#!/usr/bin/ruby # # Unit test for the BlueCloth class object # $Id: 00_Class.tests.rb,v 1.1 2005/01/07 23:01:51 alexeyv Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 2004 The FaerieMUD Consortium. # if !defined?( BlueCloth ) || !defined?( BlueCloth::TestCase ) basedir = File::dirname( __FILE__ ) require File::join( basedir, 'bctestcase' ) end ### This test case tests ... class BlueClothClassTestCase < BlueCloth::TestCase TestString = "foo" def test_00_class_constant printTestHeader "BlueCloth: Class Constant" assert Object::constants.include?( "BlueCloth" ), "No BlueCloth constant in Object" assert_instance_of Class, BlueCloth end def test_01_instantiation printTestHeader "BlueCloth: Instantiation" rval = nil # With no argument... ("") assert_nothing_raised { rval = BlueCloth::new } assert_instance_of BlueCloth, rval assert_kind_of String, rval assert_equal "", rval # String argument assert_nothing_raised { rval = BlueCloth::new TestString } assert_instance_of BlueCloth, rval assert_kind_of String, rval assert_equal TestString, rval addSetupBlock { debugMsg "Creating a new BlueCloth" @obj = BlueCloth::new( TestString ) } addTeardownBlock { @obj = nil } end def test_02_duplication printTestHeader "BlueCloth: Duplication" rval = nil assert_nothing_raised { rval = @obj.dup } assert_instance_of BlueCloth, rval assert_kind_of String, rval assert_equal TestString, rval end end