></code> attribute and has been flagged as <a      href="#parser-inserted">"parser-inserted"</a>     <dd>The element is <a href="#the-script">the script that will execute as      soon as the parser resumes</a>. (There can only be one such script at a      time.)     <dt>If the element has a <code title=attr-script-src><a      href="#src5">src</a></code> attribute     <dd>The element must be added to the end of the <a href="#list-of1">list      of scripts that will execute as soon as possible</a>. The user agent      must jump to <a href="#when-a0" title="when a script completes      loading">the next set of steps</a> when the script is ready.     <dt>Otherwise     <dd>The user agent must immediately <a href="#executing"      title="executing a script block">execute the script</a>, even if other      scripts are already executing.    </dl>  </ol>  <p><dfn id=when-a0 title="when a script completes loading">When a script   completes loading</dfn>: If a script whose element was added to one of the   lists mentioned above completes loading while the document is still being   parsed, then the parser handles it. Otherwise, when a script completes   loading, the UA must follow the following steps as soon as as any other   scripts that may be executing have finished executing:  <dl class=switch>   <dt>If the script's element was added to the <dfn id=list-of>list of    scripts that will execute when the document has finished parsing</dfn>:   <dd>    <ol>     <li>      <p>If the script's element is not the first element in the list, then       do nothing yet. Stop going through these steps.</p>     <li>      <p>Otherwise, <a href="#executing" title="executing a script       block">execute the script</a> (that is, the script associated with the       first element in the list).</p>     <li>      <p>Remove the script's element from the list (i.e. shift out the first       entry in the list).</p>     <li>      <p>If there are any more entries in the list, and if the script       associated with the element that is now the first in the list is       already loaded, then jump back to step two to execute it.</p>    </ol>   <dt>If the script's element was added to the <dfn id=list-of0>list of    scripts that will execute asynchronously</dfn>:   <dd>    <ol>     <li>      <p>If the script is not the first element in the list, then do nothing       yet. Stop going through these steps.</p>     <li>      <p><a href="#executing" title="executing a script block">Execute the       script</a> (the script associated with the first element in the list).</p>     <li>      <p>Remove the script's element from the list (i.e. shift out the first       entry in the list).</p>     <li>      <p>If there are any more scripts in the list, and the element now at       the head of the list had no <code title=attr-script-src><a       href="#src5">src</a></code> attribute when it was added to the list,       or had one, but its associated script has finished loading, then jump       back to step two to execute the script associated with this element.</p>    </ol>   <dt>If the script's element was added to the <dfn id=list-of1>list of    scripts that will execute as soon as possible</dfn>:   <dd>    <ol>     <li>      <p><a href="#executing" title="executing a script block">Execute the       script</a>.</p>     <li>      <p>Remove the script's element from the list.</p>    </ol>   <dt>If the script is <dfn id=the-script>the script that will execute as    soon as the parser resumes</dfn>:   <dd>    <p>The script will be handled <a href="#scriptTagParserResumes">when the     parser resumes</a> (amazingly enough).</p>  </dl>  <p class=big-issue><!-- XXX --> need to say, in the part of the spec that   fires the onload event, that the list above is triggered.  <p><dfn id=executing title="executing a script block">Executing a script   block</dfn>: If the load resulted in an error (for example a DNS error, or   an HTTP 404 error), then executing the script consists of doing nothing.   If the load was successful, then the behaviour depends on the scripting   language.  <p>If the script is from an external file, then that file must be used as   the file to execute.  <p>If the script is inline, then, for scripting languages that consist of   pure text, user agents must use the value of the DOM <code   title=dom-script-text><a href="#text0">text</a></code> attribute (defined   below) as the script to execute, and for XML-based scripting languages,   user agents must use all the child nodes of the <code><a   href="#script2">script</a></code> element as the script to execute.  <p>In any case, the user agent must execute the script according to the   semantics of the relevant language specification, as determined by the   <code title=attr-script-type><a href="#type9">type</a></code> and <code   title=attr-script-language>language</code> attributes on the <code><a   href="#script2">script</a></code> element when the element was inserted   into the document, as described above.  <p class=big-issue> Have to define that the script executes in context of   global scope, scripting context, browsing context, etc.  <p class=note>The element's attributes' values might have changed between   when the element was inserted into the document and when the script has   finished loading, as may its other attributes; similarly, the element   itself might have been taken back out of the DOM, or had other changes   made. These changes do not in any way affect the above steps; only the   values of the attributes at the time the <code><a   href="#script2">script</a></code> element is first inserted into the   document matter.  <p>The DOM attributes <dfn id=src6   title=dom-script-src><code>src</code></dfn>, <dfn id=type10   title=dom-script-type><code>type</code></dfn>, <dfn id=defer   title=dom-script-defer><code>defer</code></dfn>, <dfn id=async   title=dom-script-async><code>async</code></dfn>, each must <a   href="#reflect">reflect</a> the respective content attributes of the same   name.  <p>The DOM attribute <dfn id=text0   title=dom-script-text><code>text</code></dfn> must return a concatenation   of the contents of all the <a href="#text-node" title="text node">text   nodes</a> that are direct children of the <code><a   href="#script2">script</a></code> element (ignoring any other nodes such   as comments or elements), in tree order. On setting, it must act the same   way as the <code><a href="#textcontent">textContent</a></code> DOM   attribute.  <h5 id=script0><span class=secno> </span>Script languages</h5>  <p>The following lists some MIME types and the languages to which they   refer:  <dl>   <dt><code>text/javascript</code>   <dd>ECMAScript. <a href="#refsECMA262">[ECMA262]</a>   <dt><code>text/javascript;e4x=1</code>   <dd>ECMAScript with ECMAScript for XML. <a    href="#refsECMA357">[ECMA357]</a>  </dl>  <p>User agents may support other MIME types and other languages.  <p>When examining types to determine if they support the language, user   agents must not ignore unknown MIME parameters AMPERSANDmdash; types with unknown   parameters must be assumed to be unsupported.  <h4 id=the-noscript><span class=secno>3.17.2. </span>The <dfn   id=noscript0><code>noscript</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#block-level1" title="block-level elements">Block-level   element</a>, and <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>In a <code><a href="#head0">head</a></code> element of an <a    href="#html-" title=">HTML documents">HTML document</a>, if there are no    ancestor <code><a href="#noscript0">noscript</a></code> elements.   <dd>Where <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a> are expected in    <a href="#html-">HTML documents</a>, if there are no ancestor <code><a    href="#noscript0">noscript</a></code> elements.   <dd>Where <a href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a> is expected in    <a href="#html-">HTML documents</a>, if there are no ancestor <code><a    href="#noscript0">noscript</a></code> elements.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>See prose.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#noscript0">noscript</a></code> element does not   represent anything. It is used to present different markup to user agents   that support scripting and those that don't support scripting, by   affecting how the document is parsed.  <p>The <code><a href="#noscript0">noscript</a></code> element must not be   used in <a href="#xml-documents">XML documents</a>.  <p>When used in <a href="#html-">HTML documents</a>, the allowed content   model depends on whether scripting is enabled or not. If <a   href="#scripting1">scripting is disabled</a>, then the content model of a   <code><a href="#noscript0">noscript</a></code> element is the same as that   of its parent element, with the following additional restrictions:  <ul>   <li>Moving all the children of all the <code><a    href="#noscript0">noscript</a></code> elements in the document so that    they replaced their <code><a href="#noscript0">noscript</a></code>    element parents, must not cause the document to become non-conforming.   <li>A <code><a href="#noscript0">noscript</a></code> element must not have    a <code><a href="#noscript0">noscript</a></code> element as an ancestor    (that is, <code><a href="#noscript0">noscript</a></code> can't be    nested).  </ul>  <p>If <a href="#scripting2">scripting is enabled</a>, then the content   model of a <code><a href="#noscript0">noscript</a></code> element is text,   except that the text must be such that running the following algorithm   results in a conforming document with no <code><a   href="#noscript0">noscript</a></code> elements and no <code><a   href="#script2">script</a></code> elements, and such that no step in the   algorithm causes an <a href="#html-0">HTML parser</a> to flag a <a   href="#parse">parse error</a>:  <ol>   <li>Remove every <code><a href="#script2">script</a></code> element from    the document.   <li>Make a list of every <code><a href="#noscript0">noscript</a></code>    element in the document. For every <code><a    href="#noscript0">noscript</a></code> element in that list, perform the    following steps:    <ol>     <li>Let the <var title="">parent element</var> be the parent element of      the <code><a href="#noscript0">noscript</a></code> element.     <li>Take all the children of the <var title="">parent element</var> that      come before the <code><a href="#noscript0">noscript</a></code> element,      and call these elements <var title="">the before children</var>.     <li>Take all the children of the <var title="">parent element</var> that      come <em>after</em> the <code><a href="#noscript0">noscript</a></code>      element, and call these elements <var title="">the after      children</var>.     <li>Let <var title="">s</var> be the concatenation of all the <a      href="#text-node">text node</a> children of the <code><a      href="#noscript0">noscript</a></code> element.     <li>Set the <code title=dom-innerHTML-HTML><a      href="#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code> attribute of the <var      title="">parent element</var> to the value of <var title="">s</var>.      (This, as a side-effect, causes the <code><a      href="#noscript0">noscript</a></code> element to be removed from the      document.)     <li>Insert <var title="">the before children</var> at the start of the      <var title="">parent element</var>, preserving their original relative      order.     <li>Insert <var title="">the after children</var> at the end of the <var      title="">parent element</var>, preserving their original relative      order.    </ol>  </ol>  <p>The <code><a href="#noscript0">noscript</a></code> element has no other   requirements. In particular, children of the <code><a   href="#noscript0">noscript</a></code> element are not exempt from form   submission, scripting, and so forth, even when scripting is enabled.  <p class=note>All these contortions are required because, for historical   reasons, the <code><a href="#noscript0">noscript</a></code> element causes   the <a href="#html-0">HTML parser</a> to act differently based on whether   scripting is enabled or not. The element is not allowed in XML, because in   XML the parser is not affected by such state, and thus the element would   not have the desired effect.  <h3 id=interactive1><span class=secno>3.18. </span>Interactive elements</h3>  <h4 id=the-details><span class=secno>3.18.1. </span>The <dfn   id=details0><code>details</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#interactive3" title="interactive elements">Interactive</a>, <a   href="#block-level1" title="block-level elements">block-level element</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a> are expected.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>One <code><a href="#legend0">legend</a></code> element followed by    either one or more <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a> or <a    href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a> (but not both).   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd><code title=attr-details-open><a href="#open0">open</a></code>   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>    <pre     class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmldetailselement>HTMLDetailsElement</dfn> : <a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a> {  attribute boolean <a href="#open1" title=dom-details-open>open</a>;};</pre>  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#details0">details</a></code> element represents   additional information or controls which the user can obtain on demand.  <p>The first element child of a <code><a   href="#details0">details</a></code> element, if it is a <code><a   href="#legend0">legend</a></code> element, represents the summary of the   details.  <p>If the first element is not a <code><a href="#legend0">legend</a></code>   element, the UA should provide its own legend (e.g. "Details").  <p>The <dfn id=open0 title=attr-details-open><code>open</code></dfn>   content attribute, if present, indicates that the details should be shown   to the user. The default, which applies if the attribute is absent, is   that the details not be shown. If the attribute is present, its value must   be the literal value <code title="">open</code>.  <p>If the attribute is removed, then the details should be hidden. If the   attribute is added, the details should be shown.  <p>The user should be able to request that the details be shown or hidden.  <p>The <dfn id=open1 title=dom-details-open><code>open</code></dfn>   attribute must <a href="#reflect">reflect</a> the <code   title=attr-details-open><a href="#open0">open</a></code> content   attribute.</p>  <!--http://mail.gnome.org/archives/usability/2006-June/msg00015.htmlhttp://developer.apple.com/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/OSXHIGuidelines/XHIGControls/chapter_18_section_7.htmlhttps://www.google.com/base/settings-->  <p class=big-issue>Rendering will be described in the Rendering section in   due course. Basically CSS :open and :closed match the element, it's a   block-level element by default, and when it matches :closed it renders as   if it had an XBL binding attached to it whose template was just   <code>AMPERSANDlt;template>AMPERSAND#x25B6;AMPERSANDlt;content   includes="legend:first-child"AMPERSANDgt;DetailsAMPERSANDlt;/content>AMPERSANDlt;/template></code>,   and when it's :open it acts as if it had an XBL binding attached to it   whose template was just <code>AMPERSANDlt;template>AMPERSAND#x25BC;AMPERSANDlt;content   includes="legend:first-child"AMPERSANDgt;DetailsAMPERSANDlt;/content>AMPERSANDlt;content/>AMPERSANDlt;/template></code>   or some such.  <p class=big-issue>Clicking the legend would make it open/close (and would   change the content attribute). Question: Do we want the content attribute   to reflect the actual state like this? I think we do, the DOM not   reflecting state has been a pain in the neck before. But is it   semantically ok?  <h4 id=datagrid><span class=secno>3.18.2. </span>The <dfn   id=datagrid1><code>datagrid</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#interactive3" title="interactive elements">Interactive</a>, <a   href="#block-level1" title="block-level elements">block-level element</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a> are expected,    if there are no ancestor <a href="#interactive3">interactive    elements</a>.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>Zero or more <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a>.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd><code title=attr-datagrid-multiple><a    href="#multiple0">multiple</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-datagrid-disabled><a    href="#disabled2">disabled</a></code>   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>    <pre     class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmldatagridelement>HTMLDataGridElement</dfn> : <a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a> {           attribute <a href="#datagriddataprovider">DataGridDataProvider</a> <a href="#data2" title=dom-datagrid-data>data</a>;  readonly attribute <a href="#datagridselection">DataGridSelection</a> <a href="#selection0" title=dom-datagrid-selection>selection</a>;           attribute boolean <a href="#multiple" title=dom-datagrid-multiple>multiple</a>;           attribute boolean <a href="#disabled1" title=dom-datagrid-disabled>disabled</a>;  void <a href="#updateeverything" title=dom-datagrid-updateEverything>updateEverything</a>();  void <a href="#updaterowschanged" title=dom-datagrid-updateRowsChanged>updateRowsChanged</a>(in <a href="#rowspecification">RowSpecification</a> row, in unsigned long count);  void <a href="#updaterowsinserted" title=dom-datagrid-updateRowsInserted>updateRowsInserted</a>(in <a href="#rowspecification">RowSpecification</a> row, in unsigned long count);  void <a href="#updaterowsremoved" title=dom-datagrid-updateRowsRemoved>updateRowsRemoved</a>(in <a href="#rowspecification">RowSpecification</a> row, in unsigned long count);  void <a href="#updaterowchanged" title=dom-datagrid-updateRowChanged>updateRowChanged</a>(in <a href="#rowspecification">RowSpecification</a> row);  void <a href="#updatecolumnchanged" title=dom-datagrid-updateColumnChanged>updateColumnChanged</a>(in unsigned long column);  void <a href="#updatecellchanged" title=dom-datagrid-updateCellChanged>updateCellChanged</a>(in <a href="#rowspecification">RowSpecification</a> row, in unsigned long column);};</pre>  </dl>  <p class=big-issue>One possible thing to be added is a way to detect when a   row/selection has been deleted, activated, etc, by the user (delete key,   enter key, etc).</p>  <!-- XXXPA -->  <p class=big-issue>This element is defined as interactive, which means it   can't contain other interactive elements, despite the fact that we expect   it to work with other interactive elements e.g. checkboxes and input   fields. It should be called something like a Leaf Interactive Element or   something, which counts for ancestors looking in and not descendants   looking out.  <p>The <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> element represents an   interactive representation of tree, list, or tabular data.  <p>The data being presented can come either from the content, as elements   given as children of the <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code>   element, or from a scripted data provider given by the <code   title=dom-datagrid-data><a href="#data2">data</a></code> DOM attribute.  <p>The <code title=attr-datagrid-multiple><a   href="#multiple0">multiple</a></code> attribute, if present, must be   either empty or have the literal value <code title="">multiple</code>.   Similarly, the <code title=attr-datagrid-disabled><a   href="#disabled2">disabled</a></code> attribute, if present, must be   either empty or have the literal value <code title="">disabled</code>.   (The actual values do not have any effect on how these attributes are   processed, only the presence or absence of the attributes is important.)  <p>The <dfn id=multiple   title=dom-datagrid-multiple><code>multiple</code></dfn> and <dfn   id=disabled1 title=dom-datagrid-disabled><code>disabled</code></dfn> DOM   attributes must <a href="#reflect">reflect</a> the <code   title=attr-datagrid-multiple><a href="#multiple0">multiple</a></code> and   <code title=attr-datagrid-disabled><a   href="#disabled2">disabled</a></code> content attributes respectively.  <h5 id=the-datagrid><span class=secno> </span>The <code><a   href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> data model</h5>  <p><em>This section is non-normative.</em>  <p>In the <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> data model, data   is structured as a set of rows representing a tree, each row being split   into a number of columns. The columns are always present in the data   model, although individual columns may be hidden in the presentation.  <p>Each row can have child rows. Child rows may be hidden or shown, by   closing or opening (respectively) the parent row.  <p>Rows are referred to by the path along the tree that one would take to   reach the row, using zero-based indices. Thus, the first row of a list is   row "0", the second row is row "1"; the first child row of the first row   is row "0,0", the second child row of the first row is row "0,1"; the   fourth child of the seventh child of the third child of the tenth row is   "9,2,6,3", etc.  <p>The columns can have captions. Those captions are not considered a row   in their own right, they are obtained separately.  <p>Selection of data in a <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code>   operates at the row level. If the <code title=attr-datagrid-multiple><a   href="#multiple0">multiple</a></code> attribute is present, multiple rows   can be selected at once, otherwise the user can only select one row at a   time.  <p>The <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> element can be   disabled entirely by setting the <code title=attr-datagrid-disabled><a   href="#disabled2">disabled</a></code> attribute.</p>  <!--XXXDND  <p class="big-issue">selection draggable [normative definitions are  in the interactive part below]</p>-->  <p>Columns, rows, and cells can each have specific flags, known as classes,   applied to them by the data provider. These classes <a   href="#datagridClassSummary">affect the functionality</a> of the <code><a   href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> element, and are also <a   href="#datagridPseudos">passed to the style system</a>. They are similar   in concept to the <code title=attr-class><a   href="#class6">class</a></code> attribute, except that they are not   specified on elements but are given by scripted data providers.</p>  <!-- XXX check xrefs -->  <h5 id=how-rows><span class=secno> </span>How rows are identified</h5>  <p>The chains of numbers that give a row's path, or identifier, are   represented by objects that implement the <a   href="#rowspecification">RowSpecification</a> interface.  <pre class=idl>interface <dfn id=rowspecification>RowSpecification</dfn> {  // binding-specific interface};</pre>  <p>In ECMAScript, two classes of objects are said to implement this   interface: Numbers representing non-negative integers, and homogeneous   arrays of Numbers representing non-negative integers. Thus,   <code>[1,0,9]</code> is a <a   href="#rowspecification">RowSpecification</a>, as is <code>1</code> on its   own. However, <code>[1,0.2,9]</code> is not a <a   href="#rowspecification">RowSpecification</a> object, since its second   value is not an integer.  <p>User agents must always represent <a   href="#rowspecification">RowSpecification</a>s in ECMAScript by using   arrays, even if the path only has one number.  <p>The root of the tree is represented by the empty path; in ECMAScript,   this is the empty array (<code>[]</code>). Only the <code   title=dom-provider-getRowCount><a   href="#getrowcount">getRowCount()</a></code> and <code   title=dom-provider-getChildAtPosition><a   href="#getchildatposition">GetChildAtPosition()</a></code> methods ever   get called with the empty path.  <h5 id=the-data><span class=secno> </span>The data provider   interface</h5>  <p><em>The conformance criteria in this section apply to any implementation   of the <code><a   href="#datagriddataprovider">DataGridDataProvider</a></code>, including   (and most commonly) the content author's implementation(s).</em>  <pre class=idl>// To be implemented by Web authors as a JS objectinterface <dfn id=datagriddataprovider>DataGridDataProvider</dfn> {  void <a href="#initialize" title=dom-provider-initialize>initialize</a>(in HTMLDataGridElement datagrid);  unsigned long <a href="#getrowcount" title=dom-provider-getRowCount>getRowCount</a>(in <a href="#rowspecification">RowSpecification</a> row);  unsigned long <a href="#getchildatposition" title=dom-provider-getChildAtPosition>getChildAtPosition</a>(in <a href="#rowspecification">RowSpecification</a> parentRow, in unsigned long position);  unsigned long <a href="#getcolumncount" title=dom-provider-getColumnCount>getColumnCount</a>();  DOMString <a href="#getcaptiontext" title=dom-provider-getCaptionText>getCaptionText</a>(in unsigned long column);  void <a href="#getcaptionclasses" title=dom-provider-getCaptionClasses>getCaptionClasses</a>(in unsigned long column, in DOMTokenString classes);  DOMString <a href="#getrowimage" title=dom-provider-getRowImage>getRowImage</a>(in <a href="#rowspecification">RowSpecification</a> row);  <span>HTMLMenuElement</span> <a href="#getrowmenu" title=dom-provider-getRowMenu>getRowMenu</a>(in <a href="#rowspecification">RowSpecification</a> row);  void <a href="#getrowclasses" title=dom-provider-getRowClasses>getRowClasses</a>(in <a href="#rowspecification">RowSpecification</a> row, in DOMTokenString classes);  DOMString <a href="#getcelldata" title=dom-provider-getCellData>getCellData</a>(in <a href="#rowspecification">RowSpecification</a> row, in unsigned long column);  void <a href="#getcellclasses" title=dom-provider-getCellClasses>getCellClasses</a>(in <a href="#rowspecification">RowSpecification</a> row, in unsigned long column, in DOMTokenString classes);<!--XXXDND  boolean <span title="dom-provider-canDrop">canDrop</span>(in <span>RowSpecification</span> row, in <span>RowSpecification</span> position, data);  boolean <span title="dom-provider-dropped">dropped</span>(in <span>RowSpecification</span> row, in <span>RowSpecification</span> position, data);-->  void <a href="#togglecolumnsortstate" title=dom-provider-toggleColumnSortState>toggleColumnSortState</a>(in unsigned long column);  void <a href="#setcellcheckedstate" title=dom-provider-setCellCheckedState>setCellCheckedState</a>(in <a href="#rowspecification">RowSpecification</a> row, in unsigned long column, in long state);  void <a href="#cyclecell" title=dom-provider-cycleCell>cycleCell</a>(in <a href="#rowspecification">RowSpecification</a> row, in unsigned long column);  void <a href="#editcell" title=dom-provider-editCell>editCell</a>(in <a href="#rowspecification">RowSpecification</a> row, in unsigned long column, in DOMString data);<!--XXXPA  void <span title="dom-provider-performAction">performAction</span>(in DOMString action); // required if .performAction() is ever invoked on the datagrid  void <span title="dom-provider-performActionOnRow">performActionOnRow</span>(in <span>RowSpecification</span> row, in DOMString action); // required if getRowClasses ever includes 'deletable' or if <span title="dom-provider-.performActionOnRow">.performActionOnRow</span>() is ever invoked on the datagrid  void <span title="dom-provider-performActionOnCell">performActionOnCell</span>(in <span>RowSpecification</span> row, in unsigned long column, in DOMString action); // required if .performActionOnCell() is ever invoked on the datagrid-->};</pre>  <!-- based on http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/layout/xul/base/src/tree/public/nsITreeView.idl -->  <p>The <code><a   href="#datagriddataprovider">DataGridDataProvider</a></code> interface   represents the interface that objects must implement to be used as custom   data views for <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> elements.  <p>Not all the methods are required. The minimum number of methods that   must be implemented in a useful view is two: the <code   title=dom-provider-getRowCount><a   href="#getrowcount">getRowCount()</a></code> and <code   title=dom-provider-getCellData><a   href="#getcelldata">getCellData()</a></code> methods.  <p>Once the object is written, it must be hooked up to the <code><a   href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> using the <dfn id=data2   title=dom-datagrid-data><code>data</code></dfn> DOM attribute.  <p>The following methods may be usefully implemented:  <dl>   <dt><dfn id=initialize title=dom-provider-initialize><code>initialize(<var    title="">datagrid</var>)</code></dfn>   <dd>Called by the <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> element    (the one given by the <var title="">datagrid</var> argument) after it has    first populated itself. This would typically be used to set the initial    selection of the <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> element    when it is first loaded. The data provider could also use this method    call to register a <code title=event-select><a    href="#select">select</a></code> event handler on the <code><a    href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> in order to monitor selection    changes.   <dt><dfn id=getrowcount    title=dom-provider-getRowCount><code>getRowCount(<var    title="">row</var>)</code></dfn>   <dd>Must return the number of rows that are children of the specified <var    title="">row</var>, including rows that are off-screen. If <var    title="">row</var> is empty, then the number of rows at the top level    must be returned. If the value that this method would return for a given    <var title="">row</var> changes, the relevant update methods on the    <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> must be called first.    Otherwise, this method must always return the same number. For a list (as    opposed to a tree), this method must return 0 whenever it is called with    a <var title="">row</var> identifier that is not empty.   <dt><dfn id=getchildatposition    title=dom-provider-getChildAtPosition><code>getChildAtPosition(<var    title="">parentRow</var>, <var title="">position</var>)</code></dfn>   <dd>Must return the index of the row that is a child of <var    title="">parentRow</var> and that is to be positioned as the <var    title="">position</var>th row under <var title="">parentRow</var> when    rendering the children of <var title="">parentRow</var>. If <var    title="">parentRow</var> is empty, then <var title="">position</var>    refers to the <var title="">position</var>th row at the top level of the    data grid. May be omitted if the rows are always to be sorted in the    natural order. (The natural order is the one where the method always    returns <var title="">position</var>.) For a given <var    title="">parentRow</var>, this method must never return the same value    for different values of <var title="">position</var>. The returned value    <var title="">x</var> must be in the range 0AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var    title="">x</var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDlt;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var title="">n</var>, where <var    title="">n</var> is the value returned by <code    title=dom-provider-getRowCount><a href="#getrowcount">getRowCount(<var    title="">parentRow</var>)</a></code>.   <dt><dfn id=getcolumncount    title=dom-provider-getColumnCount><code>getColumnCount()</code></dfn>   <dd>Must return the number of columns currently in the data model    (including columns that might be hidden). May be omitted if there is only    one column. If the value that this method would return changes, the    <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code>'s <code    title=dom-datagrid-updateEverything><a    href="#updateeverything">updateEverything()</a></code> method must be    called.   <dt><dfn id=getcaptiontext    title=dom-provider-getCaptionText><code>getCaptionText(<var    title="">column</var>)</code></dfn>   <dd>Must return the caption, or label, for column <var    title="">column</var>. May be omitted if the columns have no captions. If    the value that this method would return changes, the <code><a    href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code>'s <code    title=dom-datagrid-updateColumnChanged><a    href="#updatecolumnchanged">updateColumnChanged()</a></code> method must    be called with the appropriate column index.   <dt><dfn id=getcaptionclasses    title=dom-provider-getCaptionClasses><code>getCaptionClasses(<var    title="">column</var>, <var title="">classes</var>)</code></dfn>   <dd>Must add the classes that apply to column <var title="">column</var>    to the <var title="">classes</var> object. May be omitted if the columns    have no special classes. If the classes that this method would add    changes, the <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code>'s <code    title=dom-datagrid-updateColumnChanged><a    href="#updatecolumnchanged">updateColumnChanged()</a></code> method must    be called with the appropriate column index. Some classes have <a    href="#datagridClassSummary">predefined meanings</a>.   <dt><dfn id=getrowimage    title=dom-provider-getRowImage><code>getRowImage(<var    title="">row</var>)</code></dfn>   <dd>Must return a URI to an image that represents row <var    title="">row</var>, or the empty string if there is no applicable image.    May be omitted if no rows have associated images. If the value that this    method would return changes, the <code><a    href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code>'s update methods must be called to    update the row in question.   <dt><dfn id=getrowmenu title=dom-provider-getRowMenu><code>getRowMenu(<var    title="">row</var>)</code></dfn>   <dd>Must return an <code>HTMLMenuElement</code> object that is to be used    as a context menu for row <var title="">row</var>, or null if there is no    particular context menu. May be omitted if none of the rows have a    special context menu. As this method is called immediately before showing    the menu in question, no precautions need to be taken if the return value    of this method changes.   <dt><dfn id=getrowclasses    title=dom-provider-getRowClasses><code>getRowClasses(<var    title="">row</var>, <var title="">classes</var>)</code></dfn>   <dd>Must add the classes that apply to row <var title="">row</var> to the    <var title="">classes</var> object. May be omitted if the rows have no    special classes. If the classes that this method would add changes, the    <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code>'s update methods must be    called to update the row in question. Some classes have <a    href="#datagridClassSummary">predefined meanings</a>.   <dt><dfn id=getcelldata    title=dom-provider-getCellData><code>getCellData(<var title="">row</var>,    <var title="">column</var>)</code></dfn>   <dd>Must return the value of the cell on row <var title="">row</var> in    column <var title="">column</var>. For text cells, this must be the text    to show for that cell. For <a href="#progress1"    title=datagrid-cell-class-progress>progress bar cells</a>, this must be    either a floating point number in the range 0.0 to 1.0 (converted to a    string representation<!-- XXX this isn't   technically enough to define what the author must be doing here,   but let's let that slide until someone notices -->),    indicating the fraction of the progress bar to show as full (1.0 meaning    complete), or the empty string, indicating an indeterminate progress bar.    If the value that this method would return changes, the <code><a    href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code>'s update methods must be called to    update the rows that changed. If only one cell changed, the <code    title=dom-datagrid-updateCellChanged><a    href="#updatecellchanged">updateCellChanged()</a></code> method may be    used.   <dt><dfn id=getcellclasses    title=dom-provider-getCellClasses><code>getCellClasses(<var    title="">row</var>, <var title="">column</var>, <var    title="">classes</var>)</code></dfn>   <dd>Must add the classes that apply to the cell on row <var    title="">row</var> in column <var title="">column</var> to the <var    title="">classes</var> object. May be omitted if the cells have no    special classes. If the classes that this method would add changes, the    <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code>'s update methods must be    called to update the rows or cells in question. Some classes have <a    href="#datagridClassSummary">predefined meanings</a>.   <dt><dfn id=togglecolumnsortstate    title=dom-provider-toggleColumnSortState><code>toggleColumnSortState(<var    title="">column</var>)</code></dfn>   <dd>Called by the <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> when the    user tries to sort the data using a particular column <var    title="">column</var>. The data provider must update its state so that    the <code title=dom-provider-getChildAtPosition><a    href="#getchildatposition">GetChildAtPosition()</a></code> method returns    the new order, and the classes of the columns returned by <code    title=dom-provider-getCaptionClasses><a    href="#getcaptionclasses">getCaptionClasses()</a></code> represent the    new sort status. There is no need to tell the <code><a    href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> that it the data has changed, as    the <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> automatically assumes    that the entire data model will need updating.   <dt><dfn id=setcellcheckedstate    title=dom-provider-setCellCheckedState><code>setCellCheckedState(<var    title="">row</var>, <var title="">column</var>, <var    title="">state</var>)</code></dfn>   <dd>Called by the <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> when the    user changes the state of a checkbox cell on row <var title="">row</var>,    column <var title="">column</var>. The checkbox should be toggled to the    state given by <var title="">state</var>, which is a positive integer (1)    if the checkbox is to be checked, zero (0) if it is to be unchecked, and    a negative number (-1) if it is to be set to the indeterminate state.    There is no need to tell the <code><a    href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> that the cell has changed, as the    <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> automatically assumes that    the given cell will need updating.   <dt><dfn id=cyclecell title=dom-provider-cycleCell><code>cycleCell(<var    title="">row</var>, <var title="">column</var>)</code></dfn>   <dd>Called by the <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> when the    user changes the state of a cyclable cell on row <var title="">row</var>,    column <var title="">column</var>. The data provider should change the    state of the cell to the new state, as appropriate. There is no need to    tell the <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> that the cell has    changed, as the <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code>    automatically assumes that the given cell will need updating.   <dt><dfn id=editcell title=dom-provider-editCell><code>editCell(<var    title="">row</var>, <var title="">column</var>, <var    title="">data</var>)</code></dfn>   <dd>Called by the <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> when the    user edits the cell on row <var title="">row</var>, column <var    title="">column</var>. The new value of the cell is given by <var    title="">data</var>. The data provider should update the cell    accordingly. There is no need to tell the <code><a    href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> that the cell has changed, as the    <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> automatically assumes that    the given cell will need updating.</dd>   <!--XXXPA  void performAction(in DOMString action); // required if .performAction() is ever invoked on the datagrid  void performActionOnRow(in <span>RowSpecification</span> row, in DOMString action); // required if getRowClasses ever includes 'deletable' or if .performActionOnRow() is ever invoked on the datagrid  void performActionOnCell(in <span>RowSpecification</span> row, in unsigned long column, in DOMString action); // required if .performActionOnCell() is ever invoked on the datagrid-->  </dl>  <p>The following classes (for rows, columns, and cells) may be usefully   used in conjunction with this interface:  <table id=datagridClassSummary>   <tbody>    <tr>     <th>Class name     <th>Applies to     <th>Description    <tr>     <td><!--checked--><dfn id=checked      title=datagrid-cell-class-checked><code>checked</code></dfn>     <td>Cells     <td>The cell has a checkbox and it is checked. (The <code      title=datagrid-cell-class-cyclable><a      href="#cyclable">cyclable</a></code> and <code      title=datagrid-cell-class-progress><a      href="#progress1">progress</a></code> classes override this, though.)    <tr>     <td><!--cyclable--><dfn id=cyclable      title=datagrid-cell-class-cyclable><code>cyclable</code></dfn>     <td>Cells     <td>The cell can be cycled through multiple values. (The <code      title=datagrid-cell-class-progress><a      href="#progress1">progress</a></code> class overrides this, though.)    <tr>     <td><!--editable--><dfn id=editable      title=datagrid-cell-class-editable><code>editable</code></dfn>     <td>Cells     <td>The cell can be edited. (The <code      title=datagrid-cell-class-cyclable><a      href="#cyclable">cyclable</a></code>, <code      title=datagrid-cell-class-progress><a      href="#progress1">progress</a></code>, <code      title=datagrid-cell-class-checked><a      href="#checked">checked</a></code>, <code      title=datagrid-cell-class-checked><a      href="#checked">unchecked</a></code> and <code      title=datagrid-cell-class-checked><a      href="#checked">indeterminate</a></code> classes override this,      though.)    <tr>     <td><!--header--><dfn id=header1      title=datagrid-row-class-header><code>header</code></dfn>     <td>Rows     <td>The row is a heading, not a data row.    <tr>     <td><!--indeterminate--><dfn id=indeterminate      title=datagrid-cell-class-indeterminate><code>indeterminate</code></dfn>     <td>Cells     <td>The cell has a checkbox, and it can be set to an indeterminate      state. If neither the <code title=datagrid-cell-class-checked><a      href="#checked">checked</a></code> nor <code      title=datagrid-cell-class-checked><a      href="#checked">unchecked</a></code> classes are present, then the      checkbox is in that state, too. (The <code      title=datagrid-cell-class-cyclable><a      href="#cyclable">cyclable</a></code> and <code      title=datagrid-cell-class-progress><a      href="#progress1">progress</a></code> classes override this, though.)    <tr>     <td><!--initially-hidden--><dfn id=initially-hidden      title=datagrid-column-class-initially-hidden><code>initially-hidden</code></dfn>     <td>Columns     <td>The column will not be shown when the <code><a      href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> is initially rendered. If this      class is not present on the column when the <code><a      href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> is initially rendered, the column      will be visible if space allows.    <tr>     <td><!--initially-closed--><dfn id=initially-closed      title=datagrid-row-class-initially-closed><code>initially-closed</code></dfn>     <td>Rows     <td>The row will be closed when the <code><a      href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> is initially rendered. If neither      this class nor the <code title=datagrid-row-class-initially-open><a      href="#initially-open">initially-open</a></code> class is present on      the row when the <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> is      initially rendered, the initial state will depend on platform      conventions.    <tr>     <td><!--initially-open--><dfn id=initially-open      title=datagrid-row-class-initially-open><code>initially-open</code></dfn>     <td>Rows     <td>The row will be opened when the <code><a      href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> is initially rendered. If neither      this class nor the <code title=datagrid-row-class-initially-closed><a      href="#initially-closed">initially-closed</a></code> class is present      on the row when the <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> is      initially rendered, the initial state will depend on platform      conventions.    <tr>     <td><!--progress--><dfn id=progress1      title=datagrid-cell-class-progress><code>progress</code></dfn>     <td>Cells     <td>The cell is a progress bar.    <tr>     <td><!--reversed--><dfn id=reversed      title=datagrid-column-class-reversed><code>reversed</code></dfn>     <td>Columns     <td>If the cell is sorted, the sort direction is descending, instead of      ascending.    <tr>     <td><!--selectable-separator--><dfn id=selectable-separator      title=datagrid-row-class-selectable-separator><code>selectable-separator</code></dfn>     <td>Rows     <td>The row is a normal, selectable, data row, except that instead of      having data, it only has a separator. (The <code      title=datagrid-row-class-header><a href="#header1">header</a></code>      and <code title=datagrid-row-class-separator><a      href="#separator">separator</a></code> classes override this, though.)    <tr>     <td><!--separator--><dfn id=separator      title=datagrid-row-class-separator><code>separator</code></dfn>     <td>Rows     <td>The row is a separator row, not a data row. (The <code      title=datagrid-row-class-header><a href="#header1">header</a></code>      class overrides this, though.)    <tr>     <td><!--sortable--><dfn id=sortable      title=datagrid-column-class-sortable><code>sortable</code></dfn>     <td>Columns     <td>The data can be sorted by this column.    <tr>     <td><!--sorted--><dfn id=sorted      title=datagrid-column-class-sorted><code>sorted</code></dfn>     <td>Columns     <td>The data is sorted by this column. Unless the <code      title=datagrid-column-class-reversed><a      href="#reversed">reversed</a></code> class is also present, the sort      direction is ascending.    <tr>     <td><!--unchecked--><dfn id=unchecked      title=datagrid-cell-class-unchecked><code>unchecked</code></dfn>     <td>Cells     <td>The cell has a checkbox and, unless the <code      title=datagrid-cell-class-checked><a href="#checked">checked</a></code>      class is present as well, it is unchecked. (The <code      title=datagrid-cell-class-cyclable><a      href="#cyclable">cyclable</a></code> and <code      title=datagrid-cell-class-progress><a      href="#progress1">progress</a></code> classes override this, though.)    </tr>    <!--XXXPA   <tr>    <td><!- -deletable- -><dfn title="datagrid-row-class-deletable"><code>deletable</code></dfn></td>    <td>Rows</td>    <td></td>   </tr>-->  </table>  <h5 id=the-default><span class=secno> </span>The default data   provider</h5>  <p>The user agent must supply a default data provider for the case where   the <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code>'s <code   title=dom-datagrid-data><a href="#data2">data</a></code> attribute is   null. It must act as described in this section.  <p>The behaviour of the default data provider depends on the nature of the   first element child of the <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code>.  <dl class=switch>   <dt>While the first element child is a <code><a    href="#table0">table</a></code>   <dd>    <p><strong><code title=dom-provider-getRowCount><a     href="#getrowcount">getRowCount(<var     title="">row</var>)</a></code></strong>: The number of rows returned by     the default data provider for the root of the tree (when <var     title="">row</var> is empty) must be the total number of <code><a     href="#tr0">tr</a></code> elements that are children of <code><a     href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code> elements that are children of the     <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code>, if there are any such child     <code><a href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code> elements. If there are no such     <code><a href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code> elements then the number of     rows returned for the root must be the number of <code><a     href="#tr0">tr</a></code> elements that are children of the <code><a     href="#table0">table</a></code>.</p>    <p>When <var title="">row</var> is not empty, the number of rows returned     must be zero.</p>    <p class=note>The <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code>-based default     data provider cannot represent a tree.</p>    <p class=note>Rows in <code><a href="#thead1">thead</a></code> elements     do not contribute to the number of rows returned, although they do     affect the columns and column captions. Rows in <code><a     href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code> elements are <a href="#ignored"     title=ignore>ignored</a> completely by this algorithm.</p>    <p id=defaultDataProviderTableMapper><strong><code     title=dom-provider-getChildAtPosition><a     href="#getchildatposition">getChildAtPosition(<var title="">row</var>,     <var title="">i</var>)</a></code></strong>: The default data provider     must return the mapping appropriate to the <a     href="#defaultDataProviderTableSort">current sort order</a>.</p>    <p><strong><code title=dom-provider-getColumnCount><a     href="#getcolumncount">getColumnCount()</a></code></strong>: The number     of columns returned must be the number of <code><a     href="#td0">td</a></code> element children in the first <code><a     href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element child of the first <code><a     href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code> element child of the <code><a     href="#table0">table</a></code>, if there are any such <code><a     href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code> elements. If there are no such <code><a     href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code> elements, then it must be the number of     <code><a href="#td0">td</a></code> element children in the first     <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element child of the <code><a     href="#table0">table</a></code>, if any, or otherwise 1. If the number     that would be returned by these rules is 0, then 1 must be returned     instead.</p>    <p><strong><code title=dom-provider-getCaptionText><a     href="#getcaptiontext">getCaptionText(<var     title="">i</var>)</a></code></strong>: If the <code><a     href="#table0">table</a></code> has no <code><a     href="#thead1">thead</a></code> element child, or if its first <code><a     href="#thead1">thead</a></code> element child has no <code><a     href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element child, the default data provider must     return the empty string for all captions. Otherwise, the value of the     <code><a href="#textcontent">textContent</a></code> attribute of the     <var title="">i</var>th <code><a href="#th0">th</a></code> element child     of the first <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element child of the     first <code><a href="#thead1">thead</a></code> element child of the     <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element must be returned. If     there is no such <code><a href="#th0">th</a></code> element, the empty     string must be returned.</p>    <p><strong><code title=dom-provider-getCaptionClasses><a     href="#getcaptionclasses">getCaptionClasses(<var title="">i</var>, <var     title="">classes</var>)</a></code></strong>: If the <code><a     href="#table0">table</a></code> has no <code><a     href="#thead1">thead</a></code> element child, or if its first <code><a     href="#thead1">thead</a></code> element child has no <code><a     href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element child, the default data provider must     not add any classes for any of the captions. Otherwise, each class in     the <code title=attr-class><a href="#class6">class</a></code> attribute     of the <var title="">i</var>th <code><a href="#th0">th</a></code>     element child of the first <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element     child of the first <code><a href="#thead1">thead</a></code> element     child of the <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element must be     added to the <var title="">classes</var>. If there is no such <code><a     href="#th0">th</a></code> element, no classes must be added. The user     agent must then:</p>    <ol>     <li>Remove the <code title=datagrid-column-class-sorted><a      href="#sorted">sorted</a></code> and <code      title=datagrid-column-class-reversed><a      href="#reversed">reversed</a></code> classes.     <li>If the <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element has a <code      title=attr-class><a href="#class6">class</a></code> attribute that      includes the <code title="">sortable</code> class, add the <code      title=datagrid-column-class-sortable><a      href="#sortable">sortable</a></code> class.     <li>If the column is the one currently being used to sort the data, add      the <code title=datagrid-column-class-sorted><a      href="#sorted">sorted</a></code> class.     <li>If the column is the one currently being used to sort the data, and      it is sorted in descending order, add the <code      title=datagrid-column-class-reversed><a      href="#reversed">reversed</a></code> class as well.    </ol>    <p>The various row- and cell- related methods operate relative to a     particular element, the element of the row or cell specified by their     arguments.</p>    <p><strong>For rows</strong>: Since the default data provider for a     <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> always returns 0 as the number     of children for any row other than the root, the path to the row passed     to these methods will always consist of a single number. In the prose     below, this number is referred to as <var title="">i</var>.</p>    <p>If the <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> has <code><a     href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code> element children, the element for the     <var title="">i</var>th row is the <var title="">i</var>th <code><a     href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element that is a child of a <code><a     href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code> element that is a child of the <code><a     href="#table0">table</a></code> element. If the <code><a     href="#table0">table</a></code> does not have <code><a     href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code> element children, then the element for     the <var title="">i</var>th real row is the <var title="">i</var>th     <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element that is a child of the     <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element.</p>    <p><strong>For cells</strong>: Given a row and its element, the row's     <var title="">i</var>th cell's element is the <var title="">i</var>th     <code><a href="#td0">td</a></code> element child of the row element.</p>    <p class=note>The <code>colspan</code> and <code>rowspan</code>     attributes are <a href="#ignored" title=ignore>ignored</a> by this     algorithm.</p>    <p><strong><code title=dom-provider-getRowImage><a     href="#getrowimage">getRowImage(<var     title="">i</var>)</a></code></strong>: If the row's first cell's element     has an <code><a href="#img0">img</a></code> element child, then the URI     of the row's image is the URI of the first <code><a     href="#img0">img</a></code> element child of the row's first cell's     element. Otherwise, the URI of the row's image is the empty string.</p>    <!-- XXX well. that sentence could    have gone better, that's for sure. -->        <p><strong><code title=dom-provider-getRowMenu><a     href="#getrowmenu">getRowMenu(<var     title="">i</var>)</a></code></strong>: If the row's first cell's element     has a <code><a href="#menu0">menu</a></code> element child, then the     row's menu is the first <code><a href="#menu0">menu</a></code> element     child of the row's first cell's element. Otherwise, the row has no menu.</p>    <p><strong><code title=dom-provider-getRowClasses><a     href="#getrowclasses">getRowClasses(<var title="">i</var>, <var     title="">classes</var>)</a></code></strong>: The default data provider     must never add a class to the row's classes.</p>    <p id=defaultDataProviderTableSort><strong><code     title=dom-provider-toggleColumnSortState><a     href="#togglecolumnsortstate">toggleColumnSortState(<var     title="">i</var>)</a></code></strong>: If the data is already being     sorted on the given column, then the user agent must change the current     sort mapping to be the inverse of the current sort mapping; if the sort     order was ascending before, it is now descending, otherwise it is now     ascending. Otherwise, if the current sort column is another column, or     the data model is currently not sorted, the user agent must create a new     mapping, which maps rows in the data model to rows in the DOM so that     the rows in the data model are sorted by the specified column, in     ascending order. (Which sort comparison operator to use is left up to     the UA to decide.)</p>    <p>When the sort mapping is changed, the values returned by the <code     title=dom-provider-getChildAtPosition><a     href="#getchildatposition">getChildAtPosition()</a></code> method for     the default data provider <a href="#defaultDataProviderTableMapper">will     change appropriately</a>.</p>    <p><strong><code title=dom-provider-getCellData><a     href="#getcelldata">getCellData(<var title="">i</var>, <var     title="">j</var>)</a></code>, <code title=dom-provider-getCellClasses><a     href="#getcellclasses">getCellClasses(<var title="">i</var>, <var     title="">j</var>, <var title="">classes</var>)</a></code>, <code     title=dom-provider-setCellCheckedState><a     href="#setcellcheckedstate">getCellCheckedState(<var title="">i</var>,     <var title="">j</var>, <var title="">state</var>)</a></code>, <code     title=dom-provider-cycleCell><a href="#cyclecell">cycleCell(<var     title="">i</var>, <var title="">j</var>)</a></code>, and <code     title=dom-provider-editCell><a href="#editcell">editCell(<var     title="">i</var>, <var title="">j</var>, <var     title="">data</var>)</a></code></strong>: See <a     href="#commonDefaultDataGridMethodDefinitions">the common definitions     below</a>.</p>    <p>The data provider must call the <code><a     href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code>'s update methods appropriately     whenever the descendants of the <code><a     href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> mutate. For example, if a <code><a     href="#tr0">tr</a></code> is removed, then the <code     title=dom-datagrid-updateRowsRemoved><a     href="#updaterowsremoved">updateRowsRemoved()</a></code> methods would     probably need to be invoked, and any change to a cell or its descendants     must cause the cell to be updated. If the <code><a     href="#table0">table</a></code> element stops being the first child of     the <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code>, then the data     provider must call the <code title=dom-datagrid-updateEverything><a     href="#updateeverything">updateEverything()</a></code> method on the     <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code>. Any change to a cell     that is in the column that the data provider is currently using as its     sort column must also cause the sort to be reperformed, with a call to     <code title=dom-datagrid-updateEverything><a     href="#updateeverything">updateEverything()</a></code> if the change did     affect the sort order.</p>   <dt>While the first element child is a <code>select</code>   <dd>    <p>The default data provider must return 1 for the column count, the     empty string for the column's caption, and must not add any classes to     the column's classes.</p>    <p>For the rows, assume the existence of a node filter view of the     descendants of the first <code>select</code> element child of the     <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> element, that skips all     nodes other than <code>optgroup</code> and <code>option</code> elements,     as well as any descendents of any <code>option</code> elements.</p>    <p>Given a path <var title="">row</var>, the corresponding element is the     one obtained by drilling into the view, taking the child given by the     path each time.</p>    <div class=example>     <p>Given the following XML markup:</p>     <pre>AMPERSANDlt;datagrid> AMPERSANDlt;select>  AMPERSANDlt;!-- the options and optgroups have had their labels and values removed       to make the underlying structure clearer -->  AMPERSANDlt;optgroup>   AMPERSANDlt;option/>   AMPERSANDlt;option/>  AMPERSANDlt;/optgroup>  AMPERSANDlt;optgroup>   AMPERSANDlt;option/>   AMPERSANDlt;optgroup id="a">    AMPERSANDlt;option/>    AMPERSANDlt;option/>    AMPERSANDlt;bogus/>    AMPERSANDlt;option id="b"/>   AMPERSANDlt;/optgroup>   AMPERSANDlt;option/>  AMPERSANDlt;/optgroup> AMPERSANDlt;/select>AMPERSANDlt;/datagrid></pre>     <p>The path "1,1,2" would select the element with ID "b". In the      filtered view, the text nodes, comment nodes, and bogus elements are      ignored; so for instance, the element with ID "a" (path "1,1") has only      3 child nodes in the view.</p>    </div>    <p><code title=dom-provider-getRowCount><a     href="#getrowcount">getRowCount(<var title="">row</var>)</a></code> must     drill through the view to find the element corresponding to the method's     argument, and return the number of child nodes in the filtered view that     the corresponding element has. (If the <var title="">row</var> is empty,     the corresponding element is the <code>select</code> element at the root     of the filtered view.)</p>    <p><code title=dom-provider-getChildAtPosition><a     href="#getchildatposition">getChildAtPosition(<var title="">row</var>,     <var title="">position</var>)</a></code> must return <var     title="">position</var>. (The <code>select</code> default data provider     does not support sorting the data grid.)</p>    <p><code title=dom-provider-getRowImage><a     href="#getrowimage">getRowImage(<var title="">i</var>)</a></code> must     return the empty string, <code title=dom-provider-getRowMenu><a     href="#getrowmenu">getRowMenu(<var title="">i</var>)</a></code> must     return null.</p>    <p><code title=dom-provider-getRowClasses><a     href="#getrowclasses">getRowClasses(<var title="">row</var>, <var     title="">classes</var>)</a></code> must add the classes from the     following list to <var title="">classes</var> when their condition is     met:</p>    <ul>     <li>If the <var title="">row</var>'s corresponding element is an      <code>optgroup</code> element: <code title=datagrid-row-class-header><a      href="#header1">header</a></code>     <li>If the <var title="">row</var>'s corresponding element contains      other elements that are also in the view, and the element's <code      title=attr-class><a href="#class6">class</a></code> attribute contains      the <code title="">closed</code> class: <code      title=datagrid-row-class-initially-closed><a      href="#initially-closed">initially-closed</a></code>     <li>If the <var title="">row</var>'s corresponding element contains      other elements that are also in the view, and the element's <code      title=attr-class><a href="#class6">class</a></code> attribute contains      the <code title="">open</code> class: <code      title=datagrid-row-class-initially-open><a      href="#initially-open">initially-open</a></code>    </ul>    <p>The <code title=dom-provider-getCellData><a     href="#getcelldata">getCellData(<var title="">row</var>, <var     title="">cell</var>)</a></code> method must return the value of the     <code title=attr-optgroup-label>label</code> attribute if the <var     title="">row</var>'s corresponding element is an <code>optgroup</code>     element, otherwise, if the <var title="">row</var>'s corresponding     element is an <code>option</code>element, its <code     title=attr-option-label>label</code> attribute if it has one, otherwise     the value of its <code><a href="#textcontent">textContent</a></code> DOM     attribute.</p>    <p>The <code title=dom-provider-getCellClasses><a     href="#getcellclasses">getCellClasses(<var title="">row</var>, <var     title="">cell</var>, <var title="">classes</var>)</a></code> method must     add no classes.</p>    <p class=big-issue><!-- select-provider-selection    XXX-->autoselect     some rows when initialised, reflect the selection in the select, reflect     the multiple attribute somehow.</p>    <p>The data provider must call the <code><a     href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code>'s update methods appropriately     whenever the descendants of the <code><a     href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> mutate.</p>   <dt>While the first element child is another element   <dd>    <p>The default data provider must return 1 for the column count, the     empty string for the column's caption, and must not add any classes to     the column's classes.</p>    <p>For the rows, assume the existence of a node filter view of the     descendants of the <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> that     skips all nodes other than <code><a href="#li0">li</a></code>, <code><a     href="#h10">h1</a></code>-<code><a href="#h60">h6</a></code>, and     <code><a href="#hr0">hr</a></code> elements, and skips any descendants     of <code><a href="#menu0">menu</a></code> elements.</p>    <p>Given this view, each element in the view represents a row in the data     model. The element corresponding to a path <var title="">row</var> is     the one obtained by drilling into the view, taking the child given by     the path each time. The element of the row of a particular method call     is the element given by drilling into the view along the path given by     the method's arguments.</p>    <p><code title=dom-provider-getRowCount><a     href="#getrowcount">getRowCount(<var title="">row</var>)</a></code> must     return the number of child elements in this view for the given row, or     the number of elements at the root of the view if the <var     title="">row</var> is empty.</p>    <div class=example>     <p>In the following example, the elements are identified by the paths      given by their child text nodes:</p>     <pre>AMPERSANDlt;datagrid> AMPERSANDlt;ol>  AMPERSANDlt;li> row 0 AMPERSANDlt;/li>  AMPERSANDlt;li> row 1   AMPERSANDlt;ol>    AMPERSANDlt;li> row 1,0 AMPERSANDlt;/li>   AMPERSANDlt;/ol>  AMPERSANDlt;/li>  AMPERSANDlt;li> row 2 AMPERSANDlt;/li> AMPERSANDlt;/ol>AMPERSANDlt;/datagrid></pre>     <p>In this example, only the <code><a href="#li0">li</a></code> elements      actually appear in the data grid; the <code><a      href="#ol0">ol</a></code> element does not affect the data grid's      processing model.</p>    </div>    <p><code title=dom-provider-getChildAtPosition><a     href="#getchildatposition">getChildAtPosition(<var title="">row</var>,     <var title="">position</var>)</a></code> must return <var     title="">position</var>. (The generic default data provider does not     support sorting the data grid.)</p>    <p><code title=dom-provider-getRowImage><a     href="#getrowimage">getRowImage(<var title="">i</var>)</a></code> must     return the URI of the image given by the first <code><a     href="#img0">img</a></code> element descendant (in the real DOM) of the     row's element, that is not also a descendant of another element in the     filtered view that is a descendant of the row's element.</p>    <div class=example>     <p>In the following example, the row with path "1,0" returns      "http://example.com/a" as its image URI, and the other rows (including      the row with path "1") return the empty string:</p>     <pre>AMPERSANDlt;datagrid> AMPERSANDlt;ol>  AMPERSANDlt;li> row 0 AMPERSANDlt;/li>  AMPERSANDlt;li> row 1   AMPERSANDlt;ol>    AMPERSANDlt;li> row 1,0 AMPERSANDlt;img src="http://example.com/a" alt=""> AMPERSANDlt;/li>   AMPERSANDlt;/ol>  AMPERSANDlt;/li>  AMPERSANDlt;li> row 2 AMPERSANDlt;/li> AMPERSANDlt;/ol>AMPERSANDlt;/datagrid></pre>    </div>    <p><code title=dom-provider-getRowMenu><a     href="#getrowmenu">getRowMenu(<var title="">i</var>)</a></code> must     return the first <code><a href="#menu0">menu</a></code> element     descendant (in the real DOM) of the row's element, that is not also a     descendant of another element in the filtered view that is a decsendant     of the row's element. (This is analogous to the image case above.)</p>    <p><code title=dom-provider-getRowClasses><a     href="#getrowclasses">getRowClasses(<var title="">i</var>, <var     title="">classes</var>)</a></code> must add the classes from the     following list to <var title="">classes</var> when their condition is     met:</p>    <ul>     <li>If the row's element contains other elements that are also in the      view, and the element's <code title=attr-class><a      href="#class6">class</a></code> attribute contains the <code      title="">closed</code> class: <code      title=datagrid-row-class-initially-closed><a      href="#initially-closed">initially-closed</a></code>     <li>If the row's element contains other elements that are also in the      view, and the element's <code title=attr-class><a      href="#class6">class</a></code> attribute contains the <code      title="">open</code> class: <code      title=datagrid-row-class-initially-open><a      href="#initially-open">initially-open</a></code>     <li>If the row's element is an <code><a      href="#h10">h1</a></code>-<code><a href="#h60">h6</a></code> element:      <code title=datagrid-row-class-header><a      href="#header1">header</a></code>     <li>If the row's element is an <code><a href="#hr0">hr</a></code>      element: <code title=datagrid-row-class-separator><a      href="#separator">separator</a></code></li>     <!--     XXX no way to get selectable-separator -->    </ul>    <p>The <code title=dom-provider-getCellData><a     href="#getcelldata">getCellData(<var title="">i</var>, <var     title="">j</var>)</a></code>, <code title=dom-provider-getCellClasses><a     href="#getcellclasses">getCellClasses(<var title="">i</var>, <var     title="">j</var>, <var title="">classes</var>)</a></code>, <code     title=dom-provider-setCellCheckedState><a     href="#setcellcheckedstate">getCellCheckedState(<var title="">i</var>,     <var title="">j</var>, <var title="">state</var>)</a></code>, <code     title=dom-provider-cycleCell><a href="#cyclecell">cycleCell(<var     title="">i</var>, <var title="">j</var>)</a></code>, and <code     title=dom-provider-editCell><a href="#editcell">editCell(<var     title="">i</var>, <var title="">j</var>, <var     title="">data</var>)</a></code> methods must act as described in <a     href="#commonDefaultDataGridMethodDefinitions">the common definitions     below</a>, treating the row's element as being the cell's element.</p>    <p class=big-issue id=generic-provider-selection>selection handling?</p>    <p>The data provider must call the <code><a     href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code>'s update methods appropriately     whenever the descendants of the <code><a     href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> mutate.</p>   <dt>Otherwise, while there is no element child   <dd>    <p>The data provider must return 0 for the number of rows, 1 for the     number of columns, the empty string for the first column's caption, and     must add no classes when asked for that column's classes. If the     <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code>'s child list changes such     that there is a first element child, then the data provider must call     the <code title=dom-datagrid-updateEverything><a     href="#updateeverything">updateEverything()</a></code> method on the     <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code>.</p>  </dl>  <h6 id=commonDefaultDataGridMethodDefinitions><span class=secno>   </span>Common default data provider method definitions for cells</h6>  <p>These definitions are used for the cell-specific methods of the default   data providers (other than in the <code>select</code> case). How they   behave is based on the contents of an element that represents the cell   given by their first two arguments. Which element that is is defined in   the previous section.  <dl>   <dt>Cyclable cells   <dd>    <p>If the first element child of a cell's element is a     <code>select</code> element that has a no <code     title=attr-select-multiple>multiple</code> attribute and has at least     one <code>option</code> element descendent, then the cell acts as a     cyclable cell.</p>    <p>The "current" <code>option</code> element is the selected     <code>option</code> element, or the first <code>option</code> element if     none is selected.</p>    <p>The <code title=dom-provider-getCellData><a     href="#getcelldata">getCellData()</a></code> method must return the     <code><a href="#textcontent">textContent</a></code> of the current     <code>option</code> element (the <code     title=attr-option-label>label</code> attribute is <a href="#ignored"     title=ignore>ignored</a> in this context as the <code>optgroup</code>s     are not displayed).</p>    <p>The <code title=dom-provider-getCellClasses><a     href="#getcellclasses">getCellClasses()</a></code> method must add the     <code title=datagrid-cell-class-cyclable><a     href="#cyclable">cyclable</a></code> class and then all the classes of     the current <code>option</code> element.</p>    <p>The <code title=dom-provider-cycleCell><a     href="#cyclecell">cycleCell()</a></code> method must change the     selection of the <code>select</code> element such that the next     <code>option</code> element after the current <code>option</code>     element is the only one that is selected (in <a href="#tree-order">tree     order</a>). If the current <code>option</code> element is the last     <code>option</code> element descendent of the <code>select</code>, then     the first <code>option</code> element descendent must be selected     instead.</p>    <p>The <code title=dom-provider-setCellCheckedState><a     href="#setcellcheckedstate">setCellCheckedState()</a></code> and <code     title=dom-provider-editCell><a href="#editcell">editCell()</a></code>     methods must do nothing.</p>   <dt>Progress bar cells   <dd>    <p>If the first element child of a cell's element is a <code><a     href="#progress0">progress</a></code> element, then the cell acts as a     progress bar cell.</p>    <p>The <code title=dom-provider-getCellData><a     href="#getcelldata">getCellData()</a></code> method must return the     value returned by the <code><a href="#progress0">progress</a></code>     element's <code title=dom-progress-position><a     href="#position">position</a></code> DOM attribute.</p>    <p>The <code title=dom-provider-getCellClasses><a     href="#getcellclasses">getCellClasses()</a></code> method must add the     <code title=datagrid-cell-class-progress><a     href="#progress1">progress</a></code> class.</p>    <p>The <code title=dom-provider-setCellCheckedState><a     href="#setcellcheckedstate">setCellCheckedState()</a></code>, <code     title=dom-provider-cycleCell><a     href="#cyclecell">cycleCell()</a></code>, and <code     title=dom-provider-editCell><a href="#editcell">editCell()</a></code>     methods must do nothing.</p>   <dt>Checkbox cells   <dd>    <p>If the first element child of a cell's element is an     <code>input</code> element that has a <code     title=attr-input-type>type</code> attribute with the value <code     title="">checkbox</code>, then the cell acts as a check box cell.</p>    <p>The <code title=dom-provider-getCellData><a     href="#getcelldata">getCellData()</a></code> method must return the     <code><a href="#textcontent">textContent</a></code> of the cell element.</p>    <p>The <code title=dom-provider-getCellClasses><a     href="#getcellclasses">getCellClasses()</a></code> method must add the     <code title=datagrid-cell-class-checked><a     href="#checked">checked</a></code> class if the <code>input</code>     element is <span title=dom-input-checked>checked</span>, and the <code     title=datagrid-cell-class-unchecked><a     href="#unchecked">unchecked</a></code> class otherwise.</p>    <p>The <code title=dom-provider-setCellCheckedState><a     href="#setcellcheckedstate">setCellCheckedState()</a></code> method must     set the <code>input</code> element's checkbox <span     title=dom-input-checked>state</span> to checked if the method's third     argument is 1, and to unchecked otherwise.</p>    <p>The <code title=dom-provider-cycleCell><a     href="#cyclecell">cycleCell()</a></code> and <code     title=dom-provider-editCell><a href="#editcell">editCell()</a></code>     methods must do nothing.</p>   <dt>Editable cells   <dd>    <p>If the first element child of a cell's element is an     <code>input</code> element that has a <code     title=attr-input-type>type</code> attribute with the value <code     title="">text</code> or that has no <code     title=attr-input-type>type</code> attribute at all, then the cell acts     as an editable cell.</p>    <p>The <code title=dom-provider-getCellData><a     href="#getcelldata">getCellData()</a></code> method must return the     <code title=dom-input-value>value</code> of the <code>input</code>     element.</p>    <p>The <code title=dom-provider-getCellClasses><a     href="#getcellclasses">getCellClasses()</a></code> method must add the     <code title=datagrid-cell-class-editable><a     href="#editable">editable</a></code> class.</p>    <p>The <code title=dom-provider-editCell><a     href="#editcell">editCell()</a></code> method must set the     <code>input</code> element's <code title=dom-input-value>value</code>     DOM attribute to the value of the third argument to the method.</p>    <p>The <code title=dom-provider-setCellCheckedState><a     href="#setcellcheckedstate">setCellCheckedState()</a></code> and <code     title=dom-provider-cycleCell><a href="#cyclecell">cycleCell()</a></code>     methods must do nothing.</p>  </dl>  <!-- XXX Calculated cells, like in spreadsheets? -->  <h5 id=populating><span class=secno> </span>Populating the   <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> element</h5>  <p>A <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> must be disabled until   its end tag has been parsed (in the case of a <code><a   href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> element in the original document   markup) or until it has been inserted into the document (in the case of a   dynamically created element). After that point, the element must fire a   single <code title=event-load>load</code> event at itself, which doesn't   bubble and cannot be canceled.  <p class=big-issue>The end-tag parsing thing should be moved to the parsing   section.  <p>The <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> must then populate   itself using the data provided by the data provider assigned to the <code   title=dom-datagrid-data><a href="#data2">data</a></code> DOM attribute.   After the view is populated (using the methods described below), the   <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> must invoke the <code   title=dom-provider-initialize><a   href="#initialize">initialize()</a></code> method on the data provider   specified by the <code title=dom-datagrid-data><a   href="#data2">data</a></code> attribute, passing itself (the <code><a   href="#htmldatagridelement">HTMLDataGridElement</a></code> object) as the   only argument.  <p>When the <code title=dom-datagrid-data><a href="#data2">data</a></code>   attribute is null, the <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> must   use the default data provider described in the previous section.  <p>To obtain data from the data provider, the element must invoke methods   on the data provider object in the following ways:  <dl>   <dt>To determine the total number of columns   <dd>Invoke the <code title=dom-provider-getColumnCount><a    href="#getcolumncount">getColumnCount()</a></code> method with no    arguments. The return value is the number of columns. If the return value    is zero or negative, not an integer, or simply not a numeric type, or if    the method is not defined, then 1 must be used instead.   <dt>To get the captions to use for the columns   <dd>Invoke the <code title=dom-provider-getCaptionText><a    href="#getcaptiontext">getCaptionText()</a></code> method with the index    of the column in question. The index <var title="">i</var> must be in the    range 0 AMPERSANDle; <var title="">i</var> AMPERSANDlt; <var title="">N</var>, where <var    title="">N</var> is the total number of columns. The return value is the    string to use when referring to that column. If the method returns null    or the empty string, the column has no caption. If the method is not    defined, then none of the columns have any captions.   <dt>To establish what classes apply to a column   <dd>Invoke the <code title=dom-provider-getCaptionClasses><a    href="#getcaptionclasses">getCaptionClasses()</a></code> method with the    index of the column in question, and an object implementing the <code><a    href="#domtokenstring0">DOMTokenString</a></code> interface, initialised    to empty. The index <var title="">i</var> must be in the range 0 AMPERSANDle;    <var title="">i</var> AMPERSANDlt; <var title="">N</var>, where <var    title="">N</var> is the total number of columns. The values contained in    the <code><a href="#domtokenstring0">DOMTokenString</a></code> object    when the method returns represent the classes that apply to the given    column. If the method is not defined, no classes apply to the column.   <dt>To establish whether a column should be initially included in the    visible columns   <dd>Check whether the <code    title=datagrid-column-class-initially-hidden><a    href="#initially-hidden">initially-hidden</a></code> class applies to the    column. If it does, then the column should not be initially included; if    it does not, then the column should be initially included.   <dt id=columnType2>To establish whether the data can be sorted relative to    a particular column   <dd>Check whether the <code title=datagrid-column-class-sortable><a    href="#sortable">sortable</a></code> class applies to the column. If it    does, then the user should be able to ask the UA to display the data    sorted by that column; if it does not, then the user agent must not allow    the user to ask for the data to be sorted by that column.   <dt>To establish if a column is a sorted column   <dd>If the user agent can handle multiple columns being marked as sorted    simultaneously: Check whether the <code    title=datagrid-column-class-sorted><a href="#sorted">sorted</a></code>    class applies to the column. If it does, then that column is the sorted    column, otherwise it is not.   <dd>If the user agent can only handle one column being marked as sorted at    a time: Check each column in turn, starting with the first one, to see    whether the <code title=datagrid-column-class-sorted><a    href="#sorted">sorted</a></code> class applies to that column. The first    column that has that class, if any, is the sorted column. If none of the    columns have that class, there is no sorted column.   <dt>To establish the sort direction of a sorted column   <dd>Check whether the <code title=datagrid-column-class-reversed><a    href="#reversed">reversed</a></code> class applies to the column. If it    does, then the sort direction is descending (down; first rows have the    highest values), otherwise it is ascending (up; first rows have the    lowest values).   <dt>To determine the total number of rows   <dd>Determine the number of rows for the root of the data grid, and    determine the number of child rows for each open row. The total number of    rows is the sum of all these numbers.   <dt>To determine the number of rows for the root of the data grid   <dd>Invoke the <code title=dom-provider-getRowCount><a    href="#getrowcount">getRowCount()</a></code> method with a <code><a    href="#rowspecification">RowSpecification</a></code> object representing    the empty path as its only argument. The return value is the number of    rows at the top level of the data grid. If the return value of the method    is negative, not an integer, or simply not a numeric type, or if the    method is not defined, then zero must be used instead.   <dt>To determine the number of child rows for a row   <dd>Invoke the <code title=dom-provider-getRowCount><a    href="#getrowcount">getRowCount()</a></code> method with a <code><a    href="#rowspecification">RowSpecification</a></code> object representing    the path to the row in question. The return value is the number of child    rows for the given row. If the return value of the method is negative,    not an integer, or simply not a numeric type, or if the method is not    defined, then zero must be used instead.   <dt>To determine what order to render rows in   <dd>    <p>Invoke the <code title=dom-provider-getChildAtPosition><a     href="#getchildatposition">getChildAtPosition()</a></code> method with a     <code><a href="#rowspecification">RowSpecification</a></code> object     representing the path to the parent of the rows that are being rendered     as the first argument, and the position that is being rendered as the     second argument. The return value is the index of the row to render in     that position.</p>    <div class=example>     <p>If the rows are:</p>     <ol>      <li> Row "0"       <ol>        <li> Row "0,0"        <li> Row "0,1"       </ol>      <li> Row "1"       <ol>        <li> Row "1,0"        <li> Row "1,1"       </ol>     </ol>     <p>...and the <code title=dom-provider-getChildAtPosition><a      href="#getchildatposition">getChildAtPosition()</a></code> method is      implemented as follows:</p>     <pre>function getChildAtPosition(parent, child) {  // always return the reverse order  return getRowCount(parent)-child-1;}</pre>     <p>...then the rendering would actually be:</p>     <ol>      <li> Row "1"       <ol>        <li> Row "1,1"        <li> Row "1,0"       </ol>      <li> Row "0"       <ol>        <li> Row "0,1"        <li> Row "0,0"       </ol>     </ol>    </div>    <p>If the return value of the method is negative, larger than the number     of rows that the <code title=dom-provider-getRowCount><a     href="#getrowcount">getRowCount()</a></code> method reported for that     parent, not an integer, or simply not a numeric type, then the entire     data grid should be disabled. Similarly, if the method returns the same     value for two or more different values for the second argument (with the     same first argument, and assuming that the data grid hasn't had relevant     update methods invoked in the meantime), then the data grid should be     disabled. Instead of disabling the data grid, the user agent may act as     if the <code title=dom-provider-getChildAtPosition><a     href="#getchildatposition">getChildAtPosition()</a></code> method was     not defined on the data provider (thus disabling sorting for that data     grid, but still letting the user interact with the data). If the method     is not defined, then the return value must be assumed to be the same as     the second argument (an indentity transform; the data is rendered in its     natural order).</p>   <dt>To establish what classes apply to a row   <dd>Invoke the <code title=dom-provider-getRowClasses><a    href="#getrowclasses">getRowClasses()</a></code> method with a <code><a    href="#rowspecification">RowSpecification</a></code> object representing    the row in question. The values contained in the <code><a    href="#domtokenstring0">DOMTokenString</a></code> object when the method    returns represent the classes that apply to the row in question. If the    method is not defined, no classes apply to the row.   <dt>To establish whether a row is a data row or a special row   <dd>Examine the classes that apply to the row. If the <code    title=datagrid-row-class-header><a href="#header1">header</a></code>    class applies to the row, then it is not a data row, it is a subheading.    The data from the first cell of the row is the text of the subheading,    the rest of the cells must be ignored. Otherwise, if the <code    title=datagrid-row-class-separator><a    href="#separator">separator</a></code> class applies to the row, then in    the place of the row, a separator should be shown. Otherwise, if the    <code title=datagrid-row-class-selectable-separator><a    href="#selectable-separator">selectable-separator</a></code> class    applies to the row, then the row should be a data row, but represented as    a separator. (The difference between a <code    title=datagrid-row-class-separator><a    href="#separator">separator</a></code> and a <code    title=datagrid-row-class-selectable-separator><a    href="#selectable-separator">selectable-separator</a></code> is that the    former is not an item that can be actually selected, whereas the second    can be selected and thus has a context menu that applies to it, and so    forth.) For both kinds of separator rows, the data of the rows' cells    must all be ignored. If none of those three classes apply then the row is    a simple data row.   <dt id=rowType1>To establish whether a row is openable   <dd>Determine the number of child rows for that row. If there are one or    more child rows, then the row is openable.   <dt>To establish whether a row should be initially open or closed   <dd>If <a href="#rowType1">the row is openable</a>, examine the classes    that apply to the row. If the <code    title=datagrid-row-class-initially-open><a    href="#initially-open">initially-open</a></code> class applies to the    row, then it should be initially open. Otherwise, if the <code    title=datagrid-row-class-initially-closed><a    href="#initially-closed">initially-closed</a></code> class applies to the    row, then it must be initially closed. Otherwise, if neither class    applies to the row, or if the row is not openable, then the initial state    of the row is entirely up to the UA.</dd>   <!-- XXXPA   <dt>To establish whether a row is deletable</dt>   <dd>Check whether the <code   title="datagrid-row-class-deletable">deletable</code> class applies   to the row. If it does, the row is deletable, and interactive user   agents should provide a way for the user to request that the row be   deleted. (See the <code   title="dom-provider-performActionOnRow">performActionOnRow()</code>   method for more details.) Otherwise, the user agent should not   provide the user with a method for requesting that the row be   deleted.</dd>-->   <dt>To obtain a URI to an image representing a row   <dd>Invoke the <code title=dom-provider-getRowImage><a    href="#getrowimage">getRowImage()</a></code> method with a <code><a    href="#rowspecification">RowSpecification</a></code> object representing    the row in question. The return value is a string representing a URI or    IRI to an image. Relative URIs must be interpreted relative to the    <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code>'s base URI. If the method    returns the empty string, null, or if the method is not defined, then the    row has no associated image.   <dt>To obtain a context menu appropriate for a particular row   <dd>Invoke the <code title=dom-provider-getRowMenu><a    href="#getrowmenu">getRowMenu()</a></code> method with a <code><a    href="#rowspecification">RowSpecification</a></code> object representing    the row in question. The return value is a reference to an object    implementing the <code>HTMLMenuElement</code> interface, i.e. a <code><a    href="#menu0">menu</a></code> element DOM node. (This element must then    be interpreted as described in the section on context menus to obtain the    actual context menu to use.<!-- XXXX update once menu section   works; with xrefs -->)    If the method returns something that is not an    <code>HTMLMenuElement</code>, or if the method is not defined, then the    row has no associated context menu. User agents may provide their own    default context menu, and may add items to the author-provided context    menu. For example, such a menu could allow the user to change the    presentation of the <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code>    element.   <dt>To establish the value of a particular cell   <dd>Invoke the <code title=dom-provider-getCellData><a    href="#getcelldata">getCellData()</a></code> method with the first    argument being a <code><a    href="#rowspecification">RowSpecification</a></code> object representing    the row of the cell in question and the second argument being the index    of the cell's column. The second argument must be a non-negative integer    less than the total number of columns. The return value is the value of    the cell. If the return value is null or the empty string, or if the    method is not defined, then the cell has no data. (For progress bar    cells, the cell's value must be further interpreted, as described below.)   <dt>To establish what classes apply to a cell   <dd>Invoke the <code title=dom-provider-getCellClasses><a    href="#getcellclasses">getCellClasses()</a></code> method with the first    argument being a <code><a    href="#rowspecification">RowSpecification</a></code> object representing    the row of the cell in question, the second argument being the index of    the cell's column, and the third being an object implementing the    <code><a href="#domtokenstring0">DOMTokenString</a></code> interface,    initialised to empty. The second argument must be a non-negative integer    less than the total number of columns. The values contained in the    <code><a href="#domtokenstring0">DOMTokenString</a></code> object when    the method returns represent the classes that apply to that cell. If the    method is not defined, no classes apply to the cell.   <dt id=cellType1>To establish how the type of a cell   <dd>Examine the classes that apply to the cell. If the <code    title=datagrid-cell-class-progress><a    href="#progress1">progress</a></code> class applies to the cell, it is a    progress bar. Otherwise, if the <code    title=datagrid-cell-class-cyclable><a    href="#cyclable">cyclable</a></code> class applies to the cell, it is a    cycling cell whose value can be cycled between multiple states.    Otherwise, none of these classes apply, and the cell is a simple text    cell.   <dt>To establish the value of a progress bar cell   <dd>If the value <var title="">x</var> of the cell is a string that can be    <a href="#rules1" title="rules for parsing floating point number    values">converted to a floating-point number</a> in the range    0.0AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var title="">x</var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;1.0, then the    progress bar has that value (0.0 means no progress, 1.0 means complete).    Otherwise, the progress bar is an indeterminate progress bar.   <dt id=cellType2>To establish how a simple text cell should be presented   <dd>Check whether one of the <code title=datagrid-cell-class-checked><a    href="#checked">checked</a></code>, <code    title=datagrid-cell-class-unchecked><a    href="#unchecked">unchecked</a></code>, or <code    title=datagrid-cell-class-indeterminate><a    href="#indeterminate">indeterminate</a></code> classes applies to the    cell. If any of these are present, then the cell has a checkbox,    otherwise none are present and the cell does not have a checkbox. If the    cell has no checkbox, check whether the <code    title=datagrid-cell-class-editable><a    href="#editable">editable</a></code> class applies to the cell. If it    does, then the cell value is editable, otherwise the cell value is    static.   <dt>To establish the state of a cell's checkbox, if it has one   <dd>Check whether the <code title=datagrid-cell-class-checked><a    href="#checked">checked</a></code> class applies to the cell. If it does,    the cell is checked. Otherwise, check whether the <code    title=datagrid-cell-class-unchecked><a    href="#unchecked">unchecked</a></code> class applies to the cell. If it    does, the cell is unchecked. Otherwise, the <code    title=datagrid-cell-class-indeterminate><a    href="#indeterminate">indeterminate</a></code> class appplies to the cell    and the cell's checkbox is in an indeterminate state. When the <code    title=datagrid-cell-class-indeterminate><a    href="#indeterminate">indeterminate</a></code> class appplies to the    cell, the checkbox is a tristate checkbox, and the user can set it to the    indeterminate state. Otherwise, only the <code    title=datagrid-cell-class-checked><a href="#checked">checked</a></code>    and/or <code title=datagrid-cell-class-unchecked><a    href="#unchecked">unchecked</a></code> classes apply to the cell, and the    cell can only be toggled betwen those two states.  </dl>  <p>If the data provider ever raises an exception while the <code><a   href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> is invoking one of its methods, the   <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> must act, for the purposes   of that particular method call, as if the relevant method had not been   defined.  <p>A <code><a href="#rowspecification">RowSpecification</a></code> object   <var title="">p</var> with <var title="">n</var> path components passed to   a method of the data provider must fulfill the constraint   <span>0AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var title="">p<sub title=""><var   title="">i</var></sub></var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDlt;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var title="">m</var>-1</span>   for all integer values of <var title="">i</var> in the range   <span>0AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var title="">i</var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDlt;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var   title="">n</var>-1</span>, where <var title="">m</var> is the value that   was last returned by the <code title=dom-provider-getRowCount><a   href="#getrowcount">getRowCount()</a></code> method when it was passed the   <code><a href="#rowspecification">RowSpecification</a></code> object <var   title="">q</var> with <span><var title="">i</var>-1</span> items, where   <span><var title="">p<sub title=""><var   title="">i</var></sub></var>AMPERSANDnbsp;=AMPERSANDnbsp;<var title="">q<sub title=""><var   title="">i</var></sub></var></span> for all integer values of <var   title="">i</var> in the range <span>0AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDle;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var   title="">i</var>AMPERSANDnbsp;AMPERSANDlt;AMPERSANDnbsp;<var title="">n</var>-1</span>, with any   changes implied by the update methods taken into account.  <p id=inconsistentDataProvider>The data model is considered stable: user   agents may assume that subsequent calls to the data provider methods will   return the same data, until one of the update methods is called on the   <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> element. If a user agent is   returned inconsistent data, for example if the number of rows returned by   <code title=dom-provider-getRowCount><a   href="#getrowcount">getRowCount()</a></code> varies in ways that do not   match the calls made to the update methods, the user agent may disable the   <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code>. User agents that do not   disable the <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> in inconsistent   cases must honour the most recently returned values.  <p>User agents may cache returned values so that the data provider is never   asked for data that could contradict earlier data. User agents must not   cache the return value of the <code title=dom-provider-getRowMenu><a   href="#getrowmenu">getRowMenu</a></code> method.  <p>The exact algorithm used to populate the data grid is not defined here,   since it will differ based on the presentation used. However, the   behaviour of user agents must be consistent with the descriptions above.   For example, it would be non-conformant for a user agent to make cells   have both a checkbox and be editable, as the descriptions above state that   cells that have a checkbox cannot be edited.</p>  <!-- XXX speaking of which, do we actually want that  limitation? -->  <h5 id=updating><span class=secno> </span>Updating the <code><a   href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code></h5>  <p>Whenever the <code title=dom-datagrid-data><a   href="#data2">data</a></code> attribute is set to a new value, the   <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> must clear the current   selection, remove all the displayed rows, and plan to repopulate itself   using the information from the new data provider at the earliest   opportunity.  <p>There are a number of update methods that can be invoked on the <code><a   href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> element to cause it to refresh   itself in slightly less drastic ways:  <p>When the <dfn id=updateeverything   title=dom-datagrid-updateEverything><code>updateEverything()</code></dfn>   method is called, the user agent must repopulate the entire <code><a   href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code>. If the number of rows decreased,   the selection must be updated appropriately. If the number of rows   increased, the new rows should be left unselected.  <p>When the <dfn id=updaterowschanged   title=dom-datagrid-updateRowsChanged><code>updateRowsChanged(<var   title="">row</var>, <var title="">count</var>)</code></dfn> method is   called, the user agent must refresh the rendering of the rows starting   from the row specified by <var title="">row</var>, and including the <var   title="">count</var> next siblings of the row (or as many next siblings as   it has, if that is less than <var title="">count</var>), including all   descendant rows.  <p>When the <dfn id=updaterowsinserted   title=dom-datagrid-updateRowsInserted><code>updateRowsInserted(<var   title="">row</var>, <var title="">count</var>)</code></dfn> method is   called, the user agent must assume that <var title="">count</var> new rows   have been inserted, such that the first new row is indentified by <var   title="">row</var>. The user agent must update its rendering and the   selection accordingly. The new rows should not be selected.  <p>When the <dfn id=updaterowsremoved   title=dom-datagrid-updateRowsRemoved><code>updateRowsRemoved(<var   title="">row</var>, <var title="">count</var>)</code></dfn> method is   called, the user agent must assume that <var title="">count</var> rows   have been removed starting from the row that used to be identifier by <var   title="">row</var>. The user agent must update its rendering and the   selection accordingly.  <p>The <dfn id=updaterowchanged   title=dom-datagrid-updateRowChanged><code>updateRowChanged(<var   title="">row</var>)</code></dfn> method must be exactly equivalent to   calling <code title=dom-datagrid-updateRowsChanged><a   href="#updaterowschanged">updateRowsChanged(<var title="">row</var>,   1)</a></code>.  <p>When the <dfn id=updatecolumnchanged   title=dom-datagrid-updateColumnChanged><code>updateColumnChanged(<var   title="">column</var>)</code></dfn> method is called, the user agent must   refresh the rendering of the specified column <var title="">column</var>,   for all rows.  <p>When the <dfn id=updatecellchanged   title=dom-datagrid-updateCellChanged><code>updateCellChanged(<var   title="">row</var>, <var title="">column</var>)</code></dfn> method is   called, the user agent must refresh the rendering of the cell on row <var   title="">row</var>, in column <var title="">column</var>.  <p>Any effects the update methods have on the <code><a   href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code>'s selection is not considered a   change to the selection, and must therefore not fire the <code   title=event-select><a href="#select">select</a></code> event.  <p>These update methods should only be called by the data provider, or code   acting on behalf of the data provider. In particular, calling the <code   title=dom-datagrid-updateRowsInserted><a   href="#updaterowsinserted">updateRowsInserted()</a></code> and <code   title=dom-datagrid-updateRowsRemoved><a   href="#updaterowsremoved">updateRowsRemoved()</a></code> methods without   actually inserting or removing rows from the data provider is <a   href="#inconsistentDataProvider">likely to result in inconsistent   renderings</a>, and the user agent is likely to disable the data grid.  <h5 id=requirements><span class=secno> </span>Requirements for   interactive user agents</h5>  <p><em>This section only applies to interactive user agents.</em>  <p>If the <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> element has a <dfn   id=disabled2 title=attr-datagrid-disabled><code>disabled</code></dfn>   attribute, then the user agent must disable the <code><a   href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code>, preventing the user from   interacting with it. The <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code>   element should still continue to update itself when the data provider   signals changes to the data, though. Obviously, conformance requirements   stating that <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> elements must   react to users in particular ways do not apply when one is disabled.  <p>If <a href="#rowType1">a row is openable</a>, then the user should be   able to toggle its open/closed state. When a row's open/closed state   changes, the user agent must update the rendering to match the new state.  <p>If a cell is a cell whose value <a href="#cellType1">can be cycled   between multiple states</a>, then the user must be able to activate the   cell to cycle its value. When the user activates this "cycling" behaviour   of a cell, then the <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> must   invoke the data provider's <code title=dom-provider-cycleCell><a   href="#cyclecell">cycleCell()</a></code> method, with a <code><a   href="#rowspecification">RowSpecification</a></code> object representing   the cell's row as the first argument and the cell's column index as the   second. The <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> must act as if   the <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code>'s <code   title=dom-datagrid-updateCellChanged><a   href="#updatecellchanged">updateCellChanged()</a></code> method had been   invoked with those same arguments immediately before the provider's method   was invoked.  <p>When a cell <a href="#cellType2">has a checkbox</a>, the user must be   able to set the checkbox's state. When the user changes the state of a   checkbox in such a cell, the <code><a   href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> must invoke the data provider's   <code title=dom-provider-setCellCheckedState><a   href="#setcellcheckedstate">setCellCheckedState()</a></code> method, with   a <code><a href="#rowspecification">RowSpecification</a></code> object   representing the cell's row as the first argument, the cell's column index   as the second, and the checkbox's new state as the third. The state should   be represented by the number 1 if the new state is checked, 0 if the new   state is unchecked, and -1 if the new state is indeterminate (which must   only be possible if the cell has the <code   title=datagrid-cell-class-indeterminate><a   href="#indeterminate">indeterminate</a></code> class set). The <code><a   href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> must act as if the <code><a   href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code>'s <code   title=dom-datagrid-updateCellChanged><a   href="#updatecellchanged">updateCellChanged()</a></code> method had been   invoked, specifying the same cell, immediately before the provider's   method was invoked.  <p>If a cell <a href="#cellType2">is editable</a>, the user must be able to   edit the data for that cell, and doing so must cause the user agent to   invoke the <code title=dom-provider-editCell><a   href="#editcell">editCell()</a></code> method of the data provider with   three arguments: a <code><a   href="#rowspecification">RowSpecification</a></code> object representing   the cell's row, the cell's column's index, and the new text entered by the   user. The user agent must act as if the <code   title=dom-datagrid-updateCellChanged><a   href="#updatecellchanged">updateCellChanged()</a></code> method had been   invoked, with the same row and column specified, immediately before the   provider's method was invoked.</p>  <!-- XXXPA <p class="big-issue">define actions (performAction(), etc)</p> -->  <h5 id=the-selection><span class=secno> </span>The selection</h5>  <p><em>This section only applies to interactive user agents. For other user   agents, the <code title=dom-datagrid-selection><a   href="#selection0">selection</a></code> attribute must return null.</em>  <pre   class=idl>interface <dfn id=datagridselection>DataGridSelection</dfn> {  readonly attribute unsigned long <span title=dom-DataGridSelection-count>length</span>;  <a href="#rowspecification">RowSpecification</a> <span title=dom-DataGridSelection->item</span>(in unsigned long index);  boolean <a href="#isselected" title=dom-DataGridSelection-isSelected>isSelected</a>(in <a href="#rowspecification">RowSpecification</a> row);  void <a href="#setselected" title=dom-DataGridSelection-setSelected>setSelected</a>(in <a href="#rowspecification">RowSpecification</a> row, in boolean selected);<!--  void <span title="dom-DataGridSelection-addRange">addRange</span>(in <span>RowSpecification</span> first, in <span>RowSpecification</span> last);  void <span title="dom-DataGridSelection-removeRange">removeRange</span>(in <span>RowSpecification</span> first, in <span>RowSpecification</span> last);XXX selection ranges -->  void <a href="#selectall" title=dom-DataGridSelection-selectAll>selectAll</a>();  void <a href="#invert" title=dom-DataGridSelection-invert>invert</a>();  void <a href="#clear" title=dom-DataGridSelection-clear>clear</a>();};</pre>  <p>Each <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> element must keep   track of which rows are currently selected. Initially no rows are   selected, but this can be changed via the methods described in this   section. <!--XXX  select-provider-selection The default data provider, for instance,  changes which rows are selected when it is first initialised.-->  <p>The selection of a <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> is   represented by its <dfn id=selection0   title=dom-datagrid-selection><code>selection</code></dfn> DOM attribute,   which must be a <code><a   href="#datagridselection">DataGridSelection</a></code> object.  <p><code><a href="#datagridselection">DataGridSelection</a></code> objects   represent the rows in the selection. In the selection the rows must be   ordered in the natural order of the data provider (and not, e.g., the   rendered order). Rows that are not rendered because one of their ancestors   is closed must share the same selection state as their nearest rendered   ancestor. Such rows are not considered part of the selection for the   purposes of iterating over the selection.  <p class=note>This selection API doesn't allow for hidden rows to be   selected because it is trivial to create a data provider that has infinite   depth, which would then require the selection to be infinite if every row,   including every hidden row, was selected.  <p>The <dfn id=length2   title=dom-DataGridSelection-length><code>length</code></dfn> attribute   must return the number of rows currently present in the selection. The   <dfn id=itemindex2 title=dom-DataGridSelection-item><code>item(<var   title="">index</var>)</code></dfn> method must return the <var   title="">index</var>th row in the selection. If the argument is out of   range (less than zero or greater than the number of selected rows minus   one), then it must raise an <code>INDEX_SIZE_ERR</code> exception. <a   href="#refsDOM3CORE">[DOM3CORE]</a>  <p>The <dfn id=isselected   title=dom-DataGridSelection-isSelected><code>isSelected()</code></dfn>   method must return the selected state of the row specified by its   argument. If the specified row exists and is selected, it must return   true, otherwise it must return false.  <p>The <dfn id=setselected   title=dom-DataGridSelection-setSelected><code>setSelected()</code></dfn>   method takes two arguments, <var title="">row</var> and <var   title="">selected</var>. When invoked, it must set the selection state of   row <var title="">row</var> to selected if <var title="">selected</var> is   true, and unselected if it is false. If <var title="">row</var> is not a   row in the data grid, the method must raise an <code>INDEX_SIZE_ERR</code>   exception. If the specified row is not rendered because one of its   ancestors is closed, the method must do nothing.  <p>The <dfn id=selectall   title=dom-DataGridSelection-selectAll><code>selectAll()</code></dfn>   method must mark all the rows in the data grid as selected. After a call   to <code title=dom-DataGridSelection-selectAll><a   href="#selectall">selectAll()</a></code>, the <code   title=dom-DataGridSelection-length><a href="#length2">length</a></code>   attribute will return the number of rows in the data grid, not counting   children of closed rows.  <p>The <dfn id=invert   title=dom-DataGridSelection-invert><code>invert()</code></dfn> method must   cause all the rows in the selection that were marked as selected to now be   marked as not selected, and vice versa.  <p>The <dfn id=clear   title=dom-DataGridSelection-clear><code>clear()</code></dfn> method must   mark all the rows in the data grid to be marked as not selected. After a   call to <code title=dom-DataGridSelection-clear><a   href="#clear">clear()</a></code>, the <code   title=dom-DataGridSelection-length><a href="#length2">length</a></code>   attribute will return zero.  <p>If the <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> element has a <dfn   id=multiple0 title=attr-datagrid-multiple><code>multiple</code></dfn>   attribute, then the user must be able to select any number of rows (zero   or more). If the attribute is not present, then the user must only be able   to select a single row at a time, and selecting another one must unselect   all the other rows.  <p class=note>This only applies to the user. Scripts can select multiple   rows even when the <code title=attr-datagrid-multiple><a   href="#multiple0">multiple</a></code> attribute is absent.  <p>Whenever the selection of a <code><a   href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> changes, whether due to the user   interacting with the element, or as a result of calls to methods of the   <code title=dom-datagrid-selection><a   href="#selection0">selection</a></code> object, a <dfn id=select   title=event-select><code>select</code></dfn><!-- XXX check if we  really should be DFNing this here. It's a DOM3 Core event. What's  our story going to be regarding events and defining them? -->   event that bubbles but is not cancelable must be fired on the <code><a   href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> element. If changes are made to the   selection via calls to the object's methods during the execution of a   script<!-- XXX should xref to a better explanation -->, then the <code   title=event-select><a href="#select">select</a></code> events must be   coalesced into one, which must then be fired<!--XXX xref again--> when the   script execution has completed<!-- XXX xref -->.  <p class=note>The <code><a   href="#datagridselection">DataGridSelection</a></code> interface has no   relation to the <code><a href="#selection1">Selection</a></code>   interface.  <h5 id=columns><span class=secno> </span>Columns and captions</h5>  <p><em>This section only applies to interactive user agents.</em>  <p>Each <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> element must keep   track of which columns are currently being rendered. User agents should   initially show all the columns except those with the <code   title=datagrid-column-class-initially-hidden><a   href="#initially-hidden">initially-hidden</a></code> class, but may allow   users to hide or show columns. User agents should initially display the   columns in the order given by the data provider, but may allow this order   to be changed by the user.  <p>If columns are not being used, as might be the case if the data grid is   being presented in an icon view, or if an overview of data is being read   in an aural context, then the text of the first column of each row should   be used to represent the row.  <p>If none of the columns have any captions (i.e. if the data provider does   not provide a <code title=dom-provider-getCaptionText><a   href="#getcaptiontext">getCaptionText()</a></code> method), then user   agents may avoid showing the column headers at all. This may prevent the   user from performing actions on the columns (such as reordering them,   changing the sort column, and so on).  <p class=note>Whatever the order used for rendering, and irrespective of   what columns are being shown or hidden, the "first column" as referred to   in this specification is always the column with index zero, and the "last   column" is always the column with the index one less than the value   returned by the <code title=dom-provider-getcolumnCount><a   href="#getcolumncount">getColumnCount()</a></code> method of the data   provider.  <p>If <a href="#columnType2">a column is sortable</a>, then the user must   be able to invoke it to sort the data. When the user does so, then the   <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> must invoke the data   provider's <code title=dom-provider-toggleColumnSortState><a   href="#togglecolumnsortstate">toggleColumnSortState()</a></code> method,   with the column's index as the only argument. The <code><a   href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> must <em>then</em> act as if the   <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code>'s <code   title=dom-datagrid-updateEverything><a   href="#updateeverything">updateEverything()</a></code> method had been   invoked.</p>  <!--XXXDND  <h5>Drag and drop in <code>datagrid</code>s</h5>  <p><em>This section only applies to interactive user agents.</p>  <p class="big-issue">define drag and drop in datagrids; selectiondraggable, etc.</p>-->  <h4 id=the-command><span class=secno>3.18.3. </span>The <dfn   id=command1><code>command</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#metadata" title="metadata elements">Metadata element</a>, and   <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a>.</p>  <!-- XXX we sure we  want it to be metadata? -->  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>In a <code><a href="#head0">head</a></code> element.   <dd>Where <a href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a> is    allowed.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>Empty.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd><code title=attr-command-type><a href="#type11">type</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-command-label><a href="#label">label</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-command-icon><a href="#icon0">icon</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-command-hidden><a href="#hidden">hidden</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-command-disabled><a    href="#disabled3">disabled</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-command-checked><a    href="#checked0">checked</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-command-radiogroup><a    href="#radiogroup">radiogroup</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-command-default><a href="#default">default</a></code>   <dd>Also, the <code title=attr-command-title><a    href="#title8">title</a></code> attribute has special semantics on this    element.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>    <pre     class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmlcommandelement>HTMLCommandElement</dfn> : <a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a> {           attribute DOMString <a href="#type12" title=dom-command-type>type</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#label0" title=dom-command-label>label</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#icon1" title=dom-command-icon>icon</a>;           attribute boolean <a href="#hidden0" title=dom-command-hidden>hidden</a>;           attribute boolean <a href="#disabled4" title=dom-command-disabled>disabled</a>;           attribute boolean <a href="#checked1" title=dom-command-checked>checked</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#radiogroup0" title=dom-command-radiogroup>radiogroup</a>;           attribute boolean <a href="#default0" title=dom-command-default>default</a>; void <a href="#click0" title=dom-command-click>click</a>(); // shadows <code><a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.<code title=dom-click><a href="#click">click()</a></code>};</pre>    <p>The <code title=command-ro><a href="#command3">Command</a></code>     interface must also be implemented by this element.</p>  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#command1">command</a></code> element represents a   command that the user can invoke.  <p>The <dfn id=type11 title=attr-command-type><code>type</code></dfn>   attribute indicates the kind of command: either a normal command with an   associated action, or a state or option that can be toggled, or a   selection of one item from a list of items.  <p>The attribute's value must be either "<code title="">command</code>",   "<code title="">checkbox</code>", or "<code title="">radio</code>",   denoting each of these three types of commands respectively. The attribute   may also be omitted if the element is to represent the first of these   types, a simple command.  <p>The <dfn id=label title=attr-command-label><code>label</code></dfn>   attribute gives the name of the command, as shown to the user.  <p>The <dfn id=title8 title=attr-command-title><code>title</code></dfn>   attribute gives a hint describing the command, which might be shown to the   user to help him.  <p>The <dfn id=icon0 title=attr-command-icon><code>icon</code></dfn>   attribute gives a picture that represents the command. If the attribute is   specified, the attribute's value must contain a URI.  <p>The <dfn id=hidden title=attr-command-hidden><code>hidden</code></dfn>   attribute indicates, if present, that the command is not relevant and is   to be hidden. If present, the attribute must have the exact value <code   title="">hidden</code>.  <p>The <dfn id=disabled3   title=attr-command-disabled><code>disabled</code></dfn> attribute   indicates, if present, that the command is not available in the current   state. If present, the attribute must have the exact value <code   title="">disabled</code>.  <p class=note>The distinction between <a href="#disabled5"   title=command-facet-DisabledState>Disabled State</a> and <a   href="#hidden1" title=command-facet-HiddenState>Hidden State</a> is   subtle. A command should be Disabled if, in the same context, it could be   enabled if only certain aspects of the situation were changed. A command   should be marked as Hidden if, in that situation, the command will never   be enabled. For example, in the context menu for a water faucet, the   command "open" might be Disabled if the faucet is already open, but the   command "eat" would be marked Hidden since the faucet could never be   eaten.  <p>The <dfn id=checked0   title=attr-command-checked><code>checked</code></dfn> attribute indicates,   if present, that the command is selected. If present, the attribute must   have the exact value <code title="">checked</code>.  <p>The <dfn id=radiogroup   title=attr-command-radiogroup><code>radiogroup</code></dfn> attribute   gives the name of the group of commands that will be toggled when the   command itself is toggled, for commands whose <code   title=attr-command-type><a href="#type11">type</a></code> attribute has   the value "<code title="">radio</code>". The scope of the name is the   child list of the parent element.  <p>If the <code><a href="#command1">command</a></code> element is used when   <span title="menu generation">generating</span> a <span>context   menu</span>, then the <dfn id=default   title=attr-command-default><code>default</code></dfn> attribute indicates,   if present, that the command is the one that would have been invoked if   the user had directly activated the menu's subject instead of using its   context menu.  <div class=example>   <p class=big-issue>Need an example that shows an element that, if    double-clicked, invokes an action, but that also has a context menu,    showing the various <code><a href="#command1">command</a></code>    attributes off, and that has a default command.</p>  </div>  <p>The <dfn id=type12 title=dom-command-type><code>type</code></dfn>, <dfn   id=label0 title=dom-command-label><code>label</code></dfn>, <dfn id=icon1   title=dom-command-icon><code>icon</code></dfn>, <dfn id=hidden0   title=dom-command-hidden><code>hidden</code></dfn>, <dfn id=disabled4   title=dom-command-disabled><code>disabled</code></dfn>, <dfn id=checked1   title=dom-command-checked><code>checked</code></dfn>, <dfn id=radiogroup0   title=dom-command-radiogroup><code>radiogroup</code></dfn>, and <dfn   id=default0 title=dom-command-default><code>default</code></dfn> DOM   attributes must <a href="#reflect">reflect</a> their respective namesake   content attributes.  <p>The <dfn id=click0 title=dom-command-click><code>click()</code></dfn>   method's behaviour depends on the value of the <code   title=attr-command-type><a href="#type11">type</a></code> attribute of the   element, as follows:  <dl class=switch>   <dt>If the <code title=attr-command-type><a href="#type11">type</a></code>    attribute has the value <code title="">checkbox</code>   <dd>    <p>If the element has a <code title=attr-command-checked><a     href="#checked0">checked</a></code> attribute, the UA must remove that     attribute. Otherwise, the UA must add a <code     title=attr-command-checked><a href="#checked0">checked</a></code>     attribute, with the literal value <code title="">checked</code>. The UA     must then <a href="#firing">fire a <code title="">click</code> event</a>     at the element.   <dt>If the <code title=attr-command-type><a href="#type11">type</a></code>    attribute has the value <code title="">radio</code>   <dd>    <p>If the element has a parent, then the UA must walk the list of child     nodes of that parent element, and for each node that is a <code><a     href="#command1">command</a></code> element, if that element has a <code     title=attr-command-radiogroup><a     href="#radiogroup">radiogroup</a></code> attribute whose value exactly     matches the current element's (treating missing <code     title=attr-command-radiogroup><a     href="#radiogroup">radiogroup</a></code> attributes as if they were the     empty string), and has a <code title=attr-command-checked><a     href="#checked0">checked</a></code> attribute, must remove that     attribute and <a href="#firing">fire a <code title="">click</code>     event</a> at the element.</p>    <p>Then, the element's <code title=attr-command-checked><a     href="#checked0">checked</a></code> attribute attribute must be set to     the literal value <code title="">checked</code> and a <span title="file     a click event"><code title="">click</code> event must be fired</span> at     the element.   <dt>Otherwise   <dd>    <p>The UA must <a href="#firing">fire a <code title="">click</code>     event</a> at the element.  </dl>  <p class=note>Firing a synthetic <code title=event-click>click</code> event   at the element does not cause any of the actions described above to   happen.  <p class=big-issue> should change all the above so it actually is just   trigged by a click event, then we could remove the shadowing click()   method and rely on actual events.  <p class=big-issue>Need to define the command="" attribute  <p class=note><code><a href="#command1">command</a></code> elements are not   rendered unless they <a href="#menus">form part of a menu</a>.  <h4 id=the-menu><span class=secno>3.18.4. </span>The <dfn   id=menu0><code>menu</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#block-level1" title="block-level elements">Block-level   element</a>, and <a href="#structured" title="structured inline-level   elements">structured inline-level element</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a> are expected.   <dd>Where <a href="#structured">structured inline-level elements</a> are    allowed.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>Zero or more <code><a href="#li0">li</a></code> elements, or <a    href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a> (but not both).   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd><code title=attr-menu-type><a href="#type13">type</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-menu-label><a href="#label1">label</a></code>   <dd><code title=attr-menu-autosubmit><a    href="#autosubmit">autosubmit</a></code>   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>    <pre     class=idl>interface <dfn id=htmlcommandelement0>HTMLCommandElement</dfn> : <a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a> {           attribute DOMString <span title=dom-menu-type>type</span>;           attribute DOMString <span title=dom-menu-label>label</span>;           attribute boolean <span title=dom-menu-autosubmit>autosubmit</span>;};</pre>  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#menu0">menu</a></code> element represents a list of   commands.  <p>The <dfn id=type13 title=attr-menu-type><code>type</code></dfn>   attribute indicates the kind of menu. It must have either the value <code   title="">popup</code> (to declare a context menu) or the value <code   title="">toolbar</code> (to define a tool bar). The attribute may also be   omitted, to indicate that the element is merely a list of commands that is   neither declaring a context menu nor defining a tool bar.  <p>If a <code><a href="#menu0">menu</a></code> element has a <code   title=attr-menu-type><a href="#type13">type</a></code> attribute with the   value <code title="">popup</code>, then it represents the commands of a   context menu, and the user can only interact with the commands if that   context menu is activated.  <p>If a <code><a href="#menu0">menu</a></code> element has a <code   title=attr-menu-type><a href="#type13">type</a></code> attribute with the   value <code title="">toolbar</code>, then it represents a list of active   commands that the user can immediately interact with.  <p>Otherwise, if a <code><a href="#menu0">menu</a></code> element has no   <code title=attr-menu-type><a href="#type13">type</a></code> attribute, or   if has a <code title=attr-menu-type><a href="#type13">type</a></code>   attribute with a value other than <code title="">popup</code> or <code   title="">toolbar</code>, then it either represents an unordered list of   items (each represented by an <code><a href="#li0">li</a></code> element),   each of which represents a command that the user may perform or activate,   or, if the element has no <code><a href="#li0">li</a></code> element   children, a <a href="#paragraph">paragraph</a> describing available   commands.  <p>The <dfn id=label1 title=attr-menu-label><code>label</code></dfn>   attribute gives the label of the menu. It is used by user agents to   display nested menus in the UI. For example, a context menu containing   another menu would use the nested menu's <code title=attr-menu-label><a   href="#label1">label</a></code> attribute for the submenu's menu label.  <p>The <dfn id=autosubmit   title=attr-menu-autosubmit><code>autosubmit</code></dfn> attribute   indicates whether selections made to form controls in this menu should   result in the control's form being immediately submitted. If the attribute   is present, its value must be <code title="">autosubmit</code>.  <p>If a <code title=event-change>change</code> event bubbles through a   <code><a href="#menu0">menu</a></code> element, then, in addition to any   other default action that that event might have, the UA must act as if the   following was an additional default action for that event: if (when it   comes time to execute the default action) the <code><a   href="#menu0">menu</a></code> element has an <code   title=attr-menu-autosubmit><a href="#autosubmit">autosubmit</a></code>   attribute, and the target of the event is an <code>input</code> element,   and that element has a <code title=attr-input-type>type</code> attribute   whose value is either <code title="">radio</code> or <code   title="">checkbox</code>, and the <code>input</code> element in question   has a non-null <code title=dom-input-form>form</code> DOM attribute, then   the UA must invoke the <code title=dom-form-submit>submit()</code> method   of the <code>form</code> element indicated by that DOM attribute.  <p>The <a href="#menus">processing model</a> for menus is described in the   next section.  <h3 id=miscellaneous><span class=secno>3.19. </span>Miscellaneous elements</h3>  <h4 id=the-legend><span class=secno>3.19.1. </span>The <dfn   id=legend0><code>legend</code></dfn> element</h4>  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>As the first child of a <code>fieldset</code> element.   <dd>As the first child of a <code><a href="#details0">details</a></code>    element.   <dd>As a child of a <code><a href="#figure0">figure</a></code> element, if    there are no other <code><a href="#legend0">legend</a></code> element    children of that element.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>If used as a child of a <code>fieldset</code> or <code><a    href="#details0">details</a></code> element: <a href="#significant"    title="significant inline content">significant</a> <a    href="#strictly">strictly inline-level content</a>   <dd>If used as a child of a <code><a href="#figure0">figure</a></code>    element: <a href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a>.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd>None.   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#legend0">legend</a></code> element represents a   title or explanatory caption for the rest of the contents of the <code><a   href="#legend0">legend</a></code> element's parent element.  <h4 id=the-div><span class=secno>3.19.2. </span>The <dfn   id=div0><code>div</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p><a href="#block-level1" title="block-level elements">Block-level   element</a>.  <dl class=element>   <dt>Contexts in which this element may be used:   <dd>Where <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a> are expected.   <dt>Content model:   <dd>Zero or more <a href="#block-level1">block-level elements</a>.   <dt>Element-specific attributes:   <dd>None.   <dt>Predefined classes that apply to this element:   <dd><code title=class-error><a href="#error0">error</a></code>, <code    title=class-example><a href="#example1">example</a></code>, <code    title=class-issue><a href="#issue0">issue</a></code>, <code    title=class-note><a href="#note0">note</a></code>, <code    title=class-search><a href="#search1">search</a></code>, <code    title=class-warning><a href="#warning0">warning</a></code>   <dt>DOM interface:   <dd>No difference from <code><a    href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  </dl>  <p>The <code><a href="#div0">div</a></code> element represents nothing at   all. It can be used with the <code title=attr-class><a   href="#class6">class</a></code>, <code title=attr-lang><a   href="#lang0">lang</a></code>/<code title=attr-xml-lang><a   href="#xmllang0">xml:lang</a></code>, and <code title=attr-title><a   href="#title1">title</a></code> attributes to mark up semantics common to   a group of consecutive elements.  <h2 id=processing-models><span class=secno>4. </span>Processing models</h2>  <h3 id=navigating><span class=secno>4.1. </span>Navigating across documents</h3>  <p><em>This section only applies to Web browsers.</em></p>  <!-- XXX or should it? should conformance checkers do the whole content-type sniffing thing? -->  <!-- http://blogs.msdn.com/rssteam/articles/PublishersGuide.aspx http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/browser/components/feeds/src/nsFeedSniffer.cpp#192-->  <p>Web browsers operate on <a href="#browsing" title="browsing   context">browsing contexts</a>, which have a <em><a   href="#session0">session history</a></em>.  <p>Certain actions cause the browsing context to <em>navigate</em> to a new   document. A new document could be an HTML or XML <code>Document</code>,   with a DOM, or it could be an image, or some other content. The new   resource in question could have a URI, or it could be anonymous, for   example a new document generated using the <code   title=dom-document-write><a   href="#document.write">document.write()</a></code> API.</p>  <!-- that is, window.open() followed by document.open()  followed by document.write(), i guess XXX -->  <p>In addition, a particular resource can have multiple entries in the   session history of a browsing context.  <p>The requirements that the session history concept puts on user agents   are defined in <a href="#history">the session history and navigation   section</a>, which is structured around the APIs provided for scripts to   interact with the session history.  <p><em>This</em> section discusses the various types of content that a user   agent may find itself requested to dispay in a content area, and covers   how those types of content should be handled.  <p class=big-issue>This section will end up defining what the UA should do   when the user clicks a link, types a link in the address bar, uses a   bookmark, etc. This will probably involve being honest about the fact that   UAs typically content sniff for RSS/Atom feeds at this point. It should   also reference the <code title=dom-navigator-registerProtocolHandler><a   href="#registerprotocolhandler">registerProtocolHandler</a></code> and   <code title=dom-navigator-registerContentHandler><a   href="#registercontenthandler">registerContentHandler</a></code> methods   and their stuff. Also involves the session history and bfcache (there's a   separate section on that though).</p>  <!--   XXX HTTP Content-Type handling?   http://www.25hoursaday.com/weblog/   http://www.alvestrand.no/pipermail/ietf-types/2006-April/001707.html   http://ln.hixie.ch/?start=1144794177AMPERSANDcount=1   http://www.intertwingly.net/blog/2006/04/13/Dont-throw-charset-out-with-the-bathwater-->  <!-- XXX continue ... -->  <p class=big-issue>Must define the interaction of this with   document.write() pages and navigating to javascript: URIs.  <p class=big-issue>Must define that the global scope is cleared/put back   when navigating, so that Window objects from other windows looking at this   one see the attributes change when the page navigates; this does/doesn't   affect .watch(); make sure the .back()/.forward() definitions refer to   this section.  <h4 id=determining0><span class=secno>4.1.1. </span>Determining the type of   a new resource in a browsing context</h4>  <p class=big-issue>...</p>  <!--    first dispatch based on content-type:        any type OTHER than:             text/html             text/plain        ...should get honoured        then:         for text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1             text/plain;charset=ISO-8859-1         IF the content contains a character in the range .... in the [first 512 bytes]             -> treat as application/octet-stream? video/*? use extension?         for text/plain, text/html:         walk first 512 bytes as follows.         GO AND ANALYSE SOME OF THESE BABIES!!! Weeeee             [first 512 bytes] means what when you have less than 512 bytes?  -->  <h4 id=read-html><span class=secno>4.1.2. </span>Page load processing model   for HTML files</h4>  <p>When an HTML page<!-- should we say "a resource with a text/html  MIME type? -->   (as opposed to an XML page) is loaded in a <a href="#browsing">browsing   context</a>, the user agent must begin to parse the stream of bytes as   described in <a href="#parsing">the parsing section</a>.  <p class=big-issue>create a <code>Document</code> node, mark it as being an   <a href="#html-" title="HTML documents">HTML document</a>, create an <a   href="#html-0">HTML parser</a>, associate them together, run the parser   while pushing bytes into the end of the input stream, push an explicit EOF   when you have no more bytes, and require the parser to wait for an   explicit EOF in this case (or some equivalent)  <p>This will usually eventually cause a <code title=event-load>load</code>   event to be fired.</p>  <!-- XXX continue... -->  <p class=big-issue>This needs to say that a parser is created, etc.  <h4 id=read-xml><span class=secno>4.1.3. </span>Page load processing model   for XML files</h4>  <p class=big-issue>Must make sure we don't step on the toes of other   specifications.  <h4 id=read-text><span class=secno>4.1.4. </span>Page load processing model   for text files</h4>  <p class=big-issue>Must make sure we don't step on the toes of other   specifications. This section should be referred to by the document.open()   stuff.  <h4 id=read-feed><span class=secno>4.1.5. </span>Page load processing model   for syndication feeds</h4>  <p class=big-issue>...  <h4 id=content-type><span class=secno>4.1.6. </span><dfn   id=content-type1>Content-Type</dfn></h4>  <!-- "explicit Content-Type metadata associated with the resource" -->  <!-- "the resource's type information" -->  <p class=big-issue>This is a placeholder section for some text that will   define exactly how to handle Content-Type headers for top-level browsing   contexts, for AMPERSANDlt;img>, AMPERSANDlt;embed>, AMPERSANDlt;object>, etc; and will cover   things like the fact that on some operating systems the extension of a URI   determines the Content-Type for file:// content, or something.  <h3 id=scripting><span class=secno>4.2. </span>Scripting</h3>  <div class=big-issue>   <p>Here are some of the things I think we should list:</p>   <ul>    <li>onload/onunload events    <li>alert() blocks scripts, even those on timeouts or readystatechange     events   </ul>   <!-- XXX what about event handlers on elements in document A   referring to methods in document A when browsing context holding   document A is moved to document B? Same with executing javascript:   URIs on elements from doc A in that situation -->   </div>  <h4 id=running><span class=secno>4.2.1. </span>Running executable code</h4>  <p>Various mechanisms can cause author-provided executable code to run in   the context of a document. These mechanisms include, but are probably not   limited to:  <ul>   <li>Processing of <code><a href="#script2">script</a></code> elements.   <li>Processing of inline <code title=javascript-scheme>javascript:</code>    URIs (e.g. the <code title=attr-img-src><a href="#src">src</a></code>    attribute of <code><a href="#img0">img</a></code> elements, or an <code    title="">@import</code> rule in a CSS <code><a    href="#style0">style</a></code> element block).   <li>Event handlers, whether registered through the DOM using <code    title="">addEventListener()</code>, by explicit <a href="#event1">event    handler content attributes</a>, by <a href="#event2">event handler DOM    attributes</a>, or otherwise.   <li>Processing of technologies like XBL or SVG that have their own    scripting features.  </ul>  <p>User agents may provide a mechanism to enable or disable the execution   of author-provided code. When the user agent is configured such that   author-provided code does not execute, or if the user agent is implemented   so as to never execute author-provided code, it is said that <dfn   id=scripting1>scripting is disabled</dfn>. When author-provided code   <em>does</em> execute, <dfn id=scripting2>scripting is enabled</dfn>. A   user agent with scripting disabled is a <a href="#non-scripted"   title="User agents with no scripting support">user agent with no scripting   support</a> for the purposes of conformance.  <h4 id=scripting0><span class=secno>4.2.2. </span>Scripting contexts</h4>  <p>Each <code>Document</code> in a <a href="#browsing">browsing context</a>   has an associated <dfn id=scripting3>scripting context</dfn>.  <h4 id=threads><span class=secno>4.2.3. </span>Threads</h4>  <p>Each <a href="#scripting3">scripting context</a> is defined as having a   list of zero or more <dfn id=reachable>reachable scripting contexts</dfn>.   These are:  <ul>   <li>All the <a href="#scripting3" title="scripting context">scripting    contexts</a> of all the <code>Document</code>s in each nested <a    href="#browsing">browsing context</a> inside the scripting context's    <code>Document</code>.   <li>The <a href="#scripting3">scripting context</a> of the    <code>Document</code> that contains the <code>Document</code>'s <a    href="#browsing">browsing context</a>.   <li>All the <a href="#scripting3" title="scripting context">scripting    contexts</a> of all the <code>Document</code>s associated with any <a    href="#top-level" title="top-level browsing context">top-level browsing    contexts</a> that were opened from a <code>Document</code> associated    with the <a href="#scripting3">scripting context</a>'s    <code>Document</code>'s <a href="#browsing">browsing context</a>.   <li>All the <a href="#scripting3" title="scripting context">scripting    contexts</a> of all the <code>Document</code>s associated with the <a    href="#top-level" title="top-level browsing context">top-level browsing    contexts</a> of the <a href="#browsing">browsing context</a> of the    <code><a href="#windowhtml">WindowHTML</a></code> object returned by the    <a href="#scripting3">scripting context</a>'s <code>Document</code>'s    <code><a href="#windowhtml">WindowHTML</a></code>'s <code    title=dom-opener>opener</code> attribute.  </ul>  <p>The transitive closure of all the <a href="#scripting3" title="scripting   context">scripting contexts</a> that are <a href="#reachable">reachable   scripting contexts</a> consists of a <dfn id=unit-of>unit of related   scripting contexts</dfn>.  <p>All the executable code in a <a href="#unit-of">unit of related   scripting contexts</a> must execute on a single conceptual thread. While a   script is executing, no other scripts in that <a href="#unit-of">unit of   related scripting contexts</a> must be started.  <p>Events fired by the user agent in response to user actions must be   queued, as must the execution of any timers. There must be only one queue   per <a href="#unit-of">unit of related scripting contexts</a>. When no   script in the <a href="#unit-of">unit of related scripting contexts</a> is   executing, the oldest entry in the queue must be processed, either by   firing the appropriate event, or by executing the relevant timer callback   code.  <h4 id=scripting-security><span class=secno>4.2.4. </span>The security   model</h4>  <!-- https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=346659 -->  <p><em>Web browser vendors should implement this security model, to provide   Web authors with a consistent development environment that is   interoperable across different implementations. However, implementors may   use any other model if desired.</em>  <p>The security model for Web browsers has grown organically with the   development of the Web, and as such is somewhat unique.  <p>Access to resources and APIs is granted or denied to Web content   (scripts, elements, etc) based on the content's <dfn   id=origin>origin</dfn>. For historical reasons, the mechanism for   determining the <em><a href="#origin">origin</a></em> of a particular   piece of content depends on the nature of the content.  <p class=big-issue>...</p>  <!-- XXX this is a very confused section, so I've commented it out  <p>For <code>Document</code>s:</p>  <dl class="switch">   <dt>If it was served over the network using HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, or   another protocol whose scheme contains a <em>host authority   component</em>:</dt>   <dd>    <p>The resource's origin consists of the scheme, host, and port    parts of the resource's full URI.</p>    <p class="example">For example, if a Web page has the address    <code>https://www.example.com/demo.html</code>, the origin    consists of the tuple "https", "www.example.com", and "443".</p>   </dd>   <dt>If it was created by script...</dt>   <dd>    <p>The resource's origin consists of the scheme, host, and port    parts of the resource's full URI.</p>    <p class="example">For example, if a Web page has the address    <code>https://www.example.com/demo.html</code>, the origin    consists of the tuple "https", "www.example.com", and "443".</p>   </dd>   <dt>A document resource (a <code>Document</code>) that was served   over the network using HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, or another protocol whose   scheme contains a <em>host authority component</em>:</dt>   <dd>    <p>The resource's origin consists of the scheme, host, and port    parts of the resource's full URI.</p>    <p class="example">For example, if a Web page has the address    <code>https://www.example.com/demo.html</code>, the origin    consists of the tuple "https", "www.example.com", and "443".</p>   </dd>   <dt>If the content was generated by script:</dt>   <dd>The content shares the same origin as the script itself.</dd>   <dt>If the content was generated by   </dl>   what other kinds of content do we care about the origin of?   images, for the purpose of <canvas>?   Window objects?-->  <p>The <dfn id=domain0 title="document's domain">domain of a   <code>Document</code> object</dfn> is the domain given by the   <code>hostname</code> attribute of the <code><a   href="#location1">Location</a></code> object returned by the   <code>Document</code> object's <code title=dom-document-location><a   href="#location0">location</a></code> attribute, <em>if</em> that   <code>hostname</code> attribute is not the empty string. <span   class=big-issue>If it is, the domain of the document is UA-defined. For   now.</span> <!-- XXX data: and javascript: URIs  should be relative to the spawning DocumentUI, but we need to make  sure that's a defined concept first. -->   <span class=big-issue>Need to be more correct about where .location is   defined. It's not actually on Document.</span>  <p>The <dfn id=domain1 title="script's domain">domain of a script</dfn> is   the <a href="#domain0" title="document's domain">domain of the   <code>Document</code> object</a> that is returned by the <code   title=dom-document>document</code> attribute of the script's primary   <code>Window</code> object (in UAs that implement ECMAScript, <a   href="#globalScopeObject">that is the global scope object</a>).</p>  <!-- scripting context? -->  <p><dfn id=the-string>The string representing the script's domain in IDNA   format</dfn> is obtained as follows: take the <a href="#domain1">script's   domain</a> and apply the IDNA ToASCII algorithm and then the IDNA   ToUnicode algorithm to each component of the domain name (with both the   AllowUnassigned and UseSTD3ASCIIRules flags set both times). <a   href="#refsRFC3490">[RFC3490]</a> If ToASCII fails to convert one of the   components of the string, e.g. because it is too long or because it   contains invalid characters, then the string representing the script's   domain in IDNA format cannot be obtained. (ToUnicode is defined to never   fail.)  <p class=big-issue>This section is <em>so</em> not complete.  <p class=big-issue>Define <dfn id=security2>security exception</dfn>.  <h4 id=javascript><span class=secno>4.2.5. </span><code>javascript:</code>   URIs</h4>  <p class=big-issue>What's the scripting context for javascript: URIs in   AMPERSANDlt;img src>, AMPERSANDlt;iframe src>, AMPERSANDlt;location.href>, AMPERSANDlt;a href>, @import,   background-image, etc?  <h4 id=runtime-script-errors><span class=secno>4.2.6. </span>Runtime script   errors</h4>  <p>Whenever a runtime script error occurs in one of the scripts associated   with the document, the value of the <dfn   id=onerror><code>onerror</code></dfn> attribute of the <code>window</code>   object (defined on the <code><a href="#windowhtml">WindowHTML</a></code>   interface of that object), must be processed, as follows:  <dl class=switch>   <dt>If the value is a function   <dd>    <p>The function referenced by the <code><a     href="#onerror">onerror</a></code> attribute must be invoked with three     arguments, before notifying the user of the error.</p>    <p>The three arguments passed to the function are all     <code>DOMString</code>s; the first must give the message that the UA is     considering reporting, the second must give the URI to the resource in     which the error occured, and the third must give the line number in that     resource on which the error occured.</p>    <p>If the function returns false, then the error should not be reported     to the user. Otherwise, if the function returns another value (or does     not return at all), the error should be reported to the user.</p>    <p>Any exceptions thrown or errors caused by this function must be     reported to the user immediately after the error that the function was     called for, without calling the function again.</p>   <dt>If the value is <code>null</code>   <dd>    <p>The error should not reported to the user.</p>   <dt>If the value is anything else   <dd>    <p>The error should be reported to the user.</p>  </dl>  <p>The initial value of <code><a href="#onerror">onerror</a></code> must be   <code>undefined</code>.  <h4 id=events><span class=secno>4.2.7. </span>Events</h4>  <h5 id=event-handler-attributes><span class=secno> </span>Event   handler attributes</h5>  <p><a href="#html-elements">HTML elements</a> can have event handler   attributes specified. These act as bubbling event listeners for the   element on which they are specified.  <p>Each event handler attribute has two parts, an <a href="#event1"   title="event handler content attributes">event handler content   attribute</a> and an <a href="#event2" title="event handler DOM   attributes">event handler DOM attribute</a>. Event handler attributes must   initially be set to null. When their value changes (through the changing   of their event handler content attribute or their event handler DOM   attribute), they will either be null, or have an   <code>EventListener</code> object assigned to them.  <p id=js-function-listener>In the ECMAScript DOM binding, the ECMAScript   native <code>Function</code> type must implement the   <code>EventListener</code> interface such that invoking the   <code>handleEvent()</code> method of that interface on the object from   another language binding invokes the function itself, with the   <code>event</code> argument as its only argument. In the ECMAScript   binding itself, however, the <code>handleEvent()</code> method of the   interface is not directly accessible on <code>Function</code> objects.   Such functions, when invoked, must be called in the global   scope<!-- XXX which global scope? -->. If the function returns false, the   event's <code>preventDefault()</code> method must then invoked. Exception:   for historical reasons, for the HTML <code>mouseover</code> event, the   <code>preventDefault()</code> method must be called when the function   returns true instead.  <p><dfn id=event1>Event handler content attributes</dfn>, when specified,   must contain valid ECMAScript code matching the ECMAScript <code   title="">FunctionBody</code> production. <a   href="#refsECMA262">[ECMA262]</a>  <p class=issue>How do we allow non-JS event handlers?  <p>When an event handler content attribute is set, its new value must be   interpreted as the body of an anonymous function with a single argument   called <code>event</code>, with the new function's scope chain being   linked from the activation object of the handler, to the element, to the   element's <code>form</code> element if it is a form control, to the   <code>Document</code> object, to the <span>global scope</span>. The   function's <code>this</code> parameter must be the <code>Element</code>   object representing the element. The resulting function must then be set   as the value of the corresponding event handler attribute, and the new   value must be set as the value of the content attribute. If the given   function body fails to compile, then the corresponding event handler   attribute must be set to null instead (the content attribute must still be   updated to the new value, though).  <p class=note>See ECMA262 Edition 3, sections 10.1.6 and 10.2.3, for more   details on activation objects. <a href="#refsECMA262">[ECMA262]</a>  <p><dfn id=event2>Event handler DOM attributes</dfn>, on setting, must set   the corresponding event handler attribute to their new value, and on   getting, must return whatever the current value of the corresponding event   handler attribute is (possibly null).  <p>The following are the event handler attributes that must be supported by   all <a href="#html-elements">HTML elements</a>, as both content attributes   and DOM attributes:  <dl>   <dt><dfn id=onclick title=handler-onclick><code>onclick</code></dfn>   <dd>Must be invoked whenever a <code title=event-click>click</code> event    is targetted at or bubbles through the element.   <dt>...more events...  </dl>  <h5 id=event><span class=secno> </span>Event firing</h5>  <p class=big-issue>maybe _this_ should be moved higher up (terminology?   conformance? DOM?)  <p>Certain operations and methods are defined as firing events on elements.   For example, the <code title=dom-click><a href="#click">click()</a></code>   method on the <code><a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>   interface is defined as firing a <code title=event-click>click</code>   event on the element. <a href="#refsDOM3EVENTS">[DOM3EVENTS]</a>  <p><dfn id=firing title="fire a click event">Firing a <code   title=event-click>click</code> event</dfn> means that a <a   href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events/events.html#event-click"><code>click</code></a>   event in the <code>http://www.w3.org/2001/xml-events</code> namespace,   which bubbles and is cancelable, and which uses the   <code>MouseEvent</code> interface, must be dispatched at the given   element. The event object must have its <code title="">screenX</code>,   <code title="">screenY</code>, <code title="">clientX</code>, <code   title="">clientY</code>, and <code title="">button</code> attributes set   to 0, its <code title="">ctrlKey</code>, <code title="">shiftKey</code>,   <code title="">altKey</code>, and <code title="">metaKey</code> attributes   set according to the current state of the key input device, if any (false   for any keys that are not available), its <code title="">detail</code>   attribute set to 1, and its <code title="">relatedTarget</code> attribute   set to null. The <code title="">getModifierState()</code> method on the   object must return values appropriately describing the state of the key   input device at the time the event is created.  <p><dfn id=firing0 title="fire a change event">Firing a <code   title=event-change>change</code> event</dfn> means that a <a   href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events/events.html#event-change"><code>change</code></a>   event in the <code>http://www.w3.org/2001/xml-events</code> namespace,   which bubbles but is not cancelable, and which uses the <code>Event</code>   interface, must be dispatched at the given element. The event object must   have its <code title="">detail</code> attribute set to 0.  <p><dfn id=firing1 title="fire a contextmenu event">Firing a <code   title=event-contextmenu>contextmenu</code> event</dfn> means that a <code   title=event-contextmenu>contextmenu</code> event in the   <code>http://www.w3.org/2001/xml-events</code> namespace, which bubbles   and is cancelable, and which uses the <code>Event</code> interface, must   be dispatched at the given element. The event object must have its <code   title="">detail</code> attribute set to 0.  <p><dfn id=firing2 title="fire a simple event">Firing a simple event called   <var title="">e</var></dfn> means that an event with the name <var   title="">e</var>, in the <code>http://www.w3.org/2001/xml-events</code>   namespace, which does not bubble but is cancelable, and which uses the   <code>Event</code> interface, must be dispatched at the given element. The   event object must have its <code title="">detail</code> attribute set to   0.  <p><dfn id=firing3 title="fire a show event">Firing a <code   title=event-show>show</code> event</dfn> means <a href="#firing2"   title="fire a simple event">firing a simple event called <code   title=event-show>show</code></a>. <dfn id=firing4 title="fire a load   event">Firing a <code title=event-load>load</code> event</dfn> means <a   href="#firing2" title="fire a simple event">firing a simple event called   <code title=event-load>load</code></a>. <dfn id=firing5 title="fire an   error event">Firing an <code title=event-error>error</code> event</dfn>   means <a href="#firing2" title="fire a simple event">firing a simple event   called <code title=event-error>error</code></a>.</p>  <!-- XXX need to define the dispatching of DOMActivate -->  <p>The default action of these event is to do nothing unless otherwise   stated.  <p class=big-issue>If you dispatch a custom "click" event at an element   that would normally have default actions, they should get triggered. We   need to go through the entire spec and make sure that any default actions   are defined in terms of <em>any</em> event of the right type on that   element, not those that are dispatched in expected ways.  <h5 id=event-handling><span class=secno> </span>Event handling</h5>  <p class=big-issue>We need a section to define how events all work, default   actions, etc. For example, how does clicking on a span in a link that is   in another link actually cause a link to be followed? which one? (where   should this section be?)  <h3 id=links><span class=secno>4.3. </span>Links</h3>  <h4 id=hyperlink><span class=secno>4.3.1. </span>Hyperlink elements</h4>  <p>The <code><a href="#a0">a</a></code>, <code><a   href="#area0">area</a></code>, and <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code>   elements can, in certain situations described in the definitions of those   elements, represent <dfn id=hyperlinks title=hyperlink>hyperlinks</dfn>.  <p>The <dfn id=href5 title=attr-hyperlink-href><code>href</code></dfn>   attribute on a hyperlink element must have a value that is a URI (or IRI).   This URI is the <em>destination resource</em> of the hyperlink.  <div class=note>   <p>The <code title="">href</code> attribute on <code><a    href="#a0">a</a></code> and <code><a href="#area0">area</a></code>    elements is not required; when those elements do not have <code    title="">href</code> attributes they do not represent hyperlinks.</p>   <p>The <code title=attr-link-href><a href="#href1">href</a></code>    attribute on the <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code> element    <em>is</em> required, but whether a <code><a    href="#link0">link</a></code> element represents a hyperlink or not    depends on the value of the <code title=attr-link-rel><a    href="#rel">rel</a></code> attribute of that element.</p>  </div>  <p>For <code><a href="#a0">a</a></code> and <code><a   href="#area0">area</a></code> elements that represent hyperlinks, the   relationship between the document containing the hyperlink and the   destination resource indicated by the hyperlink is given by the value of   the element's <dfn id=rel3 title=attr-hyperlink-rel><code>rel</code></dfn>   attribute. The <a href="#linkTypes">allowed values and their meanings</a>   are defined below. The <code title=attr-hyperlink-rel><a   href="#rel3">rel</a></code> attribute has no default value. If the   attribute is omitted or if none of the values in the attribute are   recognised by the UA, then the document has no particular relationship   with the destination resource other than there being a hyperlink between   the two.  <p>The <dfn id=media5 title=attr-hyperlink-media><code>media</code></dfn>   attribute describes for which media the target document was designed. It   is purely advisory. The value must be a valid media query. <a   href="#refsMQ">[MQ]</a> The default, if the <code   title=attr-hyperlink-media><a href="#media5">media</a></code> attribute is   omitted or has an invalid value, is <code>all</code>.  <p>The <dfn id=hreflang3   title=attr-hyperlink-hreflang><code>hreflang</code></dfn> attribute on   hyperlink elements, if present, gives the language of the linked resource.   It is purely advisory. The value must be a valid RFC 3066 language code.   <a href="#refsRFC3066">[RFC3066]</a> User agents must not consider this   attribute authoritative AMPERSANDmdash; upon fetching the resource, user agents   must only use language information associated with the resource to   determine its language, not metadata included in the link to the resource.  <p>The <dfn id=type14 title=attr-hyperlink-type><code>type</code></dfn>   attribute, if present, gives the MIME type of the linked resource. It is   purely advisory. The value must be a valid MIME type, optionally with   parameters. <a href="#refsRFC2046">[RFC2046]</a> User agents must not   consider the <code title=attr-hyperlink-type><a   href="#type14">type</a></code> attribute authoritative AMPERSANDmdash; upon   fetching the resource, user agents must only use <a href="#content-type1"   title=Content-Type>the Content-Type information associated with the   resource</a> to determine its type, not metadata included in the link to   the resource.  <p>The <dfn id=ping title=attr-hyperlink-ping><code>ping</code></dfn>   attribute, if present, gives the URIs of the resources that are interested   in being notified if the user follows the hyperlink. The value must be a   space separated list of one or more URIs. The value is used by the user   agent when <a href="#following1">following hyperlinks</a>.  <h4 id=following><span class=secno>4.3.2. </span><dfn   id=following1>Following hyperlinks</dfn></h4>  <p class=big-issue><a href="#following1" title="following   hyperlinks">following hyperlinks</a> defined here</p>  <!-- XXX default action of DOMActivate -->  <!-- (doing this for 'trusted' events only must be allowed) -->  <p>If an <code><a href="#a0">a</a></code> or <code><a   href="#area0">area</a></code> hyperlink element has a <code   title=attr-hyperlink-ping><a href="#ping">ping</a></code> attribute and   the user follows the hyperlink, the user agent must take the <code   title=attr-hyperlink-ping><a href="#ping">ping</a></code> attribute's   value, strip leading and trailing <a href="#space" title="space   character">spaces</a>, split the value on sequences of spaces, treat each   resulting part as a URI (resolving relative URIs according to element's   base URI) and then should send a request to each of the resulting URIs.   This may be done in parallel with the primary request, and is independent   of the result of that request.  <p>User agents should allow the user to adjust this behaviour, for example   in conjunction with a setting that disables the sending of HTTP Referrer   headers. Based on the user's preferences, UAs may either <a   href="#ignored">ignore</a> the <code title=attr-hyperlink-ping><a   href="#ping">ping</a></code> attribute altogether, or selectively ignore   URIs in the list (e.g. ignoring any third-party URIs).  <p>For URIs that are HTTP URIs, the requests must be performed using the   POST method (with an empty entity body in the request). User agents must   ignore any entity bodies returned in the responses, but must, unless   otherwise specified by the user, honour the HTTP headers AMPERSANDmdash; in   particular, HTTP cookie headers. <a href="#refsRFC2965">[RFC2965]</a>  <p class=note>To save bandwidth, implementors might wish to consider   omitting optional headers such as <code>Accept</code> from these requests.  <p>When the <code title=attr-hyperlink-ping><a href="#ping">ping</a></code>   attribute is present, user agents should clearly indicate to the user that   following the hyperlink will also cause secondary requests to be sent in   the background, possibly including listing the actual target URIs.  <div class=note>   <p>The <code title=attr-hyperlink-ping><a href="#ping">ping</a></code>    attribute is redundant with pre-existing technologies like HTTP redirects    and JavaScript in allowing Web pages to track which off-site links are    most popular or allowing advertisers to track click-through rates.</p>   <p>However, the <code title=attr-hyperlink-ping><a    href="#ping">ping</a></code> attribute provides these advantages to the    user over those alternatives:</p>   <ul>    <li>It allows the user to see the final target URI unobscured.    <li>It allows the UA to inform the user about the out-of-band     notifications.    <li>It allows the paranoid user to disable the notifications without     losing the underlying link functionality.    <li>It allows the UA to optimise the use of available network bandwidth     so that the target page loads faster.   </ul>   <p>Thus, while it is possible to track users without this feature, authors    are encouraged to use the <code title=attr-hyperlink-ping><a    href="#ping">ping</a></code> attribute so that the user agent can improve    <!-- XXX optimise? --> the user experience.</p>   <!--   XXX need a better way to end that sentence. It's what I mean, but   it sounds kooky. -->   </div>  <h4 id=linkTypes><span class=secno>4.3.3. </span>Link types</h4>  <p>The following table summarises the link types that are defined by this   specification. This table is non-normative; the actual definitions for the   link types are given in the next few sections.  <p>In this section, the term <em>referenced document</em> refers to the   resource identified by the element representing the link, and the term   <em>current document</em> refers to the resource within which the element   representing the link finds itself.  <table>   <thead>    <tr>     <th rowspan=2>Link type     <th colspan=2>Effect on...     <th rowspan=2>Brief description    <tr>     <th><code><a href="#link0">link</a></code>     <th><code><a href="#a0">a</a></code> and <code><a      href="#area0">area</a></code>   <tbody>    <tr>     <td><code title=rel-alternate><a href="#alternate0">alternate</a></code></td>     <!-- second most used <link rel> value -->     <td><a href="#hyperlink0" title="hyperlink link">Hyperlink</a>     <td><a href="#hyperlinks">Hyperlink</a>     <td>Gives alternate representations of the current document.    <tr>     <td><code title=rel-archives><a href="#archives0">archives</a></code>     <td><a href="#hyperlink0" title="hyperlink link">Hyperlink</a>     <td><a href="#hyperlinks">Hyperlink</a>     <td>Provides a link to a collection of records, documents, or other      materials of historical interest.    <tr>     <td><code title=rel-author><a href="#author0">author</a></code>     <td><a href="#hyperlink0" title="hyperlink link">Hyperlink</a>     <td><a href="#hyperlinks">Hyperlink</a>     <td>Gives a link to the current document's author.    <tr>     <td><code title=rel-bookmark><a href="#bookmark0">bookmark</a></code></td>     <!-- fourth most used <a rel> value -->     <td><em>not allowed</em>     <td><a href="#hyperlinks">Hyperlink</a>     <td>Gives the permalink for the nearest ancestor section.    <tr>     <td><code title=rel-contact><a href="#contact0">contact</a></code></td>     <!-- 8th most used <a rel> value -->     <td><a href="#hyperlink0" title="hyperlink link">Hyperlink</a>     <td><a href="#hyperlinks">Hyperlink</a>     <td>Gives a link to contact information for the current document.    <tr>     <td><code title=rel-external><a href="#external0">external</a></code></td>     <!-- fifth and sixth most used <a rel> value (sixth is "external nofollow") -->     <td><em>not allowed</em>     <td><a href="#hyperlinks">Hyperlink</a>     <td>Indicates that the referenced document is not part of the same site      as the current document.    <tr>     <td><code title=rel-feed><a href="#feed0">feed</a></code>     <td><a href="#hyperlink0" title="hyperlink link">Hyperlink</a>     <td><a href="#hyperlinks">Hyperlink</a>     <td>Gives the address of a syndication feed for the current document.    <tr>     <td><code title=rel-first><a href="#first0">first</a></code>     <td><a href="#hyperlink0" title="hyperlink link">Hyperlink</a>     <td><a href="#hyperlinks">Hyperlink</a>     <td>Indicates that the current document is a part of a series, and that      the first document in the series is the referenced document.    <tr>     <td><code title=rel-help><a href="#help0">help</a></code>     <td><a href="#hyperlink0" title="hyperlink link">Hyperlink</a>     <td><a href="#hyperlinks">Hyperlink</a>     <td>Provides a link to context-sensitive help.    <tr>     <td><code title=rel-icon><a href="#icon2">icon</a></code></td>     <!-- link rel="shortcut icon" and its ilk are the fourth, sixth, and ninth most used values -->     <td><a href="#links1" title="external resource link">External      Resource</a>     <td><em>not allowed</em>     <td>Imports an icon to represent the current document.    <tr>     <td><code title=rel-index><a href="#index0">index</a></code></td>     <!-- used more than "top" and "contents" on <link> (though on <a>, "contents" wins) -->     <td><a href="#hyperlink0" title="hyperlink link">Hyperlink</a>     <td><a href="#hyperlinks">Hyperlink</a>     <td>Gives a link to the document that provides a table of contents or      index listing the current document.    <tr>     <td><code title=rel-last><a href="#last0">last</a></code>     <td><a href="#hyperlink0" title="hyperlink link">Hyperlink</a>     <td><a href="#hyperlinks">Hyperlink</a>     <td>Indicates that the current document is a part of a series, and that      the last document in the series is the referenced document.    <tr>     <td><code title=rel-license><a href="#license0">license</a></code></td>     <!-- seventh most used <a rel> value -->     <td><a href="#hyperlink0" title="hyperlink link">Hyperlink</a>     <td><a href="#hyperlinks">Hyperlink</a>     <td>Indicates that the current document is covered by the copyright      license described by the referenced document.    <tr>     <td><code title=rel-next><a href="#next0">next</a></code>     <td><a href="#hyperlink0" title="hyperlink link">Hyperlink</a>     <td><a href="#hyperlinks">Hyperlink</a>     <td>Indicates that the current document is a part of a series, and that      the next document in the series is the referenced document.    <tr>     <td><code title=rel-nofollow><a href="#nofollow0">nofollow</a></code></td>     <!-- most used <a rel> value (and sixth most used is "external nofollow") -->     <td><em>not allowed</em>     <td><a href="#hyperlinks">Hyperlink</a>     <td>Indicates that the current document's original author or publisher      does not endorse the referenced document.    <tr>     <td><code title=rel-pingback><a href="#pingback0">pingback</a></code>     <td><a href="#links1" title="external resource link">External      Resource</a>     <td><em>not allowed</em>     <td>Gives the address of the pingback server that handles pingbacks to      the current document.    <tr>     <td><code title=rel-prefetch><a href="#prefetch0">prefetch</a></code>     <td><a href="#links1" title="external resource link">External      Resource</a>     <td><em>not allowed</em>     <td>Specifies that the target resource should be pre-emptively cached.    <tr>     <td><code title=rel-prev><a href="#prev0">prev</a></code></td>     <!-- prev is used more than previous -->     <td><a href="#hyperlink0" title="hyperlink link">Hyperlink</a>     <td><a href="#hyperlinks">Hyperlink</a>     <td>Indicates that the current document is a part of a series, and that      the previous document in the series is the referenced document.    <tr>     <td><code title=rel-search><a href="#search2">search</a></code></td>     <!-- used quite a bit -->     <td><a href="#hyperlink0" title="hyperlink link">Hyperlink</a>     <td><a href="#hyperlinks">Hyperlink</a>     <td>Gives a link to a resource that can be used to search through the      current document and its related pages.    <tr>     <td><code title=rel-stylesheet><a      href="#stylesheet0">stylesheet</a></code></td>     <!-- most commonly used <link rel> value, variants came in 7th, 8th, 12th, 17th... -->     <td><a href="#links1" title="external resource link">External      Resource</a>     <td><em>not allowed</em>     <td>Imports a stylesheet.    <tr>     <td><code title=rel-sidebar><a href="#sidebar0">sidebar</a></code></td>     <!-- used quite a bit -->     <td><a href="#hyperlink0" title="hyperlink link">Hyperlink</a>     <td><a href="#hyperlinks">Hyperlink</a>     <td>Specifies that the referenced document, if retrieved, is intended to      be shown in the browser's sidebar (if it has one).    <tr>     <td><code title=rel-tag><a href="#tag0">tag</a></code></td>     <!-- second and third most used <a rel> value (third is technically "category tag"). -->     <td><a href="#hyperlink0" title="hyperlink link">Hyperlink</a>     <td><a href="#hyperlinks">Hyperlink</a>     <td>Gives a tag (identified by the given address) that applies to the      current document.    <tr>     <td><code title=rel-up><a href="#up0">up</a></code>     <td><a href="#hyperlink0" title="hyperlink link">Hyperlink</a>     <td><a href="#hyperlinks">Hyperlink</a>     <td>Provides a link to a document giving the context for the current      document.  </table>  <p>Some of the types described below list synonyms for these values. These   are to be handled as specified by user agents, but must not be used in   documents.</p>  <!--XXX  issues for rel="", etc:   rel="alternate stylesheet"   rel="script"   rel="related" // see also   which relationship combinations are allowed   what multiple values might mean (multiple <a rel="top"> in the same document)   http://www.euronet.nl/~tekelenb/WWW/LINK/   http://shift.freezope.org/konq_rellinks/development_html   http://hixie.ch/specs/html/link/001   http://hixie.ch/specs/html/link/002   http://www.hixie.ch/specs/html/metadata   what UAs are supposed to do with this   do something about http://microformats.org/wiki/rel-enclosurempt says:> "As with <a> elements, when <link> elements that use these relationships    > are present, UAs should render them. As with <a> elements, when <link>> elements that use these relationships do not exist, UAs should not> render them. UAs should not make <link> rendering any easier to hide> than <a> rendering."      -->  <h5 id=link-type><span class=secno> </span>Link type "<dfn   id=alternate0 title=rel-alternate><code>alternate</code></dfn>"</h5>  <p>The <code title=rel-alternate><a href="#alternate0">alternate</a></code>   keyword may be used with <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code>, <code><a   href="#a0">a</a></code>, and <code><a href="#area0">area</a></code>   elements. For <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code> elements, if the   <code title=attr-link-rel><a href="#rel">rel</a></code> attribute does not   also contain the keyword <code title=rel-stylesheet><a   href="#stylesheet0">stylesheet</a></code>, it creates a <a   href="#hyperlink0" title="hyperlink link">hyperlink</a>; but if it   <em>does</em> also contains the keyword <code title=rel-stylesheet><a   href="#stylesheet0">stylesheet</a></code>, the <code   title=rel-alternate><a href="#alternate0">alternate</a></code> keyword   instead modifies the meaning of the <code title=rel-stylesheet><a   href="#stylesheet0">stylesheet</a></code> keyword in the way described for   that keyword, and the rest of this subsection doesn't apply.  <p>The <code title=rel-alternate><a href="#alternate0">alternate</a></code>   keyword indicates that the referenced document is an alternate   representation of the current document.  <p>The nature of the referenced document is given by the <code   title=attr-hyperlink-media><a href="#media5">media</a></code>, <code   title=attr-hyperlink-hreflang><a href="#hreflang3">hreflang</a></code>,   and <code title=attr-hyperlink-type><a href="#type14">type</a></code>   attributes.  <p>If the <code title=rel-alternate><a   href="#alternate0">alternate</a></code> keyword is used with the <code   title=attr-hyperlink-media><a href="#media5">media</a></code> attribute,   it indicates that the referenced document is intended for use with the   media specified.  <p>If the <code title=rel-alternate><a   href="#alternate0">alternate</a></code> keyword is used with the <code   title=attr-hyperlink-hreflang><a href="#hreflang3">hreflang</a></code>   attribute, it indicates that the referenced document is a translation.  <p>If the <code title=rel-alternate><a   href="#alternate0">alternate</a></code> keyword is used with the <code   title=attr-hyperlink-type><a href="#type14">type</a></code> attribute, it   indicates that the referenced document is a reformulation of the current   document in the specified format.  <p>If the <code title=rel-alternate><a   href="#alternate0">alternate</a></code> keyword is used with the <code   title=attr-hyperlink-type><a href="#type14">type</a></code> attribute set   to the value <code title="">application/rss+xml</code> or the value <code   title="">application/atom+xml</code>, then the user agent must treat the   link as it would if it had the <code title=rel-feed><a   href="#feed0">feed</a></code> keyword specified as well.  <p>The <code title=rel-alternate><a href="#alternate0">alternate</a></code>   link relationship is transitive AMPERSANDmdash; that is, if a document links to   two other documents with the link type "<code title=rel-alternate><a   href="#alternate0">alternate</a></code>", then, in addition to implying   that those documents are alternative representations of the first   document, it is also implying that those two documents are alternative   representations of each other.  <h5 id=link-type0><span class=secno> </span>Link type "<dfn   id=archives0 title=rel-archives><code>archives</code></dfn>"</h5>  <p>The <code title=rel-archives><a href="#archives0">archives</a></code>   keyword may be used with <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code>, <code><a   href="#a0">a</a></code>, and <code><a href="#area0">area</a></code>   elements. For <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code> elements, it creates   a <a href="#hyperlink0" title="hyperlink link">hyperlink</a>.  <p>The <code title=rel-archives><a href="#archives0">archives</a></code>   keyword indicates that the referenced document describes a collection of   records, documents, or other materials of historical interest.  <p class=example>A blog's index page could link to an index of the blog's   past posts with <code title="">rel="archives"</code>.  <p><strong>Synonyms</strong>: For historical reasons, user agents must also   treat the keyword "<code title="">archive</code>" like the <code   title=rel-archives><a href="#archives0">archives</a></code> keyword.  <h5 id=link-type1><span class=secno> </span>Link type "<dfn   id=author0 title=rel-author><code>author</code></dfn>"</h5>  <p>The <code title=rel-author><a href="#author0">author</a></code> keyword   may be used with <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code>, <code><a   href="#a0">a</a></code>, and <code><a href="#area0">area</a></code>   elements. For <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code> elements, it creates   a <a href="#hyperlink0" title="hyperlink link">hyperlink</a>.  <p>For <code><a href="#a0">a</a></code> and <code><a   href="#area0">area</a></code> elements, the <code title=rel-author><a   href="#author0">author</a></code> keyword indicates that the referenced   document provides further information about the author of the section that   the element defining the hyperlink <a href="#applyToSection">applies</a>   to.  <p>For <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code> elements, the <code   title=rel-author><a href="#author0">author</a></code> keyword indicates   that the referenced document provides further information about the author   for the page as a whole.  <p class=note>The "referenced document" can be, and often is, a <code   title="">mailto:</code> URI giving the e-mail address of the author. <a   href="#refsMAILTO">[MAILTO]</a>  <p><strong>Synonyms</strong>: For historical reasons, user agents must also   treat <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code>, <code><a   href="#a0">a</a></code>, and <code><a href="#area0">area</a></code>   elements that have a <code title="">rev</code> attribute with the value   "<code>made</code>" as having the <code title=rel-author><a   href="#author0">author</a></code> keyword specified as a link   relationship.  <h5 id=link-type2><span class=secno> </span>Link type "<dfn   id=bookmark0 title=rel-bookmark><code>bookmark</code></dfn>"</h5>  <p>The <code title=rel-bookmark><a href="#bookmark0">bookmark</a></code>   keyword may be used with <code><a href="#a0">a</a></code> and <code><a   href="#area0">area</a></code> elements.  <p>The <code title=rel-bookmark><a href="#bookmark0">bookmark</a></code>   keyword gives a permalink for the nearest ancestor <code><a   href="#article0">article</a></code> element of the linking element in   question, or of <a href="#associatedSection">the section the linking   element is most closely associated with</a>, if there are no ancestor   <code><a href="#article0">article</a></code> elements.  <div class=example>   <p>The following snippet has three permalinks. A user agent could    determine which permalink applies to which part of the spec by looking at    where the permalinks are given.</p>   <pre> ... AMPERSANDlt;body>  AMPERSANDlt;h1>Example of permalinksAMPERSANDlt;/h1>  AMPERSANDlt;div id="a">   AMPERSANDlt;h2>First exampleAMPERSANDlt;/h2>   AMPERSANDlt;p>AMPERSANDlt;a href="a.html" rel="bookmark">ThisAMPERSANDlt;/a> permalink applies to   only the content from the first H2 to the second H2. The DIV isn't   exactly that section, but it roughly corresponds to it.AMPERSANDlt;/p>  AMPERSANDlt;/div>  AMPERSANDlt;h2>Second exampleAMPERSANDlt;/h2>  AMPERSANDlt;article id="b">   AMPERSANDlt;p>AMPERSANDlt;a href="b.html" rel="bookmark">ThisAMPERSANDlt;/a> permalink applies to   the outer ARTICLE element (which could be, e.g., a blog post).AMPERSANDlt;/p>   AMPERSANDlt;article id="c">    AMPERSANDlt;p>AMPERSANDlt;a href="c.html" rel="bookmark">ThisAMPERSANDlt;/a> permalink applies to    the inner ARTICLE element (which could be, e.g., a blog comment).AMPERSANDlt;/p>   AMPERSANDlt;/article>  AMPERSANDlt;/article> AMPERSANDlt;/body> ...</pre>  </div>  <h5 id=link-type3><span class=secno> </span>Link type "<dfn   id=contact0 title=rel-contact><code>contact</code></dfn>"</h5>  <p>The <code title=rel-contact><a href="#contact0">contact</a></code>   keyword may be used with <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code>, <code><a   href="#a0">a</a></code>, and <code><a href="#area0">area</a></code>   elements. For <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code> elements, it creates   a <a href="#hyperlink0" title="hyperlink link">hyperlink</a>.  <p>For <code><a href="#a0">a</a></code> and <code><a   href="#area0">area</a></code> elements, the <code title=rel-contact><a   href="#contact0">contact</a></code> keyword indicates that the referenced   document provides further contact information for the section that the   element defining the hyperlink <a href="#applyToSection">applies</a> to.  <p>User agents must treat any hyperlink in an <code><a   href="#address0">address</a></code> element as having the <code   title=rel-contact><a href="#contact0">contact</a></code> link type   specified.  <p>For <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code> elements, the <code   title=rel-contact><a href="#contact0">contact</a></code> keyword indicates   that the referenced document provides further contact information for the   page as a whole.  <h5 id=link-type4><span class=secno> </span>Link type "<dfn   id=external0 title=rel-external><code>external</code></dfn>"</h5>  <p>The <code title=rel-external><a href="#external0">external</a></code>   keyword may be used with <code><a href="#a0">a</a></code> and <code><a   href="#area0">area</a></code> elements.  <p>The <code title=rel-external><a href="#external0">external</a></code>   keyword indicates that the link is leading to a document that is not part   of the site that the current document forms a part of.  <h5 id=link-type5><span class=secno> </span>Link type "<dfn   id=feed0 title=rel-feed><code>feed</code></dfn>"</h5>  <p>The <code title=rel-feed><a href="#feed0">feed</a></code> keyword may be   used with <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code>, <code><a   href="#a0">a</a></code>, and <code><a href="#area0">area</a></code>   elements. For <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code> elements, it creates   a <a href="#hyperlink0" title="hyperlink link">hyperlink</a>.  <p>The <code title=rel-feed><a href="#feed0">feed</a></code> keyword   indicates that the referenced document is a syndication feed. If the <code   title=rel-alternate><a href="#alternate0">alternate</a></code> link type   is also specified, then the feed is specifically the feed for the current   document; otherwise, the feed is just a syndication feed, not necessarily   associated with a particular Web page.  <p>The first <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code>, <code><a   href="#a0">a</a></code>, or <code><a href="#area0">area</a></code> element   in the document (in tree order) that creates a hyperlink with the link   type <code title=rel-feed><a href="#feed0">feed</a></code> must be treated   as the default syndication feed for the purposes of feed autodiscovery.  <p class=note>The <code title=rel-feed><a href="#feed0">feed</a></code>   keyword is implied by the <code title=rel-alternate><a   href="#alternate0">alternate</a></code> link type in certain cases (q.v.).  <div class=example>   <p>The following two <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code> elements are    equivalent: both give the syndication feed for the current page:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" href="data.xml"></pre>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;link rel="feed alternate" href="data.xml"></pre>   <p>The following extract offers various different syndication feeds:</p>   <pre> AMPERSANDlt;p>You can access the planets database using Atom feeds:AMPERSANDlt;/p> AMPERSANDlt;ul>  AMPERSANDlt;li>AMPERSANDlt;a href="recently-visited-planets.xml" rel="feed">Recently Visited PlanetsAMPERSANDlt;/a>AMPERSANDlt;/li>  AMPERSANDlt;li>AMPERSANDlt;a href="known-bad-planets.xml" rel="feed">Known Bad PlanetsAMPERSANDlt;/a>AMPERSANDlt;/li>  AMPERSANDlt;li>AMPERSANDlt;a href="unexplored-planets.xml" rel="feed">Unexplored PlanetsAMPERSANDlt;/a>AMPERSANDlt;/li> AMPERSANDlt;/ul></pre>  </div>  <h5 id=link-type6><span class=secno> </span>Link type "<dfn   id=help0 title=rel-help><code>help</code></dfn>"</h5>  <p>The <code title=rel-help><a href="#help0">help</a></code> keyword may be   used with <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code>, <code><a   href="#a0">a</a></code>, and <code><a href="#area0">area</a></code>   elements. For <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code> elements, it creates   a <a href="#hyperlink0" title="hyperlink link">hyperlink</a>.  <p>For <code><a href="#a0">a</a></code> and <code><a   href="#area0">area</a></code> elements, the <code title=rel-help><a   href="#help0">help</a></code> keyword indicates that the referenced   document provides further help information for the parent of the element   defining the hyperlink, and its children.  <div class=example>   <p>In the following example, the form control has associated    context-sensitive help. The user agent could use this information, for    example, displaying the referenced document if the user presses the    "Help" or "F1" key.</p>   <pre> AMPERSANDlt;p>AMPERSANDlt;label> Topic: AMPERSANDlt;input name=topic> AMPERSANDlt;a href="help/topic.html" rel="help">(Help)AMPERSANDlt;/a>AMPERSANDlt;/label>AMPERSANDlt;/p></pre>  </div>  <p>For <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code> elements, the <code   title=rel-help><a href="#help0">help</a></code> keyword indicates that the   referenced document provides help for the page as a whole.  <h5 id=link-type7><span class=secno> </span>Link type "<dfn   id=icon2 title=rel-icon><code>icon</code></dfn>"</h5>  <p>The <code title=rel-icon><a href="#icon2">icon</a></code> keyword may be   used with <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code> elements, for which it   creates an <a href="#links1" title="external resource link">external   resource link</a>.  <p>The specified resource is an icon representing the page or site, and   should be used by the user agent when representing the page in the user   interface.  <p>Icons could be auditory icons, visual icons, or other kinds of icons. If   multiple icons are provided, the user agent must select the most   appropriate icon according to the <code title=attr-link-media><a   href="#media">media</a></code> attribute.  <h5 id=link-type8><span class=secno> </span>Link type "<dfn   id=license0 title=rel-license><code>license</code></dfn>"</h5>  <p>The <code title=rel-license><a href="#license0">license</a></code>   keyword may be used with <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code>, <code><a   href="#a0">a</a></code>, and <code><a href="#area0">area</a></code>   elements. For <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code> elements, it creates   a <a href="#hyperlink0" title="hyperlink link">hyperlink</a>.  <p>The <code title=rel-license><a href="#license0">license</a></code>   keyword indicates that the referenced document provides the copyright   license terms under which the current document is provided.  <p><strong>Synonyms</strong>: For historical reasons, user agents must also   treat the keyword "<code title="">copyright</code>" like the <code   title=rel-license><a href="#license0">license</a></code> keyword.  <h5 id=link-type9><span class=secno> </span>Link type "<dfn   id=nofollow0 title=rel-nofollow><code>nofollow</code></dfn>"</h5>  <p>The <code title=rel-nofollow><a href="#nofollow0">nofollow</a></code>   keyword may be used with <code><a href="#a0">a</a></code> and <code><a   href="#area0">area</a></code> elements.  <p>The <code title=rel-nofollow><a href="#nofollow0">nofollow</a></code>   keyword indicates that the link is not endorsed by the original author or   publisher of the page.  <h5 id=link-type10><span class=secno> </span>Link type "<dfn   id=pingback0 title=rel-pingback><code>pingback</code></dfn>"</h5>  <p>The <code title=rel-pingback><a href="#pingback0">pingback</a></code>   keyword may be used with <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code> elements,   for which it creates an <a href="#links1" title="external resource   link">external resource link</a>.  <p>For the semantics of the <code title=rel-pingback><a   href="#pingback0">pingback</a></code> keyword, see the Pingback 1.0   specification. <a href="#refsPINGBACK">[PINGBACK]</a>  <h5 id=link-type11><span class=secno> </span>Link type "<dfn   id=prefetch0 title=rel-prefetch><code>prefetch</code></dfn>"</h5>  <p>The <code title=rel-prefetch><a href="#prefetch0">prefetch</a></code>   keyword may be used with <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code> elements,   for which it creates an <a href="#links1" title="external resource   link">external resource link</a>.  <p>The <code title=rel-prefetch><a href="#prefetch0">prefetch</a></code>   keyword indicates that preemptively fetching and caching the specified   resource is likely to be beneficial, as it is highly likely that the user   will require this resource.  <h5 id=link-type12><span class=secno> </span>Link type "<dfn   id=search2 title=rel-search><code>search</code></dfn>"</h5>  <p>The <code title=rel-search><a href="#search2">search</a></code> keyword   may be used with <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code>, <code><a   href="#a0">a</a></code>, and <code><a href="#area0">area</a></code>   elements. For <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code> elements, it creates   a <a href="#hyperlink0" title="hyperlink link">hyperlink</a>.  <p>The <code title=rel-search><a href="#search2">search</a></code> keyword   indicates that the referenced document provides an interface specifically   for searching the document and its related resources.  <h5 id=link-type13><span class=secno> </span>Link type "<dfn   id=stylesheet0 title=rel-stylesheet><code>stylesheet</code></dfn>"</h5>  <p>The <code title=rel-stylesheet><a   href="#stylesheet0">stylesheet</a></code> keyword may be used with   <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code> elements, for which it creates an   <a href="#links1" title="external resource link">external resource   link</a>.  <p>The specified resource is a resource that describes how to present the   document. Exactly how the resource is to be processed depends on the   actual type of the resource.  <p>If the <code title=rel-alternate><a   href="#alternate0">alternate</a></code> keyword is also specified on the   <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code> element, then the link is an   alternate stylesheet.  <p class=big-issue>Need more here -- defining preferred stylesheets,   alternate stylesheets, persistent stylesheets, and the stuff about the   alternate stylesheet API. Maybe this should all be deferred to another   processing model section.  <h5 id=link-type14><span class=secno> </span>Link type "<dfn   id=sidebar0 title=rel-sidebar><code>sidebar</code></dfn>"</h5>  <p>The <code title=rel-sidebar><a href="#sidebar0">sidebar</a></code>   keyword may be used with <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code>, <code><a   href="#a0">a</a></code>, and <code><a href="#area0">area</a></code>   elements. For <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code> elements, it creates   a <a href="#hyperlink0" title="hyperlink link">hyperlink</a>.  <p>The <code title=rel-sidebar><a href="#sidebar0">sidebar</a></code>   keyword indicates that the referenced document, if retrieved, is intended   to be shown in a secondary browsing context (if possible), instead of in   the current browsing context.  <h5 id=link-type15><span class=secno> </span>Link type "<dfn   id=tag0 title=rel-tag><code>tag</code></dfn>"</h5>  <p>The <code title=rel-tag><a href="#tag0">tag</a></code> keyword may be   used with <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code>, <code><a   href="#a0">a</a></code>, and <code><a href="#area0">area</a></code>   elements. For <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code> elements, it creates   a <a href="#hyperlink0" title="hyperlink link">hyperlink</a>.  <p>The <code title=rel-tag><a href="#tag0">tag</a></code> keyword indicates   that the <em>tag</em> that the referenced document represents applies to   the current document.  <h5 id=hierarchical><span class=secno> </span>Hierarchical link   types</h5>  <p>Some documents form part of a hierarchical structure of documents.  <p>A hierarchical structure of documents is one where each document can   have various subdocuments. A subdocument is said to be a <em>child</em> of   the document it is a subdocument of. The document of which it is a   subdocument is said to be its <em>parent</em>. The children of a document   have a relative order; the subdocument that precedes another is its   <em>previous sibling</em>, and the one that follows it is its <em>next   sibling</em>. A document with no parent forms the top of the hierarchy.  <h6 id=link-type16><span class=secno> </span>Link type "<dfn   id=first0 title=rel-first><code>first</code></dfn>"</h6>  <p>The <code title=rel-first><a href="#first0">first</a></code> keyword may   be used with <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code>, <code><a   href="#a0">a</a></code>, and <code><a href="#area0">area</a></code>   elements. For <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code> elements, it creates   a <a href="#hyperlink0" title="hyperlink link">hyperlink</a>.  <p>The <code title=rel-first><a href="#first0">first</a></code> keyword   indicates that the document is part of a hierarchical structure, and that   the link is leading to the document that is the first child of the current   document's parent document.  <p><strong>Synonyms</strong>: For historical reasons, user agents must also   treat the keywords "<code title="">begin</code>" and "<code   title="">start</code>" like the <code title=rel-first><a   href="#first0">first</a></code> keyword.  <h6 id=link-type17><span class=secno> </span>Link type "<dfn   id=index0 title=rel-index><code>index</code></dfn>"</h6>  <p>The <code title=rel-index><a href="#index0">index</a></code> keyword may   be used with <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code>, <code><a   href="#a0">a</a></code>, and <code><a href="#area0">area</a></code>   elements. For <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code> elements, it creates   a <a href="#hyperlink0" title="hyperlink link">hyperlink</a>.  <p>The <code title=rel-index><a href="#index0">index</a></code> keyword   indicates that the document is part of a hierarchical structure, and that   the link is leading to the document that is the top of the hierarchy.  <p><strong>Synonyms</strong>: For historical reasons, user agents must also   treat the keywords "<code title="">top</code>", "<code   title="">contents</code>", and "<code title="">toc</code>" like the <code   title=rel-index><a href="#index0">index</a></code> keyword.  <h6 id=link-type18><span class=secno> </span>Link type "<dfn   id=last0 title=rel-last><code>last</code></dfn>"</h6>  <p>The <code title=rel-last><a href="#last0">last</a></code> keyword may be   used with <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code>, <code><a   href="#a0">a</a></code>, and <code><a href="#area0">area</a></code>   elements. For <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code> elements, it creates   a <a href="#hyperlink0" title="hyperlink link">hyperlink</a>.  <p>The <code title=rel-last><a href="#last0">last</a></code> keyword   indicates that the document is part of a hierarchical structure, and that   the link is leading to the document that is the last child of the current   document's parent document.  <p><strong>Synonyms</strong>: For historical reasons, user agents must also   treat the keyword "<code title="">end</code>" like the <code   title=rel-last><a href="#last0">last</a></code> keyword.  <h6 id=link-type19><span class=secno> </span>Link type "<dfn   id=next0 title=rel-next><code>next</code></dfn>"</h6>  <p>The <code title=rel-next><a href="#next0">next</a></code> keyword may be   used with <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code>, <code><a   href="#a0">a</a></code>, and <code><a href="#area0">area</a></code>   elements. For <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code> elements, it creates   a <a href="#hyperlink0" title="hyperlink link">hyperlink</a>.  <p>The <code title=rel-next><a href="#next0">next</a></code> keyword   indicates that the document is part of a hierarchical structure, and that   the link is leading to the document that is the next sibling of the   current document.  <h6 id=link-type20><span class=secno> </span>Link type "<dfn   id=prev0 title=rel-prev><code>prev</code></dfn>"</h6>  <p>The <code title=rel-prev><a href="#prev0">prev</a></code> keyword may be   used with <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code>, <code><a   href="#a0">a</a></code>, and <code><a href="#area0">area</a></code>   elements. For <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code> elements, it creates   a <a href="#hyperlink0" title="hyperlink link">hyperlink</a>.  <p>The <code title=rel-prev><a href="#prev0">prev</a></code> keyword   indicates that the document is part of a hierarchical structure, and that   the link is leading to the document that is the previous sibling of the   current document.  <p><strong>Synonyms</strong>: For historical reasons, user agents must also   treat the keyword "<code title="">previous</code>" like the <code   title=rel-prev><a href="#prev0">prev</a></code> keyword.  <h6 id=link-type21><span class=secno> </span>Link type "<dfn   id=up0 title=rel-up><code>up</code></dfn>"</h6>  <p>The <code title=rel-up><a href="#up0">up</a></code> keyword may be used   with <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code>, <code><a   href="#a0">a</a></code>, and <code><a href="#area0">area</a></code>   elements. For <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code> elements, it creates   a <a href="#hyperlink0" title="hyperlink link">hyperlink</a>.  <p>The <code title=rel-up><a href="#up0">up</a></code> keyword indicates   that the document is part of a hierarchical structure, and that the link   is leading to the document that is the parent of the current document.</p>  <!-- idea: rel="up" vs rel="up up" vs rel="up up up top"    this would allow you to do breadcrumbs:     <nav>      <p>       <a href="/" rel="top up up up">Main</a> AMPERSANDgt;       <a href="/products/" rel="up up">Products</a> AMPERSANDgt;       <a href="/products/dishwashers" rel="up">Dishwashers</a> AMPERSANDgt;       Second hand      </p>     </nav>   -->  <h5 id=other1><span class=secno> </span>Other link types</h5>  <p>Other than the types defined above, only types defined as extensions in   the <a href="http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/RelExtensions">WHATWG Wiki   RelExtensions page</a> may be used with the <code title="">rel</code>   attribute on <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code>, <code><a   href="#a0">a</a></code>, and <code><a href="#area0">area</a></code>   elements. <a href="#refsWHATWGWIKI">[WHATWGWIKI]</a>  <p>Anyone is free to edit the WHATWG Wiki RelExtensions page at any time to   add a type. Extension types must be specified with the following   information:  <dl>   <dt>Keyword   <dd>    <p>The actual value being defined. The value should not be confusingly     similar to any other defined value (e.g. differing only in case).   <dt>Effect on... <code><a href="#link0">link</a></code>   <dd>    <p>One of the following:</p>    <dl>     <dt>not allowed     <dd>The keyword is not allowed to be specified on <code><a      href="#link0">link</a></code> elements.     <dt>Hyperlink     <dd>The keyword may be specified on a <code><a      href="#link0">link</a></code> element; it creates a <a      href="#hyperlink0" title="hyperlink link">hyperlink link</a>.     <dt>External Resource     <dd>The keyword may be specified on a <code><a      href="#link0">link</a></code> element; it creates a <a href="#links1"      title="external resource link">external resource link</a>.    </dl>   <dt>Effect on... <code><a href="#a0">a</a></code> and <code><a    href="#area0">area</a></code>   <dd>    <p>One of the following:</p>    <dl>     <dt>not allowed     <dd>The keyword is not allowed to be specified on <code><a      href="#a0">a</a></code> and <code><a href="#area0">area</a></code>      elements.     <dt>Hyperlink     <dd>The keyword may be specified on <code><a href="#a0">a</a></code> and      <code><a href="#area0">area</a></code> elements; it creates a <a      href="#hyperlinks" title=hyperlink>hyperlink</a>.    </dl>   <dt>Brief description   <dd>    <p>A short description of what the keyword's meaning is.   <dt>Link to more details   <dd>    <p>A link to a more detailed description of the keyword's semantics and     requirements. It could be another page on the Wiki, or a link to an     external page.   <dt>Synonyms   <dd>    <p>A list of other keyword values that have exactly the same processing     requirements. Authors must not use the values defined to be synonyms,     they are only intended to allow user agents to support legacy content.   <dt>Status   <dd>    <p>One of the following:</p>    <dl>     <dt>Proposal     <dd>The keyword has not received wide peer review and approval. It is      included for completeness because pages use the keyword. Pages should      not use the keyword.     <dt>Accepted     <dd>The keyword has received wide peer review and approval. It has a      specification that unambiguously defines how to handle pages that use      the keyword, including when they use them in incorrect ways. Pages may      use the keyword.     <dt>Rejected     <dd>The keyword has received wide peer review and it has been found to      have significant problems. Pages must not use the keyword. When a      keyword has this status, the "Effect on... <code><a      href="#link0">link</a></code>" and "Effect on... <code><a      href="#a0">a</a></code> and <code><a href="#area0">area</a></code>"      information should be set to "not allowed".    </dl>    <p>If a keyword is added with the "proposal" status and found to be     redundant with existing values, it should be removed and listed as a     synonym for the existing value. If a keyword is added with the     "proposal" status and found to be harmful, then it should be changed to     "rejected" status, and its "Effect on..." information should be changed     accordingly.</p>  </dl>  <p>Conformance checkers must use the information given on the WHATWG Wiki   RelExtensions page to establish if a value not explicitly defined in this   specification is allowed or not. When an author uses a new type not   defined by either this specification or the Wiki page, conformance   checkers should offer to add the value to the Wiki, with the details   described above, with the "proposal" status.  <p>This specification does not define how new values will get approved. It   is expected that the Wiki will have a community that addresses this.  <h4 id=image-maps><span class=secno>4.3.4. </span>Image maps</h4>  <p class=big-issue>...<dfn id=image>image map</dfn>, <dfn id=valid5>valid   area</dfn>, <dfn id=usemap1   title=attr-hyperlink-usemap><code>usemap</code></dfn>, <dfn id=coords0   title=attr-area-coords><code>coords</code></dfn>, <dfn id=shape0   title=attr-area-shape><code>shape</code></dfn>, <dfn id=server>server side   image map</dfn>.</p>  <!-- usemap is special-cased when it starts with a "#".       does any browser support it when it doesn't? -->  <!-- http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/layout/generic/nsImageMap.cpp: parsing of coords, ordering of coord numbers when out of order -->  <!-- coords can take % values? (for radius?) -->  <p class=big-issue>default action of clicking an image is to check if   target was an image with usemap; if so, fire DOMActivate on the matching   <code><a href="#area0">area</a></code>, otherwise do nothing. (Or, do   click events clicked on areas fire directly on the area and not on the   img?)  <h3 id=commands><span class=secno>4.4. </span>Commands</h3>  <p>A <dfn id=command2 title=concept-command>command</dfn> is the   abstraction behind menu items, buttons, and links. Once a command is   defined, other parts of the interface can refer to the same command,   allowing many access points to a single feature to share aspects such as   the disabled state.  <p id=facets>Commands are defined to have the following <em>facets</em>:  <dl>   <dt><dfn id=type15 title=command-facet-Type>Type</dfn>   <dd>The kind of command: "command", meaning it is a normal command;    "radio", meaning that triggering the command will, amongst other things,    set the <a href="#checked2" title=command-facet-CheckedState>Checked    State</a> to true (and probably uncheck some other commands); or    "checkbox", meaning that triggering the command will, amongst other    things, toggle the value of the <a href="#checked2"    title=command-facet-CheckedState>Checked State</a>.   <dt><dfn id=id2 title=command-facet-ID>ID</dfn>   <dd>The name of the command, for referring to the command from the markup    or from script. If a command has no ID, it is an <dfn    id=anonymous>anonymous command</dfn>.   <dt><dfn id=label2 title=command-facet-Label>Label</dfn>   <dd>The name of the command as seen by the user.   <dt><dfn id=hint title=command-facet-Hint>Hint</dfn>   <dd>A helpful or descriptive string that can be shown to the user.   <dt><dfn id=icon3 title=command-facet-Icon>Icon</dfn>   <dd>A graphical image that represents the action.   <dt><dfn id=hidden1 title=command-facet-HiddenState>Hidden State</dfn>   <dd>Whether the command is hidden or not (basically, whether it should be    shown in menus).   <dt><dfn id=disabled5 title=command-facet-DisabledState>Disabled    State</dfn>   <dd>Whether the command can be triggered or not. If the <a href="#hidden1"    title=command-facet-HiddenState>Hidden State</a> is true (hidden) then    the <a href="#disabled5" title=command-facet-DisabledState>Disabled    State</a> will be true (disabled) regardless. <span class=issue>We could    make this into a string value that acts as a Hint for why the command is    disabled.</span>   <dt><dfn id=checked2 title=command-facet-CheckedState>Checked State</dfn>   <dd>Whether the command is checked or not.   <dt><dfn id=action title=command-facet-Action>Action</dfn>   <dd>The actual effect that triggering the command will have. This could be    a scripted event handler, a URI to which to navigate, or a form    submission.   <dt><dfn id=triggers title=command-facet-Triggers>Triggers</dfn>   <dd>The list of elements that can trigger the command. The element    defining a command is always in the list of elements that can trigger the    command. For anonymous commands, only the element defining the command is    on the list, since other elements have no way to refer to it.  </dl>  <p>Commands are represented by elements in the DOM. Any element that can   define a command also implements the <code title=command-ro><a   href="#command3">Command</a></code> interface:  <pre   class=idl>interface <dfn id=command3 title=command-ro>Command</dfn> {<!-- NOTE: to avoid clashing with the HTMLCommandElement interface's names,       the members of this interface use cross-references with the title       dom-command-ro-foo (note the "ro", which stands for "readonly").-->  readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#commandtype" title=dom-command-ro-commandType>commandType</a>;            readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#id3" title=dom-command-ro-id>id</a>;  readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#label3" title=dom-command-ro-label>label</a>;  readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#title9" title=dom-command-ro-title>title</a>;  readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#icon4" title=dom-command-ro-icon>icon</a>;  readonly attribute boolean <a href="#hidden2" title=dom-command-ro-hidden>hidden</a>;  readonly attribute boolean <a href="#disabled6" title=dom-command-ro-disabled>disabled</a>;                readonly attribute boolean <a href="#checked3" title=dom-command-ro-checked>checked</a>;                void <a href="#click1" title=dom-command-ro-click>click</a>();  readonly attribute <a href="#htmlcollection0">HTMLCollection</a> <a href="#triggers0" title=dom-command-ro-triggers>triggers</a>;  readonly attribute <a href="#command1">Command</a> <span title=dom-command-ro-command>command</span>;};</pre>  <p>The <code title=command-ro><a href="#command3">Command</a></code>   interface is implemented by any element capable of defining a command. (If   an element can define a command, its definition will list this interface   explicitly.) All the attributes of the <code title=command-ro><a   href="#command3">Command</a></code> interface are read-only. Elements   implementing this interface may implement other interfaces that have   attributes with identical names but that are mutable; in bindings that   simply flatten all supported interfaces on the object, the mutable   attributes must shadow the readonly attributes defined in the <code   title=command-ro><a href="#command3">Command</a></code> interface.  <p>The <dfn id=commandtype   title=dom-command-ro-commandType><code>commandType</code></dfn> attribute   must return a string whose value is either "<code   title="">command</code>", "<code title="">radio</code>", or "<code   title="">checked</code>", depending on whether the <a href="#type15"   title=command-facet-Type>Type</a> of the command defined by the element is   "command", "radio", or "checked" respectively. If the element does not   define a command, it must return null.  <p>The <dfn id=id3 title=dom-command-ro-id><code>id</code></dfn> attribute   must return the command's <a href="#id2" title=command-facet-ID>ID</a>, or   null if the element does not define a command or defines an <a   href="#anonymous">anonymous command</a>. This attribute will be shadowed   by the <code title=dom-id><a href="#id1">id</a></code> DOM attribute on   the <code><a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code> interface.  <p>The <dfn id=label3 title=dom-command-ro-label><code>label</code></dfn>   attribute must return the command's <a href="#label2"   title=command-facet-Label>Label</a>, or null if the element does not   define a command or does not specify a <a href="#label2"   title=command-facet-Label>Label</a>. This attribute will be shadowed by   the <code title="">label</code> DOM attribute on <code>option</code> and   <code><a href="#command1">command</a></code> elements.  <p>The <dfn id=title9 title=dom-command-ro-title><code>title</code></dfn>   attribute must return the command's <a href="#hint"   title=command-facet-Hint>Hint</a>, or null if the element does not define   a command or does not specify a <a href="#hint"   title=command-facet-Hint>Hint</a>. This attribute will be shadowed by the   <code title=dom-title><a href="#title2">title</a></code> DOM attribute on   the <code><a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code> interface.  <p>The <dfn id=icon4 title=dom-command-ro-icon><code>icon</code></dfn>   attribute must return an absolute URI to the command's <a href="#icon3"   title=command-facet-Icon>Icon</a>. If the element does not specify an   icon, or if the element does not define a command, then the attribute must   return null. This attribute will be shadowed by the <code   title=dom-command-icon><a href="#icon1">icon</a></code> DOM attribute on   <code><a href="#command1">command</a></code> elements.  <p>The <dfn id=hidden2   title=dom-command-ro-hidden><code>hidden</code></dfn> attribute must   return true if the command's <a href="#hidden1"   title=command-facet-HiddenState>Hidden State</a> is that the command is   hidden, and false if it is that the command is not hidden. If the element   does not define a command, the attribute must return false. This attribute   will be shadowed by the <code title=dom-command-hidden><a   href="#hidden0">hidden</a></code> DOM attribute on <code><a   href="#command1">command</a></code> elements.  <p>The <dfn id=disabled6   title=dom-command-ro-disabled><code>disabled</code></dfn> attribute must   return true if the command's <a href="#disabled5"   title=command-facet-DisabledState>Disabled State</a> is that the command   is disabled, and false if the command is not disabled. This attribute is   not affected by the command's <a href="#hidden1"   title=command-facet-HiddenState>Hidden State</a>. If the element does not   define a command, the attribute must return false. This attribute will be   shadowed by the <code title="">disabled</code> attribute on   <code>button</code>, <code>input</code>, <code>option</code>, and <code><a   href="#command1">command</a></code> elements.  <p>The <dfn id=checked3   title=dom-command-ro-checked><code>checked</code></dfn> attribute must   return true if the command's <a href="#checked2"   title=command-facet-CheckedState>Checked State</a> is that the command is   checked, and false if it is that the command is not checked. If the   element does not define a command, the attribute must return false. This   attribute will be shadowed by the <code title="">checked</code> attribute   on <code>input</code> and <code><a href="#command1">command</a></code>   elements.  <p>The <dfn id=click1 title=dom-command-ro-click><code>click()</code></dfn>   method must trigger the <a href="#action"   title=command-facet-Action>Action</a> for the command. If the element does   not define a command, this method must do nothing. This method will be   shadowed by the <code title=dom-click><a href="#click">click()</a></code>   method on HTML elements, and is included only for completeness.  <p>The <dfn id=triggers0   title=dom-command-ro-triggers><code>triggers</code></dfn> attribute must   return a list containing the elements that can trigger the command (the   command's <a href="#triggers" title=command-facet-Triggers>Triggers</a>).   The list must be <a href="#live">live</a>. While the element does not   define a command, the list must be empty.  <p>The <dfn id=commands0   title=dom-document-commands><code>commands</code></dfn> attribute of the   document's <code><a href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code> interface   must return an <code><a href="#htmlcollection0">HTMLCollection</a></code>   rooted at the <code>Document</code> node, whose filter matches only   elements that define commands and have IDs.  <p>The following elements can define commands: <code title=a-command><a   href="#using8">a</a></code>, <code title=button-command><a   href="#using9">button</a></code>, <code title=input-command><a   href="#using10">input</a></code>, <code title=option-command><a   href="#using11">option</a></code>, <code title=command-element><a   href="#command4">command</a></code>.  <h4 id=using><span class=secno>4.4.1. </span><dfn id=using8   title=a-command>Using the <code>a</code> element to define a command</dfn></h4>  <p>An <code><a href="#a0">a</a></code> element with an <code   title=attr-hyperlink-href><a href="#href5">href</a></code> attribute <a   href="#command2" title=concept-command>defines a command</a>.  <p>The <a href="#type15" title=command-facet-Type>Type</a> of the command   is "command".  <p>The <a href="#id2" title=command-facet-ID>ID</a> of the command is the   value of the <code title=attr-id><a href="#id0">id</a></code> attribute of   the element, if the attribute is present and not empty. Otherwise the   command is an <a href="#anonymous">anonymous command</a>.  <p>The <a href="#label2" title=command-facet-Label>Label</a> of the command   is the string given by the element's <code><a   href="#textcontent">textContent</a></code> DOM attribute.  <p>The <a href="#hint" title=command-facet-Hint>Hint</a> of the command is   the value of the <code title=attr-title><a href="#title1">title</a></code>   attribute of the <code><a href="#a0">a</a></code> element. If the   attribute is not present, the <a href="#hint"   title=command-facet-Hint>Hint</a> is the empty string.  <p>The <a href="#icon3" title=command-facet-Icon>Icon</a> of the command is   the absolute URI of the first image in the element. Specifically, in a   depth-first search of the children of the element, the first element that   is <!--either an--> <code><a href="#img0">img</a></code> element with a   <code>src</code> attribute<!--, or an <code>object</code> element  with a <code>data</code> attribute, or, if the UA supports SVG, an  <code>svg</code> element in the SVG namespace with a valid <code  title="">id</code> attribute,-->   is the one that is used as the image.   <!--If it is an <code>img</code> element then--> The URI must be taken   from the element's <code>src</code> attribute. <!--If it is  an <code>object</code> element then the URI is taken from the  <code>data</code> attribute. -->   Relative URIs must be resolved relative to the base URI of the image   element. <!-- If it is an  <code>svg</code> element then the URI is formed by taking the URI of  the document and appending a "#" (U+0023 NUMBER SIGN) and the ID of  the element.-->   If no image is found, then the Icon facet is left blank.  <p>The <a href="#hidden1" title=command-facet-HiddenState>Hidden State</a>   and <a href="#disabled5" title=command-facet-DisabledState>Disabled   State</a> facets of the command are always false. (The command is always   enabled.)  <p>The <a href="#checked2" title=command-facet-CheckedState>Checked   State</a> of the command is always false. (The command is never checked.)  <p>The <a href="#action" title=command-facet-Action>Action</a> of the   command is to <a href="#firing" title="fire a click event">fire a <code   title="">click</code> event</a> at the element.  <h4 id=using0><span class=secno>4.4.2. </span><dfn id=using9   title=button-command>Using the <code>button</code> element to define a   command</dfn></h4>  <p>A <code>button</code> element always <a href="#command2"   title=concept-command>defines a command</a>.  <p>The <a href="#type15" title=command-facet-Type>Type</a>, <a href="#id2"   title=command-facet-ID>ID</a>, <a href="#label2"   title=command-facet-Label>Label</a>, <a href="#hint"   title=command-facet-Hint>Hint</a>, <a href="#icon3"   title=command-facet-Icon>Icon</a>, <a href="#hidden1"   title=command-facet-HiddenState>Hidden State</a>, <a href="#checked2"   title=command-facet-CheckedState>Checked State</a>, and <a href="#action"   title=command-facet-Action>Action</a> facets of the command are determined   <a href="#using8" title=a-command>as for <code>a</code> elements</a> (see   the previous section).  <p>The <a href="#disabled5" title=command-facet-DisabledState>Disabled   State</a> of the command mirrors the disabled state of the button.   Typically this is given by the element's <code   title=attr-button-disabled>disabled</code> attribute, but certain button   types become disabled at other times too (for example, the   <code>move-up</code> button type is disabled when it would have no   effect).  <h4 id=using1><span class=secno>4.4.3. </span><dfn id=using10   title=input-command>Using the <code>input</code> element to define a   command</dfn></h4>  <p>An <code>input</code> element whose <code   title=attr-input-type>type</code> attribute is one of <code>submit</code>,   <code>reset</code>, <code>button</code>, <code>radio</code>,   <code>checkbox</code>, <code>move-up</code>, <code>move-down</code>,   <code>add</code>, and <code>remove</code> <a href="#command2"   title=concept-command>defines a command</a>.  <p>The <a href="#type15" title=command-facet-Type>Type</a> of the command   is "radio" if the <code title=attr-input-type>type</code> attribute has   the value <code>radio</code>, "checkbox" if the <code>type</code>   attribute has the value <code>checkbox</code>, and "command" otherwise.  <p>The <a href="#id2" title=command-facet-ID>ID</a> of the command is the   value of the <code title=attr-id><a href="#id0">id</a></code> attribute of   the element, if the attribute is present and not empty. Otherwise the   command is an <a href="#anonymous">anonymous command</a>.  <p>The <a href="#label2" title=command-facet-Label>Label</a> of the command   depends on the Type of the command:  <p>If the <a href="#type15" title=command-facet-Type>Type</a> is "command",   then it is the string given by the <code   title=attr-input-value>value</code> attribute, if any, and a   <span>UA-dependent value</span><!-- XXX xref--> that the UA uses to label   the button itself if the attribute is absent.  <p>Otherwise, the <a href="#type15" title=command-facet-Type>Type</a> is   "radio" or "checkbox". If the element has a <code>label</code> element   associated with it, the <code><a   href="#textcontent">textContent</a></code> of the first such element is   the <a href="#label2" title=command-facet-Label>Label</a> (in DOM terms,   this the string given by <code><var   title="">element</var>.labels[0].textContent</code>). Otherwise, the value   of the <code><a href="#value">value</a></code> attribute, if present, is   the <a href="#label2" title=command-facet-Label>Label</a>. Otherwise, the   <a href="#label2" title=command-facet-Label>Label</a> is the empty string.  <p>The <a href="#hint" title=command-facet-Hint>Hint</a> of the command is   the value of the <code title=attr-title><a href="#title1">title</a></code>   attribute of the <code>input</code> element. If the attribute is not   present, the <a href="#hint" title=command-facet-Hint>Hint</a> is the   empty string.  <p>There is no <a href="#icon3" title=command-facet-Icon>Icon</a> for the   command.  <p>The <a href="#hidden1" title=command-facet-HiddenState>Hidden State</a>   of the command is always false. (The command is never hidden.)  <p>The <a href="#disabled5" title=command-facet-DisabledState>Disabled   State</a> of the command mirrors the disabled state of the control.   Typically this is given by the element's <code   title=attr-input-disabled>disabled</code> attribute, but certain input   types become disabled at other times too (for example, the   <code>move-up</code> input type is disabled when it would have no effect).  <p>The <a href="#checked2" title=command-facet-CheckedState>Checked   State</a> of the command is true if the command is of <a href="#type15"   title=command-facet-Type>Type</a> "radio" or "checkbox" and the element   has a <code title=attr-input-checked>checked</code> attribute, and false   otherwise.  <p>The <a href="#action" title=command-facet-Action>Action</a> of the   command is to <a href="#firing" title="fire a click event">fire a <code   title="">click</code> event</a> at the element.</p>  <!-- XXX this  is probably wrong for radio and checkbox types, depending on how we  define <input>. -->  <h4 id=using2><span class=secno>4.4.4. </span><dfn id=using11   title=option-command>Using the <code>option</code> element to define a   command</dfn></h4>  <p>An <code>option</code> element with an ancestor <code>select</code>   element and either no <code><a href="#value">value</a></code> attribute or   a <code><a href="#value">value</a></code> attribute that is not the empty   string <a href="#command2" title=concept-command>defines a command</a>.  <p>The <a href="#type15" title=command-facet-Type>Type</a> of the command   is "radio" if the <code>option</code>'s nearest ancestor   <code>select</code> element has no <code   title=attr-select-multiple>multiple</code> attribute, and "checkbox" if it   does.  <p>The <a href="#id2" title=command-facet-ID>ID</a> of the command is the   value of the <code title=attr-id><a href="#id0">id</a></code> attribute of   the element, if the attribute is present and not empty. Otherwise the   command is an <a href="#anonymous">anonymous command</a>.  <p>The <a href="#label2" title=command-facet-Label>Label</a> of the command   is the value of the <code>option</code> element's <code   title=attr-option-label>label</code> attribute, if there is one, or the   value of the <code>option</code> element's <code><a   href="#textcontent">textContent</a></code> DOM attribute if it doesn't.  <p>The <a href="#hint" title=command-facet-Hint>Hint</a> of the command is   the string given by the element's <code title=attr-title><a   href="#title1">title</a></code> attribute, if any, and the empty string if   the attribute is absent.  <p>There is no <a href="#icon3" title=command-facet-Icon>Icon</a> for the   command.  <p>The <a href="#hidden1" title=command-facet-HiddenState>Hidden State</a>   of the command is always false. (The command is never hidden.)  <p>The <a href="#disabled5" title=command-facet-DisabledState>Disabled   State</a> of the command is true (disabled) if the element has a <code   title=attr-option-disabled>disabled</code> attribute, and false otherwise.  <p>The <a href="#checked2" title=command-facet-CheckedState>Checked   State</a> of the command is true (checked) if the element's <code   title=dom-option-selected>selected</code> DOM attribute is true, and false   otherwise.  <p>The <a href="#action" title=command-facet-Action>Action</a> of the   command depends on its <a href="#type15"   title=command-facet-Type>Type</a>. If the command is of <a href="#type15"   title=command-facet-Type>Type</a> "radio" then this must set the <code   title=dom-option-selected>selected</code> DOM attribute of the   <code>option</code> element to true, otherwise it must toggle the state of   the <code title=dom-option-selected>selected</code> DOM attribute (set it   to true if it is false and vice versa). Then <a href="#firing0"   title="fire a change event">a <code title="">change</code> event must be   fired</a> on the <code>option</code> element's nearest ancestor   <code>select</code> element (if there is one), as if the selection had   been changed directly.  <h4 id=using3><span class=secno>4.4.5. </span>Using the <dfn id=command4   title=command-element><code>command</code></dfn> element to define a   command</h4>  <p>A <code><a href="#command1">command</a></code> element <a   href="#command2" title=concept-command>defines a command</a>.  <p>The <a href="#type15" title=command-facet-Type>Type</a> of the command   is "radio" if the <code><a href="#command1">command</a></code>'s <code   title=attr-command-type><a href="#type11">type</a></code> attribute is   "<code>radio</code>", "checkbox" if the attribute's value is   "<code>checkbox</code>", and "command" otherwise.  <p>The <a href="#id2" title=command-facet-ID>ID</a> of the command is the   value of the <code title=attr-id><a href="#id0">id</a></code> attribute of   the element, if the attribute is present and not empty. Otherwise the   command is an <a href="#anonymous">anonymous command</a>.  <p>The <a href="#label2" title=command-facet-Label>Label</a> of the command   is the value of the element's <code title=attr-command-label><a   href="#label">label</a></code> attribute, if there is one, or the empty   string if it doesn't.  <p>The <a href="#hint" title=command-facet-Hint>Hint</a> of the command is   the string given by the element's <code title=attr-command-title><a   href="#title8">title</a></code> attribute, if any, and the empty string if   the attribute is absent.  <p>The <a href="#icon3" title=command-facet-Icon>Icon</a> for the command   is the absolute URI resulting from resolving the value of the element's   <code title=attr-command-icon><a href="#icon0">icon</a></code> attribute   as a URI relative to the element's base URI. If the element has no <code   title=attr-command-icon><a href="#icon0">icon</a></code> attribute then   the command has no <a href="#icon3" title=command-facet-Icon>Icon</a>.  <p>The <a href="#hidden1" title=command-facet-HiddenState>Hidden State</a>   of the command is true (hidden) if the element has a <code   title=attr-command-hidden><a href="#hidden">hidden</a></code> attribute,   and false otherwise.  <p>The <a href="#disabled5" title=command-facet-DisabledState>Disabled   State</a> of the command is true (disabled) if the element has either a   <code title=attr-command-disabled><a href="#disabled3">disabled</a></code>   attribute or a <code title=attr-command-hidden><a   href="#hidden">hidden</a></code> attribute (or both), and false otherwise.  <p>The <a href="#checked2" title=command-facet-CheckedState>Checked   State</a> of the command is true (checked) if the element has a <code   title=attr-command-checked><a href="#checked0">checked</a></code>   attribute, and false otherwise.  <p>The <a href="#action" title=command-facet-Action>Action</a> of the   command is to invoke the behaviour described in the definition of the   <code title=dom-command-click><a href="#click0">click()</a></code> method   of the <code><a href="#htmlcommandelement0">HTMLCommandElement</a></code>   interface.</p>  <!-- XXX update to  point to dom-click when we remove dom-command-click -->  <h3 id=menus><span class=secno>4.5. </span>Menus</h3>  <h4 id=menus-intro><span class=secno>4.5.1. </span>Introduction</h4>  <p><em>This section is non-normative.</em>  <p class=big-issue>...</p>  <!--  <pre>AMPERSANDlt;menu type="commands"AMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;liAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;menu label="File"AMPERSANDgt;   AMPERSANDlt;button type="button" onclick="fnew()"AMPERSANDgt;New...AMPERSANDlt;/buttonAMPERSANDgt;   AMPERSANDlt;button type="button" onclick="fopen()"AMPERSANDgt;Open...AMPERSANDlt;/buttonAMPERSANDgt;   AMPERSANDlt;button type="button" onclick="fsave()" id="save"AMPERSANDgt;SaveAMPERSANDlt;/buttonAMPERSANDgt;   AMPERSANDlt;button type="button" onclick="fsaveas()"AMPERSANDgt;Save as...AMPERSANDlt;/buttonAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;/menuAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;/liAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;liAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;menu label="Edit"AMPERSANDgt;   AMPERSANDlt;button type="button" onclick="ecopy()"AMPERSANDgt;CopyAMPERSANDlt;/buttonAMPERSANDgt;   AMPERSANDlt;button type="button" onclick="ecut()"AMPERSANDgt;CutAMPERSANDlt;/buttonAMPERSANDgt;   AMPERSANDlt;button type="button" onclick="epaste()"AMPERSANDgt;PasteAMPERSANDlt;/buttonAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;/menuAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;/liAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;liAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;menu label="Help"AMPERSANDgt;   AMPERSANDlt;liAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;a href="help.html"AMPERSANDgt;HelpAMPERSANDlt;/aAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/liAMPERSANDgt;   AMPERSANDlt;liAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;a href="about.html"AMPERSANDgt;AboutAMPERSANDlt;/aAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/liAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;/menuAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;/liAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/menubarAMPERSANDgt;...AMPERSANDlt;input command="save"/AMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;!- - This will act exactly like the                             Save button above, including reflecting                             its <code>disabled</code> state dynamically - -AMPERSANDgt;</pre>  <p>Here's some markup that falls back on the traditional abuse of  the <code>select</code> element as a navigation menu, but which is  implemented as a semi-correct menu using the new techniques of this  document:</p><pre>AMPERSANDlt;form action="redirect.cgi"AMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;menu type="commands"AMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;label for="goto"AMPERSANDgt;Go to...AMPERSANDlt;/labelAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;menu label="Go"AMPERSANDgt;   AMPERSANDlt;select id="goto"           onchange="if (this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)                     window.location = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value"AMPERSANDgt;    AMPERSANDlt;option value="" selected="selected"AMPERSANDgt; Select site: AMPERSANDlt;/optionAMPERSANDgt;    AMPERSANDlt;option value="http://www.apple.com/"AMPERSANDgt; Apple AMPERSANDlt;/optionAMPERSANDgt;    AMPERSANDlt;option value="http://www.mozilla.org/"AMPERSANDgt; Mozilla AMPERSANDlt;/optionAMPERSANDgt;    AMPERSANDlt;option value="http://www.opera.com/"AMPERSANDgt; Opera AMPERSANDlt;/optionAMPERSANDgt;   AMPERSANDlt;/selectAMPERSANDgt;   AMPERSANDlt;spanAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;input type="submit" value="Go"AMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/spanAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;/menuAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;/menubarAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/formAMPERSANDgt;</pre><form ...> <menu type="toolbar" autosubmit>  <li>   <select name="foo" onchange="form.submit()">     ...   </select>   <button>Go</button>  </li>  <li>   <select name="bar" onchange="form.submit()">     ...   </select>   <button>Go</button>  </li> </menu></form><form ...> <menu type="toolbar" autosubmit>  <menu label="Foo">   <select name="foo" onchange="form.submit()">     ...   </select>   <button>Go</button>  </menu>  <menu label="Bar">   <select name="bar" onchange="form.submit()">     ...   </select>   <button>Go</button>  </menu> </menu></form>-->  <h4 id=building><span class=secno>4.5.2. </span><dfn id=building1>Building   menus</dfn></h4>  <p>A menu consists of a list of zero or more of the following components:  <ul class=brief>   <li><a href="#command2" title=concept-command>Commands</a>, which can be    marked as default commands   <li>Separators   <li>Other menus (which allows the list to be nested)  </ul>  <p>The list corresponding to a particular element is built by iterating   over its child nodes.  <p>For each child node in <a href="#tree-order">tree order</a>, the   required behaviour depends on what the node is, as follows:  <dl class=switch>   <dt>An element that <a href="#command2" title=concept-command>defines a    command</a>   <dd>Append the command to the menu. If the element is a <code><a    href="#command1">command</a></code> element with a <code    title=attr-command-default><a href="#default">default</a></code>    attribute, mark the command as being a default command.   <dt>An <code><a href="#hr0">hr</a></code> element   <dt>An <code>option</code> element that has a <code    title=attr-option-value>value</code> attribute set to the empty string,    and has a <code title=attr-option-disabled>disabled</code> attribute, and    whose <code><a href="#textcontent">textContent</a></code> consists of a    string of one or more hyphens (U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS)   <dd>Append a separator to the menu.   <dt>An <code><a href="#li0">li</a></code> element   <dd>Iterate over the children of the <code><a href="#li0">li</a></code>    element.   <dt>A <code><a href="#menu0">menu</a></code> element with no <code    title=attr-menu-label><a href="#label1">label</a></code> attribute   <dt>A <code>select</code> element   <dd>Append a separator to the menu, then iterate over the children of the    <code><a href="#menu0">menu</a></code> or <code>select</code> element,    then append another separator.   <dt>A <code><a href="#menu0">menu</a></code> element with a <code    title=attr-menu-label><a href="#label1">label</a></code> attribute   <dt>An <code>optgroup</code> element   <dd>Append a submenu to the menu, using the value of the element's <code    title="">label</code> attribute as the label of the menu. The submenu    must be constructed by taking the element and creating a new menu for it    using the complete process described in this section.   <dt>Any other node   <dd><a href="#ignored">Ignore</a> the node.  </dl>  <p>Once all the nodes have been processed as described above, the user   agent must the post-process the menu as follows:  <ol>   <li>Any menu item with no label, or whose label is the empty string, must    be removed.   <li>Any sequence of two or more separators in a row must be collapsed to a    single separator.   <li>Any separator at the start or end of the menu must be removed.  </ol>  <h4 id=context><span class=secno>4.5.3. </span><dfn id=context2>Context   menus</dfn></h4>  <p>The <dfn id=contextmenu   title=attr-contextmenu><code>contextmenu</code></dfn> attribute gives the   element's <a href="#context2" title="context menus">context menu</a>. The   value must be the ID of a <code><a href="#menu0">menu</a></code> element   in the DOM. If the node that would be obtained by the invoking the   <code>getElementById()</code> method using the attribute's value as the   only argument is null or not a <code><a href="#menu0">menu</a></code>   element, then the element has no assigned context menu. Otherwise, the   element's assigned context menu is the element so identified.  <p>When an element's context menu is requested (e.g. by the user   right-clicking the element, or pressing a context menu key), the UA must   <a href="#firing1">fire a <code title="">contextmenu</code> event</a> on   the element for which the menu was requested.  <p class=note>Typically, therefore, the firing of the <code   title=event-contextmenu>contextmenu</code> event will be the default   action of a <code title=mouseup>mouseup</code> or <code   title=event-keyup>keyup</code> event. The exact sequence of events is   UA-dependent, as it will vary based on platform conventions.  <p>The default action of the <code   title=event-contextmenu>contextmenu</code> event depends on whether the   element has a context menu assigned (using the <code   title=attr-contextmenu><a href="#contextmenu">contextmenu</a></code>   attribute) or not. If it does not, the default action must be for the user   agent to show its default context menu, if it has one.  <p>If the element <em>does</em> have a context menu assigned, then the user   agent must <a href="#firing3">fire a <code title="">show</code> event</a>   on the relevant <code><a href="#menu0">menu</a></code> element.  <p>The default action of <em>this</em> event is that the user agent must   show a context menu <a href="#building1" title="building menus">built</a>   from the <code><a href="#menu0">menu</a></code> element.  <p>The user agent may also provide access to its default context menu, if   any, with the context menu shown. For example, it could merge the menu   items from the two menus together, or provide the page's context menu as a   submenu of the default menu.  <p>If the user dismisses the menu without making a selection, nothing in   particular happens.  <p>If the user selects a menu item that represents a <span   title=concept-commands>command</span>, then the UA must invoke that   command's <a href="#action" title=command-facet-Action>Action</a>, as   defined above.  <p>Context menus must not, while being shown, reflect changes in the DOM;   they are constructed as the default action of the <code   title=event-show>show</code> event and must remain like that until   dismissed.  <p>User agents may provide means for bypassing the context menu processing   model, ensuring that the user can always access the UA's default context   menus. For example, the user agent could handle right-clicks that have the   Shift key depressed in such a way that it does not fire the <code   title=event-contextmenu>contextmenu</code> event and instead always shows   the default context menu.  <p>The <dfn id=contextmenu0   title=dom-contextMenu><code>contextMenu</code></dfn> attribute must <a   href="#reflect">reflect</a> the <code title=attr-contextmenu><a   href="#contextmenu">contextmenu</a></code> content attribute.  <h4 id=toolbars><span class=secno>4.5.4. </span><dfn   id=toolbars1>Toolbars</dfn></h4>  <p>Toolbars are a kind of menu that is always visible.  <p>When a <code><a href="#menu0">menu</a></code> element has a <code   title=attr-menu-type><a href="#type13">type</a></code> attribute with the   value <code title="">toolbar</code>, then the user agent must <a   href="#building1" title="building menus">build</a> the menu for that   <code><a href="#menu0">menu</a></code> element and <span   title=render-toolbar>render</span><!-- XXX xref --> it in the document in   a position appropriate for that <code><a href="#menu0">menu</a></code>   element.  <p>The user agent must reflect changes made to the <code><a   href="#menu0">menu</a></code>'s DOM immediately in the UI.  <h3 id=repetition-templates><span class=secno>4.6. </span>Repetition   templates</h3>  <p class=big-issue>See <a   href="http://whatwg.org/specs/web-forms/current-work/#repeatingFormControls">WF2</a>   for now  <h2 id=apis><span class=secno>5. </span>The browser environment</h2>  <p>This section describes a set of APIs that allow authors to make their   documents and applications interact with the user agent, integrating with   native features such as the navigation history, drag-and-drop, undo/redo,   and selections.  <h3 id=the-global><span class=secno>5.1. </span>The global scope</h3>  <p>Many of the APIs are part of the <code><a   href="#windowhtml">WindowHTML</a></code> interface. The <code><a   href="#windowhtml">WindowHTML</a></code> interface must be obtainable from   the <code>Window</code> object using binding-specific casting methods. <a   href="#refsWINDOW">[WINDOW]</a>  <pre class=idl>interface <dfn id=windowhtml>WindowHTML</dfn> {  // defined in this section  readonly attribute <a href="#history1">History</a> <a href="#history0" title=dom-history>history</a>;  readonly attribute <a href="#clientinformation">ClientInformation</a> <a href="#navigator" title=dom-navigator>navigator</a>; <!-- XXX IE6 also has window.clientInformation pointing to this same object -->  readonly attribute <a href="#undomanager">UndoManager</a> <a href="#undomanager0" title=dom-undoManager>undoManager</a>;  <a href="#selection1">Selection</a> <a href="#getselection" title=dom-getSelection>getSelection</a>();  readonly attribute <a href="#storage2">Storage</a> <a href="#sessionstorage" title=dom-sessionStorage>sessionStorage</a>;  readonly attribute <a href="#storagelist">StorageList</a> <a href="#globalstorage" title=dom-globalStorage>globalStorage</a>;  // defined in other sections           attribute <span title=dom-Object>Object</span> <a href="#onerror">onerror</a>;  // more...<!-- XXX constructors -->};</pre>  <!-- XXX XMLHttpRequest, Image, Audio, confirm, prompt, alert, ...          http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/dhtml/reference/objects/obj_window.asp          http://www.mozilla.org/docs/dom/domref/dom_window_ref.html          http://lxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/dom/public/idl/base/nsIDOMWindow.idl   -->  <p>The <code><a href="#windowhtml">WindowHTML</a></code> object must   provide the following constructors:  <dl>   <dt><dfn id=audio title=dom-audio><code>Audio()</code></dfn>   <dd>    <p>Constructs an <code><a href="#audio0">Audio</a></code> object.   <dt><dfn id=image0 title=dom-image><code>Image()</code></dfn>   <dt><dfn id=imagein title=dom-image-w><code>Image(in unsigned long <var    title="">w</var>)</code></dfn>   <dt><dfn id=imagein0 title=dom-image-wh><code>Image(in unsigned long <var    title="">w</var>, in unsigned long <var title="">h</var>)</code></dfn>   <dd>    <p>Constructs an <code><a     href="#htmlimageelement">HTMLImageElement</a></code> object (a new     <code><a href="#img0">img</a></code> element). If the <var     title="">h</var> argument is present, the new object's <code     title=attr-img-height><a href="#height">height</a></code> content     attribute must be set to <var title="">h</var>. If the <var     title="">w</var> argument is present, the new object's <code     title=attr-img-width><a href="#width">width</a></code> content attribute     must be set to <var title="">w</var>.   <dt><dfn id=option title=dom-option><code>Option()</code></dfn>   <dt><dfn id=optionin title=dom-option-n><code>Option(in DOMString <var    title="">name</var>)</code></dfn>   <dt><dfn id=optionin0 title=dom-option-nv><code>Option(in DOMString <var    title="">name</var>, in DOMString <var title="">value</var>)</code></dfn>   <dd>    <p>Constructs an <code>HTMLOptionElement</code> object (a new     <code>option</code> element). <span class=big-issue>need to define     argument processing</span>  </dl>  <h3 id=history><span class=secno>5.2. </span>Session history and navigation</h3>  <h4 id=the-session><span class=secno>5.2.1. </span>The <dfn   id=session0>session history</dfn> of browsing contexts</h4>  <!-- XXX would be nice to have an intro paragraph that DFNed session  history instead of having the header do it -->  <p><code><a href="#history1">History</a></code> objects provide a   representation of the pages in the session history of their   <code>Window</code> object's <a href="#browsing">browsing context</a>.   Each browsing context (<code>frame</code>, <code><a   href="#iframe0">iframe</a></code>, etc) has a distinct session history.</p>  <!-- conf crit for that last statement is in  the bit that defines browsing context -->  <p>Each <code><a href="#documentui">DocumentUI</a></code> object in a   browsing context's session history is associated with a unique instance of   the <code><a href="#history1">History</a></code> object, although they all   must model the same underlying session history.  <p>The <dfn id=history0 title=dom-history><code>history</code></dfn>   attribute of the <code><a href="#windowhtml">WindowHTML</a></code>   interface must return the object implementing the <code><a   href="#history1">History</a></code> interface for that <code><a   href="#windowhtml">WindowHTML</a></code> object's associated <code><a   href="#documentui">DocumentUI</a></code> object.  <p><code><a href="#history1">History</a></code> objects represent their <a   href="#browsing">browsing context</a>'s session history as a flat list of   URIs and <a href="#state" title="state object">state objects</a>. (This   does not imply that the UI need be linear. See the <a   href="#history-notes">notes below</a>.)  <p>Typically, the history list will consist of only URIs. However, a page   can <a href="#pushstate" title=dom-history-pushState>add</a> <dfn id=state   title="state object">state objects</dfn> between its entry in the session   history and the next ("forward") entry. These are then <a href="#popstate"   title=event-popstate>returned to the script</a> when the user (or script)   goes back in the history, thus enabling authors to use the "navigation"   metaphor even in one-page applications.  <p>Entries that consist of <a href="#state" title="state object">state   objects</a> share the same <code><a   href="#documentui">DocumentUI</a></code> as the entry for the URI itself.   Contiguous entries that differ just by fragment identifier must also share   the same <code><a href="#documentui">DocumentUI</a></code>.  <p class=note>All entries that share the same <code><a   href="#documentui">DocumentUI</a></code> (and that are therefore merely   different states of one particular document) are contiguous by definition.  <p>At any point, one of the entries in the session history is the <dfn   id=current>current entry</dfn>. This is the entry representing the page in   this <a href="#browsing">browsing context</a> that is considered the   "current" page by the UA. The <a href="#current">current entry</a> is   usually an entry for the <a href="#href6"   title=dom-location-href>location</a> of the <code><a   href="#documentui">DocumentUI</a></code>. However, it can also be one of   the entries for <a href="#state" title="state object">state objects</a>   added to the history by that document.  <p>When the browser's navigation model differs significantly from the   sequential model represented by the <code><a   href="#history1">History</a></code> interface, for example if separate   <code><a href="#documentui">DocumentUI</a></code> objects in the session   history are all simulatenously displayed and active, then the <a   href="#current">current entry</a> could even be an entry unrelated to the   <code><a href="#history1">History</a></code> object's own <code><a   href="#documentui">DocumentUI</a></code> object. If, when a method is   invoked on a <code><a href="#history1">History</a></code> object, the <a   href="#current">current entry</a> for that <a href="#browsing">browsing   context</a>'s session history has a different <code><a   href="#documentui">DocumentUI</a></code> object than the <code><a   href="#history1">History</a></code> object's own <code><a   href="#documentui">DocumentUI</a></code> object, then the user agent must   raise a <code>NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR</code> DOM exception. (This can   only happen if scripts are allowed to run in documents that are not the   current document. Typically, however, user agents only allow scripts from   the <a href="#current">current entry</a> to execute.)  <p>User agents may <dfn id=discard>discard</dfn> the DOMs of entries other   than the <a href="#current">current entry</a>, reloading the pages afresh   when the user or script navigates back to such pages. This specification   does not specify when user agents should discard pages' DOMs and when they   should cache them. See the section on the <code   title=event-load>load</code> and <code title=event-unload>unload</code>   events for more details.</p>  <!--  XXX crossref! -->  <p>Entries that have had their DOM discarded must, for the purposes of the   algorithms given below, act as if they had not. When the user or script   navigates back or forwards to a page which has no in-memory DOM objects,   any other entries that shared the same <code><a   href="#documentui">DocumentUI</a></code> object with it must share the new   object as well.  <p>When a user agent discards the DOM from an entry in the session history,   it must also discard all the entries from the first state object entry for   that <code><a href="#documentui">DocumentUI</a></code> object up to and   including the last entry for that <code><a   href="#documentui">DocumentUI</a></code> object (including any   non-state-object entries in that range, such as entries where the user   navigated using fragment identifiers). These entries are not recreated if   the user or script navigates back to the page. If there are no state   object entries for that <code><a href="#documentui">DocumentUI</a></code>   object then no entries are removed.  <h4 id=the-history><span class=secno>5.2.2. </span>The <code><a   href="#history1">History</a></code> interface</h4>  <pre class=idl>interface <dfn id=history1>History</dfn> {  readonly attribute long <a href="#length3" title=dom-history-length>length</a>;<!--  DOMString <span title="dom-history-item">item</span>(in unsigned long index);  readonly attribute DOMString <span title="dom-history-current">current</span>;  readonly attribute DOMString <span title="dom-history-previous">previous</span>;  readonly attribute DOMString <span title="dom-history-next">next</span>;-->  void <a href="#godelta" title=dom-history-go>go</a>(in long delta);  void <a href="#go" title=dom-history-go-0>go</a>();  void <a href="#back" title=dom-history-back>back</a>();  void <a href="#forward" title=dom-history-forward>forward</a>();  void <a href="#pushstate" title=dom-history-pushState>pushState</a>(in DOMObject data);  void <a href="#clearstate" title=dom-history-clearState>clearState</a>();};</pre>  <p>The <dfn id=length3 title=dom-history-length><code>length</code></dfn>   attribute of the <code><a href="#history1">History</a></code> interface   must return the number of entries in this session history.  <p>The actual entries are not accessible from script.</p>  <!--  <p>The <dfn  title="dom-history-item"><code>item(<var title="">index</var>)</code></dfn>  function must raise a <span>security exception</span>.</p>  <p>In the ECMAScript DOM binding, objects implementing this interface  must support being dereferenced using square bracket notation (e.g.  <code>history[1]</code>). Dereferencing with an integer index must  be treated as equivalent to invoking the <code>item()</code> method  with that index.</p>-->  <p>The <dfn id=godelta title=dom-history-go><code>go(<var   title="">delta</var>)</code></dfn> method causes the UA to move the number   of steps specified by <var title="">delta</var> in the session history.  <p>If the index of the <a href="#current">current entry</a> plus <var   title="">delta</var> is less than zero or greater than or equal to the <a   href="#length3" title=dom-history-length>number of items in the session   history</a>, then the user agent must do nothing.  <p>If the <var title="">delta</var> is zero, then the user agent must act   as if the <code title=dom-location-reload>location.reload()</code> method   was called instead.  <p>Otherwise, the user agent must cause the current <a   href="#browsing">browsing context</a> to navigate to the specified entry,   as described below. The specified entry is the one whose index equals the   index of the <a href="#current">current entry</a> plus <var   title="">delta</var>.  <p>If there are any entries with state objects between the current entry   and the specified entry (not inclusive), then the user agent must iterate   through every entry between the current entry and the specified entry,   starting with the entry closest to the current entry, and ending with the   one closest to the specified entry. For each entry, if the entry is a   state object, the user agent must <a href="#activating1">activate the   state object</a>.  <p>If the specified entry has a different <code><a   href="#documentui">DocumentUI</a></code> object than the <a   href="#current">current entry</a> then the user agent must make that   <code><a href="#documentui">DocumentUI</a></code> object the user's   "current" one for that <a href="#browsing">browsing context</a>.  <p>If the specified entry is a state object, the user agent must <a   href="#activating1" title="activate the state object">activate that state   object</a>. Otherwise, the user agent must update the current <a   href="#location" title=dom-location>location</a> object to the new   location.  <p>User agents may also update other aspects of the document view when the   location changes in this way, for instance the scroll position, values of   form fields, etc.  <p>When the user navigates through a <a href="#browsing">browsing   context</a>, e.g. using a browser's back and forward buttons, the user   agent must translate this action into the equivalent invocations of the   <code title=dom-history-go><a href="#godelta">history.go(<var   title="">delta</var>)</a></code> method on the various affected <code   title=dom-window>window</code> objects.  <p>Some of the other members of the <code><a   href="#history1">History</a></code> interface are defined in terms of the   <code title=dom-history-go><a   href="#godelta">go()</a></code><!-- and <code  title="dom-history-item">item()</code>-->   method<!--s-->, as follows:  <table>   <tbody>    <tr>     <th>Member     <th>Definition    </tr>    <!--   <tr>    <td><dfn title="dom-history-current"><code>current</code></dfn></td>    <td>Must return the same as <code title="dom-history-item">item(<var>current entry</var>)</code></td>   </tr>   <tr>    <td><dfn title="dom-history-previous"><code>previous</code></dfn></td>    <td>Must return the same as <code title="dom-history-item">item(<var>current entry</var>-1)</code></td>   </tr>   <tr>    <td><dfn title="dom-history-next"><code>next</code></dfn></td>    <td>Must return the same as <code title="dom-history-item">item(<var>current entry</var>+1)</code></td>   </tr>-->    <tr>     <td><dfn id=go title=dom-history-go-0><code>go()</code></dfn>     <td>Must do the same as <code title=dom-history-go><a      href="#godelta">go(0)</a></code>    <tr>     <td><dfn id=back title=dom-history-back><code>back()</code></dfn>     <td>Must do the same as <code title=dom-history-go><a      href="#godelta">go(-1)</a></code>    <tr>     <td><dfn id=forward      title=dom-history-forward><code>forward()</code></dfn>     <td>Must do the same as <code title=dom-history-go><a      href="#godelta">go(1)</a></code>  </table>  <p>The <dfn id=pushstate title=dom-history-pushState><code>pushState(<var   title="">data</var>)</code></dfn> method adds a state object to the   history.  <p>When this method is invoked, the user agent must first remove from the   session history any entries for that <code><a   href="#documentui">DocumentUI</a></code> from the entry after the <a   href="#current">current entry</a> up to the last entry in the session   history that references the same <code><a   href="#documentui">DocumentUI</a></code> object, if any. If the <a   href="#current">current entry</a> is the last entry in the session   history, or if there are no entries after the <a href="#current">current   entry</a> that reference the same <code><a   href="#documentui">DocumentUI</a></code> object, then no entries are   removed.  <p>Then, the user agent must add a state object entry to the session   history, after the <a href="#current">current entry</a>, with the   specified <var title="">data</var> as the state object.  <p>Finally, the user agent must update the <a href="#current">current   entry</a> to be the this newly added entry.  <p class=big-issue>There has been a suggestion that pushState() should take   a URI and a string; the URI to allow for the page to be bookmarked, and   the string to allow the UA to give the page a meaningful title in the   history state, if it shows history state.</p>  <!-- XXX could have four variants of pushState to allow  with/without URI and with/without title. Or maybe URI only makes  sense if there is a title. -->  <p>User agents may limit the number of state objects added to the session   history per page. If a page hits the UA-defined limit, user agents must   remove the entry immediately after the first entry for that <code><a   href="#documentui">DocumentUI</a></code> object in the session history   after having added the new entry. (Thus the state history acts as a FIFO   buffer for eviction, but as a LIFO buffer for navigation.)  <p>The <dfn id=clearstate   title=dom-history-clearState><code>clearState()</code></dfn> method   removes all the state objects for the <code><a   href="#documentui">DocumentUI</a></code> object from the session history.  <p>When this method is invoked, the user agent must remove from the session   history all the entries from the first state object entry for that   <code><a href="#documentui">DocumentUI</a></code> object up to the last   entry that references that same <code><a   href="#documentui">DocumentUI</a></code> object, if any.  <p>Then, if the <a href="#current">current entry</a> was removed in the   previous step, the <a href="#current">current entry</a> must be set to the   last entry for that <code><a href="#documentui">DocumentUI</a></code>   object in the session history.  <h4 id=activating><span class=secno>5.2.3. </span><dfn id=activating1   title="activate the state object">Activating state objects</dfn></h4>  <p>When a state object in the session history is activated (which happens   in the cases described above), the user agent must fire a <dfn id=popstate   title=event-popstate><code>popstate</code></dfn> event in the   <code>http://www.w3.org/2001/xml-events</code> namespace on the <a   href="#the-body0">the body element</a> using the <code><a   href="#popstateevent">PopStateEvent</a></code> interface, with the state   object in the <code title=dom-PopStateEvent-state><a   href="#state0">state</a></code> attribute. This event bubbles but is not   cancelable and has no default action.</p>  <!-- XXX onpopstate should be defined somewhere -->  <pre   class=idl>interface <dfn id=popstateevent>PopStateEvent</dfn> : Event {  readonly attribute DOMObject <a href="#state0" title=dom-PopStateEvent-state>state</a>;  void <a href="#initpopstateevent" title=dom-PopStateEvent-initPopStateEvent>initPopStateEvent</a>(in DOMString typeArg, in boolean canBubbleArg, in boolean cancelableArg, in DOMObject statetArg);  void <a href="#initpopstateeventns" title=dom-PopStateEvent-initPopStateEventNS>initPopStateEventNS</a>(in DOMString namespaceURIArg, in DOMString typeArg, in boolean canBubbleArg, in boolean cancelableArg, in DOMObject stateArg);};</pre>  <p>The <dfn id=initpopstateevent   title=dom-PopStateEvent-initPopStateEvent><code>initPopStateEvent()</code></dfn>   and <dfn id=initpopstateeventns   title=dom-PopStateEvent-initPopStateEventNS><code>initPopStateEventNS()</code></dfn>   methods must initialise the event in a manner analogous to the   similarly-named methods in the DOM3 Events interfaces. <a   href="#DOM3Events">[DOM3EVENTS]</a>  <p>The <dfn id=state0   title=dom-PopStateEvent-state><code>state</code></dfn> attribute   represents the context information for the event.  <h4 id=the-location><span class=secno>5.2.4. </span>The <code><a   href="#location1">Location</a></code> interface</h4>  <p>The <dfn id=location title=dom-location><code>location</code></dfn>   attribute of the <code><a href="#windowhtml">WindowHTML</a></code>   interface must return an object implementing the <code><a   href="#location1">Location</a></code> interface.  <p>For historical reasons, the <dfn id=location0   title=dom-document-location><code>location</code></dfn> attribute of the   <code><a href="#documentui">DocumentUI</a></code> interface must return   the same object as the <code title=dom-location><a   href="#location">location</a></code> attribute on its associated <code><a   href="#windowhtml">WindowHTML</a></code> object.  <p><code><a href="#location1">Location</a></code> objects provide a   representation of the URI of their document, and allow the <a   href="#current">current entry</a> of the <a href="#browsing">browsing   context</a>'s session history to be changed, by adding or replacing   entries in the <code title=dom-history><a   href="#history0">history</a></code> object.  <pre class=idl>interface <dfn id=location1>Location</dfn> {  readonly attribute DOMString <span title=dom-location-hash>hash</span>;  readonly attribute DOMString <span title=dom-location-host>host</span>;  readonly attribute DOMString <span title=dom-location-hostname>hostname</span>;  readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#href6" title=dom-location-href>href</a>;  readonly attribute DOMString <span title=dom-location-pathname>pathname</span>;  readonly attribute DOMString <span title=dom-location-port>port</span>;  readonly attribute DOMString <span title=dom-location-protocol>protocol</span>;  readonly attribute DOMString <span title=dom-location-search>search</span>; <!-- blame brendan for these "innovative" names -->  void <a href="#assign" title=dom-location-assign>assign</a>(in DOMString url);  void <a href="#replace" title=dom-location-replace>replace</a>(in DOMString url);  void <span title=dom-location-reload>reload</span>();};</pre>  <p>In the ECMAScript DOM binding, objects implementing this interface must   stringify to the same value as the <code title=dom-location-href><a   href="#href6">href</a></code> attribute.  <p id=settingLocation>In the ECMAScript DOM binding, the <code   title="">location</code> members of the <code><a   href="#documentui">DocumentUI</a></code> and <code><a   href="#windowhtml">WindowHTML</a></code> interfaces behave as if they had   a setter: user agents must treats attempts to set these <code   title="">location</code> attribute as attempts at setting the <code   title=dom-location-href><a href="#href6">href</a></code> attribute of the   relevant <code><a href="#location1">Location</a></code> object instead.  <p>The <dfn id=href6 title=dom-location-href><code>href</code></dfn>   attribute returns the address of the page represented by the associated   <code><a href="#documentui">DocumentUI</a></code> object, as an absolute   IRI reference.  <p>On setting, <!--XXX Mozilla does this, but IE doesn't. What  should we do?: the behaviour depends on the context in which the  script that set the attribute is running. If the script ran as the  direct result of the execution of a <code>script</code> element in  the document represented by the <code>Location</code> object's  associated <code>DocumentUI</code> object, then the user agent must  act as if the <code title="dom-location-replace">replace()</code>  method had been called with the new value as its  argument. Otherwise,-->   the user agent must act as if the <code title=dom-location-assign><a   href="#assign">assign()</a></code> method had been called with the new   value as its argument.</p>  <!-- XXX may wish to allow  replace instead as a UI improvement -->  <p>When the <dfn id=assign title=dom-location-assign><code>assign(<var   title="">url</var>)</code></dfn> method is invoked, the UA must remove all   the entries after the <a href="#current">current entry</a> in its <code><a   href="#documentui">DocumentUI</a></code>'s <code><a   href="#history1">History</a></code> object, add a new entry, with the   given <var title="">url</var>, at the end of the list (asynchronously   loading the new page if necessary), and then advance to that page as if   the <code title=dom-history-forward><a   href="#forward">history.forward()</a></code> method had been invoked.  <p>When the <dfn id=replace title=dom-location-replace><code>replace(<var   title="">url</var>)</code></dfn> method is invoked, the UA must act as if   the <code title=dom-location-assign><a href="#assign">assign()</a></code>   method had been invoked, but with the additional step of removing the   entry that was the <a href="#current">current entry</a> before the method   call after the above steps (thus simply causing the current page to be   replaced by the new one).  <p>In both cases, if the location before the method call would differ from   the location after the method only in terms of the fragment identifier,   then the user agent must use the same <code><a   href="#documentui">DocumentUI</a></code> object, updating only the scroll   position in the document's view(s) appropriately.  <p>Relative <var title="">url</var> arguments for <code   title=dom-location-assign><a href="#assign">assign()</a></code> and <code   title=dom-location-replace><a href="#replace">replace()</a></code> must be   resolved relative to the base URI of the script that made the method call.</p>  <!-- XXX what about if the base URI is data: or  javascript: or about: or something else without a way to resolve  base URIs? -->  <p class=big-issue>The component parts and .reload() are yet to be defined.   If anyone can come up with a decent definition, let me know.</p>  <!--  http://www.hixie.ch/tests/adhoc/dom/level0/location/components/  http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/dom/src/base/nsLocation.cpp  http://wp.netscape.com/eng/mozilla/3.0/handbook/javascript/ref_h-l.htm#84722  <dfn title="dom-location-protocol"><code>protocol</code></dfn>  <dfn title="dom-location-host"><code>host</code></dfn> ( host name and port )  <dfn title="dom-location-port"><code>port</code></dfn> ( just port )  <dfn title="dom-location-hostname"><code>hostname</code></dfn> ( just host name )  <dfn title="dom-location-pathname"><code>pathname</code></dfn>  <dfn title="dom-location-search"><code>search</code></dfn>  <dfn title="dom-location-hash"><code>hash</code></dfn>-->  <!--  <dfn title="dom-location-reload"><code>reload()</code></dfn>  reload during resize event:  redisplay the current page (without reloading it). This  theoretically would have no effect but in practice can be useful to  work around rendering bugs.reload on shared DocumentUI updates all of themuser reload must be equivalent to .reload()-->  <h4 id=history-notes><span class=secno>5.2.5. </span>Implementation notes   for session history</h4>  <p><em>This section is non-normative.</em>  <p>The <code><a href="#history1">History</a></code> interface is not meant   to place restrictions on how implementations represent the session history   to the user.  <p>For example, session history could be implemented in a tree-like manner,   with each page having multiple "forward" pages. This specification doesn't   define how the linear list of pages in the <code title=dom-history><a   href="#history0">history</a></code> object are derived from the actual   session history as seen from the user's perspective.  <p>Similarly, a page containing two <code><a   href="#iframe0">iframe</a></code>s has a <code title=dom-history><a   href="#history0">history</a></code> object distinct from the <code><a   href="#iframe0">iframe</a></code>s' <code title=dom-history><a   href="#history0">history</a></code> objects, despite the fact that typical   Web browsers present the user with just one "Back" button, with a session   history that interleaves the navigation of the two inner frames and the   outer page.  <p><strong>Security:</strong> It is suggested that to avoid letting a page   "hijack" the history navigation facilities of a UA by abusing <code   title=dom-history-pushState><a href="#pushstate">pushState()</a></code>,   the UA provide the user with a way to jump back to the previous page   (rather than just going back to the previous state). For example, the back   button could have a drop down showing just the pages in the session   history, and not showing any of the states. Similarly, an aural browser   could have two "back" commands, one that goes back to the previous state,   and one that jumps straight back to the previous page.  <p>In addition, a user agent could ignore calls to <code   title=dom-history-pushState><a href="#pushstate">pushState()</a></code>   that are invoked on a timer, or from event handlers that do not represent   a clear user action, or that are invoked in rapid succession.  <h3 id=browser><span class=secno>5.3. </span>Browser state</h3>  <p>The <dfn id=navigator title=dom-navigator><code>navigator</code></dfn>   attribute of the <code><a href="#windowhtml">WindowHTML</a></code>   interface must return an instance of the <code><a   href="#clientinformation">ClientInformation</a></code> interface, which   represents the identity and state of the user agent (the client), and   allows Web pages to register themselves as potential protocol and content   handlers:  <pre   class=idl>interface <dfn id=clientinformation>ClientInformation</dfn> {  readonly attribute boolean <a href="#navigator.online" title=dom-navigator-onLine>onLine</a>;  void <a href="#registerprotocolhandler" title=dom-navigator-registerProtocolHandler>registerProtocolHandler</a>(in DOMString protocol, in DOMString uri, in DOMString title);  void <a href="#registercontenthandler" title=dom-navigator-registerContentHandler>registerContentHandler</a>(in DOMString mimeType, in DOMString uri, in DOMString title);<!-- XXX there are other attributes! -->};</pre>  <!-- also, see window.external.AddSearchProvider() and similar DOM APIs from IE -->  <h4 id=offline><span class=secno>5.3.1. </span>Offline Web applications</h4>  <p>The <dfn id=navigator.online   title=dom-navigator-onLine><code>navigator.onLine</code></dfn> attribute   must return false if the user agent will not contact the network when the   user follows links or when a script requests a remote page (or knows that   such an attempt would fail), and must return true otherwise.  <p>The <dfn id=offline0 title=event-offline><code>offline</code></dfn>   event must be fired when the value of the <code   title=dom-navigator-onLine><a   href="#navigator.online">navigator.onLine</a></code> attribute of the   <code><a href="#windowhtml">WindowHTML</a></code> changes from true to   false.  <p>The <dfn id=online title=event-online><code>online</code></dfn> event   must be fired when the value of the <code title=dom-navigator-onLine><a   href="#navigator.online">navigator.onLine</a></code> attribute of the   <code><a href="#windowhtml">WindowHTML</a></code> changes from false to   true.  <p>These events are in the <code>http://www.w3.org/2001/xml-events</code>   namespace, do bubble, are not cancelable, have no default action, and use   the normal <code>Event</code> interface. They must be fired on <a   href="#the-body0">the body element</a>. (As the events bubble, they will   reach the <code><a href="#windowhtml">WindowHTML</a></code> object.)</p>  <!-- XXX ononline onoffline need to be defined -->  <h4 id=custom-handlers><span class=secno>5.3.2. </span>Custom protocol and   content handlers</h4>  <p>The <dfn id=registerprotocolhandler   title=dom-navigator-registerProtocolHandler><code>registerProtocolHandler()</code></dfn>   method allows Web sites to register themselves as possible handlers for   particular protocols. For example, an online fax service could register   itself as a handler of the <code>fax:</code> protocol (<a   href="#refsRFC2806">[RFC2806]</a>), so that if the user clicks on such a   link, he is given the opportunity to use that Web site. Analogously, the   <dfn id=registercontenthandler   title=dom-navigator-registerContentHandler><code>registerContentHandler()</code></dfn>   method allows Web sites to register themselves as possible handlers for   content in a particular MIME type. For example, the same online fax   service could register itself as a handler for <code>image/g3fax</code>   files (<a href="#refsRFC1494">[RFC1494]</a>), so that if the user has no   native application capable of handling G3 Facsimile byte streams, his Web   browser can instead suggest he use that site to view the image.  <p>User agents may, within the constraints described in this section, do   whatever they like when the methods are called. A UA could, for instance,   prompt the user and offer the user the opportunity to add the site to a   shortlist of handlers, or make the handlers his default, or cancel the   request. UAs could provide such a UI through modal UI or through a   non-modal transient notification interface. UAs could also simply silently   collect the information, providing it only when relevant to the user.  <p>There is <a href="#sample-handler-impl">an example of how these methods   could be presented to the user</a> below.  <p>The arguments to the methods have the following meanings:  <dl>   <dt><var title="">protocol</var> (<code    title=dom-navigator-registerProtocolHandler><a    href="#registerprotocolhandler">registerProtocolHandler()</a></code>    only)   <dd>    <p>A scheme, such as <code>ftp</code> or <code>fax</code>. The scheme     must be treated case-insensitively by user agents for the purposes of     comparing with the scheme part of URIs that they consider against the     list of registered handlers.</p>    <p>The <var title="">protocol</var> value, if it contains a colon (as in     "<code>ftp:</code>"), will never match anything, since schemes don't     contain colons.</p>   <dt><var title="">mimeType</var> (<code    title=dom-navigator-registerContentHandler><a    href="#registercontenthandler">registerContentHandler()</a></code> only)   <dd>    <p>A MIME type, such as <code>model/vrml</code> or     <code>text/richtext</code>. The MIME type must be treated     case-insensitively by user agents for the purposes of comparing with     MIME types of documents that they consider against the list of     registered handlers.</p>    <p>User agents must compare the given values only to the MIME     type/subtype parts of content types, not to the complete type including     parameters. Thus, if <var title="">mimeType</var> values passed to this     method include characters such as commas or whitespace, or include MIME     parameters, then the handler being registered will never be used.</p>   <dt><var title="">uri</var>   <dd>    <p>The URI of the page that will handle the requests. When the user agent     uses this URI, it must replace the first occurrence of the exact literal     string "<code>%s</code>" with an escaped version of the URI of the     content in question (as defined below), and then fetch the resulting URI     using the GET method (or equivalent for non-HTTP URIs).</p>    <p>To get the escaped version of the URI, first, the domain part of the     URI (if any) must be converted to its punycode representation, and then,     every character in the URI that is not in the ranges given in the next     paragraph must be replaced by its UTF-8 byte representation, each byte     being represented by a U+0025 (%) character and two digits in the range     U+0030 (0) to U+0039 (9) and U+0041 (A) to U+0046 (F) giving the     hexadecimal representation of the byte.</p>    <p>The ranges of characters that must not be escaped are: U+002D (-),     U+002E (.), U+0030 (0) to U+0039 (9), U+0041 (A) to U+005A (Z), U+005F     (_), U+0061 (a) to U+007A (z), and U+007E (~).</p>    <!-- XXX move that to a common algorithms section if any other    part of the spec needs it -->        <div class=example>     <p>If the user had visited a site that made the following call:</p>     <pre>navigator.registerContentHandler('application/x-soup', 'http://example.com/soup?url=%s', 'SoupWebAMPERSANDtrade;')</pre>     <p>...and then clicked on a link such as:</p>     <pre>AMPERSANDlt;a href="http://www.example.net/chickenkAMPERSAND#xEF;wi.soup">Download our Chicken Kiwi soup!AMPERSANDlt;/a></pre>     <p>...then, assuming this <code>chickenkiwi.soup</code> file was served      with the MIME type <code>application/x-soup</code>, the UA might      instead navigate to the following URI:</p>     <pre>http://example.com/soup?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.example.net%2Fchickenk%C3%AFwi.soup</pre>     <p>This site could then fetch the <code>chickenkiwi.soup</code> file and      do whatever it is that it does with soup (synthesise it and ship it to      the user, or whatever).</p>    </div>   <dt><var title="">title</var>   <dd>    <p>A descriptive title of the handler, which the UA might use to remind     the user what the site in question is.</p>  </dl>  <p>User agents should raise <a href="#security2" title="security   exception">security exceptions</a> if the methods are called with <var   title="">protocol</var> or <var title="">mimeType</var> values that the UA   deems to be "privileged". For example, a site attempting to register a   handler for <code>http</code> URIs or <code>text/html</code> content in a   Web browser would likely cause an exception to be raised.  <p>User agents must raise a <code>SYNTAX_ERR</code> exception if the <var   title="">uri</var> argument passed to one of these methods does not   contain the exact literal string "<code>%s</code>".  <p>User agents must not raise any other exceptions (other than   binding-specific exceptions, such as for an incorrect number of arguments   in an ECMAScript implementation).  <p>This section does not define how the pages registered by these methods   are used, beyond the requirements on how to process the <var   title="">uri</var> value (see above). To some extent, the <span   title="navigating across documents">processing model for navigating across   documents</span> defines some cases where these methods are relevant, but   in general UAs may use this information wherever they would otherwise   consider handing content to native plugins or helper applications.  <p>UAs must not use registered content handlers to handle content that was   returned as part of a non-GET transaction (or rather, as part of any   non-idempotent transaction), as the remote site would not be able to fetch   the same data.  <h5 id=security><span class=secno> </span>Security and privacy</h5>  <p>These mechanisms can introduce a number of concerns, in particular   privacy concerns.  <p><strong>Hijacking all Web usage.</strong> User agents should not allow   protocols that are key to its normal operation, such as <code>http</code>   or <code>https</code>, to be rerouted through third-party sites. This   would allow a user's activities to be trivially tracked, and would allow   user information, even in secure connections, to be collected.  <p><strong>Hijacking defaults.</strong> It is strongly recommended that   user agents do not automatically change any defaults, as this could lead   the user to send data to remote hosts that the user is not expecting. New   handlers registering themselves should never automatically cause those   sites to be used.  <p><strong>Registration spamming.</strong> User agents should consider the   possibility that a site will attempt to register a large number of   handlers, possibly from multiple domains (e.g. by redirecting through a   series of pages each on a different domain, and each registering a handler   for <code>video/mpeg</code> AMPERSANDmdash; analogous practices abusing other Web   browser features have been used by pornography Web sites for many years).   User agents should gracefully handle such hostile attempts, protecting the   user.  <p><strong>Misleading titles.</strong> User agents should not rely wholy on   the <var title="">title</var> argument to the methods when presenting the   registered handlers to the user, since sites could easily lie. For   example, a site <code>hostile.example.net</code> could claim that it was   registering the "Cuddly Bear Happy Content Handler". User agents should   therefore use the handler's domain in any UI along with any title.  <p><strong>Hostile handler metadata.</strong> User agents should protect   against typical attacks against strings embedded in their interface, for   example ensuring that markup or escape characters in such strings are not   executed, that null bytes are properly handled, that over-long strings do   not cause crashes or buffer overruns, and so forth.  <p><strong>Leaking Intranet URIs.</strong> The mechanism described in this   section can result in secret Intranet URIs being leaked, in the following   manner:  <ol>   <li>The user registers a third-party content handler as the default    handler for a content type.   <li>The user then browses his corporate Intranet site and accesses a    document that uses that content type.   <li>The user agent contacts the third party and hands the third party the    URI to the Intranet content.  </ol>  <p>No actual confidential file data is leaked in this manner, but the URIs   themselves could contain confidential information. For example, the URI   could be   <code>https://www.corp.example.com/upcoming-aquisitions/samples.egf</code>,   which might tell the third party that Example Corporation is intending to   merge with Samples LLC. Implementors might wish to consider allowing   administrators to disable this feature for certain subdomains, content   types, or protocols.  <p><strong>Leaking secure URIs.</strong> User agents should not send HTTPS   URIs to third party sites registered as content handlers, in the same way   that user agents do not send <code>Referer</code> headers from secure   sites to third party sites.  <p><strong>Leaking credentials.</strong> User agents must never send   username or password information in the URIs that are escaped and included   sent to the handler sites. User agents may even avoid attempting to pass   to Web-based handlers the URIs of resources that are known to require   authentication to access, as such sites would be unable to access the   resources in question without prompting the user for credentials   themselves (a practice that would require the user to know whether to   trust the third party handler, a decision many users are unable to make or   even understand).  <h5 id=sample-handler-impl><span class=secno> </span>Sample user   interface</h5>  <p><em>This section is non-normative.</em>  <p>A simple implementation of this feature for a desktop Web browser might   work as follows.  <p>The <code title=dom-navigator-registerProtocolHandler><a   href="#registerprotocolhandler">registerProtocolHandler()</a></code>   method could display a modal dialog box:  <pre>||[ Protocol Handler Registration ]||||||||||||||||||||||||||||                                                            || This Web page:                                             ||                                                            ||    Kittens at work                                         ||    http://kittens.example.org/                             ||                                                            || ...would like permission to handle the protocol "x-meow:"  || using the following Web-based application:                 ||                                                            ||    Kittens-at-work displayer                               ||    http://kittens.example.org/?show=%s                     ||                                                            || Do you trust the administrators of the "kittens.example.   || org" domain?                                               ||                                                            ||              ( Trust kittens.example.org )  (( Cancel ))   ||____________________________________________________________|</pre>  <p>...where "Kittens at work" is the title of the page that invoked the   method, "http://kittens.example.org/" is the URI of that page, "x-meow" is   the string that was passed to the <code   title=dom-navigator-registerProtocolHandler><a   href="#registerprotocolhandler">registerProtocolHandler()</a></code>   method as its first argument (<var title="">protocol</var>),   "http://kittens.example.org/?show=%s" was the second argument (<var   title="">uri</var>), and "Kittens-at-work displayer" was the third   argument (<var title="">title</var>).  <p>If the user clicks the Cancel button, then nothing further happens. If   the user clicks the "Trust" button, then the handler is remembered.  <p>When the user then attempts to fetch a URI that uses the "x-meow:"   scheme, then it might display a dialog as follows:  <pre>||[ Unknown Protocol ]|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||                                                            || You have attempted to access:                              ||                                                            ||    x-meow:S2l0dGVucyBhcmUgdGhlIGN1dGVzdCE%3D               ||                                                            || How would you like FerretBrowser to handle this resource?  ||                                                            ||  (o) Contact the FerretBrowser plugin registry to see if   ||      there is an official way to handle this resource.     ||                                                            ||  ( ) Pass this URI to a local application:                 ||      [ /no application selected/             ] ( Choose )  ||                                                            ||  ( ) Pass this URI to the "Kittens-at-work displayer"      ||      application at "kittens.example.org".                 ||                                                            ||  [ ] Always do this for resources using the "x-meow"       ||      protocol in future.                                   ||                                                            ||                                     ( Ok )  (( Cancel ))   ||____________________________________________________________|</pre>  <p>...where the third option is the one that was primed by the site   registering itself earlier.  <p>If the user does select that option, then the browser, in accordance   with the requirements described in the previous two sections, will   redirect the user to   "http://kittens.example.org/?show=x-meow%3AS2l0dGVucyBhcmUgdGhlIGN1dGVzdCE%253D".  <p>The <code title=dom-navigator-registerContentHandler><a   href="#registercontenthandler">registerContentHandler()</a></code> method   would work equivalently, but for unknown MIME types instead of unknown   protocols.  <h3 id=storage><span class=secno>5.4. </span>Client-side session and   persistent storage</h3>  <!-- local storage -->  <h4 id=introduction0><span class=secno>5.4.1. </span>Introduction</h4>  <p><em>This section is non-normative.</em>  <p>This specification introduces two related mechanisms, similar to HTTP   session cookies <a href="#refsRFC2965">[RFC2965]</a>, for storing   structured data on the client side.  <p>The first is designed for scenarios where the user is carrying out a   single transaction, but could be carrying out multiple transactions in   different windows at the same time.  <p>Cookies don't really handle this case well. For example, a user could be   buying plane tickets in two different windows, using the same site. If the   site used cookies to keep track of which ticket the user was buying, then   as the user clicked from page to page in both windows, the ticket   currently being purchased would "leak" from one window to the other,   potentially causing the user to buy two tickets for the same flight   without really noticing.  <p>To address this, this specification introduces the <code   title=dom-sessionStorage><a   href="#sessionstorage">sessionStorage</a></code> DOM attribute. Sites can   add data to the session storage, and it will be accessible to any page   from that domain opened in that window.  <div class=example>   <p>For example, a page could have a checkbox that the user ticks to    indicate that he wants insurance:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;label> AMPERSANDlt;input type="checkbox" onchange="sessionStorage.insurance = checked"> I want insurance on this trip.AMPERSANDlt;/label></pre>   <p>A later page could then check, from script, whether the user had    checked the checkbox or not:</p>   <pre>if (sessionStorage.insurance) { ... }</pre>   <p>If the user had multiple windows opened on the site, each one would    have its own individual copy of the session storage object.</p>  </div>  <!--   sessionStorage.flightDeparture = 'OSL';   sessionStorage.flightArrival = 'NYC';   for (var i in forms[0].elements)      sessionStorage["data_" + i.name] = i.value;   if (!sessionStorage[documents])     sessionStorage[documents] = {};   sessionStorage[documents][filename] = <document/>;  -->  <p>The second storage mechanism is designed for storage that spans multiple   windows, and lasts beyond the current session. In particular, Web   applications may wish to store megabytes of user data, such as entire   user-authored documents or a user's mailbox, on the clientside for   performance reasons.  <p>Again, cookies do not handle this case well, because they are   transmitted with every request.  <p>The <code title=dom-globalStorage><a   href="#globalstorage">globalStorage</a></code> DOM attribute is used to   access the global storage areas.  <div class=example>   <p>The site at example.com can display a count of how many times the user    has loaded its page by putting the following at the bottom of its page:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;p>  You have viewed this page  AMPERSANDlt;span id="count">an untold number ofAMPERSANDlt;/span>  time(s).AMPERSANDlt;/p>AMPERSANDlt;script>  var storage = globalStorage['example.com'];  if (!storage.pageLoadCount)    storage.pageLoadCount = 0;  storage.pageLoadCount = parseInt(storage.pageLoadCount, 10) + 1;  document.getElementById('count').textContent = storage.pageLoadCount;AMPERSANDlt;/script></pre>  </div>  <p>Each domain and each subdomain has its own separate storage area.   Subdomains can access the storage areas of parent domains, and domains can   access the storage areas of subdomains.  <ul class=brief>   <li><code>globalStorage['']</code> is accessible to all domains.   <li><code>globalStorage['com']</code> is accessible to all .com domains   <li><code>globalStorage['example.com']</code> is accessible to example.com    and any of its subdomains   <li><code>globalStorage['www.example.com']</code> is accessible to    www.example.com and example.com, but not www2.example.com.  </ul>  <p>Storage areas (both session storage and global storage) store strings.   To store structured data in a storage area, you must first convert it to a   string.  <h4 id=the-storage><span class=secno>5.4.2. </span>The <code><a   href="#storage2">Storage</a></code> interface</h4>  <pre class=idl>interface <dfn id=storage2>Storage</dfn> {  readonly attribute unsigned long <a href="#length4" title=dom-Storage-length>length</a>;  DOMString <a href="#keyn" title=dom-Storage-key>key</a>(in unsigned long index);  <a href="#storageitem">StorageItem</a> <a href="#getitem" title=dom-Storage-getItem>getItem</a>(in DOMString key);  void <a href="#setitem" title=dom-Storage-setItem>setItem</a>(in DOMString key, in DOMString data);  void <a href="#removeitem" title=dom-Storage-removeItem>removeItem</a>(in DOMString key);};</pre>  <p>Each <code><a href="#storage2">Storage</a></code> object provides access   to a list of key/value pairs, which are sometimes called items. Keys are   strings, and any string (including the empty string) is a valid key.   Values are strings with associated metadata, represented by <code><a   href="#storageitem">StorageItem</a></code> objects.  <p>Each <code><a href="#storage2">Storage</a></code> object is associated   with a list of key/value pairs when it is created, as defined in the   sections on the <code title=dom-sessionStorage><a   href="#sessionstorage">sessionStorage</a></code> and <code   title=dom-globalStorage><a href="#globalstorage">globalStorage</a></code>   attributes. Multiple separate objects implementing the <code><a   href="#storage2">Storage</a></code> interface can all be associated with   the same list of key/value pairs simultaneously.  <p>Key/value pairs have associated metadata. In particular, a key/value   pair can be marked as either "safe only for secure content", or as "safe   for both secure and insecure content".  <p>A key/value pair is <dfn id=accessible title="accessible   keys">accessible</dfn> if either it is marked as "safe for both secure and   insecure content", or it is marked as "safe only for secure content" and   the script in question is running in a <span title="secure scripting   contexts">secure scripting context</span>.  <p>The <dfn id=length4 title=dom-Storage-length><code>length</code></dfn>   attribute must return the number of key/value pairs currently present and   <a href="#accessible" title="accessible keys">accessible</a> in the list   associated with the object.  <p>The <dfn id=keyn title=dom-Storage-key><code>key(<var   title="">n</var>)</code></dfn> method must return the name of the <var   title="">n</var>th <span>accessible</span> key in the list. The order of   keys is user-agent defined, but must be consistent within an object   between changes to the number of keys. (Thus, <a href="#setitem"   title=dom-Storage-setItem>adding</a> or <a href="#removeitem"   title=dom-Storage-removeItem>removing</a> a key may change the order of   the keys, but merely changing the value of an existing key must not.)   <!--The order of keys may differ between instances of the  <code>Storage</code> interface accessing the same list. [removed for  now for clarity, but if people ask, put it back. this is part of the  spec.]-->   If <var title="">n</var> is less than zero or greater than or equal to the   number of key/value pairs in the object, then this method must raise an   <code>INDEX_SIZE_ERR</code> exception.  <p>The <dfn id=getitem title=dom-Storage-getItem><code>getItem(<var   title="">key</var>)</code></dfn> method must return the <code><a   href="#storageitem">StorageItem</a></code> object representing the   key/value pair with the given <var title="">key</var>. If the given <var   title="">key</var> does not exist in the list associated with the object,   or is not <span>accessible</span>, then this method must return null.   Subsequent calls to this method with the same key from scripts running in   the same <span>security context</span> must return the same instance of   the <code><a href="#storageitem">StorageItem</a></code> interface. (Such   instances must not be shared across security contexts, though.)</p>  <!-- XXX define security context -->  <p>The <dfn id=setitem title=dom-Storage-setItem><code>setItem(<var   title="">key</var>, <var title="">value</var>)</code></dfn> method must   first check if a key/value pair with the given <var title="">key</var>   already exists in the list associated with the object.  <p>If it does not, then a new key/value pair must be added to the list,   with the given <var title="">key</var> and <var title="">value</var>, such   that any current or future <code><a   href="#storageitem">StorageItem</a></code> objects referring to this   key/value pair will return the value given in the <var   title="">value</var> argument. If the script setting the value is running   in a <span title="secure scripting contexts">secure scripting   context</span>, then the key/value pair must be marked as "safe only for   secure content", otherwise it must be marked as "safe for both secure and   insecure content".  <p>If the given <var title="">key</var> <em>does</em> exist in the list,   then, if the key/value pair with the given <var title="">key</var> is   <span>accessible</span>, it must have its value updated so that any   current or future <code><a href="#storageitem">StorageItem</a></code>   objects referring to this key/value pair will return the value given in   the <var title="">value</var> argument. If it is <em>not</em>   <span>accessible</span>, the method must raise a <a   href="#security2">security exception</a>.  <p>When the <code title=dom-Storage-setItem><a   href="#setitem">setItem()</a></code> method is successfully invoked (i.e.   when it doesn't raise an exception), events are fired on other <code><a   href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code> objects that can access the   newly stored data, as defined in the sections on the <code   title=dom-sessionStorage><a   href="#sessionstorage">sessionStorage</a></code> and <code   title=dom-globalStorage><a href="#globalstorage">globalStorage</a></code>   attributes.</p>  <!--  not normative, see the sections below for the normative statement  -->  <p>The <dfn id=removeitem   title=dom-Storage-removeItem><code>removeItem(<var   title="">key</var>)</code></dfn> method must cause the key/value pair with   the given <var title="">key</var> to be removed from the list associated   with the object, if it exists and is <span>accessible</span>. If no item   with that key exists, the method must do nothing. If an item with that key   exists but is not <span>accessible</span>, the method must raise a <a   href="#security2">security exception</a>.  <p>The <code title=dom-Storage-setItem><a   href="#setitem">setItem()</a></code> and <code   title=dom-Storage-removeItem><a href="#removeitem">removeItem()</a></code>   methods must be atomic with respect to failure. That is, changes to the   data storage area must either be successful, or the data storage area must   not be changed at all.  <p>In the ECMAScript DOM binding, enumerating a <code><a   href="#storage2">Storage</a></code> object must enumerate through the   currently stored and <span>accessible</span> keys in the list the object   is associated with. (It must not enumerate the values or the actual   members of the interface). In the ECMAScript DOM binding, <code><a   href="#storage2">Storage</a></code> objects must support dereferencing   such that getting a property that is not a member of the object (i.e. is   neither a member of the <code><a href="#storage2">Storage</a></code>   interface nor of <code title=dom-Object>Object</code>) must invoke the   <code title=dom-Storage-getItem><a href="#getitem">getItem()</a></code>   method with the property's name as the argument, and setting such a   property must invoke the <code title=dom-Storage-setItem><a   href="#setitem">setItem()</a></code> method with the property's name as   the first argument and the given value as the second argument.  <h4 id=the-storageitem><span class=secno>5.4.3. </span>The <code><a   href="#storageitem">StorageItem</a></code> interface</h4>  <p>Items in <code><a href="#storage2">Storage</a></code> objects are   represented by objects implementing the <code><a   href="#storageitem">StorageItem</a></code> interface.  <pre class=idl>interface <dfn id=storageitem>StorageItem</dfn> {           attribute boolean <a href="#secure" title=dom-StorageItem-secure>secure</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#value7" title=dom-StorageItem-value>value</a>;};</pre>  <p>In the ECMAScript DOM binding, <code><a   href="#storageitem">StorageItem</a></code> objects must stringify to their   <code title=dom-StorageItem-value><a href="#value7">value</a></code>   attribute's value.  <p>The <dfn id=value7 title=dom-StorageItem-value><code>value</code></dfn>   attribute must return the current value of the key/value pair represented   by the object. When the attribute is set, the user agent must invoke the   <code title=dom-Storage-setItem><a href="#setitem">setItem()</a></code>   method of the <code><a href="#storage2">Storage</a></code> object that the   <code><a href="#storageitem">StorageItem</a></code> object is associated   with, with the key that the <code><a   href="#storageitem">StorageItem</a></code> object is associated with as   the first argument, and the new given value of the attribute as the second   argument.  <p><code><a href="#storageitem">StorageItem</a></code> objects must be   <em><a href="#live">live</a></em>, meaning that as the underlying <code><a   href="#storage2">Storage</a></code> object has its key/value pairs   updated, the <code><a href="#storageitem">StorageItem</a></code> objects   must always return the actual value of the key/value pair they represent.  <p>If the key/value pair has been deleted, the <code><a   href="#storageitem">StorageItem</a></code> object must act as if its value   was the empty string. On setting, the key/value pair will be recreated.  <p>The <dfn id=secure   title=dom-StorageItem-secure><code>secure</code></dfn> attribute must   raise an <code>INVALID_ACCESS_ERR</code> exception when accessed or set   from a script whose script context is not <span title="secure scripting   contexts">considered secure</span><!-- XXX  xref -->. (Basically, if the   page is not an SSL page.)  <p>If the scripting context <em>is</em> secure, then the <code   title=dom-StorageItem-secure><a href="#secure">secure</a></code> attribute   must return true if the key/value pair is considered "safe only for secure   content", and false if it is considered "safe for both secure and insecure   content". If it is set to true, then the key/value pair must be flagged as   "safe only for secure content". If it is set to false, then the key/value   pair must be flagged as "safe for both secure and insecure content".  <p>If a <code><a href="#storageitem">StorageItem</a></code> object is   obtained by a script that is not running in a <span title="secure   scripting contexts">secure scripting context</span>, and the item is then   marked with the "safe only for secure content" flag by a script that   <em>is</em> running in a secure context, the <code><a   href="#storageitem">StorageItem</a></code> object must continue to be   available to the first script, who will be able to read the value of the   object. However, any attempt to <em>set</em> the value would then start   raising exceptions as described in the previous section, and the key/value   pair would no longer appear in the appropriate <code><a   href="#storage2">Storage</a></code> object.  <h4 id=the-sessionstorage><span class=secno>5.4.4. </span>The <code   title=dom-sessionStorage><a   href="#sessionstorage">sessionStorage</a></code> attribute</h4>  <p>The <dfn id=sessionstorage   title=dom-sessionStorage><code>sessionStorage</code></dfn> attribute   represents the storage area specific to the current <a   href="#top-level">top-level browsing context</a>.  <p>Each <a href="#top-level">top-level browsing context</a> has a unique   set of session storage areas, one for each domain.  <p>User agents should not expire data from a browsing context's session   storage areas, but may do so when the user requests that such data be   deleted, or when the UA detects that it has limited storage space, or for   security reasons. User agents should always avoid deleting data while a   script that could access that data is running. When a top-level browsing   context is destroyed (and therefore permanently inaccessible to the user)   the data stored in its session storage areas can be discarded with it, as   the API described in this specification provides no way for that data to   ever be subsequently retrieved.  <p class=note>The lifetime of a browsing context can be unrelated to the   lifetime of the actual user agent process itself, as the user agent may   support resuming sessions after a restart.  <p>When a new <code><a href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code> is   created, the user agent must check to see if the document's <a   href="#top-level">top-level browsing context</a> has allocated a session   storage area for that <a href="#domain0">document's domain</a>. If it has   not, a new storage area for that document's domain must be created.  <p>The <code><a href="#storage2">Storage</a></code> object for the   document's associated <code><a href="#windowhtml">WindowHTML</a></code>   object's <code title=dom-sessionStorage><a   href="#sessionstorage">sessionStorage</a></code> attribute must then be   associated with the domain's session storage area.  <p>When a new <a href="#top-level">top-level browsing context</a> is   created by cloning an existing <a href="#browsing">browsing context</a>,   the new browsing context must start with the same session storage areas as   the original, but the two sets must from that point on be considered   separate, not affecting each other in any way.  <p>When a new <a href="#top-level">top-level browsing context</a> is   created by a script in an existing <a href="#browsing">browsing   context</a>, or by the user following a link in an existing browsing   context, or in some other way related to a specific <code><a   href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code>, then, if the new context's   first <code><a href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code> has the same   <a href="#domain0" title="document's domain">domain</a> as the <code><a   href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code> from which the new context   was created, the new browsing context must start with a single session   storage area. That storage area must be a copy of that domain's session   storage area in the original browsing context, which from that point on   must be considered separate, with the two storage areas not affecting each   other in any way.</p>  <!-- XXX define the case for window.open() -->  <p id=sessionStorageEvent>When the <code title=dom-Storage-setItem><a   href="#setitem">setItem()</a></code> method is called on a <code><a   href="#storage2">Storage</a></code> object <var title="">x</var> that is   associated with a session storage area, then, if the method does not raise   a <a href="#security2">security exception</a>, in every <code><a   href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code> object whose <code><a   href="#windowhtml">WindowHTML</a></code> object's <code   title=dom-sessionStorage><a   href="#sessionstorage">sessionStorage</a></code> attribute's <code><a   href="#storage2">Storage</a></code> object is associated with the same   storage area, other than <var title="">x</var>, a <code   title=event-storage><a href="#storage3">storage</a></code> event must be   fired, as <a href="#storage3" title=event-storage>described below</a>.  <h4 id=the-globalstorage><span class=secno>5.4.5. </span>The <code   title=dom-globalStorage><a href="#globalstorage">globalStorage</a></code>   attribute</h4>  <pre class=idl>interface <dfn id=storagelist>StorageList</dfn> {  <a href="#storage2">Storage</a> <a href="#nameditem2" title=dom-Storagelist-namedItem>namedItem</a>(in DOMString domain);};</pre>  <p>The <dfn id=globalstorage   title=dom-globalStorage><code>globalStorage</code></dfn> object provides a   <code><a href="#storage2">Storage</a></code> object for each domain.  <p>In the ECMAScript DOM binding, <code><a   href="#storagelist">StorageList</a></code> objects must support   dereferencing such that getting a property that is not a member of the   object (i.e. is neither a member of the <code><a   href="#storagelist">StorageList</a></code> interface nor of <code   title=dom-Object>Object</code>) must invoke the <code   title=dom-Storagelist-namedItem><a   href="#nameditem2">namedItem()</a></code> method with the property's name   as the argument.  <p>User agents must have a set of global storage areas, one for each   domain.  <p>User agents should only expire data from the global storage areas for   security reasons or when requested to do so by the user. User agents   should always avoid deleting data while a script that could access that   data is running. Data stored in global storage areas should be considered   potentially user-critical. It is expected that Web applications will use   the global storage areas for storing user-written documents.  <p>The <dfn id=nameditem2   title=dom-Storagelist-namedItem><code>namedItem(<var   title="">domain</var>)</code></dfn> method tries to returns a <code><a   href="#storage2">Storage</a></code> object associated with the given   domain, according to the rules that follow.  <div id=splitDomain>   <p>The <var title="">domain</var> must first be split into an array of    strings, by splitting the string at "." characters (U+002E FULL STOP). If    the <var title="">domain</var> argument is the empty string, then the    array is empty as well. If the <var title="">domain</var> argument is not    empty but has no dots, then the array has one item, which is equal to the    <var title="">domain</var> argument. If the <var title="">domain</var>    argument contains consecutive dots, there will be empty strings in the    array (e.g. the string "hello..world" becomes split into the three    strings "hello", "", and "world", with the middle one being the empty    string).</p>   <p>Each component of the array must then have the IDNA ToASCII algorithm    applied to it, with both the AllowUnassigned and UseSTD3ASCIIRules flags    set. <a href="#refsRFC3490">[RFC3490]</a> If ToASCII fails to convert one    of the components of the string, e.g. because it is too long or because    it contains invalid characters, then the user agent must raise a    <code>SYNTAX_ERR</code> exception. <a href="#refsDOM3CORE">[DOM3CORE]</a>    The components after this step consist of only US-ASCII characters.</p>   <p>The components of the array must then be converted to lowercase. Since    only US-ASCII is involved at this step, this only requires converting    characters in the range A-Z to the corresponding characters in the range    a-z.</p>  </div>  <p>The resulting array is used in a comparison with another array, as   described below. In addition, its components are concatenated together,   each part separated by a dot (U+002E), to form the <dfn   id=normalised>normalised requested domain</dfn>.  <p class=example>If the original <var title="">domain</var> was   "AMPERSANDAring;sgAMPERSANDaring;rd.Example.Com", then the resulting array would have the   three items "xn--sgrd-poac", "example", and "com", and the normalised   requested domain would be "xn--sgrd-poac.example.com".  <p>Next, the <a href="#domain1" title="script's domain">script's own   domain</a> is processed to find if it is allowed to access the requested   domain.  <p>If the script's domain name in not known, e.g. if only the server's IP   address is known, and the <a href="#normalised">normalised requested   domain</a> is not the empty string, then the user agent must raise a <a   href="#security2">security exception</a>.  <p class=note>If the <a href="#normalised">normalised requested domain</a>   is the empty string, then the rest of this algorithm can be skipped. This   is because in that situation, the comparison of the two arrays below will   always find them to be the same AMPERSANDmdash; the first array in such a   situation is also empty and so permission to access that storage area will   always be given.  <p>If the script's domain contains no dots (U+002E) then the string   "<code>.localdomain</code>" must be appended to the script's domain.  <p>Then, the script's domain must be turned into an array, being split,   converted to ASCII, and lowercased as described for the <var   title="">domain</var> argument <a href="#splitDomain">above</a>.  <p>Of the two arrays, the longest one must then be shortened to the length   of the shorter one, by dropping items from the start of the array.  <div class=example>   <p>If the <var title="">domain</var> argument is "www.example.com" and the    script's domain is "example.com" then the first array will be a three    item array ("www", "example", "com"), and the second will be a two item    array ("example", "com"). The first array is therefore shortened,    dropping the leading parts, making both into the same array ("example",    "com").</p>  </div>  <p>If the two arrays are not component-for-component identical in literal   string comparisons, then the user agent must then raise a <a   href="#security2">security exception</a>.  <p>Otherwise, the user agent must check to see if it has allocated global   storage area for the <a href="#normalised">normalised requested   domain</a>. If it has not, a new storage area for that domain must be   created.  <p>The user agent must then create a <code><a   href="#storage2">Storage</a></code> object associated with that domain's   global storage area, and return it.  <p>When the requested <var title="">domain</var> is a top level domain, or   the empty string, or a country-specific sub-domain like "co.uk" or   "ca.us", the associated global storage area is known as <dfn   id=public0>public storage area</dfn>  <div id=globalStorageEvent>   <p>The <code title=dom-Storage-setItem><a    href="#setitem">setItem()</a></code> method might be called on a <code><a    href="#storage2">Storage</a></code> object that is associated with a    global storage area for a domain <var title="">d</var>, created by a    <code><a href="#storagelist">StorageList</a></code> object associated    with a <code><a href="#windowhtml">WindowHTML</a></code> object <var    title="">x</var>. Whenever this occurs, if the method didn't raise an    exception, a <code title=event-storage><a    href="#storage3">storage</a></code> event must be fired, as described    below, in every <code><a href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code>    object that matches the following conditions:</p>   <ul>    <li>Its <code><a href="#windowhtml">WindowHTML</a></code> object is not     <var title="">x</var>, and    <li>Its <code><a href="#windowhtml">WindowHTML</a></code> object's <code     title=dom-sessionStorage><a     href="#sessionstorage">globalStorage</a></code> attribute's <code><a     href="#storagelist">StorageList</a></code> object's <code     title=dom-Storagelist-namedItem><a     href="#nameditem2">namedItem()</a></code> method would not raise a <a     href="#security2">security exception</a> according to the rules above if     it was invoked with the domain <var title="">d</var>.   </ul>   <p>In other words, every other document that has access to that domain's    global storage area is notified of the change.</p>  </div>  <h4 id=the-storage0><span class=secno>5.4.6. </span>The <code   title=event-storage><a href="#storage3">storage</a></code> event</h4>  <p>The <dfn id=storage3 title=event-storage><code>storage</code></dfn>   event is fired in an <code><a href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code>   when a storage area changes, as described in the previous two sections (<a   href="#sessionStorageEvent">for session storage</a>, <a   href="#globalStorageEvent">for global storage</a>).  <p>When this happens, a <code><a href="#storage2">storage</a></code> event   in the <code>http://www.w3.org/2001/xml-events</code> namespace, which   bubbles, is not cancelable, has no default action, and which uses the   <code><a href="#storageevent">StorageEvent</a></code> interface described   below, must be fired on <a href="#the-body0">the body element</a>.  <p>However, it is possible (indeed, for session storage areas, likely) that   the target <code><a href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code> object is   not active at that time. For example, it might not be the <a   href="#current">current entry</a> in the session history; user agents   typically stop scripts from running in pages that are in the history. In   such cases, the user agent must instead delay the firing of the event   until such time as the <code><a   href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code> object in question becomes   active again.  <p>When there are multiple delayed <code><a   href="#storage2">storage</a></code> events for the same <code><a   href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code> object, user agents should   coalesce events with the same <code title=dom-Storageevent-domain><a   href="#domain2">domain</a></code> value (dropping duplicates).  <p>If the DOM of a page that has delayed <code><a   href="#storage2">storage</a></code> events queued up is <a href="#discard"   title=discard>discarded</a>, then the delayed events are dropped as well.  <pre class=idl>interface <dfn id=storageevent>StorageEvent</dfn> : Event {  readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#domain2" title=dom-StorageEvent-domain>domain</a>;  void <a href="#initstorageevent" title=dom-StorageEvent-initStorageEvent>initStorageEvent</a>(in DOMString typeArg, in boolean canBubbleArg, in boolean cancelableArg, in DOMString domainArg);  void <a href="#initstorageeventns" title=dom-StorageEvent-initStorageEventNS>initStorageEventNS</a>(in DOMString namespaceURIArg, in DOMString typeArg, in boolean canBubbleArg, in boolean cancelableArg, in DOMString domainArg);};</pre>  <p>The <dfn id=initstorageevent   title=dom-StorageEvent-initStorageEvent><code>initStorageEvent()</code></dfn>   and <dfn id=initstorageeventns   title=dom-StorageEvent-initStorageEventNS><code>initStorageEventNS()</code></dfn>   methods must initialise the event in a manner analogous to the   similarly-named methods in the DOM3 Events interfaces. <a   href="#DOM3Events">[DOM3EVENTS]</a>  <p>The <dfn id=domain2   title=dom-StorageEvent-domain><code>domain</code></dfn> attribute of the   <code><a href="#storageevent">StorageEvent</a></code> event object must be   set to the name of the domain associated with the storage area that   changed if that storage area is a global storage area, or the string   "<code>#session</code>" if it was a session storage area.</p>  <!-- XXX onstorage should be defined -->  <h4 id=miscellaneous0><span class=secno>5.4.7. </span>Miscellaneous   implementation requirements for storage areas</h4>  <h5 id=disk-space><span class=secno> </span>Disk space</h5>  <p>User agents should limit the total amount of space allowed for a domain   based on the domain of the page setting the value.  <p>User agents should not limit the total amount of space allowed on a   per-storage-area basis, otherwise a site could just store data in any   number of subdomains, e.g. storing up to the limit in a1.example.com,   a2.example.com, a3.example.com, etc, circumventing per-domain limits.  <p>User agents should consider additional quota mechanisms (for example   limiting the amount of space provided to a domain's subdomains as a group)   so that hostile authors can't run scripts from multiple subdomains all   adding data to the global storage area in an attempted denial-of-service   attack.  <p>User agents may prompt the user when per-domain space quotas are   reached, allowing the user to grant a site more space. This enables sites   to store many user-created documents on the user's computer, for instance.  <p>User agents should allow users to see how much space each domain is   using.  <p>If the storage area space limit is reached during a <code   title=dom-Storage-setItem><a href="#setitem">setItem()</a></code> call,   the user agent should raise an exception.</p>  <!-- XXX which one? -->  <p>A mostly arbitrary limit of five megabytes per domain is recommended.   Implementation feedback is welcome and will be used to update this   suggestion in future.  <h5 id=threads0><span class=secno> </span>Threads</h5>  <p>Multiple browsing contexts must be able to access the global storage   areas simultaneously in a predictable manner. Scripts must not be able to   detect any concurrent script execution.  <p>This is required to guarentee that the <code title=dom-Storage-length><a   href="#length4">length</a></code> attribute of a <code><a   href="#storage2">Storage</a></code> object never changes while a script is   executing, other than in a way that is predictable by the script itself.  <p>There are various ways of implementing this requirement. One is that if   a script running in one browsing context accesses a global storage area,   the UA blocks scripts in other browsing contexts when they try to access   <em>any</em> global storage area until the first script has executed to   completion. (Similarly, when a script in one browsing context accesses its   session storage area, any scripts that have the same top level browsing   context and the same domain would block when accessing their session   storage area until the first script has executed to completion.) Another   (potentially more efficient but probably more complex) implementation   strategy is to use optimistic transactional script execution. This   specification does not require any particular implementation strategy, so   long as the requirement above is met.  <h4 id=security0><span class=secno>5.4.8. </span>Security and privacy</h4>  <h5 id=user-tracking><span class=secno> </span>User tracking</h5>  <p>A third-party advertiser (or any entity capable of getting content   distributed to multiple sites) could use a unique identifier stored in its   domain's global storage area to track a user across multiple sessions,   building a profile of the user's interests to allow for highly targetted   advertising. In conjunction with a site that is aware of the user's real   identity (for example an e-commerce site that requires authenticated   credentials), this could allow oppressive groups to target individuals   with greater accuracy than in a world with purely anonymous Web usage.  <p>The <code title=dom-globalStorage><a   href="#globalstorage">globalStorage</a></code> object also introduces a   way for sites to cooperate to track users over multiple domains, by   storing identifying data in "<a href="#public0" title="public storage   area">public</a>" top-level domain storage area, accessible by any domain.  <p>There are a number of techniques that can be used to mitigate the risk   of user tracking:  <ul>   <li>    <p>Blocking third-party storage: user agents may restrict access to the     <code title=dom-globalStorage><a     href="#globalstorage">globalStorage</a></code> object to scripts     originating at the domain of the top-level document of the <a     href="#browsing">browsing context</a>.</p>    <p>This blocks a third-party site from using its private storage area for     tracking a user, but top-level sites could still cooperate with third     parties to perferm user tracking by using the "<a href="#public0"     title="public storage area">public</a>" storage area.</p>   <li>    <p>Expiring stored data: user agents may automatically delete stored data     after a period of time.</p>    <p>For example, a user agent could treat the global storage area as     session-only storage, deleting the data once the user had closed all the     <span>browsing contexts</span> that could access it.</p>    <p>This can restrict the ability of a site to track a user, as the site     would then only be able to track the user across multiple sessions when     he authenticates with the site itself (e.g. by making a purchase or     logging in to a service).</p>    <!-- XXX should there be an explicit way for sites to state when    data should expire? as in    globalStorage['example.com'].expireData(365); ? -->       <li>    <p>Blocking access to the top-level domain ("<a href="#public0"     title="public storage area">public</a>") storage areas: user agents may     prevent domains from storing data in and reading data from the top-level     domain entries in the <code title=dom-globalStorage><a     href="#globalstorage">globalStorage</a></code> object.</p>    <p>In practice this requires a detailed list of all the "public"     second-level (and third-level) domains. For example, content at the     domain <code>www.example.com</code> would be allowed to access     <code>example.com</code> data but not <code>com</code> data; content at     the domain <code>example.co.uk</code> would be allowed access to     <code>example.co.uk</code> but not <code>co.uk</code> or     <code>uk</code>; and content at <code>example.chiyoda.tokyo.jp</code>     would be allowed access to <code>example.chiyoda.tokyo.jp</code> but not     <code>chiyoda.tokyo.jp</code>, <code>tokyo.jp</code>, or     <code>jp</code>, while content at <code>example.metro.tokyo.jp</code>     would be allowed access to both <code>example.metro.tokyo.jp</code> and     <code>metro.tokyo.jp</code> but not <code>tokyo.jp</code> or     <code>jp</code>. The problem is even more convoluted when one considers     private domains with third-party subdomains such as     <code>dyndns.org</code> or <code>uk.com</code>.</p>    <p>Blocking access to the "<a href="#public0" title="public storage     area">public</a>" storage areas can also prevent innocent sites from     cooperating to provide services beneficial to the user.</p>   <li>    <p>Treating persistent storage as cookies: user agents may present the     persistent storage feature to the user in a way that does not     distinguish it from HTTP session cookies. <a     href="#refsRFC2965">[RFC2965]</a></p>    <p>This might encourage users to view persistent storage with healthy     suspicion.</p>   <li>    <p>Site-specific white-listing of access to "<a href="#public0"     title="public storage area">public</a>" storage area: user agents may     allow sites to access persistent storage for their own domain and     subdomains in an unrestricted manner, but require the user to authorise     access to the storage area of higher-level domains.</p>    <p>For example, code at <code>example.com</code> would be always allowed     to read and write data for <code>www.example.com</code> and     <code>example.com</code>, but if it tried to access <code>com</code>,     the user agent could display a non-modal message informing the user that     the page requested access to <code>com</code> and offering to allow it.</p>   <li>    <p>Origin-tracking of persistent storage data: user agents may record the     domain of the script that caused data to be stored.</p>    <p>If this information is then used to present the view of data currently     in persistent storage, it would allow the user to make informed     decisions about which parts of the persistent storage to prune. Combined     with a blacklist ("delete this data and prevent this domain from ever     storing data again"), the user can restrict the use of persistent     storage to sites that he trusts.</p>   <li>    <p>Shared blacklists: user agents may allow users to share their     persistent storage domain blacklists.</p>    <p>This would allow communities to act together to protect their privacy.</p>  </ul>  <p>While these suggestions prevent trivial use of this API for user   tracking, they do not block it altogether. Within a single domain, a site   can continue to track the user across multiple sessions, and can then pass   all this information to the third party along with any identifying   information (names, credit card numbers, addresses) obtained by the site.   If a third party cooperates with multiple sites to obtain such   information, a profile can still be created.  <p>However, user tracking is to some extent possible even with no   cooperation from the user agent whatsoever, for instance by using session   identifiers in URIs, a technique already commonly used for innocuous   purposes but easily repurposed for user tracking (even retroactively).   This information can then be shared with other sites, using using   visitors' IP addresses and other user-specific data (e.g. user-agent   headers and configuration settings) to combine separate sessions into   coherent user profiles.  <h5 id=cookie><span class=secno> </span>Cookie resurrection</h5>  <p>If the user interface for persistent storage presents data in the   persistent storage feature separately from data in HTTP session cookies,   then users are likely to delete data in one and not the other. This would   allow sites to use the two features as redundant backup for each other,   defeating a user's attempts to protect his privacy.  <h5 id=integrity><span class=secno> </span>Integrity of "public"   storage areas</h5>  <p>Since the "<a href="#public0" title="public storage area">public</a>"   global storage areas are accessible by content from many different   parties, it is possible for third-party sites to delete or change   information stored in those areas in ways that the originating sites may   not expect.  <p>Authors must not use the "<a href="#public0" title="public storage   area">public</a>" global storage areas for storing sensitive data. Authors   must not trust information stored in "<a href="#public0" title="public   storage area">public</a>" global storage areas.  <h5 id=cross-protocol><span class=secno> </span>Cross-protocol and   cross-port attacks</h5>  <p>This API makes no distinction between content served over HTTP, FTP, or   other host-based protocols, and does not distinguish between content   served from different ports at the same host.  <p>Thus, for example, data stored in the global persistent storage for   domain "www.example.com" by a page served from HTTP port 80 will be   available to a page served in <code>http://example.com:18080/</code>, even   if the latter is an experimental server under the control of a different   user.  <p>Since the data is not sent over the wire by the user agent, this is not   a security risk in its own right. However, authors must take proper steps   to ensure that all hosts that have fully qualified host names that are   subsets of hosts dealing with sensitive information are as secure as the   originating hosts themselves.  <p>Similarly, authors must ensure that all Web servers on a host,   regardless of the port, are equally trusted if any of them are to use   persistent storage. For instance, if a Web server runs a production   service that makes use of the persistent storage feature, then other users   that have access to that machine and that can run a Web server on another   port will be able to access the persistent storage added by the production   service (assuming they can trick a user into visiting their page).  <p>However, if one is able to trick users into visiting a Web server with   the same host name but on a different port as a production service used by   these users, then one could just as easily fake the look of the site and   thus trick users into authenticating with the fake site directly,   forwarding the request to the real site and stealing the credentials in   the process. Thus, the persistent storage feature is considered to only   minimally increase the risk involved.  <h5 id=dns-spoofing><span class=secno> </span>DNS spoofing attacks</h5>  <p>Because of the potential for DNS spoofing attacks, one cannot guarentee   that a host claiming to be in a certain domain really is from that domain.   The <code title=dom-StorageItem-secure><a href="#secure">secure</a></code>   attribute is provided to mark certain key/value pairs as only being   accessible to pages that have been authenticated using secure certificates   (or similar mechanisms).  <p>Authors must ensure that they do not mark sensitive items as "safe for   both secure and insecure content". (To prevent the risk of a race   condition, data stored by scripts in secure contexts default to being   marked as "safe only for secure content".)  <h5 id=cross-directory><span class=secno> </span>Cross-directory   attacks</h5>  <p>Different authors sharing one host name, for example users hosting   content on <code>geocities.com</code>, all share one persistent storage   object. There is no feature to restrict the access by pathname. Authors on   shared hosts are therefore recommended to avoid using the persistent   storage feature, as it would be trivial for other authors to read from and   write to the same storage area.  <p class=note>Even if a path-restriction feature was made available, the   usual DOM scripting security model would make it trivial to bypass this   protection and access the data from any path.  <h5 id=public><span class=secno> </span>Public storage areas   corresponding to hosts</h5>  <p>If a "<a href="#public0" title="public storage area">public</a>" global   storage area corresponds to a host, as it typically does if for private   domains with third-party subdomains such as dyndns.org or uk.com, the host   corresponding to the "public" domain has access to all the storage areas   of its third-party subdomains. In general, authors are discouraged from   using the <code title=dom-globalStorage><a   href="#globalstorage">globalStorage</a></code> API for sensitive data   unless the operators of all the domains involved are trusted.  <p>User agents may mitigate this problem by preventing hosts corresponding   to "<a href="#public0" title="public storage area">public</a>" global   storage areas from accessing any storage areas other than their own.  <h5 id=storage0><span class=secno> </span>Storage areas in the face   of untrusted higher-level domains that do not correspond to public storage   areas</h5>  <p>Authors should not store sensitive data using the global storage APIs if   there are hosts with fully-qualified domain names that are subsets of   their own which they do not trust. For example, an author at   <code>finance.members.example.net</code> should not store sensitive   financial user data in the <code>finance.members.example.net</code>   storage area if he does not trust the host that runs   <code>example.net</code>.  <h5 id=storage1><span class=secno> </span>Storage areas in the face   of untrusted subdomains</h5>  <p>If an author publishing content on one host, e.g.   <code>example.com</code>, wishes to use the <code   title=dom-globalStorage><a href="#globalstorage">globalStorage</a></code>   API but does not wish any content on the host's subdomains to access the   data, the author should use an otherwise non-existent subdomain name,   e.g., <code>private.example.com</code>, to store the data. This will be   accessible only to that host (and its parent domains), and not to any of   the real subdomains (e.g. <code>upload.example.com</code>).  <h5 id=implementation><span class=secno> </span>Implementation   risks</h5>  <p>The two primary risks when implementing this persistent storage feature   are letting hostile sites read information from other domains, and letting   hostile sites write information that is then read from other domains.  <p>Letting third-party sites read data that is not supposed to be read from   their domain causes <em>information leakage</em>, For example, a user's   shopping wishlist on one domain could be used by another domain for   targetted advertising; or a user's work-in-progress confidential documents   stored by a word-processing site could be examined by the site of a   competing company.  <p>Letting third-party sites write data to the storage areas of other   domains can result in <em>information spoofing</em>, which is equally   dangerous. For example, a hostile site could add items to a user's   wishlist; or a hostile site could set a user's session identifier to a   known ID that the hostile site can then use to track the user's actions on   the victim site.  <p>A risk is also presented by servers on local domains having host names   matching top-level domain names, for instance having a host called "com"   or "net". Such hosts might, if implementations fail to correctly implement   the <code>.localdomain</code> suffixing, <!-- XXX cross ref --> have full   access to all the data stored in a UA's persistent storage for that top   level domain.  <p>Thus, strictly following the model described in this specification is   important for user security.  <p>In addition, a number of optional restrictions related to the "<a   href="#public0" title="public storage area">public</a>" global storage   areas are suggested in the previous sections. The design of this API is   intended to be such that not supporting these restrictions, or supporting   them less than perfectly, does not result in critical security problems.   However, implementations are still encouraged to create and maintain a   list of "<a href="#public0" title="public storage area">public</a>"   domains, and apply the restrictions described above.  <h3 id=sound><span class=secno>5.5. </span>Sound</h3>  <p>The <code><a href="#audio0">Audio</a></code> interface allows scripts to   play sound clips. This interface is intended for sound effects, not for   streaming audio or multimedia; for the latter, the <code><a   href="#object0">object</a></code> element is more appropriate. <span   class=issue>We need to add an API for object to support pausing, etc, of   streaming APIs.</span>  <p>There is no markup element that corresponds to <code><a   href="#audio0">Audio</a></code> objects, they are only accessible from   script.  <p>User agents should allow users to dynamically enable and disable sound   output, but doing so must not affect how <code><a   href="#audio0">Audio</a></code> objects act in any way other than whether   sounds are physically played back or not. For instance, sound files must   still be downloaded, <code>load</code> and <code>error</code> events must   still fire, and if two identical clips are started with a two second   interval then when the sound is reenabled they must still be two seconds   out of sync.  <p>When multiple sounds are played simultaneously, the user agent must mix   the sounds together.  <pre class=idl>interface <dfn id=audio0>Audio</dfn> {<!-- XXX xrefs -->           attribute EventListener onload;           attribute EventListener onerror;  void play();  void loop();  void loop(in unsigned long playCount);  void stop();};</pre>  <p><code><a href="#audio0">Audio</a></code> objects must also implement the   <code>EventTarget</code> interface. <a   href="#refsDOM3EVENTS">[DOM3EVENTS]</a>   <!-- XXXXXXX haven't checked conf stats below here -->  <p>In ECMAScript, an instance of <code><a href="#audio0">Audio</a></code>   can be created using the <code>Audio(<var title="">uri</var>)</code>   constructor:  <pre class=example>var a = new Audio("test.wav");</pre>  <p>The <dfn id=audio1><code>Audio()</code> constructor</dfn> takes a single   argument, a URI (or IRI), which is resolved using the script context's   <code>window.location.href</code> value as the base, and which returns an   <code><a href="#audio0">Audio</a></code> object that will, at the   completion of the current script, start loading that URI.  <p>Once the URI is loaded, a <code>load</code> event must be fired on the   <code><a href="#audio0">Audio</a></code> object.  <p><code><a href="#audio0">Audio</a></code> objects have a current position   and a play count. Both are initially zero.  <p>The <code><a href="#audio0">Audio</a></code> interface has the following   members:</p>  <!-- XXX conf criteria -->  <dl>   <dt><dfn id=onload title=Audio.onload>onload</dfn>   <dd>An event listener that is invoked along with any other appropriate    event listeners that are registered on this object when a    <code>load</code> event is fired on it.   <dt><dfn id=play title=Audio.play>play()</dfn>   <dd>Begins playing the sound at the current position, setting the play    count to 1.   <dt><dfn id=loop title=Audio.loop>loop()</dfn>   <dd>Begins playing the sound at the current position, setting the play    count to infinity.   <dt><dfn id=loopplaycount title=Audio.loopN>loop(<var    title="">playCount</var>)</dfn>   <dd>Begins playing the sound at the current position, setting the play    count to <var title="">playCount</var>.   <dt><dfn id=stop title=Audio.stop>stop()</dfn>   <dd>Stops playing the clip and resets the current position and play count    to zero.  </dl>  <p>When playback of the sound reaches the end of the available data, its   current position is reset to the start of the clip, and the play count is   decreased by one (unless it is infinite). If the play count is greater   than zero, then the sound is played again.</p>  <!--   var sound = new Audio("URI relative to document URI");   sound.onload = function() { } // onload event handler   sound.play(); // play once   sound.loop(); // loop forever   sound.loop(2); // play twice   sound.stop(); // stop (if playing) and rewind-->  <!--WANT   sound.volume = 1.0; // 0.0 to 1.0   sound.pause(); // stop at current position but don't rewind   onerrorMAYBE WANT   sound.seek(l/2); // seek to position, in seconds   sound.pan = 0.0; // -1.0 (left) to 1.0 (right)   l = sound.length; // length of clip in seconds   onprogress-->  <h2 id=editing><span class=secno>6. </span><dfn id=editing1>Editing</dfn></h2>  <p>This section describes various features that allow authors to enable   users to edit documents and parts of documents interactively.  <h3 id=editing-intro><span class=secno>6.1. </span>Introduction</h3>  <p><em>This section is non-normative.</em>  <p class=big-issue>Would be nice to explain how these features work   together.  <h3 id=contenteditable><span class=secno>6.2. </span>The <code   title=attr-contenteditable><a   href="#contenteditable0">contenteditable</a></code> attribute</h3>  <p>The <dfn id=contenteditable0   title=attr-contenteditable><code>contenteditable</code></dfn> attribute is   a common attribute. User agents must support this attribute on all <a   href="#html-elements">HTML elements</a>.  <p class=big-issue>redefine this in terms of a microsyntax  <p>If an HTML element has a <code title=attr-contenteditable><a   href="#contenteditable0">contenteditable</a></code> attribute set to the   empty string or the value <code>true</code> (by <span>case-insensitive   match</span><!--XXX xref-->), or if its nearest ancestor with the <code   title=attr-contenteditable><a   href="#contenteditable0">contenteditable</a></code> attribute set has its   attribute set to the empty string or the value <code>true</code> (by   <span>case-insensitive match</span><!--XXX  xref-->), then the UA must   treat the element as <dfn id=editable0>editable</dfn> (as described   below).</p>  <!-- XXX case-sensitivity in HTML -->  <p>If an HTML element has a <code title=attr-contenteditable><a   href="#contenteditable0">contenteditable</a></code> attribute set but the   value of the attribute is not the empty string or the literal value   <code>true</code>, or if its nearest ancestor with the <code   title=attr-contenteditable><a   href="#contenteditable0">contenteditable</a></code> attribute set is not   <em><a href="#editable0">editable</a></em>, or if it has no ancestor with   the <code title=attr-contenteditable><a   href="#contenteditable0">contenteditable</a></code> attribute set, then   the element is not editable.  <p>Authors must only use the exact literal values <code>true</code> and   <code>false</code> with the <code title=attr-contenteditable><a   href="#contenteditable0">contenteditable</a></code> attribute.  <p class=big-issue>The <dfn id=contenteditable1   title=dom-contentEditable><code>contentEditable</code></dfn> DOM   attribute...</p>  <!-- is a string that accepts "true", "false",  "inherit", case-insensitively, and sets the content attribute to  "true", "false", or removes it, respectively, and raises an  exception otherwise -->  <p>If an element is <a href="#editable0">editable</a> and its parent   element is not, then the element is an <dfn id=editing2>editing   host</dfn>. Editable elements can be nested. User agents must make editing   hosts focusable (which typicially means they enter the <span   title=tabindex>tab order</span>). An editing host can contain non-editable   sections, these are handled as described below. An editing host can   contain non-editable sections that contain further editing hosts.  <p>When an editing host has focus, it must have a <dfn id=caret>caret   position</dfn> that specifies where the current editing position is. It   may also have a <a href="#a-selection" title="the   selection">selection</a>.</p>  <!--- XXX xref to later section -->  <p class=note>How the caret and selection are represented depends entirely   on the UA.</p>  <!-- XXX rendering requirement: The current caret should affect the  line-height (i.e. it acts at least like an empty inline element) -->  <!-- XXX document.designMode attribute -->  <h4 id=user-editing><span class=secno>6.2.1. </span>User editing actions</h4>  <p>There are several actions that the user agent should allow the user to   perform while the user is interacting with an editing host. How exactly   each action is triggered is not defined for every action, but when it is   not defined, suggested key bindings are provided to guide implementors.  <dl>   <dt>Move the caret   <dd>    <p>User agents must allow users to move the caret to any position within     an editing host, even into nested editable elements. This could be     triggered as the default action of <code     title=event-keydown>keydown</code> events with various key identifiers     and as the default action of <code     title=event-mousedown>mouseydown</code> events.   <dt>Change the selection   <dd>    <p>User agents must allow users to change <a href="#a-selection">the     selection</a> within an editing host, even into nested editable     elements. This could be triggered as the default action of <code     title=event-keydown>keydown</code> events with various key identifiers     and as the default action of <code     title=event-mousedown>mouseydown</code> events.   <dt id=contenteditable-insertText>Insert text   <dd>    <p>This action must be triggered as the default action of a <code     title=event-textInput>textInput</code> event, and may be triggered by     other commands as well. It must cause the user agent to insert the     specified text (given by the event object's <code title="">data</code>     attribute in the case of the <code     title=event-textInput>textInput</code> event) at the caret.</p>    <p>If the caret is positioned somewhere where <a     href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a> is not allowed (e.g.     because the element accepts "both block-level and inline-level content     but not both", and the element already contains block-level content),     then the user agent must not insert the text directly at the caret     position. In such cases the behaviour is UA-dependent, but user agents     must not, in response to a request to insert text, generate a DOM that     is less conformant than the DOM prior to the request.</p>    <p>User agents should allow users to insert new paragraphs into elements     that only contain block-level content.</p>    <div class=example>     <p>For example, given the markup:</p>     <pre>AMPERSANDlt;sectionAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;dlAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;dtAMPERSANDgt; Ben AMPERSANDlt;/dtAMPERSANDgt;  AMPERSANDlt;ddAMPERSANDgt; Goat AMPERSANDlt;/ddAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;/dlAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/sectionAMPERSANDgt;</pre>     <p>...the user agent should allow the user to insert <code><a      href="#p0">p</a></code> elements before and after the <code><a      href="#dl0">dl</a></code> element, as children of the <code><a      href="#section0">section</a></code> element.</p>    </div>   <dt id=contenteditable-breakBlock>Break block   <dd>    <p>UAs should offer a way for the user to request that the current block     be broken at the caret, e.g. as the default action of a <code     title=event-keydown>keydown</code> event whose identifier is the "Enter"     key and that has no modifiers set.</p>    <p>The exact behaviour is UA-dependent, but user agents must not, in     response to a request to break a block, generate a DOM that is less     conformant than the DOM prior to the request.   <dt id=contenteditable-br>Insert a line separator   <dd>    <p>UAs should offer a way for the user to request an explicit line break     at the caret position without breaking the block, for example as in a     poem verse or an address. To insert a line break, the user agent must     insert a <code><a href="#br0">br</a></code> element.</p>    <p>If the caret is positioned somewhere where <a     href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a> is not allowed (e.g.     because the element accepts "both block-level and inline-level content     but not both", and the element already contains block-level content),     then the user agent must not insert the <code><a     href="#br0">br</a></code> element directly at the caret position. In     such cases the behaviour is UA-dependent, but user agents must not, in     response to a request to insert a line separator, generate a DOM that is     less conformant than the DOM prior to the request.   <dt id=contenteditable-delete>Delete   <dd>    <p>UAs should offer a way for the user to delete text and elements, e.g.     as the default action of <code title=event-keydown>keydown</code> events     whose identifiers are "U+0008" or "U+007F".</p>    <p>Five edge cases in particular need to be considered carefully when     implementing this feature: backspacing at the start of an element,     backspacing when the caret is immediately after an element,     forward-deleting at the end of an element, forward-deleting when the     caret is immediately before an element, and deleting a <a     href="#a-selection" title="the selection">selection</a> whose start and     end points do not share a common parent node.</p>    <p>In any case, the exact behaviour is UA-dependent, but user agents must     not, in response to a request to delete text or an element, generate a     DOM that is less conformant than the DOM prior to the request.   <dt id=contenteditable-wrapSemantic>Insert, and wrap text in, semantic    elements   <dd>    <p>UAs should offer a way for the user to mark text as having <a     href="#em0" title=em>stress emphasis</a> and as being <a href="#strong0"     title=strong>important</a>, and may offer the user the ability to mark     text and blocks with other semantics.</p>    <p>UAs should similarly offer a way for the user to insert empty semantic     elements (such as, again, <code><a href="#em0">em</a></code>, <code><a     href="#strong0">strong</a></code>, and others) to subsequently fill by     entering text manually.</p>    <p>UAs should also offer a way to remove those semantics from marked up     text, and to remove empty semantic element that have been inserted.</p>    <p>The exact behaviour is UA-dependent, but user agents must not, in     response to a request to wrap semantics around some text or to insert or     remove a semantic element, generate a DOM that is less conformant than     the DOM prior to the request.   <dt>Select and move non-editable elements nested inside editing hosts   <dd>    <p>UAs should offer a way for the user to move images and other     non-editable parts around the content within an editing host. This may     be done using the <a href="#drag-and0">drag and drop</a> mechanism. User     agents must not, in response to a request to move non-editable elements     nested inside editing hosts, generate a DOM that is less conformant than     the DOM prior to the request.   <dt>Edit form controls nested inside editing hosts   <dd>    <p>When an <a href="#editable0">editable</a> form control is edited, the     changes must be reflected in both its current value <em>and</em> its     default value. For <code>input</code> elements this means updating the     <code title=dom-input-defaultValue>defaultValue</code> DOM attribute as     well as the <code title=dom-input-value>value</code> DOM attribute; for     <code>select</code> elements it means updating the <code>option</code>     elements' <code title=dom-option-defaultSelected>defaultSelected</code>     DOM attribute as well as the <code     title=dom-option-selected>selected</code> DOM attribute; for     <code>textarea</code> elements this means updating the <code     title=dom-textarea-defaultValue>defaultValue</code> DOM attribute as     well as the <code title=dom-textarea-value>value</code> DOM attribute.     (Updating the <code title="">default*</code> DOM attributes causes     content attributs to be updated as well.)   </dd>   <!-- XXX something about not supporting resizing? -->  </dl>  <!-- XXX each action performed should be added to the undo history -->  <p>User agents may perform several commands per user request; for example   if the user selects a block of text and hits <kbd><kbd>Enter</kbd></kbd>,   the UA might interpret that as a request to delete the content of <a   href="#a-selection">the selection</a> followed by a request to break the   block at that position.  <h4 id=designMode><span class=secno>6.2.2. </span>Making entire documents   editable</h4>  <p class=big-issue>This section will define document.<dfn id=designmode   title=dom-document-designMode><code>designMode</code></dfn>.  <h3 id=dnd><span class=secno>6.3. </span><dfn id=drag-and0>Drag and   drop</dfn></h3>  <!--XXXhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/datatransfer/overview.asphttp://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/dhtml/reference/objects/clipboarddata.asp> To implement this with simple interface I've proposed, events should be> handled either by existing elements (like list items that compare their size> and position of dragged element to decide whether element should be dropped> before or after) or handled by container that would probably need to calculate> positions of it's children and create new element to show drop target. Smooth> Mac-like drag'n'drop can be implemented by animating drop target's> padding/margin. So that's quite a bit of code that's going to be reinvented> each time someone implements reordering.<hyatt> :droptarget<hyatt> or something<hyatt> we don't support a pseudo-class for the drop target but that's a great idea<Hixie_> yeah, thinking about that too<Hixie_> :drop-target, :drop-target(above), :drop-target(below) and having ondragover be able to say "not on me, but next to me maybe"http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/dhtml/reference/events/ondragstart.asphttp://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/dhtml/reference/events/ondrag.asphttp://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/dhtml/reference/events/ondragend.asphttp://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/dhtml/reference/objects/obj_datatransfer.asphttp://developer.apple.com/documentation/AppleApplications/Conceptual/SafariJSProgTopics/Tasks/DragAndDrop.html-->  <p>This section defines an event-based drag-and-drop mechanism.  <p>This specification does not define exactly what a <em>drag and drop   operation</em> actually is.  <p>On a visual medium with a pointing device, a drag operation could be the   default action of a <code title=event-mousedown>mousedown</code> event   that is followed by a series of <code   title=event-mousemove>mousemove</code> events, and the drop could be   triggered by the mouse being released.  <p>On media without a pointing device, the user would probably have to   explicitly indicate his intention to perform a drag-and-drop operation,   stating what he wishes to drag and what he wishes to drop, respectively.  <p>However it is implemented, drag and drop operations must have a starting   point (e.g. where the mouse was clicked, or the start of <a   href="#a-selection">the selection</a> or element that was selected for the   drag), may have any number of intermediate steps (elements that the mouse   moves over during a drag, or elements that the user picks as possible drop   points as he cycles through possibilities), and must either have an end   point (the element above which the mouse button was released, or the   element that was finally selected), or be canceled. The end point must be   the last element selected as a possible drop point before the drop occurs   (so if the operation is not canceled, there must be at least one element   in the middle step).  <h4 id=the-dragevent><span class=secno>6.3.1. </span>The <code><a   href="#dragevent">DragEvent</a></code> and <code><a   href="#datatransfer0">DataTransfer</a></code> interfaces</h4>  <p>The drag-and-drop processing model involves several events. They all use   the <code><a href="#dragevent">DragEvent</a></code> interface.  <pre class=idl>interface <dfn id=dragevent>DragEvent</dfn> : Event {  readonly attribute <a href="#datatransfer0">DataTransfer</a> <a href="#datatransfer" title=dom-DragEvent-dataTransfer>dataTransfer</a>;  void <a href="#initdragevent" title=dom-DragEvent-initDragEvent>initDragEvent</a>(in DOMString typeArg, in boolean canBubbleArg, in boolean cancelableArg);  void <a href="#initdrageventns" title=dom-DragEvent-initDragEventNS>initDragEventNS</a>(in DOMString namespaceURIArg, in DOMString typeArg, in boolean canBubbleArg, in boolean cancelableArg);};</pre>  <p>The <dfn id=initdragevent   title=dom-DragEvent-initDragEvent><code>initDragEvent()</code></dfn> and   <dfn id=initdrageventns   title=dom-DragEvent-initDragEventNS><code>initDragEventNS()</code></dfn>   methods must initialise the event in a manner analogous to the   similarly-named methods in the DOM3 Events interfaces. <a   href="#DOM3Events">[DOM3EVENTS]</a>  <p>The <dfn id=datatransfer   title=dom-DragEvent-dataTransfer><code>dataTransfer</code></dfn> attribute   of the <code><a href="#dragevent">DragEvent</a></code> interface   represents the context information for the event.  <p>When a <code><a href="#dragevent">DragEvent</a></code> object is   created, a new <code><a href="#datatransfer0">DataTransfer</a></code>   object must be created and assigned to the <code   title=dom-DragEvent-dataTransfer><a   href="#datatransfer">dataTransfer</a></code> context information field of   the event object.  <pre class=idl>interface <dfn id=datatransfer0>DataTransfer</dfn> {           attribute DOMString <a href="#dropeffect" title=dom-DataTransfer-dropEffect>dropEffect</a>;           attribute DOMString <a href="#effectallowed" title=dom-DataTransfer-effectAllowed>effectAllowed</a>;  void <a href="#cleardata" title=dom-DataTransfer-clearData>clearData</a>(in DOMString format);  void <a href="#setdata" title=dom-DataTransfer-setData>setData</a>(in DOMString format, in DOMString data);  DOMString <a href="#getdata" title=dom-DataTransfer-getData>getData</a>(in DOMString format);  void <a href="#setdragimage" title=dom-DataTransfer-setDragImage>setDragImage</a>(in Element image, in long x, in long y);  void <a href="#addelement" title=dom-DataTransfer-addElement>addElement</a>(in Element element);};</pre>  <p><code><a href="#datatransfer0">DataTransfer</a></code> objects can   conceptually contain various kinds of data.  <p>When a <code><a href="#dragevent">DragEvent</a></code> event object is   initialised, the <code><a href="#datatransfer0">DataTransfer</a></code>   object created for the event's <code title=dom-DragEvent-dataTransfer><a   href="#datatransfer">dataTransfer</a></code> member must be initialised as   follows:  <ul>   <li>The <code><a href="#datatransfer0">DataTransfer</a></code> object must    initially contain no data, no elements, and have no associated image.   <li>The <code><a href="#datatransfer0">DataTransfer</a></code> object's    <code title=dom-DataTransfer-effectAllowed><a    href="#effectallowed">effectAllowed</a></code> attribute must be set to    "<code title="">uninitialized</code>".   <li>The <code title=dom-DataTransfer-dropEffect><a    href="#dropeffect">dropEffect</a></code> attribute must be set to "<code    title="">none</code>".  </ul>  <p>The <dfn id=dropeffect   title=dom-DataTransfer-dropEffect><code>dropEffect</code></dfn> attribute   controls the drag and drop feedback that the user is given during a drag   and drop operation.  <p>The attribute must ignore any attempts to set it to a value other than   <code title="">none</code>, <code title="">copy</code>, <code   title="">link</code>, and <code title="">move</code>. On getting, the   attribute must return the last of those four values that it was set to.  <p>The <dfn id=effectallowed   title=dom-DataTransfer-effectAllowed><code>effectAllowed</code></dfn>   attribute is used in the drag and drop processing model to initialise the   <code title=dom-DataTransfer-dropEffect><a   href="#dropeffect">dropEffect</a></code> attribute during the <code   title=event-dragenter><a href="#dragenter">dragenter</a></code> and <code   title=event-dragover><a href="#dragover">dragover</a></code> events.  <p>The attribute must ignore any attempts to set it to a value other than   <code title="">none</code>, <code title="">copy</code>, <code   title="">copyLink</code>, <code title="">copyMove</code>, <code   title="">link</code>, <code title="">linkMove</code>, <code   title="">move</code>, <code title="">all</code>, and <code   title="">uninitialized</code>. On getting, the attribute must return the   last of those values that it was set to.  <p><code><a href="#datatransfer0">DataTransfer</a></code> objects can hold   pieces of data, each associated with a unique format. Formats are   generally given by MIME types, with some values special-cased for legacy   reasons.  <p>The <dfn id=cleardata   title=dom-DataTransfer-clearData><code>clearData(<var   title="">format</var>)</code></dfn> method must clear the <code><a   href="#datatransfer0">DataTransfer</a></code> object of any data   associated with the given <var title="">format</var>. If <var   title="">format</var> is the value "<code title="">Text</code>", then it   must be treated as "<code title="">text/plain</code>". If the <var   title="">format</var> is "<code title="">URL</code>", then it must be   treated as "<code title="">text/uri-list</code>".  <p>The <dfn id=setdata title=dom-DataTransfer-setData><code>setData(<var   title="">format</var>, <var title="">data</var>)</code></dfn> method must   add <var title="">data</var> to the data stored in the <code><a   href="#datatransfer0">DataTransfer</a></code> object, labelled as being of   the type <var title="">format</var>. This must replace any previous data   that had been set for that format. If <var title="">format</var> is the   value "<code title="">Text</code>", then it must be treated as "<code   title="">text/plain</code>". If the <var title="">format</var> is "<code   title="">URL</code>", then it must be treated as "<code   title="">text/uri-list</code>".  <p>The <dfn id=getdata title=dom-DataTransfer-getData><code>getData(<var   title="">format</var>)</code></dfn> method must return the data that is   associated with the type <var title="">format</var>, if any, and must   return the empty string otherwise. If <var title="">format</var> is the   value "<code title="">Text</code>", then it must be treated as "<code   title="">text/plain</code>". If the <var title="">format</var> is "<code   title="">URL</code>", then the data associated with the "<code   title="">text/uri-list</code>" format must be parsed as appropriate for   <code title="">text/uri-list</code> data, and the first URI from the list   must be returned. If there is no data with that format, or if there is but   it has no URIs, then the method must return the empty string. <a   href="#refsRFC2483">[RFC2483]</a>  <p>The <dfn id=setdragimage   title=dom-DataTransfer-setDragImage><code>setDragImage(<var   title="">element</var>, <var title="">x</var>, <var   title="">y</var>)</code></dfn> method sets which element to use <a   href="#base-dnd-feedback">to generate the drag feedback</a>. The <var   title="">element</var> argument can be any <code>Element</code>; if it is   an <code><a href="#img0">img</a></code> element, then the user agent   should use the element's image (at its intrinsic size) to generate the   feedback, otherwise the user agent should base the feedback on the given   element (but the exact mechanism for doing so is not specified).  <p>The <dfn id=addelement   title=dom-DataTransfer-addElement><code>addElement(<var   title="">element</var>)</code></dfn> method is an alternative way of   specifying how the user agent is to <a href="#base-dnd-feedback">render   the drag feedback</a>. It adds an element to the <code><a   href="#datatransfer0">DataTransfer</a></code> object.  <h4 id=events0><span class=secno>6.3.2. </span>Events fired during a   drag-and-drop action</h4>  <p>The following events are involved in the drag-and-drop model. Whenever   the processing model described below causes one of these events to be   fired, the event fired must use the <code><a   href="#dragevent">DragEvent</a></code> interface defined above, must have   the bubbling and cancelable behaviours given in the table below, and must   have the context information set up as described after the table.  <table>   <thead>    <tr>     <th> Event Name     <th> Target     <th> Bubbles?     <th> Cancelable?     <th> <code title=dom-DataTransfer-addElement><a      href="#addelement">dataTransfer</a></code>     <th> <code title=dom-DataTransfer-effectAllowed><a      href="#effectallowed">effectAllowed</a></code>     <th> <code title=dom-DataTransfer-dropEffect><a      href="#dropeffect">dropEffect</a></code>     <th> Default Action   <tbody>    <tr>     <td><dfn id=dragstart title=event-dragstart><code>dragstart</code></dfn>     <td><a href="#source">Source node</a>     <td>AMPERSAND#x2713; Bubbles     <td>AMPERSAND#x2713; Cancelable     <td>Contains <a href="#source">source node</a> unless a selection is      being dragged, in which case it is empty     <td><code title="">uninitialized</code>     <td><code title="">none</code>     <td>Initiate the drag-and-drop operation    <tr>     <td><dfn id=drag title=event-drag><code>drag</code></dfn>     <td><a href="#source">Source node</a>     <td>AMPERSAND#x2713; Bubbles     <td>AMPERSAND#x2713; Cancelable     <td>Empty     <td><a href="#effectAllowed-initialisation">Same as last event</a>     <td><code title="">none</code>     <td>Continue the drag-and-drop operation    <tr>     <td><dfn id=dragenter title=event-dragenter><code>dragenter</code></dfn>     <td><a href="#immediate">Immediate user selection</a> or <a      href="#the-body0">the body element</a>     <td>AMPERSAND#x2713; Bubbles     <td>AMPERSAND#x2713; Cancelable     <td>Empty     <td><a href="#effectAllowed-initialisation">Same as last event</a>     <td><a href="#dropEffect-initialisation">Based on      <code>effectAllowed</code> value</a>     <td>Reject <a href="#immediate">immediate user selection</a> as      potential <a href="#current0" title="current target element">target      element</a>    <tr>     <td><dfn id=dragleave title=event-dragleave><code>dragleave</code></dfn>     <td><a href="#current0" title="current target element">Previous target      element</a>     <td>AMPERSAND#x2713; Bubbles     <td>AMPERSANDmdash;     <td>Empty     <td><a href="#effectAllowed-initialisation">Same as last event</a>     <td><code title="">none</code>     <td>None    <tr>     <td><dfn id=dragover title=event-dragover><code>dragover</code></dfn>     <td><a href="#current0">Current target element</a>     <td>AMPERSAND#x2713; Bubbles     <td>AMPERSAND#x2713; Cancelable     <td>Empty     <td><a href="#effectAllowed-initialisation">Same as last event</a>     <td><a href="#dropEffect-initialisation">Based on      <code>effectAllowed</code> value</a>     <td>Reset the <a href="#current1">current drag operation</a> to "none"    <tr>     <td><dfn id=drop title=event-drop><code>drop</code></dfn>     <td><a href="#current0">Current target element</a>     <td>AMPERSAND#x2713; Bubbles     <td>AMPERSAND#x2713; Cancelable     <td><code>getData()</code> returns data set in <code      title=dom-dragstart>dragstart</code> event     <td><a href="#effectAllowed-initialisation">Same as last event</a>     <td><a href="#current1">Current drag operation</a>     <td>Varies    <tr>     <td><dfn id=dragend title=event-dragend><code>dragend</code></dfn>     <td><a href="#source">Source node</a>     <td>AMPERSAND#x2713; Bubbles     <td>AMPERSANDmdash;     <td>Empty     <td><a href="#effectAllowed-initialisation">Same as last event</a>     <td><a href="#current1">Current drag operation</a>     <td>Varies  </table>  <p>The <code title=dom-DragEvent-dataTransfer><a   href="#datatransfer">dataTransfer</a></code> object's contents are empty   except for <code title=event-dragstart><a   href="#dragstart">dragstart</a></code> events and <code   title=event-drop><a href="#drop">drop</a></code> events, for which the   contents are set as described in the processing model, below.  <p id=effectAllowed-initialisation>The <code   title=dom-DataTransfer-effectAllowed><a   href="#effectallowed">effectAllowed</a></code> attribute must be set to   "<code title="">uninitialized</code>" for <code title=event-dragstart><a   href="#dragstart">dragstart</a></code> events, and to whatever value the   field had after the last drag-and-drop event was fired for all other   events (only counting events fired by the user agent for the purposes of   the drag-and-drop model described below).  <p id=dropEffect-initialisation>The <code   title=dom-DataTransfer-dropEffect><a   href="#dropeffect">dropEffect</a></code> attribute must be set to "<code   title="">none</code>" for <code title=event-dragstart><a   href="#dragstart">dragstart</a></code>, <code title=event-drag><a   href="#drag">drag</a></code>, <code title=event-dragleave><a   href="#dragleave">dragleave</a></code>, and <code title=event-dragend><a   href="#dragend">dragend</a></code> events (except when stated otherwise in   the algorithms given in the sections below), to the value corresponding to   the <a href="#current1">current drag operation</a> for <code   title=event-drop><a href="#drop">drop</a></code> events, and to a value   based on the <code title=dom-DataTransfer-effectAllowed><a   href="#effectallowed">effectAllowed</a></code> attribute's value and to   the drag-and-drop source, as given by the following table, for the   remaining events (<code title=event-dragenter><a   href="#dragenter">dragenter</a></code> and <code title=event-dragover><a   href="#dragover">dragover</a></code>):  <table>   <thead>    <tr>     <th><code title=dom-DataTransfer-effectAllowed><a      href="#effectallowed">effectAllowed</a></code>     <th><code title=dom-DataTransfer-dropEffect><a      href="#dropeffect">dropEffect</a></code>   <tbody>    <tr>     <td><code title="">none</code>     <td><code title="">none</code>    <tr>     <td><code title="">copy</code>, <code title="">copyLink</code>, <code      title="">copyMove</code>, <code title="">all</code>     <td><code title="">copy</code>    <tr>     <td><code title="">link</code>, <code title="">linkMove</code>     <td><code title="">link</code>    <tr>     <td><code title="">move</code>     <td><code title="">move</code>    <tr>     <td><code title="">uninitialized</code> when what is being dragged is a      selection from a text field     <td><code title="">move</code>    <tr>     <td><code title="">uninitialized</code> when what is being dragged is a      selection     <td><code title="">copy</code>    <tr>     <td><code title="">uninitialized</code> when what is being dragged is an      <code><a href="#a0">a</a></code> element with an <code>href</code>      attribute     <td><code title="">link</code>    <tr>     <td>Any other case     <td><code title="">copy</code>  </table>  <h4 id=drag-and-drop><span class=secno>6.3.3. </span>Drag-and-drop   processing model</h4>  <p>When the user attempts to begin a drag operation, the user agent must   first determine what is being dragged. If the drag operation was invoked   on a selection, then it is the selection that is being dragged. Otherwise,   it is the first element, going up the ancestor chain, starting at the node   that the user tried to drag, that has the DOM attribute <code   title=dom-draggable><a href="#draggable1">draggable</a></code> set to   true. If there is no such element, then nothing is being dragged, the   drag-and-drop operation is never started, and the user agent must not   continue with this algorithm.  <p class=note><code><a href="#img0">img</a></code> elements and <code><a   href="#a0">a</a></code> elements with an <code   title=attr-hyperlink-href><a href="#href5">href</a></code> attribute have   their <code title=dom-draggable><a href="#draggable1">draggable</a></code>   attribute set to true by default.  <p>If the user agent determines that something can be dragged, a <code   title=event-dragstart><a href="#dragstart">dragstart</a></code> event must   then be fired.  <p>If it is a selection that is being dragged, then this event must be   fired on the node that the user started the drag on (typically the text   node that the user originally clicked). If the user did not specify a   particular node, for example if the user just told the user agent to begin   a drag of "the selection", then the event must be fired on the deepest   node that is a common ancestor of all parts of the selection.  <p>If it is not a selection that is being dragged, then the event must be   fired on the element that is being dragged.  <p>The node on which the event is fired is the <dfn id=source>source   node</dfn>. Multiple events are fired on this node during the course of   the drag-and-drop operation.  <p>If it is a selection that is being dragged, the <code   title=dom-DragEvent-dataTransfer><a   href="#datatransfer">dataTransfer</a></code> member of the event must be   created with no nodes. Otherwise, it must be created containing just the   <a href="#source">source node</a>. Script can use the <code   title=dom-DataTransfer-addElement><a   href="#addelement">addElement()</a></code> method to add further elements   to the list of what is being dragged.  <p>If it is a selection that is being dragged, the <code   title=dom-DragEvent-dataTransfer><a   href="#datatransfer">dataTransfer</a></code> member of the event must have   the text of the selection added to it as the data associated with the   <code title="">text/plain</code> format. Otherwise, if it is an <code><a   href="#img0">img</a></code> element being dragged, then the value of the   element's <code title=dom-img-src><a href="#src0">src</a></code> DOM   attribute must be added, associated with the <code   title="">text/uri-list</code> format. Otherwise, if it is an <code><a   href="#a0">a</a></code> element being dragged, then the value of the   element's <code title=dom-a-href><a href="#href3">href</a></code> DOM   attribute must be added, associated with the <code   title="">text/uri-list</code> format. Otherwise, no data is added to the   object by the user agent.  <p>If the event is canceled, then the drag and drop operation must not   occur; the user agent must not continue with this algorithm.  <p>If it is not canceled, then the drag and drop operation must be   initiated.  <p class=note>Since events with no event handlers registered are, almost by   definition, never canceled, drag and drop is always available to the user   if the author does not specifically prevent it.  <p id=base-dnd-feedback>The drag-and-drop feedback must be generated from   the first of the following sources that is available:  <ol>   <li>The element specified in the last call to the <code    title=dom-DataTransfer-setDragImage><a    href="#setdragimage">setDragImage()</a></code> method of the <code    title=dom-DragEvent-dataTransfer><a    href="#datatransfer">dataTransfer</a></code> object of the <code    title=event-dragstart><a href="#dragstart">dragstart</a></code> event, if    the method was called. In visual media, if this is used, the <var    title="">x</var> and <var title="">y</var> arguments that were passed to    that method should be used as hints for where to put the cursor relative    to the resulting image. The values are expressed as distances in CSS    pixels from the left side and from the top side of the image    respectively. <a href="#refsCSS21">[CSS21]</a></li>   <!--   CSS3 UNITS would be better -->   <li>The elements that were added to the <code    title=dom-DragEvent-dataTransfer><a    href="#datatransfer">dataTransfer</a></code> object, both before the    event was fired, and during the handling of the event using the <code    title=dom-DataTransfer-addElement><a    href="#addelement">addElement()</a></code> method, if any such elements    were indeed added.   <li>The selection that the user is dragging.  </ol>  <!-- XXX xref also link to the section that explains how to  render drag-and-drop, :drag, :drop, etc. Safari has a pseudo-class  that it uses to render an element off-screen to use as the drag  feedback. -->  <p>The user agent must take a note of <a href="#setdata"   title=dom-DataTransfer-setData>the data that was placed</a> in the <code   title=dom-DragEvent-dataTransfer><a   href="#datatransfer">dataTransfer</a></code> object. This data will be   made available again when the <code title=event-drop><a   href="#drop">drop</a></code> event is fired.  <p>From this point until the end of the drag-and-drop operation, device   input events (e.g. mouse and keyboard events) must be suppressed. In   addition, the user agent must track all DOM changes made during the   drag-and-drop operation, and add them to its <a href="#undo">undo   history</a> as one atomic operation once the drag-and-drop operation has   ended.  <p>During the drag operation, the element directly indicated by the user as   the drop target is called the <dfn id=immediate>immediate user   selection</dfn>. (Only elements can be selected by the user; other nodes   must not be made available as drop targets.) However, the <a   href="#immediate">immediate user selection</a> is not necessarily the <dfn   id=current0>current target element</dfn>, which is the element currently   selected for the drop part of the drag-and-drop operation. The <a   href="#immediate">immediate user selection</a> changes as the user selects   different elements (either by pointing at them with a pointing device, or   by selecting them in some other way). The <a href="#current0">current   target element</a> changes when the <a href="#immediate">immediate user   selection</a> changes, based on the results of event handlers in the   document, as described below.  <p>Both the <a href="#current0">current target element</a> and the <a   href="#immediate">immediate user selection</a> can be null, which means no   target element is selected. They can also both be elements in other   (DOM-based) documents, or other (non-Web) programs altogether. (For   example, a user could drag text to a word-processor.) The <a   href="#current0">current target element</a> is initially null.  <p>In addition, there is also a <dfn id=current1>current drag   operation</dfn>, which can take on the values "none", "copy", "link", and   "move". Initially it has the value "none". It is updated by the user agent   as described in the steps below.  <p>User agents must, every 350ms (AMPERSAND#xB1;200ms), perform the following steps   in sequence. (If the user agent is still performing the previous iteration   of the sequence when the next iteration becomes due, the user agent must   not execute the overdue iteration, effectively "skipping missed frames" of   the drag and drop operation.)  <ol>   <li>    <p>First, the user agent must fire a <code title=event-drag><a     href="#drag">drag</a></code> event at the <a href="#source">source     node</a>. If this event is canceled, the user agent must set the <a     href="#current1">current drag operation</a> to none (no drag operation).</p>   <li>    <p>Next, if the <code title=event-drag><a href="#drag">drag</a></code>     event was not canceled and the user has not ended the drag-and-drop     operation, the user agent must check the state of the drag-and-drop     operation, as follows:</p>    <ol>     <li>      <p>First, if the user is indicating a different <a       href="#immediate">immediate user selection</a> than during the last       iteration (or if this is the first iteration), and if this <a       href="#immediate">immediate user selection</a> is not the same as the       <a href="#current0">current target element</a>, then the <a       href="#current0">current target element</a> must be updated, as       follows:</p>      <ol>       <li>        <p>If the new <a href="#immediate">immediate user selection</a> is         null, or is in a non-DOM document or application, then set the <a         href="#current0">current target element</a> to the same value.</p>       <li>        <p>Otherwise, the user agent must fire a <code         title=event-dragenter><a href="#dragenter">dragenter</a></code>         event at the <a href="#immediate">immediate user selection</a>.</p>       <li>        <p>If the event is canceled, then the <a href="#current0">current         target element</a> must be set to the <a href="#immediate">immediate         user selection</a>.</p>       <li>        <p>Otherwise, if the <a href="#current0">current target element</a>         is not <a href="#the-body0">the body element</a>, the user agent         must fire a <code title=event-dragenter><a         href="#dragenter">dragenter</a></code> event at <a         href="#the-body0">the body element</a>, and the <a         href="#current0">current target element</a> must be set to <a         href="#the-body0">the body element</a>, regardless of whether that         event was canceled or not. (If <a href="#the-body0">the body         element</a> is null, then the <a href="#current0">current target         element</a> would be set to null too in this case, it wouldn't be         set to the <code>Document</code> object.)</p>      </ol>     <li>      <p>If the previous step caused the <a href="#current0">current target       element</a> to change, and if the previous target element was not null       or a part of a non-DOM document, the user agent must fire a <code       title=event-dragleave><a href="#dragleave">dragleave</a></code> event       at the previous target element.</p>     <li>      <p>If the <a href="#current0">current target element</a> is a DOM       element, the user agent must fire a <code title=event-dragover><a       href="#dragover">dragover</a></code> event at this <a       href="#current0">current target element</a>.</p>      <p>If the <code title=event-dragover><a       href="#dragover">dragover</a></code> event is canceled, the <a       href="#current1">current drag operation</a> must be reset to "none".</p>      <p>Otherwise, the <a href="#current1">current drag operation</a> must       be set based on the values the <code       title=dom-DataTransfer-effectAllowed><a       href="#effectallowed">effectAllowed</a></code> and <code       title=dom-DataTransfer-dropEffect><a       href="#dropeffect">dropEffect</a></code> attributes of the <code       title=dom-DragEvent-dataTransfer><a       href="#datatransfer">dataTransfer</a></code> object had after the       event was handled, as per the following table:</p>      <table>       <thead>        <tr>         <th><code title=dom-DataTransfer-effectAllowed><a          href="#effectallowed">effectAllowed</a></code>         <th><code title=dom-DataTransfer-dropEffect><a          href="#dropeffect">dropEffect</a></code>         <th>Drag operation       <tbody>        <tr>         <td><code title="">uninitialized</code>, <code title="">copy</code>,          <code title="">copyLink</code>, <code title="">copyMove</code>, or          <code title="">all</code>         <td><code title="">copy</code>         <td>"copy"        <tr>         <td><code title="">uninitialized</code>, <code title="">link</code>,          <code title="">copyLink</code>, <code title="">linkMove</code>, or          <code title="">all</code>         <td><code title="">link</code>         <td>"link"        <tr>         <td><code title="">uninitialized</code>, <code title="">move</code>,          <code title="">copyMove</code>, <code title="">linkMove</code>, or          <code title="">all</code>         <td><code title="">move</code>         <td>"move"        <tr>         <td colspan=2>Any other case         <td>"none"      </table>      <p>Then, regardless of whether the <code title=event-dragover><a       href="#dragover">dragover</a></code> event was canceled or not, the       drag feedback (e.g. the mouse cursor) must be updated to match the <a       href="#current1">current drag operation</a>, as follows:</p>      <table>       <thead>        <tr>         <th>Drag operation         <th>Feedback       <tbody>        <tr>         <td>"copy"         <td>Data will be copied if dropped here.        <tr>         <td>"link"         <td>Data will be linked if dropped here.        <tr>         <td>"move"         <td>Data will be moved if dropped here.        <tr>         <td>"none"         <td>No operation allowed, dropping here will cancel the drag and          drop operation.      </table>     <li>      <p>Otherwise, if the <a href="#current0">current target element</a> is       not a DOM element, the user agent must use platform-specific       mechanisms to determine what drag operation is being performed (none,       copy, link, or move). This sets the <em><a href="#current1">current       drag operation</a></em>.</p>    </ol>   <li>    <p>Otherwise, if the user ended the drag and drop operation (e.g. by     releasing the mouse button in a mouse-driven drag-and-drop interface),     or if the <code title=event-drag><a href="#drag">drag</a></code> event     was cancelled, then this will be the last iteration. The user agent must     follow the following steps, then stop looping.</p>    <ol>     <li>      <p>If the <a href="#current1">current drag operation</a> is none (no       drag operation), or, if the user ended the drag-and-drop operation by       canceling it (e.g. by hitting the <kbd>Escape</kbd> key), or if the <a       href="#current0">current target element</a> is null, then the drag       operation failed. If the <a href="#current0">current target       element</a> is a DOM element, the user agent must fire a <code       title=event-dragleave><a href="#dragleave">dragleave</a></code> event       at it; otherwise, if it is not null, it must use platform-specific       conventions for drag cancellation.</p>     <li>      <p>Otherwise, the drag operation was as success. If the <a       href="#current0">current target element</a> is a DOM element, the user       agent must fire a <code title=event-drop><a       href="#drop">drop</a></code> event at it; otherwise, it must use       platform-specific conventions for indicating a drop.</p>      <p>When the target is a DOM element, the <code       title=dom-DataTransfer-dropEffect><a       href="#dropeffect">dropEffect</a></code> attribute of the event's       <code title=dom-DragEvent-dataTransfer><a       href="#datatransfer">dataTransfer</a></code> object must be given the       value representing the <a href="#current1">current drag operation</a>       (<code title="">copy</code>, <code title="">link</code>, or <code       title="">move</code>), and the object must be set up so that the <code       title=dom-DataTransfer-getData><a href="#getdata">getData()</a></code>       method will return the data that was added during the <code       title=event-dragstart><a href="#dragstart">dragstart</a></code> event.</p>      <p>If the event is canceled, the <a href="#current1">current drag       operation</a> must be set to the value of the <code       title=dom-DataTransfer-dropEffect><a       href="#dropeffect">dropEffect</a></code> attribute of the event's       <code title=dom-DragEvent-dataTransfer><a       href="#datatransfer">dataTransfer</a></code> object as it stood after       the event was handled.</p>      <p>Otherwise, the event is not canceled, and the user agent must       perform the event's default action, which depends on the exact target       as follows:</p>      <dl class=switch>       <dt>If the <a href="#current0">current target element</a> is a text        field (e.g. <code>textarea</code>, or an <code>input</code> element        with <code title="">type="text"</code><!--XXX xref-->)       <dd>The user agent must insert the data associated with the        <code>text/plain</code> format, if any, into the text field in a        manner consistent with platform-specific conventions (e.g. inserting        it at the current mouse cursor position, or inserting it at the end        of the field).       <dt>Otherwise       <dd>Reset the <a href="#current1">current drag operation</a> to        "none".      </dl>     <li>      <p>Finally, the user agent must fire a <code title=event-dragend><a       href="#dragend">dragend</a></code> event at the <a       href="#source">source node</a>, with the <code       title=dom-DataTransfer-dropEffect><a       href="#dropeffect">dropEffect</a></code> attribute of the event's       <code title=dom-DragEvent-dataTransfer><a       href="#datatransfer">dataTransfer</a></code> object being set to the       value corresponding to the <a href="#current1">current drag       operation</a>.</p>      <p class=note>The <a href="#current1">current drag operation</a> can       change during the processing of the <code title=event-drop><a       href="#drop">drop</a></code> event, if one was fired.</p>      <p>The event is not cancelable. After the event has been handled, the       user agent must act as follows:</p>      <dl class=switch>       <dt>If the <a href="#current0">current target element</a> is a text        field (e.g. <code>textarea</code>, or an <code>input</code> element        with <code title="">type="text"</code><!--XXX xref-->), and a <code        title=event-drop><a href="#drop">drop</a></code> event was fired in        the previous step, and the <a href="#current1">current drag        operation</a> is "move", and the source of the drag and drop        operation is a selection in the DOM       <dd>The user agent should delete the range representing the dragged        selection from the DOM.       <dt>If the <a href="#current0">current target element</a> is a text        field (e.g. <code>textarea</code>, or an <code>input</code> element        with <code title="">type="text"</code><!--XXX xref-->), and a <code        title=event-drop><a href="#drop">drop</a></code> event was fired in        the previous step, and the <a href="#current1">current drag        operation</a> is "move", and the source of the drag and drop        operation is a selection in a text field       <dd>The user agent should delete the dragged selection from the        relevant text field.       <dt>Otherwise       <dd>The event has no default action.      </dl>    </ol>  </ol>  <h5 id=when-the><span class=secno> </span>When the drag-and-drop   operation starts or ends in another document</h5>  <p>The model described above is independent of which <code>Document</code>   object the nodes involved are from; the events must be fired as described   above and the rest of the processing model must be followed as described   above, irrespective of how many documents are involved in the operation.  <h5 id=when-the0><span class=secno> </span>When the drag-and-drop   operation starts or ends in another application</h5>  <p>If the drag is initiated in another application, the <a   href="#source">source node</a> is not a DOM node, and the user agent must   use platform-specific conventions instead when the requirements above   involve the source node. User agents in this situation must act as if the   dragged data had been added to the <code><a   href="#datatransfer0">DataTransfer</a></code> object when the drag   started, even though no <code title=event-dragstart><a   href="#dragstart">dragstart</a></code> event was actually fired; user   agents must similarly use platform-specific conventions when deciding on   what drag feedback to use.  <p>If a drag is started in a document but ends in another application, then   the user agent must instead replace the parts of the processing model   relating to handling the <em>target</em> according to platform-specific   conventions.  <p>In any case, scripts running in the context of the document must not be   able to distinguish the case of a drag-and-drop operation being started or   ended in another application from the case of a drag-and-drop operation   being started or ended in another document from another domain.  <h4 id=the-draggable><span class=secno>6.3.4. </span>The <dfn id=draggable0   title=attr-draggable><code>draggable</code></dfn> attribute</h4>  <p>All elements may have the <code title=attr-draggable><a   href="#draggable0">draggable</a></code> content attribute set. If the   attribute is set, it must be set either to the empty string, to the value   <code title="">true</code>, or to the value <code title="">false</code>.  <p class=big-issue>redefine this in terms of a microsyntax  <p>The <dfn id=draggable1 title=dom-draggable><code>draggable</code></dfn>   DOM attribute, whose value depends on the content attribute's in the way   described below, controls whether or not the element is draggable.   Generally, only text selections are draggable, but elements whose <code   title=dom-draggable><a href="#draggable1">draggable</a></code> DOM   attribute is true become draggable as well.  <p>If an element has the <code title=attr-draggable><a   href="#draggable0">draggable</a></code> content attribute set to the empty   string or to the literal value <code title="">true</code>, the <code   title=dom-draggable><a href="#draggable1">draggable</a></code> DOM   attribute must return true.  <p>Otherwise, if an element has the <code title=attr-draggable><a   href="#draggable0">draggable</a></code> content attribute set to the   literal value <code title="">false</code>, the <code   title=dom-draggable><a href="#draggable1">draggable</a></code> DOM   attribute must return false.  <p>Otherwise, if the element is an <code><a href="#img0">img</a></code>   element, or, if the element is an <code><a href="#a0">a</a></code> element   with an <code title=attr-hyperlink-href><a href="#href5">href</a></code>   content attribute, the <code title=dom-draggable><a   href="#draggable1">draggable</a></code> DOM attribute must return true.  <p>Otherwise, the <code title=dom-draggable><a   href="#draggable1">draggable</a></code> DOM must return false.  <p>If the <code title=dom-draggable><a   href="#draggable1">draggable</a></code> DOM attribute is set to the value   false, the <code title=attr-draggable><a   href="#draggable0">draggable</a></code> content attribute must be set to   the literal value <code title="">false</code>. If the <code   title=dom-draggable><a href="#draggable1">draggable</a></code> DOM   attribute is set to the value true, the <code title=attr-draggable><a   href="#draggable0">draggable</a></code> content attribute must be set to   the literal value <code title="">true</code>.  <h4 id=security1><span class=secno>6.3.5. </span>Security risks in the   drag-and-drop model</h4>  <p>User agents must not make the data added to the <code><a   href="#datatransfer0">DataTransfer</a></code> object during the <code   title=event-dragstart><a href="#dragstart">dragstart</a></code> event   available to scripts until the <code title=event-drop><a   href="#drop">drop</a></code> event, because otherwise, if a user were to   drag sensitive information from one document to a second document,   crossing a hostile third document in the process, the hostile document   could intercept the data.  <p>For the same reason, user agents must only consider a drop to be   successful if the user specifically ended the drag operation AMPERSANDmdash; if   any scripts end the drag operation, it must be considered unsuccessful   (canceled) and the <code title=event-drop><a href="#drop">drop</a></code>   event must not be fired.  <p>User agents should take care to not start drag and drop operations in   response to script actions. For example, in a mouse-and-window   environment, if a script moves a window while the user has his mouse   button depressed, the UA would not consider that to start a drag. This is   important because otherwise UAs could cause data to be dragged from   sensitive sources and dropped into hostile documents without the user's   consent.  <h3 id=undo><span class=secno>6.4. </span><dfn id=undo-history0>Undo   history</dfn></h3>  <p class=big-issue>There has got to be a better way of doing this, surely.  <p>The user agent must associate an <dfn id=undo-transaction>undo   transaction history</dfn> with each <code><a   href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code> object.  <p>The <a href="#undo-transaction">undo transaction history</a> is a list   of entries. The entries are of two type: <a href="#dom-changes">DOM   changes</a> and <a href="#undo-object" title="undo object">undo   objects</a>.  <p>Each <dfn id=dom-changes>DOM changes</dfn> entry in the <a   href="#undo-transaction">undo transaction history</a> consists of batches   of one or more of the following:  <ul>   <li>Changes to the <a href="#content">content attributes</a> of an    <code>Element</code> node.   <li>Changes to the <a href="#dom-attributes">DOM attributes</a> of a    <code>Node</code>.</li>   <!-- XXX uh, these change on their own, so   clearly this isn't going to fly. Which DOM attributes, exactly? -->   <li>Changes to the DOM hierarchy of nodes that are descendants of the    <code><a href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code> object    (<code>parentNode</code>, <code>childNodes</code>).  </ul>  <p><dfn id=undo-object>Undo object</dfn> entries consist of objects   representing state that scripts running in the document are managing. For   example, a Web mail application could use an <a href="#undo-object">undo   object</a> to keep track of the fact that a user has moved an e-mail to a   particular folder, so that the user can undo the action and have the   e-mail return to its former location.  <p>Broadly speaking, <a href="#dom-changes">DOM changes</a> entries are   handled by the UA in response to user edits of form controls and   <span>editing hosts</span> on the page, and <a href="#undo-object">undo   object</a> entries are handled by script in response to higher-level user   actions (such as interactions with server-side state, or in the   implementation of a drawing tool).  <h4 id=the-undomanager><span class=secno>6.4.1. </span>The <code><a   href="#undomanager">UndoManager</a></code> interface</h4>  <div class=big-issue>   <p>This API sucks. Seriously. It's a terrible API. Really bad. I hate it.    Here are the requirements:</p>   <ul>    <li>Has to cope with cases where the server has undo state already when     the page is loaded, that can be stuffed into the undo buffer onload.    <li>Has to support undo/redo.    <li>Has to cope with the "undo" action being "contact the server and tell     it to undo", rather than it being the opposite of the "redo" action.    <li>Has to cope with some undo states expiring from the undo history     (e.g. server can only remember one undelete action) but other states not     expiring (e.g. client can undo arbitrary amounts of local edits).   </ul>  </div>  <p>To manage <a href="#undo-object">undo object</a> entries in the <a   href="#undo-transaction">undo transaction history</a>, the <code><a   href="#undomanager">UndoManager</a></code> interface can be used:  <pre class=idl>interface <dfn id=undomanager>UndoManager</dfn> {  unsigned long <a href="#adddata" title=dom-UndoManager-add>add</a>(in DOMObject data, in DOMStrong title);  void <a href="#remove1" title=dom-UndoManager-remove>remove</a>(in unsigned long index);  void <a href="#clearundo" title=dom-UndoManager-clearUndo>clearUndo</a>();  void <a href="#clearredo" title=dom-UndoManager-clearRedo>clearRedo</a>();  DOMObject <a href="#itemn" title=dom-UndoManager-item>item</a>(in unsigned long index);  readonly attribute unsigned long <a href="#length5" title=dom-UndoManager-length>length</a>;  readonly attribute unsigned long <a href="#position0" title=dom-UndoManager-position>position</a>;};</pre>  <p>The <dfn id=undomanager0   title=dom-undoManager><code>undoManager</code></dfn> attribute of the   <code><a href="#windowhtml">WindowHTML</a></code> interface must return   the object implementing the <code><a   href="#undomanager">UndoManager</a></code> interface for that <code><a   href="#windowhtml">WindowHTML</a></code> object's associated <code><a   href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code> object.  <p>In the ECMAScript DOM binding, objects implementing this interface must   also support being dereferenced using the square bracket notation, such   that dereferencing with an integer index is equivalent to invoking the   <code title=dom-UndoManager-item><a href="#itemn">item()</a></code> method   with that index (e.g. <code title="">undoManager[1]</code> returns the   same as <code title="">undoManager.item(1)</code>).  <p><code><a href="#undomanager">UndoManager</a></code> objects represent   their document's <a href="#undo-transaction">undo transaction history</a>.   Only <a href="#undo-object">undo object</a> entries are visible with this   API, but this does not mean that <a href="#dom-changes">DOM changes</a>   entries are absent from the <a href="#undo-transaction">undo transaction   history</a>.  <p>The <dfn id=length5   title=dom-UndoManager-length><code>length</code></dfn> attribute must   return the number of <a href="#undo-object">undo object</a> entries in the   <a href="#undo-transaction">undo transaction history</a>.  <p>The <dfn id=itemn title=dom-UndoManager-item><code>item(<var   title="">n</var>)</code></dfn> method must return the <var   title="">n</var>th <a href="#undo-object">undo object</a> entry in the <a   href="#undo-transaction">undo transaction history</a>.  <p>The <a href="#undo-transaction">undo transaction history</a> has a <dfn   id=current2 title="undo position">current position</dfn>. This is the   position between two entries in the <a href="#undo-transaction">undo   transaction history</a>'s list where the previous entry represents what   needs to happen if the user invokes the "undo" command (the "undo" side,   lower numbers), and the next entry represents what needs to happen if the   user invokes the "redo" command (the "redo" side, higher numbers).  <p>The <dfn id=position0   title=dom-UndoManager-position><code>position</code></dfn> attribute must   return the index of the <a href="#undo-object">undo object</a> entry   nearest to the <a href="#current2">undo position</a>, on the "redo" side.   If there are no <a href="#undo-object">undo object</a> entries on the   "redo" side, then the attribute must return the same as the <code   title=dom-UndoManager-length><a href="#length5">length</a></code>   attribute. If there are no <a href="#undo-object">undo object</a> entries   on the "undo" side of the <a href="#current2">undo position</a>, the <code   title=dom-UndoManager-position><a href="#position0">position</a></code>   attribute returns zero.  <p class=note>Since the <a href="#undo-transaction">undo transaction   history</a> contains both <a href="#undo-object">undo object</a> entries   and <a href="#dom-changes">DOM changes</a> entries, but the <code   title=dom-UndoManager-position><a href="#position0">position</a></code>   attribute only returns indices relative to <a href="#undo-object">undo   object</a> entries, it is possible for several "undo" or "redo" actions to   be performed without the value of the <code   title=dom-UndoManager-position><a href="#position0">position</a></code>   attribute changing.  <p>The <dfn id=adddata title=dom-UndoManager-add><code>add(<var   title="">data</var>, <var title="">title</var>)</code></dfn> method's   behaviour depends on the current state. Normally, it must insert the <var   title="">data</var> object passed as an argument into the <a   href="#undo-transaction">undo transaction history</a> immediately before   the <a href="#current2">undo position</a>, optionally remembering the   given <var title="">title</var> to use in the UI. If the method is called   <a href="#undo-moving1" title=do-undo>during an undo operation</a>,   however, the object must instead be added immediately <em>after</em> the   <a href="#current2">undo position</a>.  <p>If the method is called and there is neither <a href="#undo-moving1"   title=do-undo>an undo operation in progress</a> nor <a   href="#redo-moving1" title=do-redo>a redo operation in progress</a> then   any entries in the <a href="#undo-transaction">undo transaction   history</a> after the <a href="#current2">undo position</a> must be   removed (as if <code title=dom-UndoManager-clearRedo><a   href="#clearredo">clearRedo()</a></code> had been called).  <p class=big-issue>We could fire events when someone adds something to the   undo history -- one event per undo object entry before the position (or   after, during redo addition), allowing the script to decide if that entry   should remain or not. Or something. Would make it potentially easier to   expire server-held state when the server limitations come into play.</p>  <!-- XXX note on expiring undo in case server can only do one level undo -->  <p>The <dfn id=remove1 title=dom-UndoManager-remove><code>remove(<var   title="">index</var>)</code></dfn> method must remove the <a   href="#undo-object">undo object</a> entry with the specified <var   title="">index</var>. If the index is less than zero or greater than or   equal to <code title=dom-UndoManager-length><a   href="#length5">length</a></code> then the method must raise an   <code>INDEX_SIZE_ERR</code> exception. <a href="#dom-changes">DOM   changes</a> entries are unaffected by this method.  <p>The <dfn id=clearundo   title=dom-UndoManager-clearUndo><code>clearUndo()</code></dfn> method must   remove all entries in the <a href="#undo-transaction">undo transaction   history</a> before the <a href="#current2">undo position</a>, be they <a   href="#dom-changes">DOM changes</a> entries or <a href="#undo-object">undo   object</a> entries.  <p>The <dfn id=clearredo   title=dom-UndoManager-clearRedo><code>clearRedo()</code></dfn> method must   remove all entries in the <a href="#undo-transaction">undo transaction   history</a> after the <a href="#current2">undo position</a>, be they <a   href="#dom-changes">DOM changes</a> entries or <a href="#undo-object">undo   object</a> entries.  <p class=big-issue>Another idea is to have a way for scripts to say   "startBatchingDOMChangesForUndo()" and after that the changes to the DOM   go in as if the user had done them.  <h4 id=undo-moving><span class=secno>6.4.2. </span><dfn id=undo-moving1   title=do-undo>Undo: moving back in the undo transaction history</dfn></h4>  <p>When the user invokes an undo operation, or when the <code   title=dom-document-execCommand><a   href="#execcommand">execCommand()</a></code> method is called with the   <code title=command-undo><a href="#undo1">undo</a></code> command, the   user agent must perform an undo operation.  <p>If the <a href="#current2">undo position</a> is at the start of the <a   href="#undo-transaction">undo transaction history</a>, then the user agent   must do nothing.  <p>If the entry immediately before the <a href="#current2">undo   position</a> is a <a href="#dom-changes">DOM changes</a> entry, then the   user agent must remove that <a href="#dom-changes">DOM changes</a> entry,   reverse the DOM changes that were listed in that entry, and, if the   changes were reversed with no problems, add a new <a   href="#dom-changes">DOM changes</a> entry (consisting of the opposite of   those DOM changes) to the <a href="#undo-transaction">undo transaction   history</a> on the other side of the <a href="#current2">undo   position</a>.  <p>If the DOM changes cannot be undone (e.g. because the DOM state is no   longer consistent with the changes represented in the entry), then the   user agent must simply remove the <a href="#dom-changes">DOM changes</a>   entry, without doing anything else.  <p>If the entry immediately before the <a href="#current2">undo   position</a> is an <a href="#undo-object">undo object</a> entry, then the   user agent must first remove that <a href="#undo-object">undo object</a>   entry from the <a href="#undo-transaction">undo transaction history</a>,   and then must fire an <code title=event-undo><a   href="#undo0">undo</a></code> event on the <code>Document</code> object,   using the <a href="#undo-object">undo object</a> entry's associated undo   object as the event's data.  <p>Any calls to <code title=dom-undoManager-add><a   href="#adddata">add()</a></code> while the event is being handled will be   used to populate the redo history, and will then be used if the user   invokes the "redo" command to undo his undo.  <h4 id=redo-moving><span class=secno>6.4.3. </span><dfn id=redo-moving1   title=do-redo>Redo: moving forward in the undo transaction history</dfn></h4>  <p>When the user invokes a redo operation, or when the <code   title=dom-document-execCommand><a   href="#execcommand">execCommand()</a></code> method is called with the   <code title=command-redo><a href="#redo0">redo</a></code> command, the   user agent must perform a redo operation.  <p>This is mostly the opposite of an <a href="#undo-moving1"   title=do-undo>undo operation</a>, but the full definition is included here   for completeness.  <p>If the <a href="#current2">undo position</a> is at the end of the <a   href="#undo-transaction">undo transaction history</a>, then the user agent   must do nothing.  <p>If the entry immediately after the <a href="#current2">undo position</a>   is a <a href="#dom-changes">DOM changes</a> entry, then the user agent   must remove that <a href="#dom-changes">DOM changes</a> entry, reverse the   DOM changes that were listed in that entry, and, if the changes were   reversed with no problems, add a new <a href="#dom-changes">DOM   changes</a> entry (consisting of the opposite of those DOM changes) to the   <a href="#undo-transaction">undo transaction history</a> on the other side   of the <a href="#current2">undo position</a>.  <p>If the DOM changes cannot be redone (e.g. because the DOM state is no   longer consistent with the changes represented in the entry), then the   user agent must simply remove the <a href="#dom-changes">DOM changes</a>   entry, without doing anything else.  <p>If the entry immediately after the <a href="#current2">undo position</a>   is an <a href="#undo-object">undo object</a> entry, then the user agent   must first remove that <a href="#undo-object">undo object</a> entry from   the <a href="#undo-transaction">undo transaction history</a>, and then   must fire a <code title=event-undo><a href="#undo0">redo</a></code> event   on the <code>Document</code> object, using the <a href="#undo-object">undo   object</a> entry's associated undo object as the event's data.  <h4 id=the-undomanagerevent><span class=secno>6.4.4. </span>The <code><a   href="#undomanagerevent">UndoManagerEvent</a></code> interface and the   <code title=event-undo><a href="#undo0">undo</a></code> and <code   title=event-redo><a href="#redo">redo</a></code> events</h4>  <pre   class=idl>interface <dfn id=undomanagerevent>UndoManagerEvent</dfn> : Event {  readonly attribute DOMObject <a href="#data3" title=dom-UndoManagerEvent-data>data</a>;  void <a href="#initundomanagerevent" title=dom-UndoManagerEvent-initUndoManagerEvent>initUndoManagerEvent</a>(in DOMString typeArg, in boolean canBubbleArg, in boolean cancelableArg, in DOMObject dataArg);  void <span title=dom-UndoManagerEvent-initUndoManagerEventNS>initUndoManagerEventNS</span>(in DOMString namespaceURIArg, in DOMString typeArg, in boolean canBubbleArg, in boolean cancelableArg, in DOMObject dataArg);};</pre>  <p>The <dfn id=initundomanagerevent   title=dom-UndoManagerEvent-initUndoManagerEvent><code>initUndoManagerEvent()</code></dfn>   and <dfn id=initundomanagereventns><code   title=dom-UndoManagerEvent-initUndoManagerEventNS>initUndoManagerEventNS()</code></dfn>   methods must initialise the event in a manner analogous to the   similarly-named methods in the DOM3 Events interfaces. <a   href="#DOM3Events">[DOM3EVENTS]</a>  <p>The <dfn id=data3   title=dom-UndoManagerEvent-data><code>data</code></dfn> attribute   represents the <a href="#undo-object">undo object</a> for the event.  <p>The <dfn id=undo0 title=event-undo><code>undo</code></dfn> and <dfn   id=redo title=event-redo><code>redo</code></dfn> events do not bubble,   cannot be canceled, and have no default action. When the user agent fires   one of these events it must use the <code><a   href="#undomanagerevent">UndoManagerEvent</a></code> interface, with the   <code title=dom-UndoManagerEvent-data><a href="#data3">data</a></code>   field containing the relevant <a href="#undo-object">undo object</a>.  <h4 id=implementation0><span class=secno>6.4.5. </span>Implementation notes</h4>  <p>How user agents present the above conceptual model to the user is not   defined. The undo interface could be a filtered view of the <a   href="#undo-transaction">undo transaction history</a>, it could manipulate   the <a href="#undo-transaction">undo transaction history</a> in ways not   described above, and so forth. For example, it is possible to design a UA   that appears to have separate <a href="#undo-transaction" title="undo   transaction history">undo transaction histories</a> for each form control;   similarly, it is possible to design systems where the user has access to   more undo information than is present in the offical (as described above)   <a href="#undo-transaction">undo transaction history</a> (such as   providing a tree-based approach to document state). Such UI models should   be based upon the single <a href="#undo-transaction">undo transaction   history</a> described in this section, however, such that to a script   there is no detectable difference.  <h3 id=execCommand><span class=secno>6.5. </span>Command APIs</h3>  <p>The <dfn id=execcommand   title=dom-document-execCommand><code>execCommand(<var   title="">commandID</var>, <var title="">doShowUI</var>, <var   title="">value</var>)</code></dfn> method on the <code><a   href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code> interface allows scripts to   perform actions on the <a href="#a-selection" title="the   selection">current selection</a> or at the current caret position.   Generally, these commands would be used to implement editor UI, for   example having a "delete" button on a toolbar.  <p>There are three variants to this method, with one, two, and three   arguments respectively. The <var title="">doShowUI</var> and <var   title="">value</var> parameters, even if specified, are ignored unless   otherwise stated.  <p class=note>In this specification, in fact, the <var   title="">doShowUI</var> parameter is always ignored, regardless of its   value. It is included for historical reasons only.  <p>When any of these methods are invoked, user agents must act as described   in the list below.  <p>For actions marked "<dfn id=editing3>editing hosts only</dfn>", if the   selection is not entirely within an <a href="#editing2">editing host</a>,   of if there is no selection and the caret is not inside an <a   href="#editing2">editing host</a>, then the user agent must do nothing.  <dl>   <dt>If the <var title="">commandID</var> is <dfn id=undo1    title=command-undo><code>undo</code></dfn>   <dd>The user agent must <a href="#undo-moving1" title=do-undo>move back    one step</a> in its <a href="#undo-transaction">undo transaction    history</a>, restoring the associated state. If there is no further undo    information the user agent must do nothing. See the <a    href="#undo-history0">undo history</a>.   <dt>If the <var title="">commandID</var> is <dfn id=redo0    title=command-redo><code>redo</code></dfn>   <dd>The user agent must <a href="#redo-moving1" title=do-redo>move forward    one step</a> in its <a href="#undo-transaction">undo transaction    history</a>, restoring the associated state. If there is no further undo    (well, "redo") information the user agent must do nothing. See the <a    href="#undo-history0">undo history</a>.   <dt>If the <var title="">commandID</var> is <dfn id=selectall0    title=command-selectAll><code>selectAll</code></dfn>   <dd>The user agent must change the selection so that all the content in    the currently focused <a href="#editing2">editing host</a> is selected.    If no <a href="#editing2">editing host</a> is focused, then the content    of the entire document must be selected.   <dt>If the <var title="">commandID</var> is <dfn id=unselect    title=command-unselect><code>unselect</code></dfn>   <dd>    <p>The user agent must change the selection so that nothing is selected.</p>    <p class=big-issue>We need some sort of way in which the user can make a     selection without risk of script clobbering it.   <dt>If the <var title="">commandID</var> is <dfn id=superscript    title=command-superscript><code>superscript</code></dfn>   <dd><em><a href="#editing3">Editing hosts only.</a></em> The user agent    must act as if the user had requested that the selection <a    href="#contenteditable-wrapSemantic">be wrapped in the semantics</a> of    the <code><a href="#sup0">sup</a></code> element (or unwrapped, or, if    there is no selection, have that semantic inserted or removed AMPERSANDmdash; the    exact behaviour is UA-defined).   <dt>If the <var title="">commandID</var> is <dfn id=subscript    title=command-subscript><code>subscript</code></dfn>   <dd><em><a href="#editing3">Editing hosts only.</a></em> The user agent    must act as if the user had requested that the selection <a    href="#contenteditable-wrapSemantic">be wrapped in the semantics</a> of    the <em title=""><code><a href="#sub0">sub</a></code></em> element (or,    again, unwrapped, or have that semantic inserted or removed, as defined    by the UA).   <dt>If the <var title="">commandID</var> is <dfn id=formatblock    title=command-formatBlock><code>formatBlock</code></dfn>   <dd>    <p><em><a href="#editing3">Editing hosts only.</a></em> This command     changes the semantics of the blocks containing the selection.</p>    <p>If there is no selection, then, where in the description below refers     to the selection, the user agent must act as if the selection was an     empty range at the caret position.</p>    <p>If the <var title="">value</var> parameter is not specified or has a     value other than one of the following literal strings:</p>    <ul class=brief>     <li><code title="">AMPERSANDlt;addressAMPERSANDgt;</code>     <li><code title="">AMPERSANDlt;asideAMPERSANDgt;</code>     <li><code title="">AMPERSANDlt;h1AMPERSANDgt;</code>     <li><code title="">AMPERSANDlt;h2AMPERSANDgt;</code>     <li><code title="">AMPERSANDlt;h3AMPERSANDgt;</code>     <li><code title="">AMPERSANDlt;h4AMPERSANDgt;</code>     <li><code title="">AMPERSANDlt;h5AMPERSANDgt;</code>     <li><code title="">AMPERSANDlt;h6AMPERSANDgt;</code>     <li><code title="">AMPERSANDlt;navAMPERSANDgt;</code>     <li><code title="">AMPERSANDlt;pAMPERSANDgt;</code>     <li><code title="">AMPERSANDlt;preAMPERSANDgt;</code>    </ul>    <p>...then the user agent must do nothing.</p>    <p>Otherwise, the user agent must, for every position in the selection,     take the furthest <a href="#block-level1" title="block-level     elements">block-level element</a> ancestor of that position that     contains only <a href="#inline-level1">inline-level content</a> and is     not being used as a <a href="#structured" title="structured inline-level     elements">structured inline-level element</a>, and, if that element is a     descendant of the editing host, rename it according to the <var     title="">value</var>, by stripping the leading <code>AMPERSANDlt;</code>     character and the trailing <code>AMPERSANDgt;</code> character and using the     rest as the new tag name.   <dt>If the <var title="">commandID</var> is <dfn id=delete    title=command-delete><code>delete</code></dfn>   <dd><em><a href="#editing3">Editing hosts only.</a></em> The user agent    must act as if the user had performed <a href="#contenteditable-delete">a    backspace operation</a>.   <dt>If the <var title="">commandID</var> is <dfn id=forwarddelete    title=command-forwardDelete><code>forwardDelete</code></dfn>   <dd><em><a href="#editing3">Editing hosts only.</a></em> The user agent    must act as if the user had performed <a href="#contenteditable-delete">a    forward delete operation</a>.   <dt>If the <var title="">commandID</var> is <dfn id=insertlinebreak    title=command-insertLineBreak><code>insertLineBreak</code></dfn>   <dd><em><a href="#editing3">Editing hosts only.</a></em> The user agent    must act as if the user had <a href="#contenteditable-br">requested a    line separator</a>.   <dt>If the <var title="">commandID</var> is <dfn id=insertparagraph    title=command-insertParagraph><code>insertParagraph</code></dfn>   <dd><em><a href="#editing3">Editing hosts only.</a></em> The user agent    must act as if the user had performed a <a    href="#contenteditable-breakBlock">break block</a> editing action.   <dt>If the <var title="">commandID</var> is <dfn id=inserttext    title=command-insertText><code>insertText</code></dfn>   <dd><em><a href="#editing3">Editing hosts only.</a></em> The user agent    must act as if the user had <a    href="#contenteditable-insertText">inserted text</a> corresponding to the    <var title="">value</var> parameter.   <dt>If the <var title="">commandID</var> is <code><var    title="">vendorID</var>-<var title="">customCommandID</var></code>   <dd>User agents may implement vendor-specific extensions to this API.    Vendor-specific extensions to the list of commands should use the syntax    <code><var title="">vendorID</var>-<var    title="">customCommandID</var></code> so as to prevent clashes between    extensions from different vendors and future additions to this    specification.   <dt>If the <var title="">commandID</var> is something else   <dd>User agents must do nothing.  </dl>  <h3 id=selection><span class=secno>6.6. </span>The text selection APIs</h3>  <p>Every <a href="#browsing">browsing context</a> has <dfn id=a-selection   title="the selection">a selection</dfn>. The selection may be empty, and   the selection may have more than one range (a disjointed selection). The   user should be able to change the selection. User agents are not required   to let the user select more than one range, and may collapse multiple   ranges in the selection to a single range when the user interacts with the   selection. (But, of course, the user agent may let the user create   selections with multiple ranges.)  <p>This one selection must be shared by all the content of the browsing   context (though not by nested <a href="#browsing" title="browsing   context">browsing contexts</a>), including any editing hosts in the   document. (Editing hosts that are not inside a document cannot have a   selection.)  <p>If the selection is empty (collapsed, so that it has only one segment   and that segment's start and end points are the same) then the selection's   position should equal the caret position. When the selection is not empty,   this specification does not define the caret position; user agents should   follow platform conventions in deciding whether the caret is at the start   of the selection, the end of the selection, or somewhere else.  <p>On some platforms (such as those using Wordstar editing conventions),   the caret position is totally independent of the start and end of the   selection, even when the selection is empty. On such platforms, user   agents may ignore the requirement that the cursor position be linked to   the position of the selection altogether.  <p>Mostly for historical reasons, in addition to the <a   href="#browsing">browsing context</a>'s <a href="#a-selection" title="the   selection">selection</a>, each <code>textarea</code> and   <code>input</code> element has an independent selection. These are the   <dfn id=text-field title="text field selection">text field   selections</dfn>.  <p>The <code><a href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code> and   <code>select</code> elements also have selections, indicating which items   have been picked by the user. These are not discussed in this section.  <p class=note>This specification does not specify how selections are   presented to the user. The Selectors specification, in conjunction with   CSS, can be used to style text selections using the <code><a   href="#selection1">::selection</a></code> pseudo-element. <a   href="#refsSELECTORS">[SELECTORS]</a> <a href="#refsCSS21">[CSS21]</a>  <h4 id=documentSelection><span class=secno>6.6.1. </span>APIs for the   browsing context selection</h4>  <p>The <dfn id=getselection   title=dom-getSelection><code>getSelection()</code></dfn> method on the   <code><a href="#windowhtml">WindowHTML</a></code> interface must return   the <code><a href="#selection1">Selection</a></code> object representing   <a href="#a-selection">the selection</a> of that <code><a   href="#windowhtml">WindowHTML</a></code> object's <a   href="#browsing">browsing context</a>.  <p>For historical reasons, the <dfn id=getselection0   title=dom-document-getSelection><code>getSelection()</code></dfn> method   on the <code><a href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code> interface   must return the same <code><a href="#selection1">Selection</a></code>   object.  <pre class=idl>interface <dfn id=selection1>Selection</dfn> {  readonly attribute Node <a href="#anchornode" title=dom-selection-anchorNode>anchorNode</a>;  readonly attribute long <a href="#anchoroffset" title=dom-selection-anchorOffset>anchorOffset</a>;  readonly attribute Node <a href="#focusnode" title=dom-selection-focusNode>focusNode</a>;  readonly attribute long <a href="#focusoffset" title=dom-selection-focusOffset>focusOffset</a>;  readonly attribute boolean <a href="#iscollapsed" title=dom-selection-isCollapsed>isCollapsed</a>;  void <a href="#collapse" title=dom-selection-collapse>collapse</a>(in Node parentNode, in long offset);  void <a href="#collapsetostart" title=dom-selection-collapseToStart>collapseToStart</a>();  void <a href="#collapsetoend" title=dom-selection-collapseToEnd>collapseToEnd</a>();  void <a href="#selectallchildren" title=dom-selection-selectAllChildren>selectAllChildren</a>(in Node parentNode);  void <a href="#deletefromdocument" title=dom-selection-deleteFromDocument>deleteFromDocument</a>();  readonly attribute long <a href="#rangecount" title=dom-selection-rangeCount>rangeCount</a>;  Range <a href="#getrangeat" title=dom-selection-getRangeAt>getRangeAt</a>(in long index);  void <a href="#addrange" title=dom-selection-addRange>addRange</a>(in Range range);  void <a href="#removerange" title=dom-selection-removeRange>removeRange</a>(in Range range);  void <a href="#removeallranges" title=dom-selection-removeAllRanges>removeAllRanges</a>();  DOMString <a href="#tostring" title=dom-selection-toString>toString</a>();};</pre>  <!--  See also:    http://lxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/content/base/public/nsISelection.idl  This spec doesn't have everything from there yet, in particular  selectionLanguageChange() and containsNode() are missing. They are missing  because I couldn't work out how to define them in terms of Ranges.  I also haven't included extend():    void <span title="dom-selection-extend">extend</span>(in Node parentNode, in long offset);    // raise if no range    // raise WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR if parentNode not in document    // do something  ...mostly because I can't work out how to describe what it does quickly.-->  <p>The <code><a href="#selection1">Selection</a></code> interface is   represents a list of <code>Range</code> objects. The first item in the   list has index 0, and the last item has index <var title="">count</var>-1,   where <var title="">count</var> is the number of ranges in the list. <a   href="#refsDOM2RANGE">[DOM2RANGE]</a>  <p>All of the members of the <code><a   href="#selection1">Selection</a></code> interface are defined in terms of   operations on the <code>Range</code> objects represented by this object.   These operations can raise exceptions, as defined for the   <code>Range</code> interface; this can therefore result in the members of   the <code><a href="#selection1">Selection</a></code> interface raising   exceptions as well, in addition to any explicitly called out below.</p>  <!--- XXX example -->  <p>The <dfn id=anchornode   title=dom-selection-anchorNode><code>anchorNode</code></dfn> attribute   must return the value returned by the <code title="">startContainer</code>   attribute of the last <code>Range</code> object in the list, or null if   the list is empty.  <p>The <dfn id=anchoroffset   title=dom-selection-anchorOffset><code>anchorOffset</code></dfn> attribute   must return the value returned by the <code title="">startOffset</code>   attribute of the last <code>Range</code> object in the list, or 0 if the   list is empty.  <p>The <dfn id=focusnode   title=dom-selection-focusNode><code>focusNode</code></dfn> attribute must   return the value returned by the <code title="">endContainer</code>   attribute of the last <code>Range</code> object in the list, or null if   the list is empty.  <p>The <dfn id=focusoffset   title=dom-selection-focusOffset><code>focusOffset</code></dfn> attribute   must return the value returned by the <code title="">endOffset</code>   attribute of the last <code>Range</code> object in the list, or 0 if the   list is empty.  <p>The <dfn id=iscollapsed   title=dom-selection-isCollapsed><code>isCollapsed</code></dfn> attribute   must return true if there are zero ranges, or if there is exactly one   range and its <code title="">collapsed</code> attribute is itself true.   Otherwise it must return false.  <p>The <dfn id=collapse title=dom-selection-collapse><code>collapse(<var   title="">parentNode</var>, <var title="">offset</var>)</code></dfn> method   must raise a <code>WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR</code> DOM exception if <var   title="">parentNode</var>'s <code title="">ownerDocument</code> is not the   <code><a href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code> object with which   the <code><a href="#selection1">Selection</a></code> object is associated.   Otherwise it is, and the method must remove all the ranges in the <code><a   href="#selection1">Selection</a></code> list, then create a new   <code>Range</code> object, add it to the list, and invoke its <code   title="">setStart()</code> and <code title="">setEnd()</code> methods with   the <var title="">parentNode</var> and <var title="">offset</var> values   as their arguments.  <p>The <dfn id=collapsetostart   title=dom-selection-collapseToStart><code>collapseToStart()</code></dfn>   method must raise an <code>INVALID_STATE_ERR</code> DOM exception if there   are no ranges in the list. Otherwise, it must invoke the <code   title=dom-selection-collapse><a href="#collapse">collapse()</a></code>   method with the <code title="">startContainer</code> and <code   title="">startOffset</code> values of the first <code>Range</code> object   in the list as the arguments.  <p>The <dfn id=collapsetoend   title=dom-selection-collapseToEnd><code>collapseToEnd()</code></dfn>   method must raise an <code>INVALID_STATE_ERR</code> DOM exception if there   are no ranges in the list. Otherwise, it must invoke the <code   title=dom-selection-collapse><a href="#collapse">collapse()</a></code>   method with the <code title="">endContainer</code> and <code   title="">endOffset</code> values of the last <code>Range</code> object in   the list as the arguments.  <p>The <dfn id=selectallchildren   title=dom-selection-selectAllChildren><code>selectAllChildren(<var   title="">parentNode</var>)</code></dfn> method must invoke the <code   title=dom-selection-collapse><a href="#collapse">collapse()</a></code>   method with the <var title="">parentNode</var> value as the first argument   and 0 as the second argument, and must then invoke the <code   title="">selectNodeContents()</code> method on the first (and only) range   in the list with the <var title="">parentNode</var> value as the argument.  <p>The <dfn id=deletefromdocument   title=dom-selection-deleteFromDocument><code>deleteFromDocument()</code></dfn>   method must invoke the <code title="">deleteContents()</code> method on   each range in the list, if any, from first to last.  <p>The <dfn id=rangecount   title=dom-selection-rangeCount><code>rangeCount</code></dfn> attribute   must return the number of ranges in the list.  <p>The <dfn id=getrangeat   title=dom-selection-getRangeAt><code>getRangeAt(<var   title="">index</var>)</code></dfn> method must return the <var   title="">index</var>th range in the list. If <var title="">index</var> is   less than zero or greater or equal to the value returned by the <code   title=dom-selection-rangeCount><a href="#rangecount">rangeCount</a></code>   attribute, then the method must raise an <code>INDEX_SIZE_ERR</code> DOM   exception.  <p>The <dfn id=addrange title=dom-selection-addRange><code>addRange(<var   title="">range</var>)</code></dfn> method must add the given <var   title="">range</var> Range object to the list of selections, at the end   (so the newly added range is the new last range). Duplicates are not   prevented; a range may be added more than once in which case it appears in   the list more than once, which (for example) will cause <code   title=dom-selection-toString><a href="#tostring">toString()</a></code> to   return the range's text twice.</p>  <!-- XXX how does this interact with  deleteFromDocument() which acts on all ranges? -->  <p>The <dfn id=removerange   title=dom-selection-removeRange><code>removeRange(<var   title="">range</var>)</code></dfn> method must remove the first occurrence   of <var title="">range</var> in the list of ranges, if it appears at all.  <p>The <dfn id=removeallranges   title=dom-selection-removeAllRanges><code>removeAllRanges()</code></dfn>   method must remove all the ranges from the list of ranges, such that the   <code title=dom-selection-rangeCount><a   href="#rangecount">rangeCount</a></code> attribute returns 0 after the   <code title=dom-selection-removeAllRanges><a   href="#removeallranges">removeAllRanges()</a></code> method is invoked   (and until a new range is added to the list, either through this interface   or via user interaction).  <p>The <dfn id=tostring   title=dom-selection-toString><code>toString()</code></dfn> method must   return a concatenation of the results of invoking the <code   title="">toString()</code> method of the <code>Range</code> object on each   of the ranges of the selection, in the order they appear in the list   (first to last).  <p>In language bindings where this is supported, objects implementing the   <code><a href="#selection1">Selection</a></code> interface must stringify   to the value returned by the object's <code   title=dom-selection-toString><a href="#tostring">toString()</a></code>   method.  <div class=example>   <p>In the following document fragment, the emphasised parts indicate the    selection.</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;p>The cute girl likes <em>the </em>AMPERSANDlt;cite><em>Oxford English</em> DictionaryAMPERSANDlt;/cite>.AMPERSANDlt/p></pre>   <p>If a script invoked <code    title="">window.getSelection().toString()</code>, the return value would    be "<code>the Oxford English</code>".</p>  </div>  <p class=note>The <code><a href="#selection1">Selection</a></code>   interface has no relation to the <code><a   href="#datagridselection">DataGridSelection</a></code> interface.  <h4 id=textFieldSelection><span class=secno>6.6.2. </span>APIs for the text   field selections</h4>  <p class=big-issue>When we define HTMLTextAreaElement and HTMLInputElement   we will have to add the IDL given below to both of their IDLs.  <p>The <code>input</code> and <code>textarea</code> elements define four   members in their DOM interfaces for handling their text selection:  <pre   class=idl>  void <a href="#select0" title="dom-textarea/input-select">select</a>();           attribute unsigned long <a href="#selectionstart" title="dom-textarea/input-selectionStart">selectionStart</a>;           attribute unsigned long <a href="#selectionend" title="dom-textarea/input-selectionEnd">selectionEnd</a>;  void <a href="#setselectionrange" title="dom-textarea/input-setSelectionRange">setSelectionRange</a>(in unsigned long start, in unsigned long end);</pre>  <p>These methods and attributes expose and control the selection of   <code>input</code> and <code>textarea</code> text fields.  <p>The <dfn id=select0   title="dom-textarea/input-select"><code>select()</code></dfn> method must   cause the contents of the text field to be fully selected.  <p>The <dfn id=selectionstart   title="dom-textarea/input-selectionStart"><code>selectionStart</code></dfn>   attribute must, on getting, return the offset (in logical order) to the   character that immediately follows the start of the selection. If there is   no selection, then it must return the offset (in logical order) to the   character that immediately follows the text entry cursor.  <p>On setting, it must act as if the <code   title="dom-textarea/input-setSelectionRange"><a   href="#setselectionrange">setSelectionRange()</a></code> method had been   called, with the new value as the first argument, and the current value of   the <code title="dom-textarea/input-selectionEnd"><a   href="#selectionend">selectionEnd</a></code> attribute as the second   argument, unless the current value of the <code   title="dom-textarea/input-selectionEnd"><a   href="#selectionend">selectionEnd</a></code> is less than the new value,   in which case the second argument must also be the new value.  <p>The <dfn id=selectionend   title="dom-textarea/input-selectionEnd"><code>selectionEnd</code></dfn>   attribute must, on getting, return the offset (in logical order) to the   character that immediately follows the end of the selection. If there is   no selection, then it must return the offset (in logical order) to the   character that immediately follows the text entry cursor.  <p>On setting, it must act as if the <code   title="dom-textarea/input-setSelectionRange"><a   href="#setselectionrange">setSelectionRange()</a></code> method had been   called, with the current value of the <code   title="dom-textarea/input-selectionStart"><a   href="#selectionstart">selectionStart</a></code> attribute as the first   argument, and new value as the second argument.  <p>The <dfn id=setselectionrange   title="dom-textarea/input-setSelectionRange"><code>setSelectionRange(<var   title="">start</var>, <var title="">end</var>)</code></dfn> method must   set the selection of the text field to the sequence of characters starting   with the character at the <var title="">start</var>th position (in logical   order) and ending with the character at the <span>(<var   title="">end</var>-1)</span>th position. Arguments greater than the length   of the value in the text field must be treated as pointing at the end of   the text field. If <var title="">end</var> is less than or equal to <var   title="">start</var> then the start of the selection and the end of the   selection must both be placed immediately before the character with offset   <var title="">end</var>. In UAs where there is no concept of an empty   selection, this must set the cursor to be just before the character with   offset <var title="">end</var>.  <div class=example>   <p>To obtain the currently selected text, the following JavaScript    suffices:</p>   <pre>var selectionText = control.value.substring(control.selectionStart, control.selectionEnd);</pre>   <p>...where <var title="">control</var> is the <code>input</code> or    <code>textarea</code> element.</p>  </div>  <p>Characters with no visible rendering, such as U+200D ZERO WIDTH JOINER,   still count as characters. Thus, for instance, the selection can include   just an invisible character, and the text insertion cursor can be placed   to one side or another of such a character.  <p>When these methods and attributes are used with <code>input</code>   elements that are not displaying simple text fields, they must raise an   <code>INVALID_STATE_ERR</code> exception.  <h2 id=comms><span class=secno>7. </span>Communication</h2>  <h3 id=server-sent-events><span class=secno>7.1. </span>Server-sent DOM   events</h3>  <p>This section describes a mechanism for allowing servers to dispatch DOM   events into documents that expect it.  <h4 id=the-event-source><span class=secno>7.1.1. </span>The <dfn   id=event-source0><code>event-source</code></dfn> element</h4>  <p>To specify an event source in an HTML document authors use a new (empty)   element <code><a href="#event-source0">event-source</a></code>, with an   attribute <code>src=""</code> that takes a URI (or IRI) to open as a   stream and, if the data found at that URI is of the appropriate type,   treat as an event source.  <p>The <code><a href="#event-source0">event-source</a></code> element may   also have an <code>onevent=""</code> attribute. If present, the attribute   must be treated as script representing an event handler registered as   non-capture listener of events with name <code>event</code> and the   namespace <code>uuid:755e2d2d-a836-4539-83f4-16b51156341f</code> or null,   that are targetted at or bubble through the element.  <p>UAs must also support all the common attributes on the <code><a   href="#event-source0">event-source</a></code> element.  <h4 id=the-remoteeventtarget><span class=secno>7.1.2. </span>The <dfn   id=remoteeventtarget0><code>RemoteEventTarget</code></dfn> interface</h4>  <p>Any object that implements the <code>EventTarget</code> interface shall   also implement the <code><a   href="#remoteeventtarget1">RemoteEventTarget</a></code> interface.  <pre   class=idl>interface <dfn id=remoteeventtarget1>RemoteEventTarget</dfn> {  void addEventSource(in DOMString src);  void removeEventSource(in DOMString src);};</pre>  <p>The <dfn id=addeventsource   title=addEventSource><code>addEventSource(<var   title="">src</var>)</code></dfn> method shall register the URI (or IRI)   specified in <var title="">src</var> as an event source on the object. The   <dfn id=removeeventsource   title=removeEventSource><code>removeEventSource(<var   title="">src</var>)</code></dfn> method shall remove the URI (or IRI)   specified in <var title="">src</var> from the list of event sources for   that object. If a single URI is added multiple times, each instance must   be handled individually. Removing a URI must only remove one instance of   that URI. If the specified URI cannot be added or removed, the method must   return without doing anything or raising an exception.  <h4 id=processing1><span class=secno>7.1.3. </span>Processing model</h4>  <p>When an <code><a href="#event-source0">event-source</a></code> element   in a document has a <code>src</code> attribute set, the UA should fetch   the resource indicated by the attribute's value.  <p>Similarly, when the <code><a   href="#addeventsource">addEventSource()</a></code> method is invoked on an   object, the UA should, at the completion of the script's current   execution, fetch the resource identified by the method's argument (unless   the <code><a href="#removeeventsource">removeEventSource()</a></code> was   called removing the URI from the list first).  <p>When an <code><a href="#event-source0">event-source</a></code> element   is removed from the document, or when an event source is removed from the   list of event sources for an object using the <code><a   href="#removeeventsource">removeEventSource()</a></code> method, the   relevant connection must be closed (and not reopened unless the element is   returned to the document or the <code><a   href="#addeventsource">addEventSource()</a></code> method is called with   the same URI again).  <p class=issue>Should event-source elements be allowed to point to any   remote server, or only origin hosts?  <p>Since connections established to remote servers for such resources are   expected to be long-lived, UAs should ensure that appropriate buffering is   used. In particular, while line buffering may be safe if lines are defined   to end with a single U+000A LINE FEED character, block buffering or line   buffering with different expected line endings can cause delays in event   dispatch.  <p>In general, the semantics of the transport protocol specified by the   "src" attribute must be followed. Clients should re-open <code><a   href="#event-source0">event-source</a></code> connections that get closed   after a short interval (such as 5 seconds), unless they were closed due to   problems that aren't expected to be resolved, as described in this   section.  <p>DNS errors must be considered fatal, and cause the user agent to not   open any connection for the event-source.  <p>HTTP 200 OK responses that have a Content-Type other than   <code>application/x-dom-event-stream</code> must be ignored and must   prevent the user agent from reopening the connection for that   event-source. HTTP 200 OK responses with the right MIME type, however,   should, when closed, be reopened after a small delay.  <p>Resource with the type <code>application/x-dom-event-stream</code> must   be processed line by line <a href="#event-stream-interpretation">as   described below</a>.  <p>HTTP 201 Created, 202 Accepted, 203 Non-Authoritative Information, and   206 Partial Content responses must be treated like HTTP 200 OK responses   for the purposes of reopening event-source connections. They are, however,   likely to indicate an error has occurred somewhere and may cause the user   agent to emit a warning.  <p>HTTP 204 No Content, and 205 Reset Content responses must be treated as   if they were 200 OK responses with the right MIME type but no content, and   should therefore cause the user agent to reopen the connection after a   short delay.  <p>HTTP 300 Multiple Choices responses should be handled automatically if   possible (treating the responses as if they were 302 Moved Permanently   responses pointing to the appropriate resource), and otherwise must be   treated as HTTP 404 responses.  <p>HTTP 301 Moved Permanently responses must cause the user agent to use   the server specified URI instead of the one specified in the   event-source's "src" attribute for future connections.  <p>HTTP 302 Found, 303 See Other, and 307 Temporary Redirect responses must   cause the user agent to use the server specified URI instead of the one   specified in the event-source's "src" attribute for the next connection,   but if the user agent needs to reopen the connection at a later point, it   must once again start from the "src" attribute (or the last URI given by a   301 Moved Permanently response in complicated cases where such responses   are chained).  <p>HTTP 304 Not Modified responses should be handled like HTTP 200 OK   responses, with the content coming from the user agent cache. A new   connection attempt should then be made after a short wait.  <p>HTTP 305 Use Proxy, HTTP 401 Unauthorized, and 407 Proxy Authentication   Required should be treated transparently as for any other subresource.  <p>HTTP 400 Bad Request, 403 Forbidden, 404 Not Found, 405 Method Not   Allowed, 406 Not Acceptable, 408 Request Timeout, 409 Conflict, 410 Gone,   411 Length Required, 412 Precondition Failed, 413 Request Entity Too   Large, 414 Request-URI Too Long, 415 Unsupported Media Type, 416 Requested   Range Not Satisfiable, 417 Expectation Failed, 500 Internal Server Error,   501 Not Implemented, 502 Bad Gateway, 503 Service Unavailable, 504 Gateway   Timeout, and 505 HTTP Version Not Supported responses, and any other HTTP   response code not listed here, should cause the user agent to stop trying   to process this event-source element.  <p>For non-HTTP protocols, UAs should act in equivalent ways.  <h4 id=the-event><span class=secno>7.1.4. </span>The event stream format</h4>  <p>The event stream MIME type is   <code>application/x-dom-event-stream</code>.  <p>The event stream must always be encoded as UTF-8. Line must always be   terminated by a single U+000A LINE FEED character.  <p>The event stream format is (in pseudo-BNF):  <pre>AMPERSANDlt;streamAMPERSANDgt;  ::= AMPERSANDlt;eventAMPERSANDgt;*AMPERSANDlt;eventAMPERSANDgt;   ::= [ AMPERSANDlt;commentAMPERSANDgt; | AMPERSANDlt;commandAMPERSANDgt; | AMPERSANDlt;fieldAMPERSANDgt; ]* AMPERSANDlt;newlineAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;commentAMPERSANDgt; ::= ';' AMPERSANDlt;dataAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;newlineAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;commandAMPERSANDgt; ::= ':' AMPERSANDlt;dataAMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;newlineAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;fieldAMPERSANDgt;   ::= AMPERSANDlt;nameAMPERSANDgt; [ ':' AMPERSANDlt;spaceAMPERSANDgt;? AMPERSANDlt;dataAMPERSANDgt; ]? AMPERSANDlt;newlineAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;nameAMPERSANDgt;    ::= one or more UNICODE characters other than ':', ';', and U+000A LINE FEEDAMPERSANDlt;dataAMPERSANDgt;    ::= zero or more UNICODE characters other than U+000A LINE FEEDAMPERSANDlt;spaceAMPERSANDgt;   ::= a single U+0020 SPACE character (' ')AMPERSANDlt;newlineAMPERSANDgt; ::= a single U+000A LINE FEED character</pre>  <p>Bytes that are not valid UTF-8 sequences must be interpreted as the   U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.  <p>The stream is parsed by reading everything line by line, in blocks   separated by blank lines (blank lines are those consisting of just a   single lone line feed character). Comment lines (those starting with the   character ';') and command lines (those starting with the character ':')   are ignored. Command lines are reserved for future use and should not be   used.  <p>For each non-blank, non-comment line, the field name is first taken.   This is everything on the line up to but not including the first colon   (':') or the line feed, whichever comes first. Then, if there was a colon,   the data for that line is taken. This is everything after the colon,   ignoring a single space after the colon if there is one, up to the end of   the line. If there was no colon the data is the empty string.  <div class=example>   <p>Examples:</p>   <pre>Field name: Field data</pre>   <pre>This is a blank field</pre>   <pre>1. These two lines: have the same data2. These two lines:have the same data</pre>   <pre>1. But these two lines:  do not2. But these two lines: do not</pre>  </div>  <p>If a field name occurs multiple times, the data values for those lines   are concatenated with a newline between them.  <div class=example>   <p>For example, the following:</p>   <pre>Test: Line 1Foo: BarTest: Line 2</pre>   <p>...is treated as having two fields, one called <code>Test</code> with    the value <code>Line 1\nLine 2</code> (where <code>\n</code> represents a    newline), and one called <code>Foo</code> with the value <code>    Bar</code>.</p>  </div>  <p class=note>Since any random stream of characters matches the above   format, there is no need to define any error handling.  <h4 id=event-stream-interpretation><span class=secno>7.1.5. </span>Event   stream interpretation</h4>  <p>Once the fields have been parsed, they are interpreted as follows (these   are case-sensitive exact comparisons):  <ul>   <li>    <p><code title="">Event</code> is the name of the event. For example,     <code title="">load</code>, <code title="">DOMActivate</code>, <code     title="">updateTicker</code>. If there is no field with this name, then     no event will be synthesised, and the other data will be ignored.   <li>    <p><code title="">Namespace</code> is the DOM3 namespace for the event.     For normal DOM events this would be <code     title="">http://www.w3.org/2001/xml-events</code>. If it isn't specified     the event namespace is null.   <li>    <p><code title="">Class</code> is the interface used for the event, for     instance <code>Event</code>, <code>UIEvent</code>,     <code>MutationEvent</code>, <code>KeyboardEvent</code>, etc. For     compatibility with DOM3 Events, the values <code     title="">UIEvents</code>, <code title="">MouseEvents</code>, <code     title="">MutationEvents</code>, and <code title="">HTMLEvents</code> are     valid values and must be treated respectively as meaning the interfaces     <code>UIEvent</code>, <code>MouseEvent</code>,     <code>MutationEvent</code>, and <code>Event</code>. (This value can     therefore be used as the argument to <code     title="">createEvent()</code>.) If the value is not specified it is     defaulted based on the event name as follows:</p>    <ul>     <li>      <p>If <code title="">Namespace</code> is <code       title="">http://www.w3.org/2001/xml-events</code> or null and the       <code title="">Event</code> field exactly matches one of the events       specified by DOM3 Events in <a       href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events/events.html#Events-EventTypes-complete">section       1.4.2 "Complete list of event types"</a>, then the Class defaults to       the interface relevant for that event type. <a       href="#refsDOM3EVENTS">[DOM3EVENTS]</a></p>      <div class=example>       <p>For example:</p>       <pre>Event: click</pre>       <p>...would cause <code title="">Class</code> to be treated as        <code>MouseEvent</code>.</p>      </div>     <li>      <p>If <code title="">Namespace</code> is       <code>uuid:755e2d2d-a836-4539-83f4-16b51156341f</code> or null and the       <code title="">Event</code> doesn't match any of the known events,       then the <code><a href="#remoteevent">RemoteEvent</a></code> interface       (described below) is used.     <li>      <p>Otherwise, if the UA doesn't have special knowledge of which class       to use for the given event in the given namespace, then the       <code>Event</code> interface is used.    </ul>    <p>It is quite possible to give the wrong class for an event. This is     equivalent to creating an event in the DOM using the DOM Event APIs, but     using the wrong interface for it.</p>   <li>    <p><code title="">Bubbles</code> specifies whether the event is to     bubble. If it is specified and has the value <code title="">No</code>,     the event does not bubble. If it is specified and has any other value     (including <code title="">no</code> or <code title="">No\n</code>) then     the event bubbles. If it is not specified it is defaulted based on the     event name as follows:</p>    <ul>     <li>      <p>If <code title="">Namespace</code> is <code       title="">http://www.w3.org/2001/xml-events</code> or null and the       <code title="">Event</code> field exactly matches one of the events       specified by DOM3 Events in <a       href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events/events.html#Events-EventTypes-complete">section       1.4.2 "Complete list of event types"</a>, then whether the event       bubbles depends on whether the DOM3 Events spec specifies that that       event should bubble or not. <a href="#refsDOM3EVENTS">[DOM3EVENTS]</a></p>      <div class=example>       <p>For example:</p>       <pre>Event: load</pre>       <p>...would cause <code title="">Bubbles</code> to be treated as <code        title="">No</code>.</p>      </div>     <li>      <p>Otherwise, if the UA doesn't have special knowledge of which class       to use for the given event in the given namespace, then the event       bubbles.    </ul>   <li>    <p><code title="">Cancelable</code> specifies whether the event may have     its default action prevented. If it is specified and has the value <code     title="">No</code>, the event may not have its default action prevented.     If it is specified and has any other value (including <code     title="">no</code> or <code title="">No\n</code>) then the event may be     canceled. If it is not specified it is defaulted based on the event name     as follows:</p>    <ul>     <li>      <p>If <code title="">Namespace</code> is <code       title="">http://www.w3.org/2001/xml-events</code> or null and the       <code title="">Event</code> field exactly matches one of the events       specified by DOM3 Events in <a       href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events/events.html#Events-EventTypes-complete">section       1.4.2 "Complete list of event types"</a>, then whether the event is       cancelable depends on whether the DOM3 Events spec specifies that that       event should be cancelable or not. <a       href="#refsDOM3EVENTS">[DOM3EVENTS]</a></p>      <div class=example>       <p>For example:</p>       <pre>Event: load</pre>       <p>...would cause <code title="">Cancelable</code> to be treated as        <code title="">No</code>.</p>      </div>     <li>      <p>Otherwise, if the UA doesn't have special knowledge of which class       to use for the given event in the given namespace, then the event may       be canceled.    </ul>   <li>    <p><code title="">Target</code> is the element that the event is to be     dispatched on. If its value starts with a <code title="">#</code>     character then the remainder of the value represents an ID, and the     event must be dispatched on the same node as would be obtained by the     <code title="">getElementById()</code> method on the ownerDocument of     the event-source element responsible for the event being dispatched.</p>    <div class=example>     <p>For example,</p>     <pre>Target: #test</pre>     <p>...would target the element with ID <code title="">test</code>.</p>    </div>    <p>If the value does not start with a <code title="">#</code> but has the     literal value <code>Document</code>, then the event is dispatched at the     <code title="">ownerDocument</code> of the <code><a     href="#event-source0">event-source</a></code> element responsible for     the event being dispatched.</p>    <p>Otherwise, the event is dispatched at the <code><a     href="#event-source0">event-source</a></code> element itself.   <li>    <p>Other fields depend on the interface specified (or possibly implied)     by the <code title="">Class</code> field. If the specified interface has     an attribute that exactly matches the name of the field, and the value     of the field can be converted (using the type conversions defined in     ECMAScript) to the type of the attribute, then it must be used. Any     attributes (other than the <code>Event</code> interface attributes) that     do not have matching fields are initialised to zero, null, false, or the     empty string.</p>    <div class=example>     <p>For example:</p>     <pre>; ...some other fields...Class: MouseEventbutton: 2</pre>     <p>...would result in a MouseEvent event that had <code>button</code>      set to <code title="">2</code> but <code>screenX</code>,      <code>screenY</code>, etc, set to 0, false, or null as appropriate.</p>    </div>    <p>If a field does not match any of the attributes on the event, it is     ignored.</p>    <div class=example>     <p>For example:</p>     <pre>Event: keypressClass: MouseEventkeyIdentifier: 0</pre>     <p>...would result in a <code>MouseEvent</code> event with its fields      all at their default values, with the event name being <code      title="">keypress</code>. The <code>ctrlKey</code> field would be      ignored. (If the author had not included the <code      title="">Class</code> field explicitly, it would have just worked,      since the class would have defaulted as described above.)</p>    </div>  </ul>  <p>Once a blank line is reached, an event of the appropriate type is   synthesized and dispatched to the appropriate node as described by the   fields above. No event is dispatched until a blank line has been received.  <p>If the <code title="">Event</code> field was omitted, then no event is   synthesised and the data is ignored.  <div class=example>   <p>The following stream contains four blocks yet synthesises no events,    since none of the blocks have a field called <code title="">Event</code>.    (The first block has just a comment, the second block has two fields with    names "load" and "Target" respectively, the third block is empty, and the    fourth block has two comments.)</p>   <pre>; testloadTarget: #image1; if any real events follow this block, they will not be affected by; the "Target" and "load" fields above.</pre>  </div>  <h4 id=the-remoteevent><span class=secno>7.1.6. </span>The <code><a   href="#remoteevent">RemoteEvent</a></code> interface</h4>  <p>The <code><a href="#remoteevent">RemoteEvent</a></code> interface is   defined as follows:  <pre class=idl>interface <dfn id=remoteevent>RemoteEvent</dfn> : Event {  readonly attribute DOMString <span title=dom-RemoteEvent-data>data</span>;  void <span title=dom-RemoteEvent-initRemoteEvent>initRemoteEvent</span>(in DOMString typeArg, in boolean canBubbleArg, in boolean cancelableArg, in DOMString dataArg);  void <span title=dom-RemoteEvent-initRemoteEventNS>initRemoteEventNS</span>(in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString typeArg, in boolean canBubbleArg, in boolean cancelableArg, in DOMString dataArg);};</pre>  <!-- XXX definitions missing in this section -->  <p>Events that use the <code><a href="#remoteevent">RemoteEvent</a></code>   interface never have any default action associated with them.  <p class=big-issue>I guess we should define those members.  <h4 id=example><span class=secno>7.1.7. </span>Example</h4>  <div class=example>   <p>The following event description, once followed by a blank line:</p>   <pre>Event: stock changedata: YHOOdata: -2data: 10</pre>   <p>...would cause an event <code>stock change</code> with the interface    <code><a href="#remoteevent">RemoteEvent</a></code> to be dispatched on    the <code><a href="#event-source0">event-source</a></code> element, which    would then bubble up the DOM, and whose <code>data</code> attribute would    contain the string <code>YHOO\n-2\n10</code> (where <code>\n</code> again    represents a newline).</p>   <p>This could be used as follows:   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;event-source src="http://stocks.example.com/ticker.php" id="stock"AMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;script type="text/javascript"AMPERSANDgt;document.getElementById('stock').addEventListener('stock change',  function () {    var data = event.data.split('\n');    updateStocks(data[0], data[1], data[2]);  }, false);AMPERSANDlt;/scriptAMPERSANDgt</pre>   <p>...where updateStocks is a function defined as:   <pre>function updateStocks(symbol, delta, value) { ... }</pre>   <p>...or some such.</p>  </div>  <h3 id=network><span class=secno>7.2. </span>Network connections</h3>  <p>To enable Web applications to communicate with each other in local area   networks, and to maintain bidirectional communications with their   originating server, this specification introduces the <code><a   href="#connection0">Connection</a></code> interface.  <p>The <code><a href="#windowhtml">WindowHTML</a></code> interface provides   three constructors for creating <code><a   href="#connection0">Connection</a></code> objects: <code   title=dom-TCPConnection><a   href="#tcpconnection">TCPConnection()</a></code>, for creating a direct   (possibly encrypted) link to another node on the Internet using TCP/IP;   <code title=dom-LocalBroadcastConnection><a   href="#localbroadcastconnection">LocalBroadcastConnection()</a></code>,   for creating a connection to any listening peer on a local network (which   could be a local TCP/IP subnet using UDP, a Bluetooth PAN, or another kind   of network infrastructure); and <code title=dom-PeerToPeerConnection><a   href="#peertopeerconnection">PeerToPeerConnection()</a></code>, for a   direct peer-to-peer connection (which could again be over TCP/IP,   Bluetooth, IrDA, or some other type of network).  <p class=note>This interface does not allow for raw access to the   underlying network. For example, this interface could not be used to   implement an IRC client without proxying messages through a custom server.  <h4 id=network-intro><span class=secno>7.2.1. </span>Introduction</h4>  <p><em>This section is non-normative.</em>  <p class=big-issue>An introduction to the client-side and server-side of   using the direct connection APIs.  <p class=big-issue>An example of a party-line implementation of a broadcast   service, and direct peer-to-peer chat for direct local connections.</p>  <!--    <div class="example">     <p>The following script creates a connection to a local party     line:</p>     <pre>var a = new LocalBroadcastConnection();  a.onread = function(e) { alert(e.source + ' wrote ' + e.data); }  a.send('hello');</pre>    </div>-->  <!--XXX   Explain why we don't use HTTP instead of our own protocol: wouldn't   work for peer-to-peer, too much work to implement server if you   have to implement a compliant HTTP server as well, etc  -->  <h4 id=the-connection><span class=secno>7.2.2. </span>The <code><a   href="#connection0">Connection</a></code> interface</h4>  <pre class=idl>interface <dfn id=connection0>Connection</dfn> {  readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#network0" title=dom-Connection-network>network</a>;  readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#peer" title=dom-Connection-peer>peer</a>;  readonly attribute int <a href="#readystate" title=dom-Connection-readyState>readyState</a>;           attribute EventListener <a href="#onopen" title=dom-Connection-onopen>onopen</a>;           attribute EventListener <a href="#onread" title=dom-Connection-onread>onread</a>;           attribute EventListener <a href="#onclose" title=dom-Connection-onclose>onclose</a>;  void <a href="#send" title=dom-Connection-send>send</a>(in DOMString data);  void <a href="#disconnect" title=dom-Connection-disconnect>disconnect</a>();};</pre>  <p><code><a href="#connection0">Connection</a></code> objects must also   implement the <code>EventTarget</code> interface. <a   href="#refsDOM3EVENTS">[DOM3EVENTS]</a>  <p>When a <code><a href="#connection0">Connection</a></code> object is   created, the UA must try to establish a connection, as described in the   sections below describing each connection type.  <p>The <dfn id=network0   title=dom-Connection-network><code>network</code></dfn> attribute   represents the name of the network connection (the value depends on the   kind of connection being established). The <dfn id=peer   title=dom-Connection-peer><code>peer</code></dfn> attribute identifies the   remote host for direct (non-broadcast) connections.  <p>The <code title=dom-Connection-network><a   href="#network0">network</a></code> attribute must be set as soon as the   <code><a href="#connection0">Connection</a></code> object is created, and   keeps the same value for the lifetime of the object. The <code   title=dom-Connection-peer><a href="#peer">peer</a></code> attribute must   initially be set to the empty string and must be updated once, when the   connection is established, after which point it must keep the same value   for the lifetime of the object.  <p>The <dfn id=readystate   title=dom-Connection-readyState><code>readyState</code></dfn> attribute   represents the state of the connection. When the object is created it must   be set to 0. It can have the following values:  <dl>   <dt>0 Connecting   <dd>The connection has not yet been established.   <dt>1 Connected   <dd>The connection is established and communication is possible.   <dt>2 Closed   <dd>The connection has been closed.  </dl>  <p id=openConnection>Once a connection is established, the <code   title=dom-Connection-readyState><a   href="#readystate">readyState</a></code> attribute's value must be changed   to 1, and the <code title=event-connection-open><a   href="#open2">open</a></code> event must be fired on the <code><a   href="#connection0">Connection</a></code> object.  <p>When data is received, the <code title=event-connection-read><a   href="#read">read</a></code> event will be fired on the <code><a   href="#connection0">Connection</a></code> object.</p>  <!-- conf crit for this  statement is in the various protocol-specific sections below. -->  <p id=closeConnection>When the connection is closed, the <code   title=dom-Connection-readyState><a   href="#readystate">readyState</a></code> attribute's value must be changed   to 2, and the <code title=event-connection-close><a   href="#close0">close</a></code> event must be fired on the <code><a   href="#connection0">Connection</a></code> object.  <p>The <dfn id=onopen   title=dom-Connection-onopen><code>onopen</code></dfn>, <dfn id=onread   title=dom-Connection-onread><code>onread</code></dfn>, and <dfn id=onclose   title=dom-Connection-onclose><code>onclose</code></dfn> attributes must,   when set, register their new value as an event listener for their   respective events (namely <code title=event-connection-open><a   href="#open2">open</a></code>, <code title=event-connection-read><a   href="#read">read</a></code>, and <code title=event-connection-close><a   href="#close0">close</a></code>), and unregister their previous value if   any.  <p>The <dfn id=send title=dom-Connection-send><code>send()</code></dfn>   method transmits data using the connection. If the connection is not yet   established, it must raise an <code>INVALID_STATE_ERR</code> exception. If   the connection <em>is</em> established, then the behaviour depends on the   connection type, as described below.  <p>The <dfn id=disconnect   title=dom-Connection-disconnect><code>disconnect()</code></dfn> method   must close the connection, if it is open. If the connection is already   closed, it must do nothing. Closing the connection causes a <code   title=event-connection-close><a href="#close0">close</a></code> event to   be fired and the <code title=dom-Connection-readyState><a   href="#readystate">readyState</a></code> attribute's value to change, as   <a href="#closeConnection">described above</a>.  <h4 id=connection><span class=secno>7.2.3. </span>Connection Events</h4>  <p>All the events described in this section are events in the   <code>http://www.w3.org/2001/xml-events</code> namespace, which do not   bubble, are not cancelable, and have no default action.  <p>The <dfn id=open2 title=event-connection-open><code>open</code></dfn>   event is fired when the connection is established. UAs must use the normal   <code>Event</code> interface when firing this event.  <p>The <dfn id=close0 title=event-connection-close><code>close</code></dfn>   event is fired when the connection is closed (whether by the author,   calling the <code title=dom-Connection-disconnect><a   href="#disconnect">disconnect()</a></code> method, or by the server, or by   a network error). UAs must use the normal <code>Event</code> interface   when firing this event as well.  <p class=note>No information regarding why the connection was closed is   passed to the application in this version of this specification.  <p>The <dfn id=read title=event-connection-read><code>read</code></dfn>   event is fired when when data is received for a connection. UAs must use   the <code><a href="#connectionreadevent">ConnectionReadEvent</a></code>   interface for this event.  <pre   class=idl>interface <dfn id=connectionreadevent>ConnectionReadEvent</dfn> : Event {  readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#data4" title=dom-ConnectionReadEvent-data>data</a>;  readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#source0" title=dom-ConnectionReadEvent-source>source</a>;  void <a href="#initconnectionreadevent" title=dom-ConnectionReadEvent-initConnectionReadEvent>initConnectionReadEvent</a>(in DOMString typeArg, in boolean canBubbleArg, in boolean cancelableArg, in DOMString dataArg);  void <a href="#initconnectionreadeventns" title=dom-ConnectionReadEvent-initConnectionReadEventNS>initConnectionReadEventNS</a>(in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString typeArg, in boolean canBubbleArg, in boolean cancelableArg, in DOMString dataArg);};</pre>  <p>The <dfn id=data4   title=dom-ConnectionReadEvent-data><code>data</code></dfn> attribute must   contain the data that was transmitted from the peer.  <p>The <dfn id=source0   title=dom-ConnectionReadEvent-source><code>source</code></dfn> attribute   must contain the name of the peer. This is primarily useful on broadcast   connections; on direct connections it is equal to the <code   title=dom-Connection-peer><a href="#peer">peer</a></code> attribute on the   <code><a href="#connection0">Connection</a></code> object.</p>  <!-- XXX check that the following three sections define "the data  that was transmitted" and "the name of the peer" in terms that mean  they fit into the above definitions ("for the purposes of the  ConnectionReadEvent"). -->  <!-- XXX should we have a Connection attribute on the event? -->  <p>The <dfn id=initconnectionreadevent   title=dom-ConnectionReadEvent-initConnectionReadEvent><code>initConnectionReadEvent()</code></dfn>   and <dfn id=initconnectionreadeventns   title=dom-ConnectionReadEvent-initConnectionReadEventNS><code>initConnectionReadEventNS()</code></dfn>   methods must initialise the event in a manner analogous to the   similarly-named methods in the DOM3 Events interfaces. <a   href="#DOM3Events">[DOM3EVENTS]</a>  <p>Events that would be fired during script execution (e.g. between the   connection object being created AMPERSANDmdash; and thus the connection being   established AMPERSANDmdash; and the current script completing; or, during the   execution of a <code title=event-connection-read><a   href="#read">read</a></code> event handler) must be buffered, and those   events queued up and each one individually fired after the script has   completed.</p>  <!-- XXX make this more generic -->  <h4 id=tcp-connections><span class=secno>7.2.4. </span>TCP connections</h4>  <p>The <dfn id=tcpconnection   title=dom-TCPConnection><code>TCPConnection(<var title="">subdomain</var>,   <var title="">port</var>, <var title="">secure</var>)</code></dfn>   constructor on the <code><a href="#windowhtml">WindowHTML</a></code>   interface returns a new object implementing the <code><a   href="#connection0">Connection</a></code> interface, set up for a direct   connection to a specified host on the page's domain.  <p>When this constructor is invoked, the following steps must be followed.  <p>First, if the <a href="#domain1">script's domain</a> is not a host name   (e.g. it is an IP address) then the UA must raise a <a   href="#security2">security exception</a>. <span class=issue>We currently   don't allow connections to be set up back to an originating IP address,   but we could, if the subdomain is the empty string.</span>  <p>Then, if the <var title="">subdomain</var> argument is null or the empty   string, the target host is the <a href="#domain1">script's domain</a>.   Otherwise, the <var title="">subdomain</var> argument is prepended to the   <a href="#domain1">script's domain</a> with a dot separating the two   strings, and that is the target host.  <p>If either:  <ul>   <li>the target host is not a valid host name, or   <li>the <var title="">port</var> argument is neither equal to 80, nor    equal to 443, nor greater than or equal to 1024 and less than or equal to    65535,  </ul>  <p>...then the UA must raise a <a href="#security2">security exception</a>.</p>  <!-- XXX we should have our own port for this too, e.g. 980 -->  <p>Otherwise, the user agent must verify that the <a href="#the-string">the   string representing the script's domain in IDNA format</a> can be obtained   without errors. If it cannot, then the user agent must raise a <a   href="#security2">security exception</a>.  <p>The user agent may also raise a <a href="#security2">security   exception</a> at this time if, for some reason, permission to create a   direct TCP connection to the relevant host is denied. Reasons could   include the UA being instructed by the user to not allow direct   connections, or the UA establishing (for instance using UPnP) that the   network topology will cause connections on the specified port to be   directed at the wrong host.  <p>If no exceptions are raised by the previous steps, then a new <code><a   href="#connection0">Connection</a></code> object must be created, its   <code title=dom-Connection-peer><a href="#peer">peer</a></code> attribute   must be set to a string consisting of the name of the target host, a colon   (U+003A COLON), and the port number as decimal digits, and its <code   title=dom-Connection-network><a href="#network0">network</a></code>   attribute must be set to the same value as the <code   title=dom-Connection-peer><a href="#peer">peer</a></code> attribute.  <p>This object must then be returned.  <p>The user agent must then begin trying to establish a connection with the   target host and specified port. (This typically would begin in the   backgound, while the script continues to execute.)  <p>If the <var title="">secure</var> boolean argument is set to true, then   the user agent must establish a secure connection with the target host and   specified port using TLS or another protocol, negotiated with the server.   <a href="#refsRFC2246">[RFC2246]</a> If this fails the user agent must act   as if it had <a href="#closeConnection">closed the connection</a>.  <p>Once a secure connection is established, or if the <var   title="">secure</var> boolean argument is not set to true, then the user   agent must continue to connect to the server using the protocol described   in the section entitled <a href="#clients1">clients connecting over   TCP</a>. All data on connections made using TLS must be sent as   "application data".  <p>Once the connection is established, the UA must act as described in the   section entitled <a href="#sending1">sending and receiving data over   TCP</a>.  <p>User agents should allow multiple TCP connections to be established per   host. In particular, user agents should not apply per-host HTTP connection   limits to connections established with the <code   title=dom-TCPConnection><a href="#tcpconnection">TCPConnection</a></code>   constructor.  <h4 id=broadcast><span class=secno>7.2.5. </span>Broadcast connections</h4>  <p>The <dfn id=localbroadcastconnection   title=dom-LocalBroadcastConnection><code>LocalBroadcastConnection()</code></dfn>   constructor on the <code><a href="#windowhtml">WindowHTML</a></code>   interface returns a new object implementing the <code><a   href="#connection0">Connection</a></code> interface, set up to broadcast   on the local network.  <p>When this constructor is invoked, a new <code><a   href="#connection0">Connection</a></code> object must be created.  <p>The <code title=dom-Connection-network><a   href="#network0">network</a></code> attribute of the object must be set to   <a href="#the-string">the string representing the script's domain in IDNA   format</a>. If this string cannot be obtained, then the user agent must   raise a <a href="#security2">security exception</a> exception when the   constructor is called.  <p>The <code title=dom-Connection-peer><a href="#peer">peer</a></code>   attribute must be set to the empty string.  <p>The object must then be returned, unless, for some reason, permission to   broadcast on the local network is to be denied. In the latter case, a <a   href="#security2">security exception</a> must be raised instead. User   agents may deny such permission for any reason, for example a user   preference.  <p>If the object is returned (i.e. if no exception is raised), the user   agent must the begin broadcasting and listening on the local network, in   the background, as described below. The user agent may define "the local   network" in any way it considers appropriate and safe; for instance the   user agent may ask the user which network (e.g. Bluetooth, IrDA, Ethernet,   etc) the user would like to broadcast on before beginning broadcasting.  <p>UAs may broadcast and listen on multiple networks at once. For example,   the UA could broadcast on both Bluetooth and Wifi at the same time.</p>  <!-- XXX bridging? how do we handle one UA not seeing  the same hosts as another UA? -->  <p>As soon as the object is returned, the connection <a   href="#openConnection">has been established</a>, which implies that the   <code title=event-connection-open><a href="#open2">open</a></code> event   must be fired. Broadcast connections are never closed.  <h5 id=broadcasting><span class=secno> </span>Broadcasting over   TCP/IP</h5>  <p class=big-issue>Should we drop this altogether? Letting people fill the   local network with garbage seems unwise.  <p class=big-issue>We need to register a UDP port for this. For now this   spec refers to port 18080/udp.  <p class=note>Since this feature requires that the user agent listen to a   particular port, some platforms might prevent more than one user agent per   IP address from using this feature at any one time.  <p>On TCP/IP networks, broadcast connections transmit data using UDP over   port 18080.  <p>When the <code title=dom-Connection-send><a href="#send">send(<var   title="">data</var>)</a></code> method is invoked on a <code><a   href="#connection0">Connection</a></code> object that was created by the   <code title=dom-LocalBroadcastConnection><a   href="#localbroadcastconnection">LocalBroadcastConnection()</a></code>   constructor, the user agent must follow these steps:  <ol>   <li>Create a string consisting of the value of the <code    title=dom-Connection-network><a href="#network0">network</a></code>    attribute of the <code><a href="#connection0">Connection</a></code>    object, a U+0020 SPACE character, a U+0002 START OF TEXT character, and    the <var title="">data</var> argument.   <li>Encode the string as UTF-8.   <li>If the resulting byte stream is longer than 65487 bytes, raise an    <code>INDEX_SIZE_ERR</code> DOM exception and stop.   <li>Create a UDP packet whose data is the byte stream, with the source and    destination ports being 18080, and with appropriate length and checksum    fields. Transmit this packet to IPv4 address or IPv6    address ff02::1, as appropriate. <span class=note>IPv6 applications will    also have to enable reception from this address.</span>  </ol>  <p>When a broadcast connection is opened on a TCP/IP network, the user   agent should listen for UDP packets on port 18080.  <p>When the user agent receives a packet on port 18080, the user agent must   attempt to decode that packet's data as UTF-8. If the data is not fully   correct UTF-8 (i.e. if there are decoding errors) then the packet must be   ignored. Otherwise, the user agent must check to see if the decoded string   contains a U+0020 SPACE character. If it does not, then the packet must   again be ignored (it might be a peer discovery packet from a <code   title=dom-PeerToPeerConnection><a   href="#peertopeerconnection">PeerToPeerConnection()</a></code>   constructor). If it does then the user agent must split the string at the   first space character. All the characters before the space are then known   as <var title="">d</var>, and all the characters after the space are known   as <var title="">s</var>. If <var title="">s</var> is not at least one   character long, or if the first character of <var title="">s</var> is not   a U+0002 START OF TEXT character, then the packet must be ignored. (This   allows for future extension of this protocol.)  <p>Otherwise, for each <code><a href="#connection0">Connection</a></code>   object that was created by the <code title=dom-LocalBroadcastConnection><a   href="#localbroadcastconnection">LocalBroadcastConnection()</a></code>   constructor and whose <code title=dom-Connection-network><a   href="#network0">network</a></code> attribute exactly matches <var   title="">d</var>, a <code title=event-connection-read><a   href="#read">read</a></code> event must be fired on the <code><a   href="#connection0">Connection</a></code> object. The string <var   title="">s</var>, with the first character removed, must be used as the   <code title=dom-ConnectionReadEvent-data><a href="#data4">data</a></code>,   and the source IP address of the packet as the <code   title=dom-ConnectionReadEvent-source><a href="#source0">source</a></code>.  <p class=big-issue>Making the source IP available means that if two or more   machines in a private network can be made to go to a hostile page   simultaneously, the hostile page can determine the IP addresses used   locally (i.e. on the other side of any NAT router). Is there some way we   can keep link-local IP addresses secret while still allowing for   applications to distinguish between multiple participants?  <h5 id=bluetooth-broadcast><span class=secno> </span>Broadcasting   over Bluetooth</h5>  <p class=big-issue>Does anyone know enough about Bluetooth to write this   section?  <h5 id=irda-broadcast><span class=secno> </span>Broadcasting over   IrDA</h5>  <p class=big-issue>Does anyone know enough about IrDA to write this   section?  <h4 id=peer-to-peer><span class=secno>7.2.6. </span>Peer-to-peer   connections</h4>  <p>The <dfn id=peertopeerconnection   title=dom-PeerToPeerConnection><code>PeerToPeerConnection()</code></dfn>   constructor on the <code><a href="#windowhtml">WindowHTML</a></code>   interface returns a new object implementing the <code><a   href="#connection0">Connection</a></code> interface, set up for a direct   connection to a user-specified host.  <p>When this constructor is invoked, a new <code><a   href="#connection0">Connection</a></code> object must be created.  <p>The <code title=dom-Connection-network><a   href="#network0">network</a></code> attribute of the object must be set to   <a href="#the-string">the string representing the script's domain in IDNA   format</a>. If this string cannot be obtained, then the user agent must   raise a <a href="#security2">security exception</a> exception when the   constructor is called.  <p>The <code title=dom-Connection-peer><a href="#peer">peer</a></code>   attribute must be set to the empty string.  <p>The object must then be returned, unless, for some reason, permission to   establish peer-to-peer connections is generally disallowed, for example   due to administrator settings. In the latter case, a <a   href="#security2">security exception</a> must be raised instead.  <p>The user agent must then, typically while the script resumes execution,   find a remote host to establish a connection to. To do this it must start   broadcasting and listening for peer discovery messages and listening for   incoming connection requests on all the supported networks. How this is   performed depends on the type of network and is described below.  <p>The UA should inform the user of the clients that are detected, and   allow the user to select one to connect to. UAs may also allow users to   explicit specify hosts that were not detected, e.g. by having the user   enter an IP address.  <p>If an incoming connection is detected before the user specifies a target   host, the user agent should ask the user to confirm that this is the host   they wish to connect to. If it is, the connection should be accepted and   the UA will act as the <em>server</em> in this connection. (Which UA acts   as the server and which acts as the client is not discernible at the DOM   API level.)  <p>If no incoming connection is detected and if the user specifies a   particular target host, a connection should be established to that host,   with the UA acting as the <em>client</em> in the connection.  <p>No more than one connection must be established per <code><a   href="#connection0">Connection</a></code> object, so once a connection has   been established, the user agent must stop listening for further   connections (unless, or until such time as, another <code><a   href="#connection0">Connection</a></code> object is being created).  <p>If at any point the user cancels the connection process or the remote   host refuses the connection, then the user agent must act as if it had <a   href="#closeConnection">closed the connection</a>, and stop trying to   connect.  <h5 id=peer-to-peer0><span class=secno> </span>Peer-to-peer   connections over TCP/IP</h5>  <p class=big-issue>Should we replace this section with something that uses   Rendez-vous/zeroconf or equivalent?  <p class=big-issue>We need to register ports for this. For now this spec   refers to port 18080/udp and 18080/tcp.  <p class=note>Since this feature requires that the user agent listen to a   particular port, some platforms might prevent more than one user agent per   IP address from using this feature at any one time.  <p>When using TCP/IP, broadcasting peer discovery messages must be done by   creating UDP packets every few seconds containing as their data the value   of the connection's <code title=dom-Connection-network><a   href="#network0">network</a></code> attribute, encoded as UTF-8, with the   source and destination ports being set to 18080 and appropriate length and   checksum fields, and sending these packets to address (in IPv4) or (in IPv6) ff02::1, as appropriate.  <p>Listening for peer discovery messages must be done by examining incoming   UDP packets on port 18080. <span class=note>IPv6 applications will also   have to enable reception from the ff02::1 address.</span> If their payload   is exactly byte-for-byte equal to a UTF-8 encoded version of the value of   the connection's <code title=dom-Connection-network><a   href="#network0">network</a></code> attribute, then the source address of   that packet represents the address of a host that is ready to accept a   peer-to-peer connection, and it should therefore be offered to the user.  <p>Incoming connection requests must be listened for on TCP port 18080. If   an incoming connection is received, the UA must act as a <em>server</em>,   as described in the section entitled <a href="#servers1">servers accepting   connections over TCP</a>.  <p>If no incoming connection requests are accepted and the user instead   specifies a target host to connect to, the UA acts as a <em>client</em>:   the user agent must attempt to connect to the user-specified host on port   18080, as described in the section entitled <a href="#clients1">clients   connecting over TCP</a>.  <p>Once the connection is established, the UA must act as described in the   section entitled <a href="#sending1">sending and receiving data over   TCP</a>.  <p class=note>This specification does not include a way to establish   <em>secure</em> (encrypted) peer-to-peer connections at this time. <span   class=big-issue>If you can see a good way to do this, let me know.</span>  <h5 id=bluetooth-peer><span class=secno> </span>Peer-to-peer   connections over Bluetooth</h5>  <p class=big-issue>Does anyone know enough about Bluetooth to write this   section?  <h5 id=irda-peer><span class=secno> </span>Peer-to-peer connections   over IrDA</h5>  <p class=big-issue>Does anyone know enough about IrDA to write this   section?</p>  <!--XXX    <p>Prompts the user to select a connection to make, which could    look like this:</p><pre>|:: New Connection :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::||                                                           ||  Select the peer to connect to:                           ||                                                           ||    JohnSmith_Series60   via Bluetooth      (( Connect ))  ||    Patrick's Phone      via Bluetooth       ( Connect )   ||    John Smith           via UDP             ( Connect )   ||                                                           ||                                               ( Cancel )  ||___________________________________________________________|</pre>    <p>While the prompt is displayed, the UA should broadcast on all    supported networks, as described <span title="announcing peer    connections">below</span>.</p>    <p>Returns null if the prompt was canceled. Otherwise, returns a    <code>Connection</code> object with its <code>network</code>    attribute set to <var title="">topic</var> and its <code>peer</code>    attribute set to a string uniquely identifying the selected peer,    and opens a connection to that peer. (See: <span>peer connection    formats</span>.)</p>   |:: New Connection :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|   |                                                           |   |  Would you like to open a connection called "Chess" for   |   |  this Web site?:                                          |   |                                                           |   |    example.org                                            |   |                                                           |   |  Select connection to use: [ Bluetooth      | v ]         |   |                                                           |   |                        (( Open connection ))  ( Cancel )  |   |___________________________________________________________|  c = new LocalBroadcastConnection("Chess");  c.onread = function(s, f) { alert("got message " + s + " from " + f); }  c.send("hello, anybody there?");   |:: New Connection :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|   |                                                           |   |  Select the peer to connect to:                           |   |                                                           |   |    JohnSmith_Series60   via Bluetooth      (( Connect ))  |   |    Patrick's Phone      via Bluetooth       ( Connect )   |   |    John Smith           via UDP             ( Connect )   |   |                                                           |   |                                               ( Cancel )  |   |___________________________________________________________|  c = new LocalPeerConnection("Chess");  // c.peer contains peer's name  c.onread = function(s) { alert("got message " + s); } // second argument is c.peer  c.send("hello");  c = new TCPConnection("chess.example.com", 8089, false);  // c.peer contains 'chess.example.com:8089'  c.onread = function(s) { alert("got message " + s); } // second argument is c.peer  c.send("hello");> > Again, what else should we support? Should this have an HTML Element> > backing it for more declarative authoring? What error handling do we need?> > Should it automatically use bluetooth, TCP/IP broadcast, infrared, or> > should it be under the control of the author or user?-->  <h4 id=the-common><span class=secno>7.2.7. </span>The common protocol for   TCP-based connections</h4>  <p>The same protocol is used for <code title=dom-TCPConnection><a   href="#tcpconnection">TCPConnection</a></code> and <code   title=dom-PeerToPeerConnection><a   href="#peertopeerconnection">PeerToPeerConnection</a></code> connection   types. This section describes how such connections are established from   the client and server sides, and then describes how data is sent and   received over such connections (which is the same for both clients and   servers).  <h5 id=clients><span class=secno> </span><dfn id=clients1>Clients   connecting over TCP</dfn></h5>  <p>This section defines the client-side requirements of the protocol used   by the <code title=dom-TCPConnection><a   href="#tcpconnection">TCPConnection</a></code> and <code   title=dom-PeerToPeerConnection><a   href="#peertopeerconnection">PeerToPeerConnection</a></code> connection   types.  <p>If a TCP connection to the specified target host and port cannot be   established, for example because the target host is a domain name that   cannot be resolved to an IP address, or because packets cannot be routed   to the host, the user agent should retry creating the connection. If the   user agent gives up trying to connect, the user agent must act as if it   had <a href="#closeConnection">closed the connection</a>.  <p class=note>No information regarding the state of the connection is   passed to the application while the connection is being established in   this version of this specification.  <p>Once a TCP/IP connection to the remote host is established, the user   agent must transmit the following sequence of bytes, represented here in   hexadecimal form:  <pre>0x48 0x65 0x6C 0x6C 0x6F 0x0A</pre>  <p class=note>This represents the string "Hello" followed by a newline,   encoded in UTF-8.  <p>The user agent must then read all the bytes sent from the remote host,   up to the first 0x0A byte (inclusive). That string of bytes is then   compared byte-for-byte to the following string of bytes:  <pre>0x57 0x65 0x6C 0x63 0x6F 0x6E 0x65 0x0A</pre>  <p class=note>This says "Welcome".  <p>If the server sent back a string in any way different to this, then the   user agent must <a href="#closeConnection">close the connection</a> and   give up trying to connect.  <p>Otherwise, the user agent must then take <a href="#the-string">the   string representing the script's domain in IDNA format</a>, encode it as   UTF-8, and send that to the remote host, followed by a 0x0A byte (a U+000A   LINE FEED in UTF-8).  <p>The user agent must then read all the bytes sent from the remote host,   up to the first 0x0A byte (inclusive). That string of bytes must then be   compared byte-for-byte to the string that was just sent to the server (the   one with the IDNA domain name and ending with a newline character). If the   server sent back a string in any way different to this, then the user   agent must <a href="#closeConnection">close the connection</a> and give up   trying to connect.  <p>Otherwise, the connection <a href="#openConnection">has been   established</a> (and events and so forth get fired, as described above).  <p>If at any point during this process the connection is closed   prematurely, then the user agent must <a href="#closeConnection">close the   connection</a> and give up trying to connect.</p>  <!-- XXX we should support automatic reconnect -->  <h5 id=servers><span class=secno> </span><dfn id=servers1>Servers   accepting connections over TCP</dfn></h5>  <p>This section defines the server side of the protocol described in the   previous section. For authors, it should be used as a guide for how to   implement servers that can communicate with Web pages over TCP. For UAs   these are the requirements for the server part of <code   title=dom-PeerToPeerConnection><a   href="#peertopeerconnection">PeerToPeerConnection</a></code>s.  <p>Once a TCP/IP connection from a remote host is established, the user   agent must transmit the following sequence of bytes, represented here in   hexadecimal form:  <pre>0x57 0x65 0x6C 0x63 0x6F 0x6E 0x65 0x0A</pre>  <p class=note>This says "Welcome" and a newline in UTF-8.  <p>The user agent must then read all the bytes sent from the remote host,   up to the first 0x0A byte (inclusive). That string of bytes is then   compared byte-for-byte to the following string of bytes:  <pre>0x48 0x65 0x6C 0x6C 0x6F 0x0A</pre>  <p class=note>"Hello" and a newline.  <p>If the remote host sent back a string in any way different to this, then   the user agent must <a href="#closeConnection">close the connection</a>   and give up trying to connect.  <p>Otherwise, the user agent must then take <a href="#the-string">the   string representing the script's domain in IDNA format</a>, encode it as   UTF-8, and send that to the remote host, followed by a 0x0A byte (a U+000A   LINE FEED in UTF-8).  <p>The user agent must then read all the bytes sent from the remote host,   up to the first 0x0A byte (inclusive). That string of bytes must then be   compared byte-for-byte to the string that was just sent to that host (the   one with the IDNA domain name and ending with a newline character). If the   remote host sent back a string in any way different to this, then the user   agent must <a href="#closeConnection">close the connection</a> and give up   trying to connect.  <p>Otherwise, the connection <a href="#openConnection">has been   established</a> (and events and so forth get fired, as described above).  <p class=note>For author-written servers (as opposed to the server side of   a peer-to-peer connection), the script's domain would be replaced by the   hostname of the server. Alternatively, such servers might instead wait for   the client to send its domain string, and then simply echo it back. This   would allow connections from pages on any domain, instead of just pages   originating from the same host. The client compares the two strings to   ensure they are the same before allowing the connection to be used by   author script.  <p>If at any point during this process the connection is closed   prematurely, then the user agent must <a href="#closeConnection">close the   connection</a> and give up trying to connect.</p>  <!-- XXX we should support automatic reconnect -->  <h5 id=sending><span class=secno> </span><dfn id=sending1>Sending   and receiving data over TCP</dfn></h5>  <p>When the <code title=dom-Connection-send><a href="#send">send(<var   title="">data</var>)</a></code> method is invoked on the connection's   corresponding <code><a href="#connection0">Connection</a></code> object,   the user agent must take the <var title="">data</var> argument, replace   any U+0000 NULL and U+0017 END OF TRANSMISSION BLOCK characters in it with   U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER characters, then transmit a U+0002 START OF   TEXT character, this new <var title="">data</var> string and a single   U+0017 END OF TRANSMISSION BLOCK character (in that order) to the remote   host, all encoded as UTF-8.  <p>When the user agent receives bytes on the connection, the user agent   must buffer received bytes until it receives a 0x17 byte (a U+0017 END OF   TRANSMISSION BLOCK character). If the first buffered byte is not a 0x02   byte (a U+0002 START OF TEXT character encoded as UTF-8) then all the data   up to the 0x17 byte, inclusive, must be dropped. (This allows for future   extension of this protocol.) Otherwise, all the data from (but not   including) the 0x02 byte and up to (but not including) the 0x17 byte must   be taken, interpreted as a UTF-8 string, and a <code   title=event-connection-read><a href="#read">read</a></code> event must be   fired on the <code><a href="#connection0">Connection</a></code> object   with that string as the <code title=dom-ConnectionReadEvent-data><a   href="#data4">data</a></code>. If that string cannot be decoded as UTF-8   without errors, the packet should be ignored.  <p class=note>This protocol does not yet allow binary data (e.g. an image   or video data) to be efficiently transmitted. A future version of this   protocol might allow this by using the prefix character U+001F INFORMATION   SEPARATOR ONE, followed by binary data which uses a particular byte (e.g.   0xFF) to encode byte 0x17 somehow (since otherwise 0x17 would be treated   as transmission end by down-level UAs).</p>  <!--    Specifically, replace all occurrences of 0xFF with 0xFF 0xFF and    all occurrences of 0x17 with 0xFF 0x00, or similar.   -->  <h4 id=network-security><span class=secno>7.2.8. </span>Security</h4>  <p class=big-issue>Need to write this section.  <p class=big-issue>If you have an unencrypted page that is (through a   man-in-the-middle attack) changed, it can access a secure service that is   using IP authentication and then send that data back to the attacker. Ergo   we should probably stop unencrypted pages from accessing encrypted   services, on the principle that the actual level of security is zero. Then   again, if we do that, we prevent insecure sites from using SSL as a   tunneling mechanism.  <p class=big-issue>Should consider dropping the subdomain-only restriction.   It doesn't seem to add anything, and prevents cross-domain chatter.  <h4 id=network-other-specs><span class=secno>7.2.9. </span>Relationship to   other standards</h4>  <p class=big-issue>Should have a section talking about the fact that we   blithely ignoring IANA's port assignments here.  <p class=big-issue>Should explain why we are not reusing HTTP for this.   (HTTP is too heavy-weight for such a simple need; requiring authors to   implement an HTTP server just to have a party line is too much of a   barrier to entry; cannot rely on prebuilt components; having a simple   protocol makes it much easier to do RAD; HTTP doesn't fit the needs and   doesn't have the security model needed; etc)  <h3 id=crossDocumentMessages><span class=secno>7.3. </span><dfn   id=cross-document0>Cross-document messaging</dfn></h3>  <p>Web browsers, for security and privacy reasons, prevent documents in   different domains from affecting each other; that is, cross-site scripting   is disallowed.  <p>While this is an important security feature, it prevents pages from   different domains from communicating even when those pages are not   hostile. This section introduces a messaging system that allows documents   to communicate with each other regardless of their source domain, in a way   designed to not enable cross-site scripting attacks.  <h4 id=processing2><span class=secno>7.3.1. </span>Processing model</h4>  <p>When a script invokes the <dfn id=postmessage   title=dom-document-postMessage><code>postMessage(<var   title="">message</var>)</code></dfn> method on a <code>Document</code>   object, the user agent must create an event that uses the <code><a   href="#crossdocumentmessageevent">CrossDocumentMessageEvent</a></code>   interface, with the event name <dfn id=message   title=event-message><code>message</code></dfn>, which bubbles, is   cancelable, and has no default action. The <dfn id=data5   title=dom-CrossDocumentMessageEvent-data><code>data</code></dfn> attribute   must be set to the value passed as the <var title="">message</var>   argument to the <code title=dom-document-postMessage><a   href="#postmessage">postMessage()</a></code> method, the <dfn id=domain3   title=dom-CrossDocumentMessageEvent-domain><code>domain</code></dfn>   attribute must be set to the domain of the document that the script that   invoked the methods is associated with, the <dfn id=uri   title=dom-CrossDocumentMessageEvent-uri><code>uri</code></dfn> attribute   must be set to the URI of that document, and the <dfn id=source1   title=dom-CrossDocumentMessageEvent-source><code>source</code></dfn>   attribute must be set to the <code>Document</code> object representing   that document.  <p class=warning>Authors should check the <code   title=dom-CrossDocumentMessageEvent-domain><a   href="#domain4">domain</a></code> attribute to ensure that messages are   only accepted from domains that they expect to receive messages from.   Otherwise, bugs in the author's message handling code could be exploited   by hostile sites.  <div class=example>   <p>For example, if document A contains an <code><a    href="#object0">object</a></code> element that contains document B, and    script in document A calls <code>postMessage()</code> on document B, then    a message event will be fired on that element, marked as originating from    document A. The script in document A might look like:</p>   <pre>var o = document.getElementsByTagName('object')[0];o.<span>contentDocument</span>.<span>postMessage</span>('Hello world');</pre>   <p>To register an event handler for incoming events, the script would use    <code>addEventListener()</code> (or similar mechanisms). For example, the    script in document B might look like:</p>   <pre>document.addEventListener('message', receiver, false);function receiver(e) {  if (e.domain == 'example.com') {    if (e.data == 'Hello world') {      e.source.postMessage('Hello');    } else {      alert(e.data);    }  }}</pre>   <p>This script first checks the domain is the expected domain, and then    looks at the message, which it either displays to the user, or responds    to by sending a message back to the document which sent the message in    the first place.</p>  </div>  <p class=note>Implementors are urged to take extra care in the   implementation of this feature. It allows authors to transmit information   from one domain to another domain, which is normally disallowed for   security reasons. It also requires that UAs be careful to allow access to   certain properties but not others.  <h4 id=event0><span class=secno>7.3.2. </span>Event definitions</h4>  <p>The <a href="#postmessage"   title=dom-document-postMessage>postMessage()</a> method causes an event to   be dispatched (as defined above). This event uses the following interface:  <pre   class=idl>interface <dfn id=crossdocumentmessageevent>CrossDocumentMessageEvent</dfn> : Event {  readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#data6" title=dom-CrossDocumentMessageEvent-data>data</a>;  readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#domain4" title=dom-CrossDocumentMessageEvent-domain>domain</a>;  readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#uri0" title=dom-CrossDocumentMessageEvent-uri>uri</a>;  readonly attribute Document <a href="#source2" title=dom-CrossDocumentMessageEvent-source>source</a>;  void <a href="#initcrossdocumentmessageevent" title=dom-CrossDocumentMessageEvent-initCrossDocumentMessageEvent>initCrossDocumentMessageEvent</a>(in DOMString typeArg, in boolean canBubbleArg, in boolean cancelableArg, in DOMString dataArg, in DOMString domainArg, in DOMString uriArg, in Document documentArg);  void <a href="#initcrossdocumentmessageeventns" title=dom-CrossDocumentMessageEvent-initCrossDocumentMessageEventNS>initCrossDocumentMessageEventNS</a>(in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString typeArg, in boolean canBubbleArg, in boolean cancelableArg, in DOMString dataArg, in DOMString domainArg, in DOMString uriArg, in Document documentArg);};</pre>  <p>The <dfn id=data6   title=dom-CrossDocumentMessageEvent-data><code>data</code></dfn> attribute   represents the message being sent.  <p>The <dfn id=domain4   title=dom-CrossDocumentMessageEvent-domain><code>domain</code></dfn>   attribute represents the domain of the document from which the message   came.  <p>The <dfn id=uri0   title=dom-CrossDocumentMessageEvent-uri><code>uri</code></dfn> attribute   represents the address of the document from which the message came.  <p>The <dfn id=source2   title=dom-CrossDocumentMessageEvent-source><code>source</code></dfn>   attribute represents the <code>Document</code> from which the message   came.  <p>The <dfn id=initcrossdocumentmessageevent   title=dom-CrossDocumentMessageEvent-initCrossDocumentMessageEvent><code>initCrossDocumentMessageEvent()</code></dfn>   and <dfn id=initcrossdocumentmessageeventns   title=dom-CrossDocumentMessageEvent-initCrossDocumentMessageEventNS><code>initCrossDocumentMessageEventNS()</code></dfn>   methods must initialise the event in a manner analogous to the   similarly-named methods in the DOM3 Events interfaces. <a   href="#DOM3Events">[DOM3EVENTS]</a>  <h2 id=syntax><span class=secno>8. </span>The HTML syntax</h2>  <h3 id=writing><span class=secno>8.1. </span>Writing HTML documents</h3>  <p><em>This section only applies to documents, authoring tools, and markup   generators. In particular, it does not apply to conformance checkers;   conformance checkers must use the requirements given in the next section   ("parsing HTML documents").</em>  <p>Documents must consist of the following parts, in the given order:  <ol>   <li>Any number of <a href="#comments0" title=syntax-comments>comments</a>    and <a href="#space" title="space character">space characters</a>.   <li>A <a href="#doctype" title=syntax-doctype>DOCTYPE</a>.   <li>Any number of <a href="#comments0" title=syntax-comments>comments</a>    and <a href="#space" title="space character">space characters</a>.   <li>The root element, in the form of an <code><a    href="#html0">html</a></code> <a href="#elements2"    title=syntax-elements>element</a>.   <li>Any number of <a href="#comments0" title=syntax-comments>comments</a>    and <a href="#space" title="space character">space characters</a>.  </ol>  <p>The various types of content mentioned above are described in the next   few sections.  <h4 id=the-doctype><span class=secno>8.1.1. </span>The DOCTYPE</h4>  <p>A <dfn id=doctype title=syntax-doctype>DOCTYPE</dfn> is a mostly   useless, but required, header.  <p class=note>DOCTYPEs are required for legacy reasons. When omitted,   browsers tend to use a different rendering mode that is incompatible with   some specifications. Including the DOCTYPE in a document ensures that the   browser makes a best-effort attempt at following the relevant   specifications.  <p>A DOCTYPE must consist of the following characters, in this order:  <ol class=brief>   <li>A U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN (<code>AMPERSANDlt;</code>) character.   <li>A U+0021 EXCLAMATION MARK (<code>!</code>) character.   <li>A U+0044 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D or U+0064 LATIN SMALL LETTER D    character.   <li>A U+004F LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O or U+006F LATIN SMALL LETTER O    character.   <li>A U+0043 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C or U+0063 LATIN SMALL LETTER C    character.   <li>A U+0054 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T or U+0074 LATIN SMALL LETTER T    character.   <li>A U+0059 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y or U+0079 LATIN SMALL LETTER Y    character.   <li>A U+0050 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P or U+0070 LATIN SMALL LETTER P    character.   <li>A U+0045 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E or U+0065 LATIN SMALL LETTER E    character.   <li>One or more <a href="#space" title="space character">space    characters</a>.   <li>A U+0048 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H or U+0068 LATIN SMALL LETTER H    character.   <li>A U+0054 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T or U+0074 LATIN SMALL LETTER T    character.   <li>A U+004D LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M or U+006D LATIN SMALL LETTER M    character.   <li>A U+004C LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L or U+006C LATIN SMALL LETTER L    character.   <li>Zero or more <a href="#space" title="space character">space    characters</a>.   <li>A U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN (<code>AMPERSANDgt;</code>) character.  </ol>  <p class=note>In other words, <code>AMPERSANDlt;!DOCTYPE HTML></code>,   case-insensitively.  <h4 id=elements0><span class=secno>8.1.2. </span>Elements</h4>  <p>There are four different kinds of <dfn id=elements2   title=syntax-elements>elements</dfn>: void elements, CDATA elements,   RCDATA elements, and normal elements.  <dl>   <dt>Void elements   <dd><code><a href="#base0">base</a></code>, <code><a    href="#link0">link</a></code>, <code><a href="#meta1">meta</a></code>,    <code><a href="#hr0">hr</a></code>, <code><a href="#br0">br</a></code>,    <code><a href="#img0">img</a></code>, <code><a    href="#embed0">embed</a></code>, <code><a    href="#param0">param</a></code>, <code><a href="#area0">area</a></code>,    <code><a href="#col0">col</a></code>, <code>input</code><!-- XXX add: ,   <code>command</code>, <code>event-source</code> --></dd>   <!-- XXX   keep this synchronised with the list of "permitted slash" elements   -->   <dt>CDATA elements   <dd><code><a href="#style0">style</a></code>, <code><a    href="#script2">script</a></code></dd>   <!-- iframe and   noscript don't count as CDATA for syntax purposes -->   <dt>RCDATA elements   <dd><code><a href="#title3">title</a></code>, <code>textarea</code>   <dt>Normal elements   <dd>All other allowed HTML elements are normal elements.  </dl>  <p><dfn id=tags title=syntax-tags>Tags</dfn> are used to delimit the start   and end of elements in the markup. CDATA, RCDATA, and normal elements have   a <a href="#start2" title=syntax-start-tags>start tag</a> to indicate   where they begin, and an <a href="#end-tags0" title=syntax-end-tags>end   tag</a> to indicate where they end. The start and end tags of certain   normal elements can be <a href="#omitted"   title=syntax-tag-omission>omitted</a>, as described later. Those that   cannot be omitted must not be omitted. Void elements only have a start   tag; end tags must not be specified for void elements.  <p>The contents of the element must be placed between just after the start   tag (which <a href="#omitted" title=syntax-tag-omission>might be implied,   in certain cases</a>) and just before the end tag (which again, <a   href="#omitted" title=syntax-tag-omission>might be implied in certain   cases</a>). The exact allowed contents of each individual element depends   on the content model of that element, as described earlier in this   specification. Elements must not contain content that their content model   disallows. In addition to the restrictions placed on the contents by those   content models, however, the four types of elements have additional   <em>syntactic</em> requirements.  <p>Void elements can't have any contents (since there's no end tag, no   content can be put between the start tag and the end tag.)  <p>CDATA elements can have <a href="#text1" title=syntax-text>text</a>, but   the text must not contain the two character sequence "<code>AMPERSANDlt;/</code>"   (U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN, U+002F SOLIDUS).  <p>RCDATA elements can have <a href="#text1" title=syntax-text>text</a> and   <a href="#character0" title=syntax-entities>character entity   references</a>, but the text must not contain the character U+003C   LESS-THAN SIGN (<code>AMPERSANDlt;</code>) or the character U+0026 AMPERSAND   (<code>AMPERSANDamp;</code>).  <p>Normal elements can have <a href="#text1" title=syntax-text>text</a>, <a   href="#character0" title=syntax-entities>character entity references</a>,   other <a href="#elements2" title=syntax-elements>elements</a>, and <a   href="#comments0" title=syntax-comments>comments</a>, but the text must   not contain the character U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN (<code>AMPERSANDlt;</code>) or the   character U+0026 AMPERSAND (<code>AMPERSANDamp;</code>). Some normal elements also   have <a href="#have-extra" title=syntax-element-restrictions>yet more   restrictions</a> on what content they are allowed to hold, beyond the   restrictions imposed by the content model and those described in this   paragraph. Those restrictions are described below.  <p>Tags contain a <dfn id=tag-name title=syntax-tag-name>tag name</dfn>,   giving the element's name. HTML elements all have names that only use   characters in the range U+0061 LATIN SMALL LETTER A .. U+007A LATIN SMALL   LETTER Z, or, in uppercase, U+0041 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A .. U+005A LATIN   CAPITAL LETTER Z, and U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS (<code>-</code>). In the HTML   syntax, tag names may be written with any mix of lower- and uppercase   letters that, when converted to all-lowercase, matches the element's tag   name; tag names are case-insensitive.  <h5 id=start><span class=secno> </span>Start tags</h5>  <p><dfn id=start2 title=syntax-start-tags>Start tags</dfn> must have the   following format:  <ol>   <li>The first character of a start tag must be a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN    (<code>AMPERSANDlt;</code>).   <li>The next few characters of a start tag must be the element's <a    href="#tag-name" title=syntax-tag-name>tag name</a>.   <li>If there are to be any attributes in the next step, there must first    be one or more <a href="#space" title="space character">space    characters</a>.   <li>Then, the start tag may have a number of attributes, the <a    href="#attributes1" title=syntax-attributes>syntax for which</a> is    described below. Attributes may be separated from each other by one or    more <a href="#space" title="space character">space characters</a>.   <li>After the attributes, there may be one or more <a href="#space"    title="space character">space characters</a>. (Some attributes are    required to be followed by a space. See the <a href="#attributes1"    title=syntax-attributes>attributes section</a> below.)   <li>Then, if the element is one of the void elements, then there may be a    single U+002F SOLIDUS (<code>/</code>) character. This character has no    effect except to appease the markup gods. As this character is therefore    just a symbol of faith, atheists should omit it.   <li>Finally, start tags must be closed by a U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN    (<code>AMPERSANDgt;</code>) character.  </ol>  <h5 id=end-tags><span class=secno> </span>End tags</h5>  <p><dfn id=end-tags0 title=syntax-end-tags>End tags</dfn> must have the   following format:  <ol>   <li>The first character of an end tag must be a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN    (<code>AMPERSANDlt;</code>).   <li>The second character of an end tag must be a U+002F SOLIDUS    (<code>/</code>).   <li>The next few characters of an end tag must be the element's <a    href="#tag-name" title=syntax-tag-name>tag name</a>.   <li>After the tag name, there may be one or more <a href="#space"    title="space character">space characters</a>.   <li>Finally, end tags must be closed by a U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN    (<code>AMPERSANDgt;</code>) character.  </ol>  <h5 id=attributes0><span class=secno> </span>Attributes</h5>  <p><dfn id=attributes1 title=syntax-attributes>Attributes</dfn> for an   element are expressed inside the element's start tag.  <p>Attributes have a name and a value. <dfn id=attribute   title=syntax-attribute-name>Attribute names</dfn> use characters in the   range U+0061 LATIN SMALL LETTER A .. U+007A LATIN SMALL LETTER Z, or, in   uppercase, U+0041 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A .. U+005A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z,   and U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS (<code>-</code>). In the HTML syntax, attribute   names may be written with any mix of lower- and uppercase letters that,   when converted to all-lowercase, matches the attribute's name; attribute   names are case-insensitive.  <p><dfn id=attribute0 title=syntax-attribute-value>Attribute values</dfn>   are a mixture of <a href="#text1" title=syntax-text>text</a> and <a   href="#character0" title=syntax-entities>character entity references</a>,   except with the additional restriction that the text cannot contain a   U+0026 AMPERSAND (<code>AMPERSANDamp;</code>) character.  <p>Attributes can be specified in four different ways:  <dl>   <dt>Empty attribute syntax   <dd>    <p>Just the <a href="#attribute" title=syntax-attribute-name>attribute     name</a>.</p>    <div class=example>     <p>In the following example, the <code      title=attr-input-disabled>disabled</code> attribute is given with the      empty attribute syntax:</p>     <pre>AMPERSANDlt;input <em>disabled</em>AMPERSANDgt;</pre>    </div>    <p>If an attribute using the empty attribute syntax is to be followed by     another attribute, then there must be a <a href="#space">space     character</a> separating the two.</p>   <dt>Unquoted attribute value syntax   <dd>    <p>The <a href="#attribute" title=syntax-attribute-name>attribute     name</a>, followed by zero or more <a href="#space" title="space     character">space characters</a>, followed by a single U+003D EQUALS SIGN     character, followed by zero or more <a href="#space" title="space     character">space characters</a>, followed by the <a href="#attribute0"     title=syntax-attribute-value>attribute value</a>, which, in addition to     the requirements given above for attribute values, must not contain any     literal <a href="#space" title="space character">space characters</a>,     U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN (<code>AMPERSANDgt;</code>) characters, or U+003C     LESS-THAN SIGN (<code>AMPERSANDlt;</code>) characters, and must not,     furthermore, start with either a literal U+0022 QUOTATION MARK     (<code>AMPERSAND#x22;</code>) character or a literal U+0027 APOSTROPHE     (<code>AMPERSAND#x27;</code>) character.</p>    <div class=example>     <p>In the following example, the <code      title=attr-input-value>value</code> attribute is given with the      unquoted attribute value syntax:</p>     <pre>AMPERSANDlt;input <em>value=yes</em>AMPERSANDgt;</pre>    </div>    <p>If an attribute using the unquoted attribute syntax is to be followed     by another attribute or by one of the optional U+002F SOLIDUS     (<code>/</code>) characters allowed in step 6 of the <span     title=syntax-start-tag>start tag</span> syntax above, then there must be     a <a href="#space">space character</a> separating the two.</p>   <dt>Single-quoted attribute value syntax   <dd>    <p>The <a href="#attribute" title=syntax-attribute-name>attribute     name</a>, followed by zero or more <a href="#space" title="space     character">space characters</a>, followed by a single U+003D EQUALS SIGN     character, followed by zero or more <a href="#space" title="space     character">space characters</a>, followed by a single U+0027 APOSTROPHE     (<code>'</code>) character, followed by the <a href="#attribute0"     title=syntax-attribute-value>attribute value</a>, which, in addition to     the requirements given above for attribute values, must not contain any     literal U+0027 APOSTROPHE (<code>'</code>) characters, and finally     followed by a second single U+0027 APOSTROPHE (<code>'</code>)     character.</p>    <div class=example>     <p>In the following example, the <code title=attr-input-type>type</code>      attribute is given with the single-quoted attribute value syntax:</p>     <pre>AMPERSANDlt;input <em>type='checkbox'</em>AMPERSANDgt;</pre>    </div>   <dt>Double-quoted attribute value syntax   <dd>    <p>The <a href="#attribute" title=syntax-attribute-name>attribute     name</a>, followed by zero or more <a href="#space" title="space     character">space characters</a>, followed by a single U+003D EQUALS SIGN     character, followed by zero or more <a href="#space" title="space     character">space characters</a>, followed by a single U+0022 QUOTATION     MARK (<code>"</code>) character, followed by the <a href="#attribute0"     title=syntax-attribute-value>attribute value</a>, which, in addition to     the requirements given above for attribute values, must not contain any     literal U+0022 QUOTATION MARK (<code>"</code>) characters, and finally     followed by a second single U+0022 QUOTATION MARK (<code>"</code>)     character.</p>    <div class=example>     <p>In the following example, the <code title=attr-input-name>name</code>      attribute is given with the double-quoted attribute value syntax:</p>     <pre>AMPERSANDlt;input <em>name="be evil"</em>AMPERSANDgt;</pre>    </div>  </dl>  <h5 id=optional><span class=secno> </span>Optional tags</h5>  <p>Certain tags can be <dfn id=omitted   title=syntax-tag-omission>omitted</dfn>.</p>  <!-- <html> -->  <p>An <code><a href="#html0">html</a></code> element's <span   title=syntax-start-tag>start tag</span> may be omitted if the first thing   inside the <code><a href="#html0">html</a></code> element is not a <a   href="#space">space character</a> or a <a href="#comments0"   title=syntax-comments>comment</a>.</p>  <!-- </html> -->  <p>An <code><a href="#html0">html</a></code> element's <span   title=syntax-end-tag>end tag</span> may be omitted if the <code><a   href="#html0">html</a></code> element is not immediately followed by a <a   href="#space">space character</a> or a <a href="#comments0"   title=syntax-comments>comment</a>.</p>  <!-- <head> -->  <p>A <code><a href="#head0">head</a></code> element's <span   title=syntax-start-tag>start tag</span> may be omitted if the first thing   inside the <code><a href="#head0">head</a></code> element is an element.</p>  <!-- </head> -->  <p>A <code><a href="#head0">head</a></code> element's <span   title=syntax-end-tag>end tag</span> may be omitted if the <code><a   href="#head0">head</a></code> element is not immediately followed by a <a   href="#space">space character</a> or a <a href="#comments0"   title=syntax-comments>comment</a>.</p>  <!-- <body> -->  <p>A <code><a href="#body1">body</a></code> element's <span   title=syntax-start-tag>start tag</span> may be omitted if the first thing   inside the <code><a href="#body1">body</a></code> element is not a <a   href="#space">space character</a> or a <a href="#comments0"   title=syntax-comments>comment</a>.</p>  <!-- </body> -->  <p>A <code><a href="#body1">body</a></code> element's <span   title=syntax-end-tag>end tag</span> may be omitted if the <code><a   href="#body1">body</a></code> element is not immediately followed by a <a   href="#space">space character</a> or a <a href="#comments0"   title=syntax-comments>comment</a>. <!-- </li> -->  <p>A <code><a href="#li0">li</a></code> element's <span   title=syntax-end-tag>end tag</span> may be omitted if the <code><a   href="#li0">li</a></code> element is immediately followed by another   <code><a href="#li0">li</a></code> element or if there is no more content   in the parent element.</p>  <!-- </dt> -->  <p>A <code><a href="#dt0">dt</a></code> element's <span   title=syntax-end-tag>end tag</span> may be omitted if the <code><a   href="#dt0">dt</a></code> element is immediately followed by another   <code><a href="#dt0">dt</a></code> element or a <code><a   href="#dd0">dd</a></code> element.</p>  <!-- </dd> -->  <p>A <code><a href="#dd0">dd</a></code> element's <span   title=syntax-end-tag>end tag</span> may be omitted if the <code><a   href="#dd0">dd</a></code> element is immediately followed by another   <code><a href="#dd0">dd</a></code> element or a <code><a   href="#dt0">dt</a></code> element, or if there is no more content in the   parent element.</p>  <!-- </p> -->  <p>A <code><a href="#p0">p</a></code> element's <span   title=syntax-end-tag>end tag</span> may be omitted if the <code><a   href="#p0">p</a></code> element is immediately followed by an <code><a   href="#address0">address</a></code>, <code><a   href="#blockquote0">blockquote</a></code>, <code><a   href="#dl0">dl</a></code>, <code>fieldset</code>, <code>form</code>,   <code><a href="#h10">h1</a></code>, <code><a href="#h20">h2</a></code>,   <code><a href="#h30">h3</a></code>, <code><a href="#h40">h4</a></code>,   <code><a href="#h50">h5</a></code>, <code><a href="#h60">h6</a></code>,   <code><a href="#hr0">hr</a></code>, <code><a   href="#menu0">menu</a></code>, <code><a href="#ol0">ol</a></code>,   <code><a href="#p0">p</a></code>, <code><a href="#pre0">pre</a></code>,   <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code>, or <code><a   href="#ul0">ul</a></code> element, or if there is no more content in the   parent element.</p>  <!-- </optgroup> -->  <p>An <code>optgroup</code> element's <span title=syntax-end-tag>end   tag</span> may be omitted if the <code>optgroup</code> element is   immediately followed by another <code>optgroup</code> element, or if there   is no more content in the parent element.</p>  <!-- </option> -->  <p>An <code>option</code> element's <span title=syntax-end-tag>end   tag</span> may be omitted if the <code>option</code> element is   immediately followed by another <code>option</code> element, or if there   is no more content in the parent element.</p>  <!-- <colgroup> -->  <p>A <code><a href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code> element's <span   title=syntax-start-tag>start tag</span> may be omitted if the first thing   inside the <code><a href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code> element is a   <code><a href="#col0">col</a></code> element, and if the element is not   immediately preceeded by another <code><a   href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code> element whose <span   title=syntax-end-tag>end tag</span> has been omitted.</p>  <!-- </colgroup> -->  <p>A <code><a href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code> element's <span   title=syntax-end-tag>end tag</span> may be omitted if the <code><a   href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code> element is not immediately followed   by a <a href="#space">space character</a> or a <a href="#comments0"   title=syntax-comments>comment</a>.</p>  <!-- </thead> -->  <p>A <code><a href="#thead1">thead</a></code> element's <span   title=syntax-end-tag>end tag</span> may be omitted if the <code><a   href="#thead1">thead</a></code> element is immediately followed by a   <code><a href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code> or <code><a   href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code> element.</p>  <!-- <tbody> -->  <p>A <code><a href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code> element's <span   title=syntax-start-tag>start tag</span> may be omitted if the first thing   inside the <code><a href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code> element is a <code><a   href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element, and if the element is not immediately   preceeded by a <code><a href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code>, <code><a   href="#thead1">thead</a></code>, or <code><a   href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code> element whose <span   title=syntax-end-tag>end tag</span> has been omitted.</p>  <!-- </tbody> -->  <p>A <code><a href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code> element's <span   title=syntax-end-tag>end tag</span> may be omitted if the <code><a   href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code> element is immediately followed by a   <code><a href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code> or <code><a   href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code> element, or if there is no more content in   the parent element.</p>  <!-- </tfoot> -->  <p>A <code><a href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code> element's <span   title=syntax-end-tag>end tag</span> may be omitted if the <code><a   href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code> element is immediately followed by a   <code><a href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code> element, or if there is no more   content in the parent element.</p>  <!-- </tr> -->  <p>A <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element's <span   title=syntax-end-tag>end tag</span> may be omitted if the <code><a   href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element is immediately followed by another   <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element, or if there is no more content   in the parent element.</p>  <!-- </td> -->  <p>A <code><a href="#td0">td</a></code> element's <span   title=syntax-end-tag>end tag</span> may be omitted if the <code><a   href="#td0">td</a></code> element is immediately followed by a <code><a   href="#td0">td</a></code> or <code><a href="#th0">th</a></code> element,   or if there is no more content in the parent element.</p>  <!-- </th> -->  <p>A <code><a href="#th0">th</a></code> element's <span   title=syntax-end-tag>end tag</span> may be omitted if the <code><a   href="#th0">th</a></code> element is immediately followed by a <code><a   href="#td0">td</a></code> or <code><a href="#th0">th</a></code> element,   or if there is no more content in the parent element.  <p><strong>However</strong>, a <span title=syntax-start-tag>start   tag</span> must never be omitted if it has any attributes.  <h5 id=restrictions><span class=secno> </span>Restrictions on   content models</h5>  <p>For historical reasons, certain elements <dfn id=have-extra   title=syntax-element-restrictions>have extra restrictions</dfn> beyond   even the restrictions given by their content model.  <p>A <code><a href="#p0">p</a></code> element must not contain <code><a   href="#blockquote0">blockquote</a></code>, <code><a   href="#dl0">dl</a></code>, <code><a href="#menu0">menu</a></code>,   <code><a href="#ol0">ol</a></code>, <code><a href="#pre0">pre</a></code>,   <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code>, or <code><a   href="#ul0">ul</a></code> elements, even though these elements are   technically allowed inside <code><a href="#p0">p</a></code> elements   according to the content models described in this specification. (In fact,   if one of those elements is put inside a <code><a href="#p0">p</a></code>   element in the markup, it will instead imply a <code><a   href="#p0">p</a></code> element end tag before it.)  <p>An <code>optgroup</code> element must not contain <code>optgroup</code>   elements, even though these elements are technically allowed to be nested   according to the content models described in this specification. (If an   <code>optgroup</code> element is put inside another in the markup, it will   in fact imply an <code>optgroup</code> end tag before it.)  <p>A <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element must not contain   <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> elements, even though these elements   are technically allowed inside <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code>   elements according to the content models described in this specification.   (If a <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element is put inside a <code><a   href="#table0">table</a></code> in the markup, it will in fact imply a   <code><a href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code> start tag before it.)  <h4 id=text><span class=secno>8.1.3. </span>Text</h4>  <p><dfn id=text1 title=syntax-text>Text</dfn> is allowed inside elements,   attributes, and comments. Text must consist of valid Unicode characters   other than U+0000. Text should not contain control characters other than   <a href="#space" title="space character">space characters</a>. Extra   constraints are placed on what is and what is not allowed in text based on   where the text is to be put, as described in the other sections.  <h5 id=newlines><span class=secno> </span>Newlines</h5>  <p><dfn id=newlines0 title=syntax-newlines>Newlines</dfn> in HTML may be   represented either as U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) characters, U+000A LINE   FEED (LF) characters, or pairs of U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR), U+000A LINE   FEED (LF) characters in that order.  <h4 id=character><span class=secno>8.1.4. </span>Character entity   references</h4>  <p>In certain cases described in other sections, <a href="#text1"   title=syntax-text>text</a> may be mixed with <dfn id=character0   title=syntax-entities>character entity references</dfn>. These can be used   to escape characters that couldn't otherwise legally be included in <a   href="#text1" title=syntax-text>text</a>.  <p>Character entity references must start with a U+0026 AMPERSAND   (<code>AMPERSANDamp;</code>). Following this, there are three possible kinds of   character entity references:  <dl>   <dt>Named entities   <dd>The ampersand must be followed by one of the names given in the <a    href="#entities1">entities</a> section, using the same case. Finally,    after the name, the entity must be terminated by a U+003B SEMICOLON    character (<code>;</code>).   <dt>Decimal numeric entities   <dd>The ampersand must be followed by a U+0023 NUMBER SIGN    (<code>#</code>) character, followed by one or more digits in the range    U+0030 DIGIT ZERO .. U+0039 DIGIT NINE, representing a base-ten integer    that itself is a valid Unicode code point that isn't U+0000. The digits    must then be followed by a U+003B SEMICOLON character (<code>;</code>).   <dt>Hexadecimal numeric entities   <dd>The ampersand must be followed by a U+0023 NUMBER SIGN    (<code>#</code>) character, which must be followed by either a U+0078    LATIN SMALL LETTER X or a U+0058 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X character, which    must then be followed by one or more digits in the range U+0030 DIGIT    ZERO .. U+0039 DIGIT NINE, U+0061 LATIN SMALL LETTER A .. U+0066 LATIN    SMALL LETTER F, and U+0041 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A .. U+0046 LATIN CAPITAL    LETTER F, representing a base-sixteen integer that itself is a valid    Unicode code point that isn't U+0000. The digits must then be followed by    a U+003B SEMICOLON character (<code>;</code>).  </dl>  <h4 id=comments><span class=secno>8.1.5. </span>Comments</h4>  <p><dfn id=comments0 title=syntax-comments>Comments</dfn> must start with   the four character sequence U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN, U+0021 EXCLAMATION   MARK, U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS, U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS (<code>AMPERSANDlt;!--</code>).   Following this sequence, the comment may have <a href="#text1"   title=syntax-text>text</a>, with the additional restriction that the text   must not contain two consecutive U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS (<code>-</code>)   characters, nor end with a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS (<code>-</code>) character.   Finally, the comment must be ended by the three character sequence U+002D   HYPHEN-MINUS, U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS, U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN   (<code>--AMPERSANDgt;</code>).  <h3 id=parsing><span class=secno>8.2. </span>Parsing HTML documents</h3>  <p><em>This section only applies to user agents, data mining tools, and   conformance checkers.</em>  <p>The rules for parsing <a href="#xml-documents">XML documents</a> (and   thus <a href="#xhtml5">XHTML</a> documents) into DOM trees are covered by   the XML and Namespaces in XML specifications, and are out of scope of this   specification. <a href="#refs"></a> <!-- XXX refs -->  <p>For <a href="#html-">HTML documents</a>, user agents must use the   parsing rules described in this section to generate the DOM trees.   Together, these rules define what is referred to as the <dfn   id=html-0>HTML parser</dfn>.</p>  <!-- XXX should probably remove that "must" since  it'll be redundant with something in the navigating processing model  eventually -->  <div class=note>   <p>While the HTML form of HTML5 bears a close resemblance to SGML and XML,    it is a separate language with its own parsing rules.</p>   <p>Some earlier versions of HTML (in particular from HTML2 to HTML4) were    based on SGML and used SGML parsing rules. However, few (if any) web    browsers ever implemented true SGML parsing for HTML documents; the only    user agents to strictly handle HTML as an SGML application have    historically been validators. The resulting confusion AMPERSANDmdash; with    validators claiming documents to have one representation while widely    deployed Web browsers interoperably implemented a different    representation AMPERSANDmdash; has resulted in this version of HTML returning to    a non-SGML basis.</p>   <p>Authors interested in using SGML tools in their authoring pipeline are    encouraged to use the XML serialisation of HTML5 instead of the HTML    serialisation.</p>  </div>  <p>This specification defines the parsing rules for HTML documents, whether   they are syntactically valid or not. Certain points in the parsing   algorithm are said to be <dfn id=parse title="parse error">parse   errors</dfn>. The error handling for parse errors is well-defined: user   agents must either act as described below when encountering such problems,   or must abort processing at the first error that they encounter for which   they do not wish to apply the rules described below.  <p>Conformance checkers must report at least one parse error condition to   the user if one or more parse error conditions exist in the document and   must not report parse error conditions if none exist in the document.   Conformance checkers may report more than one parse error condition if   more than one parse error conditions exist in the document. Conformance   checkers are not required to recover from parse errors.  <p class=note>Parse errors are only errors with the <em>syntax</em> of   HTML. In addition to checking for parse errors, conformance checkers will   also verify that the document obeys all the other conformance requirements   described in this specification.  <h4 id=overview><span class=secno>8.2.1. </span>Overview of the parsing   model</h4>  <p>The input to the HTML parsing process consists of a stream of Unicode   characters, which is passed through a <a   href="#tokenisation1">tokenisation</a> stage (lexical analysis) followed   by a <a href="#tree-construction1">tree construction</a> stage (semantic   analysis). The output is a <code>Document</code> object.  <p class=note>Implementations that <a href="#non-scripted">do not support   scripting</a> do not have to actually create a DOM <code>Document</code>   object, but the DOM tree in such cases is still used as the model for the   rest of the specification.  <p>In the common case, the data handled by the tokenisation stage comes   from the network, but <a href="#dynamic3" title="dynamic markup   insertion">it can also come from script</a>, e.g. using the <code   title=dom-document-write-HTML><a   href="#document.write0">document.write()</a></code> API.  <p><img alt="" src=parsing-model-overview.png>  <p id=nestedParsing>There is only one set of state for the tokeniser stage   and the tree construction stage, but the tree construction stage is   reentrant, meaning that while the tree construction stage is handling one   token, the tokeniser might be resumed, causing further tokens to be   emitted and processed before the first token's processing is complete.  <div class=example>   <p>In the following example, the tree construction stage will be called    upon to handle a "p" start tag token while handling the "script" start    tag token:</p>   <pre>...AMPERSANDlt;script> document.write('AMPERSANDlt;p>');AMPERSANDlt;/script>...</pre>  </div>  <h4 id=the-input0><span class=secno>8.2.2. </span>The <dfn id=input0>input   stream</dfn></h4>  <p>The stream of Unicode characters that consists the input to the   tokenisation stage will be initially seen by the user agent as a stream of   bytes (typically coming over the network or from the local file system).   The bytes encode the actual characters according to a particular   <em>character encoding</em>, which the user agent must use to decode the   bytes into characters.  <p id=documentEncoding>For HTML, user agents must use the following   algorithm in determining the character encoding of a document:  <ol>   <li>If the transport layer specifies an encoding, use that.   <li>Otherwise, if the user agent can find a <code><a    href="#meta1">meta</a></code> element that <a href="#charset">specifies    character encoding information</a>, then use that. (The exact parsing    rules for finding and using this information are not yet described in    this specification.) <span class=big-issue>This needs to be fleshed out a    whole heck of a lot more.</span></li>   <!-- XXX -->   <li>Otherwise, the user agent may attempt to autodetect the character    encoding from applying frequency analysis or other algorithms to the data    stream. If autodetection succeeds in determining a character encoding,    then use that.</li>   <!-- is it a   parse error to reach this step? XXX -->   <li>Otherwise, use an implementation-defined or user-specified default    character encoding (<code>ISO-8859-1</code>, <code>windows-1252</code>,    and <code>UTF-8</code> are recommended as defaults, and can in many cases    be identified by inspection as they have different ranges of valid    bytes).</li>   <!-- only default   to win1252? XXX -->  </ol>  <p class=note>For XML documents, the algorithm user agents must use to   determine the character encoding is given by the XML specification. This   section does not apply to XML documents. <a href="#refsXML">[XML]</a>  <p>Bytes or sequences of bytes in the original byte stream that could not   be converted to Unicode characters must be converted to U+FFFD REPLACEMENT   CHARACTER code points.  <p>A leading U+FEFF BYTE ORDER MARK (BOM) must be dropped if present.  <p>All U+0000 NULL characters in the input must be replaced by U+FFFD   REPLACEMENT CHARACTERs.  <p>U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) characters, and U+000A LINE FEED (LF)   characters, are treated specially. Any CR characters that are followed by   LF characters must be removed, and any CR characters not followed by LF   characters must be converted to LF characters. Thus, newlines in HTML DOMs   are represented by LF characters, and there are never any CR characters in   the input to the <a href="#tokenisation1">tokenisation</a> stage.  <p>The <dfn id=next-input>next input character</dfn> is the first character   in the input stream that has not yet been <dfn id=consumed>consumed</dfn>.   Initially, the <em><a href="#next-input">next input character</a></em> is   the first character in the input.  <p>The <dfn id=insertion>insertion point</dfn> is the position (just before   a character or just before the end of the input stream) where content   inserted using <code title=dom-document-write-HTML><a   href="#document.write0">document.write()</a></code> is actually inserted.   The insertion point is relative to the position of the character   immediately after it, it is not an absolute offset into the input stream.   Initially, the insertion point is uninitialised.  <p>The "EOF" character in the tables below is a conceptual character   representing the end of the <a href="#input0">input stream</a>. If the   parser is a <a href="#script-created">script-created parser</a>, then the   end of the <a href="#input0">input stream</a> is reached when an <dfn   id=explicit>explicit "EOF" character</dfn> (inserted by the <code   title=dom-document-close><a href="#close">document.close()</a></code>   method) is consumed. Otherwise, the "EOF" charecter is not a real   character in the stream, but rather the lack of any further characters.  <h4 id=tokenisation><span class=secno>8.2.3. </span><dfn   id=tokenisation1>Tokenisation</dfn></h4>  <p>Implementations must act as if they used the following state machine to   tokenise HTML. The state machine must start in the <a   href="#data-state">data state</a>. Most states consume a single character,   which may have various side-effects, and either switches the state machine   to a new state to <em>reconsume</em> the same character, or switches it to   a new state (to consume the next character), or repeats the same state (to   consume the next character). Some states have more complicated behaviour   and can consume several characters before switching to another state.  <p>The exact behaviour of certain states depends on a <dfn   id=content2>content model flag</dfn> that is set after certain tokens are   emitted. The flag has several states: <em title="">PCDATA</em>, <em   title="">RCDATA</em>, <em title="">CDATA</em>, and <em   title="">PLAINTEXT</em>. Initially it is in the PCDATA state.  <p>The output of the tokenisation step is a series of zero or more of the   following tokens: DOCTYPE, start tag, end tag, comment, character,   end-of-file. DOCTYPE tokens have names and can be either correct or in   error. Start and end tag tokens have a tagname and a list of attributes,   each of which has a name and a value. Comment and character tokens have   data.  <p>When a token is emitted, it must immediately be handled by the <a   href="#tree-construction1">tree construction</a> stage. The tree   construction stage can affect the state of the <a href="#content2">content   model flag</a>, and can insert additional characters into the stream. (For   example, the <code><a href="#script2">script</a></code> element can result   in scripts executing and using the <a href="#dynamic3">dynamic markup   insertion</a> APIs to insert characters into the stream being tokenised.)  <p>Before each step of the tokeniser, the user agent must check to see if   any scripts are ready. <span class=big-issue>...</span></p>  <!--                        <p>While there are any entries in the <span>list of scripts that                        will execute as soon as possible</span>, follow these steps:</p>                        <ol>                         <li>Wait until the script associated with the first element in                         that list has finished loading.</li>                         <li><span title="how to execute a script block">Execute the                         script</span> associated with the first element in the list.</li>                         <li></li>                        </ol>                    -->  <dl>   <dt><dfn id=data-state>Data state</dfn>   <dd>    <p>Consume the <a href="#next-input">next input character</a>:</p>    <dl class=switch>     <dt>U+0026 AMPERSAND (AMPERSANDamp;)     <dd>When the <a href="#content2">content model flag</a> is set to one of      the PCDATA or RCDATA states: switch to the <a href="#entity">entity      data state</a>.     <dd>Otherwise: treat it as per the "anything else" entry below.     <dt>U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN (AMPERSANDlt;)     <dd>When the <a href="#content2">content model flag</a> is set to a      state other than the PLAINTEXT state: switch to the <a      href="#tag-open">tag open state</a>.     <dd>Otherwise: treat it as per the "anything else" entry below.     <dt>EOF     <dd>Emit an end-of-file token.     <dt>Anything else     <dd>Emit the input character as a character token. Stay in the <a      href="#data-state">data state</a>.    </dl>   <dt><dfn id=entity>Entity data state</dfn>   <dd>    <p><em>(This cannot happen if the <a href="#content2">content model     flag</a> is set to the CDATA state.)</em></p>    <p>Attempt to <a href="#consume">consume an entity</a>.</p>    <p>If nothing is returned, emit a U+0026 AMPERSAND character token.</p>    <p>Otherwise, emit the character token that was returned.</p>    <p>Finally, switch to the <a href="#data-state">data state</a>.</p>   <dt><dfn id=tag-open>Tag open state</dfn>   <dd>    <p>The behaviour of this state depends on the <a href="#content2">content     model flag</a>.</p>    <dl>     <dt>If the <a href="#content2">content model flag</a> is set to the      RCDATA or CDATA states     <dd>      <p>If the <a href="#next-input">next input character</a> is a U+002F       SOLIDUS (/) character, consume it and switch to the <a       href="#close1">close tag open state</a>. If the <a       href="#next-input">next input character</a> is not a U+002F SOLIDUS       (/) character, emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character token and       reconsume the current input character in the <a       href="#data-state">data state</a>.</p>     <dt>If the <a href="#content2">content model flag</a> is set to the      PCDATA state     <dd>      <p>Consume the <a href="#next-input">next input character</a>:</p>      <dl class=switch>       <dt>U+0021 EXCLAMATION MARK (!)       <dd>Switch to the <a href="#markup">markup declaration open state</a>.       <dt>U+002F SOLIDUS (/)       <dd>Switch to the <a href="#close1">close tag open state</a>.       <dt>U+0041 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A through to U+005A LATIN CAPITAL        LETTER Z       <dd>Create a new start tag token, set its tag name to the lowercase        version of the input character (add 0x0020 to the character's code        point), then switch to the <a href="#tag-name0">tag name state</a>.        (Don't emit the token yet; further details will be filled in before        it is emitted.)       <dt>U+0061 LATIN SMALL LETTER A through to U+007A LATIN SMALL LETTER Z       <dd>Create a new start tag token, set its tag name to the input        character, then switch to the <a href="#tag-name0">tag name        state</a>. (Don't emit the token yet; further details will be filled        in before it is emitted.)       <dt>U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN (AMPERSANDgt;)       <dd><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN        character token and a U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN character token.        Switch to the <a href="#data-state">data state</a>.       <dt>U+003F QUESTION MARK (?)       <dd><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Switch to the <a        href="#bogus">bogus comment state</a>.       <dt>Anything else       <dd><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN        character token and reconsume the current input character in the <a        href="#data-state">data state</a>.      </dl>    </dl>   <dt><dfn id=close1>Close tag open state</dfn>   <dd>    <p>If the <a href="#content2">content model flag</a> is set to the RCDATA     or CDATA states then examine the next few characters. If they do not     match the tag name of the last start tag token emitted (case     insensitively), or if they do but they are not immediately followed by     one of the following characters:</p>    <ul class=brief>     <li>U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION     <li>U+000A LINE FEED (LF)     <li>U+000B LINE TABULATION     <li>U+000C FORM FEED (FF)</li>     <!--<li>U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR)</li>-->     <li>U+0020 SPACE     <li>U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN (AMPERSANDgt;)     <li>U+002F SOLIDUS (/)     <li>U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN (AMPERSANDlt;)     <li>EOF    </ul>    <p>...then there is a <a href="#parse">parse error</a>. Emit a U+003C     LESS-THAN SIGN character token, a U+002F SOLIDUS character token, and     reconsume the current input character in the <a href="#data-state">data     state</a>.</p>    <p>Otherwise, if the <a href="#content2">content model flag</a> is set to     the PCDATA state, or if the next few characters <em>do</em> match that     tag name, consume the <a href="#next-input">next input character</a>:</p>    <dl class=switch>     <dt>U+0041 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A through to U+005A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER      Z     <dd>Create a new end tag token, set its tag name to the lowercase      version of the input character (add 0x0020 to the character's code      point), then switch to the <a href="#tag-name0">tag name state</a>.      (Don't emit the token yet; further details will be filled in before it      is emitted.)     <dt>U+0061 LATIN SMALL LETTER A through to U+007A LATIN SMALL LETTER Z     <dd>Create a new end tag token, set its tag name to the input character,      then switch to the <a href="#tag-name0">tag name state</a>. (Don't emit      the token yet; further details will be filled in before it is emitted.)     <dt>U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN (AMPERSANDgt;)     <dd><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Switch to the <a      href="#data-state">data state</a>.     <dt>EOF     <dd><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN      character token and a U+002F SOLIDUS character token. Reconsume the EOF      character in the <a href="#data-state">data state</a>.     <dt>Anything else     <dd><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Switch to the <a      href="#bogus">bogus comment state</a>.    </dl>   <dt><dfn id=tag-name0>Tag name state</dfn>   <dd>    <p>Consume the <a href="#next-input">next input character</a>:</p>    <dl class=switch>     <dt>U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION     <dt>U+000A LINE FEED (LF)     <dt>U+000B LINE TABULATION     <dt>U+000C FORM FEED (FF)</dt>     <!--<dt>U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR)</dt>-->     <dt>U+0020 SPACE     <dd>Switch to the <a href="#before">before attribute name state</a>.     <dt>U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN (AMPERSANDgt;)     <dd>Emit the current tag token. Switch to the <a href="#data-state">data      state</a>.     <dt>U+0041 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A through to U+005A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER      Z     <dd>Append the lowercase version of the current input character (add      0x0020 to the character's code point) to the current tag token's tag      name. Stay in the <a href="#tag-name0">tag name state</a>.     <dt>U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN (AMPERSANDlt;)     <dt>EOF     <dd><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Emit the current tag token.      Reconsume the character in the <a href="#data-state">data state</a>.     <dt>U+002F SOLIDUS (/)     <dd><a href="#parse">Parse error</a> unless this is a <a      href="#permitted">permitted slash</a>. Switch to the <a      href="#before">before attribute name state</a>.     <dt>Anything else     <dd>Append the current input character to the current tag token's tag      name. Stay in the <a href="#tag-name0">tag name state</a>.    </dl>   <dt><dfn id=before>Before attribute name state</dfn>   <dd>    <p>Consume the <a href="#next-input">next input character</a>:</p>    <dl class=switch>     <dt>U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION     <dt>U+000A LINE FEED (LF)     <dt>U+000B LINE TABULATION     <dt>U+000C FORM FEED (FF)</dt>     <!--<dt>U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR)</dt>-->     <dt>U+0020 SPACE     <dd>Stay in the <a href="#before">before attribute name state</a>.     <dt>U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN (AMPERSANDgt;)     <dd>Emit the current tag token. Switch to the <a href="#data-state">data      state</a>.     <dt>U+0041 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A through to U+005A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER      Z     <dd>Start a new attribute in the current tag token. Set that attribute's      name to the lowercase version of the current input character (add      0x0020 to the character's code point), and its value to the empty      string. Switch to the <a href="#attribute1">attribute name state</a>.     <dt>U+002F SOLIDUS (/)     <dd><a href="#parse">Parse error</a> unless this is a <a      href="#permitted">permitted slash</a>. Stay in the <a      href="#before">before attribute name state</a>.     <dt>U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN (AMPERSANDlt;)     <dt>EOF     <dd><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Emit the current tag token.      Reconsume the character in the <a href="#data-state">data state</a>.     <dt>Anything else     <dd>Start a new attribute in the current tag token. Set that attribute's      name to the current input character, and its value to the empty string.      Switch to the <a href="#attribute1">attribute name state</a>.    </dl>   <dt><dfn id=attribute1>Attribute name state</dfn>   <dd>    <p>Consume the <a href="#next-input">next input character</a>:</p>    <dl class=switch>     <dt>U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION     <dt>U+000A LINE FEED (LF)     <dt>U+000B LINE TABULATION     <dt>U+000C FORM FEED (FF)</dt>     <!--<dt>U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR)</dt>-->     <dt>U+0020 SPACE     <dd>Switch to the <a href="#after">after attribute name state</a>.     <dt>U+003D EQUALS SIGN (=)     <dd>Switch to the <a href="#before0">before attribute value state</a>.     <dt>U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN (AMPERSANDgt;)     <dd>Emit the current tag token. Switch to the <a href="#data-state">data      state</a>.     <dt>U+0041 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A through to U+005A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER      Z     <dd>Append the lowercase version of the current input character (add      0x0020 to the character's code point) to the current attribute's name.      Stay in the <a href="#attribute1">attribute name state</a>.     <dt>U+002F SOLIDUS (/)     <dd><a href="#parse">Parse error</a> unless this is a <a      href="#permitted">permitted slash</a>. Switch to the <a      href="#before">before attribute name state</a>.     <dt>U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN (AMPERSANDlt;)     <dt>EOF     <dd><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Emit the current tag token.      Reconsume the character in the <a href="#data-state">data state</a>.     <dt>Anything else     <dd>Append the current input character to the current attribute's name.      Stay in the <a href="#attribute1">attribute name state</a>.    </dl>    <p>When the user agent leaves the attribute name state (and before     emitting the tag token, if appropriate), the complete attribute's name     must be compared to the other attributes on the same token; if there is     already an attribute on the token with the exact same name, then this is     a <a href="#parse">parse error</a> and the new attribute must be     dropped, along with the value that gets associated with it (if any).</p>   <dt><dfn id=after>After attribute name state</dfn>   <dd>    <p>Consume the <a href="#next-input">next input character</a>:</p>    <dl class=switch>     <dt>U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION     <dt>U+000A LINE FEED (LF)     <dt>U+000B LINE TABULATION     <dt>U+000C FORM FEED (FF)</dt>     <!--<dt>U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR)</dt>-->     <dt>U+0020 SPACE     <dd>Stay in the <a href="#after">after attribute name state</a>.     <dt>U+003D EQUALS SIGN (=)     <dd>Switch to the <a href="#before0">before attribute value state</a>.     <dt>U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN (AMPERSANDgt;)     <dd>Emit the current tag token. Switch to the <a href="#data-state">data      state</a>.     <dt>U+0041 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A through to U+005A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER      Z     <dd>Start a new attribute in the current tag token. Set that attribute's      name to the lowercase version of the current input character (add      0x0020 to the character's code point), and its value to the empty      string. Switch to the <a href="#attribute1">attribute name state</a>.     <dt>U+002F SOLIDUS (/)     <dd><a href="#parse">Parse error</a> unless this is a <a      href="#permitted">permitted slash</a>. Switch to the <a      href="#before">before attribute name state</a>.     <dt>U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN (AMPERSANDlt;)     <dt>EOF     <dd><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Emit the current tag token.      Reconsume the character in the <a href="#data-state">data state</a>.     <dt>Anything else     <dd>Start a new attribute in the current tag token. Set that attribute's      name to the current input character, and its value to the empty string.      Switch to the <a href="#attribute1">attribute name state</a>.    </dl>   <dt><dfn id=before0>Before attribute value state</dfn>   <dd>    <p>Consume the <a href="#next-input">next input character</a>:</p>    <dl class=switch>     <dt>U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION     <dt>U+000A LINE FEED (LF)     <dt>U+000B LINE TABULATION     <dt>U+000C FORM FEED (FF)</dt>     <!--<dt>U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR)</dt>-->     <dt>U+0020 SPACE     <dd>Stay in the <a href="#before0">before attribute value state</a>.     <dt>U+0022 QUOTATION MARK (AMPERSANDquot;)     <dd>Switch to the <a href="#attribute2">attribute value (double-quoted)      state</a>.     <dt>U+0026 AMPERSAND (AMPERSANDamp;)     <dd>Switch to the <a href="#attribute4">attribute value (unquoted)      state</a> and reconsume this input character.     <dt>U+0027 APOSTROPHE (')     <dd>Switch to the <a href="#attribute3">attribute value (single-quoted)      state</a>.     <dt>U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN (AMPERSANDgt;)     <dd>Emit the current tag token. Switch to the <a href="#data-state">data      state</a>.     <dt>U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN (AMPERSANDlt;)     <dt>EOF     <dd><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Emit the current tag token.      Reconsume the character in the <a href="#data-state">data state</a>.     <dt>Anything else     <dd>Append the current input character to the current attribute's value.      Switch to the <a href="#attribute4">attribute value (unquoted)      state</a>.    </dl>   <dt><dfn id=attribute2>Attribute value (double-quoted) state</dfn>   <dd>    <p>Consume the <a href="#next-input">next input character</a>:</p>    <dl class=switch>     <dt>U+0022 QUOTATION MARK (AMPERSANDquot;)     <dd>Switch to the <a href="#before">before attribute name state</a>.     <dt>U+0026 AMPERSAND (AMPERSANDamp;)     <dd>Switch to the <a href="#entity0">entity in attribute value      state</a>.     <dt>EOF     <dd><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Emit the current tag token.      Reconsume the character in the <a href="#data-state">data state</a>.     <dt>Anything else     <dd>Append the current input character to the current attribute's value.      Stay in the <a href="#attribute2">attribute value (double-quoted)      state</a>.    </dl>   <dt><dfn id=attribute3>Attribute value (single-quoted) state</dfn>   <dd>    <p>Consume the <a href="#next-input">next input character</a>:</p>    <dl class=switch>     <dt>U+0027 APOSTROPHE (')     <dd>Switch to the <a href="#before">before attribute name state</a>.     <dt>U+0026 AMPERSAND (AMPERSANDamp;)     <dd>Switch to the <a href="#entity0">entity in attribute value      state</a>.     <dt>EOF     <dd><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Emit the current tag token.      Reconsume the character in the <a href="#data-state">data state</a>.     <dt>Anything else     <dd>Append the current input character to the current attribute's value.      Stay in the <a href="#attribute3">attribute value (single-quoted)      state</a>.    </dl>   <dt><dfn id=attribute4>Attribute value (unquoted) state</dfn>   <dd>    <p>Consume the <a href="#next-input">next input character</a>:</p>    <dl class=switch>     <dt>U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION     <dt>U+000A LINE FEED (LF)     <dt>U+000B LINE TABULATION     <dt>U+000C FORM FEED (FF)</dt>     <!--<dt>U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR)</dt>-->     <dt>U+0020 SPACE     <dd>Switch to the <a href="#before">before attribute name state</a>.     <dt>U+0026 AMPERSAND (AMPERSANDamp;)     <dd>Switch to the <a href="#entity0">entity in attribute value      state</a>.     <dt>U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN (AMPERSANDgt;)     <dd>Emit the current tag token. Switch to the <a href="#data-state">data      state</a>.     <dt>U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN (AMPERSANDlt;)     <dt>EOF     <dd><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Emit the current tag token.      Reconsume the character in the <a href="#data-state">data state</a>.     <dt>Anything else     <dd>Append the current input character to the current attribute's value.      Stay in the <a href="#attribute4">attribute value (unquoted) state</a>.    </dl>   <dt><dfn id=entity0>Entity in attribute value state</dfn>   <dd>    <p>Attempt to <a href="#consume">consume an entity</a>.</p>    <p>If nothing is returned, append a U+0026 AMPERSAND character to the     current attribute's value.</p>    <p>Otherwise, append the returned character token to the current     attribute's value.</p>    <p>Finally, switch back to the attribute value state that you were in     when were switched into this state.</p>   <dt><dfn id=bogus>Bogus comment state</dfn>   <dd>    <p><em>(This can only happen if the <a href="#content2">content model     flag</a> is set to the PCDATA state.)</em></p>    <p>Consume every character up to the first U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN     character (AMPERSANDgt;) or the end of the file (EOF), whichever comes first.     Emit a comment token whose data is the concatenation of all the     characters starting from and including the character that caused the     state machine to switch into the bogus comment state, up to and     including the last consumed character before the U+003E character, if     any, or up to the end of the file otherwise. (If the comment was started     by the end of the file (EOF), the token is empty.)</p>    <p>Switch to the <a href="#data-state">data state</a>.</p>    <p>If the end of the file was reached, reconsume the EOF character.</p>   <dt><dfn id=markup>Markup declaration open state</dfn>   <dd>    <p><em>(This can only happen if the <a href="#content2">content model     flag</a> is set to the PCDATA state.)</em></p>    <p>If the next two characters are both U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS (-)     characters, consume those two characters, create a comment token whose     data is the empty string, and switch to the <a href="#comment">comment     state</a>.</p>    <p>Otherwise if the next seven chacacters are a     <span>case-insensitive</span><!-- XXX xref, ascii only --> match for the     word "DOCTYPE", then consume those characters and switch to the <a     href="#doctype0">DOCTYPE state</a>.</p>    <p>Otherwise, is is a <a href="#parse">parse error</a>. Switch to the <a     href="#bogus">bogus comment state</a>. The next character that is     consumed, if any, is the first character that will be in the comment.</p>   <dt><dfn id=comment>Comment state</dfn>   <dd>    <p>Consume the <a href="#next-input">next input character</a>:</p>    <dl class=switch>     <dt>U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS (-)     <dd>Switch to the <a href="#comment0">comment dash state</a>     <dt>EOF     <dd><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Emit the comment token. Reconsume      the EOF character in the <a href="#data-state">data state</a>.</dd>     <!-- For     security reasons: otherwise, hostile user could put a <script> in     a comment e.g. in a blog comment and then DOS the server so that     the end tag isn't read, and then the commented <script> tag would     be treated as live code -->     <dt>Anything else     <dd>Append the input character to the comment token's data. Stay in the      <a href="#comment">comment state</a>.    </dl>   <dt><dfn id=comment0>Comment dash state</dfn>   <dd>    <p>Consume the <a href="#next-input">next input character</a>:</p>    <dl class=switch>     <dt>U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS (-)     <dd>Switch to the <a href="#comment1">comment end state</a>     <dt>EOF     <dd><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Emit the comment token. Reconsume      the EOF character in the <a href="#data-state">data state</a>.</dd>     <!-- For     security reasons: otherwise, hostile user could put a <script> in     a comment e.g. in a blog comment and then DOS the server so that     the end tag isn't read, and then the commented <script> tag would     be treated as live code -->     <dt>Anything else     <dd>Append a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS (-) character and the input character      to the comment token's data. Switch to the <a href="#comment">comment      state</a>.    </dl>   <dt><dfn id=comment1>Comment end state</dfn>   <dd>    <p>Consume the <a href="#next-input">next input character</a>:</p>    <dl class=switch>     <dt>U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN (AMPERSANDgt;)     <dd>Emit the comment token. Switch to the <a href="#data-state">data      state</a>.     <dt>U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS (-)     <dd><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Append a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS (-)      character to the comment token's data. Stay in the <a      href="#comment1">comment end state</a>.     <dt>EOF     <dd><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Emit the comment token. Reconsume      the EOF character in the <a href="#data-state">data state</a>.</dd>     <!-- For     security reasons: otherwise, hostile user could put a <script> in     a comment e.g. in a blog comment and then DOS the server so that     the end tag isn't read, and then the commented <script> tag would     be treated as live code -->     <dt>Anything else     <dd><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Append two U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS (-)      characters and the input character to the comment token's data. Switch      to the <a href="#comment">comment state</a>.    </dl>   <dt><dfn id=doctype0>DOCTYPE state</dfn>   <dd>    <p>Consume the <a href="#next-input">next input character</a>:</p>    <dl class=switch>     <dt>U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION     <dt>U+000A LINE FEED (LF)     <dt>U+000B LINE TABULATION     <dt>U+000C FORM FEED (FF)</dt>     <!--<dt>U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR)</dt>-->     <dt>U+0020 SPACE     <dd>Switch to the <a href="#before1">before DOCTYPE name state</a>.     <dt>Anything else     <dd><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Reconsume the current character in      the <a href="#before1">before DOCTYPE name state</a>.    </dl>   <dt><dfn id=before1>Before DOCTYPE name state</dfn>   <dd>    <p>Consume the <a href="#next-input">next input character</a>:</p>    <dl class=switch>     <dt>U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION     <dt>U+000A LINE FEED (LF)     <dt>U+000B LINE TABULATION     <dt>U+000C FORM FEED (FF)</dt>     <!--<dt>U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR)</dt>-->     <dt>U+0020 SPACE     <dd>Stay in the <a href="#before1">before DOCTYPE name state</a>.     <dt>U+0061 LATIN SMALL LETTER A through to U+007A LATIN SMALL LETTER Z     <dd>Create a new DOCTYPE token. Set the token's name name to the      uppercase version of the current input character (subtract 0x0020 from      the character's code point), and mark it as being in error. Switch to      the <a href="#doctype1">DOCTYPE name state</a>.     <dt>U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN (AMPERSANDgt;)     <dd><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Emit a DOCTYPE token whose name is      the empty string and that is marked as being in error. Switch to the <a      href="#data-state">data state</a>.     <dt>EOF     <dd><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Emit a DOCTYPE token whose name is      the empty string and that is marked as being in error. Reconsume the      EOF character in the <a href="#data-state">data state</a>.     <dt>Anything else     <dd>Create a new DOCTYPE token. Set the token's name name to the current      input character, and mark it as being in error. Switch to the <a      href="#doctype1">DOCTYPE name state</a>.    </dl>   <dt><dfn id=doctype1>DOCTYPE name state</dfn>   <dd>    <p>First, consume the <a href="#next-input">next input character</a>:</p>    <dl class=switch>     <dt>U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION     <dt>U+000A LINE FEED (LF)     <dt>U+000B LINE TABULATION     <dt>U+000C FORM FEED (FF)</dt>     <!--<dt>U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR)</dt>-->     <dt>U+0020 SPACE     <dd>Switch to the <a href="#after0">after DOCTYPE name state</a>.     <dt>U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN (AMPERSANDgt;)     <dd>Emit the current DOCTYPE token. Switch to the <a      href="#data-state">data state</a>.     <dt>U+0061 LATIN SMALL LETTER A through to U+007A LATIN SMALL LETTER Z     <dd>Append the uppercase version of the current input character      (subtract 0x0020 from the character's code point) to the current      DOCTYPE token's name. Stay in the <a href="#doctype1">DOCTYPE name      state</a>.     <dt>EOF     <dd><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Emit the current DOCTYPE token.      Reconsume the EOF character in the <a href="#data-state">data      state</a>.     <dt>Anything else     <dd>Append the current input character to the current DOCTYPE token's      name. Stay in the <a href="#doctype1">DOCTYPE name state</a>.    </dl>    <p>Then, if the name of the DOCTYPE token is exactly the four letters     "HTML", then mark the token as being correct. Otherwise, mark it as     being in error.</p>    <p class=note>Because lowercase letters in the name are uppercased by the     algorithm above, the "HTML" letters are actually case-insensitive     relative to the markup.</p>   <dt><dfn id=after0>After DOCTYPE name state</dfn>   <dd>    <p>Consume the <a href="#next-input">next input character</a>:</p>    <dl class=switch>     <dt>U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION     <dt>U+000A LINE FEED (LF)     <dt>U+000B LINE TABULATION     <dt>U+000C FORM FEED (FF)</dt>     <!--<dt>U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR)</dt>-->     <dt>U+0020 SPACE     <dd>Stay in the <a href="#after0">after DOCTYPE name state</a>.     <dt>U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN (AMPERSANDgt;)     <dd>Emit the current DOCTYPE token. Switch to the <a      href="#data-state">data state</a>.     <dt>EOF     <dd><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Emit the current DOCTYPE token.      Reconsume the EOF character in the <a href="#data-state">data      state</a>.     <dt>Anything else     <dd><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Mark the DOCTYPE token as being in      error, if it is not already. Switch to the <a href="#bogus0">bogus      DOCTYPE state</a>.    </dl>   <dt><dfn id=bogus0>Bogus DOCTYPE state</dfn>   <dd>    <p>Consume the <a href="#next-input">next input character</a>:</p>    <dl class=switch>     <dt>U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN (AMPERSANDgt;)     <dd>Emit the current DOCTYPE token. Switch to the <a      href="#data-state">data state</a>.     <dt>EOF     <dd><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Emit the current DOCTYPE token.      Reconsume the EOF character in the <a href="#data-state">data      state</a>.     <dt>Anything else     <dd>Stay in the <a href="#bogus0">bogus DOCTYPE state</a>.    </dl>  </dl>  <p>When an end tag token is emitted, the <a href="#content2">content model   flag</a> must be switched to the PCDATA state.  <p>When an end tag token is emitted with attributes, that is a <a   href="#parse">parse error</a>.  <p>A <dfn id=permitted>permitted slash</dfn> is a U+002F SOLIDUS character   that is immediately followed by a U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN, if, and only   if, the current token being processed is a start tag token whose tag name   is one of the following: <code><a href="#base0">base</a></code>, <code><a   href="#link0">link</a></code>, <code><a href="#meta1">meta</a></code>,   <code><a href="#hr0">hr</a></code>, <code><a href="#br0">br</a></code>,   <code><a href="#img0">img</a></code>, <code><a   href="#embed0">embed</a></code>, <code><a href="#param0">param</a></code>,   <code><a href="#area0">area</a></code>, <code><a   href="#col0">col</a></code>, <code>input</code><!-- XXX add:  , <code>command</code>, <code>event-source</code> --></p>  <!-- XXX  keep this synchronised with the list of "void elements" -->  <h5 id=tokenising><span class=secno> </span>Tokenising entities</h5>  <p>This section defines how to <dfn id=consume>consume an entity</dfn>.   This definition is used when parsing entities <a href="#entity"   title="entity data state">in text</a> and <a href="#entity0" title="entity   in attribute value state">in attributes</a>.  <p>The behaviour depends on the identity of the next character (the one   immediately after the U+0026 AMPERSAND character):  <dl class=switch>   <dt>U+0023 NUMBER SIGN (#)   <dd>    <p>Consume the U+0023 NUMBER SIGN.</p>    <p>The behaviour further depends on the character after the U+0023 NUMBER     SIGN:</p>    <dl class=switch>     <dt>U+0078 LATIN SMALL LETTER X     <dt>U+0058 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X     <dd>      <p>Consume the X.</p>      <p>Follow the steps below, but using the range of characters U+0030       DIGIT ZERO through to U+0039 DIGIT NINE, U+0061 LATIN SMALL LETTER A       through to U+0078 LATIN SMALL LETTER F, and U+0041 LATIN CAPITAL       LETTER A, through to U+0058 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F (in other words,       0-9, A-F, a-f).</p>      <p>When it comes to interpreting the number, interpret it as a       hexadecimal number.</p>     <dt>Anything else     <dd>      <p>Follow the steps below, but using the range of characters U+0030       DIGIT ZERO through to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (i.e. just 0-9).</p>      <p>When it comes to interpreting the number, interpret it as a decimal       number.</p>    </dl>    <p>Consume as many characters as match the range of characters given     above.</p>    <p>If no characters match the range, then don't consume any characters     (and unconsume the U+0023 NUMBER SIGN character and, if appropriate, the     X character). This is a <a href="#parse">parse error</a>; nothing is     returned.</p>    <p>Otherwise, if the next character is a U+003B SEMICOLON, consume that     too. If it isn't, there is a <a href="#parse">parse error</a>.</p>    <p>If one or more characters match the range, then take them all and     interpret the string of characters as a number (either hexadecimal or     decimal as appropriate), and return a character token for the Unicode     character whose code point is that number. If the number is not a valid     Unicode character (e.g. if the number is higher than 1114111), or if the     number is zero, then return a character token for the U+FFFD REPLACEMENT     CHARACTER character instead.</p>   <dt>Anything else   <dd>    <p>Consume the maximum number of characters possible, with the consumed     characters case-sensitively matching one of the identifiers in the first     column of the <a href="#entities1">entities</a> table.</p>    <p>If no match can be made, then this is a <a href="#parse">parse     error</a>. No characters are consumed, and nothing is returned.</p>    <p>Otherwise, if the next character is a U+003B SEMICOLON, consume that     too. If it isn't, there is a <a href="#parse">parse error</a>.</p>    <p>Return a character token for the character corresponding to the entity     name (as given by the second column of the <a     href="#entities1">entities</a> table).</p>    <div class=example>     <p>If the markup contains <code>I'm AMPERSANDamp;notit without you</code>, the      entity is parsed as "not", as in, <code>I'm AMPERSANDnot;it without you</code>.      But if the markup was <code>I'm AMPERSANDamp;notin without you</code>, the      entity would be parsed as "notin", resulting in <code>I'm AMPERSANDnotin;      without you</code>.</p>    </div>  </dl>  <p class=big-issue>This isn't quite right. For some entities, UAs require a   semicolon, for others they don't. We probably need to do the same for   backwards compatibility. If we do that we might be able to add more   entities, e.g. for mathematics. Probably the way to mark whether or not an   entity requires a semicolon is with an additional column in the <a   href="#entities1" title=entities>entity table lower down</a>.</p>  <!--XXXhandle entities in the Win1252 range...http://trac.webkit.org/projects/webkit/browser/trunk/WebCore/html/HTMLTokenizer.cpp#L101  -->  <h4 id=tree-construction><span class=secno>8.2.4. </span><dfn   id=tree-construction1>Tree construction</dfn></h4>  <p>The input to the tree construction stage is a sequence of tokens from   the <a href="#tokenisation1">tokenisation</a> stage. The tree construction   stage is associated with a DOM <code>Document</code> object when a parser   is created. The "output" of this stage consists of dynamically modifying   or extending that document's DOM tree.  <p>Tree construction passes through several phases. Initially, UAs must act   according to the steps described as being those of <a   href="#the-initial1">the initial phase</a>.  <p>This specification does not define when an interactive user agent has to   render the <code>Document</code> available to the user, or when it has to   begin accepting user input.  <p>When the steps below require the UA to <dfn id=append>append a   character</dfn> to a node, the UA must collect it and all subsequent   consecutive characters that would be appended to that node, and insert one   <code>Text</code> node whose data is the concatenation of all those   characters.  <p id=mutation-during-parsing>DOM mutation events must not fire for changes   caused by the UA parsing the document. (Conceptually, the parser is not   mutating the DOM, it is constructing it.) This includes the parsing of any   content inserted using <code title=dom-document-write-HTML><a   href="#document.write0">document.write()</a></code> and <code   title=dom-document-writeln><a   href="#document.writeln">document.writeln()</a></code> calls.<!--  XXX xref -->   <a href="#refsDOM3Events">[DOM3EVENTS]</a></p>  <!-- XXX  what abotu innerHTML? -->  <p class=note>Not all of the tag names mentioned below are conformant tag   names in this specification; many are included to handle legacy content.   They still form part of the algorithm that implementations are required to   implement to claim conformance.  <p class=note>The algorithm described below places no limit on the depth of   the DOM tree generated, or on the length of tag names, attribute names,   attribute values, text nodes, etc. While implementators are encouraged to   avoid arbitrary limits, it is recognised that <a   href="#hardwareLimitations">practical concerns</a> will likely force user   agents to impose nesting depths.  <h5 id=the-initial><span class=secno> </span><dfn   id=the-initial1>The initial phase</dfn></h5>  <p>Initially, the tree construction stage must handle each token emitted   from the <a href="#tokenisation1">tokenisation</a> stage as follows:  <dl class=switch>   <dt>A DOCTYPE token that is marked as being in error   <dt>A comment token   <dt>A start tag token   <dt>An end tag token   <dt>A character token that is not one of one of U+0009 CHARACTER    TABULATION, U+000A LINE FEED (LF), U+000B LINE TABULATION, U+000C FORM    FEED (FF), or U+0020 SPACE   <dt>An end-of-file token   <dd>    <p>This specification does not define how to handle this case. In     particular, user agents may ignore the entirety of this specification     altogether for such documents, and instead invoke special parse modes     with a greater emphasis on backwards compatibility.</p>    <div class=note>     <p>Browsers in particular have generally used DOCTYPE-based sniffing to      invoke an "alternative conformance mode" known as <em>quirks mode</em>      on certain documents. In this mode, emphasis is put on legacy      compatibility rather than on standards compliance. This specification      takes no position on this behaviour; documents without DOCTYPEs or with      DOCTYPEs that do not conform to the syntax allowed by this      specification are considered to be out of scope of this specification.</p>    </div>    <div class=big-issue>     <p>As far as parsing goes, the quirks I know of are:</p>     <ul>      <li>Comment parsing is different.      <li>The following is considered one script block (!):       <pre>AMPERSANDlt;script>AMPERSANDlt;!-- document.write('AMPERSANDlt;/script>'); -->AMPERSANDlt;/script></pre>      <li><code>AMPERSANDlt;/br></code> and <code>AMPERSANDlt;/p></code> do magical things.      <li><code><a href="#p0">p</a></code> can contain <code><a       href="#table0">table</a></code>      <li>Safari and IE have special parsing rules for AMPERSANDlt;% ... %AMPERSANDgt; (even       in standards mode, though clearly this should be quirks-only).     </ul>     <p>Maybe we should just adopt all those and be done with it. One parsing      mode to rule them all. Or legitimise/codify the quirks mode parsing in      some way.</p>     <p>Would be interesting to do a search to see how many pages hit each of      the above.</p>     <!-- biased by page rank? --></div>   <dt>A DOCTYPE token marked as being correct   <dd>    <p>Append a <code>DocumentType</code> node to the <code>Document</code>     node, with the <code title="">name</code> attribute set to the name     given in the DOCTYPE token (which will be "HTML"), and the other     attributes specific to <code>DocumentType</code> objects set to null,     empty lists, or the empty string as appropriate.</p>    <p>Then, switch to <a href="#the-root2">the root element phase</a> of the     tree construction stage.</p>    <!-- XXX should set doctype on the Document object, too, unless    spec is defined to already point to it if you append -->       <dt>A character token that <em>is</em> one of one of U+0009 CHARACTER    TABULATION, U+000A LINE FEED (LF), U+000B LINE TABULATION, U+000C FORM    FEED (FF), or U+0020 SPACE   <dd>    <p><a href="#append" title="append a character">Append that character</a>     to the <code>Document</code> node.</p>  </dl>  <h5 id=the-root0><span class=secno> </span><dfn id=the-root2>The   root element phase</dfn></h5>  <p>After <a href="#the-initial1">the initial phase</a>, as each token is   emitted from the <a href="#tokenisation1">tokenisation</a> stage, it must   be processed as described in this section.  <dl class=switch>   <dt>A DOCTYPE token   <dd>    <p><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>   <dt>A comment token   <dd>    <p>Append a <code>Comment</code> node to the <code>Document</code> object     with the <code title="">data</code> attribute set to the data given in     the comment token.</p>   <dt>A character token that is one of one of U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION,    U+000A LINE FEED (LF), U+000B LINE TABULATION, U+000C FORM FEED (FF), or    U+0020 SPACE   <dd>    <p><a href="#append" title="append a character">Append that character</a>     to the <code>Document</code> node.</p>   <dt>A character token that is <em>not</em> one of U+0009 CHARACTER    TABULATION, U+000A LINE FEED (LF), U+000B LINE TABULATION, U+000C FORM    FEED (FF), or U+0020 SPACE   <dt>A start tag token   <dt>An end tag token   <dt>An end-of-file token   <dd>    <p>Create an <code><a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code> node     with the tag name <code><a href="#html0">html</a></code>, in the <a     href="#html-namespace0">HTML namespace</a>. Append it to the     <code>Document</code> object. Switch to <a href="#the-main1">the main     phase</a> and reprocess the current token.</p>    <p class=big-issue>Should probably make end tags be ignored, so that     "AMPERSANDlt;/head>AMPERSANDlt;!-- -->AMPERSANDlt;html>" puts the comment befor the root node     (or should we?)</p>  </dl>  <p>The root element can end up being removed from the <code>Document</code>   object, e.g. by scripts; nothing in particular happens in such cases,   content continues being appended to the nodes as described in the next   section.  <h5 id=the-main><span class=secno> </span><dfn id=the-main1>The   main phase</dfn></h5>  <p>After <a href="#the-root2">the root element phase</a>, each token   emitted from the <a href="#tokenisation1">tokenisation</a> stage must be   processed as described in <em>this</em> section. This is by far the most   involved part of parsing an HTML document.  <p>The tree construction stage in this phase has several pieces of state: a   <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>, a <a href="#list-of2">list of   active formatting elements</a>, a <a href="#head-element"><code   title="">head</code> element pointer</a>, a <a href="#form-element"><code   title="">form</code> element pointer</a>, and an <a   href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a>.  <p class=big-issue>We could just fold insertion modes and phases into one   concept (and duplicate the two rules common to all insertion modes into   all of them).  <h6 id=the-stack><span class=secno> </span>The stack of open   elements</h6>  <p>Initially the <dfn id=stack>stack of open elements</dfn> contains just   the <code><a href="#html0">html</a></code> root element node created in   the <a href="#the-root2" title="the root element phase">last phase</a>   before switching to <em>this</em> phase (or, in the <a   href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>, the <code><a   href="#html0">html</a></code> element created to represent the element   whose <code title=dom-innerHTML-HTML><a   href="#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code> attribute is being set). That's   the topmost node of the stack. It never gets popped off the stack. (This   stack grows downwards.)  <p>The <dfn id=current3>current node</dfn> is the bottommost node in this   stack.  <p>Elements in the stack fall into the following categories:  <dl>   <dt><dfn id=special>Special</dfn>   <dd>    <p>The following HTML elements have varying levels of special parsing     rules: <code><a href="#address0">address</a></code>, <code><a     href="#area0">area</a></code>, <code><a href="#base0">base</a></code>,     <code>basefont</code>, <code>bgsound</code>, <code><a     href="#blockquote0">blockquote</a></code>, <code><a     href="#body1">body</a></code>, <code><a href="#br0">br</a></code>,     <code>center</code>, <code><a href="#col0">col</a></code>, <code><a     href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code>, <code><a     href="#dd0">dd</a></code>, <code>dir</code>, <code><a     href="#div0">div</a></code>, <code><a href="#dl0">dl</a></code>,     <code><a href="#dt0">dt</a></code>, <code><a     href="#embed0">embed</a></code>, <code>fieldset</code>,     <code>form</code>, <code>frame</code>, <code>frameset</code>, <code><a     href="#h10">h1</a></code>, <code><a href="#h20">h2</a></code>, <code><a     href="#h30">h3</a></code>, <code><a href="#h40">h4</a></code>, <code><a     href="#h50">h5</a></code>, <code><a href="#h60">h6</a></code>, <code><a     href="#head0">head</a></code>, <code><a href="#hr0">hr</a></code>,     <code><a href="#iframe0">iframe</a></code>,     <code>image</code><!-- XXX ? this isn't an element that can end up   on the stack-->,     <code><a href="#img0">img</a></code>, <code>input</code>,     <code>isindex</code>, <code><a href="#li0">li</a></code>, <code><a     href="#link0">link</a></code>, <code>listing</code>, <code><a     href="#menu0">menu</a></code>, <code><a href="#meta1">meta</a></code>,     <code>noembed</code>, <code>noframes</code>, <code><a     href="#noscript0">noscript</a></code>, <code><a     href="#ol0">ol</a></code>, <code>optgroup</code>, <code>option</code>,     <code><a href="#p0">p</a></code>, <code><a     href="#param0">param</a></code>, <code>plaintext</code>, <code><a     href="#pre0">pre</a></code>, <code><a href="#script2">script</a></code>,     <code>select</code>, <code>spacer</code>, <code><a     href="#style0">style</a></code>, <code><a     href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code>, <code>textarea</code>, <code><a     href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code>, <code><a     href="#thead1">thead</a></code>, <code><a     href="#title3">title</a></code>, <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code>,     <code><a href="#ul0">ul</a></code>, and <code>wbr</code>.   <dt><dfn id=scoping>Scoping</dfn>   <dd>    <p>The following HTML elements introduce new <a href="#have-an"     title="has an element in scope">scopes</a> for various parts of the     parsing: <code>button</code>, <code><a     href="#caption1">caption</a></code>, <code><a     href="#html0">html</a></code>, <code>marquee</code>, <code><a     href="#object0">object</a></code>, <code><a     href="#table0">table</a></code>, <code><a href="#td0">td</a></code> and     <code><a href="#th0">th</a></code>.   <dt><dfn id=formatting>Formatting</dfn>   <dd>    <p>The following HTML elements are those that end up in the <a     href="#list-of2">list of active formatting elements</a>: <code><a     href="#a0">a</a></code>, <code><a href="#b0">b</a></code>,     <code>big</code>, <code><a href="#em0">em</a></code>, <code>font</code>,     <code><a href="#i0">i</a></code>, <code>nobr</code>, <code>s</code>,     <code><a href="#small0">small</a></code>, <code>strike</code>, <code><a     href="#strong0">strong</a></code>, <code>tt</code>, and <code>u</code>.   <dt><dfn id=phrasing>Phrasing</dfn>   <dd>    <p>All other elements found while parsing an HTML document.  </dl>  <p class=big-issue>Still need to add these new elements to the lists:   <code><a href="#event-source0">event-source</a></code>, <code><a   href="#section0">section</a></code>, <code><a href="#nav0">nav</a></code>,   <code><a href="#article0">article</a></code>, <code><a   href="#aside0">aside</a></code>, <code><a   href="#header0">header</a></code>, <code><a   href="#footer0">footer</a></code>, <code><a   href="#datagrid1">datagrid</a></code>, <code><a   href="#command1">command</a></code>  <p>The <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> is said to <dfn   id=have-an title="has an element in scope">have an element in scope</dfn>   or <dfn id=have-an0 title="has an element in table scope">have an element   in <em>table scope</em></dfn> when the following algorithm terminates in a   match state:  <ol>   <li>    <p>Initialise <var title="">node</var> to be the <a     href="#current3">current node</a> (the bottommost node of the stack).   <li>    <p>If <var title="">node</var> is the target node, terminate in a match     state.   <li>    <p>Otherwise, if <var title="">node</var> is a <code><a     href="#table0">table</a></code> element, terminate in a failure state.   <li>    <p>Otherwise, if the algorithm is the "has an element in scope" variant     (rather than the "has an element in table scope" variant), and <var     title="">node</var> is one of the following, terminate in a failure     state:</p>    <ul class=brief>     <li><code><a href="#caption1">caption</a></code>     <li><code><a href="#td0">td</a></code>     <li><code><a href="#th0">th</a></code>     <li><code>button</code>     <li><code>marquee</code>     <li><code><a href="#object0">object</a></code>    </ul>   <li>    <p>Otherwise, if <var title="">node</var> is an <code><a     href="#html0">html</a></code> element, terminate in a failure state.     (This can only happen if the <var title="">node</var> is the topmost     node of the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>, and prevents     the next step from being invoked if there are no more elements in the     stack.)   <li>    <p>Otherwise, set <var title="">node</var> to the previous entry in the     <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> and return to step 2. (This     will never fail, since the loop will always terminate in the previous     step if the top of the stack is reached.)  </ol>  <p>Nothing happens if at any time any of the elements in the <a   href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> are moved to a new location in,   or removed from, the <code>Document</code> tree. In particular, the stack   is not changed in this situation. This can cause, amongst other strange   effects, content to be appended to nodes that are no longer in the DOM.  <p class=note>In some cases (namely, when <a href="#adoptionAgency">closing   misnested formatting elements</a>), the stack is manipulated in a   random-access fashion.  <h6 id=the-list><span class=secno> </span>The list of active   formatting elements</h6>  <p>Initially the <dfn id=list-of2>list of active formatting elements</dfn>   is empty. It is used to handle mis-nested <a href="#formatting"   title=formatting>formatting element tags</a>.  <p>The list contains elements in the <a href="#formatting">formatting</a>   category, and scope markers. The scope markers are inserted when entering   buttons, <code><a href="#object0">object</a></code> elements, marquees,   table cells, and table captions, and are used to prevent formatting from   "leaking" into tables, buttons, <code><a href="#object0">object</a></code>   elements, and marquees.  <p>When the steps below require the UA to <dfn id=reconstruct>reconstruct   the active formatting elements</dfn>, the UA must perform the following   steps:  <ol>   <li>If there are no entries in the <a href="#list-of2">list of active    formatting elements</a>, then there is nothing to reconstruct; stop this    algorithm.   <li>If the last (most recently added) entry in the <a    href="#list-of2">list of active formatting elements</a> is a marker, or    if it is an element that is in the <a href="#stack">stack of open    elements</a>, then there is nothing to reconstruct; stop this algorithm.   <li>Let <var title="">entry</var> be the last (most recently added)    element in the <a href="#list-of2">list of active formatting    elements</a>.   <li>If there are no entries before <var title="">entry</var> in the <a    href="#list-of2">list of active formatting elements</a>, then jump to    step 8.   <li>Let <var title="">entry</var> be the entry one earlier than <var    title="">entry</var> in the <a href="#list-of2">list of active formatting    elements</a>.   <li>If <var title="">entry</var> is neither a marker nor an element that    is also in the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>, go to step 4.   <li>Let <var title="">entry</var> be the element one later than <var    title="">entry</var> in the <a href="#list-of2">list of active formatting    elements</a>.   <li>Perform a shallow clone of the element <var title="">entry</var> to    obtain <var title="">clone</var>. <a href="#refsDOM3CORE">[DOM3CORE]</a>   <li>Append <var title="">clone</var> to the <a href="#current3">current    node</a> and push it onto the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>    so that it is the new <a href="#current3">current node</a>.   <li>Replace the entry for <var title="">entry</var> in the list with an    entry for <var title="">clone</var>.   <li>If the entry for <var title="">clone</var> in the <a    href="#list-of2">list of active formatting elements</a> is not the last    entry in the list, return to step 7.  </ol>  <p>This has the effect of reopening all the formatting elements that were   opened in the current body, cell, or caption (whichever is youngest) that   haven't been explicitly closed.  <p class=note>The way this specification is written, the <a   href="#list-of2">list of active formatting elements</a> always consists of   elements in chronological order with the least recently added element   first and the most recently added element last (except for while steps 8   to 11 of the above algorithm are being executed, of course).  <p>When the steps below require the UA to <dfn id=clear0>clear the list of   active formatting elements up to the last marker</dfn>, the UA must   perform the following steps:  <ol>   <li>Let <var title="">entry</var> be the last (most recently added) entry    in the <a href="#list-of2">list of active formatting elements</a>.   <li>Remove <var title="">entry</var> from the <a href="#list-of2">list of    active formatting elements</a>.   <li>If <var title="">entry</var> was a marker, then stop the algorithm at    this point. The list has been cleared up to the last marker.   <li>Go to step 1.  </ol>  <h6 id=creating><span class=secno> </span>Creating and inserting   HTML elements</h6>  <p>When the steps below require the UA to <dfn id=create title="create an   element for the token">create an element for a token</dfn>, the UA must   create a node implementing the interface appropriate for the element type   corresponding to the tag name of the token (as given in the section of   this specification that defines that element, e.g. for an <code><a   href="#a0">a</a></code> element it would be the <code><a   href="#htmlanchorelement">HTMLAnchorElement</a></code> interface), with   the tag name being the name of that element, with the node being in the <a   href="#html-namespace0">HTML namespace</a>, and with the attributes on the   node being those given in the given token.  <p>When the steps below require the UA to <dfn id=insert>insert an HTML   element</dfn> for a token, the UA must first <a href="#create">create an   element for the token</a>, and then append this node to the <a   href="#current3">current node</a>, and push it onto the <a   href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> so that it is the new <a   href="#current3">current node</a>.  <p>The steps below may also require that the UA insert an HTML element in a   particular place, in which case the UA must <a href="#create">create an   element for the token</a> and then insert or append the new node in the   location specified. (This happens in particular during the parsing of   tables with invalid content.)  <p>The interface appropriate for an element that is not defined in this   specification is <code><a href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.  <h6 id=closing><span class=secno> </span>Closing elements that   have implied end tags</h6>  <p>When the steps below require the UA to <dfn id=generate>generate implied   end tags</dfn>, then, if the <a href="#current3">current node</a> is a   <code><a href="#dd0">dd</a></code> element, a <code><a   href="#dt0">dt</a></code> element, an <code><a href="#li0">li</a></code>   element, a <code><a href="#p0">p</a></code> element, a <code><a   href="#td0">td</a></code> element, a <code><a href="#th0">th</a></code>   element, or a <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element, the UA must act   as if an end tag with the respective tag name had been seen and then <a   href="#generate">generate implied end tags</a> again.  <p>The step that requires the UA to generate implied end tags but lists an   element to exclude from the process, then the UA must perform the above   steps as if that element was not in the above list.  <h6 id=the-element><span class=secno> </span>The element pointers</h6>  <p>Initially the <dfn id=head-element><code title="">head</code> element   pointer</dfn> and the <dfn id=form-element><code title="">form</code>   element pointer</dfn> are both null.  <p>Once a <code><a href="#head0">head</a></code> element has been parsed   (whether implicitly or explicitly) the <a href="#head-element"><code   title="">head</code> element pointer</a> gets set to point to this node.  <p>The <a href="#form-element"><code title="">form</code> element   pointer</a> points to the last <code>form</code> element that was opened   and whose end tag has not yet been seen. It is used to make form controls   associate with forms in the face of dramatically bad markup, for   historical reasons.  <h6 id=the-insertion><span class=secno> </span>The insertion mode</h6>  <p>Initially the <dfn id=insertion0>insertion mode</dfn> is "<a   href="#before2" title="insertion mode: before head">before head</a>". It   can change to "<a href="#in-head" title="insertion mode: in head">in   head</a>", "<a href="#after1" title="insertion mode: after head">after   head</a>", "<a href="#in-body" title="insertion mode: in body">in   body</a>", "<a href="#in-table" title="insertion mode: in table">in   table</a>", "<a href="#in-caption" title="insertion mode: in caption">in   caption</a>", "<a href="#in-column" title="insertion mode: in column   group">in column group</a>", "<a href="#in-table0" title="insertion mode:   in table body">in table body</a>", "<a href="#in-row" title="insertion   mode: in row">in row</a>", "<a href="#in-cell" title="insertion mode: in   cell">in cell</a>", "<a href="#in-select" title="insertion mode: in   select">in select</a>", "<a href="#after2" title="insertion mode: after   body">after body</a>", "<a href="#in-frameset" title="insertion mode: in   frameset">in frameset</a>", and "<a href="#after3" title="insertion mode:   after frameset">after frameset</a>" during the course of the parsing, as   described below. It affects how certain tokens are processed.  <p>If the tree construction stage is switched from <a href="#the-main1">the   main phase</a> to <a href="#the-trailing1">the trailing end phase</a> and   back again, the various pieces of state are not reset; the UA must act as   if the state was maintained.  <p>When the steps below require the UA to <dfn id=reset>reset the insertion   mode appropriately</dfn>, it means the UA must follow these steps:  <ol>   <li>Let <var title="">last</var> be false.   <li>Let <var title="">node</var> be the last node in the <a    href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>.   <li>If <var title="">node</var> is the first node in the stack of open    elements, then set <var title="">last</var> to true. If the element whose    <code title=dom-innerHTML-HTML><a href="#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code>    attribute is being set is neither a <code><a href="#td0">td</a></code>    element nor a <code><a href="#th0">th</a></code> element, then set <var    title="">node</var> to the element whose <code    title=dom-innerHTML-HTML><a href="#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code>    attribute is being set. (<a href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code>    case</a>)   <li>If <var title="">node</var> is a <code>select</code> element, then    switch the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to "<a    href="#in-select" title="insertion mode: in select">in select</a>" and    abort these steps. (<a href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code>    case</a>)   <li>If <var title="">node</var> is a <code><a href="#td0">td</a></code> or    <code><a href="#th0">th</a></code> element, then switch the <a    href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to "<a href="#in-cell"    title="insertion mode: in cell">in cell</a>" and abort these steps.   <li>If <var title="">node</var> is a <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code>    element, then switch the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to "<a    href="#in-row" title="insertion mode: in row">in row</a>" and abort these    steps.   <li>If <var title="">node</var> is a <code><a    href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code>, <code><a    href="#thead1">thead</a></code>, or <code><a    href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code> element, then switch the <a    href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to "<a href="#in-table0"    title="insertion mode: in table body">in table body</a>" and abort these    steps.   <li>If <var title="">node</var> is a <code><a    href="#caption1">caption</a></code> element, then switch the <a    href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to "<a href="#in-caption"    title="insertion mode: in caption">in caption</a>" and abort these steps.   <li>If <var title="">node</var> is a <code><a    href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code> element, then switch the <a    href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to "<a href="#in-column"    title="insertion mode: in column group">in column group</a>" and abort    these steps. (<a href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>)   <li>If <var title="">node</var> is a <code><a    href="#table0">table</a></code> element, then switch the <a    href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to "<a href="#in-table"    title="insertion mode: in table">in table</a>" and abort these steps.   <li>If <var title="">node</var> is a <code><a    href="#head0">head</a></code> element, then switch the <a    href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to "<a href="#in-body"    title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" ("<a href="#in-body"    title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>"! <em> not "<a    href="#in-head" title="insertion mode: in head">in head</a>"</em>!) and    abort these steps. (<a href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code>    case</a>)   <li>If <var title="">node</var> is a <code><a    href="#body1">body</a></code> element, then switch the <a    href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to "<a href="#in-body"    title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" and abort these steps.   <li>If <var title="">node</var> is a <code>frameset</code> element, then    switch the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to "<a    href="#in-frameset" title="insertion mode: in frameset">in frameset</a>"    and abort these steps. (<a href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code>    case</a>)   <li>If <var title="">node</var> is an <code><a    href="#html0">html</a></code> element, then: if the <a    href="#head-element"><code title="">head</code> element pointer</a> is    null, switch the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to "<a    href="#before2" title="insertion mode: before head">before head</a>",    otherwise, switch the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to "<a    href="#after1" title="insertion mode: after head">after head</a>". In    either case, abort these steps. (<a    href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>)</li>   <!-- XXX can the head element pointer ever be   non-null when we're going through these steps? -->   <li>If <var title="">last</var> is true, then set the <a    href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to "<a href="#in-body"    title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" and abort these steps. (<a    href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>)   <li>Let <var title="">node</var> now be the node before <var    title="">node</var> in the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>.   <li>Return to step 3.  </ol>  <!--When you don't have to handle innerHTML, you can use thissimplified explanation instead:  <ol>   <li><p>If the <span>stack of open elements</span> <span title="has   an element in table scope">has a <code>td</code> or <code>th</code>   element in table scope</span>, then switch the <span>insertion   mode</span> to "<span title="insertion mode: in cell">in   cell</span>".</p></li>   <li><p>Otherwise, if the <span>stack of open elements</span> <span   title="has an element in table scope">has a <code>tr</code> element   in table scope</span>, then switch the <span>insertion mode</span>   to "<span title="insertion mode: in row">in row</span>".</p></li>   <li><p>Otherwise, if the <span>stack of open elements</span> <span   title="has an element in table scope">has a <code>tbody</code>,   <code>tfoot</code>, or <code>thead</code> element in table   scope</span>, then switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<span   title="insertion mode: in table body">in table   body</span>".</p></li>   <li><p>Otherwise, if the <span>stack of open elements</span> <span   title="has an element in table scope">has a <code>caption</code>   element in table scope</span>, then switch the <span>insertion   mode</span> to "<span title="insertion mode: in caption">in   caption</span>".</p></li>   ( you can't reach this point with a colgroup element on the   stack )   <li><p>Otherwise, if the <span>stack of open elements</span> <span   title="has an element in table scope">has a <code>table</code>   element in table scope</span>, then switch the <span>insertion   mode</span> to "<span title="insertion mode: in table">in   table</span>".</p></li>   <li><p>Otherwise, switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<span   title="insertion mode: in body">in body</span>".</p></li>  </ol>-->  <h6 id=how-to0><span class=secno> </span>How to handle tokens in   the main phase</h6>  <p>Tokens in the main phase must be handled as follows:  <dl class=switch>   <dt>A DOCTYPE token   <dd>    <p><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>   <dt>A start tag token with the tag name "html"   <dd>    <p>If this start tag token was not the first start tag token, then it is     a <a href="#parse">parse error</a>.</p>    <p>For each attribute on the token, check to see if the attribute is     already present on the top element of the <a href="#stack">stack of open     elements</a>. If it is not, add the attribute and its corresponding     value to that element.</p>   <dt>An end-of-file token   <dd>    <p><a href="#generate">Generate implied end tags.</a></p>    <p>If there's more than one node on the <a href="#stack">stack of open     elements</a>, or, if the parser was <em>not</em> originally created in     order to handle the setting of an element's <code     title=dom-innerHTML-HTML><a href="#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code>     attribute (<a href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>) and     the second node on the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> is     not a <code><a href="#body1">body</a></code> node, this is a <a     href="#parse">parse error</a>.</p>    <p><a href="#stop-">Stop parsing.</a></p>    <p class=big-issue>This fails because it doesn't imply HEAD and BODY     tags. We should probably expand out the insertion modes and merge them     with phases and then put the three things here into each insertion mode     instead of trying to factor them out so carefully.</p>   <dt>Anything else   <dd>    <p>Depends on the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a>:</p>    <dl class=switch>     <dt>If the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> is "<dfn id=before2      title="insertion mode: before head">before head</dfn>"     <dd>      <p>Handle the token as follows:</p>      <dl class=switch>       <dt>A character token that is one of one of U+0009 CHARACTER        TABULATION, U+000A LINE FEED (LF), U+000B LINE TABULATION, U+000C        FORM FEED (FF), or U+0020 SPACE       <dd>        <p><a href="#append" title="append a character">Append the         character</a> to the <a href="#current3">current node</a>.</p>       <dt>A comment token       <dd>        <p>Append a <code>Comment</code> node to the <a         href="#current3">current node</a> with the <code         title="">data</code> attribute set to the data given in the comment         token.</p>       <dt>A start tag token with the tag name "head"       <dd>        <p><a href="#create">Create an element for the token</a>.</p>        <p>Set the <a href="#head-element"><code title="">head</code> element         pointer</a> to this new element node.</p>        <p>Append the new element to the <a href="#current3">current node</a>         and push it onto the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>.</p>        <p>Change the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to "<a         href="#in-head" title="insertion mode: in head">in head</a>".</p>       <dt>A start tag token whose tag name is one of: "base", "link",        "meta", "script", "style", "title"       <dd>        <p>Act as if a start tag token with the tag name "head" and no         attributes had been seen, then reprocess the current token.</p>        <p class=note>This will result in a <code><a         href="#head0">head</a></code> element being generated, and with the         current token being reprocessed in the "<a href="#in-head"         title="insertion mode: in head">in head</a>" <a         href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a>.</p>       <dt>An end tag with the tag name "html"       <dd>        <p>Act as if a start tag token with the tag name "head" and no         attributes had been seen, then reprocess the current token.</p>       <dt>Any other end tag       <dd>        <p><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>       <dt>A character token that is <em>not</em> one of U+0009 CHARACTER        TABULATION, U+000A LINE FEED (LF), U+000B LINE TABULATION, U+000C        FORM FEED (FF), or U+0020 SPACE       <dt>Any other start tag token       <dd>        <p>Act as if a start tag token with the tag name "head" and no         attributes had been seen, then reprocess the current token.</p>        <p class=note>This will result in an empty <code><a         href="#head0">head</a></code> element being generated, with the         current token being reprocessed in the "<a href="#after1"         title="insertion mode: after head">after head</a>" <a         href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a>.</p>      </dl>     <dt id=parsing-main-inhead>If the <a href="#insertion0">insertion      mode</a> is "<dfn id=in-head title="insertion mode: in head">in      head</dfn>"     <dd>      <p>Handle the token as follows.</p>      <p class=note>The rules for handling "title", "style", and "script"       start tags are similar, but not identical.</p>      <p class=note>It is possible for the <a href="#tree-construction1">tree       construction</a> stage's <a href="#the-main1" title="the main       phase">main phase</a> to be in the "<a href="#in-head"       title="insertion mode: in head">in head</a>" <a       href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> without the <a       href="#current3">current node</a> being a <code><a       href="#head0">head</a></code> element, e.g. if a <code><a       href="#head0">head</a></code> end tag is immediately followed by a       <code><a href="#meta1">meta</a></code> start tag.</p>      <dl class=switch>       <dt>A character token that is one of one of U+0009 CHARACTER        TABULATION, U+000A LINE FEED (LF), U+000B LINE TABULATION, U+000C        FORM FEED (FF), or U+0020 SPACE       <dd>        <p><a href="#append" title="append a character">Append the         character</a> to the <a href="#current3">current node</a>.</p>       <dt>A comment token       <dd>        <p>Append a <code>Comment</code> node to the <a         href="#current3">current node</a> with the <code         title="">data</code> attribute set to the data given in the comment         token.</p>       <dt>A start tag with the tag name "title"       <dd>        <p><a href="#create">Create an element for the token</a>.</p>        <p>Append the new element to the node pointed to by the <a         href="#head-element"><code title="">head</code> element pointer</a>,         or, if that is null (<a href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code>         case</a>), to the <a href="#current3">current node</a>.</p>        <p>Switch the tokeniser's <a href="#content2">content model flag</a>         to the RCDATA state.</p>        <p>Then, collect all the character tokens that the tokeniser returns         until it returns a token that is not a character token.</p>        <p>If this process resulted in a collection of character tokens,         append a single <code>Text</code> node to the <code><a         href="#title3">title</a></code> element node whose contents is the         concatenation of all those tokens' characters.</p>        <p>The tokeniser's <a href="#content2">content model flag</a> will         have switched back to the PCDATA state.</p>        <p>If the next token is an end tag token with the tag name "title",         ignore it. Otherwise, this is a <a href="#parse">parse error</a>.</p>       <dt>A start tag with the tag name "style"       <dd>        <p><a href="#create">Create an element for the token</a>.</p>        <p>Append the new element to the node pointed to by the <a         href="#head-element"><code title="">head</code> element pointer</a>,         or, if that is null (<a href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code>         case</a>), to the <a href="#current3">current node</a>.</p>        <p>Switch the tokeniser's <a href="#content2">content model flag</a>         to the CDATA state.</p>        <p>Then, collect all the character tokens that the tokeniser returns         until it returns a token that is not a character token, or until it         stops tokenising.</p>        <p>If this process resulted in a collection of character tokens,         append a single <code>Text</code> node to the <code><a         href="#style0">style</a></code> element node whose contents is the         concatenation of all those tokens' characters.</p>        <p>The tokeniser's <a href="#content2">content model flag</a> will         have switched back to the PCDATA state.</p>        <p>If the next token is an end tag token with the tag name "style",         ignore it. Otherwise, this is a <a href="#parse">parse error</a>.</p>       <dt id=scriptTag>A start tag with the tag name "script"       <dd>        <p><a href="#create">Create an element for the token</a>.</p>        <p>Mark the element as being <a         href="#parser-inserted">"parser-inserted"</a>. This ensures that, if         the script is external, any <code title=dom-document-write-HTML><a         href="#document.write0">document.write()</a></code> calls in the         script will execute in-line, instead of blowing the document away,         as would happen in most other cases.</p>        <p>Switch the tokeniser's <a href="#content2">content model flag</a>         to the CDATA state.</p>        <p>Then, collect all the character tokens that the tokeniser returns         until it returns a token that is not a character token, or until it         stops tokenising.</p>        <p>If this process resulted in a collection of character tokens,         append a single <code>Text</code> node to the <code><a         href="#script2">script</a></code> element node whose contents is the         concatenation of all those tokens' characters.</p>        <p>The tokeniser's <a href="#content2">content model flag</a> will         have switched back to the PCDATA state.</p>        <p>If the next token is not an end tag token with the tag name         "script", then this is a <a href="#parse">parse error</a>; mark the         <code><a href="#script2">script</a></code> element as <a         href="#already">"already executed"</a>. Otherwise, the token is the         <code><a href="#script2">script</a></code> element's end tag, so         ignore it.</p>        <p>If the parser was originally created in order to handle the         setting of a node's <code title=dom-innerHTML-HTML><a         href="#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code> attribute, then mark the         <code><a href="#script2">script</a></code> element as <a         href="#already">"already executed"</a>, and skip the rest of the         processing described for this token (including the part below where         "<a href="#the-script" title="the script that will execute as soon         as the parser resumes">scripts that will execute as soon as the         parser resumes</a>" are executed). (<a         href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>)</p>        <p class=note>Marking the <code><a href="#script2">script</a></code>         element as "already executed" prevents it from executing when it is         inserted into the document a few paragraphs below. Scripts missing         their end tags and scripts that were inserted using <code         title=dom-innerHTML-HTML><a href="#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code>         aren't executed.</p>        <p>Let the <var title="">old insertion point</var> have the same         value as the current <a href="#insertion">insertion point</a>. Let         the <a href="#insertion">insertion point</a> be just before the <a         href="#next-input">next input character</a>.</p>        <p>Append the new element to the <a href="#current3">current         node</a>, unless the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> is "<a         href="#in-head" title="insertion mode: in head">in head</a>" and the         <a href="#head-element"><code title="">head</code> element         pointer</a> is not null, in which case append it to the node pointed         to by the <a href="#head-element"><code title="">head</code> element         pointer</a>. <!--        <head></head><script><body> should put the script in the head,        and does so by switching back to in head, but the head isn't        the current node at that point (comments should go between the        head and the body) -->         <a href="#when-a" title="running a script">Special processing occurs         when a <code>script</code> element is inserted into a document</a>         that might cause some script to execute, which might cause <a         href="#document.write0" title=dom-document-write-HTML>new characters         to be inserted into the tokeniser</a>.</p>        <p>Let the <a href="#insertion">insertion point</a> have the value of         the <var title="">old insertion point</var>. (In other words,         restore the <a href="#insertion">insertion point</a> to the value it         had before the previous paragraph. This value might be the         "undefined" value.)</p>        <p id=scriptTagParserResumes>At this stage, if there is <a         href="#the-script" title="the script that will execute as soon as         the parser resumes">a script that will execute as soon as the parser         resumes</a>, then:</p>        <dl class=switch>         <dt>If the tree construction stage is <a href="#nestedParsing">being          called reentrantly</a>, say from a call to <code          title=dom-document-write-HTML><a          href="#document.write0">document.write()</a></code>:         <dd>          <p>Abort the processing of any nested invokations of the tokeniser,           yielding control back to the caller. (Tokenisation will resume           when the caller returns to the "outer" tree construction stage.)         <dt>Otherwise:         <dd>          <p>Follow these steps:</p>          <ol>           <li>            <p>Let <var title="">the script</var> be <a             href="#the-script">the script that will execute as soon as the             parser resumes</a>. There is no longer <a href="#the-script"             title="the script that will execute as soon as the parser             resumes">a script that will execute as soon as the parser             resumes</a>.           <li>            <p><a href="#pause">Pause</a> until the script has             <span>completed loading</span><!-- XXX xref -->.           <li>            <p>Let the <a href="#insertion">insertion point</a> be just             before the <a href="#next-input">next input character</a>.           <li>            <p><a href="#executing" title="executing a script block">Execute             the script</a>.           <li>            <p>Let the <a href="#insertion">insertion point</a> be undefined             again.           <li>            <p>If there is once again <a href="#the-script" title="the script             that will execute as soon as the parser resumes">a script that             will execute as soon as the parser resumes</a>, then repeat             these steps from step 1.          </ol>        </dl>       <dt>A start tag with the tag name "base", "link", or "meta"       <dd>        <p><a href="#create">Create an element for the token</a>.</p>        <p>Append the new element to the node pointed to by the <a         href="#head-element"><code title="">head</code> element pointer</a>,         or, if that is null (<a href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code>         case</a>), to the <a href="#current3">current node</a>.</p>        <p class=big-issue>Need to cope with second and subsequent <code><a         href="#base0">base</a></code> elements affecting subsequent elements         magically.</p>       <dt>An end tag with the tag name "head"       <dd>        <p>If the <a href="#current3">current node</a> is a <code><a         href="#head0">head</a></code> element, pop the <a         href="#current3">current node</a> off the <a href="#stack">stack of         open elements</a>. Otherwise, this is a <a href="#parse">parse         error</a>.</p>        <!-- might happen if you see two </head>s        and something in between the two sends you from "after head"        back to "in head" -->                <p>Change the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to "<a         href="#after1" title="insertion mode: after head">after head</a>".</p>       <dt>An end tag with the tag name "html"       <dd>        <p>Act as described in the "anything else" entry below.</p>       <dt>A start tag with the tag name "head"       <dt>Any other end tag       <dd>        <p><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>       <dt>Anything else       <dd>        <p>If the <a href="#current3">current node</a> is a <code><a         href="#head0">head</a></code> element, act as if an end tag token         with the tag name "head" had been seen.</p>        <p>Otherwise, change the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to         "<a href="#after1" title="insertion mode: after head">after         head</a>".</p>        <p>Then, reprocess the current token.</p>        <p class=big-issue>In certain UAs, <a         href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=180157AMPERSANDamp;action=view">some         elements</a> don't trigger the "in body" mode straight away, but         instead get put into the head. Do we want to copy that?</p>      </dl>     <dt>If the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> is "<dfn id=after1      title="insertion mode: after head">after head</dfn>"     <dd>      <p>Handle the token as follows:</p>      <dl class=switch>       <dt>A character token that is one of one of U+0009 CHARACTER        TABULATION, U+000A LINE FEED (LF), U+000B LINE TABULATION, U+000C        FORM FEED (FF), or U+0020 SPACE       <dd>        <p><a href="#append" title="append a character">Append the         character</a> to the <a href="#current3">current node</a>.</p>       <dt>A comment token       <dd>        <p>Append a <code>Comment</code> node to the <a         href="#current3">current node</a> with the <code         title="">data</code> attribute set to the data given in the comment         token.</p>       <dt>A start tag token with the tag name "body"       <dd>        <p><a href="#insert" title="insert an HTML element">Insert a         <code>body</code> element</a> for the token.</p>        <p>Change the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to "<a         href="#in-body" title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>".</p>       <dt>A start tag token with the tag name "frameset"       <dd>        <p><a href="#insert" title="insert an HTML element">Insert a         <code>frameset</code> element</a> for the token.</p>        <p>Change the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to "<a         href="#in-frameset" title="insertion mode: in frameset">in         frameset</a>".</p>       <dt>A start tag token whose tag name is one of: "base", "link",        "meta", "script", "style", "title"       <dd>        <p><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Switch the <a         href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> back to "<a href="#in-head"         title="insertion mode: in head">in head</a>" and reprocess the         token.</p>       <dt>Anything else       <dd>        <p>Act as if a start tag token with the tag name "body" and no         attributes had been seen, and then reprocess the current token.</p>      </dl>     <dt id=parsing-main-inbody>If the <a href="#insertion0">insertion      mode</a> is "<dfn id=in-body title="insertion mode: in body">in      body</dfn>"     <dd>      <p>Handle the token as follows:</p>      <dl class=switch>       <dt>A character token       <dd>        <p><a href="#reconstruct">Reconstruct the active formatting         elements</a>, if any.</p>        <p><a href="#append" title="append a character">Append the token's         character</a> to the <a href="#current3">current node</a>.</p>       <dt>A comment token       <dd>        <p>Append a <code>Comment</code> node to the <a         href="#current3">current node</a> with the <code         title="">data</code> attribute set to the data given in the comment         token.</p>       <dt>A start tag token whose tag name is "script"       <dd>        <p>Process the token as if the <a href="#insertion0">insertion         mode</a> had been "<a href="#in-head" title="insertion mode: in         head">in head</a>".</p>       <dt>A start tag token whose tag name is one of: "base", "link",        "meta", "style", "title"       <dd>        <p><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Process the token as if the <a         href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> had been "<a href="#in-head"         title="insertion mode: in head">in head</a>".</p>       <dt>A start tag token with the tag name "body"       <dd>        <p><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>.</p>        <p>If the second element on the <a href="#stack">stack of open         elements</a> is not a <code><a href="#body1">body</a></code>         element, or, if the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> has         only one node on it, then ignore the token. (<a         href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>)</p>        <p>Otherwise, for each attribute on the token, check to see if the         attribute is already present on the <code><a         href="#body1">body</a></code> element (the second element) on the <a         href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>. If it is not, add the         attribute and its corresponding value to that element.</p>       <dt>An end tag with the tag name "body"       <dd>        <p>If the second element in the <a href="#stack">stack of open         elements</a> is not a <code><a href="#body1">body</a></code>         element, this is a <a href="#parse">parse error</a>. Ignore the         token. (<a href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>)</p>        <p>Otherwise:</p>        <p>If the <a href="#current3">current node</a> is not the <code><a         href="#body1">body</a></code> element, then this is a <a         href="#parse">parse error</a>.</p>        <p>Change the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to "<a         href="#after2" title="insertion mode: after body">after body</a>".</p>       <dt>An end tag with the tag name "html"       <dd>        <p>Act as if an end tag with tag name "body" had been seen, then, if         that token wasn't ignored, reprocess the current token.</p>        <p class=note>The fake end tag token here can only be ignored in the         <a href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>.</p>       <dt>A start tag whose tag name is one of: "address", "blockquote",        "center", "dir", "div", "dl", "fieldset", "listing", "menu", "ol",        "p", "pre", "ul"       <dd>        <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a         href="#have-an" title="has an element in scope">has a <code>p</code>         element in scope</a>, then act as if an end tag with the tag name         <code><a href="#p0">p</a></code> had been seen.</p>        <p><a href="#insert" title="insert an html element">Insert an HTML         element</a> for the token.</p>       <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "form"       <dd>        <p>If the <a href="#form-element"><code title=form>form</code>         element pointer</a> is not null, ignore the token with a <a         href="#parse">parse error</a>.</p>        <p>Otherwise:</p>        <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a         href="#have-an" title="has an element in scope">has a <code>p</code>         element in scope</a>, then act as if an end tag with the tag name         <code><a href="#p0">p</a></code> had been seen.</p>        <p><a href="#insert" title="insert an html Element">Insert an HTML         element</a> for the token, and set the <code title=form>form</code>         element pointer to point to the element created.</p>       <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "li"       <dd>        <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a         href="#have-an" title="has an element in scope">has a <code>p</code>         element in scope</a>, then act as if an end tag with the tag name         <code><a href="#p0">p</a></code> had been seen.</p>        <p>Run the following algorithm:</p>        <ol>         <li>          <p>Initialise <var title="">node</var> to be the <a           href="#current3">current node</a> (the bottommost node of the           stack).         <li>          <p>If <var title="">node</var> is an <code><a           href="#li0">li</a></code> element, then pop all the nodes from the           <a href="#current3">current node</a> up to <var           title="">node</var>, including <var title="">node</var>, then stop           this algorithm.         <li>          <p>If <var title="">node</var> is not in the <a           href="#formatting">formatting</a> category, and is not in the <a           href="#phrasing">phrasing</a> category, and is not an <code><a           href="#address0">address</a></code> or <code><a           href="#div0">div</a></code> element, then stop this algorithm.         </li>         <!-- an element <foo> is in this         list if the following markup:             <!DOCTYPE html><body><ol><li><foo><li>         ...results in the second <li> not being (in any way) a         descendant of the first <li>, or if <foo> is a formatting         element that gets reopened later. -->         <li>          <p>Otherwise, set <var title="">node</var> to the previous entry in           the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> and return to step           2.        </ol>        <p>Finally, <a href="#insert" title="insert an html element">insert         an <code>li</code> element</a>.</p>       <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "dd" or "dt"       <dd>        <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a         href="#have-an" title="has an element in scope">has a <code>p</code>         element in scope</a>, then act as if an end tag with the tag name         <code><a href="#p0">p</a></code> had been seen.</p>        <p>Run the following algorithm:</p>        <ol>         <li>          <p>Initialise <var title="">node</var> to be the <a           href="#current3">current node</a> (the bottommost node of the           stack).         <li>          <p>If <var title="">node</var> is a <code><a           href="#dd0">dd</a></code> or <code><a href="#dt0">dt</a></code>           element, then pop all the nodes from the <a           href="#current3">current node</a> up to <var title="">node</var>,           including <var title="">node</var>, then stop this algorithm.         <li>          <p>If <var title="">node</var> is not in the <a           href="#formatting">formatting</a> category, and is not in the <a           href="#phrasing">phrasing</a> category, and is not an <code><a           href="#address0">address</a></code> or <code><a           href="#div0">div</a></code> element, then stop this algorithm.         </li>         <!-- an element <foo> is in this         list if the following markup:             <!DOCTYPE html><body><ol><dt><foo><dt>         ...results in the second <li> not being (in any way) a         descendant of the first <li>, or if <foo> is a formatting         element that gets reopened later. -->         <li>          <p>Otherwise, set <var title="">node</var> to the previous entry in           the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> and return to step           2.        </ol>        <p>Finally, <a href="#insert" title="insert an html element">insert         an HTML element</a> with the same tag name as the token's.</p>       <dt>A start tag token whose tag name is "plaintext"       <dd>        <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a         href="#have-an" title="has an element in scope">has a <code>p</code>         element in scope</a>, then act as if an end tag with the tag name         <code><a href="#p0">p</a></code> had been seen.</p>        <p><a href="#insert" title="insert an html element">Insert an HTML         element</a> for the token.</p>        <p>Switch the <a href="#content2">content model flag</a> to the         PLAINTEXT state.</p>        <p class=note>Once a start tag with the tag name "plaintext" has been         seen, that will be the last token ever seen other than character         tokens (and the end-of-file token), because there is no way to         switch the <a href="#content2">content model flag</a> out of the         PLAINTEXT state.</p>       <dt>An end tag whose tag name is one of: "address", "blockquote",        "center", "dir", "div", "dl", "fieldset", "listing", "menu", "ol",        "pre", "ul"       <dd>        <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a         href="#have-an">has an element in scope</a> with the same tag name         as that of the token, then <a href="#generate">generate implied end         tags</a>.</p>        <p>Now, if the <a href="#current3">current node</a> is not an element         with the same tag name as that of the token, then this is a <a         href="#parse">parse error</a>.</p>        <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a         href="#have-an">has an element in scope</a> with the same tag name         as that of the token, then pop elements from this stack until an         element with that tag name has been popped from the stack.</p>        <!-- XXX quirk (except for in certain cases?):        <p>Otherwise, act as if a start tag with the tag name given in        the token had been seen, then reprocess the current token.</p>        -->               <dt>An end tag whose tag name is "form"       <dd>        <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a         href="#have-an">has an element in scope</a> with the same tag name         as that of the token, then <a href="#generate">generate implied end         tags</a>.</p>        <p>Now, if the <a href="#current3">current node</a> is not an element         with the same tag name as that of the token, then this is a <a         href="#parse">parse error</a>.</p>        <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a         href="#have-an">has an element in scope</a> with the same tag name         as that of the token, then pop elements from this stack until an         element with that tag name has been popped from the stack.</p>        <p>In any case, set the <a href="#form-element"><code         title="">form</code> element pointer</a> to null.</p>       <dt>An end tag whose tag name is "p"       <dd>        <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a         href="#have-an" title="has an element in scope">has a <code>p</code>         element in scope</a>, then <a href="#generate">generate implied end         tags</a>, except for <code><a href="#p0">p</a></code> elements.</p>        <p>If the <a href="#current3">current node</a> is not a <code><a         href="#p0">p</a></code> element, then this is a <a         href="#parse">parse error</a>.</p>        <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a         href="#have-an" title="has an element in scope">has a <code>p</code>         element in scope</a>, then pop elements from this stack until the         stack no longer <a href="#have-an" title="has an element in         scope">has a <code>p</code> element in scope</a>.</p>        <!-- XXX quirk:        <p>Otherwise, act as if a start tag with the tag name        <code>p</code> had been seen, then reprocess the current        token.</p>        -->               <dt>An end tag whose tag name is "dd", "dt", or "li"       <dd>        <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a         href="#have-an">has an element in scope</a> whose tag name matches         the tag name of the token, then <a href="#generate">generate implied         end tags</a>, except for elements with the same tag name as the         token.</p>        <p>If the <a href="#current3">current node</a> is not an element with         the same tag name as the token, then this is a <a         href="#parse">parse error</a>.</p>        <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a         href="#have-an">has an element in scope</a> whose tag name matches         the tag name of the token, then pop elements from this stack until         an element with that tag name has been popped from the stack.</p>       <dt>A start tag whose tag name is one of: "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4",        "h5", "h6"       <dd>        <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a         href="#have-an" title="has an element in scope">has a <code>p</code>         element in scope</a>, then act as if an end tag with the tag name         <code><a href="#p0">p</a></code> had been seen.</p>        <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a         href="#have-an" title="has an element in scope">has in scope</a> an         element whose tag name is one of "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", or         "h6", then this is a <a href="#parse">parse error</a>; pop elements         from the stack until an element with one of those tag names has been         popped from the stack.</p>        <p><a href="#insert" title="insert an html element">Insert an HTML         element</a> for the token.</p>       <dt>An end tag whose tag name is one of: "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5",        "h6"       <dd>        <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a         href="#have-an" title="has an element in scope">has in scope</a> an         element whose tag name is one of "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", or         "h6", then <a href="#generate">generate implied end tags</a>.</p>        <p>Now, if the <a href="#current3">current node</a> is not an element         with the same tag name as that of the token, then this is a <a         href="#parse">parse error</a>.</p>        <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a         href="#have-an" title="has an element in scope">has in scope</a> an         element whose tag name is one of "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", or         "h6", then pop elements from the stack until an element with one of         those tag names has been popped from the stack.</p>        <!-- XXX quirk:        <p>Otherwise, act as if a start tag with the tag name given in        the token had been seen, then reprocess the current token.</p>        -->        </dd>       <!-- ADOPTION AGENCY ELEMENTS            Mozilla-only: bdo blink del ins sub sup q            Safari-only: code dfn kbd nobr samp var wbr            Both: a b big em font i s small strike strong tt u -->       <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "a"       <dd>        <p>If the <a href="#list-of2">list of active formatting elements</a>         contains an element whose tag name is "a" between the end of the         list and the last marker on the list (or the start of the list if         there is no marker on the list), then this is a <a         href="#parse">parse error</a>; act as if an end tag with the tag         name "a" had been seen, then remove that element from the <a         href="#list-of2">list of active formatting elements</a> and the <a         href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> if the end tag didn't         already remove it (it might not have if the element is not <a         href="#have-an0" title="has an element in table scope">in table         scope</a>).</p>        <p class=example>In the non-conforming stream         <code>AMPERSANDlt;aAMPERSANDnbsp;href="a">aAMPERSANDlt;table>AMPERSANDlt;aAMPERSANDnbsp;href="b">bAMPERSANDlt;/table>x</code>,         the first <code><a href="#a0">a</a></code> element would be closed         upon seeing the second one, and the "x" character would be inside a         link to "b", not to "a". This is despite the fact that the outer         <code><a href="#a0">a</a></code> element is not in table scope         (meaning that a regular <code>AMPERSANDlt;/a></code> end tag at the start of         the table wouldn't close the outer <code><a href="#a0">a</a></code>         element).</p>        <p><a href="#reconstruct">Reconstruct the active formatting         elements</a>, if any.</p>        <p><a href="#insert" title="insert an html element">Insert an HTML         element</a> for the token. Add that element to the <a         href="#list-of2">list of active formatting elements</a>.</p>       <dt>A start tag whose tag name is one of: "b", "big", "em", "font",        "i", "nobr", "s", "small", "strike", "strong", "tt", "u"       <dd>        <p><a href="#reconstruct">Reconstruct the active formatting         elements</a>, if any.</p>        <p><a href="#insert" title="insert an html element">Insert an HTML         element</a> for the token. Add that element to the <a         href="#list-of2">list of active formatting elements</a>.</p>       <dt id=adoptionAgency>An end tag whose tag name is one of: "a", "b",        "big", "em", "font", "i", "nobr", "s", "small", "strike", "strong",        "tt", "u"       <dd>        <p>Follow these steps:</p>        <ol>         <li>          <p>Let the <var title="">formatting element</var> be the last           element in the <a href="#list-of2">list of active formatting           elements</a> that:</p>          <ul>           <li>is between the end of the list and the last scope marker in            the list, if any, or the start of the list otherwise, and           <li>has the same tag name as the token.          </ul>          <p>If there is no such node, or, if that node is also in the <a           href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> but the element is not <a           href="#have-an" title="has an element in scope">in scope</a>, then           this is a <a href="#parse">parse error</a>. Abort these steps. The           token is ignored.</p>          <p>Otherwise, if there is such a node, but that node is not in the           <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>, then this is a <a           href="#parse">parse error</a>; remove the element from the list,           and abort these steps.</p>          <p>Otherwise, there is a <var title="">formatting element</var> and           that element is in <a href="#stack" title="stack of open           elements">the stack</a> and is <a href="#have-an" title="has an           element in scope">in scope</a>. If the element is not the <a           href="#current3">current node</a>, this is a <a           href="#parse">parse error</a>. In any case, proceed with the           algorithm as written in the following steps.</p>         <li>          <p>Let the <var title="">furthest block</var> be the topmost node           in the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> that is lower           in the stack than the <var title="">formatting element</var>, and           is not an element in the <a href="#phrasing">phrasing</a> or <a           href="#formatting">formatting</a> categories. There might not be           one.         <li>          <p>If there is no <var title="">furthest block</var>, then the UA           must skip the subsequent steps and instead just pop all the nodes           from the bottom of the <a href="#stack">stack of open           elements</a>, from the <a href="#current3">current node</a> up to           the <var title="">formatting element</var>, and remove the <var           title="">formatting element</var> from the <a           href="#list-of2">list of active formatting elements</a>.         <li>          <p>Let the <var title="">common ancestor</var> be the element           immediately above the <var title="">formatting element</var> in           the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>.         <li>          <p>If the <var title="">furthest block</var> has a parent node,           then remove the <var title="">furthest block</var> from its parent           node.         <li>          <p>Let a bookmark note the position of the <var title="">formatting           element</var> in the <a href="#list-of2">list of active formatting           elements</a> relative to the elements on either side of it in the           list.         <li>          <p>Let <var title="">node</var> and <var title="">last node</var>           be the <var title="">furthest block</var>. Follow these steps:</p>          <ol>           <li>Let <var title="">node</var> be the element immediately prior            to <var title="">node</var> in the <a href="#stack">stack of open            elements</a>.           <li>If <var title="">node</var> is not in the <a            href="#list-of2">list of active formatting elements</a>, then            remove <var title="">node</var> from the <a href="#stack">stack            of open elements</a> and then go back to step 1.           <li>Otherwise, if <var title="">node</var> is the <var            title="">formatting element</var>, then go to the next step in            the overall algorithm.           <li>Otherwise, if <var title="">last node</var> is the <var            title="">furthest block</var>, then move the aforementioned            bookmark to be immediately after the <var title="">node</var> in            the <a href="#list-of2">list of active formatting elements</a>.           <li>If <var title="">node</var> has any children, perform a            shallow clone of <var title="">node</var>, replace the entry for            <var title="">node</var> in the <a href="#list-of2">list of            active formatting elements</a> with an entry for the clone,            replace the entry for <var title="">node</var> in the <a            href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> with an entry for the            clone, and let <var title="">node</var> be the clone.           <li>Insert <var title="">last node</var> into <var            title="">node</var>, first removing it from its previous parent            node if any.           <li>Let <var title="">last node</var> be <var title="">node</var>.           <li>Return to step 1 of this inner set of steps.          </ol>         <li>          <p>Insert whatever <var title="">last node</var> ended up being in           the previous step into the <var title="">common ancestor</var>           node, first removing it from its previous parent node if any.         <li>          <p>Perform a shallow clone of the <var title="">formatting           element</var>.         <li>          <p>Take all of the child nodes of the <var title="">furthest           block</var> and append them to the clone created in the last step.         <li>          <p>Append that clone to the <var title="">furthest block</var>.         <li>          <p>Remove the <var title="">formatting element</var> from the <a           href="#list-of2">list of active formatting elements</a>, and           insert the clone into the <a href="#list-of2">list of active           formatting elements</a> at the position of the aforementioned           bookmark.         <li>          <p>Remove the <var title="">formatting element</var> from the <a           href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>, and insert the clone           into the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> immediately           after (i.e. in a more deeply nested position than) the position of           the <var title="">furthest block</var> in that stack.         <li>          <p>Jump back to step 1 in this series of steps.        </ol>        <p class=note>The way these steps are defined, only elements in the         <a href="#formatting">formatting</a> category ever get cloned by         this algorithm.</p>        <!--XXX        <div class="example">         <p class="big-issue">Need an example.</p>        </div>-->                <p class=note>Because of the way this algorithm causes elements to         change parents, it has been dubbed the "adoption agency algorithm"         (in contrast with other possibly algorithms for dealing with         misnested content, which included the "incest algorithm", the         "secret affair algorithm", and the "Heisenberg algorithm").</p>       <dt>A start tag token whose tag name is "button"       <dd>        <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a         href="#have-an" title="has an element in scope">has a         <code>button</code> element in scope</a>, then this is a <a         href="#parse">parse error</a>; act as if an end tag with the tag         name "button" had been seen, then reprocess the token.</p>        <p>Otherwise:</p>        <p><a href="#reconstruct">Reconstruct the active formatting         elements</a>, if any.</p>        <p><a href="#insert">Insert an HTML element</a> for the token.</p>        <p>Insert a marker at the end of the <a href="#list-of2">list of         active formatting elements</a>.</p>       <dt>A start tag token whose tag name is one of: "marquee", "object"       <dd>        <p><a href="#reconstruct">Reconstruct the active formatting         elements</a>, if any.</p>        <p><a href="#insert">Insert an HTML element</a> for the token.</p>        <p>Insert a marker at the end of the <a href="#list-of2">list of         active formatting elements</a>.</p>       <dt>An end tag token whose tag name is one of: "button", "marquee",        "object"       <dd>        <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a         href="#have-an" title="has an element in scope">has in scope</a> an         element whose tag name is the same as the tag name of the token,         then <a href="#generate">generate implied end tags</a>.</p>        <p>Now, if the <a href="#current3">current node</a> is not an element         with the same tag name as the token, then this is a <a         href="#parse">parse error</a>.</p>        <p>Now, if the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a         href="#have-an">has an element in scope</a> whose tag name matches         the tag name of the token, then pop elements from the stack until         that element has been popped from the stack, and <a         href="#clear0">clear the list of active formatting elements up to         the last marker</a>.</p>       <dt>A start tag token whose tag name is "xmp"       <dd>        <p><a href="#reconstruct">Reconstruct the active formatting         elements</a>, if any.</p>        <p><a href="#insert">Insert an HTML element</a> for the token.</p>        <p>Switch the <a href="#content2">content model flag</a> to the CDATA         state.</p>       <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "table"       <dd>        <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a         href="#have-an" title="has an element in scope">has a <code>p</code>         element in scope</a>, then act as if an end tag with the tag name         <code><a href="#p0">p</a></code> had been seen.</p>        <!-- XXX quirks: don't do this -->        <p><a href="#insert">Insert an HTML element</a> for the token.</p>        <p>Change the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to "<a         href="#in-table" title="insertion mode: in table">in table</a>".</p>       <dt>A start tag whose tag name is one of: "area", "basefont",        "bgsound", "br", "embed", "img", "param", "spacer", "wbr"       <dd>        <p><a href="#reconstruct">Reconstruct the active formatting         elements</a>, if any.</p>        <p><a href="#insert" title="insert an html element">Insert an HTML         element</a> for the token. Immediately pop the <a         href="#current3">current node</a> off the <a href="#stack">stack of         open elements</a>.</p>       <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "hr"       <dd>        <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a         href="#have-an" title="has an element in scope">has a <code>p</code>         element in scope</a>, then act as if an end tag with the tag name         <code><a href="#p0">p</a></code> had been seen.</p>        <!-- XXX quirks: don't do this -->        <p><a href="#insert" title="insert an html element">Insert an HTML         element</a> for the token. Immediately pop the <a         href="#current3">current node</a> off the <a href="#stack">stack of         open elements</a>.</p>       <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "image"       <dd>        <p><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Change the token's tag name to         "img" and reprocess it. (Don't ask.)</p>        <!-- As of        2005-12, studies showed that around 0.2% of pages used the        <image> element. -->               <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "input"       <dd>        <p><a href="#reconstruct">Reconstruct the active formatting         elements</a>, if any.</p>        <p><a href="#insert" title="insert an html element">Insert an         <code>input</code> element</a> for the token.</p>        <p>If the <a href="#form-element"><code title="">form</code> element         pointer</a> is not null, then <span>associate</span><!--XXX        xref! -->         the <code>input</code> element with the <code>form</code> element         pointed to by the <a href="#form-element"><code title="">form</code>         element pointer</a>.</p>        <p>Pop that <code>input</code> element off the <a href="#stack">stack         of open elements</a>.</p>       <dt id=isindex>A start tag whose tag name is "isindex"       <dd>        <p><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>.</p>        <p>If the <a href="#form-element"><code title="">form</code> element         pointer</a> is not null, then ignore the token.</p>        <p>Otherwise:</p>        <p>Act as if a start tag token with the tag name "form" had been         seen.</p>        <p>Act as if a start tag token with the tag name "hr" had been seen.</p>        <p>Act as if a start tag token with the tag name "p" had been seen.</p>        <p>Act as if a start tag token with the tag name "label" had been         seen.</p>        <p>Act as if a stream of character tokens had been seen (see below         for what they should say).</p>        <p>Act as if a start tag token with the tag name "input" had been         seen, with all the attributes from the "isindex" token, except with         the "name" attribute set to the value "isindex" (ignoring any         explicit "name" attribute).</p>        <p>Act as if a stream of character tokens had been seen (see below         for what they should say).</p>        <p>Act as if an end tag token with the tag name "label" had been         seen.</p>        <p>Act as if an end tag token with the tag name "p" had been seen.</p>        <p>Act as if a start tag token with the tag name "hr" had been seen.</p>        <p>Act as if an end tag token with the tag name "form" had been seen.</p>        <p>The two streams of character tokens together should, together with         the <code>input</code> element, express the equivalent of "This is a         searchable index. Insert your search keywords here: (input field)"         in the user's preferred language.</p>        <p class=big-issue> Then need to specify that if the form submission         causes just a single form control, whose name is "isindex", to be         submitted, then we submit just the value part, not the "isindex="         part.</p>       </dd>       <!-- XXX keygen support; don't forget form element pointer!       <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "keygen"</dt>       <dd>        ...       </dd>-->       <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "textarea"       <dd>        <p><a href="#create">Create an element for the token</a>.</p>        <p>If the <a href="#form-element"><code title="">form</code> element         pointer</a> is not null, then <span>associate</span><!--XXX        xref! -->         the <code>textarea</code> element with the <code>form</code> element         pointed to by the <a href="#form-element"><code title="">form</code>         element pointer</a>.</p>        <p>Append the new element to the <a href="#current3">current         node</a>.</p>        <p>Switch the tokeniser's <a href="#content2">content model flag</a>         to the RCDATA state.</p>        <p>Then, collect all the character tokens that the tokeniser returns         until it returns a token that is not a character token, or until it         stops tokenising.</p>        <p>If this process resulted in a collection of character tokens,         append a single <code>Text</code> node, whose contents is the         concatenation of all those tokens' characters, to the new element         node.</p>        <p>The tokeniser's <a href="#content2">content model flag</a> will         have switched back to the PCDATA state.</p>        <p>If the next token is an end tag token with the tag name         "textarea", ignore it.</p>       <dt>A start tag whose tag name is one of: "iframe", "noembed",        "noframes"       <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "noscript", if <a        href="#scripting2">scripting is enabled</a>:       <dd>        <p><a href="#create">Create an element for the token</a>.</p>        <p>For "iframe" tags, the node must be an <code><a         href="#htmliframeelement">HTMLIFrameElement</a></code> object, for         the other tags it must be an <code><a         href="#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code> object.</p>        <p>Append the new element to the <a href="#current3">current         node</a>.</p>        <p>Switch the tokeniser's <a href="#content2">content model flag</a>         to the CDATA state.</p>        <p>Then, collect all the character tokens that the tokeniser returns         until it returns a token that is not a character token, or until it         stops tokenising.</p>        <p>If this process resulted in a collection of character tokens,         append a single <code>Text</code> node, whose contents is the         concatenation of all those tokens' characters, to the new element         node.</p>        <p>The tokeniser's <a href="#content2">content model flag</a> will         have switched back to the PCDATA state.</p>        <p>If the next token is an end tag token with the same tag name as         the start tag token, ignore it.</p>        <p class=big-issue>Need something here for when scripting is         disabled.</p>       <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "select"       <dd>        <p><a href="#reconstruct">Reconstruct the active formatting         elements</a>, if any.</p>        <p><a href="#insert">Insert an HTML element</a> for the token.</p>        <p>Change the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to "<a         href="#in-select" title="insertion mode: in select">in select</a>".</p>       </dd>       <!-- XXX quirks:       <dt>An end tag whose tag name is "br"</dt>       <dd>        <p>Act as if a start tag token with the tag name "br" had been        seen. Ignore the end tag token.</p>       </dd>-->       <dt>A start or end tag whose tag name is one of: "caption", "col",        "colgroup", "frame", "frameset", "head", "option", "optgroup",        "tbody", "td", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "tr"       <dt>An end tag whose tag name is one of: "area", "basefont",        "bgsound", <!--XXX quirks: remove br-->"br", "embed", "hr", "iframe",        "image", "img", "input", "isindex", "noembed", "noframes", "param",        "select", "spacer", "table", "textarea", "wbr"</dt>       <!-- add keygen if we add the start tag -->       <dt>An end tag whose tag name is "noscript", if <a        href="#scripting2">scripting is enabled</a>:       <dd>        <p><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>       <dt>A start or end tag whose tag name is one of: "event-source",        "section", "nav", "article", "aside", "header", "footer", "datagrid",        "command"       <dd> <!-- XXXX -->        <p class=big-issue>Work in progress!</p>       <dt>A start tag token not covered by the previous entries       <dd>        <p><a href="#reconstruct">Reconstruct the active formatting         elements</a>, if any.</p>        <p><a href="#insert">Insert an HTML element</a> for the token.</p>        <p class=note>This element will be a <a href="#phrasing">phrasing</a>         element.</p>        <!--Put the following into the MathML namespace if parsed:   math, mrow, mfrac, msqrt, mroot, mstyle, merror, mpadded,    mphantom, mfenced, menclose, msub, msup, msubsup, munder,    mover, munderover, mmultiscripts, mtable, mlabeledtr, mtr,    mtd, maction-->               <dt>An end tag token not covered by the previous entries       <dd>        <p>Run the following algorithm:</p>        <ol>         <li>          <p>Initialise <var title="">node</var> to be the <a           href="#current3">current node</a> (the bottommost node of the           stack).         <li>          <p>If <var title="">node</var> has the same tag name as the end tag           token, then:</p>          <ol>           <li>            <p><a href="#generate">Generate implied end tags</a>.           <li>            <p>If the tag name of the end tag token does not match the tag             name of the <a href="#current3">current node</a>, this is a <a             href="#parse">parse error</a>.           <li>            <p>Pop all the nodes from the <a href="#current3">current             node</a> up to <var title="">node</var>, including <var             title="">node</var>, then stop this algorithm.          </ol>         <li>          <p>Otherwise, if <var title="">node</var> is in neither the <a           href="#formatting">formatting</a> category nor the <a           href="#phrasing">phrasing</a> category, then this is a <a           href="#parse">parse error</a>. Stop this algorithm. The end tag           token is ignored.         <li>          <p>Set <var title="">node</var> to the previous entry in the <a           href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>.         <li>          <p>Return to step 2.        </ol>      </dl>     <dt id=parsing-main-intable>If the <a href="#insertion0">insertion      mode</a> is "<dfn id=in-table title="insertion mode: in table">in      table</dfn>"     <dd>      <dl class=switch>       <dt>A character token that is one of one of U+0009 CHARACTER        TABULATION, U+000A LINE FEED (LF), U+000B LINE TABULATION, U+000C        FORM FEED (FF), or U+0020 SPACE       <dd>        <p><a href="#append" title="append a character">Append the         character</a> to the <a href="#current3">current node</a>.</p>       <dt>A comment token       <dd>        <p>Append a <code>Comment</code> node to the <a         href="#current3">current node</a> with the <code         title="">data</code> attribute set to the data given in the comment         token.</p>       <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "caption"       <dd>        <p><a href="#clear1">Clear the stack back to a table context</a>.         (See below.)</p>        <p>Insert a marker at the end of the <a href="#list-of2">list of         active formatting elements</a>.</p>        <p><a href="#insert">Insert an HTML element</a> for the token, then         switch the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to "<a         href="#in-caption" title="insertion mode: in caption">in         caption</a>".</p>       <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "colgroup"       <dd>        <p><a href="#clear1">Clear the stack back to a table context</a>.         (See below.)</p>        <p><a href="#insert">Insert an HTML element</a> for the token, then         switch the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to "<a         href="#in-column" title="insertion mode: in column group">in column         group</a>".</p>       <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "col"       <dd>        <p>Act as if a start tag token with the tag name "colgroup" had been         seen, then reprocess the current token.</p>       <dt>A start tag whose tag name is one of: "tbody", "tfoot", "thead"       <dd>        <p><a href="#clear1">Clear the stack back to a table context</a>.         (See below.)</p>        <p><a href="#insert">Insert an HTML element</a> for the token, then         switch the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to "<a         href="#in-table0" title="insertion mode: in table body">in table         body</a>".</p>       <dt>A start tag whose tag name is one of: "td", "th", "tr"       <dd>        <p>Act as if a start tag token with the tag name "tbody" had been         seen, then reprocess the current token.</p>       <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "table"       <dd>        <p><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Act as if an end tag token with         the tag name "table" had been seen, then, if that token wasn't         ignored, reprocess the current token.</p>        <p class=note>The fake end tag token here can only be ignored in the         <a href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>.</p>       <dt>An end tag whose tag name is "table"       <dd>        <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> does not <a         href="#have-an0" title="has an element in table scope">have an         element in table scope</a> with the same tag name as the token, this         is a <a href="#parse">parse error</a>. Ignore the token. (<a         href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>)</p>        <p>Otherwise:</p>        <p><a href="#generate">Generate implied end tags</a>.</p>        <p>Now, if the <a href="#current3">current node</a> is not a <code><a         href="#table0">table</a></code> element, then this is a <a         href="#parse">parse error</a>.</p>        <p>Pop elements from this stack until a <code><a         href="#table0">table</a></code> element has been popped from the         stack.</p>        <p><a href="#reset">Reset the insertion mode appropriately</a>.</p>       <dt>An end tag whose tag name is one of: "body", "caption", "col",        "colgroup", "html", "tbody", "td", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "tr"       <dd>        <p><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>       <dt>Anything else       <dd>        <p><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Process the token as if the <a         href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> was "<a href="#in-body"         title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>", with the following         exception:</p>        <p>If the <a href="#current3">current node</a> is a <code><a         href="#table0">table</a></code>, <code><a         href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code>, <code><a         href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code>, <code><a         href="#thead1">thead</a></code>, or <code><a         href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element, then, whenever a node would be         inserted into the <a href="#current3">current node</a>, it must         instead be inserted into the <em><a href="#foster">foster parent         element</a></em>.</p>        <p>The <dfn id=foster>foster parent element</dfn> is the parent         element of the last <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element         in the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>, if there is a         <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element and it has such a         parent element. If there is no <code><a         href="#table0">table</a></code> element in the <a         href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> (<a         href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>), then the <em><a         href="#foster">foster parent element</a></em> is the first element         in the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> (the <code><a         href="#html0">html</a></code> element). Otherwise, if there is a         <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element in the <a         href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>, but the last <code><a         href="#table0">table</a></code> element in the <a         href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> has no parent, or its         parent node is not an element, then the <em><a href="#foster">foster         parent element</a></em> is the element before the last <code><a         href="#table0">table</a></code> element in the <a         href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>.</p>        <p>If the <em><a href="#foster">foster parent element</a></em> is the         parent element of the last <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code>         element in the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>, then the         new node must be inserted immediately <em>before</em> the last         <code><a href="#table0">table</a></code> element in the <a         href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> in the <a         href="#foster">foster parent element</a>; otherwise, the new node         must be <em>appended</em> to the <a href="#foster">foster parent         element</a>.</p>      </dl>      <p>When the steps above require the UA to <dfn id=clear1>clear the       stack back to a table context</dfn>, it means that the UA must, while       the <a href="#current3">current node</a> is not a <code><a       href="#table0">table</a></code> element or an <code><a       href="#html0">html</a></code> element, pop elements from the <a       href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>. If this causes any elements       to be popped from the stack, then this is a <a href="#parse">parse       error</a>.</p>      <p class=note>The <a href="#current3">current node</a> being an       <code><a href="#html0">html</a></code> element after this process is       an <a href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>.</p>     <dt id=parsing-main-incaption>If the <a href="#insertion0">insertion      mode</a> is "<dfn id=in-caption title="insertion mode: in caption">in      caption</dfn>"     <dd>      <dl class=switch>       <dt>An end tag whose tag name is "caption"       <dd>        <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> does not <a         href="#have-an0" title="has an element in table scope">have an         element in table scope</a> with the same tag name as the token, this         is a <a href="#parse">parse error</a>. Ignore the token. (<a         href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>)</p>        <p>Otherwise:</p>        <p><a href="#generate">Generate implied end tags</a>.</p>        <p>Now, if the <a href="#current3">current node</a> is not a <code><a         href="#caption1">caption</a></code> element, then this is a <a         href="#parse">parse error</a>.</p>        <p>Pop elements from this stack until a <code><a         href="#caption1">caption</a></code> element has been popped from the         stack.</p>        <p><a href="#clear0">Clear the list of active formatting elements up         to the last marker</a>.</p>        <p>Switch the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to "<a         href="#in-table" title="insertion mode: in table">in table</a>".</p>       <dt>A start tag whose tag name is one of: "caption", "col",        "colgroup", "tbody", "td", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "tr"       <dt>An end tag whose tag name is "table"       <dd>        <p><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Act as if an end tag with the         tag name "caption" had been seen, then, if that token wasn't         ignored, reprocess the current token.</p>        <p class=note>The fake end tag token here can only be ignored in the         <a href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>.</p>       <dt>An end tag whose tag name is one of: "body", "col", "colgroup",        "html", "tbody", "td", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "tr"       <dd>        <p><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>       <dt>Anything else       <dd>        <p>Process the token as if the <a href="#insertion0">insertion         mode</a> was "<a href="#in-body" title="insertion mode: in body">in         body</a>".</p>      </dl>     <dt id=parsing-main-incolgroup>If the <a href="#insertion0">insertion      mode</a> is "<dfn id=in-column title="insertion mode: in column      group">in column group</dfn>"     <dd>      <dl class=switch>       <dt>A character token that is one of one of U+0009 CHARACTER        TABULATION, U+000A LINE FEED (LF), U+000B LINE TABULATION, U+000C        FORM FEED (FF), or U+0020 SPACE       <dd>        <p><a href="#append" title="append a character">Append the         character</a> to the <a href="#current3">current node</a>.</p>       <dt>A comment token       <dd>        <p>Append a <code>Comment</code> node to the <a         href="#current3">current node</a> with the <code         title="">data</code> attribute set to the data given in the comment         token.</p>       <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "col"       <dd>        <p><a href="#insert" title="insert an HTML element">Insert a         <code>col</code> element</a> for the token. Immediately pop the <a         href="#current3">current node</a> off the <a href="#stack">stack of         open elements</a>.</p>       <dt>An end tag whose tag name is "colgroup"       <dd>        <p>If the <a href="#current3">current node</a> is the root <code><a         href="#html0">html</a></code> element, then this is a <a         href="#parse">parse error</a>, ignore the token. (<a         href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>)</p>        <p>Otherwise, pop the <a href="#current3">current node</a> (which         will be a <code><a href="#colgroup0">colgroup</a></code> element)         from the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>. Switch the <a         href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to "<a href="#in-table"         title="insertion mode: in table">in table</a>".</p>       <dt>An end tag whose tag name is "col"       <dd>        <p><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>       <dt>Anything else       <dd>        <p>Act as if an end tag with the tag name "colgroup" had been seen,         and then, if that token wasn't ignored, reprocess the current token.</p>        <p class=note>The fake end tag token here can only be ignored in the         <a href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>.</p>      </dl>     <dt id=parsing-main-intbody>If the <a href="#insertion0">insertion      mode</a> is "<dfn id=in-table0 title="insertion mode: in table body">in      table body</dfn>"     <dd>      <dl class=switch>       <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "tr"       <dd>        <p><a href="#clear2">Clear the stack back to a table body         context</a>. (See below.)</p>        <p><a href="#insert" title="insert an HTML element">Insert a         <code>tr</code> element</a> for the token, then switch the <a         href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to "<a href="#in-row"         title="insertion mode: in row">in row</a>".</p>       <dt>A start tag whose tag name is one of: "th", "td"       <dd>        <p><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Act as if a start tag with the         tag name "tr" had been seen, then reprocess the current token.</p>       <dt>An end tag whose tag name is one of: "tbody", "tfoot", "thead"       <dd>        <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> does not <a         href="#have-an0" title="has an element in table scope">have an         element in table scope</a> with the same tag name as the token, this         is a <a href="#parse">parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>        <p>Otherwise:</p>        <p><a href="#clear2">Clear the stack back to a table body         context</a>. (See below.)</p>        <p>Pop the <a href="#current3">current node</a> from the <a         href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>. Switch the <a         href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to "<a href="#in-table"         title="insertion mode: in table">in table</a>".</p>       <dt>A start tag whose tag name is one of: "caption", "col",        "colgroup", "tbody", "tfoot", "thead"       <dt>An end tag whose tag name is "table"       <dd>        <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> does not <a         href="#have-an0" title="has an element in table scope">have a         <code>tbody</code>, <code>thead</code>, or <code>tfoot</code>         element in table scope</a>, this is a <a href="#parse">parse         error</a>. Ignore the token. (<a         href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>)</p>        <p>Otherwise:</p>        <p><a href="#clear2">Clear the stack back to a table body         context</a>. (See below.)</p>        <p>Act as if an end tag with the same tag name as the <a         href="#current3">current node</a> ("tbody", "tfoot", or "thead") had         been seen, then reprocess the current token.</p>       <dt>An end tag whose tag name is one of: "body", "caption", "col",        "colgroup", "html", "td", "th", "tr"       <dd>        <p><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>       <dt>Anything else       <dd>        <p>Process the token as if the <a href="#insertion0">insertion         mode</a> was "<a href="#in-table" title="insertion mode: in         table">in table</a>".</p>      </dl>      <p>When the steps above require the UA to <dfn id=clear2>clear the       stack back to a table body context</dfn>, it means that the UA must,       while the <a href="#current3">current node</a> is not a <code><a       href="#tbody0">tbody</a></code>, <code><a       href="#tfoot1">tfoot</a></code>, <code><a       href="#thead1">thead</a></code>, or <code><a       href="#html0">html</a></code> element, pop elements from the <a       href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>. If this causes any elements       to be popped from the stack, then this is a <a href="#parse">parse       error</a>.</p>      <p class=note>The <a href="#current3">current node</a> being an       <code><a href="#html0">html</a></code> element after this process is       an <a href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>.</p>     <dt id=parsing-main-intr>If the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a>      is "<dfn id=in-row title="insertion mode: in row">in row</dfn>"     <dd>      <dl class=switch>       <dt>A start tag whose tag name is one of: "th", "td"       <dd>        <p><a href="#clear3">Clear the stack back to a table row context</a>.         (See below.)</p>        <p><a href="#insert" title="insert an HTML element">Insert an HTML         element</a> for the token, then switch the <a         href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to "<a href="#in-cell"         title="insertion mode: in cell">in cell</a>".</p>        <p>Insert a marker at the end of the <a href="#list-of2">list of         active formatting elements</a>.</p>       <dt>An end tag whose tag name is "tr"       <dd>        <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> does not <a         href="#have-an0" title="has an element in table scope">have an         element in table scope</a> with the same tag name as the token, this         is a <a href="#parse">parse error</a>. Ignore the token. (<a         href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>)</p>        <p>Otherwise:</p>        <p><a href="#clear3">Clear the stack back to a table row context</a>.         (See below.)</p>        <p>Pop the <a href="#current3">current node</a> (which will be a         <code><a href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element) from the <a         href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>. Switch the <a         href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to "<a href="#in-table0"         title="insertion mode: in table body">in table body</a>".</p>       <dt>A start tag whose tag name is one of: "caption", "col",        "colgroup", "tbody", "tfoot", "thead", "tr"       <dt>An end tag whose tag name is "table"       <dd>        <p>Act as if an end tag with the tag name "tr" had been seen, then,         if that token wasn't ignored, reprocess the current token.</p>        <p class=note>The fake end tag token here can only be ignored in the         <a href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>.</p>       <dt>An end tag whose tag name is one of: "tbody", "tfoot", "thead"       <dd>        <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> does not <a         href="#have-an0" title="has an element in table scope">have an         element in table scope</a> with the same tag name as the token, this         is a <a href="#parse">parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>        <p>Otherwise, act as if an end tag with the tag name "tr" had been         seen, then reprocess the current token.</p>       <dt>An end tag whose tag name is one of: "body", "caption", "col",        "colgroup", "html", "td", "th"       <dd>        <p><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>       <dt>Anything else       <dd>        <p>Process the token as if the <a href="#insertion0">insertion         mode</a> was "<a href="#in-table" title="insertion mode: in         table">in table</a>".</p>      </dl>      <p>When the steps above require the UA to <dfn id=clear3>clear the       stack back to a table row context</dfn>, it means that the UA must,       while the <a href="#current3">current node</a> is not a <code><a       href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element or an <code><a       href="#html0">html</a></code> element, pop elements from the <a       href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>. If this causes any elements       to be popped from the stack, then this is a <a href="#parse">parse       error</a>.</p>      <p class=note>The <a href="#current3">current node</a> being an       <code><a href="#html0">html</a></code> element after this process is       an <a href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>.</p>     <dt id=parsing-main-intd>If the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a>      is "<dfn id=in-cell title="insertion mode: in cell">in cell</dfn>"     <dd>      <dl class=switch>       <dt>An end tag whose tag name is one of: "td", "th"       <dd>        <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> does not <a         href="#have-an0" title="has an element in table scope">have an         element in table scope</a> with the same tag name as that of the         token, then this is a <a href="#parse">parse error</a> and the token         must be ignored.</p>        <p>Otherwise:</p>        <p><a href="#generate">Generate implied end tags</a>, except for         elements with the same tag name as the token.</p>        <p>Now, if the <a href="#current3">current node</a> is not an element         with the same tag name as the token, then this is a <a         href="#parse">parse error</a>.</p>        <p>Pop elements from this stack until an element with the same tag         name as the token has been popped from the stack.</p>        <p><a href="#clear0">Clear the list of active formatting elements up         to the last marker</a>.</p>        <p>Switch the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to "<a         href="#in-row" title="insertion mode: in row">in row</a>". (The <a         href="#current3">current node</a> will be a <code><a         href="#tr0">tr</a></code> element at this point.)</p>       <dt>A start tag whose tag name is one of: "caption", "col",        "colgroup", "tbody", "td", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "tr"       <dd>        <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> does         <em>not</em> <a href="#have-an0" title="has an element in table         scope">have a <code>td</code> or <code>th</code> element in table         scope</a>, then this is a <a href="#parse">parse error</a>; ignore         the token. (<a href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>)</p>        <p>Otherwise, <a href="#close2">close the cell</a> (see below) and         reprocess the current token.</p>       <dt>An end tag whose tag name is one of: "body", "caption", "col",        "colgroup", "html"       <dd>        <p><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>       <dt>An end tag whose tag name is one of: "table", "tbody", "tfoot",        "thead", "tr"       <dd>        <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> does not <a         href="#have-an0" title="has an element in table scope">have an         element in table scope</a> with the same tag name as that of the         token (which can only happen for "tbody", "tfoot" and "thead", or,         in the <a href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>), then         this is a <a href="#parse">parse error</a> and the token must be         ignored.</p>        <p>Otherwise, <a href="#close2">close the cell</a> (see below) and         reprocess the current token.</p>       <dt>Anything else       <dd>        <p>Process the token as if the <a href="#insertion0">insertion         mode</a> was "<a href="#in-body" title="insertion mode: in body">in         body</a>".</p>      </dl>      <p>Where the steps above say to <dfn id=close2>close the cell</dfn>,       they mean to follow the following algorithm:</p>      <ol>       <li>        <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a         href="#have-an0" title="has an element in table scope">has a         <code>td</code> element in table scope</a>, then act as if an end         tag token with the tag name "td" had been seen.       <li>        <p>Otherwise, the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> will <a         href="#have-an0" title="has an element in table scope">have a         <code>th</code> element in table scope</a>; act as if an end tag         token with the tag name "th" had been seen.      </ol>      <p class=note>The <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> cannot       have both a <code><a href="#td0">td</a></code> and a <code><a       href="#th0">th</a></code> element <a href="#have-an0" title="has an       element in table scope">in table scope</a> at the same time, nor can       it have neither when the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> is       "<a href="#in-cell" title="insertion mode: in cell">in cell</a>".</p>     <dt id=parsing-main-inselect>If the <a href="#insertion0">insertion      mode</a> is "<dfn id=in-select title="insertion mode: in select">in      select</dfn>"     <dd>      <p>Handle the token as follows:</p>      <dl class=switch>       <dt>A character token       <dd>        <p><a href="#append" title="append a character">Append the token's         character</a> to the <a href="#current3">current node</a>.</p>       <dt>A comment token       <dd>        <p>Append a <code>Comment</code> node to the <a         href="#current3">current node</a> with the <code         title="">data</code> attribute set to the data given in the comment         token.</p>       <dt>A start tag token whose tag name is "option"       <dd>        <p>If the <a href="#current3">current node</a> is an         <code>option</code> element, act as if an end tag with the tag name         "option" had been seen.</p>        <p><a href="#insert">Insert an HTML element</a> for the token.</p>       <dt>A start tag token whose tag name is "optgroup"       <dd>        <p>If the <a href="#current3">current node</a> is an         <code>option</code> element, act as if an end tag with the tag name         "option" had been seen.</p>        <p>If the <a href="#current3">current node</a> is an         <code>optgroup</code> element, act as if an end tag with the tag         name "optgroup" had been seen.</p>        <p><a href="#insert">Insert an HTML element</a> for the token.</p>       <dt>An end tag token whose tag name is "optgroup"       <dd>        <p>First, if the <a href="#current3">current node</a> is an         <code>option</code> element, and the node immediately before it in         the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> is an         <code>optgroup</code> element, then act as if an end tag with the         tag name "option" had been seen.</p>        <p>If the <a href="#current3">current node</a> is an         <code>optgroup</code> element, then pop that node from the <a         href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>. Otherwise, this is a <a         href="#parse">parse error</a>, ignore the token.</p>       <dt>An end tag token whose tag name is "option"       <dd>        <p>If the <a href="#current3">current node</a> is an         <code>option</code> element, then pop that node from the <a         href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>. Otherwise, this is a <a         href="#parse">parse error</a>, ignore the token.</p>       <dt>An end tag whose tag name is "select"       <dd>        <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> does not <a         href="#have-an0" title="has an element in table scope">have an         element in table scope</a> with the same tag name as the token, this         is a <a href="#parse">parse error</a>. Ignore the token. (<a         href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>)</p>        <p>Otherwise:</p>        <p>Pop elements from the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>         until a <code>select</code> element has been popped from the stack.</p>        <p><a href="#reset">Reset the insertion mode appropriately</a>.</p>       <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "select"       <dd>        <p><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Act as if the token had been an         end tag with the tag name "select" instead.</p>       <dt>An end tag whose tag name is one of: "caption", "table", "tbody",        "tfoot", "thead", "tr", "td", "th"       <dd>        <p><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>.</p>        <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a         href="#have-an0">has an element in table scope</a> with the same tag         name as that of the token, then act as if an end tag with the tag         name "select" had been seen, and reprocess the token. Otherwise,         ignore the token.</p>       <dt>Anything else       <dd>        <p><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>      </dl>     <dt id=parsing-main-afterbody>If the <a href="#insertion0">insertion      mode</a> is "<dfn id=after2 title="insertion mode: after body">after      body</dfn>"     <dd>      <p>Handle the token as follows:</p>      <dl class=switch>       <dt>A character token that is one of one of U+0009 CHARACTER        TABULATION, U+000A LINE FEED (LF), U+000B LINE TABULATION, U+000C        FORM FEED (FF), or U+0020 SPACE       <dd>        <p>Process the token as it would be processed if the <a         href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> was "<a href="#in-body"         title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>".</p>       <dt>A comment token       <dd>        <p>Append a <code>Comment</code> node to the first element in the <a         href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> (the <code><a         href="#html0">html</a></code> element), with the <code         title="">data</code> attribute set to the data given in the comment         token.</p>       <dt>An end tag with the tag name "html"       <dd>        <p>If the parser was originally created in order to handle the         setting of <em>an element</em>'s <code title=dom-innerHTML-HTML><a         href="#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code> attribute, this is a <a         href="#parse">parse error</a>; ignore the token. (The element will         be an <code><a href="#html0">html</a></code> element in this case.)         (<a href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>)</p>        <p>Otherwise, switch to <a href="#the-trailing1">the trailing end         phase</a>.</p>       <dt>Anything else       <dd>        <p><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Set the <a         href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to "<a href="#in-body"         title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" and reprocess the         token.</p>      </dl>     <dt id=parsing-main-inframeset>If the <a href="#insertion0">insertion      mode</a> is "<dfn id=in-frameset title="insertion mode: in frameset">in      frameset</dfn>"     <dd>      <p>Handle the token as follows:</p>      <dl class=switch>       <dt>A character token that is one of one of U+0009 CHARACTER        TABULATION, U+000A LINE FEED (LF), U+000B LINE TABULATION, U+000C        FORM FEED (FF), or U+0020 SPACE       <dd>        <p><a href="#append" title="append a character">Append the         character</a> to the <a href="#current3">current node</a>.</p>       <dt>A comment token       <dd>        <p>Append a <code>Comment</code> node to the <a         href="#current3">current node</a> with the <code         title="">data</code> attribute set to the data given in the comment         token.</p>       <dt>A start tag with the tag name "frameset"       <dd>        <p><a href="#insert" title="Insert an HTML element">Insert a         <code>frameset</code> element</a> for the token.</p>       <dt>An end tag with the tag name "frameset"       <dd>        <p>If the <a href="#current3">current node</a> is the root <code><a         href="#html0">html</a></code> element, then this is a <a         href="#parse">parse error</a>; ignore the token. (<a         href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>)</p>        <p>Otherwise, pop the <a href="#current3">current node</a> from the         <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>.</p>        <p>If the parser was <em>not</em> originally created in order to         handle the setting of an element's <code title=dom-innerHTML-HTML><a         href="#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code> attribute (<a         href="#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>), and the <a         href="#current3">current node</a> is no longer a         <code>frameset</code> element, then change the <a         href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to "<a href="#after3"         title="insertion mode: after frameset">after frameset</a>".</p>       <dt>A start tag with the tag name "frame"       <dd>        <p><a href="#insert">Insert an HTML element</a> for the token.         Immediately pop the <a href="#current3">current node</a> off the <a         href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>.</p>       <dt>A start tag with the tag name "noframes"       <dd>        <p>Process the token as if the <a href="#insertion0">insertion         mode</a> had been "<a href="#in-body" title="insertion mode: in         body">in body</a>".</p>       <dt>Anything else       <dd>        <p><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>      </dl>     <dt id=parsing-main-afterframeset>If the <a href="#insertion0">insertion      mode</a> is "<dfn id=after3 title="insertion mode: after      frameset">after frameset</dfn>"     <dd>      <p>Handle the token as follows:</p>      <dl class=switch>       <dt>A character token that is one of one of U+0009 CHARACTER        TABULATION, U+000A LINE FEED (LF), U+000B LINE TABULATION, U+000C        FORM FEED (FF), or U+0020 SPACE       <dd>        <p><a href="#append" title="append a character">Append the         character</a> to the <a href="#current3">current node</a>.</p>       <dt>A comment token       <dd>        <p>Append a <code>Comment</code> node to the <a         href="#current3">current node</a> with the <code         title="">data</code> attribute set to the data given in the comment         token.</p>       <dt>An end tag with the tag name "html"       <dd>        <p>Switch to <a href="#the-trailing1">the trailing end phase</a>.</p>       <dt>A start tag with the tag name "noframes"       <dd>        <p>Process the token as if the <a href="#insertion0">insertion         mode</a> had been "<a href="#in-body" title="insertion mode: in         body">in body</a>".</p>       <dt>Anything else       <dd>        <p><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>      </dl>    </dl>  </dl>  <p class=big-issue>This doesn't handle UAs that don't support frames, or   that do support frames but want to show the NOFRAMES content. Supporting   the former is easy; supporting the latter is harder.  <h5 id=the-trailing><span class=secno> </span><dfn   id=the-trailing1>The trailing end phase</dfn></h5>  <p>After <a href="#the-main1">the main phase</a>, as each token is emitted   from the <a href="#tokenisation1">tokenisation</a> stage, it must be   processed as described in this section.  <dl class=switch>   <dt>A DOCTYPE token   <dd>    <p><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>   <dt>A comment token   <dd>    <p>Append a <code>Comment</code> node to the <code>Document</code> object     with the <code title="">data</code> attribute set to the data given in     the comment token.</p>   <dt>A character token that is one of one of U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION,    U+000A LINE FEED (LF), U+000B LINE TABULATION, U+000C FORM FEED (FF), or    U+0020 SPACE   <dd>    <p>Process the token as it would be processed in <a href="#the-main1">the     main phase</a>.</p>   <dt>A character token that is <em>not</em> one of U+0009 CHARACTER    TABULATION, U+000A LINE FEED (LF), U+000B LINE TABULATION, U+000C FORM    FEED (FF), or U+0020 SPACE   <dt>A start tag token   <dt>An end tag token   <dd>    <p><a href="#parse">Parse error</a>. Switch back to <a     href="#the-main1">the main phase</a> and reprocess the token.</p>   <dt>An end-of-file token   <dd>    <p><a href="#stop-">Stop parsing</a>.</p>  </dl>  <p class=big-issue>Need to define the term <dfn id=stop->stop   parsing</dfn>. have to run all pending scripts (so document.write()s work)   and say something about the load event. Also need to execute any pending   loads of scripts in the "<a href="#list-of">list of scripts that will   execute when the document has finished parsing</a>".</p>  <!-- XXX  d.w() CHECK WHAT UAs DO!-->  <!--XXX need to handlehttp://lxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/parser/htmlparser/src/CNavDTD.cpp#23542354           // Don't open transient styles if it makes the stack deep, bug 58917.-->  <!--XXXneed to handle <table border>, <div contenteditable>, etc. (shorthand attributes with implied values)-->  <!--XXXdefine <script> in terms of insertion into the document, such that inthis section we don't need to define it here, just note that definition-->  <!--XXXhttp://lxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/parser/htmlparser/src/nsHTMLTokenizer.cpp#749-->  <!--newlines:601             // result=aScanner.GetChar(aChar);       602             if(kLF==theNextChar) {603               // If the "\r" is followed by a "\n", don't replace it and 604               // let it be ignored by the layout system605               end.advance(2);606               result=aScanner.GetChar(theNextChar);607             }608             else {609               // If it standalone, replace the "\r" with a "\n" so that 610               // it will be considered by the layout system611               aScanner.ReplaceCharacter(end, kLF);612               ++end;613             }http://lxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/parser/htmlparser/src/nsHTMLTokens.cpp#601see also  CTextToken::ConsumeCharacterData()  for CDATA parsing?1212                      1  Here's a tricky case from bug 22596:  <h5><li><h5>1213                         How do we know that the 2nd <h5> should close the <LI> rather than nest inside the <LI>?1214                         (Afterall, the <h5> is a legal child of the <LI>).1215               1216                         The way you know is that there is no root between the two, so the <h5> binds more1217                         tightly to the 1st <h5> than to the <LI>.1218                      2.  Also, bug 6148 shows this case: <SPAN><DIV><SPAN>1219                         From this case we learned not to execute this logic if the parent is a block.1220                     1221                      3. Fix for 265831222                         Ex. <A href=foo.html><B>foo<A href-bar.html>bar</A></B></A>  <- A legal HTML1223                         In the above example clicking on "foo" or "bar" should link to1224                         foo.html or bar.html respectively. That is, the inner <A> should be informed1225                         about the presence of an open <A> above <B>..so that the inner <A> can close out1226                         the outer <A>. The following code does it for us.1227                      1228                      4. Fix for 27865 [ similer to 22596 ]. Ex: <DL><DD><LI>one<DD><LI>two - http://lxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/parser/htmlparser/src/CNavDTD.cpp#1211815             // Here's a problem.  If theTag is legal in here, we don't move it816             // out.  So if we're moving stuff out of here, the parent of theTag817             // gets closed at this point.  But some things are legal818             // _everywhere_ and hence would effectively close out misplaced819             // content in tables.  This is undesirable, so treat them as820             // illegal here so they'll be shipped out with their parents and821             // siblings.  See bug 40855 for an explanation (that bug was for822             // comments, but the same issues arise with whitespace, newlines,823             // noscript, etc).  Script is special, though.  Shipping it out824             // breaks document.write stuff.  See bug 243064. - http://lxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/parser/htmlparser/src/CNavDTD.cpp#8251326     /**************************************************************************************1327      *1328      * Now a little code to deal with bug #49687 (crash when layout stack gets too deep)1329      * I've also opened this up to any container (not just inlines): re bug 550951330      * Improved to handle bug 55980 (infinite loop caused when DEPTH is exceeded and1331      * </P> is encountered by itself (<P>) is continuously produced.1332      *1333      **************************************************************************************/1912               // Oh boy!! we found a "stray" tag. Nav4.x and IE introduce line break in1913               // such cases. So, let's simulate that effect for compatibility.1914               // Ex. <html><body>Hello</P>There</body></html>http://lxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/parser/htmlparser/src/CNavDTD.cpp#1912http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/search?string=nested/parser/htmlparser/src/CNavDTD.cpp, line 791 - * 2. <CENTER><DL><DT><A><CENTER> allow nested <CENTER>/parser/htmlparser/src/CNavDTD.cpp, line 792 - * 3. <TABLE><TR><TD><TABLE>... allow nested <TABLE>/parser/htmlparser/src/CNavDTD.cpp, line 2562 - // Discard nested forms - bug 72639/parser/htmlparser/src/nsElementTable.cpp, line 1453 - * 2. <CENTER><DL><DT><A><CENTER> allow nested <CENTER>/parser/htmlparser/src/nsElementTable.cpp, line 1454 - * 3. <TABLE><TR><TD><TABLE>... allow nested <TABLE>/parser/htmlparser/src/nsElementTable.cpp, line 1901 - // Ex: <H1><LI><H1><LI>. Inner LI has the potential of getting nested-->  <h3 id=namespaces><span class=secno>8.3. </span>Namespaces</h3>  <p>The <dfn id=html-namespace0>HTML namespace</dfn> is:   <code>http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml</code>  <h3 id=entities><span class=secno>8.4. </span><dfn   id=entities1>Entities</dfn></h3>  <p>This table lists the entity names that are supported by HTML, and the   code points to which they refer. It is referenced by the previous   sections.</p>  <!--XXX entities:  94         // If an entity value is greater than 255 then: 95         // Nav 4.x does not treat it as an entity, 96         // IE treats it as an entity if terminated with a semicolon. 