# AUTHOR: blink ; blink#ruby-lang@irc.freenode.net # bugrep: Andreas Zehnder require 'time' require 'rack/request' require 'rack/response' module Rack module Session module Abstract # ID sets up a basic framework for implementing an id based sessioning # service. Cookies sent to the client for maintaining sessions will only # contain an id reference. Only #get_session and #set_session are # required to be overwritten. # # All parameters are optional. # * :key determines the name of the cookie, by default it is # 'rack.session' # * :path, :domain, :expire_after, :secure, and :httponly set the related # cookie options as by Rack::Response#add_cookie # * :defer will not set a cookie in the response. # * :renew (implementation dependent) will prompt the generation of a new # session id, and migration of data to be referenced at the new id. If # :defer is set, it will be overridden and the cookie will be set. # * :sidbits sets the number of bits in length that a generated session # id will be. # # These options can be set on a per request basis, at the location of # env['rack.session.options']. Additionally the id of the session can be # found within the options hash at the key :id. It is highly not # recommended to change its value. # # Is Rack::Utils::Context compatible. class ID DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { :path => '/', :domain => nil, :expire_after => nil, :secure => false, :httponly => true, :defer => false, :renew => false, :sidbits => 128 } attr_reader :key, :default_options def initialize(app, options={}) @app = app @key = options[:key] || "rack.session" @default_options = self.class::DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge(options) end def call(env) context(env) end def context(env, app=@app) load_session(env) status, headers, body = app.call(env) commit_session(env, status, headers, body) end private # Generate a new session id using Ruby #rand. The size of the # session id is controlled by the :sidbits option. # Monkey patch this to use custom methods for session id generation. def generate_sid "%0#{@default_options[:sidbits] / 4}x" % rand(2**@default_options[:sidbits] - 1) end # Extracts the session id from provided cookies and passes it and the # environment to #get_session. It then sets the resulting session into # 'rack.session', and places options and session metadata into # 'rack.session.options'. def load_session(env) request = Rack::Request.new(env) session_id = request.cookies[@key] begin session_id, session = get_session(env, session_id) env['rack.session'] = session rescue env['rack.session'] = Hash.new end env['rack.session.options'] = @default_options. merge(:id => session_id) end # Acquires the session from the environment and the session id from # the session options and passes them to #set_session. If successful # and the :defer option is not true, a cookie will be added to the # response with the session's id. def commit_session(env, status, headers, body) session = env['rack.session'] options = env['rack.session.options'] session_id = options[:id] if not session_id = set_session(env, session_id, session, options) env["rack.errors"].puts("Warning! #{self.class.name} failed to save session. Content dropped.") [status, headers, body] elsif options[:defer] and not options[:renew] env["rack.errors"].puts("Defering cookie for #{session_id}") if $VERBOSE [status, headers, body] else cookie = Hash.new cookie[:value] = session_id cookie[:expires] = Time.now + options[:expire_after] unless options[:expire_after].nil? response = Rack::Response.new(body, status, headers) response.set_cookie(@key, cookie.merge(options)) response.to_a end end # All thread safety and session retrival proceedures should occur here. # Should return [session_id, session]. # If nil is provided as the session id, generation of a new valid id # should occur within. def get_session(env, sid) raise '#get_session not implemented.' end # All thread safety and session storage proceedures should occur here. # Should return true or false dependant on whether or not the session # was saved or not. def set_session(env, sid, session, options) raise '#set_session not implemented.' end end end end end