require 'html5lib/constants' require 'html5lib/tokenizer' require 'html5lib/treebuilders/rexml' Dir.glob(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'html5parser', '*_phase.rb')).each do |path| require 'html5lib/html5parser/' + File.basename(path) end module HTML5lib # Error in parsed document class ParseError < Exception; end class AssertionError < Exception; end # HTML parser. Generates a tree structure from a stream of (possibly malformed) HTML # class HTMLParser attr_accessor :phase, :firstStartTag, :innerHTML, :lastPhase, :insertFromTable attr_reader :phases, :tokenizer, :tree, :errors def self.parse(stream, options = {}) encoding = options.delete(:encoding) new(options).parse(stream,encoding) end def self.parseFragment(stream, options = {}) container = options.delete(:container) || 'div' encoding = options.delete(:encoding) new(options).parseFragment(stream,container,encoding) end @@phases = %w( initial rootElement beforeHead inHead afterHead inBody inTable inCaption inColumnGroup inTableBody inRow inCell inSelect afterBody inFrameset afterFrameset trailingEnd ) # :strict - raise an exception when a parse error is encountered # :tree - a treebuilder class controlling the type of tree that will be # returned. Built in treebuilders can be accessed through # HTML5lib::TreeBuilders[treeType] def initialize(options = {}) @strict = false @errors = [] @tokenizer = HTMLTokenizer @tree = TreeBuilders::REXML::TreeBuilder options.each { |name, value| instance_variable_set("@#{name}", value) } @tree = @phases = @@phases.inject({}) do |phases, phase_name| phase_class_name = phase_name.sub(/(.)/) { $1.upcase } + 'Phase' phases[phase_name.to_sym] = HTML5lib.const_get(phase_class_name).new(self, @tree) phases end end def _parse(stream, innerHTML, encoding, container = 'div') @tree.reset @firstStartTag = false @errors = [] @tokenizer = @tokenizer.class unless Class === @tokenizer @tokenizer =, :encoding => encoding, :parseMeta => !innerHTML) if innerHTML case @innerHTML = container.downcase when 'title', 'textarea' @tokenizer.contentModelFlag = :RCDATA when 'style', 'script', 'xmp', 'iframe', 'noembed', 'noframes', 'noscript' @tokenizer.contentModelFlag = :CDATA when 'plaintext' @tokenizer.contentModelFlag = :PLAINTEXT else # contentModelFlag already is PCDATA #@tokenizer.contentModelFlag = :PCDATA end @phase = @phases[:rootElement] @phase.insertHtmlElement resetInsertionMode else @innerHTML = false @phase = @phases[:initial] end # We only seem to have InBodyPhase testcases where the following is # relevant ... need others too @lastPhase = nil # XXX This is temporary for the moment so there isn't any other # changes needed for the parser to work with the iterable tokenizer @tokenizer.each do |token| token = normalizeToken(token) method = 'process%s' % token[:type] case token[:type] when :Characters, :SpaceCharacters, :Comment @phase.send method, token[:data] when :StartTag @phase.send method, token[:name], token[:data] when :EndTag @phase.send method, token[:name] when :Doctype @phase.send method, token[:name], token[:publicId], token[:systemId], token[:correct] else parseError(token[:data]) end end # When the loop finishes it's EOF @phase.processEOF end # Parse a HTML document into a well-formed tree # # stream - a filelike object or string containing the HTML to be parsed # # The optional encoding parameter must be a string that indicates # the encoding. If specified, that encoding will be used, # regardless of any BOM or later declaration (such as in a meta # element) def parse(stream, encoding=nil) _parse(stream, false, encoding) return @tree.getDocument end # Parse a HTML fragment into a well-formed tree fragment # container - name of the element we're setting the innerHTML property # if set to nil, default to 'div' # # stream - a filelike object or string containing the HTML to be parsed # # The optional encoding parameter must be a string that indicates # the encoding. If specified, that encoding will be used, # regardless of any BOM or later declaration (such as in a meta # element) def parseFragment(stream, container='div', encoding=nil) _parse(stream, true, encoding, container) return @tree.getFragment end def parseError(data = 'XXX ERROR MESSAGE NEEDED') # XXX The idea is to make data mandatory. @errors.push([, data]) raise ParseError if @strict end # HTML5 specific normalizations to the token stream def normalizeToken(token) if token[:type] == :EmptyTag # When a solidus (/) is encountered within a tag name what happens # depends on whether the current tag name matches that of a void # element. If it matches a void element atheists did the wrong # thing and if it doesn't it's wrong for everyone. unless VOID_ELEMENTS.include?(token[:name]) parseError(_('Solidus (/) incorrectly placed in tag.')) end token[:type] = :StartTag end if token[:type] == :StartTag token[:name] = token[:name].tr(ASCII_UPPERCASE,ASCII_LOWERCASE) # We need to remove the duplicate attributes and convert attributes # to a dict so that [["x", "y"], ["x", "z"]] becomes {"x": "y"} unless token[:data].empty? data = token[:data] { |attr, value| [, ASCII_LOWERCASE), value] } token[:data] = Hash[*data.flatten] end elsif token[:type] == :EndTag parseError(_('End tag contains unexpected attributes.')) unless token[:data].empty? token[:name] = token[:name].downcase end return token end @@new_modes = { 'select' => :inSelect, 'td' => :inCell, 'th' => :inCell, 'tr' => :inRow, 'tbody' => :inTableBody, 'thead' => :inTableBody, 'tfoot' => :inTableBody, 'caption' => :inCaption, 'colgroup' => :inColumnGroup, 'table' => :inTable, 'head' => :inBody, 'body' => :inBody, 'frameset' => :inFrameset } def resetInsertionMode # The name of this method is mostly historical. (It's also used in the # specification.) last = false @tree.openElements.reverse.each do |node| nodeName = if node == @tree.openElements[0] last = true unless ['td', 'th'].include?(nodeName) # XXX # assert @innerHTML nodeName = @innerHTML end end # Check for conditions that should only happen in the innerHTML # case if ['select', 'colgroup', 'head', 'frameset'].include?(nodeName) # XXX # assert @innerHTML end if @@new_modes.has_key?(nodeName) @phase = @phases[@@new_modes[nodeName]] elsif nodeName == 'html' @phase = @phases[@tree.headPointer.nil?? :beforeHead : :afterHead] elsif last @phase = @phases[:inBody] else next end break end end def _(string); string; end end end