class Web < ActiveRecord::Base ## Associations has_many :pages, :dependent => :destroy has_many :wiki_files, :dependent => :destroy has_many :revisions, :through => :pages ## Hooks before_save :sanitize_markup after_save :create_files_directory before_validation :validate_address ## Validations validates_uniqueness_of :address validates_length_of :color, :in => 3..6 ## Methods def wiki end def settings_changed?(markup, safe_mode, brackets_only) self.markup != markup || self.safe_mode != safe_mode || self.brackets_only != brackets_only end def add_page(name, content, time, author, renderer) page = page(name) || => self, :name => name) page.revise(content, name, time, author, renderer) end # @return [Array] a collection of all the names of the authors that # have ever contributed to the pages for this Web def authors revisions.all( :select => "DISTINCT", :order => "1" ).collect(&:author) end def categories { |page| page.categories }.flatten.uniq.sort end # @param [String] name the name of some associated Page record to find # @return [Page, nil] the associated Page record, or +nil+ if no record is # found with the provided name def page(name) pages.find_by_name(name) end # @return [Page] the last associated Page record def last_page pages.last end # @param [String] name the name of some potential Page record # @return [Boolean] whether or not a given Page record exists with a given # name def has_page?(name) pages.exists?(:name => name) end def has_redirect_for?(name) WikiReference.page_that_redirects_for(self, name) end def page_that_redirects_for(name) page(WikiReference.page_that_redirects_for(self, name)) end def has_file?(file_name) wiki_files.exists?(:file_name => file_name) end def file_list(sort_order="file_name") wiki_files.all(:order => sort_order) end def pages_that_link_to(page_name) WikiReference.pages_that_link_to(self, page_name) end def pages_that_link_to_file(file_name) WikiReference.pages_that_link_to_file(self, file_name) end def description(file_name) file = WikiFile.find_by_file_name(file_name) file.description if file end # @return [Symbol] the type of markup used by this Web def markup self[:markup].to_sym end # @return [Hash] a Hash wherein the key is some author's name, and the # values are an array of page names for that author. def page_names_by_author data = revisions.all( :select => "DISTINCT AS author, AS page_name", :order => "" ) data.inject({}) do |result, revision| result[] ||= [] result[] << revision.page_name result end end def remove_pages(pages_to_be_removed) pages_to_be_removed.each { |p| p.destroy } end def revised_at select.most_recent_revision end def select(&condition), pages, condition) end def select_all, pages, nil) end def to_param address end def create_files_directory return unless allow_uploads == 1 dummy_file = => '0', :description => '0', :content => '0') File.umask(0002) dir = File.dirname(dummy_file.content_path) begin require 'fileutils' FileUtils.mkdir_p dir dummy_file.destroy rescue => e logger.error("Failed create files directory for #{self.address}: #{e}") raise "Instiki could not create directory to store uploaded files. " + "Please make sure that Instiki is allowed to create directory " + "#{File.expand_path(dir)} and add files to it." end end def files_path path = Rails.root.join("webs") if default_web? path.join("files") else path.join(address, "files") end end def blahtex_pngs_path files_path.join("pngs") end private # Returns an array of all the wiki words in any current revision def wiki_words pages.inject([]) { |wiki_words, page| wiki_words << page.wiki_words }.flatten.uniq end # Returns an array of all the page names on this web def page_names { |p| } end protected def sanitize_markup self.markup = markup.to_s end def validate_address unless address == CGI.escape(address) self.errors.add(:address, 'should contain only valid URI characters') raise"#{self.class.human_attribute_name('address')} #{errors.on(:address)}") end end def default_web? defined? DEFAULT_WEB and self.address == DEFAULT_WEB end end