# encoding: utf-8 require 'date' require 'abstract_unit' require 'inflector_test_cases' class StringInflectionsTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include InflectorTestCases def test_pluralize SingularToPlural.each do |singular, plural| assert_equal(plural, singular.pluralize) end assert_equal("plurals", "plurals".pluralize) end def test_singularize SingularToPlural.each do |singular, plural| assert_equal(singular, plural.singularize) end end def test_titleize MixtureToTitleCase.each do |before, titleized| assert_equal(titleized, before.titleize) end end def test_camelize CamelToUnderscore.each do |camel, underscore| assert_equal(camel, underscore.camelize) end end def test_camelize_lower assert_equal('capital', 'Capital'.camelize(:lower)) end def test_underscore CamelToUnderscore.each do |camel, underscore| assert_equal(underscore, camel.underscore) end assert_equal "html_tidy", "HTMLTidy".underscore assert_equal "html_tidy_generator", "HTMLTidyGenerator".underscore end def test_underscore_to_lower_camel UnderscoreToLowerCamel.each do |underscored, lower_camel| assert_equal(lower_camel, underscored.camelize(:lower)) end end def test_demodulize assert_equal "Account", "MyApplication::Billing::Account".demodulize end def test_foreign_key ClassNameToForeignKeyWithUnderscore.each do |klass, foreign_key| assert_equal(foreign_key, klass.foreign_key) end ClassNameToForeignKeyWithoutUnderscore.each do |klass, foreign_key| assert_equal(foreign_key, klass.foreign_key(false)) end end def test_tableize ClassNameToTableName.each do |class_name, table_name| assert_equal(table_name, class_name.tableize) end end def test_classify ClassNameToTableName.each do |class_name, table_name| assert_equal(class_name, table_name.classify) end end def test_string_parameterized_normal StringToParameterized.each do |normal, slugged| assert_equal(normal.parameterize, slugged) end end def test_string_parameterized_no_separator StringToParameterizeWithNoSeparator.each do |normal, slugged| assert_equal(normal.parameterize(''), slugged) end end def test_string_parameterized_underscore StringToParameterizeWithUnderscore.each do |normal, slugged| assert_equal(normal.parameterize('_'), slugged) end end def test_humanize UnderscoreToHuman.each do |underscore, human| assert_equal(human, underscore.humanize) end end def test_ord assert_equal 97, 'a'.ord assert_equal 97, 'abc'.ord end def test_string_to_time assert_equal Time.utc(2005, 2, 27, 23, 50), "2005-02-27 23:50".to_time assert_equal Time.local(2005, 2, 27, 23, 50), "2005-02-27 23:50".to_time(:local) assert_equal DateTime.civil(2039, 2, 27, 23, 50), "2039-02-27 23:50".to_time assert_equal Time.local_time(2039, 2, 27, 23, 50), "2039-02-27 23:50".to_time(:local) end def test_string_to_datetime assert_equal DateTime.civil(2039, 2, 27, 23, 50), "2039-02-27 23:50".to_datetime assert_equal 0, "2039-02-27 23:50".to_datetime.offset # use UTC offset assert_equal ::Date::ITALY, "2039-02-27 23:50".to_datetime.start # use Ruby's default start value end def test_string_to_date assert_equal Date.new(2005, 2, 27), "2005-02-27".to_date end def test_access s = "hello" assert_equal "h", s.at(0) assert_equal "llo", s.from(2) assert_equal "hel", s.to(2) assert_equal "h", s.first assert_equal "he", s.first(2) assert_equal "", s.first(0) assert_equal "o", s.last assert_equal "llo", s.last(3) assert_equal "hello", s.last(10) assert_equal "", s.last(0) assert_equal 'x', 'x'.first assert_equal 'x', 'x'.first(4) assert_equal 'x', 'x'.last assert_equal 'x', 'x'.last(4) end def test_access_returns_a_real_string hash = {} hash["h"] = true hash["hello123".at(0)] = true assert_equal %w(h), hash.keys hash = {} hash["llo"] = true hash["hello".from(2)] = true assert_equal %w(llo), hash.keys hash = {} hash["hel"] = true hash["hello".to(2)] = true assert_equal %w(hel), hash.keys hash = {} hash["hello"] = true hash["123hello".last(5)] = true assert_equal %w(hello), hash.keys hash = {} hash["hello"] = true hash["hello123".first(5)] = true assert_equal %w(hello), hash.keys end def test_starts_ends_with_alias s = "hello" assert s.starts_with?('h') assert s.starts_with?('hel') assert !s.starts_with?(:hel) assert !s.starts_with?('el') assert s.start_with?('h') assert s.start_with?('hel') assert !s.start_with?('el') assert s.ends_with?('o') assert s.ends_with?('lo') assert !s.ends_with?(:lo) assert !s.ends_with?('el') assert s.end_with?('o') assert s.end_with?('lo') assert !s.end_with?