## ## $Release: 2.6.5 $ ## copyright(c) 2006-2009 kuwata-lab.com all rights reserved. ## require 'erubis/error' require 'erubis/context' module Erubis EMPTY_BINDING = binding() ## ## evaluate code ## module Evaluator def self.supported_properties # :nodoc: return [] end attr_accessor :src, :filename def init_evaluator(properties) @filename = properties[:filename] end def result(*args) raise NotSupportedError.new("evaluation of code except Ruby is not supported.") end def evaluate(*args) raise NotSupportedError.new("evaluation of code except Ruby is not supported.") end end ## ## evaluator for Ruby ## module RubyEvaluator include Evaluator def self.supported_properties # :nodoc: list = Evaluator.supported_properties return list end ## eval(@src) with binding object def result(_binding_or_hash=TOPLEVEL_BINDING) _arg = _binding_or_hash if _arg.is_a?(Hash) _b = binding() eval _arg.collect{|k,v| "#{k} = _arg[#{k.inspect}]; "}.join, _b elsif _arg.is_a?(Binding) _b = _arg elsif _arg.nil? _b = binding() else raise ArgumentError.new("#{self.class.name}#result(): argument should be Binding or Hash but passed #{_arg.class.name} object.") end return eval(@src, _b, (@filename || '(erubis')) end ## invoke context.instance_eval(@src) def evaluate(_context=Context.new) _context = Context.new(_context) if _context.is_a?(Hash) #return _context.instance_eval(@src, @filename || '(erubis)') #@_proc ||= eval("proc { #{@src} }", Erubis::EMPTY_BINDING, @filename || '(erubis)') @_proc ||= eval("proc { #{@src} }", binding(), @filename || '(erubis)') return _context.instance_eval(&@_proc) end ## if object is an Class or Module then define instance method to it, ## else define singleton method to it. def def_method(object, method_name, filename=nil) m = object.is_a?(Module) ? :module_eval : :instance_eval object.__send__(m, "def #{method_name}; #{@src}; end", filename || @filename || '(erubis)') end end end