require 'abstract_unit' require 'testing_sandbox' begin require 'redcloth' rescue LoadError $stderr.puts "Skipping textilize tests. `gem install RedCloth` to enable." end class TextHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase tests ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper include TestingSandbox def setup # This simulates the fact that instance variables are reset every time # a view is rendered. The cycle helper depends on this behavior. @_cycles = nil if (defined? @_cycles) end def test_concat self.output_buffer = 'foo' assert_equal 'foobar', concat('bar') assert_equal 'foobar', output_buffer end def test_simple_format assert_equal "
", simple_format(nil) assert_equal "crazy\n
platform linebreaks
A paragraph
\n\nand another one!
", simple_format("A paragraph\n\nand another one!") assert_equal "A paragraph\n
With a newline
This is a classy test
), simple_format("This is a classy test", :class => 'test') assert_equal %Q(para 1
\n\npara 2
), simple_format("para 1\n\npara 2", :class => 'test') end def test_truncate assert_equal "Hello World!", truncate("Hello World!", :length => 12) assert_equal "Hello Wor...", truncate("Hello World!!", :length => 12) end def test_truncate_should_use_default_length_of_30 str = "This is a string that will go longer then the default truncate length of 30" assert_equal str[0...27] + "...", truncate(str) end def test_truncate_with_options_hash assert_equal "This is a string that wil[...]", truncate("This is a string that will go longer then the default truncate length of 30", :omission => "[...]") assert_equal "Hello W...", truncate("Hello World!", :length => 10) assert_equal "Hello[...]", truncate("Hello World!", :omission => "[...]", :length => 10) end if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.0' def test_truncate_multibyte with_kcode 'none' do assert_equal "\354\225\210\353\205\225\355...", truncate("\354\225\210\353\205\225\355\225\230\354\204\270\354\232\224", :length => 10) end with_kcode 'u' do assert_equal "\354\225\204\353\246\254\353\236\221 \354\225\204\353\246\254 ...", truncate("\354\225\204\353\246\254\353\236\221 \354\225\204\353\246\254 \354\225\204\353\235\274\353\246\254\354\230\244", :length => 10) end end else def test_truncate_multibyte assert_equal "\354\225\210\353\205\225\355...", truncate("\354\225\210\353\205\225\355\225\230\354\204\270\354\232\224", :length => 10) assert_equal "\354\225\204\353\246\254\353\236\221 \354\225\204\353\246\254 ...".force_encoding('UTF-8'), truncate("\354\225\204\353\246\254\353\236\221 \354\225\204\353\246\254 \354\225\204\353\235\274\353\246\254\354\230\244".force_encoding('UTF-8'), :length => 10) end end def test_highlighter assert_equal( "This is a beautiful morning", highlight("This is a beautiful morning", "beautiful") ) assert_equal( "This is a beautiful morning, but also a beautiful day", highlight("This is a beautiful morning, but also a beautiful day", "beautiful") ) assert_equal( "This is a beautiful morning, but also a beautiful day", highlight("This is a beautiful morning, but also a beautiful day", "beautiful", '\1') ) assert_equal( "This text is not changed because we supplied an empty phrase", highlight("This text is not changed because we supplied an empty phrase", nil) ) assert_equal ' ', highlight(' ', 'blank text is returned verbatim') end def test_highlight_with_regexp assert_equal( "This is a beautiful! morning", highlight("This is a beautiful! morning", "beautiful!") ) assert_equal( "This is a beautiful! morning", highlight("This is a beautiful! morning", "beautiful! morning") ) assert_equal( "This is a beautiful? morning", highlight("This is a beautiful? morning", "beautiful? morning") ) end def test_highlight_with_multiple_phrases_in_one_pass assert_equal %(wow em), highlight('wow em', %w(wow em), '\1') end def test_highlight_with_options_hash assert_equal( "This is a beautiful morning, but also a beautiful day", highlight("This is a beautiful morning, but also a beautiful day", "beautiful", :highlighter => '\1') ) end def test_highlight_with_html assert_equal( "This is a beautiful morning, but also a beautiful day