('el') end def test_string_squish original = %{ A string with tabs(\t\t), newlines(\n\n), and many spaces( ). } expected = "A string with tabs( ), newlines( ), and many spaces( )." # Make sure squish returns what we expect: assert_equal original.squish, expected # But doesn't modify the original string: assert_not_equal original, expected # Make sure squish! returns what we expect: assert_equal original.squish!, expected # And changes the original string: assert_equal original, expected end if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' def test_each_char_with_utf8_string_when_kcode_is_utf8 with_kcode('UTF8') do '€2.99'.each_char do |char| assert_not_equal 1, char.length break end end end end end class StringBehaviourTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_acts_like_string assert 'Bambi'.acts_like_string? end end class CoreExtStringMultibyteTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase UNICODE_STRING = 'こにちわ' ASCII_STRING = 'ohayo' BYTE_STRING = "\270\236\010\210\245" def test_core_ext_adds_mb_chars assert UNICODE_STRING.respond_to?(:mb_chars) end def test_string_should_recognize_utf8_strings assert UNICODE_STRING.is_utf8? assert ASCII_STRING.is_utf8? assert !BYTE_STRING.is_utf8? end if RUBY_VERSION < '1.8.7' def test_core_ext_adds_chars assert UNICODE_STRING.respond_to?(:chars) end def test_chars_warns_about_deprecation assert_deprecated("String#chars") do ''.chars end end end if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' def test_mb_chars_returns_self_when_kcode_not_set with_kcode('none') do assert UNICODE_STRING.mb_chars.kind_of?(String) end end def test_mb_chars_returns_an_instance_of_the_chars_proxy_when_kcode_utf8 with_kcode('UTF8') do assert UNICODE_STRING.mb_chars.kind_of?(ActiveSupport::Multibyte.proxy_class) end end end if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9' def test_mb_chars_returns_string assert UNICODE_STRING.mb_chars.kind_of?(String) end end end class StringBytesizeTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_bytesize assert_respond_to 'foo', :bytesize assert_equal 3, 'foo'.bytesize end end class OutputSafetyTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def setup @string = "hello" end test "A string is unsafe by default" do assert !@string.html_safe? end test "Marking a string html_safe! doesn't work unless rails_xss is installed" do assert_raise(NoMethodError) { @string.html_safe! } end test "A string can be marked safe" do string = @string.html_safe assert string.html_safe? end test "Marking a string safe returns the string" do assert_equal @string, @string.html_safe end test "A fixnum is safe by default" do assert 5.html_safe? end test "An object is unsafe by default" do assert !Object.new.html_safe? end test "Adding a safe string to another safe string returns a safe string" do @other_string = "other".html_safe string = @string.html_safe @combination = @other_string + string assert_equal "otherhello", @combination assert @combination.html_safe? end test "Adding an unsafe string to a safe string doesn't escape it without rails_xss but returns a safe string" do @other_string = "other".html_safe @combination = @other_string + "" @other_combination = @string + "" assert_equal "other", @combination assert_equal "hello", @other_combination assert @combination.html_safe? assert !@other_combination.html_safe? end test "Concatting safe onto unsafe yields unsafe" do @other_string = "other" string = @string.html_safe @other_string.concat(string) assert !@other_string.html_safe? end test "Concatting unsafe onto safe yields safe by not escaped without rails_xss" do @other_string = "other".html_safe string = @other_string.concat("") assert_equal "other", string assert string.html_safe? end test "Concatting safe onto safe yields safe" do @other_string = "other".html_safe string = @string.html_safe @other_string.concat(string) assert @other_string.html_safe? end test "Concatting safe onto unsafe with << yields unsafe" do @other_string = "other" string = @string.html_safe @other_string << string assert !@other_string.html_safe? end test "Concatting unsafe onto safe with << yields safe but not escaped without rails_xss" do @other_string = "other".html_safe string = @other_string << "" assert_equal "other", string assert string.html_safe? end test "Concatting safe onto safe with << yields safe" do @other_string = "other".html_safe @string.html_safe @other_string << @string assert @other_string.html_safe? end test "Concatting a fixnum to safe always yields safe" do string = @string.html_safe string = string.concat(13) assert_equal "hello".concat(13), string assert string.html_safe? end test 'emits normal string yaml' do assert_equal 'foo'.to_yaml, 'foo'.html_safe.to_yaml(:foo => 1) end test 'yaml output using +' do assert_equal "--- foobar\n", ('foo' + 'bar').to_yaml end test 'yaml output using <<' do assert_equal "--- foobar\n", ('foo' << 'bar').to_yaml end end