--- in: '"link text":#1' out:

link text

--- in: '"link text":#a' out:

link text

--- in: '"link text":#a1' out:

link text

--- in: '"link text":#a10' out:

link text

--- in: '"link text":index.html' out:

link text

--- in: '"link text":index.html#1' out:

link text

--- in: '"link text":index.html#a' out:

link text

--- in: '"link text":index.html#a1' out:

link text

--- in: '"link text":index.html#a10' out:

link text

--- in: '"link text":http://example.com/' out:

link text

--- in: '"link text":http://example.com/#1' out:

link text

--- in: '"link text":http://example.com/#a' out:

link text

--- in: '"link text":http://example.com/#a1' out:

link text

--- in: '"link text":http://example.com/#a10' out:

link text

--- in: '"link text":http://example.com/index.html' out:

link text

--- in: '"link text":http://example.com/index.html#a' out:

link text

--- in: '"link text":http://example.com/index.html#1' out:

link text

--- in: '"link text":http://example.com/index.html#a1' out:

link text

--- in: '"link text":http://example.com/index.html#a10' out:

link text

--- in: '"link text":http://example.com/?foo=bar' out:

link text

--- in: '"link text":http://example.com/?foo=bar#a' out:

link text

--- in: '"link text":http://example.com/?foo=bar#1' out:

link text

--- in: '"link text":http://example.com/?foo=bar#a1' out:

link text

--- in: '"link text":http://example.com/?foo=bar#a10' out:

link text

--- in: '"link text":http://example.com/?foo=bar&a=b' out:

link text

--- in: '"link text":http://example.com/?foo=bar&a=b#1' out:

link text

--- in: '"link text":http://example.com/?foo=bar&a=b#a' out:

link text

--- in: '"link text":http://example.com/?foo=bar&a=b#a1' out:

link text

--- in: '"link text":http://example.com/?foo=bar&a=b#a10' out:

link text

--- in: 'This is a "link":http://example.com/' out:

This is a link

--- in: 'This is a "link":http://example.com/.' out:

This is a link.

--- in: 'This is a "link":http://example.com/index.html.' out:

This is a link.

--- in: 'This is a "link":http://example.com/index.html#a.' out:

This is a link.

--- in: 'This is a "link":http://example.com/index.html#1.' out:

This is a link.

--- in: 'This is a "link":http://example.com/index.html#a1.' out:

This is a link.

--- in: 'This is a "link":http://example.com/index.html#a10.' out:

This is a link.

--- in: 'This is a "link":http://example.com/?foo=bar.' out:

This is a link.

--- in: 'This is a "link":http://example.com/?foo=bar#1.' out:

This is a link.

--- in: 'This is a "link":http://example.com/?foo=bar#a.' out:

This is a link.

--- in: 'This is a "link":http://example.com/?foo=bar#a1.' out:

This is a link.

--- in: 'This is a "link":http://example.com/?foo=bar#a10.' out:

This is a link.

--- in: 'This is a "link":http://example.com/?foo=bar#a10, but this is not.' out:

This is a link, but this is not.

--- in: '(This is a "link":http://example.com/?foo=bar#a10) but this is not.' out:

(This is a link) but this is not.

--- in: '"link text(link title)":http://example.com/' out:

link text

# --- # in: '"link text(link title) ":http://example.com/' # out:

“link text(link title) “:http://example.com/

# comments: this is a real test and should pass --- in: '"(link) text(link title)":http://example.com/' out:


comments: link text can not contain parentheses --- in: '"Dive Into XML":http://www.xml.com/pub/au/164' out:

Dive Into XML

--- in: '"Lab Exercises":../lab/exercises/exercises.html.' out:

Lab Exercises.

--- in: 'Go to "discuss":http://www.dreammoods.com/cgibin/cutecast/cutecast.pl?forum=1&thread=26627 to discuss.' out:

Go to discuss to discuss.

--- in: '* "rubylang":http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/' out: ""