", highlight("This is a beautiful morning, but also a beautiful day
", "beautiful") ) assert_equal( "This is a beautiful morning, but also a beautiful day
", highlight("This is a beautiful morning, but also a beautiful day
", "beautiful") ) assert_equal( "This is a beautiful morning, but also a beautiful day
", highlight("This is a beautiful morning, but also a beautiful day
", "beautiful") ) assert_equal( "This is a beautiful morning, but also a beautiful day
", highlight("This is a beautiful morning, but also a beautiful day
", "beautiful") ) assert_equal( "This is a beautiful morning, but also a beautiful day
", highlight("This is a beautiful morning, but also a beautiful day
", "beautiful") ) end def test_excerpt assert_equal(" a beautiful morn...", excerpt("This is a beautiful morning", "beautiful", 5)) assert_equal("This is a...", excerpt("This is a beautiful morning", "this", 5)) assert_equal("...iful morning", excerpt("This is a beautiful morning", "morning", 5)) assert_nil excerpt("This is a beautiful morning", "day") end def test_excerpt_in_borderline_cases assert_equal("", excerpt("", "", 0)) assert_equal("a", excerpt("a", "a", 0)) assert_equal("...b...", excerpt("abc", "b", 0)) assert_equal("abc", excerpt("abc", "b", 1)) assert_equal("abc...", excerpt("abcd", "b", 1)) assert_equal("", excerpt("zabc", "b", 1)) assert_equal("", excerpt("zabcd", "b", 1)) assert_equal("zabcd", excerpt("zabcd", "b", 2)) # excerpt strips the resulting string before ap-/prepending excerpt_string. # whether this behavior is meaningful when excerpt_string is not to be # appended is questionable. assert_equal("zabcd", excerpt(" zabcd ", "b", 4)) assert_equal("", excerpt("z abc d", "b", 1)) end def test_excerpt_with_regex assert_equal(' a beautiful! mor...', excerpt('This is a beautiful! morning', 'beautiful', 5)) assert_equal(' a beautiful? mor...', excerpt('This is a beautiful? morning', 'beautiful', 5)) end def test_excerpt_with_options_hash assert_equal(" a beautiful morn...", excerpt("This is a beautiful morning", "beautiful", :radius => 5)) assert_equal("[...]is a beautiful morn[...]", excerpt("This is a beautiful morning", "beautiful", :omission => "[...]",:radius => 5)) assert_equal( "This is the ultimate supercalifragilisticexpialidoceous very looooooooooooooooooong looooooooooooong beautiful morning with amazing sunshine and awesome tempera[...]", excerpt("This is the ultimate supercalifragilisticexpialidoceous very looooooooooooooooooong looooooooooooong beautiful morning with amazing sunshine and awesome temperatures. So what are you gonna do about it?", "very", :omission => "[...]") ) end if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' def test_excerpt_with_utf8 with_kcode('u') do assert_equal("...\357\254\203ciency could not be...", excerpt("That's why e\357\254\203ciency could not be helped", 'could', 8)) end with_kcode('none') do assert_equal("...\203ciency could not be...", excerpt("That's why e\357\254\203ciency could not be helped", 'could', 8)) end end else def test_excerpt_with_utf8 assert_equal("...\357\254\203ciency could not be...".force_encoding('UTF-8'), excerpt("That's why e\357\254\203ciency could not be helped".force_encoding('UTF-8'), 'could', 8)) assert_equal("...