require 'abstract_unit' require "fixtures/person" class BaseErrorsTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup ActiveResource::HttpMock.respond_to do |mock| "/people.xml", {}, %q(Age can't be blankName can't be blankName must start with a letterPerson quota full for today.), 422, {'Content-Type' => 'application/xml; charset=utf-8'} "/people.json", {}, %q({"errors":["Age can't be blank","Name can't be blank","Name must start with a letter","Person quota full for today."]}), 422, {'Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=utf-8'} end @person = => '', :age => '') assert_equal, false end def test_should_mark_as_invalid [ :json, :xml ].each do |format| invalid_user_using_format(format) do assert !@person.valid? end end end def test_should_parse_xml_errors [ :json, :xml ].each do |format| invalid_user_using_format(format) do assert_kind_of ActiveResource::Errors, @person.errors assert_equal 4, @person.errors.size end end end def test_should_parse_errors_to_individual_attributes [ :json, :xml ].each do |format| invalid_user_using_format(format) do assert @person.errors[:name].any? assert_equal "can't be blank", @person.errors[:age] assert_equal ["can't be blank", "must start with a letter"], @person.errors[:name] assert_equal "Person quota full for today.", @person.errors[:base] end end end def test_should_iterate_over_errors [ :json, :xml ].each do |format| invalid_user_using_format(format) do errors = [] @person.errors.each { |attribute, message| errors << [attribute, message] } assert errors.include?(['name', "can't be blank"]) end end end def test_should_iterate_over_full_errors [ :json, :xml ].each do |format| invalid_user_using_format(format) do errors = [] @person.errors.to_a.each { |message| errors << message } assert errors.include?(["name", "can't be blank"]) end end end def test_should_format_full_errors [ :json, :xml ].each do |format| invalid_user_using_format(format) do full = @person.errors.full_messages assert full.include?("Age can't be blank") assert full.include?("Name can't be blank") assert full.include?("Name must start with a letter") assert full.include?("Person quota full for today.") end end end private def invalid_user_using_format(mime_type_reference) previous_format = Person.format Person.format = mime_type_reference @person = => '', :age => '') assert_equal false, yield ensure Person.format = previous_format end end