97         // Resembling IE!!http://lxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/parser/htmlparser/src/nsHTMLTokens.cpp#94-->  <table>   <thead>    <tr>     <th> Entity Name     <th> Character   <tbody>    <tr>     <td> <code title="">AElig</code>     <td> U+00C6    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Aacute</code>     <td> U+00C1    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Acirc</code>     <td> U+00C2    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Agrave</code>     <td> U+00C0    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Alpha</code>     <td> U+0391    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Aring</code>     <td> U+00C5    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Atilde</code>     <td> U+00C3    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Auml</code>     <td> U+00C4    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Beta</code>     <td> U+0392    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Ccedil</code>     <td> U+00C7    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Chi</code>     <td> U+03A7    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Dagger</code>     <td> U+2021    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Delta</code>     <td> U+0394    <tr>     <td> <code title="">ETH</code>     <td> U+00D0    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Eacute</code>     <td> U+00C9    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Ecirc</code>     <td> U+00CA    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Egrave</code>     <td> U+00C8    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Epsilon</code>     <td> U+0395    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Eta</code>     <td> U+0397    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Euml</code>     <td> U+00CB    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Gamma</code>     <td> U+0393    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Iacute</code>     <td> U+00CD    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Icirc</code>     <td> U+00CE    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Igrave</code>     <td> U+00CC    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Iota</code>     <td> U+0399    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Iuml</code>     <td> U+00CF    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Kappa</code>     <td> U+039A    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Lambda</code>     <td> U+039B    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Mu</code>     <td> U+039C    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Ntilde</code>     <td> U+00D1    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Nu</code>     <td> U+039D    <tr>     <td> <code title="">OElig</code>     <td> U+0152    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Oacute</code>     <td> U+00D3    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Ocirc</code>     <td> U+00D4    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Ograve</code>     <td> U+00D2    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Omega</code>     <td> U+03A9    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Omicron</code>     <td> U+039F    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Oslash</code>     <td> U+00D8    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Otilde</code>     <td> U+00D5    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Ouml</code>     <td> U+00D6    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Phi</code>     <td> U+03A6    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Pi</code>     <td> U+03A0    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Prime</code>     <td> U+2033    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Psi</code>     <td> U+03A8    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Rho</code>     <td> U+03A1    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Scaron</code>     <td> U+0160    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Sigma</code>     <td> U+03A3    <tr>     <td> <code title="">THORN</code>     <td> U+00DE    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Tau</code>     <td> U+03A4    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Theta</code>     <td> U+0398    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Uacute</code>     <td> U+00DA    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Ucirc</code>     <td> U+00DB    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Ugrave</code>     <td> U+00D9    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Upsilon</code>     <td> U+03A5    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Uuml</code>     <td> U+00DC    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Xi</code>     <td> U+039E    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Yacute</code>     <td> U+00DD    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Yuml</code>     <td> U+0178    <tr>     <td> <code title="">Zeta</code>     <td> U+0396    <tr>     <td> <code title="">aacute</code>     <td> U+00E1    <tr>     <td> <code title="">acirc</code>     <td> U+00E2    <tr>     <td> <code title="">acute</code>     <td> U+00B4    <tr>     <td> <code title="">aelig</code>     <td> U+00E6    <tr>     <td> <code title="">agrave</code>     <td> U+00E0    <tr>     <td> <code title="">alefsym</code>     <td> U+2135    <tr>     <td> <code title="">alpha</code>     <td> U+03B1    <tr>     <td> <code title="">amp</code>     <td> U+0026    <tr>     <td> <code title="">AMP</code>     <td> U+0026    <tr>     <td> <code title="">and</code>     <td> U+2227    <tr>     <td> <code title="">ang</code>     <td> U+2220    <tr>     <td> <code title="">apos</code>     <td> U+0027    <tr>     <td> <code title="">aring</code>     <td> U+00E5    <tr>     <td> <code title="">asymp</code>     <td> U+2248    <tr>     <td> <code title="">atilde</code>     <td> U+00E3    <tr>     <td> <code title="">auml</code>     <td> U+00E4    <tr>     <td> <code title="">bdquo</code>     <td> U+201E    <tr>     <td> <code title="">beta</code>     <td> U+03B2    <tr>     <td> <code title="">brvbar</code>     <td> U+00A6    <tr>     <td> <code title="">bull</code>     <td> U+2022    <tr>     <td> <code title="">cap</code>     <td> U+2229    <tr>     <td> <code title="">ccedil</code>     <td> U+00E7    <tr>     <td> <code title="">cedil</code>     <td> U+00B8    <tr>     <td> <code title="">cent</code>     <td> U+00A2    <tr>     <td> <code title="">chi</code>     <td> U+03C7    <tr>     <td> <code title="">circ</code>     <td> U+02C6    <tr>     <td> <code title="">clubs</code>     <td> U+2663    <tr>     <td> <code title="">cong</code>     <td> U+2245    <tr>     <td> <code title="">copy</code>     <td> U+00A9    <tr>     <td> <code title="">COPY</code>     <td> U+00A9    <tr>     <td> <code title="">crarr</code>     <td> U+21B5    <tr>     <td> <code title="">cup</code>     <td> U+222A    <tr>     <td> <code title="">curren</code>     <td> U+00A4    <tr>     <td> <code title="">dArr</code>     <td> U+21D3    <tr>     <td> <code title="">dagger</code>     <td> U+2020    <tr>     <td> <code title="">darr</code>     <td> U+2193    <tr>     <td> <code title="">deg</code>     <td> U+00B0    <tr>     <td> <code title="">delta</code>     <td> U+03B4    <tr>     <td> <code title="">diams</code>     <td> U+2666    <tr>     <td> <code title="">divide</code>     <td> U+00F7    <tr>     <td> <code title="">eacute</code>     <td> U+00E9    <tr>     <td> <code title="">ecirc</code>     <td> U+00EA    <tr>     <td> <code title="">egrave</code>     <td> U+00E8    <tr>     <td> <code title="">empty</code>     <td> U+2205    <tr>     <td> <code title="">emsp</code>     <td> U+2003    <tr>     <td> <code title="">ensp</code>     <td> U+2002    <tr>     <td> <code title="">epsilon</code>     <td> U+03B5    <tr>     <td> <code title="">equiv</code>     <td> U+2261    <tr>     <td> <code title="">eta</code>     <td> U+03B7    <tr>     <td> <code title="">eth</code>     <td> U+00F0    <tr>     <td> <code title="">euml</code>     <td> U+00EB    <tr>     <td> <code title="">euro</code>     <td> U+20AC    <tr>     <td> <code title="">exist</code>     <td> U+2203    <tr>     <td> <code title="">fnof</code>     <td> U+0192    <tr>     <td> <code title="">forall</code>     <td> U+2200    <tr>     <td> <code title="">frac12</code>     <td> U+00BD    <tr>     <td> <code title="">frac14</code>     <td> U+00BC    <tr>     <td> <code title="">frac34</code>     <td> U+00BE    <tr>     <td> <code title="">frasl</code>     <td> U+2044    <tr>     <td> <code title="">gamma</code>     <td> U+03B3    <tr>     <td> <code title="">ge</code>     <td> U+2265    <tr>     <td> <code title="">gt</code>     <td> U+003E    <tr>     <td> <code title="">GT</code>     <td> U+003E    <tr>     <td> <code title="">hArr</code>     <td> U+21D4    <tr>     <td> <code title="">harr</code>     <td> U+2194    <tr>     <td> <code title="">hearts</code>     <td> U+2665    <tr>     <td> <code title="">hellip</code>     <td> U+2026    <tr>     <td> <code title="">iacute</code>     <td> U+00ED    <tr>     <td> <code title="">icirc</code>     <td> U+00EE    <tr>     <td> <code title="">iexcl</code>     <td> U+00A1    <tr>     <td> <code title="">igrave</code>     <td> U+00EC    <tr>     <td> <code title="">image</code>     <td> U+2111    <tr>     <td> <code title="">infin</code>     <td> U+221E    <tr>     <td> <code title="">int</code>     <td> U+222B    <tr>     <td> <code title="">iota</code>     <td> U+03B9    <tr>     <td> <code title="">iquest</code>     <td> U+00BF    <tr>     <td> <code title="">isin</code>     <td> U+2208    <tr>     <td> <code title="">iuml</code>     <td> U+00EF    <tr>     <td> <code title="">kappa</code>     <td> U+03BA    <tr>     <td> <code title="">lArr</code>     <td> U+21D0    <tr>     <td> <code title="">lambda</code>     <td> U+03BB    <tr>     <td> <code title="">lang</code>     <td> U+2329    <tr>     <td> <code title="">laquo</code>     <td> U+00AB    <tr>     <td> <code title="">larr</code>     <td> U+2190    <tr>     <td> <code title="">lceil</code>     <td> U+2308    <tr>     <td> <code title="">ldquo</code>     <td> U+201C    <tr>     <td> <code title="">le</code>     <td> U+2264    <tr>     <td> <code title="">lfloor</code>     <td> U+230A    <tr>     <td> <code title="">lowast</code>     <td> U+2217    <tr>     <td> <code title="">loz</code>     <td> U+25CA    <tr>     <td> <code title="">lrm</code>     <td> U+200E    <tr>     <td> <code title="">lsaquo</code>     <td> U+2039    <tr>     <td> <code title="">lsquo</code>     <td> U+2018    <tr>     <td> <code title="">lt</code>     <td> U+003C    <tr>     <td> <code title="">LT</code>     <td> U+003C    <tr>     <td> <code title="">macr</code>     <td> U+00AF    <tr>     <td> <code title="">mdash</code>     <td> U+2014    <tr>     <td> <code title="">micro</code>     <td> U+00B5    <tr>     <td> <code title="">middot</code>     <td> U+00B7    <tr>     <td> <code title="">minus</code>     <td> U+2212    <tr>     <td> <code title="">mu</code>     <td> U+03BC    <tr>     <td> <code title="">nabla</code>     <td> U+2207    <tr>     <td> <code title="">nbsp</code>     <td> U+00A0    <tr>     <td> <code title="">ndash</code>     <td> U+2013    <tr>     <td> <code title="">ne</code>     <td> U+2260    <tr>     <td> <code title="">ni</code>     <td> U+220B    <tr>     <td> <code title="">not</code>     <td> U+00AC    <tr>     <td> <code title="">notin</code>     <td> U+2209    <tr>     <td> <code title="">nsub</code>     <td> U+2284    <tr>     <td> <code title="">ntilde</code>     <td> U+00F1    <tr>     <td> <code title="">nu</code>     <td> U+03BD    <tr>     <td> <code title="">oacute</code>     <td> U+00F3    <tr>     <td> <code title="">ocirc</code>     <td> U+00F4    <tr>     <td> <code title="">oelig</code>     <td> U+0153    <tr>     <td> <code title="">ograve</code>     <td> U+00F2    <tr>     <td> <code title="">oline</code>     <td> U+203E    <tr>     <td> <code title="">omega</code>     <td> U+03C9    <tr>     <td> <code title="">omicron</code>     <td> U+03BF    <tr>     <td> <code title="">oplus</code>     <td> U+2295    <tr>     <td> <code title="">or</code>     <td> U+2228    <tr>     <td> <code title="">ordf</code>     <td> U+00AA    <tr>     <td> <code title="">ordm</code>     <td> U+00BA    <tr>     <td> <code title="">oslash</code>     <td> U+00F8    <tr>     <td> <code title="">otilde</code>     <td> U+00F5    <tr>     <td> <code title="">otimes</code>     <td> U+2297    <tr>     <td> <code title="">ouml</code>     <td> U+00F6    <tr>     <td> <code title="">para</code>     <td> U+00B6    <tr>     <td> <code title="">part</code>     <td> U+2202    <tr>     <td> <code title="">permil</code>     <td> U+2030    <tr>     <td> <code title="">perp</code>     <td> U+22A5    <tr>     <td> <code title="">phi</code>     <td> U+03C6    <tr>     <td> <code title="">pi</code>     <td> U+03C0    <tr>     <td> <code title="">piv</code>     <td> U+03D6    <tr>     <td> <code title="">plusmn</code>     <td> U+00B1    <tr>     <td> <code title="">pound</code>     <td> U+00A3    <tr>     <td> <code title="">prime</code>     <td> U+2032    <tr>     <td> <code title="">prod</code>     <td> U+220F    <tr>     <td> <code title="">prop</code>     <td> U+221D    <tr>     <td> <code title="">psi</code>     <td> U+03C8    <tr>     <td> <code title="">quot</code>     <td> U+0022    <tr>     <td> <code title="">QUOT</code>     <td> U+0022    <tr>     <td> <code title="">rArr</code>     <td> U+21D2    <tr>     <td> <code title="">radic</code>     <td> U+221A    <tr>     <td> <code title="">rang</code>     <td> U+232A    <tr>     <td> <code title="">raquo</code>     <td> U+00BB    <tr>     <td> <code title="">rarr</code>     <td> U+2192    <tr>     <td> <code title="">rceil</code>     <td> U+2309    <tr>     <td> <code title="">rdquo</code>     <td> U+201D    <tr>     <td> <code title="">real</code>     <td> U+211C    <tr>     <td> <code title="">reg</code>     <td> U+00AE    <tr>     <td> <code title="">REG</code>     <td> U+00AE    <tr>     <td> <code title="">rfloor</code>     <td> U+230B    <tr>     <td> <code title="">rho</code>     <td> U+03C1    <tr>     <td> <code title="">rlm</code>     <td> U+200F    <tr>     <td> <code title="">rsaquo</code>     <td> U+203A    <tr>     <td> <code title="">rsquo</code>     <td> U+2019    <tr>     <td> <code title="">sbquo</code>     <td> U+201A    <tr>     <td> <code title="">scaron</code>     <td> U+0161    <tr>     <td> <code title="">sdot</code>     <td> U+22C5    <tr>     <td> <code title="">sect</code>     <td> U+00A7    <tr>     <td> <code title="">shy</code>     <td> U+00AD    <tr>     <td> <code title="">sigma</code>     <td> U+03C3    <tr>     <td> <code title="">sigmaf</code>     <td> U+03C2    <tr>     <td> <code title="">sim</code>     <td> U+223C    <tr>     <td> <code title="">spades</code>     <td> U+2660    <tr>     <td> <code title="">sub</code>     <td> U+2282    <tr>     <td> <code title="">sube</code>     <td> U+2286    <tr>     <td> <code title="">sum</code>     <td> U+2211    <tr>     <td> <code title="">sup</code>     <td> U+2283    <tr>     <td> <code title="">sup1</code>     <td> U+00B9    <tr>     <td> <code title="">sup2</code>     <td> U+00B2    <tr>     <td> <code title="">sup3</code>     <td> U+00B3    <tr>     <td> <code title="">supe</code>     <td> U+2287    <tr>     <td> <code title="">szlig</code>     <td> U+00DF    <tr>     <td> <code title="">tau</code>     <td> U+03C4    <tr>     <td> <code title="">there4</code>     <td> U+2234    <tr>     <td> <code title="">theta</code>     <td> U+03B8    <tr>     <td> <code title="">thetasym</code>     <td> U+03D1    <tr>     <td> <code title="">thinsp</code>     <td> U+2009    <tr>     <td> <code title="">thorn</code>     <td> U+00FE    <tr>     <td> <code title="">tilde</code>     <td> U+02DC    <tr>     <td> <code title="">times</code>     <td> U+00D7    <tr>     <td> <code title="">trade</code>     <td> U+2122    <tr>     <td> <code title="">uArr</code>     <td> U+21D1    <tr>     <td> <code title="">uacute</code>     <td> U+00FA    <tr>     <td> <code title="">uarr</code>     <td> U+2191    <tr>     <td> <code title="">ucirc</code>     <td> U+00FB    <tr>     <td> <code title="">ugrave</code>     <td> U+00F9    <tr>     <td> <code title="">uml</code>     <td> U+00A8    <tr>     <td> <code title="">upsih</code>     <td> U+03D2    <tr>     <td> <code title="">upsilon</code>     <td> U+03C5    <tr>     <td> <code title="">uuml</code>     <td> U+00FC    <tr>     <td> <code title="">weierp</code>     <td> U+2118    <tr>     <td> <code title="">xi</code>     <td> U+03BE    <tr>     <td> <code title="">yacute</code>     <td> U+00FD    <tr>     <td> <code title="">yen</code>     <td> U+00A5    <tr>     <td> <code title="">yuml</code>     <td> U+00FF    <tr>     <td> <code title="">zeta</code>     <td> U+03B6    <tr>     <td> <code title="">zwj</code>     <td> U+200D    <tr>     <td> <code title="">zwnj</code>     <td> U+200C  </table>  <h2 id=rendering><span class=secno>9. </span>Rendering</h2>  <p class=big-issue>This section will probably include details on how to   render DATAGRID, drag-and-drop, etc, in a visual medium, in concert with   CSS. Terms that need to be defined include: <dfn id=sizing>sizing of   embedded content</dfn>  <p>CSS UAs in visual media must, when scrolling a page to a fragment   identifier, align the top of the viewport with the target element's top   border edge.</p>  <!-- XXX horiz pos given bidi, and not  scrolling when not required to? -->  <!-- Elements that have been dropped: ACRONYM APPLET B BASEFONT BLINKBIG CENTER DIR DIV FONT FRAME FRAMESET I ISINDEX MARQUEE NOEMBEDNOFRAMES S SPACER STRIKE TT U -->  <!-- XXX bits and pieces that were removed from the semantic parts:  <p>In CSS-aware user agents, the default presentation of this  element should be achieved by including the following rules, or  their equivalent, in the UA's user agent style sheet:</p>  <pre>@namespace xh url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);xh|section { display: block; margin: 1em 0; }</pre>  <h4>Section headers</h4>  <p>For <code>h1</code> elements, CSS-aware visual user agents should  derive the size of the header from the level of <code>section</code>  nesting. This effect should be achieved by including the following  rules, or their equivalent, in the UA's user agent style sheet:</p>  <pre>@namespace xh url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);xh|section xh|h1 { /* same styles as h2 */ }xh|section xh|section xh|h1 { /* same styles as h4 */ }xh|section xh|section xh|section xh|h1 { /* same styles as h4 */ }xh|section xh|section xh|section xh|section xh|h1 { /* same styles as h5 */ }xh|section xh|section xh|section xh|section xh|section xh|h1 { /* same styles as h6 */ }</pre>  <p>Authors should use <code>h1</code> elements to denote headers in  sections. Authors may instead use <code>h2</code> ...  <code>h6</code> elements, for backwards compatibility with user  agents that do not support <code>section</code> elements.</p>-->  <h3 id=rendering0><span class=secno>9.1. </span>Rendering and the DOM</h3>  <p class=big-issue>This section is wrong. mediaMode will end up on Window,   I think. All views implement Window.  <p>Any object implement the <code>AbstractView</code> interface must also   implement the <code><a   href="#mediamodeabstractview">MediaModeAbstractView</a></code> interface.  <pre   class=idl>interface <dfn id=mediamodeabstractview>MediaModeAbstractView</dfn> {  readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#mediamode">mediaMode</a>;};</pre>  <p>The <dfn id=mediamode><code>mediaMode</code></dfn> attribute on objects   implementing the <code><a   href="#mediamodeabstractview">MediaModeAbstractView</a></code> interface   must return the string that represents the canvas' current rendering mode   (<code>screen</code>, <code>print</code>, etc). This is a lowercase   string, as <a   href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/media.html#media-types">defined by the   CSS specification</a>. <a href="#refsCSS21">[CSS21]</a>  <p>Some user agents may support multiple media, in which case there will   exist multiple objects implementing the <code>AbstractView</code>   interface. Only the default view implements the <code>Window</code>   interface. The other views can be reached using the <code>view</code>   attribute of the <code>UIEvent</code> inteface, during event propagation.   There is no way currently to enumerate all the views.</p>  <!-- XXX examples! -->  <h2 id=no><span class=secno>10. </span>Things that you can't do with this   specification because they are better handled using other technologies   that are further described herein</h2>  <p><em>This section is non-normative.</em>  <p>There are certain features that are not handled by this specification   because a client side markup language is not the right level for them, or   because the features exist in other languages that can be integrated into   this one. This section covers some of the more common requests.  <h3 id=localisation><span class=secno>10.1. </span>Localisation</h3>  <p>If you wish to create localised versions of an HTML application, the   best solution is to preprocess the files on the server, and then use HTTP   content negotation to serve the appropriate language.</p>  <!-- <p>XXX example here</p> -->  <h3 id=declarative><span class=secno>10.2. </span>Declarative 2D vector   graphics and animation</h3>  <p>Embedding vector graphics into XHTML documents is the domain of SVG.</p>  <!-- <p>XXX example here</p> -->  <h3 id=declarative0><span class=secno>10.3. </span>Declarative 3D scenes</h3>  <p>Embedding 3D imagery into XHTML documents is the domain of X3D, or   technologies based on X3D that are namespace-aware.</p>  <!-- <p>XXX example here</p> -->  <h3 id=alternate-style-sheets><span class=secno>10.4. </span>Alternate   style sheets: the <code><a href="#documentstyle">DocumentStyle</a></code>   interface</h3>  <p>This section describes an extension to the <code><a   href="#documentstyle">DocumentStyle</a></code> interface introduced in   DOM2 Style. <a href="#refsDOM2STYLE">[DOM2STYLE]</a>  <p>It is expected that this section will be moved to a W3C CSS working   group or WebAPI working group specification in the next few months.  <pre   class=idl>// Introduced in DOM Level 2: <a href="#refsDOM2STYLE">[DOM2STYLE]</a>interface <dfn id=documentstyle>DocumentStyle</dfn> {  readonly attribute StyleSheetList <span>styleSheets</span>;  // New in this specification:           attribute DOMString <a href="#selectedstylesheetset">selectedStyleSheetSet</a>;  readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#laststylesheetset">lastStyleSheetSet</a>;  readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#preferredstylesheetset">preferredStyleSheetSet</a>;  readonly attribute DOMStringList <a href="#stylesheetsets">styleSheetSets</a>;  void <a href="#enablestylesheetsforset">enableStyleSheetsForSet</a>(in DOMString name);};</pre>  <p>Any object implementing the <code><a   href="#htmldocument">HTMLDocument</a></code> interface must also implement   the <code><a href="#documentstyle">DocumentStyle</a></code> interface.  <p>For this interface, the <code>DOMString</code> values "null" and "the   empty string" are distinct, and must not be considered equivalent.  <p>A style sheet is said to <dfn id=have-a>have a title</dfn> if the   <code><a href="#title3">title</a></code> attribute or pseudo-attribute of   the DOM node that introduced the style sheet is present and has a   non-empty value (i.e. if the <code><a href="#title3">title</a></code>   attribute of the <code>StyleSheet</code> object returned by the   <code>sheet</code> attribute of the <code>LinkStyle</code> interface of   that DOM node is neither null nor the empty string).  <p>The new members are defined as follows:  <dl>   <dt><dfn id=selectedstylesheetset><code>selectedStyleSheetSet</code></dfn>    of type <code>DOMString</code>   <dd>    <p>This attribute indicates which style sheet set (<a     href="#refsHTML4">[HTML4]</a>) is in use. This attribute is <a     href="#live">live</a>; changing the disabled attribute on style sheets     directly will change the value of this attribute.</p>    <p>If all the sheets that are enabled and <a href="#have-a">have a     title</a> have the <em>same</em> title (by     <span>case-sensitive</span><!--XXX xref --> comparisons) then the value     of this attribute must be exactly equal to the title of the first     enabled style sheet with a title in the <code>styleSheets</code> list.     Otherwise, if style sheets from different sets are enabled, then the     return value must be null (there is no way to determine what the     currently selected style sheet set is in those conditions). Otherwise,     either all style sheets that <a href="#have-a">have a title</a> are     disabled, or there are no alternate style sheets, and <code><a     href="#selectedstylesheetset">selectedStyleSheetSet</a></code> must     return the empty string.</p>    <p>Setting this attribute to the null value must have no effect.</p>    <p>Setting this attribute to a non-null value must call <code><a     href="#enablestylesheetsforset">enableStyleSheetsForSet()</a></code>     with that value as the function's argument, and set <code><a     href="#laststylesheetset">lastStyleSheetSet</a></code> to that value.</p>    <p>From the DOM's perspective, all views have the same <code><a     href="#selectedstylesheetset">selectedStyleSheetSet</a></code>. If a UA     supports multiple views with different selected alternate style sheets,     then this attribute (and the <code>StyleSheet</code> interface's     <code>disabled</code> attribute) must return and set the value for the     default view.</p>   <dt><dfn id=laststylesheetset><code>lastStyleSheetSet</code></dfn> of type    <code>DOMString</code>, readonly   <dd>    <p>This property must initially have the value null. Its value changes     when the <code><a     href="#selectedstylesheetset">selectedStyleSheetSet</a></code> attribute     is set.</p>   <dt><dfn    id=preferredstylesheetset><code>preferredStyleSheetSet</code></dfn> of    type <code>DOMString</code>, readonly   <dd>    <p>This attribute must return the preferred style sheet set as set by the     author. It is determined from the order of style sheet declarations and     the <code>Default-Style</code> HTTP headers, as eventually defined     elsewhere in this specification<!-- XXX xref -->. If there is no     preferred style sheet set, this attribute must return the empty string.     The case of this attribute must exactly match the case given by the     author where the preferred style sheet is specified or implied. This     attribute must never return null.</p>   <dt><dfn id=stylesheetsets><code>styleSheetSets</code></dfn> of type    <code>DOMStringList</code>, readonly   <dd>    <p>This must return the <a href="#live">live</a> list of the currently     available style sheet sets. This list is constructed by enumerating all     the style sheets for this document available to the implementation, in     the order they are listed in the <code>styleSheets</code> attribute,     adding the title of each style sheet with a title to the list, avoiding     duplicates by dropping titles that match     (<span>case-sensitively</span><!-- XXX xref -->) titles that have     already been added to the list.</p>   <dt><dfn id=enablestylesheetsforset    title="enableStyleSheetsForSet()"><code>enableStyleSheetsForSet(<var    title="">name</var>)</code></dfn>, method   <dd>    <p>Calling this method must change the <code>disabled</code> attribute on     each <code>StyleSheet</code> object with a title attribute with a length     greater than 0 in the <code>styleSheets</code> attribute, so that all     those whose title matches the <var title="">name</var> argument are     enabled, and all others are disabled. Title matches must be     <span>case-sensitive</span><!-- XXX xref -->. Calling this method with     the empty string disables all alternate and preferred style sheets (but     does not change the state of persistent style sheets, that is those with     no title attribute).</p>    <p>Calling this method with a null value must have no effect.</p>    <p>Style sheets that do not <a href="#have-a">have a title</a> are never     affected by this method. This method does not change the values of the     <code><a href="#laststylesheetset">lastStyleSheetSet</a></code> or     <code><a     href="#preferredstylesheetset">preferredStyleSheetSet</a></code>     attributes.</p>  </dl>  <h4 id=dynamically><span class=secno>10.4.1. </span>Dynamically adding new   style sheets</h4>  <p>If new style sheets with titles are added to the document, the UA must   decide whether or not the style sheets should be initially enabled or not.   How this happens depends on the exact state of the document at the time   the style sheet is added, as follows.  <h5 id=adding><span class=secno> </span>Adding style sheets</h5>  <p>First, if the style sheet is a preferred style sheet (it has a title,   but is not marked as alternate), and there is no current preferred style   sheet (the <code><a   href="#preferredstylesheetset">preferredStyleSheetSet</a></code> attribute   is equal to the empty string) then the <code><a   href="#preferredstylesheetset">preferredStyleSheetSet</a></code> attribute   is set to the exact value of this style sheet's title. (This changes the   preferred style sheet set, which causes further changes AMPERSANDmdash; see   below.)  <p>Then, for all sheets, if any of the following is true, then the style   sheet must be enabled:  <ul>   <li> The style sheet has an empty title.   <li> The <code><a href="#laststylesheetset">lastStyleSheetSet</a></code>    is null, and the style sheet's title matches (by    <span>case-sensitive</span><!-- XXX     xref --> match) the value of the    <code><a href="#preferredstylesheetset">preferredStyleSheetSet</a></code>    attribute.   <li> The style sheet's title matches (by    <span>case-sensitive</span><!-- XXX xref --> match) the value of the    <code><a href="#laststylesheetset">lastStyleSheetSet</a></code>    attribute.  </ul>  <p>Otherwise, the style sheet must be disabled.  <h5 id=changing><span class=secno> </span>Changing the preferred   style sheet set</h5>  <p>The first time the preferred style sheet set is set, which is either   before any alternate style sheets are seen (e.g. using a "Default-Style"   HTTP header), or is the first time a titled, non-alternate style sheet is   seen (in the absence of information to the contrary, the first titled   non-alternate sheet sets the name of the preferred set), the <code><a   href="#preferredstylesheetset">preferredStyleSheetSet</a></code>   attribute's value must be set to the name of that preferred style sheet   set. This does not change the <code><a   href="#laststylesheetset">lastStyleSheetSet</a></code> attribute.  <p>If the UA has the preferred style sheet set changed, for example if it   receives a "Default-Style:" HTTP header after it receives HTTP "Link:"   headers implying another preferred style sheet, then the <code><a   href="#preferredstylesheetset">preferredStyleSheetSet</a></code>   attribute's value must be changed appropriately, and, if the <code><a   href="#laststylesheetset">lastStyleSheetSet</a></code> is null, the   <code><a   href="#enablestylesheetsforset">enableStyleSheetsForSet()</a></code>   method must be called with the new <code><a   href="#preferredstylesheetset">preferredStyleSheetSet</a></code> value.   (The <code><a href="#laststylesheetset">lastStyleSheetSet</a></code>   attribute is, again, not changed.)  <h5 id=examples><span class=secno> </span> Examples</h5>  <div class=example>   <p>Thus, in the following HTML snippet:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;link rel="alternate stylesheet" title="foo" href="a"AMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;link rel="alternate stylesheet" title="bar" href="b"AMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;scriptAMPERSANDgt;  document.selectedStyleSheetSet = 'foo';  document.styleSheets[1].disabled = false;AMPERSANDlt;/scriptAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;link rel="alternate stylesheet" title="foo" href="c"AMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;link rel="alternate stylesheet" title="bar" href="d"AMPERSANDgt;</pre>   <p>...the style sheets that end up enabled are style sheets "a", "b", and    "c", the <code><a    href="#selectedstylesheetset">selectedStyleSheetSet</a></code> attribute    would return null, <code><a    href="#laststylesheetset">lastStyleSheetSet</a></code> would return    "foo", and <code><a    href="#preferredstylesheetset">preferredStyleSheetSet</a></code> would    return "".</p>   <p> Similarly, in the following HTML snippet:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;link rel="alternate stylesheet" title="foo" href="a"AMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;link rel="alternate stylesheet" title="bar" href="b"AMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;scriptAMPERSANDgt;  var before = document.preferredStyleSheetSet;  document.styleSheets[1].disabled = false;AMPERSANDlt;/scriptAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;link rel="stylesheet" title="foo" href="c"AMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;link rel="alternate stylesheet" title="bar" href="d"AMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;scriptAMPERSANDgt;  var after = document.preferredStyleSheetSet;AMPERSANDlt;/scriptAMPERSANDgt;</pre>   <p>...the "before" variable will be equal to the empty string, the "after"    variable will be equal to "foo", and style sheets "a" and "c" will be    enabled. This is the case even though the first script block sets style    sheet "b" to be enabled, because upon parsing the following    <code>AMPERSANDlt;linkAMPERSANDgt;</code> element, the <code><a    href="#preferredstylesheetset">preferredStyleSheetSet</a></code> is set    and the <code><a    href="#enablestylesheetsforset">enableStyleSheetsForSet()</a></code>    method is called (since <code><a    href="#selectedstylesheetset">selectedStyleSheetSet</a></code> was never    set explicitly, leaving <code><a    href="#laststylesheetset">lastStyleSheetSet</a></code> at null    throughout), which changes which style sheets are enabled and which are    not.</p>  </div>  <h4 id=interaction0><span class=secno>10.4.2. </span>Interaction with the   User Interface</h4>  <p>The user interface of Web browsers that support style sheets should list   the style sheet titles given in the <code><a   href="#stylesheetsets">styleSheetSets</a></code> list, showing the   <code><a href="#selectedstylesheetset">selectedStyleSheetSet</a></code> as   the selected style sheet set, leaving none selected if it is null or the   empty string, and selecting an extra option "Basic Page Style" (or   similar) if it is the empty string and the <code><a   href="#preferredstylesheetset">preferredStyleSheetSet</a></code> is the   empty string as well.  <p>Selecting a style sheet from this list should set the <code><a   href="#selectedstylesheetset">selectedStyleSheetSet</a></code> attribute.   This (by definition) affects the <code><a   href="#laststylesheetset">lastStyleSheetSet</a></code> attribute.  <h5 id=persisting><span class=secno> </span>Persisting the   selected style sheet set</h5>  <p>If UAs persist the selected style sheet set, they should use the value   of the <code><a   href="#selectedstylesheetset">selectedStyleSheetSet</a></code> attribute,   or if that is null, the <code><a   href="#laststylesheetset">lastStyleSheetSet</a></code> attribute, when   leaving the page (or at some other time) to determine the set name to   store. If that is null then the style sheet set should not be persisted.  <p>When re-setting the style sheet set to the persisted value (which can   happen at any time, typically at the first time the style sheets are   needed for styling the document, after the <code>AMPERSANDlt;headAMPERSANDgt;</code> of   the document has been parsed, after any scripts that are not dependent on   computed style have executed), the style sheet set should be set by   setting the <code><a   href="#selectedstylesheetset">selectedStyleSheetSet</a></code> attribute   as if the user had selected the set manually.  <p class=note>This specification does not give any suggestions on how UAs   should decide to persist the style sheet set or whether or how to persist   the selected set across pages.  <h4 id=future><span class=secno>10.4.3. </span>Future compatibility</h4>  <p>Future versions of CSS may introduce ways of having alternate style   sheets declared at levels lower than the top level, i.e. embedded within   other style sheets. Implementations of this specification that also   support this proposed declaration of alternate style sheets are expected   to perform depth-first traversals of the <code>styleSheets</code> list,   not simply enumerations of the <code>styleSheets</code> list that only   contains the top level.  <h3 id=timers><span class=secno>10.5. </span>Timers</h3>  <p>This section is expected to be moved to the Window Object specification   in due course.  <pre class=idl>interface <dfn id=windowtimers>WindowTimers</dfn> {  // timers  long <a href="#settimeout">setTimeout</a>(in <a href="#timeouthandler">TimeoutHandler</a> handler, in long timeout);  long <a href="#settimeout">setTimeout</a>(in <a href="#timeouthandler">TimeoutHandler</a> handler, in long timeout, <var title="">arguments...</var>);  long <a href="#settimeout">setTimeout</a>(in DOMString code, in long timeout);  long <a href="#settimeout">setTimeout</a>(in DOMString code, in long timeout, in DOMString language);  void <a href="#cleartimeout">clearTimeout</a>(in long handle);  long <a href="#setinterval...">setInterval</a>(in <a href="#timeouthandler">TimeoutHandler</a> handler, in long timeout);  long <a href="#setinterval...">setInterval</a>(in <a href="#timeouthandler">TimeoutHandler</a> handler, in long timeout, <var title="">arguments...</var>);  long <a href="#setinterval...">setInterval</a>(in DOMString code, in long timeout);  long <a href="#setinterval...">setInterval</a>(in DOMString code, in long timeout, in DOMString language);  void <a href="#clearinterval">clearInterval</a>(in long handle);};interface <dfn id=timeouthandler>TimeoutHandler</dfn> {  void handleEvent(<var title="">arguments...</var>);};</pre>  <p>The <code><a href="#windowtimers">WindowTimers</a></code> interface must   be obtainable from any <code>Window</code> object using binding-specific   casting methods.  <p>The <code><a href="#settimeout">setTimeout</a></code> and <code><a   href="#setinterval...">setInterval</a></code> methods allow authors to   schedule timer-based events.  <p>The <dfn id=settimeout title=setTimeout><code>setTimeout(<var   title="">handler</var>, <var title="">timeout</var>[, <var   title="">arguments...</var>])</code></dfn> method takes a reference to a   <code><a href="#timeouthandler">TimeoutHandler</a></code> object and a   length of time in milliseconds. It must return a handle to the timeout   created, and then asynchronously wait <var title="">timeout</var>   milliseconds and then invoke <code>handleEvent()</code> on the <var   title="">handler</var> object. If any <var title="">arguments...</var>   were provided, they must be passed to the <var title="">handler</var> as   arguments to the <code>handleEvent()</code> function.  <p>In the ECMAScript DOM binding, the ECMAScript native   <code>Function</code> type must implement the <code><a   href="#timeouthandler">TimeoutHandler</a></code> interface such that   invoking the <code>handleEvent()</code> method of that interface on the   object from another language binding invokes the function itself, with the   arguments passed to <code>handleEvent()</code> as the arguments passed to   the function. In the ECMAScript DOM binding itself, however, the   <code>handleEvent()</code> method of the interface is not directly   accessible on <code>Function</code> objects. Such functions must be called   in the global scope.  <p>Alternatively, <dfn id=settimeout0 title=""><code>setTimeout(<var   title="">code</var>, <var title="">timeout</var>[, <var   title="">language</var>])</code></dfn> may be used. This variant takes a   string instead of a <code><a   href="#timeouthandler">TimeoutHandler</a></code> object. That string must   be parsed using the specified <var title="">language</var> (defaulting to   ECMAScript if the third argument is omitted) and executed in the global   scope.  <p class=big-issue>Need to define <var title="">language</var> values.  <p>The <dfn id=setinterval...><code>setInterval(...)</code></dfn> variants   must work in the same way as the <code><a   href="#settimeout">setTimeout</a></code> variants except that the <var   title="">handler</var> or <code><a href="#code0">code</a></code> must be   invoked again every <var title="">timeout</var> milliseconds, not just the   once.  <p>The <dfn id=cleartimeout><code>clearTimeout()</code></dfn> and <dfn   id=clearinterval><code>clearInterval()</code></dfn> methods take one   integer (the value returned by <code><a   href="#settimeout">setTimeout</a></code> and <code><a   href="#setinterval...">setInterval</a></code> respectively) and must   cancel the specified timeout. When called with a value that does not   correspond to an active timeout or interval, the methods must return   without doing anything.  <p>Timeouts must never fire while another script is executing. (Thus the   HTML scripting model is strictly single-threaded and not reentrant.)  <h2 class=no-num id=references>References</h2>  <p class=big-issue>This section will be written in a future   draft.<!--XXX-->  <h2 class=no-num id=acknowledgements>Acknowledgements</h2>  <p>Thanks to Aankhen, Aaron Leventhal, Alexey Feldgendler, Anne van   Kesteren, Anthony Hickson, AsbjAMPERSANDoslash;rn Ulsberg, Ben Godfrey, Ben   Meadowcroft, Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis, Bjoern Hoehrmann, Boris Zbarsky, Brad   Fults, Brad Neuberg, Brendan Eich, Brett Wilson, Channy Yun, Charl van   Niekerk<!--status.whatwg.org maintainer-->, Christian Biesinger, Christian   Johansen, Chriswa, Daniel Peng, Darin Fisher, Dave   Townsend<!-- Mossop on moz irc -->, David Baron, David Flanagan, David   Hyatt, Derek Featherstone, Dimitri Glazkov, dolphinling, Doron Rosenberg,   Eira Monstad, Elliotte Harold, Erik Arvidsson, fantasai, Franck 'Shift'   QuAMPERSANDeacute;lain, HAMPERSANDaring;kon Wium Lie, Henri Sivonen, Henrik Lied, Ignacio   Javier, J. King, James Graham, James M Snell, James Perrett, Jan-Klaas   Kollhof, Jasper Bryant-Greene, Jens Bannmann, Joel Spolsky, Johnny   Stenback, Jon Perlow, Jonathan Worent, Jukka K. Korpela, Kai Hendry,   Kornel Lesinski, Lachlan Hunt, Larry Page, Laurens Holst, Lenny Domnitser,   LAMPERSANDeacute;onard Bouchet, Leons Petrazickis, Logan<!-- on moz irc -->,   Maciej Stachowiak, Malcolm Rowe, Mark Nottingham, Mark Schenk, Martijn   Wargers, Martin Honnen, Matthew Mastracci, Matthew Raymond, Matthew   Thomas, Mattias Waldau, Max Romantschuk, Michael 'Ratt' Iannarelli,   Michael A. Nachbaur, Michael Gratton, Michel Fortin, Mihai   AMPERSAND#x015E;ucan<!-- from ROBO Design -->, Mike Schinkel, Mike Shaver, Mikko   Rantalainen, Neil Deakin, Olav Junker KjAMPERSANDaelig;r, Rimantas Liubertas,   Robert O'Callahan, Robert Sayre, Roman Ivanov, S. Mike Dierken, Sam Ruby,   Shadow2531, Shaun Inman, Simon Pieters, Stephen Ma, Steve Runyon, Steven   Garrity, Stewart Brodie, Stuart Parmenter, Tantek AMPERSANDCcedil;elik, Thomas   Broyer, Thomas O'Connor, Tim Altman, Vladimir VukiAMPERSAND#x0107;eviAMPERSAND#x0107;,   William Swanson, and everyone on the WHATWG mailing list for their useful   and substantial comments.  <p>Special thanks to Richard Williamson for creating the first   implementation of <code><a href="#canvas">canvas</a></code> in Safari,   from which the canvas feature was designed.  <p>Special thanks also to the Microsoft employees who first implemented the   event-based drag-and-drop mechanism, <code title=attr-contenteditable><a   href="#contenteditable0">contenteditable</a></code>, and other features   first widely deployed by the Windows Internet Explorer browser.  <p>Special thanks and $10,000 to David Hyatt who came up with a broken   implementation of the <a href="#adoptionAgency">adoption agency   algorithm</a> that the editor had to reverse engineer and fix before using   it in the parsing section.  <p>Thanks also the Microsoft blogging community for some ideas, to the   attendees of the W3C Workshop on Web Applications and Compound Documents   for inspiration, and to the #mrt crew, the #mrt.no crew, and the cabal for   their ideas and support.</p>  <!-- Hopefully Kam won't notice he's covered by these  acknowledgements three times! -->  <!-- !  menus<hyatt> the ability to get the current focused window in a window hierarchywizardstabbed interfaceApplication object? http://longhorn.msdn.microsoft.com/lhsdk/ref/ns/msavalon.windows/c/application/application.aspx<input type="text" menu="foo" icon="g.png"/> <menu id="foo"> <menuitem icon="g.png" onclick="engine('google')">Google</menuitem> ... </menu>> One more aspect I want you think about - for "user interface systems" in> general: The windowing system.>   Different kinds of windows ("document", "browser (file-system/network or> otherwise)", "palette", "application modal dialog", "system modal dialog"),> the rules for layering them (appropriately flexible to allow different> implementations, e.g. MacOS vs. X-Windows), and simplifications for handheld> devices (which are sometimes single window devices anyway, but sometimes> they are one "normal" window plus sometimes one "dialog" window on top.window.open for dialogsThus, they lack things like proper windows, tree widgets, menu bars, rich text areas and so forth. This is what I would like XUL to solve. - Paul PrescodOlav:> <product> to indicate something you can buy, like a cd on amazon> or a biker jacket at harleydavidson.comDrop downs often have a title for when there is no selection.http://www.w3.org/mid/BAY1-F150PNOkJvX41K000418e1@hotmail.comhttp://crew.tweakers.net/crisp/newlayout/index.htmlhttp://crew.tweakers.net/crisp/newlayout/list_topics.htmlhttp://crew.tweakers.net/crisp/newlayout/list_messages.htmlhttp://crew.tweakers.net/crisp/newlayout/list_messages_mod.htmlhttp://mail.mozilla.org/private/gui-toolkit/2004-April/000041.html> > > A standard for rich edit widgets would also be of interest to me.> >> > As in WYSIWIG editing? Of the bold/italic/underline/larger/smaller kind?> > > > Or do you mean as in the bare bones to be able to build an editor on top> > of? As in something that basically just gives you a cursor and the ability> > to tell where the selection is and some way to hook into the Undo> > functionality?> > I have use cases for both...I have a more desperate business need for> the latter (and have build apps using the gross APIs out there today)> but there are a lot of circumstances where an editor that already has> all standard HTML editing behaviour would be fine.>- Paul Prescod * a way of selecting rows, so that you can declaratively have buttons   outside the template that move a "selected row" around. => web appsCalendar with list of days that have events (think: blog calendars)Find object at (x,y)Find mouse positionStyling scrollbars:   ::scrollbars { ... }table of contents?http://www.gadgetopia.com/2004/05/04/FileIconTag.htmlon going backon going forwardon came from backon came from forwardbetter state serialisation for going back/forwardsome sort of markup to tell google _not_ to index a particular part of the sitedrop down menu with URIs to replace the silly <select> hacks.http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/html/em.html<htmlarea>, <xmlarea>...> 3) Extensible syntax highlighting (coloring). I am aware that a ton of> code editors don't even do this well. The ability to load a syntax> definition file and have it color a block of code would do wonders for> making the web a more friendly place to script. - Ryan Johnsontoolbars, status bars. - Didier PH Martin   * methods/properties for scrolling managing, especially in   TextArea, such as .scrollTop and .scrollHeight in Mozilla and -Robert Bateman:   I've looked thru as many of the examples from around the web as I can find and   don't see an obvious way to do date calculations.   What I'm trying to do is populate an xsd:date field with now() plus 5 days as   it's default value.  The field in question is a proposed "due date" for a   work order.   I've seen that I can get a "difference" between two dates, but no   calculations.Wladimir Palant pointed out problems with chunking with server-sent-events> 2.  Some method of integration to allow Web apps to respond>      to the browser's Cut, Copy, Paste, and Select All menu>      items and keyboard equivalents. These work automatically>      for text fields in any Web application; it would be>      great if apps could make them work for stocks, address>      book cards, message attachments, transactions, photos,>      and so on too.>>      I'd add Undo and Redo to that list, but unfortunately>      IE6 doesn't have Undo and Redo menu items. - mpt>> maybe except for the server sent events and the clipboard>> api (but even in those cases it might be possible).>> Clipboard API I don't really want to see, given the problems IE's> implementation of such brought up. A better standardised drag-and-drop> interface would be great though, as doing it with mouse events and IE's> proprietary events is annoying-to-impossible to get right all the time.>> I really like the idea of server-side events, though I would prefer to> have them set up by a scripting call rather than an HTML element. - Andrew Clover    <html application="application">...would, instead of showing the Web page itself, the first time, show(inline in the browser):  :::: Security Warning :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::  ::                                                       ::  ::  The Web page at this domain:                         ::  ::                                                       ':  ::     paypcl.com                                          ::                                                         ::  ...wishes to launch an application in a separate       ::  window. Do you trust this domain?                      ::                                                         ::  [x] Remember this decision.                            ::                                                         ::      (( Trust paypcl.com ))  ( Display as Web page )    ::                                                        :::::.- (spurred on by Jose Dinuncio)  :::: Security Warning :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::  ::                                                       ::  ::  This Web page wishes to launch an application in a   ::  ::  separate window. Do you trust this domain?           ::  ::                                                       ::  ::     paypcl.com                                         '  ::                                                         ::             ( Trust this site for now )  ::  ::              ( Always trust this site )  ::  ::              (( Display as Web page ))  ::                                                        :::::.breadcrumb navigation markupother markup:   http://www.stuffandnonsense.co.uk/archives/whats_in_a_name_pt2.htmlcommon icons: http://www.intersmash.com/300images/http://www.gadgetopia.com/2004/06/18/DoYouWantToSaveYourChanges.html#Commentshttp://www.mojavelinux.com/cooker/demos/domTT/index.htmlhttp://www.mozilla.org/projects/ui/accessibility/dynamic-accessibility.htmlhttp://blog.colorstudy.com/ianb/weblog/2004/06/23.htmlhttp://daringfireball.net/2004/06/location_fieldlistview/gridview APIhttp://www.activewidgets.com/grid/> I would rather have it that changing the dom attribute 'value' or typing> in the textarea, would also change the contents of the textnode in the> textarea.>> In that way the dom level 2 traversal and range specification would not> be useless for textarea's.> > The same goes for input text controls and probably also for other form> controls. - martijnw1. point to an xml instance and cause the page to be filled in2. serialise the site to a version of that xml instance<menu> <li state="bar"/></menu><button state="bar"/><state id="bar" label="" disabled="" value=""/><input state="foo"/><input state="foo"/><input state="foo 2"/><input state="foo 2"/><state id="foo" model="x" ref="cat:orderLine[$v1]/cat:foo"/><instance src=""/><instance id="x"><Order xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:ubl:Order:1.0:0.70" xmlns:cat="urn:oasis:names:tc:ubl:CommonAggregateTypes:1.0:0.70">  <cat:ID/>  <cat:IssueDate/>  <cat:LineExtensionTotalAmount currencyID="USD"/>  <cat:BuyerParty>    <cat:ID/>    <cat:PartyName>      <cat:Name/>    </cat:PartyName>    <cat:Address>      <cat:ID/>      <cat:Street/>      <cat:CityName/>      <cat:PostalZone/>      <cat:CountrySub-Entity/>    </cat:Address>    <cat:BuyerContact>      <cat:ID/>      <cat:Name/>    </cat:BuyerContact>  </cat:BuyerParty>  <cat:SellerParty>    <cat:ID/>    <cat:PartyName>      <cat:Name/>    </cat:PartyName>    <cat:Address>      <cat:ID/>      <cat:Street/>      <cat:CityName/>      <cat:CountrySub-Entity/>    </cat:Address>  </cat:SellerParty>  <cat:DeliveryTerms>    <cat:ID/>    <cat:SpecialTerms/>  </cat:DeliveryTerms>  <cat:OrderLine>    <cat:BuyersID/>    <cat:SellersID/>    <cat:LineExtensionAmount currencyID=""/>    <cat:Quantity unitCode="">1</cat:Quantity>    <cat:Item>      <cat:ID/>      <cat:Description>Enter description here</cat:Description>      <cat:SellersItemIdentification>        <cat:ID>Enter part number here</cat:ID>      </cat:SellersItemIdentification>      <cat:BasePrice>        <cat:PriceAmount currencyID="">0.00</cat:PriceAmount>      </cat:BasePrice>    </cat:Item>  </cat:OrderLine></Order> </instance>  <h2>Tree and List Widgets</h2>   click item to go uri   doube click to submit form with value   sort list by any column   specify column headers, column sort types   specify data inline, or out of band   data can be linear or a one way tree   rows can have an icon associated with them   rows can have overlays associated with them progress meter    http://www.gazingus.org/html/menuDropdown.htmlDisclosure trianglesI think UAs should automatically highlight the accesskey (or add it in    brackets if it isn't already in the string). I am thinking of writing sometext - optional, of course, since this wouldn't apply to all UAs or all  platforms - that specifies this.I also think that there should be an accesskey value which is basically   "auto", and which picks a non-clashing access key based on the element    content.| adding HTTP authentication capabilities to HTML allow sites to:|   - remove a site's authentication state from the browser when|     activated (i.e., a "log out" interface)|   - add user data to a site's authentication state in the browser|     (i.e., "log on" interfaces)|   - display the user's current authentication state| | There are a few good reasons to do this. Many sites use cookies to| authenticate users, because HTTP authentication doesn't have any| mechanism to allow logging out (a key requirement of financial| institutions and other sensitive applications), and because the UI for| HTTP authentication can't be controlled, and doesn't offer an| "anyonymous" / "not logged in" view.| | By accommodating HTTP authentication in Web forms, it will be possible| to have styled, custom "log on" interfaces as part of pages, as well| as "log out" facilities, while still retaining the benefits of HTTP| authentication.| | Specifically, HTTP authentication is more secure than cookies (when| Digest auth is used), and is more amenable to automated processes| (agents, spiders, etc.) as well as alternate browsing devices (screen| readers, etc.).http://jogin.com/weblog/archives/2004/07/19/hierarchyYeah, <header> and <footer> or similar elements are almost certainly goingto be defined at some point, along with <content> (for the main body ofthe page), <entry> or <post> or <article> to refer to a unit of textbigger than a section but smaller than a page, <aside> to mean aside bar, <note> to mean a note... and so forth. Suggestions welcome.     We'll probably keep it to a minimum though. The idea is just to relieve   the most common pseudo-semantic uses of <div>.http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/dom/public/idl/base/nsIDOMWindow.idlscrollBy, etchttp://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/dom/public/idl/base/nsIDOMWindowInternal.idlDOM level 0DH: I was arguing that you should be able to get the CSS info fordocument fragments if you had an owner document with CSS in it.So maybe:   var library = new ZipFile("data.zip");   library.onload = function() {      var sound1 = library.getAudio("sound1.wav"); // returns an Audio object      var image1 = library.getImage("image1.png"); // returns an HTMLImageElement      var doc1 = library.getXMLDocument("doc1.xml"); // returns a Document      var doc2 = library.getHTMLDocument("doc1.html"); // returns an HTMLDocument   }Also maybe supporting more than one file at a time:   var library = new ResourceLoader("data.zip");   library.add("moredata.zip");   library.onload = function() { ... }   library.onloading = function() {      reportLoadProgress(library.progress); // 0.0 .. 1.0   }...although I'm not sure how we would then deal with filename clashes.   var library = new AudioZip("sounds.zip");   library.onload = function() {      var sound1 = library["sound1.wav"];      sound.play();   }If we define onbeforeunload, then we have to say that the JSimplementation of EventListener::handleEvent checks for that event,treating the return value as the string to use for the unload warningmessage if there is a return value, and calling preventDefault ifthere isn't.> > > Schematic editors, layout editors, interactive maps, data > > > visualization for network flows, etc.> Searching the web for the above keywords should find you a lot more. - Denis BohmJens Meiert:- For non-native English speakers, it's sometimes difficult to understandthe difference between <cite /> and <quote />, since citations often seem tobe quoted, too (this is a presentational aspect, I know).- Is it right that the <dfn /> element [1] /must/ be used only in thecontext of the definition of the enclosed term (as the example suggests)?(If so, wouldn't it be useful to add this note, too?)http://secunia.com/advisories/9711/In particular number 7. - Chris Hofmann> [1] http://www.stopdesign.com/log/2004/08/25/microsoft-advances.html> [2] http://www.stopdesign.com/articles/throwing_tables/In other areas, however, the replacement is not a match in terms of functionality. Like it or not, but showModalDialog is a better way to provide feature-rich user feedback windows than window.confirm (which Firefox supports, even though there is NO PUBLIC STANDARD for it). With showModalDialog, I can pop a window offering "Yes," "No," or "Cancel" buttons that requires a response before proceeding. With window.confirm, I have to craft all my questions as something to which "OK" or "Cancel" makes sense, never mind asking for three, four, or five state responses.- http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588-5438955.html ( John Carroll )> http://channel9.msdn.com/wiki/default.aspx/Channel9.InternetExplorerFeatureRequests>    Alternate way of caching content>    Avalon Integration>    getData/setData improvement (clipboardData)>    Input type=file improvements>    HTML editing: Editing Tables>    Input type=file improvements>    .NET framework>    > http://channel9.msdn.com/wiki/default.aspx/Channel9.InternetExplorerOutrageous>     Some decent controls - lachlan.hunt@lachy.id.auhttp://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-html-wg/2004JulSep/att-0135/role072704a.html> I've encountered two situations where setting or retrieving the caret> position would be useful.  The first is a situation where I'd like to> apply an input mask to a text box.  For example, I'd like the ability to> create a text box where the date delimiters (dashes or slashes) appear  > automatically in a text box upon entering the field, and when the user  > types in the field, it fills into the appropriate spaces in the input    > box and sets the text selection to the next appropriate position, all    > while allowing the user to reposition the cursor within the text box     > with a keyboard or mouse without being able to edit or delete the> delimiters (dashes or slashes).  This would be very similar to input> mask features in certain native apps that I've used. - Greg Kilwein> The second situation is an application that would like to highlight text  > in a text box or textarea for the purposes of a spell check, thesaurus, > or search-and-replace operation. - Greg KilweinHTMLImageElement.click(x, y); (for Csaba Gabor)or clickPoint, if click() can't be done in IEcan this be emulated in IE by posting a synthetic moue click eventwith those X and Y coords?<menulabel>, or rather menus in general, need an icon attribute and ahide attribute, like the <command> element.What about safe clipboard access.As discussed before by others as well:The user initiates a paste action as recognized by the UISystem the user is working in.E.g pressing Ctrl-V or selecting paste from a context menu.An event is fired and a Listener can now access the pasted data as part of the event object.The same for cut and copy. The Listner can set data as part of the event object.This is safe and will not allow any script to mess with the clipboard without the user specifically asking for itby initiating a cut/copy/paste action. -  Jan-Klaas KollhofNeed to say that NodeList's items are enumerable, so that for (var x in myNodeList) { } works. thank Dethe Elzarel="" on submit buttons?what does <label> _mean_? how about an empty one, one which containsmore than one control, no controls?data: URIs and same-origin policy when navigated to from http:? - Hallvord Reiar Michaelsen Steenneed conformance section for editors, which says stuff like "can't beconforming if editor has an "italics" button"people want multiline tooltips with explicit line breaksattributes of type ID that have no value beyond the empty string donot give the element an ID of "".ability for a web app to save a file to the local disk:   var file = window.openFile(); // throws up UI   file.read();   var file = window.saveAsFile(); // throws up UI   file.write();...or something? Or use data: URIs and right-click-to-save?http://lxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/dom/public/idl/html/nsIDOMNSHTMLDocument.idl  <p><em>This section is non-normative.</em></p>how to handle 404s and 500s and other non-OK responses when it comesto <script>, <link>, <style>, etc.normative classes:  -example  -note  -warning  -issue  hCard, hCalendar  wiki based registration, first come first served   * class:   * applies to elements:   * processing model:   * status:<Hixie> vlad: you should define what the UA should do with out-of-order aDATs<pav> its an error<pav> pretty sure we say that somewhere<Hixie> yes i know it's an error<Hixie> but that doesn't say what the UA should do<pav> error == image is invalid<vlad> yep<vlad> either broken image icon<vlad> or display first frame (fall back to normal PNG)<vlad> up to the UA<Hixie> right<Hixie> you should say which one<pav> its up to the UA<Hixie> why?<vlad> "SHOULD display the first frame, but MAY display broken image icon if that's not convenient", in rfc parlance<vlad> because it's not useful to specify that, IMO<Hixie> up to the UA means one UA will implement something, it'll become a popular UA, then all the others will have to copy it.<vlad> how a UA wants to handle image errors is up to the UA<pav> we're designing an image format, not the html image tag<pav> the html spec should say what to do with itshould we say that elements in HTML must be lowercase? (but with errorhandling for uppercase tags, obviously)? If so, update examples.<title> is for out of context headers<h1> is for in-context headersThe parsing rules of HTMLmedia="" is case-insensitivecase-sensitivity of other attributes, and what it meansempty title attribute is equivalent to missing attribute for purposesof alternate style sheet processing<p>s that contain <ul><ol><table><dl><blockquote>? (did we get all those?)> I'd like search engines to be able to show me the title of a page in the> same consistent position in a search result, and the name of the site> (if available) in the same consistent position in a search result, and> the name of the author (if available) in the same consistent position in> a search result.>  > For that to happen, it would help slightly if the HTML specification> stopped SHOULD-ing the current <title> behavior. It would help more if> the HTML specification contained clear, straightforward markup for> author and site name (and encouraged UAs to present this information   > when the document is taken out of context).   <title site="" publisher="" author="">Page Title</title>   <title>Page Title - <site></site> - <author></author> (<publisher></publisher>)</title>   <title>Page Title</title>   <link rel="top" title="" href="">   <link rel="publisher" title="" href="">   <link rel="author" title="" href=""> h1 is styled appropriately, h2 to h6 are styled according to legacy.[onclick] should make element focusable; enter should send onclickdefine implied <html>, <head>, <body>, <p>, </p>, etc.http://www.aujsproduction.com/samples/wishlist/revampedselector.aspinteractive elements can't be nested (as in <a><button><input></button></a>)need a summary of all the content models and how they interact:   a | interactive strictly inline-level element   | where inline-level content is expected | strictly inline-level content  | interactive elements must not be nested   i | strictly inline-level element               | where inline-level content is expected | strictly inline-level content  |  em | strictly inline-level element               | where inline-level content is expected | inline-level content           |   p | block-level element, structured inline-     | where block-level content is expected, | inline-level content           | must not be nested     | level element                               | where inline-level content is expected |                                |...etcneed a summary of the differences between the HTML and XML serialisations.e.g. how <p><ul> is allowed in one but not the otherGoogle suggest: oninput -> submit a form whose only contents is thedrop down list which you refresh (<datalist>).Inline editing of <select multiple=""> boxesimage buttons shouldn't be used unless you want the coordinateneed for the spec to say something about sending proprietary data overthe network, e.j. in XMLHttpRequest and other data streams. Is it ok,if the page is doing the translation?built-in spell-checking in <input type="text">, <textarea>author-driven highlighting of individual words in text fieldssupport access Array element via () instead of [] (IEism)- https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=289876atom can do this:       <author>         <name>Mark Pilgrim</name>         <uri>http://example.org/</uri>         <email>f8dy@example.com</email>       </author>       <contributor>         <name>Sam Ruby</name>         <uri>http://intertwingly.net/blog/</uri>       </contributor>how do we do this in HTML5? (what's the use case?)how to interpret an HTML5 document for syndicationhttp://hixie.ch/specs/hsf/hsfsection "rendering HTML" has to cope with: <q> element's quotes <section> <h1> default margins and paddings for <ul>, <form>, etc.  <h4>The <code>q</code> element</h4>  <p class="big-issue">Need to deal with the quotemark problem without  adding verbose markup, breaking existing documents, or adding  redundant elements.</p><Hixie> here's how <object> works (assuming you don't support ActiveX)<Hixie> 1. look at the data="" attribute. If it's not there, go to the step i'll label "bail" below.<Hixie> 2. fetch the file indicated by the data="" attribute.<Hixie> 3. while waiting for the MIME type, treat <object> as a replaced element of transparent nothingness, intrinsic size zero.<hyatt> (so we would honor width/height)<hyatt> (because it's replaced)<Hixie> (yes)<Hixie> 4. if the MIME type is a long time coming (e.g. DNS is being slow) then jump to the "bail" step below until you have the MIME type, then jump back to step 5.<Hixie> 5. Once you have the MIME type, examine it. If it's a plugin type, jump to the plugin step below. If it's an image, jump to the image step below. If it's a document type (HTML, XML, etc) jump to the iframe step below. Otherwise, you don't recognise it, and jump to the "bail" step.<Hixie> plugin step: collect all the <param> element children in the <object>. instantiate the plugin and pass the params to it.<Hixie> image step: render the <object> as if it was an <img><Hixie> document step: render the <object> as if it was an <iframe><Hixie> bail step: render the <object> as if it was a <span> - if there is no authoratative MIME type, then use the type="" attribute. - if type="" is something you know you don't support, you MAY not download it - if type="" is dynamically changed, do nothing - if data="" is dynamically changed, redo loop<hyatt> apparently your url can come from <param><hyatt> not just the data attribute<hyatt> our code looks for params with "src", "movie", "code" and "url"<hyatt> and also tries to find the type on a param<Hixie> oh that's you trying to have hacky activex support<Hixie> opera does that too<hyatt> yeah we support activex versions of plugins that are common<hyatt> like flash and quicktime and realaudio<Hixie> that would be a step 1b. if no data attribute, then look for a <param> to get you a URL instead.<Hixie> and if you find one, carry on as if that was your data="".should have some text talking about the fact that it's ok if your pagepasses through a period of non-conformance while script is running,but that in between scripts it should be compliant.how to handle 205 reset content responses and other HTTP codes inresponse to link clicks, link clicks with target="" attributes,window.open(), the user typing a URI in the URL bar, etc.XXX Native code for fast sorting of many data?http://www.microsoft.com/mind/1097/directanim.aspevents: onmousewheel<hyatt> with a wheelDelta field on the WheelEvent (whcih comes off UIEvent)<hyatt> but in OS X you can wheel horizontally <hyatt> so we actually added wheelX, wheelY, and wheelZ<hyatt> with wheelDelta just mapping to wheelY for WinIE compat<Hixie_> oh i don't mind wheelZ, maybe we can even say ctrl+wheel should map to it on some platforms (windows)<hyatt> but if you hold down Shift+mouse wheel in mac apps on os x you'll wheel horizontallywheelDelta is multiples of 120http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/dhtml/reference/properties/wheeldelta.aspevents:http://damowmow.com/temp/safari/WebCore-315/khtml/ecma/kjs_events.cppNeed to resolve whether <a rel=""> should affect an out-of-band UI (orwhether it should just be a may), seehttps://bugs.opera.com/show_bug.cgi?id=169791should have appendix listing what was already implemented- http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2005/04/27/deviant.html| Hixie and Steven shared an item: in both XHTML2 and HTML5, it will| be possible to have a list child of a paragraph. That's good, from a| structural point of view. But that's bad, from a user's point of| view. Imagine you have a paragraph, with red background color. And| you have an unordered list in your clipboard. You place the caret at| the end of the paragraph and paste your list. Where does it end up?| In the paragraph or after it? Red background or not? I really fear| that, once again, document model authors are completely neglecting| the authoring side. - http://www.glazman.org/weblog/dotclear/index.php?2005/05/27/1055-adam-2need to define how to process MIME types in <style> and <script> and so forth.http://www.paulgraham.com/popular.html  <p>In the ECMAScript DOM binding, objects implementing this interface  can also be dereferenced using square bracket notation (e.g.  <code>foo[1]</code> or <code>foo["bar"]</code>). Dereferencing with  an integer index is equivalent to invoking the <code>item()</code>  method with that index, and dereferencing with a string index is  equivalent to invoking the <code>namedItem()</code> method with that  index.</p>"you have mail": bubble notification; flash taskbar button, => how do you stop advertisers?events should bubble from documents to Windowsay something about events fired on <body> -> document -> window, likeonload? onpopstate is defined as body->html->doc->window; as is thelocal storage event. What about the old ones, how do they work? load,error, scroll, resize, etc?If we assuming that bubbling events bubble from document to window,then it seems reasonable for scroll events that bubble to be fired atthe document if the window is resized, and scroll events that don'tbubble to be fired at elements if they are scrolled. window.onscrolland document.onscroll should both work.[HIT TESTING TRANSPARENCY]Definition: IE considers a point of an element "transparent" if anyone of the following are true: 1. All of the following are true:    a: The computed value of 'background-image' is 'none', and    b: The computed value of 'background-color' is 'transparent', and    c: The point is over a pixel of an AlphaImageLoader filter image       that has an alpha value of 0 (fully transparent), or the       element does not have an AlphaImageLoader filter applied; 2. The point is outside the element's CSS clip rectangle; 3. The computed value of 'visibility' is 'hidden'; 4. The element is a transparent IFRAME (in IE, an IFRAME with the    custom attribute "allowtransparency"); 5. The element is an OBJECT with the custom attribute "wmode" set to     "transparent" and the point in question is fully transparent.Given those definitions, when a mouse event occurs, IE finds thetarget element as follows:   A. Take the topmost node that is under the point where the pointer      was for the event. For CSS boxes, borders, padding areas and      content areas are considered part of the node, margins and      leading generated by the 'line-height' property are not.   B. If there is no node at that point, no event is fired. STOP.   C. If the node is a text node, then the event is fired at the text      node's nearest ancestor element node. STOP.   D. If the node is not an element, assign the node's nearest      ancestor element node to a variable X. Otherwise, assign the      element node itself to X.   E. If the element X is the BODY element or the HTML element and its      document is not the document of a transparent IFRAME, goto step      H. Similarly, if the element X is a TABLE element, or is an IMG      element, goto step H.   F. If the point where the pointer was is, per the above definition,      a point that on the element X is transparent, then ignore that      element and assign the element that is below that element in the      stacking order to X. If there is no element below X, or if the      point on X is not transparent and so the previous condition      doesn't apply, then leave X as is and go straight to step H.   G. Goto step E.   H. If the element X is now a BODY or TABLE element, but the element      assigned to X in step D was some other element, assign the      element originally assigned in step D back to X.   I. The event goes to X. STOPmousedown's default action is focus, so cancelling mousedown stops focus transference.e.g. on http://www.mozilla.org/editor/midasdemo/xref all the _ERR exceptions to DOM3CORE<select><option><hr> supportraising an exception when the wrong number of arguments is passed -is that a language-specific thing, or what?why |new XMLHttpRequest()| returns an object that .toStrings to[object XMLHttpRequest], same with new TCPConnection(); what if aconstructor is called without using "new" in JS?reload: fire an event when "reload" is pressed so that the page canreload its data instead of the whole page. cancel the event cancelsthe HTTP reload. Abuse prevention required, though.load event: fire on body, document, window? or just let it bubble?http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/dhtml/reference/methods/elementfrompoint.asphttp://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/dhtml/reference/methods/showmodaldialog.asprefs for TCP/IP (rfc793) and IPv6http://www.joelonsoftware.com/items/2004/06/17.htmlhttp://www.joelonsoftware.com/items/2004/06/18.html<neutralise> block that kills scripting or anything dangerous?XXXX need explanation of when to use undo/redo, and when to use back/forwardXXX "alternate style sheet" should be "alternative style sheet"  <h5>Using the <code>a</code> element with the <code>command</code> attribute</h5>  <p>If an <code>a</code> element has a <code  title="command-attribute">command</code> attribute, then:</p>  <p>If the element's <code>title</code> attribute is absent, then  when the UA attempts to display the element's hint, it must instead  use the specified command's Hint.</p>  <p>Even if the element's <code>href</code> attribute is absent, the  element must still match the CSS <code>:link</code> or  <code>:visited</code> pseudo-classes. It must match the  <code>:visited</code> pseudo-class if the command's action is to  follow a link that has already been visited by the user, and must  match the <code>:link</code> pseudo-class otherwise.</p>  <p>If a <code>DOMActivate</code> event is dispatched on the element  and is not canceled, and the event has no other default action, and  the command's Disabled State is false (enabled), then the command's  Action must be triggered as the default action.</p>  <p class="note">The <code>DOMActivate</code> event is fired as the  default action of the <code>click</code> event.</p>  <p>If the command's Disabled State is true (disabled) then the  element must be disabled and must therefore match the  <code>:disabled</code> pseudo-class. UAs should style disabled links  in such a way as to clearly convey their disabled state.</p>  <p>The Label, Icon, Checked State and Type facets of the command are  ignored by the <code>a</code> element (except for <a  href="#pseudosAndCommands">matching CSS pseudo-classes</a>).</p>  <h5>Using the <code>button</code> element with the <code>command</code> attribute</h5>  <p>If a <code>button</code> element has a <code  title="command-attribute">command</code> attribute, then:</p>  <p>If the element's <code>title</code> attribute is absent, then  when the UA attempts to display the element's hint, it must instead  use the specified command's Hint.</p>  <p>If a <code>DOMActivate</code> event is dispatched on the element  and is not canceled, and the event has no other default action, and  the command's Disabled State is false (enabled), and the button's  <code>disabled</code> attribute is absent, then the command's Action  must be triggered as the default action.</p>  <p class="note">The <code>DOMActivate</code> event is fired as the  default action of the <code>click</code> event.</p>  <p>If the command's Disabled State is true (disabled) then the  element must be disabled. The <code>button</code> element must also  be disabled if the element's <code>disabled</code> attribute is  set.</p>   <p>The Label, Icon, Checked State and Type facets of the command are  ignored by the <code>button</code> element (except for <a  href="#pseudosAndCommands">matching CSS pseudo-classes</a>).</p>  <h5>Using the <code>input</code> element with the <code>command</code> attribute</h5>  <p>If an <code>input</code> element has no <code>type</code>  attribute and no <code>name</code> attribute, and it has a <code  title="command-attribute">command</code> attribute, then:</p>  <p>If the command is of Type "command" then the element must  generally be styled and behave as if it was of type  <code>button</code>; if the Type of the command is "radio" then the  element must generally be styled and behave as if it was of type  <code>radio</code>; and if the Type of the command is "checkbox"  then the element must generally be styled and behave as if it was of  type <code>checkbox</code>.</p>  <p>If the command is of Type "command" and the element's  <code>value</code> attribute is absent, then when the UA attempts to  display the element's caption, it must instead use the specified  command's Label. The Label facet is ignored if the command is not of  Type "command".</p>  <p>The UA may use the Icon facet of the command to render an  icon in the control, if appropriate for the UI used.</p>  <p>If the element's <code>title</code> attribute is absent, then  when the UA attempts to display the element's hint, it must instead  use the specified command's Hint.</p>  <p>If a <code>DOMActivate</code> event is dispatched on the element  and is not canceled, and the event has no other default action, and  the command's Disabled State is false (enabled), and the element's  <code>disabled</code> attribute is absent, then the command's Action  must be triggered as the default action.</p>  <p class="note">The <code>DOMActivate</code> event is fired as the  default action of the <code>click</code> event.</p>  <p>If the command's Disabled State is true (disabled) then the  element must be disabled. The <code>input</code> element must also  be disabled if the element's <code>disabled</code> attribute is  set.</p>  <p>If the command's Checked State is true (checked) then the element  must be checked. The <code>input</code> element must also be checked  if the element's <code>checked</code> attribute is set.</p>  <p>This element should not be directly displayed. In CSS-aware user  agents, this should be achieved by including the following rules, or  their equivalent, in the UA's user agent style sheet:</p>  <pre>@namespace xh url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);xh|command { display: none; }</pre>  <h5 id="command-with-command">Using the <code>command</code> element with the <code>command</code> attribute</h5>  <p>If a <code>command</code> element has a <code  title="command-attribute">command</code> attribute, then:</p>  <p>If the element's <code>label</code> attribute is absent, then  when the UA attempts to display the element's caption, it must instead  use the specified command's Label.</p>  <p>If the element's <code>icon</code> attribute is absent, then  when the UA attempts to display the element's icon, it must instead  use the specified command's Icon.</p>  <p>If the element's <code>title</code> attribute is absent, then  when the UA attempts to display the element's hint, it must instead  use the specified command's Hint.</p>  <p>If a <code>click</code> event is dispatched on the element and is  not canceled, and the command's Disabled State is false (enabled),  and the element's own <code>disabled</code> attribute is absent,  then the command's Action must be triggered as the default  action.</p>  <p>If the command's Disabled State is true (disabled) then the  element must be disabled. The <code>command</code> element must also  be disabled if the element's <code>disabled</code> attribute is  set.</p>  <p>If the command's Checked State is true (checked) then the  element must be checked. The <code>command</code> element must also  be checked if the element's <code>checked</code> attribute is  set.</p>  <p>When a <code title="command-element">command</code> element has a  <code title="command-attribute">command</code> attribute, any <code  title="attr-command-type">type</code> and <code  title="attr-command-radiogroup">radiogroup</code> attribute is  ignored.</p>  <h4>The 'icon' property</h4>  <p>UAs should use the command's Icon as the default generic icon  provided by the user agent when the 'icon' property computes to  'auto' on an element that either defines a command or refers to one  using the <code title="command-attribute">command</code>  attribute.</p>  <h4 id="pseudosAndCommands">CSS pseudo-classes and commands</h4>  <p>When an element uses the <code  title="command-attribute">command</code> attribute, any UI  pseudo-classes from the following list that apply to the element  defining the command also apply to the elements that refer to that  command.</p>  <dl>   <dt>:enabled, :disabled</dt>   <dd>Matches commands whose Disabled State facet is False and True   respectively.</dd>   <dt>:checked</dt>   <dd>Matches commands whose Type facet is either "radio" or   "checkbox", and whose Checked State facet is true.</dd>  </dl>  <p><code>menu</code> elements with explicit <code>label</code>  attributes, and <code>menu</code> elements following  <code>menulabel</code> elements, should be hidden. In CSS-aware UAs,  this effect should be achieved by including the following rules, or  their equivalent, in the UA's user agent style sheet:</p>  <pre>@namespace xh url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);xh|menu[label], xh|menulabel + xh|menu { display: none; }</pre>  <p>All other <code>menu</code> elements should be rendered  identically to <code>ul</code> elements. In CSS-aware UAs, this  effect may be achieved by including rules similar to the following  in the UA's user agent style sheet:</p>  <pre>@namespace xh url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);xh|menu { display: block; margin: 0 0 0 40px; list-style: disc; }</pre>  <h5>Displaying menus</h5>  <p>When a <code>menu</code> element is activated, the associated  menu should be constructed and shown. (For details on how a  <code>menu</code> element can be activated, see the sections on  <span>menu links</span> and <span>menu bars</span>.)</p>  <p>The styles applied to each element in the <code>menu</code>  element, as well as the element itself, may be applied when  constructing a menu. UAs are recommended to not apply styling to  context menus and menus for application menu bars, and to only use  styles for in-page menus.</p>  <p>If user agents support styling of menus, they should only support  the '<code>background</code>', '<code>color</code>',  '<code>border</code>', '<code>padding</code>' and  '<code>font</code>' properties on menus and menu items. (This list  might be incomplete; in general, properties that merely affect the  appearance of the element should work, but properties that affect  the layout should not.)</p>  <p>As the user interacts with a menu, the elements from which the  menu was created should have appropriate pseudo-classes (:hover,  :focus, :active) applied.</p>  <p>The menu items must only consider the computed styles of the  elements from which they were derived, not other elements.</p>  <div class="example">   <p>For example, take this menu:</p>   <pre>AMPERSANDlt;menuAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;liAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;command label="a"/AMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;/liAMPERSANDgt;AMPERSANDlt;menuAMPERSANDgt;</pre>   <p>The menu has one menu item, labelled "a".</p>   <p>Styles applied to the <code>li</code> element in this menu would   have no effect on the rendered menu, except in so far as styles   inherit from that element to the <code>command</code> element.</p>   <p>Styles applied to the <code>command</code> element could affect   the menu. While the user is hovering over the menu item, the   <code>:hover</code> pseudo-class matches the <code>command</code>   element and any appropriate newly matching rules could be   applied.</p>  </div>  <p>When activated from a <span title="menu links">menu link</span>,  a menu must be placed in an Appropriate Place. Specifically, if the  <code>a</code> element is displayed as a vertically-stacked box (as  is typically seen for elements with '<code>display: block</code>',  '<code>list-item</code>', or '<code>table</code>'), then the menu  should appear vertically below the element, anchored so that one of  its top corners coincides with a bottom corner of the box so that  the menu and the box each have a horizontal sides in common (or a  bottom corner of the menu coincides with a top corner of the box, if  there isn't enough room for the menu to drop down); otherwise, if  the element is displayed as a horizontally stacked box  ('<code>display: inline</code>', '<code>table-cell</code>', etc),  the menu should appear to the <em>side</em> of the box in an  analogous way. If the element is on the right of the page, the menu  should drop to the left, and vice versa.</p>  <p>UAs should implement the drop-down behaviour in more  platform-appropriate ways if the platform conventions differ from  the behaviour described above.</p>  <h4>The <dfn title="command-attribute"><code>command</code></dfn>  attribute</h4>  <p>Any element that can define a command can also, instead, have a  <code>command</code> attribute that specifies the ID of a command  that the element should defer to. In this case the element does not  define a command, but, in the absence of attributes to the contrary,  reflects the state of the element specified.</p>  <p>If the <code>command</code> attribute specifies an ID that is not  the ID of an element that defines a command, then the  <code>command</code> DOM attribute is set to the null value, and the  element acts as if it was linked to an element that defined a  command with no Label, no Hint, no Icon, no Action, that was not  Hidden, not Disabled, not Checked, and that was of Type  "command".</p>replaceable DOM properties: http://lxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/dom/src/base/nsDOMClassInfo.cpp#5928<       brendan>|Hixie: so yeah, lxr for JSRESOLVE_QUALIFIEDscreen object:screen contains top left width height pixelDepth colorDepth availWidth availHeight availLeft availTop  <p>The most direct way to represent a command is by using the <code  title="command-element">command</code> element. A <code  title="command-element">command</code> element defines a command if  it does not have a <code title="command-attribute">command</code>  attribute.</p>  <div class="example">   <pre>... AMPERSANDlt;command id="c_stop" label="Emergency Stop" onclick="dostop()"/AMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;command id="c_go" label="Go" onclick="dogo()"/AMPERSANDgt; AMPERSANDlt;command id="c_lamp" label="Headlamps" onclick="dof2()" disabled="disabled"/AMPERSANDgt;...</pre></div>  <p>The <code>command</code> element, in addition to the core and  internationalisation attributes, may have the following  attributes specified:</p>  <dl>   <!-+- yes i know that some of these are core attributes. If you can   give me a better introductory paragraph, I'm all for it. -+->   <dt><dfn title="attr-command-type"><code>type</code></dfn></dt>   <dd>The command's Type. If present, this attribute must either have   the value <code>radio</code>, in which case the command is of Type   "radio", or the value <code>checkbox</code>, in which case the   command is (amazingly) of Type "checkbox". Any other value, or the   absence of the attribute altogether, means that the command is of   Type "command".</dd>   <dt><dfn title="attr-command-id"><code>id</code></dfn></dt>   <dd>The command's ID. If this attribute is not specified, then the   command is anonymous.</dd>   <dt><dfn title="attr-command-label"><code>label</code></dfn></dt>   <dd>The command's Label. If the attribute is not specified, the   command's Label is given by the element's <code>textContent</code>   DOM attribute.</dd>   <dt><dfn title="attr-command-title"><code>title</code></dfn></dt>   <dd>The command's Hint. If the attribute is not specified, the   command's Hint is the empty string.</dd>   <dt><dfn title="attr-command-icon"><code>icon</code></dfn></dt>   <dd>A URI to the command's Icon. If the attribute is not specified,   then the command has no Icon.</dd>   <dt><dfn title="attr-command-onclick"><code>onclick</code></dfn></dt>   <dd>An event handler attribute that listens for <code>click</code>   events.</dd>   <dt><dfn title="attr-command-hide"><code>hide</code></dfn></dt>   <dd>The command's Hidden State. If the attribute is present, the   command is hidden (and also disabled, regardless of the value of   the <code>disabled</code> attribute), otherwise, the command is   shown. If the attribute is present, it should have the value   "<code>hide</code>". <!-+-The name of the attribute reflects the   fact that Hidden commands in menus are hidden.-+-></dd>   <dt><dfn title="attr-command-disabled"><code>disabled</code></dfn></dt>   <dd>The command's Disabled State. If the attribute is present, the   command is disabled, otherwise, the command is enabled. If the   attribute is present, it should have the value   "<code>disabled</code>".</dd>   <dt><dfn title="attr-command-checked"><code>checked</code></dfn></dt>   <dd>The command's Checked State. If the attribute is present, the   command is checked, otherwise, the command is not. If the attribute   is present, it should have the value "<code>checked</code>".</dd>   <dt><dfn title="attr-command-radiogroup"><code>radiogroup</code></dfn></dt>   <dd>An attribute indicating the name of the group of commands that   will be toggled when the command itself is toggled. (Described <a   href="#radiocommand">below</a>.)</dd>   <dt><dfn title="attr-command-default"><code>default</code></dfn></dt>   <dd>An attribute indicating whether the command is the default   command. If the attribute is present, the command is the default   command, otherwise it is not. If it is set, it should have the   value <code>default</code>. Used by context menus to indicate what   the default option would be. The :default pseudo-class matches   <code>command</code> elements with this attribute.</dd>  </dl>  <p>In addition, <code title="command-element">command</code>  elements may also have a <code  title="command-attribute">command</code> attribute, as <a  href="#command-with-command">described below</a>.</p>  <p>The Type, ID, Label, Hint, Icon, Hidden State, Disabled State,  and Checked State of the command defined by a <code  title="command-element">command</code> element are as described  above. The Action of a <code title="command-element">command</code>  element is that a <code>{"http://www.w3.org/2001/xml-events",  "click"}</code> event is fired on the element.</p>  <p>If the Type of the command is "checkbox", when a  <code>click</code> event is dispatched on the element, user agents  must toggle the value of the <code>checked</code> attribute before  the event is dispatched in the document. (If the attribute is  absent, then it is set to the value <code>checked</code>, and if the  attribute is present, it is removed.) If the default action of the  event is canceled, the value of the attribute must be changed back  to the value it had before the event was dispatched.</p>  <p id="radiocommand">If the Type of the command is "radio", when a  <code>click</code> event is dispatched on the element, user agents  must set the value of the <code>checked</code> attribute on the  element to <code>checked</code>, and remove the attribute from any  <code>command</code> elements with <code>type</code> set to  <code>radio</code> and the same parent element and same  <code>radiogroup</code> attribute, before the event is dispatched in  the document. (If the element has no <code>radiogroup</code>  attribute, then the elements "with the same <code>radiogroup</code>  attribute" are those elements with <em>no</em>  <code>radiogroup</code> attribute.) If the default action of the  event is canceled, the value of the attributes that were changed  must be changed back to the values they had before the event was  dispatched.</p>  <p>In HTML the <code>command</code> element is an empty element with  no end tag.</p>  <p>Authors should put <code>command</code> elements inside the  <code>head</code> element, inside any element that may contain  <span>block-level elements</span> or <span>inline-level  content</span>, or inside <code>commandset</code> elements.</p> <!-+-  should, because hey, if they want to put them elsewhere, why not.  XXX -+->  <p>Authors should not put elements or text inside  <code>command</code> elements.</p>  <p>The <code title="dom-command-ro-command">command</code> DOM attribute  is defined with the <code title="attr-command">command</code>  content attribute.</p>Need to become consistent about whether or not to quote keyword("<code title="">foo</code>" vs <code>foo</code>)  XXX command icons in rendering section:  If the element defining the command has no explicit icon, then the  attribute must instead return the computed value of the CSS '<code  title="">icon</code>' property on that element. <a  href="#refsCSS3UI">[CSS3UI]</a>  If the computed value of '<code title="">icon</code>' is  '<code>auto</code>',search for event-click and make them all point to:<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events/events.html#event-click"><code>click</code></a>...or something.<code>DOMActivate -> <code title="event-DOMActivate">DOMActivateonclick="" only fires if it is a MouseEvent<form> .submit definition - see http://lxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/content/html/content/src/nsHTMLFormElement.cpp#600for how to handle multiple calls in serieshttp://lxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/content/html/content/src/nsHTMLFormElement.cpp#699How events are handled:http://lxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/ident?i=HandleDOMEventhttp://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_compinfo.htmle.g. mousedown mouseup click mousedown mouseup click dblclickhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/workshop/author/dhtml/reference/events.asp05:46 <            bz>|Hixie: let's put it this way05:46 <            bz>|Hixie: 1)  A script is executed when its data is available05:47 <            bz>|Hixie: 2) The data for an inline script is available when its </script> is seen05:47 <            bz>|Hixie: 3) The data for a script with src is available when it finishes loading05:47 <            bz>|Hixie: all good so far?05:47 <         Hixie>|i'm waiting for the bit where src= causes blocking in the normal, non-d.w case05:47 <            bz>|Hixie: 4) The data for a script with src starts loading when the <script> node is inserted into the DOM05:48 <        shaver>|it causes parser blocking in the normal case05:48 <            bz>|Hixie: 5)  When such a load starts, all further parsing is suspended until the load has completed and the script has executed.05:48 <            bz>|Hixie: so if we forget document.write05:48 <            bz>|Hixie: and look at the HTML:  <script src="foo"></script><div>05:48 <            bz>|Hixie: the text "<div>" will nto be parsed until after the script runs05:49 <            bz>|Hixie: this is needed so that if the script does document.write that text can be inserted _before_ the "<div>" text into the parser05:49 <         Hixie>|sure05:49 <         Hixie>|all this is fine05:49 <            bz>|Hixie: ok.  So now let's look at our case05:49 <         Hixie>|but how does document.write() know when to return?05:49 -!- davel [davel@moz-4F4E281A.dsl.static.sonic.net] has quit [Quit: davel]05:49 <            bz>|It gives the data to the parser, and tells the parser to parse it05:49 <            bz>|Once the parser returns, document.write returns05:50 <            bz>|The parser returns when it runs out of data to parse (it's parsed it all)05:50 <            bz>|Or if it's explicitly suspended (eg by a <script src="">)05:50 <         Hixie>|AH05:50 <            bz>|All this in Gecko05:50 <         Hixie>|ok that was the key piece of information i was missing05:50 <         Hixie>|the "explicit suspension"05:50 <         Hixie>|okbut test IE on this...XXX publish a "Valid HTML5!" button with a kitten on it. Made by an artist. (Doodle?)XXX rename "Block-level" and "inline-level" to something else toprevent terminology clash with CSS.   Interaction with document.open/write/close is undefined   How to determine the character encoding   Integration with quirks mode problems   <style> parsing needs tweaking if we want to exactly match IE   <base> parsing needs tweaking to handle multiple <base>s   <isindex> needs some prose in the form submission section   No-frames and no-script modes aren't yet defined   Execution of <script> is not yet defined   New HTML5 elements aren't yet defined   There are various cases (marked) where EOF handling is undefined   Interaction with the "load" event is undefinedhsivonen:> To make document conformance a more useful concept for the purpose of catching> author errors, I suggest that the following attributes be made required:> href and rel on link> href on base> name and content on meta (other than the encoding decl)> src on img> code, height and width on applet> name and value on param...> To allow user agents see whether the author provided the empty string as the> alternative text of whether the author just didn't care, I suggest that the> alt attribute on img be made optional.(i agree -ian)...> On the other hand, I have doubts about the requirement of significant> inline content. When the W3C said that paragraphs mustn't be empty,> various applications started emitting <p>AMPERSANDnbsp;</p>. If the WHAT WG says> that paragraphs must contend significant inline content, are the> developers of those applications suddenly going to decide not to allow> them to paragraphs to be saved or are they going to come up with an even> more crufty work-around to comply with the machine-checkable> requirements of the spec?(i agree, i think we should drop "significant inline content". -ian)bjoern:> If the concern here is what the specification should say, then that's> what a valid state is, not what a valid document is, since the class of> "predictably valid" documents does not cover many dynamic documents.arv asks for: a way to track download progress of, e.g., images whenyou are preloading 10 images; cf onprogress on XHR in mozillawindow.getAttention() or some similar API to let the user know thepage wants attention? How do you reduce the chance of irritation?see also https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=293412ITEMItems have: - parents, children - properties - commands that can apply to them   <li>Inline markup for pop-up windows, for example for dialog boxes   or tool palettes, so that dialogs need not be defined in separate   files.</li>   <li>Command updating: applications that have several access   points for the same feature, for instance a menu item and a   tool-bar button, would benefit from having to disable such   commands only once, instead of having to keep each access point   synchronized with the feature's availability at all times.   Similarly menu items or tool-bar buttons that represent a toggle   state could automatically stay synchronized whenever   toggled.</li>   <li>More device-independent DOM events: The DOM event set needs   device-independent events, such as events that fire when a button   or link is activated, whether via the mouse or the keyboard.   <code>DOMActivate</code> is a start, but it lacks equivalent HTML   attributes, and additional events may be needed.</li>   <li>Richer widget set: the existing HTML controls are quite   limited, some controls for commonly used types such as date   controls and range controls would be useful.</li>   <li>Sortable and multicolumn tree views and list views with rich   formatting.</li>   <li>Ability to define custom widgets cleanly, for example using   XBL and APIs to query and control focus state, widget state, the   position and state of input devices, etc.</li>   <li>Rich text editing: an underlying architecture upon which   domain-specific editors can be created, including things like   control over the caret position.</li>   <li>A predefined HTML editor based on the rich text editing   architecture.</li>   <li>Drag and drop APIs.</li>   <li>Text selection manipulation APIs.</li>   <li>Clipboard APIs (if the security and privacy concerns can be   addressed).</li>   <li>Flexible box model: The existing box model in CSS is designed   largely for documents rather than user interface. We need a new   box model designed for user interface which would relieve author   complaints about other aspects of CSS and also reduce the need   for tables for layout.</li>   <li>Window-based state management (so that new windows don't   interfere with existing sessions), for example implemented as a   per-domain, per-window "file system". This would allow multiple   instances of the same application (from the same site) to run   without the instances overwriting each other's cookies.</li>   <li>Markup to denote <span>mutually exclusive sections</span> (as   in the commonly seen wizard interfaces).</li>   <li>An improved CSS object model, for example with better APIs   for animation, simpler ways to navigate the rendered content, a   way to find the position of an element, methods to list the   elements under a coordinate, etc.</li>   <li>Better defined user authentication state handling. (Being able   to "log out" of sites reliably, for instance, or being able to   integrate the HTTP authentication model into the Web page.)</li>offline storage / caching pining:http://groups.google.com/group/mozilla.dev.platform/browse_frm/thread/bf866101aa238773/a298294c27b9380a?lnk=gstAMPERSANDq=offlineAMPERSANDrnum=1#a298294c27b9380aDOM0 quirks that Mozilla knows about:http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/dom/src/base/nsDOMClassInfo.cppmutually exclusive sections:  <p class="example">For example, in an application for an online  mutiplayer game, there could be four mutually exclusive sections:  one for the login page, one for the network status page displayed  while the user is logging in, one for a "lobby" where players get  together to organise a game, and one for the actual game. The  different sections are the various states that the application can  reach.</p>-->  <script src="http://status.whatwg.org/annotate-web-apps.js"  type="text/javascript"></script>