Write a comment here *** Parameters: *** {} # params *** Markdown input: *** 1. abcd efgh ijkl *** Output of inspect *** md_el(:document,[ md_el(:ol,[md_el(:li_span,["abcd efgh ijkl"],{:want_my_paragraph=>false},[])],{},[]) ],{},[]) *** Output of to_html *** <ol> <li>abcd efgh ijkl</li> </ol> *** Output of to_latex *** \begin{enumerate}% \item abcd efgh ijkl \end{enumerate} *** Output of to_md *** 1. abcd efgh ijkl *** Output of to_s *** abcd efgh ijkl *** EOF *** OK! *** Output of Markdown.pl *** (not used anymore) *** Output of Markdown.pl (parsed) *** (not used anymore)