Showing changes from revision #<%= @page.number - 1 %> to #<%= @page.number %>:
Added | Removed
<%= @page.display_diff %>
<%= @page.revisions? ? "Revised" : "Created" %> on <%= @page.pretty_created_at %>
by <%= @page.author_link %>
<%= "(#{})" if %>
<% if @web.count_pages %>
<% total_chars = @page.content.length %>
(<%= total_chars %> characters / <%= sprintf("%-.1f", (total_chars / 2275 rescue 0)) %> pages)
<% end %>
<% if == "HomePage" %>
<%= link_to('Edit Page',
{:web => @web.address, :action => 'edit', :id =>},
{:class => 'navlink', :accesskey => 'E'})
<%= link_to('Edit Web',
{:web => @web.address, :action => 'edit_web'},
{:class => 'navlink'})
<% else %>
<%= link_to('Edit',
{:web => @web.address, :action => 'edit', :id =>},
{:class => 'navlink', :accesskey => 'E'})
<% end %>
<% if @page.revisions.length > 1 %>
<%= link_to('Back in time',
{:web => @web.address, :action => 'revision', :id =>,
:rev => @page.revisions.length - 2},
{:class => 'navlink', :accesskey => 'R'})
(<%= @page.revisions.length - 1 %> revisions)
<% end %>
<% if @page.revisions.length > 1 %>
| See changes
| Hide changes
<% end %>
| Views:
<%= link_to('Print',
{:web => @web.address, :action => 'print', :id =>},
{:accesskey => 'p'}) %>
<% if defined? RedClothForTex and RedClothForTex.available? and @web.markup == :textile %>
<%= link_to 'TeX', :web => @web.address, :action => 'tex', :id => %>
<%= link_to 'PDF', :web => @web.address, :action => 'pdf', :id => %>
<% end %>
<% unless @page.linked_from.empty? %>
| Linked from:
<%= @page.linked_from.collect { |referring_page|
link_to_existing_page referring_page
}.join(", ")
<% end %>
<% if @page.included_from.length > 0 %>
| Included from: <%= @page.included_from.collect { |referring_page|
link_to_existing_page referring_page
}.join(", ")
<% end %>