require 'diff' # Temporary class containing all rendering stuff from a Revision # I want to shift all rendering loguc to the controller eventually class PageRenderer attr_accessor :revision def initialize(revision = nil) @revision = revision end # Returns an array of all the WikiIncludes present in the content of this revision. def wiki_includes unless @wiki_includes_cache chunks = display_content.find_chunks(Include) @wiki_includes_cache = { |c| ( c.escaped? ? nil : c.page_name ) }.compact.uniq end @wiki_includes_cache end # Returns an array of all the WikiReferences present in the content of this revision. def wiki_references unless @wiki_references_cache chunks = display_content.find_chunks(WikiChunk::WikiReference) @wiki_references_cache = { |c| ( c.escaped? ? nil : c.page_name ) }.compact.uniq end @wiki_references_cache end # Returns an array of all the WikiWords present in the content of this revision. def wiki_words unless @wiki_words_cache wiki_chunks = display_content.find_chunks(WikiChunk::WikiLink) @wiki_words_cache = { |c| ( c.escaped? ? nil : c.page_name ) }.compact.uniq end @wiki_words_cache end # Returns an array of all the WikiWords present in the content of this revision. # that already exists as a page in the web. def existing_pages { |wiki_word| } end # Returns an array of all the WikiWords present in the content of this revision # that *doesn't* already exists as a page in the web. def unexisting_pages wiki_words - existing_pages end # Explicit check for new type of display cache with chunks_by_type method. # Ensures new version works with older snapshots. def display_content unless @display_cache && @display_cache.respond_to?(:chunks_by_type) @display_cache = @display_cache.render! end @display_cache end # TODO this probably doesn't belong in revision (because it has to call back the page) def display_diff previous_revision = if previous_revision HTMLDiff.diff(, display_content) else display_content end end def clear_display_cache @wiki_words_cache = @published_cache = @display_cache = @wiki_includes_cache = @wiki_references_cache = nil end def display_published unless @published_cache && @published_cache.respond_to?(:chunks_by_type) @published_cache =, {:mode => :publish}) @published_cache.render! end @published_cache end def display_content_for_export, {:mode => :export} ).render! end def force_rendering begin display_content.render! rescue => e logger.error "Failed rendering page #{@name}" logger.error e message = e.message # substitute content with an error message @revision.content = <<-EOL

Markup engine has failed to render this page, raising the following error:


EOL clear_display_cache raise e end end protected end