\203ciency could not be...", excerpt("That's why e\357\254\203ciency could not be helped", 'could', 8)) end end def test_word_wrap assert_equal("my very very\nvery long\nstring", word_wrap("my very very very long string", 15)) end def test_word_wrap_with_extra_newlines assert_equal("my very very\nvery long\nstring\n\nwith another\nline", word_wrap("my very very very long string\n\nwith another line", 15)) end def test_word_wrap_with_options_hash assert_equal("my very very\nvery long\nstring", word_wrap("my very very very long string", :line_width => 15)) end def test_pluralization assert_equal("1 count", pluralize(1, "count")) assert_equal("2 counts", pluralize(2, "count")) assert_equal("1 count", pluralize('1', "count")) assert_equal("2 counts", pluralize('2', "count")) assert_equal("1,066 counts", pluralize('1,066', "count")) assert_equal("1.25 counts", pluralize('1.25', "count")) assert_equal("2 counters", pluralize(2, "count", "counters")) assert_equal("0 counters", pluralize(nil, "count", "counters")) assert_equal("2 people", pluralize(2, "person")) assert_equal("10 buffaloes", pluralize(10, "buffalo")) assert_equal("1 berry", pluralize(1, "berry")) assert_equal("12 berries", pluralize(12, "berry")) end def test_auto_link_parsing urls = %w(;new;new%20with%20spaces;new?with=query&string=params;new?with=query&string=params'em[q]=green+france&search[type]=Group,-0.11939&spn=0.007052,0.012767&z=16&iwloc=A ) urls.each do |url| assert_equal generate_result(url), auto_link(url) end end def generate_result(link_text, href = nil) href ||= link_text %{#{CGI::escapeHTML link_text}} end def test_auto_linking email_raw = '' email_result = %{#{email_raw}} link_raw = '' link_result = generate_result(link_raw) link_result_with_options = %{#{link_raw}} assert_equal '', auto_link(nil) assert_equal '', auto_link('') assert_equal "#{link_result} #{link_result} #{link_result}", auto_link("#{link_raw} #{link_raw} #{link_raw}") assert_equal %(hello #{email_result}), auto_link("hello #{email_raw}", :email_addresses) assert_equal %(Go to #{link_result}), auto_link("Go to #{link_raw}", :urls) assert_equal %(Go to #{link_raw}), auto_link("Go to #{link_raw}", :email_addresses) assert_equal %(Go to #{link_result} and say hello to #{email_result}), auto_link("Go to #{link_raw} and say hello to #{email_raw}") assert_equal %(Link #{link_result}
), auto_link("Link #{link_raw}
") assert_equal %(#{link_result} Link
), auto_link("#{link_raw} Link
") assert_equal %(Link #{link_result_with_options}
), auto_link("Link #{link_raw}
", :all, {:target => "_blank"}) assert_equal %(Go to #{link_result}.), auto_link(%(Go to #{link_raw}.)) assert_equal %(Go to #{link_result}, then say hello to #{email_result}.
), auto_link(%(Go to #{link_raw}, then say hello to #{email_raw}.
)) email2_raw = '' email2_result = %{#{email2_raw}} assert_equal email2_result, auto_link(email2_raw) email3_raw = '' email3_result = %{#{email3_raw}} assert_equal email3_result, auto_link(email3_raw, :all, :encode => :hex) assert_equal email3_result, auto_link(email3_raw, :email_addresses, :encode => :hex) link2_raw = '' link2_result = generate_result(link2_raw, "http://#{link2_raw}") assert_equal %(Go to #{link2_result}), auto_link("Go to #{link2_raw}", :urls) assert_equal %(Go to #{link2_raw}), auto_link("Go to #{link2_raw}", :email_addresses) assert_equal %(Link #{link2_result}
), auto_link("Link #{link2_raw}
") assert_equal %(#{link2_result} Link
), auto_link("#{link2_raw} Link
") assert_equal %(Go to #{link2_result}.), auto_link(%(Go to #{link2_raw}.)) assert_equal %(Say hello to #{email_result}, then go to #{link2_result}.
), auto_link(%(Say hello to #{email_raw}, then go to #{link2_raw}.
)) link3_raw = '' link3_result = generate_result(link3_raw) assert_equal %(Go to #{link3_result}), auto_link("Go to #{link3_raw}", :urls) assert_equal %(Go to #{link3_raw}), auto_link("Go to #{link3_raw}", :email_addresses) assert_equal %(Link #{link3_result}
), auto_link("Link #{link3_raw}
") assert_equal %(#{link3_result} Link
), auto_link("#{link3_raw} Link
") assert_equal %(Go to #{link3_result}.), auto_link(%(Go to #{link3_raw}.)) assert_equal %(Go to #{link3_result}. Seriously, #{link3_result}? I think I'll say hello to #{email_result}. Instead.
