require 'test/spec' require 'stringio' require 'rack/rewindable_input' shared_context "a rewindable IO object" do setup do @rio = end teardown do @rio.close end specify "should be able to handle to read()" do "hello world" end specify "should be able to handle to read(nil)" do "hello world" end specify "should be able to handle to read(length)" do "h" end specify "should be able to handle to read(length, buffer)" do buffer = "" result =, buffer) result.should.equal "h" result.object_id.should.equal buffer.object_id end specify "should be able to handle to read(nil, buffer)" do buffer = "" result =, buffer) result.should.equal "hello world" result.object_id.should.equal buffer.object_id end specify "should rewind to the beginning when #rewind is called" do @rio.rewind "hello world" end specify "should be able to handle gets" do @rio.gets.should == "hello world" end specify "should be able to handle each" do array = [] @rio.each do |data| array << data end array.should.equal(["hello world"]) end specify "should not buffer into a Tempfile if no data has been read yet" do @rio.instance_variable_get(:@rewindable_io) end specify "should buffer into a Tempfile when data has been consumed for the first time" do tempfile = @rio.instance_variable_get(:@rewindable_io) tempfile2 = @rio.instance_variable_get(:@rewindable_io) tempfile2.should.equal tempfile end specify "should close the underlying tempfile upon calling #close" do tempfile = @rio.instance_variable_get(:@rewindable_io) @rio.close end specify "should be possibel to call #close when no data has been buffered yet" do @rio.close end specify "should be possible to call #close multiple times" do @rio.close @rio.close end end context "Rack::RewindableInput" do context "given an IO object that is already rewindable" do setup do @io ="hello world") end it_should_behave_like "a rewindable IO object" end context "given an IO object that is not rewindable" do setup do @io ="hello world") @io.instance_eval do undef :rewind end end it_should_behave_like "a rewindable IO object" end context "given an IO object whose rewind method raises Errno::ESPIPE" do setup do @io ="hello world") def @io.rewind raise Errno::ESPIPE, "You can't rewind this!" end end it_should_behave_like "a rewindable IO object" end end