), auto_link(%(Go to #{link3_raw}. Seriously, #{link3_raw}? I think I'll say hello to #{email_raw}. Instead.
)) link4_raw = '' link4_result = generate_result(link4_raw) assert_equal %(Link #{link4_result}
), auto_link("Link #{link4_raw}
") assert_equal %(#{link4_result} Link
), auto_link("#{link4_raw} Link
") link5_raw = '' link5_result = generate_result(link5_raw) assert_equal %(#{link5_result} Link
), auto_link("#{link5_raw} Link
") link6_raw = '' link6_result = generate_result(link6_raw) assert_equal %(#{link6_result} Link
), auto_link("#{link6_raw} Link
") link7_raw = '' link7_result = generate_result(link7_raw) assert_equal %(#{link7_result} Link
), auto_link("#{link7_raw} Link
") link8_raw = '' link8_result = generate_result(link8_raw) assert_equal %(Go to #{link8_result}), auto_link("Go to #{link8_raw}", :urls) assert_equal %(Go to #{link8_raw}), auto_link("Go to #{link8_raw}", :email_addresses) assert_equal %(Link #{link8_result}
), auto_link("Link #{link8_raw}
") assert_equal %(#{link8_result} Link
), auto_link("#{link8_raw} Link
") assert_equal %(Go to #{link8_result}.), auto_link(%(Go to #{link8_raw}.)) assert_equal %(Go to #{link8_result}. Seriously, #{link8_result}? I think I'll say hello to #{email_result}. Instead.
), auto_link(%(Go to #{link8_raw}. Seriously, #{link8_raw}? I think I'll say hello to #{email_raw}. Instead.
)) link9_raw = ',,9065-2473189,00.html' link9_result = generate_result(link9_raw) assert_equal %(Go to #{link9_result}), auto_link("Go to #{link9_raw}", :urls) assert_equal %(Go to #{link9_raw}), auto_link("Go to #{link9_raw}", :email_addresses) assert_equal %(Link #{link9_result}
), auto_link("Link #{link9_raw}
") assert_equal %(#{link9_result} Link
), auto_link("#{link9_raw} Link
") assert_equal %(Go to #{link9_result}.), auto_link(%(Go to #{link9_raw}.)) assert_equal %(Go to #{link9_result}. Seriously, #{link9_result}? I think I'll say hello to #{email_result}. Instead.
), auto_link(%(Go to #{link9_raw}. Seriously, #{link9_raw}? I think I'll say hello to #{email_raw}. Instead.
)) link10_raw = '' link10_result = generate_result(link10_raw) assert_equal %(#{link10_result} Link
), auto_link("#{link10_raw} Link
") end def test_auto_link_already_linked linked1 = generate_result('Ruby On Rails', '') linked2 = generate_result('', '') assert_equal linked1, auto_link(linked1) assert_equal linked2, auto_link(linked2) end def test_auto_link_with_brackets link1_raw = '' link1_result = generate_result(link1_raw) assert_equal link1_result, auto_link(link1_raw) assert_equal "(link: #{link1_result})", auto_link("(link: #{link1_raw})") link2_raw = '[computer_graphics]' link2_result = generate_result(link2_raw) assert_equal link2_result, auto_link(link2_raw) assert_equal "[link: #{link2_result}]", auto_link("[link: #{link2_raw}]") link3_raw = '{computer_graphics}' link3_result = generate_result(link3_raw) assert_equal link3_result, auto_link(link3_raw) assert_equal "{link: #{link3_result}}", auto_link("{link: #{link3_raw}}") end def test_auto_link_in_tags link_raw = '' link_result = %Q(#{url1}
This is Textile! Rejoice!
", textilize("*This is Textile!* Rejoice!")) end def test_textilize_with_blank assert_equal("", textilize("")) end def test_textilize_with_options assert_equal("This is worded <strong>strongly</strong>
", textilize("This is worded strongly", :filter_html)) end def test_textilize_with_hard_breaks assert_equal("This is one scary world.
\n True.